Ramirez, Otto J. MIAM. OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full-time County and Municipal Employees FUlL-TIME COUNly N<<J MUNICIPAl EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPlOYMENT MUST FIlE IW ANNUAL OtSClOSURE REPORT BY JuLY DlsclosuN for 2DD) 1ST OF EACH VEAR IN ACCORDANCE Wlnf SECTION 2-11.1(1<)(2) OF Tax Vear ending: THE MIAMI-OAoe CouNTY CoDE. Name: Last First MidcIe ~~f'J\\ .p_~C t)TTo 'r . Rling as a (check one): o Miami-~ County Employee (lI Municipal Employee of: 6T'< Dr }-\'N\\ () 1\- ,5.c. f Position TItle: /;:_{ {2. ~ r \ G-1+ \b '(L '2- CountylMunicipal Department: CountyJMunicipal Division: -- (2.- R-& s. C~u. b r1 t If your home acfdress is exempt from public records pursuant Work Telephone: to Florida Statutes ~ 119.07, please check here: fi] - 7> 7tGS 5 6,,~ (i.") ) Mailing Address (Street Name and Number) ~(L\Jif Apt. # '2 svo P \ ~ '~T.Q.~ City State Zip Code M'~t-.>..' ~ <& Pt c,s~ r-- s- s") f LfO f-L Please list the sources of outside employment, the naIwe of the wort and the amounts of money or other compensation you received, If continued on 8 separate sheet, please check here: 0 Name and Address of the Source of Nature of the Work Amount of Money or Outside Income PerfOrmed Compensation Received StH,C T7t- Pt - /tYf' art (l f'tP-.\C... ~'S o P eM "r"r't ~ ,A.J 2:;: A Wjv-.i~ c~ Ct:1;v/'elL t+Y;'c3<1P'INL\ L c.~.g~, ZOjik) 0 /'1 J( 1Gb ~ 5'. lA ,(>....M-... ~'- ~ '-Jt;:; ;::i) P.. uj ::"W'V \. c"..a.6 ItA?> f'A..'-~' . ~L ()IJ~ 2I-^'b'Vl.~.c.Jq(::lj I hereby swear (or affinn) that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement. fl Signature of Person D<<eV:~/Or ~ ~, ~ -- l\ ~ " ''\f~ ~ ',,/ ( 10f2601D0