Williams, Allison R. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT Page 1012 l. TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE - This Form must be completed & approved prior to beginning any other employment A. INFORMATION REGARDING CITY OF MIAMI BEACH (CMS) EMPLOYMENT D DEPARTMENT IOMSION EMPlOYEE NAME: lAST NAME, FIRST NAME, MDOLE Nt\ME ~"Il,~.s AI\i~(\ R.. J 11~..f 3 (PO - ~t.>IrNa. I ~k('" WORK A;ONE joB TITlE f1nM'\c,;d An &t J!r- ~(,Og 30~. 253 - 8"4~$" EMPlOYEE'S mER A;ONE #s ( ,CELL) SUPERVISOR t>6~\ se By,vI,4,M ~qgq 3~5. ~08. f61 To BE CoMPLETEO By : Do YOU AGREE WITH THE INFORMATION IN THIS SEClION? YES No NoRMAL WORK DAvs AND TIMES MoN - R Ii: ~ - ~: 00 II' INFORMATION REGARDING OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYEE D # DEPARTMENT I DIVISION ,iAME OF BUSINESS OR NDIVIDUAL HIRING OJB EMPLOYEE F10l.lDA !tJT'L VNl\lt~ WORK A;ONE # lYPE OF BUSINESS JOB TITlE r.J s i'ltu e-Tl> t2. SttH'Ool- f HIl(UE.~ t:.DIlt.lffloloJ SUPERVISOR DATE ~ HIRE NoRMAl.. WORK DAyS AND TIMES '/8/ ~ )..o\oll1OA ~ ,:50 - lo:~ ~ 5?eu.~6- 05' ADDRESS OF 8.JSINESS: STREET 112.00 S4Al 8~ s-t QTY H'fn1.3:. STATE r;-t.- ZIp ~311tf DeSCRIPTION OF D.JTIES -r eJt cJ.-t ,N6r AUI 4501 Gro\IerNM.~Tttt... . ~01f for P~-ht hCWU.flfll1 WHAT DuTIES MGHT BE CONSIDERED TO BEA CONFLICT OF NTEREST NONe This form has 2 pages - be sure to complete both pages CITY OF MIAMI BEACH REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT - CONTINUED PAGE 2012 c. By signing below, I certify that all of the information given on page one (1) of this document is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that all information is subject to investigation and that falsification, omission, or misrepresentation is sufficient cause for disciplinary action, up to and including termination. I also understand that I am responsible for informing my supervisor in writing if any information about my outside employment changes, especially if there arises any possible conflict of interest. Failure to do so may lead to disciplinary action, including termination of employment with the City of Miami Beach. Employee Name AlliSON vJ.tll fh.U D. Employee 10 Number 11'131f By signing below. I certify that I have read this form comoletely and that , do not have any other emolovment. I understand that .tmf2aL1 start any other employment, I must reauest and obtain the above aDDroval~, I further understand that failure to comply with Outside Employment procedures could lead to disciplinary action up to and including termination of my employment with the City Of Miami Beach. /"'''''''' SaNA_ lDAtt I_E.. .......nmE I....LOttE NAME I'D ro..... II. TO BE COMPLETED BY EMPLOYEE'S CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DEPARTMENT NAME OF SJPERVlSOR DeNise; g tJ~M NAMe OF DIVISION HEAD G~c,le.. lie. H~T NAMe OF ~PARTh1ENT ()RECTOR yItTfH..' A lAJA' ~e.. R OTY MANAGER 'JO~ GOI.lZ.,Pclt::z This form has 2 pages - be sure to c M\$CMB\HUMARESO\Outside Employment Form 10 06 03.doc ----...-...""'''''''___'''''"'><'''...__J........~'''.'''''~~'''''..~,..'''_,..'"''''''_''''''''''."",'"''..__ .... REV: 10106103 1/f/oC( 9/u