Martinez, Candelario Adolfo ..~&:t OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full-time County and Municipal Employees FULL-TIME COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCLOSURE REPORT BY JULY Disclosure for 1ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1(K)(2) OF Tax Year Ending: ;t (] a .If- THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CODE. Name: Last M It A 7:L rl!'Z First C A N.b~ L.AA;Z:o Middle A.b(..,l.~o Filing as a (check one): D Miami-Dade County Employee ~Municipal Employee of: C 'LI Y 0 t: M. ~ It I'Y\~ BE-A €-A Position Title: J; L E c( A. :r c. A (.. - ~ r-J $ f> Ii. c. ( p I<.. CountylMunicipal Department: c...~-ry C)fr 1\I\.=:4M:;X C/i,Ac.1I 8v;II..()I.~b If your home address is exempt from public records pursuant to F/orida Statutes 9 119.07, please check here: ~ Mailing Address (Street Name and Number) CountylMunicipal Division: k lli:. ~ TA 2 '-Ai.. Work Telephone: 5P5-f:,)3 1000 (XI L:.l'1l Apt. # . City State Zip Code Please list the sources of outside employment, the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you received. If continued on a separate sheet, please check here: 0 Name and Address ofthe Source of Outside Income Nature of the Work Performed Amount of Money or Compensation Received A, p f> a... D 'I<: . q};..: 0 €,C f;o / S C) O~l>~t l?o;;:r- ., ~c:=rn r d~ ~:; ;,.,., ~ '~ AJ co j!l ;R - tn -0 ,< 3: 0 W m -" . . C, -,., - - {"") ~ r A L ~ ~ (i. D Ii. L Ii c -:- ~ ~ (. A t. S..J '-S IS (~ c.o Q '-.;1:. b/G./i, ;>'1. l-(ot..I,'twoo6 ~J., .33D;)..0 I r: 2.f.c..7a.Tc..fll... c.. o,.J i a.. A c'1" ZoJ ~ 6' ;:fN~PI;.c..-;;!o N.S I hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement. Signature of Person Disclosing c:::! r::>~ / I - _ /!<< ~-.;:-,,' ,. ,r Date Signed r. /;. -6 /os- 101261D0