File Ref. #178 Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce 1920 Meridian Avenue Miami Beach, FI. 33139 ___EhQQe:_(30llQ72-1 ~701ax:_218:413Jj__ Memo (! I Tlf CI c (;-yLl<.. rl t r:;: ?E"r If I 7 F - ]17 NCf 1f1ty I ~ htJo To: Mayor Neisen Kasdin City Manager Lany Le\y From: Gerald K. Schwartz, Chainnan cc: City Commission, City Clerk, Visitor & Convention Authority Lisa Cole, Fontainebleau Hilton Resort Date: January 6, 2000 Re: 1999-2000 Budget for the Miami Beach Visitor & Convention Authority It has been brought to the attention of the Chamber's Board of Governor's (BOG's) that there has been some discussion relative to the funding level for the YCA's ]999-2000 Budget. It is our understanding that the City Commission approved a $],] million allocation for 1999-2000, However, the funding formula subsequently adopted by the electorate limits the YCA's funding to 5% of the gross Resort Tax Revenues; using last year's collection would amount to approximately $850,000. Prior to the public mandate the VeA indicated that they were to allocating additional funds (approximately $300,000) for destination marketing during the shoulder months, which is consistent with the goals and objectives recommended by the Chamber's Tourism Committee and adopted by the Board of Governors. Therefore, the Chamber's BOG's unanimously voted to urge the City Commission and Administration not to revise the VCA's 1999-2000 Budget and to implement the Voter's Mandate commencing with the next budget year. Please make this letter part of the public records should this matter be discussed at any public forum i,e. Commission or Committee meeting, JmwpI3LJVCA I Q) > .C o I.- Q)O> ~""'('I) Q)C~ .L:Q)('I) ~ U ('I) COC-J o..Ou.. t.- ..... - IDC..c: .DQ)U o > CO O:::CQ) -COCO CO Q) U ._ IUO E >- >-0 CO ....... "'- .- UU~~ 11. o <:J\ '" OJ- "'" ='" ~ '" <:-51 @..9 ,~ u.. .", ^ 'i: ..<:: ~ ~ ~ I