Martinez, Paul OUTSIDE EMPLOYMENT STATEMENT For Full-time County and Municipal Employees Fuu.-TIME COlMTY AND MUNClPAL EMPlOYEES ENGAGING IN OUTSIDE EMPlO\'MENT MUST ALE AN ANNUAL DISClOSURE REPORT BY JULY Disclosure for . L 1ST OF EACH YEAR IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 2-11.1(K)(2) OF Tax Year Ending: 2ao/Cl THE MIAMI-OADE CouNTY CODE. Name: last t<\ CA~ -\- , ~f\ \.JL--- Midd1)~v'J Filing as a (check one): o Miami-~ County Employee Municipal Emp/oyeeof: Y"\\ o..~' \ ~ G~ Position Title: C P.. \ ~ S" GE N l? --E c..., Ii :j:C G\~~~. ~<:.'" ~Id~:,...\ If your home address is exempt from public recon1s pursuant Work Telephone: to Florida Statutes ~ 119.07, please check here: Qg 05 Mailing Address (Stteel Name and Number) tI\ I 00 w as~ \ :t-D V"\ I~~ :t:t1 '~~~j Apt. # City f'{\ O\~I ~ State Pl 331 :;9Code please list the sources of outside employment, the nature of the work and the amounts of money or other coffiPensation you received. If continued OIl a sepatate sheet, please check here: 0 ""Na.-.e and Address of the Source of Outside Income C, , t"(" " ,0. 'Jbz.~ po h.c < ap r 55 t;.s E cal- ~-A At.-e... H c. kA J, P. L -:s :l 0) '1... Nature of the Work Amount of Money or Performed Compensation Received lc..~ E>ect/Yv/b b P {l.w k -+ ~ c.;,,,-llctv!-- I hereby swear (or affirm) that the aforesaid information is a true and correct statement. 1 0I2lSt'00