Focus on the Citizen
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SUITE 2910
111 NWc1J;1 STREET
MIAMI, FLORIDA:.a3128.1994
(3Cl.S1 375.5311
June 9, 2000
Mr. Lawrence Levy
Interim City Manager
City of Miami Beach
1700 Convention Center Drive
In the attached brochure, Miami-Dade County is unveiling "Focus on the Citizen," our
Information Technology Vision of our future as an electronic-government. The brief
descriptions in the brochure describe the six major goals and the supporting objectives
that the County will pursue in order to enhance services to citizens. The Vision is
entitled "Focus on the Citizen" because it is designed to empower businesses and
individual citizens to interact with the County more easily and more conveniently. It will
also empower our employees to be more efficient and responsive in processing citizens'
requests for service.
This is the culmination of a process of distilling many inputs and assessments of the
County's need for information management and information technology. In its
development, the Chief Information Officer (CIO) coordinated with all departments,
Commissioners' staff, and the Mayor's Office. It establishes a clear direction for the
foreseeable future.
As you read this brochure, realize that the goals and objectives, which are the milestones
along the road to reach the Vision, are not out of reach. The technology to achieve them
is in common practice and many of the initiatives recommended have already been
implemented in other counties and cities, and by businesses.
It will take a coordinated effort of the Office of the Chief Information Officer and all
County departments to pursue the Vision in Miami-Dade County. A more detailed
Information Technology Plan is being developed that outlines the actions required to
achieve each of the goals and objectives; it will be distributed as soon as it is ready.
Page 2 of2
I believe you will find this brochure very helpful and informative. Please feel free to call
Randy Witt, CIG, at 305-375-4552, if you have any questions.
M. R. Stierheim
County Manager
~" ~...'
Preparing For Our Future: The Information Technology Vision
The vision presented in this publication is a result of our
elected leaders' desire to improve government. They have recognized
that expanding e-Government will improve responsiveness.
eftkiency and Citizen satisfaction.
Chairperson/District -i
District 1
District 6
District 10
District 2
District 7
District 11
District -'
District H
District 12
District 5
District 9
District 1:\
.\liami-Dade County Clerk
County \Ianager
County Attorney
Chief Int()rmatio!l Officer
\liami-lhde County provides equal ;lCCI..''iS :IlHll..'qu;11 tlpporrunity in employment <tnd services
Jnd doc'i nor discrimJI];I(l: un the basis ot disahilit\', ..!t is the policy of \Iiarni.[)ade County to
comply with J.1I of the requirements of the .\mnictJls \....ith Disahilities .\l.:t
Acknowledgement - The Chief Information Officer \yould like to :tcknmvledge
the contrihutions of the many business and technology professionals from County
departments and constitutional agencies \vho collahorated in the development of this
str;tregy. \'Cork Iw people in many departments \\:IS needed to hring together e1emenh
of multiple dqnrtf1l\:'ntal plans into an o\'er:t11 Count\. strategy.
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The County must make a coordinated and concerted effort
to meet its citizens' needs.
Serving all citizens
fu II r
Tod~l\', [IUI1\ l< )1l1IYlllie.~ pmvide rheir nl.~loI1ler~ "011\ L'ni,:nl. fa.-;!. and tle~iille
~1,lL'.~' I(l inrorlll~llion ~ll1d .~tT\in:s \ia rht' [nILTnl'l, :lulolll~lred telephony, and
orh,'r ,'kell'ollie' nll'~lll.~. Cilizen,~ e~pt'('1 .\li~lllli~I)~[tk' tC) provide [his~~lllle I\Ve
JIlll k'u'l (ll' .,t'lyiCt' tlLII 111,'\ .Ir,' I','n'i\ill,~ Ir()1ll tll,'.~t' "e~BLI.~ille~se.~." TCl
[','Illain \i~ll)k', till' C()Unl\ IllLI.~r 111:1kl' .1 ,(l()rdin~ltL'l1 ~ll1d concerted dlort 10
1ll,'l'1 il~ ,'il i/,'n< Ileetk
Inh)rIlution tL't'llI1olog\' (IT) oller.~ opportunilies I() Slre~lI11line C()unt\ pmct'
:I III I dt'li\tT :lln:s.sihk', rt:spon,sive g()\'erIllllcnul .'L'nile Thi.s doculllellt outlines
.si~ IlUIOi' g():l1.s to guide the Countv in u.sing IT to iI1lprove it.s process,'.s and
deli\L'r III ( lI't' efficient ~ll1d\'e .senin:', TIll' fund~IIllL'nul premise is to
empc)\\l'I' our citizens to acces.s the count\'lhrough "e~G()\'ernment." fT will he
le\'er~lged to l11ake info!'llution and selyice.s more con\l:'nient. accessihle. and
atlortLlille for our citi/ens.
The si.\: go~ds were forl11ulated hased on the Chief Inform~ltion Officer's (CIO)
assessment of the Count\"s current IT Gl[xlililitie.s, husiness needs. citizens'
expectation.s. ~ll1d the IT imperatives requirt'd to meet those needs, A wide \'ari~
etv of .sources \vere consulted in the process induding~ the Enterprise
Information Architecturestudv~ the .\Lt\or's Blue I\ihhun Panel Interim
l\ecol11nll'ndations and IT Stuc1\': E.\:ternal .-\udito(s I\ecollltnend~l[ions: the
CIO\ .foh De.scription: and ohjectives from fourteen departlllenL< IT PI~lr1s, The
e[o also 111<:'[ L'.\:tensi\ek \\'ith Count\' ck-partl11enr lll'~ld.s ~lIldSI:lfr IT l11~lIlagL'rs
and~uff. Count\ \elldo['s, ~ll1d out.side ~lthi.~C)IY .selyice.s.
Tile IT goals ~ll1d oillt'ctin's olltlilll'd in tllis docullll'nt \\ert' ch<J.sell t(l urget
ini[i~l[i\l:'s IILlt will kl\t' ~l high return in ILTmS of t'iti/t'nS~llisfauion ~Ind
gmt'rnmt'nul dlicit'I1\'\'. II I.S nllci~d to recogni/e tlut tht, ,~cJals :Ire
imerdep,:nd"'lll, ,\n ~lgg['(:'\'t, pr<Jgr~ltn to l:'~pand t'~G(J\t'[T]lllenl ~lIld 10
imprcJ\'t' Count\. pr< )CL',S,~L'.S ,d.S<) rt'quirt's th~lt \\t' imprO\L' l1l~ln~lgl'l1ll'lll of <Jur
lil11ilt:d re"ources ~llld,il11plit\' ~llld~trellgrht'n the .sUpportjll,~ 1]('1\\( Jrk, [T
i nfr~l.~tructLl re. ~lI1d nl.S[, JIllLT ,St'lyiCt' fu net i( m.S.
- -~ ---~----
~~... This government has been created to ... provide the
public with full and accurate information, to promote
efficient adminjstrative management, to make government
more accountable, and to insure to all persons fair and
equitable treatment... "
The CounryS Int(Jrmation Technol, 'gy Vision is based squarely UP')[1 the
precepts contained in the Home Rule Charter of the County, first enacted in
1')':;-. The premises of providing full and accurate int(JfI1utiol1 and dJicienr
administrative management are central outcomes of a strategy or improving
int(Jrmation technologv within the Countv government. How else can the
government expand and enhance services ,vithout adding staff. which is
prohibitively expensive' What better way to keep-up (or catch-up) with the
growing population and service needs of this County'
(i \"c
Citizen frustration
The County has many automated systems. Over 10.000 employees use computer
workstations and other devices such as printers. scanners. and faxes in their daily
work activities. The County's IT environment is comprised of a combination of
centralized and decentralized IT functions and activities.
The Int()rmation Technology Department (lTD) operates the County's large.
central [1' facility. Aviation. Public W'orks. Environmental Resources .'vlanagemelH,
Employee Relations, General Services Administration, Police. Solid Waste. Fire and
Rescue. Libraries, Parks. Planning, Transit, \Vater and Sewer. the Clerk of the
Courts. the Administrative Oftlce of the Courts, the Public Defender. and the State
Attorney also house and operate systems in departmental data centers. These
departments and agencies have staffs of IT professionals supporting them and
have important IT programs. They provide a wide array of services to their
departments including application development and maintenance, help desk
functions. and network infrastructure design, deployment, and management.
OveralL there are an estimated 1,000 employees involved in providing IT services
throughout the County.
ITD is tasked with management of the County's main data center and mainframe
operations including software development and maintenance of enterprise-wide
applications. The central data center operates twenty-four hours per day, seven
days per week and houses millions of electronic public records. Additionally, ITD
provides telephone and radio services throughout the County. ITD supports
over 1-,000 radios and approximately 250 telephone-switching systems com-
prising almost 30,000 telephones.
Due to the rapidly expanding IT needs of the County and the combination of
centralized and decentralized IT operations that have evolved over time.
opportunities for better planning and coordination of IT activities and
investments have not been fully leveraged. The variety of hardware and software
in place and the lack of a coordinated purchasing process. have increased the
yearly costs t()r procurement and maintenance of IT products and services as
well as the costs of training. The amount of labor required to maintain the
,,~ -- -....----
~l1\ironment ha~ also inLTe:l~ed due to the diver~ity of wiLkh di~trihuted
.~y~tem~ and numerou~ unique confi;.-:ur:ttions. [n addition. opportunitie~ t()r
~haring of~kill~. as~et~. and purchasing power have heen lo~t or lli:ninished.
The~e are ~,llne of the re~lsons that the ClJlll1ty e~tahli~hed the position of ero
in Il)l)l).
County employee~ are not linked in one cohe~ive. ubiqui(()u~ network and
common data is not managed and~lured as a corporate ;l.~~et. C'1l1~equellth'.
citizen~ mu~t provide redundant in!()rnution when dealing with different
department~ or functions vvithin the County and many d()L'un1ent~ are .~tiJl
created and processed manuallv'. L nnecessary delays in County processes make
citizens' interactions \vith government frustrating and cumbersome. Being
"bounced around" and asked to provide the same ini()rmation again and again
makes people feel like they are not recognized as individuals and that govern-
ment does not care about their needs. This adds greatly to citizen frustration.
The current situation impacts the County's ability to provide the speed...[uality.
and value of services that its customers expect and deserve. [t also feeds the
perception that the County is not as responsive to the citizen as it should be.
Improvements can be made to enhance the County's image and efficiency and
111~1 ke it possible t()r citizens to easily access County information and seryices.
Citizens being
"bounced around"
Does government care
about my needs?
Information and services
available on-line
A coherent strategy and wise investments in IT can help the County address
pressing issues of public image, governmental efficiency and costs, and optimize
the efficiency and return on its IT expenditures, The purpose of the IT Strategy
is to envision how things could be different and better ti)!' both our citizens and
employees and to define a framework of goals to move the County towards
that \'ision,
that :\liami-Dade citizens and businesses obtain information about
County services and exchange intilrmation and conduct transactions vvith
County agencies electronically. They do this from computers in their homes or
via automated telephone response systems 24 hours per day, 7 days per week or
from computerized workstations in public facilities convenient to their homes,
Many people are served simultaneously. Service hours are extended and the
frustrating delays and excessive labor costs involved in sequential, "bce-w-face"
delivery of intiJrlnation and services are reduced,
that intilrmation on the County's Web site and automated telephone
response system is organized in a service oriented manner that people can
easily understand and use, Rather than having to know the County organization,
a person types in "pothole" and is automatically presented with an electronic
form to provide information and request service pertinent to that subject.
Citizens also use electronic access to make payments and to track progress on
their requests or complaints, People come to perceive the County as accessible,
responsive, and easy to do business with, Citizens feel empowered and lower
costs make people feel they are receiving better value for their tax dollars,
Better access to information and services makes it easier tilr people to
participate in the local economy and take advantage of available social and
cultural services,
that the information provided by County citizens and business
partners is organized and managed to be easily accessible by all departments and
business processes across the County. This secure "warehouse" of shared
intilrmation maintains, with privacy. a person's identity and information ahout
his/her cases, requests, complaints, transactions, or other issues pending with the
County so that citizens do not have to repeatedly supply the same data to
different County agencies, \Vhen a citizen initiates nevv or t()llow-up actions
with any department, his/her identity and current status int(lrmation is
immediately available to agency personnel an)where in the entire County. This
makes the person feel that he/she is recognized and that the County is
concerned about him/her as an individual. Having all relevant information
readily available improves communications and expedites response engendering
further goodwill for the County.
n __.___..__..________,_
that the County's business partners (suppliers, contractors, ete.) can
connect directly to the countywide net\vork. Documents, drawings. project
plans and communication." regarding procurement processes. construction
projects, and professional services are exchanged, modified, approved, and
stored electronically. Vendors reduce costly visits to County offices and
appreciate a faster. more streamlined process. Increased eftlciency and speed in
the Countv's provisioning and contractual processes enable operating
departments to complete work faster ane! respond to the citizen in a more
timely' manner.
that all County employees are connected in a cohesive, reliable
county-wide network. Forms used to conduct County business are completed
on-line and automatically routed according to predefined procedures to
expedite processing, review, approval, distribution, and filing. Documents are
stored and managed electronically and are immediately available to any
department or process that needs them to transact business. Emplovees in
different departments or working on different steps in a process are able to
access the same documents simultaneously. reducing the delays involved in
sequential manual workflows. Citizens' requests are transmitted across the
network along with any documents, drawings, notes, instructions or other
int()rmation needed to process and deliver the service in a timely manner.
Forms completed
Responding to citizen
Quick action taken on
citizens' complaints
_ ,:; that the County uses standard hardware and software components
making its IT environment simpler. less expensive. more cohesive. and less labor
intensive to operate. A common architecture exists for deployment and config-
uration of IT in County buildings. IT projects are completed quickly and at a
predictable cost following standard methodologies and blueprints. Purchasing
power is consolidated via enterprise licensing of common software and
negotiation of favorable volume purchase, leasing, and support agreements with
major hardware suppliers. Work is outsourced, where appropriate. to respond to
departments' needs in a timely manner if private vendors can respond faster due
to specialized knowledge or delays in the County process.
a :s ' n e that modern network management tools and practices diagnose and
solve problems before employees or citizens are impacted. A state-ot~the-art
Customer Service Call Center helps County employees solve 80% of their IT
problems on the tlrst call without dispatching field technicians. Expensive
technician, travel, and logistical costs are reduced. Employees experience less
"downtime" and waste less time "tinkering" with their \vorkstation hardware ami
software resulting in a more productive workforce. Savings are reinvested in IT
applications to improve County processes.
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Oyeniew~ of the ~i:x goal~ that "yill guide the C()ut1t\'~ IT to\Vard~ the vi~i()\l
are outlined on the t()lIowing pages. It is important to understand that the
~cenario~ de~cribed in the vision are not imaginan'. \Iany busine~se~ and puhlic
organization~ already ()perate in thi~ kind of electronic envirollment Tremendou~
gain~ in dllciene\. productivil\. and CllstOl1ler ~LT\icL' have lueled rising earning~
and higher ~tock valuations with high emplO\'lllCnt and low inflation. Public
iuri~diction> have regained the public'~ truq and lowered costs enabling them to
i11\'e~t in needed infrastructure and community projects. As citizen~ perceive
more \.:t1ue and better re~ponse in current ~eryice. they are more willing to fund
programs to improve the quality of life of the ()\'erall community.
24-hour access to
Regaining the public's trust
Goal #1
Use e-Government to Expand
County Hours and Service
. l'~e e.C;OH:rnment t(l provide ci[izen~ 21 hour ;tC'-'l'~~ to C()UI1t"lT\ilT.S
through electronic media (Internet. .\utomalt'd kkpholl\' Iksp' 'ILse.
. \lake Count\' infoJ'Jllation and ,SLT\'ice~ a\'ailahk oll,line to make tl1l'l1l
easier to access and more cost-effecti\T to deliver.
. Dl'ii\'LT (:ounl\ information and senices 2 1 hours per da\' electronicalh'
extending the Cillllll\''s hours and locations or ~enice (Le ,citizen,s em
access senices \vhen and where the\' \vant).
. Reduce lahor costs.
. In!i)J'lllation and ~t'J'\'ices are acces.'iihle. c()Jl\,enient. and a(j()rdahk till'
the citizens or \Iiami-Ihde COLJIll\.
. Police :lre'ci,nneClnr to d:lta while on pal ro!. enhancing public .safer\
C 1l...\"Cll
Goal #2
Use IT to Improve County
. Emplo\Tes and key bu~ine~s partners are connected in one cohe~ive
reliable cOllnty-wide network.
. Form~ are created and processed electronically on the network.
. \Veb-based applications and seryices provide emplmee~ with
information and tools lhat help them manage and perti)J'lll operations
in an eftlcient and dfectiye manner.
. Improye the speed of decisions ami response by streamlining and
expediting the flow of work and int()rmation among agencies.
. Provide enhanced inJ()rmatio\1 and automation support for kev
Countv processes.
. Reduce costs bv delivering int()rmatio\1 on-line rather than on paper.
Front-line employees respond
quickly and effectively to
the citizen
. Efficient int{)rmation and workt1ows expedite operational and
administrative processes.
. Enhanced automation support and reduced administrative overhead
reduce costs. speed decisions, and help front-line employees respond
quicklv and effectively to the citizen.
- . ._'.....-_.,_.~..-...~ .._.,.~,_..-
Goal #3
Improve Management of County
IT Resources
. Establish the GO Offke and an IT Covernance process,
. Attract and retain qualified IT staff and develop a rational IT funding
and cost allocation process.
. Establish countywide software de\'elopment and project
management methodologies.
. Improve the pertlJrmance of the County radio system and ITD
shared services.
. Institute a ero review program and perfiJrll1ance measures t()r all
technology providers.
. Provide policy direction, coordination, and enhanced communications
for countywide IT operations.
. Ensure that the County has qualitled staff to support its IT projects.
. Standardize and improve the quality, effkiency, and predictability of
systems deYelopment and project management across all agencies.
. Make shared services effkient and responsive.
. Establish measures and monitor performance for continuous
improvement of IT.
. CIO policy direction and coordination facilitate communications among
County executives, IT staff, and business professionals.
. Technology is developed and deployed in an expeditious. manageable,
and predictable manner.
. Opportunities to reuse eommon software components and share
resources and knowledge are maximized.
. Staft1ng shortages and delays in starting/fInishing projects are reduced.
. Shared serYices are reliable and responsiye.
. Redundancy oyerhead, and duplicate costs are controlled facilitating
economies of scale and lower unit costs.
Fast exchange of
Make Smart, Coordinated
IT Investments
. Select the most appropriate source for each IT service
. Apply managed competition and outsourcing. where appropriatc.
. Coordinate major IT purchases among departments,
. Increase the responsivene~s of services and reduce co~ts hy
consolidating purchasing power. \vhere feasible.
We immediately report
activities to our Police Dept.
Citizen involvement
. Peaks. valleys. and dLiavs in County staffing are reduced, cxpediting
response to the citizen.
. Spccialized expertise is quick Iv acquired \vhen needed to mcet
specialized needs in a timely manner.
. The most efficient business methods available are employed to achieve
gains in efficienc\' and effecti\'eness.
. Intelligent sourcing decisions optimize the cost. quality, and
re~ponsiYeness of ser\'ice deliyery.
Goal #5
Simplify and Standardize the
County's IT Environment
. Establish countyvvide standards ti)r common hardware and software.
. License software at the County le\-el.
. Develop a standard IT Architecture !()r County bcilities.
. Simplify hardware contlgurations and implement a countywide security
architecture and hack-up/recovery plans.
. Lower costs hy reducing the complexity and diyersity of hardware
and ~oftware.
. Consolidate purchasing power and ensure the security and availability
of County svstems and data.
. County\vide software licenses and standard hardware contlgurations
reduce acquisition costs.
. A common architecture with a minimal din:r~ity and complexity of
components reduce~ training and labor costs to maintain the
countywide en\'ironment.
. County computer assets and data are secure and highl\' available
ensuring dependable access t(lr both employees and citizens.
._...~.... ..----.-........--..---.--..------
Modernize the County's
Computer Network
. lnterconncct all departmental workstations and networks to create a
"'ie;imless" countvwide network (i.e.. an "Intranet"),
. Implemel1l 'iottware and processes to manage thc network on a
C,)untywide b'ISis,
. Create a comprehensive Customer Service Center.
. l pgrade computer/telephone automated response sY'item to 2 fhrs/da\
service level.
Citizens feel empowered
. Pro\'ide a simple. reliable network to help employees streamline.
automate, and control the flow of int()rmation and work,
. Emplovees easilv exchange int()[!uation and collaborate to complete
projects or respond to citizens' requests.
. Faster exchange of forms. documents, drawings. messages. and other
rele\'ant information.
. .\ll int()rmation about a citizen or transaction is accessed simultaneously
by different people involved in the process.
. Fewer bottlenecks and delays associated with the sequential flow
of int(Jrmation.
. Expedited resolution and response to citizens or departments.
Reducing "bottlenecks"
and delays
Seamless co/labor3tion
, Target iniUaUves that will/lave a high return in terms of
citizen satisfaction and governmental efficiency
A message from the C/O
\Iaking this yision :1 realit\ ukes tile commitllleI1l of Count\" leadership. These
key objecti\es will la\ the foundations and prepare the way tilr the Count\' to
ruilv use and support technologit's such as. the Internet. the Intranet. ami
Electronic Document .\lanagelllent I p frolH inYe.~tments and inter-departmental
collaboration will be essential to bunch these fundamental initiati\es. Setting
priorities and allocating funding till' inti)rmation technolog\ will be kn top
management Cl)t1CtTns.
Top management support and a I11Ldti-vear in\estment commitmeI1l afC essential
to pursue the yi~ion, .\ Strategic Pian including estimated costs. funding. and
tinK' framcs is prll\idn! in a separate document that wiii serve to structure.
prioritize. and tr:lck the umlerlving objectiyes and projects.
\li:lll1i-l):lllc. (:OUI1{\" tllrougl1 these initiatives. has its focus on the citizl'tlS.
(~. f? w;Z:
B. R, 'Rand\' \Yilt
(:hid [nl()l'Jl1:1ti( \n ()lliCL'r
....1 \: I L' ~ Jl