FIle Ref. #201 I c~ ~,i i' C{.t~ 'c.U{Ii~ [eU Il~ #: v-t1-- JU'/1-t 11) 2 {";c C ~~" ~~('.;.\ ~/ ~"~ ( ~ * \INCORP: OIlATfD~ '!o\ ~ .../~ :-f~.,.;. ,0) ~ FROM THE DESK OF JAN ET GA V ARRETE ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER June 2, 2')00 To: Cathy Colonese Robert Parcher Jorge Gomez Christina Cuervo This item is important as it sets forth the city's acceptance of raising the finish floor elevation for SSDI based on expense and liability/risk i~ relation to the parking for the Marina. Please be sure to keep as part of SSDI Concept Plan approval. C: Murray Dubbin West Side Partners, Ltd. 404 Washington Avenue, Suite 120 Miami Beach, Florida 33139 305 532 2519 c~{ 4 (1 -C r! i I: I~L& :) (: I .- {if 1/ /ct'10: I C/ :; cCD Via Hand Delivery December 2, 1999 Mr. Sergio Rodriguez City Manager City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 4th Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Re: SSDI North - Concept Plan Dear Mr. Rodriguez: This letter, with your signed acknowledgement, shall serve to document a non- substantial change to the 1998 Concept Plan which was approved by the City Commission on September 23, 1998. On the 23rd day of September, 1998, the City Commission considered approval of the Portofino "Concept Plan" for the parcels commonly known as SSDI North and SSDI South. During negotiations regarding the "Concept Plan", one design suggestion made by staff and outside consultants indicated a preference for the two buildings to be located on the SSDI North site to be separated by a significant view corridor or spacing between the buildings. This separation would prevent the "wall effect" of both the towers and the parking structure that was required for the amount of square footage to be located on the parcel, as well as separating the towers themselves. The Porto fino consultants final "Concept Plan" provided for an approximate 200' separation between the towers to be located on the site. In addition, the staff suggested, and the final "Concept Plan" showed, that the parking structure would be lowered below street level to a level of +2 NGVD, while the sidewalk itself was a approximately +5 NGVD elevation. This design would have allowed a better street level separation between the two elements of the parking garages that will serve the towers on the site. However, this configuration would have still had a driveway access in the separation between the two towers that would start at the street/sidewalk and slope upwards, toward the Bay, until it reached an elevation of approximately + 11. Thus, from street level, the pedestrian ground level view from approximately 4th Street, would have been partially obscured by the driveway entrance into the site as it elevated towards the Bay. Mr. Sergio Rodriguez Page Two December 2, 1999 At the time the "Concept Plan" presentation to the Design Review Board and the City Commission, Portofino's representative indicated that the parking garage design presented was dependent on the approval of the City's Building Department or Building Official, since the lowered elevation of the garage might not be in compliance with certain provisions of Federal Emergency Management Agency regulations governing excavations of parking garages below grade. Thus, Portofino clearly indicated that without a favorable interpretation by the City's building official, the proposed design would not be feasible and that the plans would have to be modified to raise the parking garage back up to grade level. Since the time of the approval of the "Concept Plan", Porto fino and the staff have worked with the Building Official to attempt to technically design the garage in such a way that the FEMA guidelines could be met with the below grade garage. However, the Building Official has indicated that the proposed design cannot be accomplished and still be in compliance with the applicable FEMA regulations without dry floodproofing the entire garage. Moreover, since the ground floor of the garage structure is to be used for marina parking, the Building Official was concerned about flooding if the garage was located below grade. According to the Building Official, the non-compliance with FEMA standards could have posed a problem in obtaining proper insurance and could have been an additional liability for the City. As a result, the Planning Director has reviewed revised plans that raises the parking garage up to grade level, while still allowing a visual separation of the parking garage. Effectively, the garage now rises from sidewalk gradually toward the bay and reaches a maximum height of + 14 at the highest point of the driveway, compared to the + 11 elevation shown on the originally approved "Concept Plan". Revised elevation and sight line studies that indicates that the modified "Concept Plan" does not constitute a substantial modification to the approved "Concept Plan" and, therefore, may be administratively approved by staff. Also, the Marina Operator has confirmed that this change is acceptable to him and had in fact expressed concern about the previous design and its potential drainage and liability problems. To complete the documentation and acceptance of this non-substantial change by the City and Redevelopment Agency, please sign three (3) originals of this document and Mr. Sergio Rodriguez Page Three December 2, 1999 return two to me. I will forward one original to the Design Review Board so it will be on file for the property/project and keep one for my files. If you should have any questions, please contact me at my office 305 532 2519. Sincerely, By: r~ ~ Agreed and Accepted this /Pj day of December, 1999. ~ cc: Murray Dubbin, Esq., City Attorney Robert Parcher, City Clerk Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Jorge Gomez, Planning Director Philip Azan, Building Director Julio Grave de Peralta, Public Works Director