Assignment of Easements
SRI) No. ItI ......_
':OC"'I'lOH . ~5'f# Z '.
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BEACH, a municip;:.l ,,:ol:i=oration under the laws of the State of
Florida, f~ and in consideration of the sum of One Dollar and
other valuable considerations. to it in hand paid, the receipt
of which is hereby acknowledged, docs hereby assign, transfer and
set over unto the S~TE OF FLORIDA, for the use and benefit of
the S~TE ROAD DEPARTMENT OF FLORIDA, (Holland Building, Tallahass~e,
Florida) all of the right. title and interest of said Cit~' in and
to the perpetual easements and rights of W3y and righ~s of ingress
and egress for the purpose of layinq, installing and maintaining
storm sewers. heretofore gran~ed to said City by the terms of those
certain instruments herein_.a"re delivered to said City and described
as follows, to wit,
1. That certain inst~ument dated the 26th day of Novc;nber.
1962, by which WAGS TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM. INC., a New Yo.k
corporation, granted a perpetual easement and r igh:. of \,.,}y to
lay, install and maintain storm sewers in, o~er. under and
across the northerly five feet of that certain parcel of land
situate in Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, described as
folto"'s, to wi t:
A parcel of submerged land in Indian Creek lying "esterl)' ",,'
Outlot 1 of First Ocean Front Subdivision of the .\liami Be.H'"
nay Shore Company, bounded as follows:
, '"' I~ : ::! ! ~ ~
.::> "
Bounded on the southerly side by the southerly line Ot Salel
Outlot 1 produced "'ester ly: bounded 0,' the northel'ty s ide by
the northerly line of said outlot 1 produced ,,'esterly: bound,>.J
':>:1 the easterly side by a line p.:u,allel to and 1';6,3 feet.
westerly of the easterly line of -::01lins !\venue: bounded on
the westerly side b~.. a line from a point on the above deSt'rtbe<:
s.:>utherly boundar~' 172.3 feet westerly of the easterly line ""
Collins Avenue, measured along said southerly boundar}' and a
point on the above described northerly boundary 170.1 feet \""..t-
ar 1y of th~ easter ly 1 ine of Collins Avenue, measured a long sa 1<1
northerly boundary.
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2. That certain instrUlllsnt dated the 5th day 01 l)ec""ml.lcr.
1962, by which CHi\RLES L. W\!<l'El., a single man, nEN com:!'.: and
.JO':\N COHEN, his \>ife and SMIULL ;,;,,;,,1;.', 1'Z and S.'\DU: 1,_ sc!n':,'\RT:',
his Wife. granted II perpetual easement and right of "'a}" to la.,..
install and maintain storm sewers in. o\'er, under ilnd acn.'55
the southerly five feet of that certain parcel of land situate
in Miami Beach. Dade County, Florida, desc.ibed as follo"s. t",
\ ' : ',', " ~
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!\ parcel of sub;nerged land in Indian Creek lying westerly of
outlots 2 and 3 of First Ocean Front Subdivision of t.he \liami
Beach Bay Shore Comp~ny, bounded as follows:
Bounded o~ the southerly side by the southerly line of s~id
Outlot 2 produced westerly: bounded o~ the northerly side by
the northerly line of said Outlot 3 produced westerly: bounJN'
on the easterly side by ~ portion of a line described as
,c.., "
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Beginning at a point on the southerly line, produced
westerly. of outlot 1 of said subdivision, said point
baing 156.3 feet wasterly of the easterly line of Collins
Avenue, measured alo~g the said southerly line of Outlot
1 and the westerly production thereof; thence run northerly
along a line parallel to the easterly line of Collins
Avenue to the point of intersection with a line parallel
to a straight line between a point on the southerly
line, produeed westerly, of Lot 1 of the above mentioned
subdivision, and 35.28 feet wasterly of the easterly line
of Collins Avenue measured along the southerly lide of
said Lot 1 and the westerly production thereof and the
northwesterly corner of Lot 5 of said subdivision;
From said p~int of intersection run northerly to a point
on the northerly ~ine, j,lroduced westerly, of Outlot <;
of said subdivision, said point being 130.2 feet ~~sterly
of the easterly line of Collins Avenue, measured along
the said northerly line of said Outlot 5 and the
westp.rly production thereof~
Bounded o~ the westerly side by a line from a point
0:\ the above described southerly boundar:,.' 170.1 feet
westerly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured
along said southerly boundar'l", to a point on the above
described northerly boundary 165.7 feet westerly of the
easterly line of Collins A\~nue, measured along said
northerly boundary. .
3, That certain instrument dated the 30th day of August,
1962, by w~ich GILBERT SENS and AUDREY SENS. his wife. Au\N
C. SENS and LYNDA I. SENS. his ~lfe and IRWIN BAKER and
UEVERLY 6.'\KER, his <dfe, granted a perpetual easement ,lol1d
..ight of way to lay, install and maintain storm se;,rers
in, ove., under and across the northerly five feet of that
certain parcel of land situate in Miami Beach. Dade County-
Florida. described as follows. to wit:
i\ parce:!. of submerged land in Indian Creek l:'ing \,'esterl~'
of Outlot 4 and the Southerl~' One-Half of Outlot 5 of First
Ocean Front subdivision of the Miami Beach Bay Shore
Company. baunded as follows:
Bounded o~ the southerly side by the southerly line of
said Outlot 4 produced westerly;
Bounded on the northerly side by the center line of said
Outlot 5 produced westerly;
Bounded on the easterly side by a straight line drawn
b~tween a point on the above described southerly boundary
144.6 feet westerly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue,
measured along s~id southerly boundary, and a point on the
above described northerly boundary 133,8 feet westerly of
the easterly line of Collins Avenue, measured along said
northerly boundary.
Bounded on the w~sterly side by a straiqht line drawn
between a point on the above des=ibed southerly boundary
165.7 feet westerly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue.
measured aIonq the said boundary. and a point
'..' "., '.. '.,',', ".',",." , ,boundary 162.4 feet
~ster~yofthe :ellst~rlylii1e of Collins Avenue measured
along the .,$ai(j,northerlybClundary,.
4. Tha!: ,certain:inst::t'\l:lllant dated the 24th day of
January, 1962,p:f whi.chROI3ERT GOULD and HELEN L. GOULD,
hi8~ife,granted aper:petualeasement and right of w:\y
to lay" install and ,maintain storm sewers "n. o Ile:: , under'
and across the&o\:\therly five feet and a perpetual easeme11t
for the s~ep\:\rpo~e in, o'~r, under and across the northerly
ten fe~t 'ofth8t certain parcel of land, situate, lying and
being in Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, and described
as follows. to wit:
A parcel of submerged land in Indian Creek lying westerly
of the northerly one-half of Outlot 5 and westerly of
OUt lots 6 and 7 of First Ocean Front Subdivision of the
Miami Deach Bay Shore Company, pounded as follows, to wit:
Bounded o~ the southerly side by the center line of said
Outlot 5 produceJ westerlyr bounded on the northerly side
by the northerly line of said Outlot 7 pcoduced ~~sterly:
bounded on the easterly side by a line described as
Beginning at a point o~ the ~enter line produced westerly
of O".1tlot 5 of the above mentioned subdivision, said
being 133.8 feet westerly of the easterly line of Collins
1I,-enue. measured alo~g said center line, and the wester ly
production thereofr thence nm northerlr to a point 0:1 tIlt'
northerly line produced ~~sterly of said Outlot S. said
point being 130.2 feet westerly of the easterly line of
Collins Avenue, measured along said :lO""therly line of ():lth,t
5 and the production thereof: thence .;:ontinuc
northerly alo~9 the last course produced a distance of 2.-1
feet, mo.-e Or less, to the point of intersection of this cour~"
','ith a circular cun'e of 2114.1 feet ,adius concentric with
Collins Allenue and deflecting to the left,. said p..;,int of
intersection lying 130 feet \>'esterl~' of the point of curvatUl"C
of the easterly line of Collins ,"venue measured along a 1 ioe
radial to Collins Avenu.,: thence run northerly along the <ll"C
of the aforesaid circula.\.' curve of 2114,1 feet radl\lS c"'n,~cntric
with Collins i\venue and 130 feet l>'estel"ly of the eastel"ly line
of Collins AV"'l\ue a distance of 2:)0 feet. more or less. to a
point 0:'1 the aforesaid northerly line, produced west(?'l" l~'. of
outlot 7; bounded on the westerly side by a straight line
drawn between a point 0:1 the above described south",rly l.>ounda\:y
162.4 feet westerl~' of the easterly line of Collins i\Venue
measured alo.1g said southerl~' boundary and th... p.:lint of
intersection with a circular curve of 2083.1 feet radius
concentric ..ith collins lh-enue and deflecting to th~ left.
said point of intersection lying 1&1 feet westerly of the
easter ly line of Collins Avenue, measul-ed a long a I in('
radial to Collins Avenue.
Thence run northerly
circular curve to
norther ly line 0 f
of the above described
production of the
5. That certain instrument dated the 6th day
of November, 1962, by..,hich SIDNEY P. LIPKINS and ClAIRE
LIPKINS, his wife, granted a perpetual easement and
right of way to lay, install and maintain storm sewers
in, over, under and across the northerly five feet of
that certain parcel of land situate in Hiami Beach,
Dade county, Florida, described as follows, to wit:
A parcel of submerqed land in Indian Creek lying
westerly of Outlot 9 of First Ocean Front Subdivision
of the Miami Beach Bay Shore Company, bounded as follo~s:
Bounded on the southerly side by the southerly line of said
Outlot 9 produced westerly:
Bounded on the northerly side by the northerly line of
said Outlot 9 produced westerly:
Bounded on the easterly side by a line parallel to and
130 feet ~~sterly of the easterly line of Collins
1\ venue:
Bounded on the '~sterly side by a line parallel to and
31 feet 'iesterly of the aOO\'8 described easterly boundary.
6.- That certain instrument dated the 30th day
of November, 1962, by which SIDNEY P. LIPKINS and CL~IRE
LIPKINS, his wife, granted a perpetual easement and right
of way to lay, install and maintain storm sewers in, over,
under and across the southerly five feet and in, over, under
and across the northerly fi\~ feet of that certain parcel
of land situate in Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida,
de~cribed as fellows, to wit:
A parcel of submerged land in Indian Creek lying westerly
of outlots 10, 11 and the South 1/2 of Outlot 12 02 First
ocean Front Subdivision of the Miami Beach Bay Shore
Company, bounded as follows:
Bounded on the southerly side by the southerly line of
said Outlot 10 produced westerly: bounded on the no~therly
side by the center line of said OUtlot l2 produced westerly:
bounded on the easterly side by a line parallel to and 130
feet westerly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue:
bounded on the westerly side by a line parallel to and 31
feet westerly of the above described easterly boundary.
7. That certain instrument dated the 20th day
of December. 1962, by which JULIUS I. FRIEDMAN, as Trustee,
and solely as Trustee, for IRVING SOMMER, Hl\,RRY SINGER,
TUCKER, Ml\X HeMLER and PJ\ULlNE LEWIS, as co-execu-cors of
,<.-" ,',::..:, ' '
th~, Est~te:()fI.O~;'~Robin&pn.De~eaSE!~FLORENCE NADLER
and,'."IRVI~MILLilIllalld,'I~:vI~c.;.SOMMER, and..ROSE J. SOM.\lER,
hi!l'wif'er,~~Y.SI~ERiandPAU.L1!.~'I~GEa. his wife: E. J.
~nq:Ns~IidY~()LET/!fA'l'~IN~,:hi.BwiferARTIiUR OSt-1AN. and
SX;'\lI}\O~N,.hiswi,fel'B. B~ '.'S::rGELBAtTM,andANN1l. SIGEL-
aAUM.his,w,ife,WILLIAM TUCKER, a single man: MAX HmlLER and
PAULlNE~WI~h'asco--executors of the Estate of Louis
Robins<m.DeceasedrFr,ORENCE NADLER, a widO\"; and IRVING
MILLER and SHIRLEY MILLER. his wife, granted a perpetual
ease1lIenta.nd,right of way to lay, insbll and maintain
storm sewers in. over. under and across the southerly five
feet and across the northerly five feet of that certain
parcel of land situate in Kiami Beach, Dade county, FloriCla,
described as follows, to wit:
A parcel of submerged land in Indian Creek lying ",""ster ly
of the northerly 1/2 of outlot 12 and all af Outlots 13
and 14 of First Ocean Front Subdivision of the Miami Reach
Bay Shore company, bounded as follows:
Bounded on the southerly side b the center line of s~id
outlot 12 produced westerly; bounded o~ the northerly side
by the northerly line of said Outlot 14 p=oduced westerly:
bounded on the easterly side by a line parallel to and 130
feet \~sterly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue; bounced
on the westerly side b~' a" lim; parallel to and 31 feet
\vesterly of the above described easterly boundary.
B. That certain instrument dated the 19th c1av of
October, 1962, by which H.'l.NNAH GERTRUDE HOG,"\N, a singl~
woman, granted a perpetual easement and right of way to
lay, install and maintain storm se.,'E!rs in, Q,'er. under
and across the northerly and southerly five feet of t~at
certain parcel of land situate in ~Iiami Beach. Dade County.
Florida, described as follOWS, to wit:
A parcel of submerged land in Indian Creek lying ...,,-,sterly
of outlots 15, 1& and 17 of First Ocea~ Front Subdivision
of the Miami Beach Bay Shore company, bounded as follo~s'
Bounded on the southerly side by the southerly line of said
Outlot 15 produced westerly:bounded on the !1Ol-therly side
by the northerly line of said OUtlot 17 p'Co.:1uced westerly:
bounded on the easterly side by a line parallel to and 130
feet westerly of the ~asterly line of Collins Avenue;
bounded on the westerl~' side by a line p.uallel to and 31
feet' westerly or the above described easterl~'
9. That certain instrument dated the 25th da~'
of July, 1960, by which THE ,FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER C~~PAN\,
an Ohio corporation, granted a perpetual easement and rioght
of way to lay, install and maintain storm sewers in, over,
under and acroSS the southerly five feet of that certuin
parcel of land situate in Miami Beach, Dade COJnty.
Florid~, described as follows, to wit:
A parcel of submerged land in Indian Creek lying westerly
of Outlot 18 of First Ocean Front Subdivision of the
Miami Beach Bay Shore Company, bounded as follo~s:
Bounded on the southerly side by the southerly line of
said Outlot 18 produced weste~ly! bounded on the northerly
side by the northerly line of said Out~ct 18 produced
w~sterly; bounded on the easterly side by a line parallel to
and 130 feet westerly of the easterly line of Collins Av~nue;
bounded on the westerly side by a line parallel to and 31
feet w~sterly of the above described easterly boundary.
10. That certain instrument dated the 13th dav
of November, 1962, by w11ich SEAC01\ST TO\'lERS-IUAMI BEACH.' INC",
a Flo~ida corporation, granted a perpetual easement and
right of way to lay, install a~d maintain storm sewers in,
over, under and across that certain parcel of land, situate
in Miami Beach. Dade County, Florida, bounded as follows.
to wit:
A parcel of submerged land in Indian creek lying westerly
of Outlots 19 and 20 of First Ocean Front Subdivision of
the Miami Beach Bay Shore Company, bounded as follows:
Bounded 0' the southerly side by a line parallel to 'and
five feet southerly of the dividing line between Outlots
19 and 20 of said First Ocean Front Subdivision, produced
westerly: hounded on the northerly side by a line parallel
to and five feet northerly of said dividing line p=oduced
westerly: bounded on ~~e easterly side by a line parallel
to and 130 feet westerly of the easterly line of Collins
i\venue; bounded 0.'1 the westerly side b~' a line parallel
to and 31 feet westerly of the above described easte~ly
ll. 'rhat certain instrument datcd the 2nd day
of No\~mbar, 196~, by Which IMPERIAL APART~~NT HOTEL. INC.,
a rlorida corporation, granted a perpetual easement and
right of way to lay, install alld maintain storm se~rs
in.. over, under and across the northerly five feet of that
certain p.1rcel of land situate in kiami Beach. Dade County,
Florida, described as follows. to wit,
i\ parcel of submerged land in Indian Creek lying westerl~'
of Outlots 21 and 22 of First Ocean Front ,Subdivision of
the Miami Beach Bay Rhore Cnmpany, bounded as follows:
Bounded 0' the southerly side by the southerly line of said
Outlot 21 produced westerly;
Bounded on the northerly side by the northerly line of
said Outlot 22 produced ~sterly;
Bounded 0.1 the easterly side by a line parallel to and
130 feet westerly of the easterly line of collins Avenue:
Bounded 011 the westerly side by a line parallel to and 31
feet westerly of the above described easterly boundary.
'12.,'rhat ee:rt:aill instrument d~ted the 25th day
Ofo<;:tobEl.r' ," 19,60,bywhiC:hPAN AMERICAN BANK OF MIJ1..'tI, as
Adminiatrat-orpll3/N C/T/'A of t,he,ES,tBte of Harold ~Iartin
Sal~y,~c~ast!4,and Geraldine~t:Bilovich and Martin Stanovich,
herh\lsband,grante:daperpetual eaS,ement and right of way to
lay, inatall,andmaintain storm sewers in, over, under and
across the southerly five feet of that certain parcel of land
situate in Miami Beach, Dade County, Florida, described as
follo....s, to wit:
A parcel of submer~ed land in Indian Creek lying ~~sterly of
Outlot 23 of First Ocean Front Subdivision of the }tiami Beach
Bay Shore COmpany, bounded as follows:
Bounded o~ the southerly side by the southerly line of said
Outlot 23 produced westerly: bounded on the northerly side by
the northerly Une of said Outlot 23 produced ...",sterly;
bounded on the westerly side by a portion of a line described
as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly line of saiu
OUtlot 23 produced westerly and 161 feet westerly of the
easterly line of Collins Avenue, measured along the southerly
line of said Outlot 23 and the westerly production thereof;
thence run northerly to a point on the northerly line of outlot
231 produced westerly and 276 feet westerly of the easterly
line of Collins Avenue, measured along the northerly linE> of
said Outlot 231 and the westerly production thel"eof; bounded
on the easterly side by a line parallel to and 31 feet easterly
of the above described \"esterly boundary,
13. That certain instrument dated the 17th day
of August, 1.962, by Which H.l\ROLD ZINN, individuall~' and as
Trustee. joined by FAY ZINN, his wife, granted a perpetual
easement and right of Ioo'ay to lay, l.l\stall and m.:lintain storm
sewers in, over, under and across the northerly five feet
of that cer tain parcel of land situate l.n ~liami Beach. 1)ade
CO:1nty, Florida, doascribed as follows, to ','it:
A parcel of submerged land in Indian Creek lying "'o,! of
OUtlot 2S of First Oceall Front Subdivision of the ~Iiami l\each
Bay Shore Company, bounded as follo~s:
Bounded 0:"\ the southerly sioe by the sou~herly line of said
Outlot 25 produced w~sterly;
Bounded on the northerly side by the northerl~' line oj
said Outlot 2S produced ~sterly;
Bounded on the westerly side b::,' a portion of a lint:' deSC1"tbed
as follows:
Beginning at a point on the southerl~' line of saicl OCltlot 23
of the above mentioned subdivision, prc-d'.lced westerly and 161
feet westerly of the easter ly line of Collins Avenue, measured
along the southerly line of said OUtlot 23 and the w~sterly
prOduction thereof;
Thence run norther ly to a point on the norther ly line of
Outlot 231 of the above mentioned subdiviSion produced wlolsterly
and 278 feet westerly of the easterly line of collins Avenue,
measured alo.'9 the northerly line of said OUtlot 231 and the
westerly production thereof;
Bounded on the easterly side hyaline parallel to and
31 feet easterly of the above described westerly boundar~r.
14, That certain instrument dated the 7th day
of January, 1963, by which EVELYN C. STEWART, a widow,
granted a parpatual easement and right of way to lay. install
and maintain storm sewers in, over, under and across the
southerly fi~~ feet of that certain parcel of land situate
in Miami Beach, Dade county, Florida, described as follows.
to wit:
A parcel of submerged land in Indian Creek l:,!'ing westerly of
outlot 26 of First Ocean Front Subdivision of the Miami Beach
Bay Shore c~npany, bounded as follows:
Bounded on the southerly side by the southerly line of said
Outlot 26 produced westerly;
Bounded on the northerly side by the northerly line of said
Outlot 2G produced westerly;
eounded o~ the westerly side by a po~tion of a line described
as follows:
Beginning at a point on the southerly line of Outlot 23
of the above mentioned subdivision, produced westerly, and
161 feat westerly of the ~asterly line of Collins Avenue,
mea~ured along the southerly line of said Outlot 23 and the
westerly prOduction thereof;
Thence run northerly to a point 0:1 the northerly line of
Outlot 231 of the above mentioned subdivisio~ produced westerly
and 278 feet westerly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue,
measured along the northerly line of said Outlot 231 and the
westerly production thereof;
Bounded on the easterly side by a line parallel to and 31
feet easterly of the above described westerly boundary,
15. That certain instrument d~ted the 1st day
of May, 1961, by which FLORENCE FRIEDMAN, a single woman,
as Trustee, granted a perpetual easement and right of way
to lay, L~stall and maintain storm sewers in, over, under
and acrOss that certain parcel of land situate in Miami
Beach, Dade county, Florida. bounded as fol~~wsl to wit:
A parcel of submerged land in Indian creek lying westerly
of outlote 29 and 30 of First Ocean Front subdivision.
of the Miami Beach Bay Shore Company, bounded as follows:
. . :'. .
. - "", ,-'.- . ,'- -- " -- -
Bo~~ed~itheS~tneX'lY~ide by/ll">~ra 11el to and
fi'iieft!et;S9uthe:r lyof t1ie.di vidin.9'.line, between Outlots
29 and. 3 9 9I&aid.~h'st .()cean ,.FrOl'l t Subdivision, produced
weaterlY;bOi1nli~do~tllenorther1y sidlLby a line parallel
toand~ivefe:et'nortMrlyofsaid dividing line pt"oouced
westerly; OoUIldedon "the, ~sterly side by a portion of a
line described as follows:
Beginning at.a point on the southerly line of Outlot 23
of the said subdivision produced westerly and 161 feet
westerly o'f the easterly line of Collins Avenue, measured
alo:l'J the southerly line of said Outlot 23 and the \,'esterl~'
production thereof; thence run northerly to a point on the
northerly line of Outlot 231 of said subdivision, produced
westerly, and 278 feet weaterly of the easterly line of
collins Avenue, measured along the norther ly lill" of said
Outlot 231 and the westerly production thereof;
Bounded on the easterly side by a line parallel to and 31
feet easterly of said westerly boundary.
16. That certain instrument dated the 6th day of September,
1961, by which ROBERT B. ROESING, joined by his wife, MURIEL
S. ROESING, granted a perpetual easement and right of way
to lay, install and maintain storm se~~rs in, over, under
and across the northerly ten feet of that certain parcel
of land situate in Mian\i Beach, Pade ~o~nty, Florida,
described as follo....5, to wit:
}\ parcel of submerged land in Indi.m Creek lying we" tee ly
of Outlot 231 of First Ocean Front Subdi,:isio~ of t!\e
Miami Beach Bay Shore company, bounded as follows:
Bounded on the southerly side by the southed}' line of
said Outlot 231 produced \Vesterly; bounded o~ the
northerly side by th~ northerly line of said O~tlot 231
p~oduced wste~ ly; boundp-c. on the \,'ester I}' side by a
portion of a line described as follows:
Beginning at a point on the southerly line or outlot 23
of the aoolfe mentioned subdivision prodllced '.testerly and
161 feet westerly of che easterly line of Collins ,\\'enuc.
measured along the southerly line of said Outlot 23 and
the westerly production thereof; thence ~un no.therly to
a point o~ the northerly line of Outlot 231 of the above
mentioned subdivision produced ~sterlr and 278 feet \.testerly
or the easterly line of collins Avenue, measured alo~g the
northerly line of said Outlot 231 and the wstedy pro\,uction
thereof; bounded on the easterly side by a line parallel to
~nd 31 feet easterly of tho above described ......sterl). boundaq'.
caused these presen~~t to be sigued in its corporate name by
its. proper ~ffi,cYqfU'nd ~~r~seal to be hereun to
aff1xed, thJ.s/:.Q.....o.ay of 1(..~ 1\.. D. 1963.
":.,~. /~-
/ Mayor
.; ~ \.
~,~"'..",., ~~TEST::
:;,~ tv~...-
. CJ.ty Clerk !
'~ .
.-' ~.
I REREBY CERTIFY that on this l..~_!JtfJ.y of i,,:..2~-;iJ 1963,
before me personally appeared KENNETH OKA and R. l\'M. fL. ,;~OHNSON,
Mayor and City Cler~, respectively, of the City of Miamt Beach.
a Flo~ida municipal corporation, to me known to be the persons
who signed the foregoing instrument as such officers and severally
ackno~ledged the execution thereof to be their free act and
deed as such officers for the uses and purposes therein m6ntioned
and that they affixed thereto the official seal of said corporation
and that the said instrument is the act and deed of the City of
~hami Beach.
WITNESS my signature and official seal at Miami Beach,
in the county of Dade and State of Florida, the last and year
last aforesaid.
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Notary ~blJ.c, State of FlorJ.da At Large
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My commission
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