Ramirez, Otto J. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT Page 1 of 2 I. TO ,~ COMPLEUSQ ''( ~MPLOYEI; - This Form must be completed & approved prior to beginning any other employment A. INFORMATION REGARDING CITY OF NIAMIBEACH CMB EMPLOYMENT [)EPARTMIENT , DIVISION /;:::( t2 ti /' K t7 S~ ~ VI f7 HOME PHONE' qr-'j 2~Z tJ97Cf MPI..OYEE'S OTHER PHoNE's (BEEPER. Ceil) " e t. Ci'j1 SICj &76S- To" QOM#lf.mtD Iy lM-ytaoR; OU AOIll. WITH THi IN"OIltMATION IN nil. IlICTION? YO No $u e;7if fillt> Otil/rtl;;?{rA NoRMA~ WORt( DAYS AND TIMES' . JfF, If (Z ~lhpj WOyQ'L B. INFORMATION REGARDING OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT 'ftiP\.OYEE Ii:), SUPIORVI$OR ~,q.,r2 14- NORM~~ WORt( DAYS AND IMESI1#-1 if .~ 14-"2 I tIflJ weigle AooRg5a Of BU$INE5a: STREET '5 (; G.5 S. CITY ,)t1,W' STATf; FL ZIP '? 51 Df;$CRIPTION OF DuTIES CI) tV J1Z.C\ L ~i> tJ{J17 "YZlyi/O'1J 0 I- C- CI+rW..{Jt:J{L~ ;i\t/~Qu8IJTl;' A-J A;. II- )>n/ti. #t~iC4-L 'lbC,",N, c-\~ tV faD tJ J'l,>IJ6- Pr; c.Hl;- iN H-r.fefl~M21 c..p,-T)v1&Jf>/f-b-(2bS', DEPARTMENT 'VISioN >>/4 NAME 01' Bu$INEI!8 OR INOIVIPUA~ HIRIN~ CMS EMP\.OYEE i_ rl, tfY~Iit'l~+i''-M~ tVJI,{;Jb Jot) TIT~r:; f>tJ6-AtiJ:>1 CJj[f8; - . A-PI/ IIY1v71 AajC Cc)PJ 0 L-ti IJ ypgOF!U$lNgS$ I I J rf' tf4b Jet 0- A-";b wLhA,JP c+l2-b WHAT DuTIE$ MIGHT lIE CONtllOIERlED TO DIE A CONI'~ICT 01' INTlEREST ,.- ;J J.N t/ Thlt 10m has 2".,.g.. - 'be .ure to complete both pag.. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT. CONTINUED PAGE 2 of2 c. By signing below, I certify that all of the information given on page one (1) of this document is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that all information is subject to investigation and that falsification, omission, or misrepresentation is sufficient cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. I also understand that I am responsible for informing my supervisor in writing if any information about my outside employment changes, especially if there arises any possible conflict of interest. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action, including termination of employment with the City of Miami Beach, This request for approval will be made on a yearly basis. Employee Name Employee 10 Number V 3""- <2-~M\~L o~ D. By signing below, I certify that I have read this form completelv and that I do not have any other employment. I understand that before I start any other employment, I must reQuest and obtain the above approvals, I further understand that failure to comply with Outside Employment procedures could lead to disciplinary action up to and in . 9 termination of my employment with the City Of Miami Beach, DATE 'i o ,/.J.~- EMPLOYEE NAME.- . () _ "7 \.J' "4L.A-M.'{~ G-' 10 NUMBER lz"; ( ~ II. TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE'S CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DEPARTMENT PLEASE CIRC~E ONE NAME OF SUPERVISOR DISAPPROVED RJ OHt{l.:\) \)6tPr\l' c:- 6- h NAME OF DIVISION HEAD \{\l\\R P~EASE CIRC~E ONE DISAPPROVED ,oS- P~EASE CIRC~E ONE APPROVED CITY ANAGER DISAPPROVED n t.,/I/. A~'V This form has 2 pages - be sure to c9 M:\$CMB\HUMARESO\OUtside Employment Form 1006 03.doc REV: 10lO6I03