File Ref. #198 C ilLl ~ (t!(/lf h q fttj 14 liJ. 5utJ. I ~ MIAMI BEACH FIRE DEPARTMENT 2c\()(1 .. Fire Chief's'Offi'dID I nteroffice [fM1eIT)Qr~I~~UI\J1 'C.-': I .., E .;\'., Ui i Ie::. To: Lawrence A. Levy City Manager Date: May 12, 2000 Via: a C> =~ :c.... --:: From: (..n --.... ,- , v Subject: APPROVAL OF E.M.S. RATE INCREASE c.,,) J:- Attached for your information is the Miami-Dade County approval of the City of Miami Beach1D.creased EMS rate schedule. The new transportation fees were implemented effective May 1,2000. FJ/mc C:FireChiefJordan\EMSRate.CM ~ ,+- ~ ~~f~ (... : '~ ..... .~ " I :. c.; ({j) OFFICE OF AMBULANCE REGULATION COORDINATION 140 WEST FLAGLER STREET SUITE 903 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33130-1561 Consumer Services Department Tel: (305) 375-4222 Ext. 7854 . Fax: (305) 375-4120 . TOO: (305) 375-4177 · E-mail: consumer@co.miami-dade.f1.us Apri127,2000 Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief City of Miami Beach Fire Rescue Department 2300 Pinetree Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Dear Chief Jordan: We are pleased to provide the enclosed certified copy of the April 11, 2000 public hearing agenda item wherein the Board of County Commissioners passed and adopted Resolution No. R-308-00 approving an emergency medical services rate schedule increase and establishing a charge for mileage for the City of Miami Beach Fire Rescue Department. If you should have any questions concerning this issue, or if we can be of assistance in another matter, please do not hesitate to contact us. ../ /4': ve Gunn Ambulance Regulation Coordinator Enclosures c: Sheila Rushton, Director, Consumer Services Department Cathy Grimes Peel, Assistant Director, Consumer Services Department Edward Del Favero, EMS Division Chief, City of Miami Beach Fire Rescue Department MIAM'- MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA _." CICertcopy I:~EMORANDUM Agenaa Item No. 4(K) TO: DATE: April 11, 2000 Honorable Chairperson and Members Board of County Commissioners SUBJECT: City of Miami Beach Fire Rescue Department's Transport Rate Increase Request FROM: RECOMMENDA TION It is recommended that the Board approve a request by the City of Miami Beach to increase the Miami Beach Fire Rescue Department's emergency medical services transport rate schedule, and to establish a charge for mileage. BACKGROUND Chapter 4, Article I of the Code, relating to air and ground ambulances, including emergency medical transport vehicles, requires all owners and operators to file with the County Manager a schedule of the rates which will be charged for the transportation of persons in these units. All rates require approval by the Board, after a public hearing. The City of Miami Beach Fire Rescue Department has submitted a request to increase their Advanced Life Support (ALS) and Basic Life Support (BLS) base transport and oxygen administration rates, and to establish a charge for mileage. The proposed rates were approved by Mayor Kasdin and the City Commission on January 12,2000 by Resolution No. 2000-23445. The proposed adjustments are necessary due to increased operational expenses for both medical supplies and vehicle maintenance, and to become consistent with the current rates, as approved by the Board, for the Miami-Dade Fire Rescue Department and the City of Miami Department of Fire Rescue. The proposed schedule of rates per patient, per intervention is as follows: Advanced Life Support (ALS) Base Transport Rate $290.00 Current Rate Proposed Rate $310.00 Basic Life Support (BLS) Base Transport Rate Mileage, per mile or fraction thereof Oxygen LV./I.O. Solutions Cardiac Monitoring Intubation Spinal Immobilization 175.00 N/A 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 Attachments / 310.00 7.50 30.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 '" MEMORANDUM TO: HOllo ChaiIperson and Members Board of County Commissioners DATE: SUBJECT: April 11, 2000 . Agenda Item No. 4(K) FROM: p/ c::? ~ Robert A Ginsburg County Attorney Please note any items checked. "4-Day Rule" (Applicable ifraised) 6 weeks required between first reading and public hearing Decreases revenues or increases expenditures without balancing budget Budget required Statement of fiscal impact required Statement of private business sector impact required Bid waiver requiring County Manager's written reconunendation Ordinance creating a new board requires a detailed County Manager's report for public hearing "Sunset" provision required Legislative findings necessary '...... 2- .' Approved .veto Override Mayor Agenda Item No. 4 (K) 4-11-00 .::~:,".. r .cr" ;'.:".. ~ , .r i. . '. ~: I. , .,.. ,.', ~." ..,~., ~ . I' r <: ;: ~ -; . { (." ~ -~<', . ;' ~~ S:: ; vl'-.! ~Il\~) C()~;.~ TV, FLORI[ RESOLUTION NO. R-30a-oo RESOLUTION APPROVING A REQUEST TO INCREASE THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FIRE RESCUE DEPARTMENT'S AUTHORIZED EMERGENCY MEDICAL SER VICES RATE SCHEDULE AND TO EST ABLISH A , CBARGE FOR MILEAGE WHEREAS, this Board desires to accomplish the purpose outlined in the accompanying memorandum, a copy of which is incorporated herein by reference; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMTSSfnNFRS OF ~!AM!-DADE COlT~TY, FLORIDA, t~a: ...t..:,.. ~.U...J Du3.~~, Ir: accordance with Chapter 4, Article I of the Code, approves an increase in the City of Miami Beach Fire Rescue Department1s authorized emergency medical services rate schedule, and to establish a charge for mileage. The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner Dermis C.Moss who moved its adoption. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Dorrin D. Rolle and upon being put to a vote, the vote was as follows: 3 Dr. Miriam Alonso Dr. Barbara M. Carey-Shuler Betty T. Ferguson Natacha Seijas Millan Dennis C. Moss Dorrin D. Rolle Agenda !Cern No. 4 (K) Page No.2 Bruno A. Barreiro Miguel Diaz de la Portilla Gwen Margolis Jimmy L. Morales Pedro Reboredo Katy Sorenson aye aye aye aye absent aye aye Javier D. Souto aye absent aye aye absent absent The Chairperson thereupon declared the resolution duly passed and adopted this 11 th day of April, 2000. This resolution shall become effective ten (10) days after the date of its adoption unless vetoed by the Mayor, and if vetoed, shall become effective only upon an override by this Board. neO..' c:';' ',,:': "!.~.:::.~"" . -\.,--:::-::=-.... \'J' . ,," ,(, .1--;': r, D-r~. /' e. .. ~,. I ....' <:" 0 '. E~ ~I( COUNTY Z-: · 0 \ A- m · Po \". ~::c · ... C ,,<, 0 flI <:> C:l l . . " 1t .. ,,' ., . ....".....f1....& Approved by the County Attorney-. as to form and legal sufficiency. v K ~ MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HAR VEY RUVIN, CLERK By: 10\ Y SUL.LIV AN Deputy Clerk ~4.;..;...,...rr 1- reD i..'I UV 'UV IU.IJ IUU v","'.. V, I\..U\I\ I, nU!.II\!\ j'I\A llV. ..IUJ JI/.. UUU/.. f. L. CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Flotida 33139 htlp:\\d.miaml-be:ach.f1.us Office of lhg City Manager Telephone (305) 673.7010 Facsimile (305) 673-7782 February 10, 2000 f'f/J 1& 8[tto Mr. Merrett R. Sticrheim Miami-Dade County Manager 111 N.W. 111 Street, Suite 2910 Miami, Florida 3312& Rc: City of Miami Beach Request for Rescue Transportation Fee Rate Increase Dear Mr. Stierheim: On January 12, 2000, the City of Miami Beach adopted by Resolution an increase in its rescue transportation fee for basic and advanced life support, established a charge for lllileage and an mcrease in the charge for oxygen. A copy of the approved City of Miami Beach Commissioll Memorandum and Resolution is enclosed for your review. 1 am requestmg that t111S Issue be addressed tor approval by the {vliarm-IJade l..-ulHlly Cummission as soon as possible. Should you have any 4uestions regarding tillS request. please contact me and I will assure that respouses are provided. Sincerely, ~Q~ Lawrence A. Levy ~ City Manager LRI.~J"l\C c: FircChlcDorl1an\ClyMgrLtr. T nlsf cc c c:> ( C) :o'J ~ .- r-1'"\ .. ""\ .<- ---' O::l .:-) o~< -,,~ U\ \~"'\ ..,., ~. - -,~ -0 ,.:::. cJ:.r: :.x:. en :;,. ..... rn C1 CJ ro. f'> --- c.J1 <fl 5' CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CON\IENTION CENTER DRIVE UIAMI BEACH. R.ORIDA 3J13G hltp:\\d.mlaml-bolel1.f1.UI COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ FROM: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of tbe City Commission Luwrence A. Le~ City Manager DATE: January 12,2000 TO: SUBJECf: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 95-21653 INCREASING THE PRESENT FIRE RESCUE TRANSPORT FEE FROM S175 FOR BASIC LIFE SUPPORT, AND S290 FOR ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT, TO $310 FIRE BASIC LIFE SUPPORT, AND 5310 FOR ADVANCED LIFE SUPPPORT, AND ESTABLISHING A MILEAGE CHARGE OF $7.50 PER MILE, AND INCREASING THE CHARGE FOR MEDICAL OXYGEN FROM S25 TO $30 PER INTERVENTION. ADMINISTRATION RF.COMMENDA TION~ Adopt the Resolution. ANAL YSIS: The Fire Department presently proVldes medical transportation tor persons requiring Basic Life Support (BLS) or Advanced LIfe Support (AL..<';) at a rate of $175 per BLS and $290 for ALS transport. (Established by Resolution No. 92-20593 on September 16, 1992, amended July 26, 1995, Resolution No. 95-21653). Since the establishment of the first transportation fee, the Fire Department has experienced increased budgetary costs in providing BLS and ALS transport service, both for medical supplies and increased vehicle maintenance costs. An internal city audit of our Transport Billing Service, (Advanced Data Processing) confirmed that ADP was meeting or exceeding the tenus of their contract (see attaclunent). in order to increase revenue, the audit report suggested that the City increase transport fees to equal Miami Dade and Cily of Miami Fire Departments. The proposed increases in tr8I1Sport rates will be consistent with the rate structure of both Miami and Miami-Dade County Fire Departments. (See attached ehart indicating Rescue Transpol1 tee sLrUclures for other Fire Departments in South Florida). AGENDA ITEM C. I ~ DATE /-(2-0D b rr..n-L,':-uu luU lU. 1't }\jll vrl'lI"C vr f\I,IlV\ l. !1UlJr.l\ r ^^ llV. JUJ J I L. DUOL [. 1 The proposed rate increase for expendable medical supplies and transport mileage charge will provide needed revenue to the Fire Department to offset increased budgetary costs. A comparison of the fees charged by the City of Miami Bea.c.h and other local governmental entities is attached. for your review. If the proposed fee increase is approved for Miami Beach, the fees will be comparable with other entities. The annual budget for the Rescue Division is $7,599,884. Revenue from Rescue Transports is $1,200,000. The revenue increase due to fee adjusunents is projected to be approximately $370,000 during FY 99/2000. Medicare will pay 80% of the cap for Miami Beach. Currently. that cap is $175.00 for BLS and $203.62 for ALS Transports. The other 20% is paid by secondary insurance or out of pocket. The cap for Miami and Miami-Dade County is $292.95. This year the City of Miami Beach received the maximum allowable increase of 15%. We will continue pursuing annual increases until we reach the maximum cap of$292.95. A majority of private insurance companies will pay 100% of what is usual and customary of the transportation fcc, plus additional charges as listed below, minus applicable deductions. Automobile insurance polices pay 100% provided the policy has P.I.P. coverage. HM.D swill pay 100% of the amoWlt billed. Revenue received from rescue transportation fees consists of 4~ y~ % from private insurance, 31 % from M~ciir.Rr(':, 111/, % from Medicaid and 7% out of pocket. No mdividual will be denied Fire Rescue transport services due to an mabil1ty to pay for such services. The proposed increases are as follows. CMB CMB .1Jroposed l)rcseot Advanced Lile Suppor1 Basic Life Support Mileage Charge / PER Mile Oxygen Cardiac Mouitoring LV. /1.0. Intubation SpinallmmoblJization $175.00 $290.00 o $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 $25.00 S3 J U.OU $310.00 $ 7.50 .$ 3U.00 $ 25.00 $ 25.00 .$ 15.00 $ 25.00 It is recommended that Resolution No. 95-21653, Schedule of Fire Rescue Transport Fees for Fire Department be amended. LL~~ ~ (....~ 1 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23445 A RESOLUTION OF TIlE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 92- 20593 INCREASING THE rRESENT FIRE RESCUE TRANSPORT FF~ FROM S175 I'.OR DASIC LIFE SUPPORT, AND $290 FOR ADVANCED LIFE SUPPORT, TO 5310 FOR BASIC LIFE SUPPORT, AND S310 FOR AnV ANCED LIFE SUPPORT; ESTABLISHING A MILEAGE CHARGE OF $7.50 PER MILE; AND INCREASING THE CHARGE FOR MEDICAL OXYGEN FROM S25 TO 530 PER INTERVENTION. WHEREAS, it is necessary to raise the established Fire Rescue Transport Fees for Basic Life Support and Advanced. Life Support. due to increased operation expenses and to become uniform with Miami-Dade County Rescue Services; and WHEREAS, the present rates for said services are Sl75 for Basic Life Support and $290 for Advanced Life Support Transports; and WHEREAS, a fee for transport mileage ofS7.50 per mile transported shall be established; and WHEREAS, the increased fees for said services and increased charges for expendable medical supplies shall be as [allows: Advo.nced Life Support Basic Life Suppon Mileage Charge / PER Mile Oxygen $) 10.00 $310.00 $ 7.50 $ 30.00 and, WHEREAS, notwithstanding the above tees, no individuals shall be deprived of Fire Rescue Transport Services due to the inability to pay for such services. "~/ g H li, - L 4 - U U ! l:1 U 1 u: 1:J AM U l'I' 1 C t U l' A L ! ItA L tl U U All. rAA fiV. jU:J j I L OUtlL r. b BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY MA VOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the present l~ire Rescue Transport Fees be increased from $ 175 for Basic Life Support., and $290 for Advanced Life Support, to $310 for Basic Life Support, and $310 for Advanced Life Suppo~ establishing a mileage charge of S7.50 per mile; and increasing the charge for medical oxygen from $25 to $30 per intervention. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of January ,2000 ATTEST: ~(.~r p~ CITY CLERK ~~ MAYOR LL\MTIB~F.0<9 C\f1rC:~"Lll;\ComjMcmo 8. Rs;so. Fcc lncccr.sc APPROVED AS 10 FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION f4#1I!!L- ~ (j r CrrY OF MIAMI BEACH INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT ,. ,. DATE: July 9, 1999 TO: Sergio RodrlguGz, City Manager VIA: Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli, Assistant CIty Manager FROM:.' James J. Sutter, IntGrna/ Auditor SUBJECT: FIre Rescue Fees PERIOD: October 1, 1997 through May 31, 1999 TN r RODUCTION The Fire Rescue DIvision of the Flee Dcpan:mem is responsible for providmg emergency medical transport servi.c.c: in acxordan.ce with Resolution 92-20593. This resolution provides that the City clurge $150 for Basic Life Support (BLS) and.$250 for Advance LIfe Support (ALS) for eacb transport. On July 26. 1995. clw City Cnmmic:sjon p~ and adopted an increase in the rescue fees to S175 for (BLS) and S190 for (~. The Metro ~ Coun1y Commission subsequently approved this increase and became effective an November 7, 1995. City Commission Memo No. 359-94 of May 18, 1994 awarded a one yw- c:ontract to Adva.nce Dam Processing, lm:., to provUk emergency ml'1'li~ transport billing and collection services for the City, with an option for two additional ye3l'S at the City Manager's discretion. Th.c: tv.'o years ended on September 30, 1997 and ADP hAs been operating without a cmttracr for the past 21 momhs. The Fire Rescue Division pro~ the Contraaor (ADP) with a daily lisr of the munber of U'aDsports, along wim the transporce.d individua.ls' c.a.mes and addresses for billing purposes. The COntractor is also responsible for follow~. collection and reporting acrlviLies. Revenues collecred for FlScal Year 97/98 were SI,209.145. For the eight moneb. period ending ~y 31.1999. revenues anlOllD! to $157.104. Page 1 of 4 Pages /lJ ....... ~ VJ.J V~ .\.....~.",u. .l. .u,Vj,lJl.l\. "..".." .to...... ..JV"; -.Jli,. UUUt... L. U INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT FIRE RESCUE FEE BEVENUE Julv 9. 1999 " , OVERALL OPINION AND SUMMARY OF FINDINGS The Com:raa expired on September 30, 1991 aDd there has been no communication by the City to the Comra.ctOr on whether me City iml"'oos (0 exercise iC3 option to renew me agrt".t!rDent or have a Dew RFP sent oDt for lhe service. It is le('-omm~ed ~ the City immediately act accordingly to either renew or rebid this agreemcm. All ~ forms and invoicd tested were properly authorized, accounted. for and fees charged were COrTect and in compIClnl'.e with the City Resol11tion. All collections Were correctly and timely deposited ill the lockbox. ADP correctly bills for ~ 7% of prior momhs collections. Follow up efforts to collect WIpaid 3.IDDWlIS were reasonable before they were written-off. The Finance departm.e:nr reconciles on a monthly basis, the l0ckb0x to the Fmancial Management System. No exception were noted. Overpaymcm made by iDsurancc companies or ia.dividuab were correctly and timely returned and record:d in the fin::mrial Managemem System. The minimllm reimbursement allowed by Medlcarc and Medicaid is much Jower for the City of Miami Beach, as compared to the minimnm rciInbmsernem to Miami Dade Coumy aDd other near by mnnidpalitic:s. In aMidon, rhe City's fees for such service are lower tlum other near by municipalities . SCOPE 1. Confirm that the City i3 timely providlng ADP with the names. addresses and amowus for billing for each person transponed by a rescue vehicle, and Chat these documentS are picked up by an authorized repr~t:ive of ADP once a week, and that ADP i.oiti21es bUllng within five: days of receipts of these: documcnu. 2. Confirm that the City FIre Rescue Division is reconciling the number of billings provided to ADP with the oumber ADP a.auaJJy bUb. 3. Confirm tbat ADP is taking timely aDd 8pptOplWe follow-up action on delinquencies and. is mailing additional invoices [0 coUca amoum due. 4. Confirm that ADP is adhering [0 the loc.kbox agreement and all collections for services Page 2 of 4 Pages If . I ... ...: INTERNAL AUOfT REPORT FIRE fi~CUE FEE RFVENUE ~. , JuJv 9 1999 billed by ADP are deposited into the approved bank lockbox. 5. Confum that ADP bas properly ca1culau:d and the Cicy correctly paid the monthly collection fee of 7 %. 6. Confirm that daily COlJectiODS were corrca1y timely recorded in the City's Financial Management System. " 7. Confirm that collections are reconcilc:d monthly with" the City's Financial Management System. FINDINGS. RECOMMENDATIONS, AND MANAGEMENT RESPONSES 1. FiDdiDf The agreement with ADP to provide emergency medical ttansport billing and collection services for the Cicy, expired 00 ~ 30. 1997. The Coattaaor has been operating since without an ~~ Both the rue Departmcul and the Finance department, are very pleased with ADP's performance and the cooperation lhey receive from the Conrractor. Recommendarion The FIre Dc:partmcm should renew the Comraa with ADP as soon as poosible or send out new ~r for proposals tor these services. Man~vemenr R~n'le: Chief Jordan has indica1Cd that the Fire Depanment is already working on renewing the contract with ADP, with the Procuremcm Depactmem. 2. Flndin2' Internal Audlt reviewed the billing and collecrlon process aDd noted the evCQ though an increase has been received from Medicaid since the last audit it is still much lower than near by municipalities. It was also determine tha1 tbe Cicy of Miami Bcac:h charges less Ulan Miami Dade County and otber near by municipalities for the ~ and BLS. Currently Miami Dade County is charging .$310 for ALS and BLS. The City of Miami is incrcasing..lheir fee to the $310 level. We arc aIITeOIly charging $175 for (BlS) and $290 for (ALS). Miami Dade County as well as the City of Miami charge 57_SO per mile for additionaJ revenues. Page 3 of 4 Pages /2- "....,I,J .L." j, v. .I. U H~.&J. ....." ... J. V""" V... 1\...., J.Hn .... JJ.U.LI/\.I.~ ~^A a 1.1, .JU.J JIL UUOL [, I U INTERNAL AUDIT REPORT FIRE RESCUE FEE REVENUE ,- , July 9. 1999 whereby the City does not charge for m.ileage wbich may result is ~ome additional revenue. Recommendation The Fire PepartmeDt should (".1lnnlC( the Medicare F-ducation and Outteach [0 negotiate an ' increase in the fees paid by Medicare. AIJo, the Fire Depan.mem may want to propose increasing ALS and BI..S fees to the City Commission for approval. fa be competitive with other municipalities. " Manap"ement R~n.~ The Fire DepartIIleIlt has inrlil'~tl"(j that 1bey have spoken (0 Medicare Education and OuU'eaCh to discuss increasing the fees paid by Medicare. However, Medicare informed the Fire Department that siDc:e the City recenI1y got an increase in the fees, they must wait a year before reapplying. The Fire. Depanmau has indicated that they will be gOing in froot of Commission for approval on the incrcase of ALS aDd BLS fees. CIo5in~ Conference A closing conference was held on Friday, JUDe 9, 1999 in the Internal Audit depanmenL Attendees were Aoyd Jord2n P'.tre Ollef; Ed DelFavero. EMS Chief; lames Sutter, Internal Auditor; and Laura Fran.co-Rubin.es. Senior Auditor. FinAing!i: and managemcm's responses included above were discussed at the closing meeting. JJS:l.F;!f (Audit Pcrlormed by Laura Franco, SOllor Auditor) (fircresc. wpd) 98/99 cc: Floyd Jordan. Fire Chief Ed Delfavero, EMS DiviJion Chief Bill Gonz.alez, Financial Analyst m Page 4 of 4 Pages B . . t,l .. i I 1 It! :J ~ 8 0 0 0 . ! .:r ~ ~ a ~ .. ~ - . j J ~ ~ 8 0 0 0 CI 0 0 ~ i S ~ - ! - u c Z 0 ~ A 0 0 . 0 .. II CI) ;;) ~ ; ~ l ~ ~BB~ ~ ~ - c:! - ~~~! i l ~~~~ i. S ! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i 6 ~ 0 I"" - - ~ ~ ~~~8 I '2 X ~~~CiW ~~~~ n ~j - g IS $I B ~ 8 g ~ ~ t. ~ I Iii ~~8e ~ d cI I"" ~ Jj ~ 'W\ -,E - - " l'") ~ B~ ~ ~.. .. ~~ ~ :e ~l J ~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I ~ f f; ~ ~A. f") l'") II i .t' H"I l- Ea ~ j ~ a .e 3 :'.~ I~ g.g 0 ~ 8 g ~ ~ I wi . ~ ~ S Hh I"" ~ - N f ~- "2 J R~,c j .. CD-~ ~ ~ j ! $Uj ~ , ~ , ! ~ ~ ~ s ~ F-- ~ e ! (S f.:. a; r.1 . '.....P /f _ ~~.. ......:.._ ........__ .1........-'~t-.,.. ... . ,-'JI._,_...1..-. 1..:.::. ....;<:_I._..a....................,.,,_...I~ 4',~,"""'..I............... '><-...f'!.~..-:.......... FEB-2,-CO :au 10: 19 AM FAX NO. 305 372 6082 OF F I CE OF AL I NA T. HUDAK MUNICIPALITIES Th. MlArnl-O.d. Are R_e....DeJNI_nt a...... unlncarpo....c.d O.de County.nd 2.5 muft~__ TJo-a muftlelpaUtl_ ...: 6uDSIlm 4 8.01 Koort>ou~ u.oy Ha'-r Ie"'" BI....ywM Part: a_I F-..o City Oo&deft a..ch Hialeah a..rd.... Ho..........ad indian ere.<< lelaftdJa Medley MIaml ~ Miami SDlina. Nortfl a.y VllIag. Noftft IMaml No"" Miami B.ach Opa-loolul Plnecr..t. aouth Mlaml bda.IlH a_r 8unny'-lee u..d1 Vlrvlnl. Garden. w..t M...... HOME II C'O'P of P4glll hap:/'-'W'w..;o..rnl.&ru .~. n. .......CUU"CSClKlmuniG;pa.JJdcs.baa __.... ....n..a. No"" Bey VIlI-cle NOfth IoU..... North Ubunl Ba.ach 0pa-k>cJ<a ~ aouth Miami I.Iu:falda S_twllter &unny _ _ch VlI"glnJa O.arden. _(Mleml HOME II 1.AR..9( 1M. .c /..5 ~ ~ , ) I _ 9r2J 19'9 ., .... . . MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA PUBLIC NOTICE THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS of Miami-Dade County, Florida will meet on Tuesday, the 11 th of April, 2000 at approximately 9:30 a.m., in the County Commission Chambers, Second Floor, Stephen P. Clark Center, III N. W. First Street, Miami, Florida to consider the request by the City of Miami Beach Fire Rescue Department to increase their emergency medical services rate schedule. A person who decides to appeal any decision made by the Board of County Commissioners with respect to any matter considered at its hearing. will need a record of the proceedings. Such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. HAR VEY RUVIN, CLERK KA Y SULLIVAN, DEPUTY CLERK /0 S'.l'ATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ) SS: COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE I, HARVEY RUVIN, Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Miami-Dade County, Florida and Ex-Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners 0 f Said County, Do Hereby Certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. R-308-00 adopted by said board of County Commissioners at its meeting held on APRIL 11 2000 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and official seal on this 27th day of APRIL , A.D. 2000 HARVEY RUVIN, Clerk Board of County Commissioners Dade County, Florida By ~ SEAL Board of County Commissioners Miami-Dade County, Florida