File Ref. #204 C ny CCfolt{L FIC~ et1'4f 2-0 Lf -,:T lA,i}tQ_ I q ) lLeo 0 m UPDATE SHEET The following are updates to the City of Miami Beach Draft One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME) and Emergency Shelter Grants (ESG) programs, Executive Summary Page ii CDBG Budget should be as follows: Revenue Projected CDBG Allocation for FY 2000/2001 $ Projected Program Income Reprogrammed Funds Total Revenue $ Expenditures Competitive Funding (sub-grants to non-profit and $ governmental entities) Public Services $ 530,119 Rehabilitation and Preservation 940,368 Acquisition and Disposition 160,000 Direct Homeownership Assistance 40,000 Public Facilities and Improvements 240,000 Economic Dev't/Micro-Enterprise 235,000 Relocation Assistance Program Administration Program Income Retained by Subgrantees Total Expenditures $ One- Year Action Plan Page I Section B, Housing Needs should read as follows: Activities * Fair Housing Activities * Acquisition and Disposition * Housing Counseling * Housing Rehabilitation * Direct Homeownership Assistance Rev, 6/13/00 2,770,000 375,000 73,913 3,218,913 2,145,487 69,426 629,000 375,000 3,218,913 Page 1 Page 2 Page 4 Page 7 Page 8 Rev, 6/13/00 Available Resources should read as follows: Federal Resources Community Development Block Grant Program $ HOME Investment Partnerships Program Emergency Shelter Grants Program Program Income (Estimate) Reprogrammed Funds 2,770,000 1,4 72,000 98,000 375,000 79.506 4,794,506 $ Non-Federal Resources State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program $ Owners Match for City of Miami Beach Multi-Family Rehabilitation Program Emergency Shelter Grants Local Provider Match Miami-Dade Surtax Funds 540.276 276,972 \ 03,593 500.000 1,374,05\ $ Listing of funds with citywide benefits/beneficiaries should be updated as follows: $ 69,426 City of Miami Beach Relocation Assistance Rehabilitation and Preservation should include the following activity: Miami Beach Community Development Corporation - Multi-Family Housing Pl.ogram - $125,000 - To provide operational funds to acquire, rehabilitate and manage rental units targeted to income-eligible persons. Housing/Homeownership category should be renamed, and read as follows: Acquisition and Disposition Miami Beach Community Development Corporation - Scattered Site Home Buyer Assistance Program - Acquisition - $80,000 - To provide scattered site home ownership opportunities to 20 eligible first-time homebuyers in Miami Beach, The activity is expected to generate an additional $80,000 in program income, Miami Beach Community Development Corporation - Scattered Site Home Buyer Assistance Program - Disposition - $80,000 - To provide scattered site home ownership opportunities to 20 eligible first-time homebuyers in Miami Beach, The activity is expected to generate an additional $80,000 in program income, Two new categories should be added and read as follows: Direct Homeownership Assistance Miami Beach Community Development Corporation - Housing Counseling - $40,000 - To provide housing counseling to participants in the HOME-funded Page 2 homebuyer program, Relocation Assistance City of Miami Beach Community/Economic Development Dept. - Relocation Assistance - $69,486 - To provide relocation benefits, if necessary, in accordance with the Uniform Relocation Act (URA) in conjunction with CDBG funded Multi-Family Rehabilitation Programs. The funding source for this activity is from prior years' unspent relocation funds, Appendix I New and corrected pages should be substituted in the Listing of Proposed Projects, (See attached. ) Appendix 2 The Listing of Projects and Organizations needs to be revised as follows: Project numbers 49 and 50 should be revised as follows: MBCDC - Scattered Sites Home Buyer CDBG Miami Beach Community Development 12 Assistance Program - Acquisition Corp, MBCDC - Scattered Sites Home Buyer CDBG Miami Beach Community Development 25 Assistance Program - Disposition Corp, A new project should be added as follows: City of Miami Beach Community/ CDBG Relocation Assistance 44 Economic Development Dept. Appendix 3 Appendix 3 was omitted from the draft, See attached copy, Rev, 6/13/00 Page 3 - e (1) E c.. o Q) > (1) C e (1) l:: lV'- lV - 0 .ca.~ ~ a. ~"C"C oc!S~Q) C)~ ~ l:: = c.. .- 0 0 enen~ Sea. :I: o 'to- 00 'to- o C C) -^ e e .... .- (1)0'0 E :J 1:: lV c.. 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E o u o 0 zz ('-, U) o ;( o ~~ ~ I Qi f: E '~ o I 5l C1J 0 ;;::, ;;::, -- -- CLCL Qi Qi I I QJ Qi C ,~ G '0 2 'E- U (5 :.:Jo '0 l() o 0 :2[{; :;: ~ S > 'c ;"0.. ~c ~ C1J en ~ '5. b ~ '(3 CO N ~ ~ o.cf- [{;J5u -E_ QJ en ~:9- c = u 0 ;Q ~ ~ OJ.c u = ::J 0 WU)-! l()l()l()l() NNNN 0000 N N N N ~ >->->->- c c c C ::J ::J ::J ::J o 0 0 0 uuuu 0000 0000 CO CO CD CD 0000 0000 N C"l <:t l() <:t <:t <:t <:t 0000 0000 f- f- f- f- UOUU City of Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-2001 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PROCESS The City of Miami Beach One-Year Action Plan was developed following an extensive citizen participation process. On February 1,2000, a Request for Proposals for activities to be funded with federal funds was issued, A pre-development public hearing on the One-Year Action Plan was hosted by the Community Development Advisory Committee and the Community/Economic Development Department on March 28, 2000, The purpose of this meeting was to obtain citizen input on the needs vvithin the community for the pre-development of the One- '( ..:ar Action Plan, Subsequently, the CDAC spent approximately 25 evening hours in nine (9) public meetings, where they reviewed and analyzed responses to the Request for Proposals for both CDBG and ESG funds, and set the priorities for the use of HOME Program funds, The draft One-Year Action Plan is available for public review and comment for a 30-day period commencing June 1 through June 30, 2000. A final public hearing on the proposed activities for the One-Year Action Plan will be held in the First Floor Conference Room of City Hall on June 27, 2000 for purposes of receiving citizen comments on the proposed activities. JAN 24 (MaN) JAN 31 (MaN) JAN 26 (WED) JAN 27 (THU) FEB 1 (TUE) FEB 9 (WED) FEB 17 (THU) FEB 15 (MaN) FEB 22 (TUE) FEB 25 (FRO MAR 6 (MON) MAR 28 (TUE) APR 10 (MaN) APR II (TUE) APR 17 (MaN) APR 18 (TUE) MAY I (MaN) MA Y 2 (TUE) MA Y 8 (MON) MA Y 9 (TUE) MAY 16 (TUE) FY 2000/2001 PLANNING PHASE SCHEDULE Request for Proposals (RFP) availability letter mailed to mailing list names, CDAC meeting - 6:00 p,m, RFP availability advertised on CME TV during City Commission meeting. Advertisement in Miami Beach Neighbors regarding CDBG & ESG RFP, CDBG & ESG Request for Proposals (RFP) available, RFP availability advertised in CMB TV during City Commission meeting, Advertisements regarding the Pre-Development & Public Hearing RFP Preparation Workshop Pre-Development Public Hearing - 6:00 p,m, Courtesy Review of proposals, deadline - 5:00 p.m. Proposals due before - 5:00 p,m, deadline, CDAC meeting - 6:00 p.m, Proposal Review - 6:00 - 9:00 p,m, Proposal Review - 6:00 - 9:00 p.m, Proposal Review - 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Proposal Review - 6:00 - 9:00 p,m, Proposal Review - 6:00 - 9:00 p,m, Proposal Review - 6:00 - 9:00 p,m, Proposal Review - 6:00 - 9:00 p,m. Proposal Review - 6:00 - 9:00 p,m. Meeting with City Manager-Funding Recommendations tinalized-6:00 p,m, Draft for Public Comment June I, 2000 to June 30, 2000 Appendix 3 JUNE 1 (THU) JUNE 1 (THU) JUNE 1 (THU) fUN 15 (TOO) JUN 27 (TUE) JUN 30 (FRI) JUL 12 (WED) JUL 25 (TUE) AUG 16 (WED) SEPT 13 (WED) SEPT 26 (TUE) OCT 1 (SUN) City of Miami Beach One Year Action Plan for Federal Funds 2000-200 I Notice of the 30-Day Comment Period on the draft of the One- Year Action Plan, and notice of Public Hearing on June 27, 2000. Advertisement for 30-Day Comment Period on the draft of the One- Year Action Plan, and notice of Public Hearing on June 27, 2000, 30-Day Comment Period begins on the draft of the One-Year Action Plan. Second advertisement regarding the Public Hearing on June 27,2000, on the draft of the One-Year Action Plan. Public Hearing on the draft of the One-Year Action Plan 30-Day Comment Period on the draft of the One-Year Action Plan ends, One- Year Action Plan sent to City Commission for approval CDAC meeting - 6:00 p.m. Deadline for One-Year Action Plan to be submitted to HUD. City Commission approval to authorize execution of contractual agreements. CDAC meeting - 6:00 p.m. FY 2000/200 I, Program Year 26 begins. Draft for Public Comment June I, 2000 to June 30, 2000 Appendix 3