File Ref. #191 C IT Y 0 F ~7 :,,;tltf~itA{-C ~ /91-~~ 20n) Office of the City Manager ~ Interoffice Memorandum To: Margaret Arculeo PensioIbAdministrator Date: March 17,2000 From: Lawrence A. Levy ~ City Manager Subject: Re-appointments to the Unclassified Employees and Elected Officials Pension Board of Trustees It is my understanding that the terms of the current Trustees of the Unclassified Employees and Elected Officials Pension Board will expire on March 31, 2000. I wish to re-appoint these members for another two-year term. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. \-1\(; LAL:MG:amh F .\HUMA \LABORREL\AMH\MEMOS\CMPENSIO. WPD Enclosure c: Mary Greenwood, Executive Assistant to the City Manager/Labor Relations Robert Parcher, City Clerk '.~,.-... Tj . --r:J ..... V',l "t..... C) rn -"1 ~::J -n 0 .:;:- ("'11 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES AND ELECTED OFFICIALS RETIREMENT SYSTEM 673-7437 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 17, 2000 TO: Lawrence Levy City Manager VIA: Mary Greenwood \'" l. 0 Executive Assistant to the City Manager/Labor Relations FROM: Margaret Arculeo ';t'):{j, Pension Administrator RE: Unclassified Employees and Elected Officials Pension Board Trustee Appointments Effective March 31, 2000 the terms of the Trustees of the Unclassified Employees and Elected Officials Pension Board will expire, I have attached a list of the current Trustees for your reference, Thank you for your attention to this matter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me, /ma Attachment f:lpenslSaU\mlinternallappomtments. une UNCLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES AND ELECTED OFFICIALS BOARD OF TRUSTEES NAME TERM EXPIRES Walter Coolidge Application Services Manager 4/1/2000 Jose Cruz Senior Management Analyst 4/1/2000 Jose Damien Secretary for the Board Asset Manager 4/1/2000 Ramon Duenas Vice Chairman of the Board Financial Analyst III 4/1/2000 Luis Garcia City Commissioner 4/1/2000 Jorge Gomez Chairman of the Board Senior Planner 4/1/2000 Harold Rosen Retiree 4/1/2000 Oscar Santiesteban, Jr. Information Technology Specialist II 4/1/2000 Patricia Walker Finance Director 4/1/2000 / * * All Trustees are appointed by the City Manager for a two-year term. * * Election of Officers are held annually - effective April Rev, Ii 1112000