File Ref. #197 ~ ( 'f Y V-il/... f( f..t 'Iuf if /7' 7 - 11 /hI 2 Z I 1-00 (') CITY OF MIAMI BEACH "" Office of the City Manager ~ Interoffice Memorandum - ~.; To: Lawrence A. Levy City Manager Date: April 27, 20'00 .'".. , \..' 0' .- -- From: Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli Assistant City Manager ~C2- r\....\ C) Subject: MILLENNIUM CELEBRATION FINANCIAL SUMMARY (-) "F? ......\'\ -:,..\ t..v...) C:i c:J 1" Attached is the final Millennium Celebration Financial Summary for your information and files. MDB:lcd Attachment c: Janet Gavarrete Christina Cuervo Matthew Schwartz Ronnie Singer Mary Greenwood Department/Division Directors Budget Advisory Committee Members F:\CMGR\SALLILISA IMILLENN.IUMlLALMILLFIN CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MILLENNIUM CELEBRATION 1999/2000 FINANCIAL SUMMARY REVENUES: CMB- Resort Tax Miami-Dade County Police budget FOOT grant LETF grant Parking TOTAL REVENUES EXPENDITURES: Police Parking Fire Sanitation MBTMA Fireworks Parks Code Compliance First Night Volume Services America Fleet Property Management Media Relations TOTAL EXPENDITURES BUDGET $109,094 250,000 100,000 28,820 20,000 23.394 $531,308 ACTUAL $174,939 250,000 100,000 24,885 20,000 84.4 12 ( 1 ) $654.236 BUDGET $272,500 23,394 75,000 41,000 28,820 25,000 20,000 15,594 15,000 15,000 -0- -0- ..::.Q:: $531.308 ACTUAL $351,705 84,412 82,753 41,308 24,885 25,000 19,144 16,026 12,000 (2) 4,488 2,776 1,054 685 $654.236 (1) The Parking Department revenue for Millennium weekend amounted to $127,085 net revenues were $42,672. (2) Fee waiver for Convention Center rental granted by the City Commission. F: \CMGR\$ALL \L1 SA \M I LLEN N.I U M\POST2. CST