DD 19-11 " ~ -,) ~,JII (;'\1' '" "','" ~:.' ',- " ~:;'~, ,'c" ... / ... ~ ~/ - Kno~v ALL MEN BY TEESE PRESENTS , that Matlack Properties ...., c:.'J ~ A corporation existing under the laws of the state of Florida. having its M (,,) C) "":~ c. = c". J __ - -- ~ 1 i ~ j r I , I . principal place of business in the county of Dade and state of Florida. , and la.wfully authorized to transact business in the state of Florida. , the undersigned owners of ,the south ten feet of lot., ten and the south ten teet ot the west six feet of lot nine Block 3, of the amended map of the - ..- - - - 6cean Front Property of the Miam Beach Improvement Co., as per plat recorded in plat book 5, page 7, of the public records of Dade County Florida, Do to Hereby Dedicate the perpetual use of the ~blic , for street purposes , the above descrmbe land. THIS lEDICATION , HO,tEVER , shall be subject to the follo,ving reservations and conditions, and shall be eftective only upon observance and compliance therein ; I . The owners reserve to themselves , their heirs , successors and assigns , the reversion or reversions therof , or any part thereof , if and whenever discontinued by law. 2. Should be determined to use the land hereby dedicated for street purposes, the owners reserve the right to build on their remaining property out to the present building Une , providing for sidewalk: not to exceed ten feet in width by arca.d1ng over the same, suitable pillars and foundations for the part ot the buJ.ldingover the said sidewalk to be built out to the present building line and the street side of the same to be at least six inches 'outSide of the present building line so'that it I will afford A protection against the collision of vehicles with te the said pillars and foundations. IN WIJrNESS ~mHEOF, we have hereunto set ou:r hands and seals this 25th' day of 111~ tP~ ~. By &~~ e.'-xf.~'" .. . '; Wl.:.~....I:J< '~~ ~:...... ..... ,J~-~. ~ ;.."i/ P~e~'\ ,..,I. . --. J 'fill' -. . e'" - """. .. 4101- ~: ~,...~ ~ .;$ :ft..:. ~: ....~ ~D :~= ... : : ..;lJ:. ~..1!t.b.:O ~ August, /J A~. 19;26_ . Attest ~)l;~ Secretary Signed ,sealed and delivered in the presence of; h'l_--L7. L-tl_'Z7.::::!. ~ ~ ... ~.; ~' I ~i t. ... t BOOKI0~3 PAGE247 STA.'l!E OF FLORIDA, () () COUNTY OF ~ ---------------~- :i. ~ t&NLI AA r- I hereby certify , that on this -----------day of -----~~.D. ____ _ _19,.,26 JLe_iore.-me personally_ appeared ~. e.. ~( an~ ()j~ President and secretary respectively ot Of ~1(CP~ ~ A Corporation under the laws of the atate of Florida. , to be known to be the persons who signed the foregoing instrument as such officers and severally acknowledged the excut~on therof to be their free act and deed as suoh officers for the uses and purposes hterein mentioned; and that they affixed thereto the official seal ot the dad corporation, and that the said instr'\UJl8nt :l.lg4;the.,--~' ~ act and. deed ot said 'corporationo latness my signature and official In the county of ~\- ell --- -- ,--;- 7:t -: d seal at ~J f~ and state of ~ - pO -- - - - - ~- - - ~r \ \,. 1 I, . - ~ ...- v C ..".J ..... ;~ ~~ () , ., _~l\) the day and year last aforesaid . ~~ Uotary Public _8eal ~ commdssion expires -r~F' 19 f=' L E D~.,:./~.~/y~.~.... 4.r..~ S- ~_I.)~r.U...r.\r-\.I/-L2..A