FIle Ref. #192 (1 of 3) ( (fl! (! { (Itll' f f ( {(" ftr I / y~ -/1 j!U/?, )~/J?J RETIREMENT SYSTEM FOR GENERAL EMPLOYEES : r J 5: 0 j '(" (11~-I"ICE \i \ ~.." U " .. I 1)--' .5 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA di 139r - , \1 E 0 (305) 673.7437 FAX: (305) 673-7297 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 27,2000 TO: Robert Parcher City Clerk FROM: Margaret A. Arculeo ~~: Pension Administrator RE: General Employees Retirement System of the City of Miami Beach Annual Report for 98/99 Plan Year The General Employees Retirement System Ordinance No, 1901, Article 7, Paragraph (q), provides for an Annual Report to be filed along with the appropriate statistical information, The report contains the names of the Board members, how often they meet, their mission, objectives, strategies and accomplishments as a Board during the past fiscal year. The statistical information is reported in the Actuarial Valuation as of 10/1/99 and the Independent Auditor's Report as of 9/30/99 attached, If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the Pension Office 673-7437, /ma Enc, f\pens\$all\rn\annualrptcover.rnemo ANNUAL STATUS REPORT RETIREMENT SYSTEM FOR THE GENERAL EMPLOYEES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH For the Year Ended September 30, 1999 The Board of Trustees, listed below, meet on the second Tuesday of each Month: James Boyd, Chairman Georgina Echert Ronald Helphand, Trustee Dean Mielke, Trustee Jorge Montes, Vice Chairman Mark Slattery, Secretary Robert Thomas, Trustee Tom Womble, Trustee John Woods, Trustee Term Expires: 9/30/2000 2/28/2002 9/30/200 I 10/31/99 2/28/2002 9/30/02 10/31/02 9/30/2001 9/30/02 Elected Appointed Elected Appointed Appointed Elected Appointed Elected Elected The Board of Trustees consists of nine persons; four are appointed by the City Manager, three Members of the System are elected by Employees who are Members of the System, and two are Retirants elected by the retired Members of the System. Trustees serve for a term of three years with the annual election of a Chairman and Vice Chairman from its membership and Secretary from the City Manager's appointees, In September 1999, Mark Slattery and John Woods were re-elected to three year terms, At their April 14, 1999 meeting the Trustees re-elected Me Boyd to act as Chairman, Me Montes as Vice Chairman and Me Slattery as Secretary for the Board, The Trustees are responsible for the proper operation and management of the system and for carrying out the wishes of the City Commission by administering the provisions of the Pension Plan Ordinances, They were assisted by contracted professionals in all areas concerning pension, From the law firm of Cypen & Cypen, Me Steve Cypen is legal counsel for the Board and an expert in pension law, The City's Related Special Acts along with the Pension's Ordinance and Investment Guidelines govern the investment strategy for the Fund's five investment managers, Me Bill Cottle, ofDorn, Helliesen & Cottle, is the fund evaluator and monitors the managers' performance and compliance with the Investment Guidelines, He reviews this information and advises the Board through quarterly performance reports, The Trustees evaluated the asset allocation of the Fund and with the assistance of the Fund Evaluator indexed 50% of the Equity portion of the Fund and 50% of the Fixed Income portion, The Portfolio is managed by: Le.e. Capital Management managing 15% of the assets in equities; RhumbLine Advisers managing 7,5% of the assets in a mid-cap index fund; Gratry & Co, managing 2.5% of the assets in international investments; RhumbLine Advisers managing 25% of the assets in an S&P 500 Equity Index Fund; Wellington Management Co, managing 25% of the assets in a core bond position; and Northern Trust managing 25% of the assets in a Fixed Income Index Fund. The Fund experienced a real rate of return for the year ended 9/30/99 of 13 ,} %, Even with the payment of approximately $12,7 million in pension benefits, lump sum payments and investment and administrative expenses, the total assets of the Fund were up from $228,740,415 at 9/30/98 to $247,210,990 at 9/30/99, ANNUAL STATUS REPORT For Plan Year Ended 9/30/99 Page 2 of2 The Actuary for the System is the firm of Gabriel, Roeder, Smith & Company, located in Fort Lauderdale, The Actuarial Valuation for the Year Ended 9/30/99 has been completed and filed the State Actuary in Tallahassee, This report reflected that the City's contribution rate for Plan Year 2000/2001 will again be zero, A copy of the Actuarial Valuation has been forwarded to the City's Budget Department An independent audit was conducted by the accounting firm of Spear, Safer, Harmon & Company located in Miami. The auditors statistics reconcile to those reported by the actuary, There were no control or material weaknesses reported from this Audit A copy of their report has also been forwarded to the City's Budget Department The mission of the Board has been to properly administer the Plan as directed through the Ordinance and to insure that the original purpose for which the Pension Ordinance was created, which was to provide retirement and other benefits for eligible employees of the City and their beneficiaries or dependents, is accomplished, The objectives for meeting this mission are to coordinate the desires of the Administration along with the performance of the Plan's professionals, to continue to maximize investments and to secure a funding process, assisted by actuarially calculated contributions and closely monitored investments, to meet the operations and liabilities of the Plan, The General Retirement System and the Unclassified System share an Administrative Staff of three employees along with other combined administrative and office expenses, Separately, each System is responsible for those administrative expenses specifically directed to their System. The System professionally processed the retirement of39 employees and/or beneficiaries during the year, The number ofRetirants, Disability Retirees and Beneficiaries total 890. For all those Members who retired during the fiscal year the following provisions applied: Normal Retirement Eligibility was age 50 with five years of Creditable Service; benefit was 3% of Final Average MontWy Earnings for the first 15 years of creditable service plus 4% of Final Average MontWy Earnings for the years thereafter, not to exceed 90%, Final Average Monthly Earnings was 1/12 of the average annual earnings of the two highest years, All benefits in pay status for at least 12 months are subject to a 1,5% cost ofliving increase each year as of October 1 st based on the original benefit amount Terminated employees or those employees who resigned were eligible to request a refund of accumulated contributions, There were 25 such requests processed for lump sum payments, Vested Terminations with at least 5 years of creditable service were eligible to request a refund of accumulated contributions, or receive an accrued benefit beginning at age 50, or at age 62 with less than five years, t'lpensl$all\mlgenboardlannualrpt.99