Grant of Easement ;: ". c.,'" ' " " ,-~ . ';~.. .'~ -'I '.::'? ;. ,. -...";. ",::)0 ".:, ",<:{ ,_' d'. ~ i;~ ;'::;;~1~ ...:.~:t: . ..,"'-:-', , "'''f~ ',>y: ,~ "i' -.'; ,".;';i '.;: A parcel of submerged land in Indian Creek lying westerly of Qutlot 1 of First Ocean Front SUbdivilaion of the Miami Beach Bay Shore company, bounded as follows: ".", ,,,,. ,~-"; ,......' '" 19~ir;f€i'::;: O:i'l c:: I q~il ,~.~.~. :: " ;.Jt:)i~~~~~"::.'i. :.!-)ftl,~'.,;\', ~ ~~m~' G' Ula->!~~ ~! ....~~" ~.. ~~ ~ g (;;~;:!;i;" ;;~';;; Bounded on the southerly side by the southerly line of said OUtlot 1 produced _sterly. bounded on the northerly side by the northerly line "Of said Outlot 1 produced westerly. bounded" On theeuterly side by a line. parallel to and 156.3 fe.et westerly of the easterly lin.:! of Collins Avenue. bounded on the ,.resterly side by a line frat! a point on the abQvedescribed southerly boundary 172.3 feet westerly of the easterly line of Collins Avenue. measured along said s'outherly boundary, to a point on the above desCribed northerly boundary 11 0.1 feet westerly of the easterly line of :.;01lin8 Avenue, measured along said northe:rly boundary. ~ ':, ";-'.' As said subdivision. outlot) Collins Avenue and Indian creek are shown on the amended plat of First Ocean Front subdivi.sion of the Mia\lli Beach Bay shore company, recorded in Pl.at 'Sook 9) P*99 78 of thepubl.ic records of Dade county. Florida. '~rl'~-i G } , 13.iJ~Q d TOGE'l'HER with the right of free ingress and egress to, in, upon and under said land. to do all that may be reasonable. p:oper and'necessa:yfor the purpo$6 of in:.talling, repairins and maintaining such utilities. IN WJ;'l'NESS l'ilmAllOF. .WAGS TAANSPOR'l'ATION SYSTEM. INC. has hereunto caused thes8p:Be.ents, to bestgnedby its :Foper officers'an4its cor~ate seal to be hereunto affixed, the'26th day of NoVember. 1962. .,'.i,.j"i.h~" ,',', 'I't_~",:>--,',':; -,: ~. "!' . ",~-i:~':, "'';': "..>" .;.';".' ;..~'.' ;', "" .-", ," ".cOtJN~:oF '~S~R. '- . "'-,--: ',-. ..',' .--\ ,.-., . ....I.hllrebycet"tif~~~l:.Ollithi.s.26fhd~Y of ~.1".. '1962 befor~me *sionll.l,~.~p~~'El~.'.... ...... ..... .' Ml\RT1N'.U~1.1J.(at1a.'I.EOpoonIN ......... .' .'. ..' and ". .' . ...~., .' " P1:e~i~~t:,~!}J~;~/~~r.tal"Y respectively o.fWl\G$ TRA,NSPOR'l'ilLTIC6.. S'Y's~"..DtC~;~1fewXork corpqrat,iOXl,tom8lol.own to .bethe,peri;;~$.~J1o.fliqnedthe ' fore9()in~ins~~ta$$u~ officers~d, sfi!ye.ra:llyacknowledged the(!xClcutionthon..eof to be their.free act and deed as such Qffic~~sforthe uses. .and.purposestherein lI\entioiled and that they affixed 'thereto the official seal of said corporation and that said instrument is t.he act and deed of said corporation. ">?i~~ -:,,::/~;~j~ ~..). ~~--~~;,~ .'.".'.-. '... s~ ...~" -."--.., ,,:"-',,;. ','"',''''' ';,';i,:} :..,;. .,.....; .; . ..j.:~ WXTNESS my signature and official Sti!lte aforesaid, the day and year seal at the County and last aforesaid. / J. ~- // Notary Public. stat~ At Large ;:'~:;~ ,.,-:,.... : -; ~;:! ;.,.....;.':' " I My commission expires: N,)' "",." !':e~...-, rl~~,rs ,.,:~!~~a~~ . . .1,. _', ',\' ~l :-.:,,~' 'f~rtc . -"!,':\ , "\ ;...-:...',;.. : "..; ~_ ~: .~'J...!J."r: 1: ."\. tOlllc; HA'Morr Ne-bf"1I p,..":'i ::, :;.t~~::: or New y.,r'( ~_~ ~_ ,~,'~'" -.~~":-O Q,I;::!11t.~1 ,n h,,'" ~,~1:'. CO!,,:~~ Cc, '~lo\On l'~~:~,"S r...lJ.~l.:h '::.1, 1%3 ':~:', ';'.'," Slue 01 n...... TIlit. ... '~"'~of llIde. ~~-':'-:':~Ibt~ . '''.' . '. . . ..' .. "".'".. /-/... J!:~.IIIOFFtl:'~t"1~ <~~~:t.;:.::.... Aj'~'"' "L~~~~___ ',..,,,r/. ." ".~.~. '<.; .rp~"..-'-" " -- ..' ':.'-> ; --',.:~ . -.>-::;.~~ .',':,....' '-/,'.' '.-, ,,~,,' '';-,."". ;!,.<:';