Grant of Easement
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A parcel of submerged land in Indian Creek
lying westerly of Qutlot 1 of First Ocean Front
SUbdivilaion of the Miami Beach Bay Shore company,
bounded as follows:
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Bounded on the southerly side by the southerly line of
said OUtlot 1 produced _sterly. bounded on the northerly
side by the northerly line "Of said Outlot 1 produced
westerly. bounded" On theeuterly side by a line. parallel
to and 156.3 westerly of the easterly lin.:! of
Collins Avenue. bounded on the ,.resterly side by a line
frat! a point on the abQvedescribed southerly boundary
172.3 feet westerly of the easterly line of Collins
Avenue. measured along said s'outherly boundary, to
a point on the above desCribed northerly boundary 11 0.1
feet westerly of the easterly line of :.;01lin8 Avenue,
measured along said northe:rly boundary.
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As said subdivision. outlot) Collins Avenue and Indian
creek are shown on the amended plat of First Ocean
Front subdivi.sion of the Mia\lli Beach Bay shore company,
recorded in 'Sook 9) P*99 78 of thepubl.ic records
of Dade county. Florida.
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TOGE'l'HER with the right of free ingress and egress to,
in, upon and under said land. to do all that may be
reasonable. p:oper and'necessa:yfor the purpo$6 of
in:.talling, repairins and maintaining such utilities.
IN WJ;'l'NESS l'ilmAllOF. .WAGS TAANSPOR'l'ATION SYSTEM. INC. has hereunto
caused thes8p:Be.ents, to bestgnedby its :Foper officers'an4its
cor~ate seal to be hereunto affixed, the'26th day of NoVember.
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....I.hllrebycet"tif~~~l:.Ollithi.s.26fhd~Y of ~.1".. '1962
befor~me *sionll.l,~.~p~~'El~.'.... ...... ..... .'
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respectively o.fWl\G$ TRA,NSPOR'l'ilLTIC6.. S'Y's~"..DtC~;~1fewXork
corpqrat,iOXl,tom8lol.own to .bethe,peri;;~$.~J1o.fliqnedthe '
fore9()in~ins~~ta$$u~ officers~d, sfi!ye.ra:llyacknowledged
the(!xClcutionthon..eof to be act and deed as such
Qffic~~sforthe uses. .and.purposestherein lI\entioiled and that
they affixed 'thereto the official seal of said corporation
and that said instrument is t.he act and deed of said
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WXTNESS my signature and official
Sti!lte aforesaid, the day and year
seal at the County and
last aforesaid.
J. ~- //
Notary Public. stat~
At Large
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My commission expires:
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