Antelo, Henry MIAM. OUTSI.DE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full-Ume County and Municipal Employees FULL-TIME COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL EMPLOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT MUST FILE AN ANNUAL DISCI 0S11RE REPORT BY JuL. Y Disclosure for 1ST OF EACH YEAR IN AccoRoANce VIIITH SEcTION 2-11.1(K)(2) OF Tax Vear Ending: ;loo6 THE MIAMI-DADE COUNlY cooe. Name: Last ht\e..\o First Middle ---- Fling as a (check one): 0 Miami-Dade County Employee [B'Municipal Employee of: C,"t 0 r M \AMLBE4cAf Position Tille: ~ {\(U(\r-J G ~'torvce.MuJl.svf~ ISO (.. CountylMunic1p81 Deparbnent: County/Munlcipal Division: ~1\~vJ 5 . ef"'\" A (\~V\JG ~,J~"" If your home addtess is exempt WIll public I8COIds ~ Work Telephone: to Florida statuIes J 119.07, pIeas8 check bent: U '7 8 (;~ '-//2. -: ft7! 6 Mailing Address (Street Name and. NumbeI'J Apt. # . . ,~~ 3 S. OC&lfN .D~. '7 J 0 City State Zip Code \-\#\\'.F\~~~\-e ~tAoI --'loft-IdA :.300 . PJease list the sources of outside employment. the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other compensation you received. If continued on a sepamte sheet, please check here: 0 . Name and Add..... of the Source of Nature of the Work Amount of Money or OUt8ide Income Performed Compensation Received ~ fA oPeN 50 'iW tl.1T'f ~ .v1U1'1D <;t~IUSI J:NG' .L.\ \ 4 tN. ~~ Pc..J S ,liTE :#0 200 k.\.~~\ ~ 3)1).. 7 . \J \ t.e f uS I JeJJT A- D N\ ,.J ,>/i'l.k1O R. \- ))\~oF of~~s. *50JGtt>. ~ A leAl I hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement 1C112l111O