FIle Ref. #203 C I Ttl C LGrLlL t-I L~ f!.0---r' #- '2- 63 - :5 U}u? 11J 2 {OcJ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ONE-YEAR ACTION PLAN FOR FEDERAL FUNDS 2000/2001 DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT - June 1, 2000 to June 30, 2000 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH COMMUNITY/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 (305) 673-7260 Phone (305) 673-7772 FAX http:\lci,miami-beach,tJ,lIs Loan Review Committee Regina Berman Phillip M. Brazlavsky James Gleason Julio Grave de Peralta Cheryl Martin George F. Psomopoulos J. Wallace Tutt, III Patricia Walker, C.P.A. Marjorie Weber . Community /Economic Development Department Christina M. Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Randolph Marks, Assistant Director Bertha Fortunato, Account Clerk Dionne Ireland, Clerk Typist Community Development Division Joanna Revelo, Director Lyssette Cripps, Community Development Specialist Stacy Kilroy, Grants Writer John Quade, Community Development Specialist Mercedes Rovirosa, Administrative Secretary Housing Division MigueIl del Campillo, Director Steven Cumbo, Senior Housing Specialist Russell Shreeve, Housing Specialist Thomas Urriola, Housing Specialist Economic Development Division Kevin Crowder, Economic Development Specialist Elyse Sitomer, Business Development Liaison Dennis Leyva, Entertainment Industry Liaison Elder Affairs Division City of Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-2001 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The One-Year Action Plan is an annual document that outlines the housing and community development program that the City of Miami Beach will undertake with funds from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). It includes funding recommendations for the Community Development Block Grant Program, the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, and-the Emergency Shelter Grants Program. As an entitlement city, Miami Beach anticipates that it will receive the following funds for FY 2000/200] : $2,770,000 $],472,000 $ 98,000 Community Development Block Grant Program HOME Investment Partnerships Program Emergency Shelter Grants Program The One- Year Action Plan is a planning document that presents information including: · A description ofthe City of Miami Beach Citizen Participation Process · A description of the resources available within the community to undertake housing and non-housing community development activities · A list of projects to be funded for the fiscal year 2000/2001 Federal Funds by Source $4,725,080 $3,149,487 $103,593 COBG HOME ESG Total FY 2000/2001 Draft for Public Comment June 1, 2000 to June 30, 2000 Page i City of Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-2001 Funds By Expenditure 60% 40% : 100% : 80% CDBG HOME ESG II CDBG Projects . CDBG Program Adm inistration o Program Incom e 0 HOME Projects . CHOO Set-Aside IIICHOO Expenses . HOME Program Administration. ESG Projects . ESG Program Administration PRIORITY NEEDS ADDRESSED The current 5-year (1998-2002) City of Miami Beach Consolidated Plan encompasses housing and non-housing community development activities, resources and projects to be undertaken from October 1, 1998 to September 30, 2002. The Consolidated Plan included a prioritization of community housing and non-housing needs, as well as other needs. The One- Year Action Plan for Federal Funds for FY 2000/2001 was developed under HUD's guidelines for the Consolidated Plan and the requirement to prepare and submit an annual plan for each ensuing fiscal year. The activities listed in this Plan are intended to address housing, non-housing, and other needs, as identified in the Consolidated Plan. A. Non-Housing Needs ($2,324,987) (124 Households, 12,557 Persons, 151 Jobs, 69 Businesses/Organizations Assisted) Activities · Child Care Services · Economic Development Activities · Employment Training · General Public Services Draft for Public Comment June 1, 2000 to June 30, 2000 Page iii City of Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-2001 AVAILABLE RESOURCES The following resources are anticipated to be available to the City in FY 2000/200 I: Federal Resources Community Development Block Grant Program HOME Investment Partnerships Program Emergency Shelter Grants Program Program Income (Estimate) Reprogrammed Funds 10,080 $ 2,770,000 1,472,000 98,000 375,000 $ 4,726,080 Non-Federal Resources State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program Owners Match for City of Miami Beach Multi-Family Rehabilitation Program Emergency Shelter Grants Local Provider Match Miami-Dade Surtax Funds $ 540,276 276,972 103,593 Resources Available by Type llll Federal o Non-Federal 500,000 $ 1,374,051 Draft for Public Comment June 1, 2000 to June 30,2000 Page 2 City of' Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-2001 $ 15,000 Miami Beach Child Care Center - St. John's Child Care Center $ 20,000 South Beach AIDS Project $ 15,000 South Shore Hospital- Community AIDS Program $ 13,653 The Shelboume Apartment Building - Shelboume House $ 29,000 UNlOAD - Project Link $ 629,000 CDBG Planning, Administration and Monitoring $ 1,832,620 Total Citywide Distribution ofCDBG Funds With regard to the HOME Investment Partnerships Program, the funds are considered to have a citywide benefit: $ $ $ $ $ 147,200 800,000 73,600 451,200 1,4 72, 000 HOME Planning, Administration and Monitoring CHDO Project Set-aside - Miami Beach Community Development Corp. CHDO Operating Expenses (5%) HOME Projects Total City HOME allocation The City's 2000/2001 ESG funds are directed to facilities that provide priority placement for Miami Beach's homeless and are considered to have a citywide benefit: $ 20,450 R.A.I.N. Parents, Inc. $ 13,000 City of Miami Beach Office of Children's Affairs $ 55,243 Douglas Gardens Community Health Center $ 4,900 ESG Planning, Administration and Monitoring $ 103,593 Total City ESG allocation Funds by Geographic Area I- Fundsl $6 North South Citywide Draft for Public Comment June 1,2000 to June 30, 2000 Page 4 City of Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-2001 * City of Miami Beach Police Department - Homeless Assistance Program - $30,000 - To provide Miami Beach homeless population with case management services and emergency shelter beds. * Community Council for the Jewish Elderly - Miami Beach Senior Center - $15,000 - To provide adult day care to frail elderly senior citizens in a structured supportive setting with daily activities, nutritionally balanced meals and therapies that provide or prolong the need for institutionalization. Transportation provided daily via CCJE Senior Ride or by private arrangement. * Cool School of Dade County, Inc. - Cool School at FienbcrglFisher - $20,000 - To offer after-school activities to Fienberg-Fisher students and Cool School alumni between the hours of3:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Services will include homework assistance and remediation, as needed, socialization services for children and families, gang prevention, recreational and cultural activities. * FienberglFisher Adult & Community Education Center - Child Care Scholarships - $18,000 - To provide income eligible Miami Beach parents who are receiving vocational training with child-care scholarships. * Food for Life Network - Home-Delivered Meals - $25,000 - To provide weekly, home-delivered meals to income-eligible homebound AIDS patients in Miami Beach. * Jewish Vocational Service - Senior Meals on Wheels Program- $15,000 - To partially fund drivers to deliver meals to homebound elderly participants residing in eligible target areas. * Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County, Inc. - Miami Beach Elderly Meals Program - $50,000 - To provide nutritionally balanced meals daily to Miami Beach elderly clients in a familiar surrounding where they can have access to other services provided by Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County. The meals program will be provided at two congregate meal sites: 533 Collins Avenue and 8638 Harding Avenue. * Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade County, Inc. - Rainbow Intergenerational Child Care - $50,000 - To provide affordable preschool day care for Miami Beach children who are income-eligible. Miami Beach senior citizens will be trained to be day care workers at the day care facility. * Miami Beach Child Care Center - St. John's Child Care Center - $15,000 - To provide reduced-fee child care scholarships to children of income-eligible families. Draft for Public Comment June 1, 2000 to June 30, 2000 Page 6 City of Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-2001 Housing/Homeownership * Miami Beach Community Development Corporation - Scattered Site Home Ownership Assistance Program - $160,000 - To provide scattered site home ownership opportunities to eligible first-time homebuyers in Miami Beach. The activity is expected to generate an additional $160,000 in program Income. * Miami Beach Community Development Corporation - Multi-Family Housing Program - $125,000 - To provide operational funds to acquire, rehabilitate and manage rental units targeted to income- eligible persons. * Miami Beach Community Development Corporation - Housing Counseling - $40,000 - To provide housing counseling to participants in the HOME-funded homebuyer program. Public Facilities and Improvements * City of Miami Beach CommunityfEconomic Development Department - Planned Repayment of Section 108 Principal- $200,000 - To repay the principal balance of a Section 108 loan in the amount of $4,000,000. To implement a comprehensive streets cape improvement program in the North Beach area, including Normandy Isle; and to complete construction of the North Shore Youth Center as part of a neighborhood revitalization strategy. * Little Havana Activities and Nutrition Centers of Dade, Inc. - Playground Repair - $30,000 - To provide for the repair of the playground surface at the South Shore Community Center where Rainbow Intergenerational Child Care operates. Activities will include the construction of an additional concrete slab and the installation of a "safety surface." * UNIDAD of Miami Beach, Inc. - Community Kitchen - $10,000 - To build a full operational kitchen from where box lunches will be distributed to low-income displaced elderly at the Miami Beach Hispanic Community Center. Economic Development/Micro-Enterprise * ArtCenter South Florida - Artist Micro-Enterprise Services: ArtCenter Operations and Management - $125,000 - An incubator for local arts micro-enterprises for low to moderate income artists. ArtCenter South Florida creates and retains a significant number of jobs in the arts, and provides Draft for Public Comment June 1, 2000 to June 30, 2000 Page 8 City of Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-2001 EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANTS PROGRAM ACTIVITIES ($98,000) (This list of activities also includes reprogrammed funds of$5,593): * City of Miami Beach Office of Children's Affairs - Neighborhoods First Citizen's Empowerment Center - $10,359 - To provide neighborhood-based emergency assistance, including emergency rent/utility payments, door-to-door outreach and community workshops, and to maintain a Citizen's Empowerment Center at Biscayne Elementary School. * Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center - Outreach and Emergency Placement Services - $67,616 - To provide mobile outreach and case management services to the homeless in Miami Beach, resulting in homeless persons being placed in shelter care. Funds will be used to partially fund a mobile outreach team, supportive services for the homeless and emergency/transitional beds. * Housing Authority of the City of Miami Beach - Emergency Rent Supplement Program - $10,359 - To provide emergency relocation assistance in the form of rental vouchers to low-income residents of the City of Miami Beach who are facing displacement from their homes and homelessness due to short term financial difficulties in their household. Program participants must be disabled, elderly or parents with dependent children and a resident of the City of Miami Beach for a year prior to being displaced. * R.A.I.N. Parents, Inc. - Family Network Services: Emergency Housing Assistance - $10,359 - To provide vouchers for emergency housing assistance for families with children residing in Miami Beach who have received eviction notices or who are already homeless, with peer counseling for assisting parents in making positive life changes towards self-sufficiency. * City of Miami Beach Community/Economic Development Department - ESG Administration - $4,900 - To administer and monitor the City's ESG activities. III HomeIessness Prevention . Emergency Shelter/Case Management [] P1annil19'Administration Draft for Public Comment June I, 2000 to June 30, 2000 Page 10 City of Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-2001 HOMELESS AND OTHER SPECIAL NEEDS ACTIVITIES Emergency Shelter/Transitional Shelter Needs The City is providing emergency shelter funds to Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center and CDBG public services funds to the City of Miami Beach Police Department for the provision of emergency shelter/transitiomil shelter assistance to homeless. Homeless Prevention The City is providing homeless prevention funds to the RAIN Emergency Assistance Program, the Housing Authority of the City of Miami Beach and the City of Miami Beach Office of Children's Affairs. Transitional Housing Transitional housing is currently being provided by Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center at the Mayfair Hotel, located at 1960 Park Avenue. Non-Homeless Supportive Housing Needs The Miami Beach Community Development Corporation has obtained a HUD Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons with Disabilities Program grant of $1.2 million for the acquisition and rehabilitation of the Fernwood Apartments. This facility will provide eighteen (18) units of rental housing for physically disabled persons living with HIV/AlDS. The City has provided $500,000 in HOME Program funds for this project which is expected to be completed in Summer 2000. Draft for Public Comment June 1, 2000 to June 30, 2000 Page 12 City of Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-2001 City employees are familiar with the new regulation for lead-based paint, which was published on September 15, 1999. The City is now complying with the requirements of the regulation, which went into effect on October 15, 1999, and will assure that all the housing projects which start after September 15, 2000 will comply with the new lead- based paint requirement. Reduce Poverty The City will continue to provide support for the developmentally disabled through Log Cabin Enterprises, and will continue to provide support to ArtCenter South Florida. In addition to these job creation projects, this annual plan contains other activities to ease the burden of poverty, and to provide families and individuals with essential services, which afford them opportunities for improving their specific situations. Develop Institutional Structure The City will continue to provide technical assistance and training to its non-profit housing and social services providers to develop and enhance the City's collective delivery systems. Coordination The City of Miami Beach Community/Economic Development Department is charged with carrying out the Five Year (1998-2002) Consolidated Plan and the One-Year Action Plan. The Department is the main source of disseminating information to other agencies and entities in administering and carrying out the goals ofthe Consolidated Plan. Foster Public Housing Improvements and Resident Initiatives Senior citizen housing in the City is in good condition and because all residents are elderly, the Housing Authority of the City of Miami Beach plans no major resident initiatives. Public Housing Comprehensive Grant Program The Housing Authority of the City of Miami Beach is an autonomous agency, which does not have sufficient units to participate in the Comprehensive Grant program. 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CIl ,_ .e '5. c: co .- :J o 0 E N ~ E o .0 0 I" ::l C,) Ii) en CCi) 0> ~ " '5. c: ~ '0 .Q :0 ~ m :~.g g wen-l City of Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-2001 Funding Project Organization Source Project TD ASPlRA of Florida CDBG Youth Leadership Development/Outreach 9 Program Academy for Better Communities, Barry CDBG Miami Beach Social Services Unit 40 University School of Social Work ArtCenter South Florida CDBG Micro-Enterprise Artists' Services 21 Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami CDBG Miami Beach Juvenile Program I CMB Multi-Family Housing Program CDBG Multi-Family Housing Rehabilitation 41 City of Miami Beach Community/ CDBG CDBG Administration 23 Economic Development Department City of Miami Beach Community/ ESG ESG Administration 25 Economic Development Department City of Miami Beach Community/ CDBG Planned Repayment of Section 108 Loan 42 Economic Development Department City of Miami Beach Office of Children's CDBG Neighborhoods First Citizen's 44 Affairs Empowerment Center City of Miami Beach Office of Children's ESG Neighborhoods First Citizen's 44 Affairs Empowerment Center City of Miami Beach Police Department CDBG Homeless Assistance Program City of Miami Beach Recreation, Culture CDBG North Beach Youth Services 45 and Parks Department Community Council for Jewish Elderly CDBG Miami Beach Senior Center 6 Cool School of Dade County CDBG Cool School at Fienberg-Fisher 33 Douglas Gardens Community ESG Outreach and Placement Program 46 Mental Health Center Fienberg-Fisher Adult & Community CDBG Child Care and Vocational Scholarships 5 Education Center Food For Life Network, Inc. CDBG Home Delivered Meals to People with 53 mv / AIDS HOME CHOO Operating Expenses HOME Miami Beach Community Development 26 Corporation Draft for Public Comment June 1, 2000 to June 30, 2000 Appendix 2 City of Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-2001 Funding Project Organization Source Project ID South Beach AIDS Project CDBG South Beach AIDS Resource Project 5454 South Shore Hospital & Medical Center CDBG Community AIDS Program HIV Testing 13 & Counseling Project Stanley C. Myers Community Health CDBG Children of the World School-Based 56 Center Health Care Stanley C. Myers Community Health CDBG Beverly Press Satellite Center 55 Center UNIDAD of Miami Beach, Inc. CDBG Community Kitchen UNlOAD of Miami Beach, Inc. CDBG Project Link 45 Draft for Public Comment June I, 2000 to June 30, 2000 Appendix 4 City of Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-2001 MAPS -- GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION OF PROJECTS FOR FY 2000/2001 - MAP 2 ''', l \------'r -, ['1"-., ,"'~,,~ \ In '_'",_,~'.-.......... '...::::::-~ ~ ' ~?"~'~~' Southern Target Are : Proposed Projects .nti-Crime Programs Jconomic Development Homeless & HIV/AIDS Progra It Housing . Infrastructure . Other \Planning and Administration Public Facilities m Public Services ".. Senior Programs *Youth Programs Draft for Public Comment June 1, 2000 to June 30, 2000 Appendix 3 -5{l c<l ::: v ::l o::l..... s~ c<l (l) ~~ ,......... o ... >,<.2 .~ c:: U c<l 0:; ::: ,8 U <r: ... c<l (l) >-< v ::: o r:: (J) <D (J) 0 (J) 0 LO ..- LO ~ LO C") <D. ~ C") .. 0 111 0 I"- 0 'C ..- <D ..- ..- c; r:: r:: Cl) iL: E E 0 C.) Cl) 0:: ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 C") 0 0 0 C.) 0 v 0 ~ LO Cl) 0 N C!. V 0:: c<i Lri' 0 c:i () ..- LO ..- N ~ () ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 C") 0 0 0 0 v 0 ~ LO C.) C!. 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"0 :J Q) - E w 0 <( ~ ~ ~ E Q) :2 0 c: 0 <:3 <:3 () :.J X C)I- 0 zz 0 -;:) 0 Co N -- Z:2 (J) ~e( (J) (J) ..- C)I- ..- 0 zz 0 -;:) N Co -- Z:!!E 0 0 ~e( 0 N 'i" >< :.0 s::::: <I) 0- 0- -< N III ~ ci z => u. ~ o o o W ~ o J: I I- W g! u.: o _0 1:0 Q)N =6 = or, o <I) U s::::: <:J~ ~B rfg :..R. .E _ - ~ .... tV (':j I: :.. ;:l Q-, CERTIFICATIONS In accordance with the applicable statutes and the regulations governing the consolidated plan regulations, the jurisdiction certifies that: Affirmatively Further Fair Housing -- The jurisdiction will affirmatively further fair housing, which means it will conduct an analysis of impediments to fair housing choice within the jurisdiction, take appropriate actions to overcome the effects of any impediments identified through that analysis, and maintain records reflecting that analysis and actions in this regard. Anti-displacement and Relocation Plan -- It will comply with the acquisition and relocation requirements of the Uniform Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970, as amended, and implementing regulations at 49 CFR 24; and it has in effect and is following a residential antidisplacement and relocation assistance plan required under section I04(d) of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, in connection with any activity assisted with funding under the CDBG or HOME programs. Drug Free Workplace -- It will or will continue to provide a drug-free workplace by: 1. Publishing a statement notifYing employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the grantee's workplace and specifYing the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition; 2, Establishing an ongoing drug-free awareness program to inform employees about- (a) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (b) The grantee's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace; (c) Any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs; and (d) The penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations occurring in the workplace; 3. Making it a requirement that each employee to be engaged in the performance of the grant be given a copy of the statement required by paragraph I; 4. Notifying the employee in the statement required by paragraph I that, as a condition of employment under the grant, the employee will - (a) Abide by the terms of the statement; and (b) NotifY the employer in writing of his or her conviction for a violation of a criminal drug statute occurring in the workplace no later than five calendar days after such conviction; 5. Notifying the agency in writing, within ten calendar days after receiving notice under subparagraph 4(b) from an employee or otherwise receiving actual notice of such conviction. Employers of convicted employees must provide notice, including position title, to every grant Section 3 -- It will comply with section 3 of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, and implementing regulations at 24 CFR Part 135. Signature/Authorized Official Date LAWRENCE A. LEVY. CITY MANAGER Name/Title public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG funds. Also, in the case of properties owned and occupied by moderate-income (not low-income) families, an assessment or charge may be made against the property for public improvements financed by a source other than CDBG funds if the jurisdiction certifies that it lacks CDBG funds to cover the assessment. Excessive Force -- It has adopted and is enforcing: 1. A policy prohibiting the use bf excessive force by law enforcement agencies within its jurisdiction against any individuals engaged in non-violent civil rights demonstrations; and 2, A policy of enforcing applicable State and local laws against physically barring entrance to or exit from a facility or location which is the subject of such non-violent civil rights demonstrations within its jurisdiction; Compliance With Anti-discrimination laws -- The grant will be conducted and administered in conformity with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 use 2000d), the Fair Housing Act (42 USC 3601-3619), and implementing regulations. Lead-Based Paint -- Its notification, inspection, testing and abatement procedures concerning lead-based paint will comply with the requirements of24 CFR '570.608; Compliance with Laws -- It will comply with applicable laws. Signature/Authorized Official Date LAWRENCE A. LEVY. CITY MANAGER Name /Title ESG Certifications The Emergency Shelter Grantee certifies that: Major rehabilitation/conversion -- It will maintain any building for which assistance is used under the ESG program as a shelter for homeless individuals and families for at least 10 years. If the jurisdiction plans to use funds for purposes less than tenant-based rental assistance, the applicant will maintain any building for which assistance is used under the,ESG program as a shelter for homeless individuals and families for at least 3 years. Essential Services -- It will provide services or shelter to homeless individuals and families for the period during which the ESG assistance is provided, without regard to a particular site or structure as long as the same general population is served. Renovation -- Any renovation carried out with ESG assistance shall be sufficient to ensure that the building involved is safe and sanitary. Supportive Services -- It will assist homeless individuals in obtaining appropriate supportive services, including permanent housing, medical and mental health treatment, counseling, supervision, and other services essential for achieving independent living, and other Federal State, local, and private assistance. Matching Funds -- It will obtain matching amounts required under S576.71 of this title. Confidentiality -- It will develop and implement procedures to ensure the confidentiality of records pertaining to any individual provided family violence prevention or treatment services under any project assisted under the ESG program, including protection against the release of the address or location of any family violence shelter project except with the written authorization of the person responsible for the operation of that shelter. Homeless Persons Involvement -- To the maximum extent practicable, it will involve, through employment, volunteer services, or otherwise, homeless individuals and families in constructing, renovating, maintaining, operating facilities, and providing services assisted through this program. Consolidated Plan -- It is following a current HUD-approved Consolidated Plan or CHAS. Signature/Authorized Official Date LA WRENCE A. LEVY. CITY MANAGER Name/Title HOPW A Certifications The HOPW A grantee certifies that: Activities -- Activities funded under the program will meet urgent needs that are not being met by available public and private sources. Building -- Any building or structure assisted under that program shall be operated for the purpose specified in the plan: 1. F or at least 10 years in the case of assistance involving new construction, substantial rehabilitation, or acquisition of a facility, 2. For at least 3 years in the case of assistance involving non-substantial rehabilitation or repair of a building or structure. Signature/Authorized Official Date LAWRENCE LEVY. CITY MANAGER Name/Title 7. If the workplace identified to the agency changes during the performance of the grant, the grantee shall inform the agency of the change(s), if it previously identified the workplaces in question (see paragraph five). 8. The grantee may insert in the space provided below the site(s) for the performance of work done in connection with the specific grant: " Place of Performance (Street address, city, county, state, zip code) City of Miami Beach. City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach. FL 33139 Check X ifthere are workplaces on file that are not identified here; The certification with regard to the drug-free workplace required by 24 CFR part 24, subpart F. 9. Definitions of terms in the Nonprocurement Suspension and Debarment common rule and Drug-Free Workplace common rule apply to this certification. Grantees' attention is called, in particular, to the following definitions from these rules: "Controlled substance" means a controlled substance in Schedules I through V of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C.SI2) and as further defined by regulation (21 CFR 1308.11 through 130S.15); "Conviction" means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of the Federal or State criminal drug statutes; "Criminal drug statute" means a Federal or non-Federal criminal statute involving the manufacture, distribution, dispensing, use, or possession of any controlled substance; "Employee" means the employee of a grantee directly engaged in the performance of work under a grant, including: (i) All "direct charge" employees; (ii) all "indirect charge" employees unless their impact or involvement is insignificant to the performance of the grant; and (iii) temporary personnel and consultants who are directly engaged in the performance of work under the grant and who are on the grantee's payroll. This definition does not include workers not on the payroll of the grantee (e.g" volunteers, even if used to meet a matching requirement; consultants or independent contractors not on the grantee's