File Ref. #211 0T7f (!(61~ FlU;: f~~.~J_./I--JIIWE 2ft 2<<;,(1 ~(zE ~ ta~ck VtU-\vt~~ ~~~ 6>'\M"M'~o~v:f k"vul'~ \ rl:~ Q,.4UA) B(I~"-- ~VLR ~~'i JeAN () ll~~ tf1--4vI . This is a longer message than usual; however, we wanted to make sure that you were fully \fl. (j- 0 r-/,..... intormed on the issues. Please read it, act on it, and share it with your friends. ro-v v Date: 512712000 Time: 9:49:48 PM Page 1016 From: Santiago Leon 305-577-4270 To: Maria E. Martinez THE LEAGUE OF WOMEN VOTERS OF DADE COUNTY it Jlme 27, 2000 .TUNE 29: COMMISSION'S RECOMt\ffiNDATION ON INCLUDING INTERNET DISCLOSURE IN TIlE COUKTY'S DUDGET: In order to make democracy work in our County, it is fundamental that citizens must be able to understand who is financing the elections of their Board of County Commissioners, who is lobbying them about what, and what actions the Commission is taking. There are public documents that address all these issues, but to read them we arc required, as a general rule, to go during working hours to the offices where they arc kept. As you may remember, some time ago the League proposed disclosure on the Internet of some key public documents. One of the most important parts of our proposal was implemented when the Conunission enacted an ordinance, co-sponsored by Commissioners Jinuny Morales and Migucl Diaz de la Portilla, to put campaign fmancc reports on the Internet. This is a good beginning, and very much appreciated, but there is much more to do. At our request, the County's Chief Information Officer (CIO), Randy Witt, has prepared an estimate for the cost of taking the next steps. Although the cost is tiny as compared with our $4.6 billion county budget ($3 billion operating, $1.6 billion capital) and the potential benefit in informed democracy, no provision has been made for this cost in the first draft of the County budget. However, tllls week tlle Commission will have an opportunity to request that the County Manager include this item in the next draft. This Thursday, June 29, starting at 2:00 p,m., at a workshop on the County budget for the year beginning October I, 2000, Conunissioner Jimmy Morales will propose that the Conunission recommend to the County :\olanager that the next draft of the budget inolude an appropriation for Internet disclosure. For your information, I have listed below the types of documents that we have requested be disclosed, together with the CIO's estimate of the initial cost of computer progratning to put the documents on the County's Intemet site and tlle atUlual cost of keeping tlle site up to date. 1. The C.ounty Manager's cover memos recommending action by the Commission: Most items that come before the Commission are accompanied by one of these memos, They are designed to summarize for the Commissioners the essential points of what is proposed, and they provide the best available summary for members of the public as well. It is much more economical, and much more convenient for the citizen~, to put these memo!! on the Internet (along with proposed ordinances, discussed below) than to attempt to put on the Internet every agenda item including all 5275 SlNSFTDRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 305'666'OlR6 From: Santiago Leon 305-577-4270 To: Maria E. Martinez Date: 6/27/2000 Time: 9:49:48 PM Page 2 of 6 its attaohments. Programming cost $~,OOO, annual oost $20,000. 2. I,ohhyist n:gistration reports: Tht:st:: reporl.."l pTOvide in((mnation on which lohhyist is lohhying on which issue on behalf of which client. They provide an excellent overview of the political forces that surround a particular issue. Programming cost $25,000, annual cost $15,000. 3. Conumssioners' voting records: TIris information is fundamental to a working democracy. The voting records arc already maintained in electronic fann, so putting them on the Internet is not difficult. Programming oost $4,000, annual cost $15,000. 4. Lobbying t:xpt:nditun: slaLt:ffit:nts: This information givt:S an idt:a oftht: amounts spt:nt by lobbyists. Programing cost $6,000, annual oost $15,000. 5. County ordinanoes, proposed and enacted: It is essential that citizens be able to find out not only how their representatives voted, but also what they voted on. CWTently, ordinances which have been enacted are put on the Internet through a third-party service, but only months after the fact. Proposed ordinances must be obtained from the Clerk of the Board Progranuning cost $8,000, annual cost $20,000. The total estimated programming cost for these items is $51,000, to whioh must be added $24,000 for equipment and infrastructure costs, for a total estimated startup cost of$75,000. The total estimated annual maintenanee cost is S8~,OOO, or the equivalent of l-li2 additional staff Total estimated cost is thus $160,000 fodhe first year, and $85,000 per year thereafter. TIle first-year expense would be less than .0035 percent of the County budgct; thereafter, the oost would be about .0018 percent of the budget. Whether our Conuuissioners will vote to reoolluuend including Intemet disclosure in the budget will depend on whether they teel that their oonstituents oare about the issue. Theretore, it would be very helpful if you could come to the budget workshop at the Conunission chambers at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 29. In addition, please visit, fax or caU your Conunissioner. The shared fax nWllber for some of the oommissioners is (305) 37~-5569, for others 375-4838, and the switchboard phone number is (305) 375-5124 (if you plan to send a fax, oall the switohbourd to check whioh fax number to use for your eonunissioner). JULY 6: COMMISSION VOTE ON PUTTING PUBLIC FINA. 'fCING ON THE BALLOT: At the Conunission meeting on July 6, 2000, Commissioner ~forales will propose that the following item be plaoed on the ballot in November: ''Whether to Provide Limited Public Financing for Mayoral and County C.onunission Elections. " We believe that public financing is the best way to ensure a County govenuuent which is aooountable to voters, rather than to oampaign contributors, and that asking the voters this general question is more practical than trying to put all the details of a public fmancing system on the ballot. The word "limited" is there to make it clear that the f'A>unty would not he enacting an opt:n-t:nded syslt:m that could result in limitless public expenditures. If the Commission votes to put this question on the ballot, the voters will have the opportunity to vow on the issue. Iflht: voters approve, it will be up to the Commission lo design a syslem of 5275 SlNSET DRIVE, MIAMI, FI DRIDA 33143 305'666'0 1 ~6 From: Santiago Leon 305-577-4270 To: Maria E, Martinez Dale: 6/2712000 Time: 9:49:48 PM Page 3 of 6 publio :fmanoing (and of oourse we will do our best to encourage them to adopt a system that would really make a differenoe). Once again, it is important that the Connmssioners know that th~iT constilu~nls caT~ ahout th~ issu~. TIlt:T~f()n:, it would ht: v~ry hdpful iryou could come to the Commission meeting on Thursday, July 6. The meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will probably run for muoh of the day; in order to ftnd out approximately when the issue will be disoussed, oall Commissioner Morales's offioe ((305) 375-5680) the day before. Whether or not you can come to the meeting, please visit, write, fax: or call your Commissioner. The Commissioners' address is III NW 1st Street, Miami, FL 33128, and (again) the shared fax numbers are (305) 375-5569 and 375-4838 and the switchboard phone number is (305) 375-5124. Should you haw any qu~stions, you can r~ach m~ most ~a.sily at my offic~ (305-577-4270, fax 577-3502) or by email at sleon@answerriskcom (please note the new address). Sincerely, Santiago G. Leon Chair, Ethics and Accountability Committee 5275 SlNSETDRIVR, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 305'666.0186 From: Santiago Leon 305-577-4270 To: Maria E. Martinez Date: 6/2712000 Time: 9:49:48 PM Page .. of 6 THE LEAGUE OF WOlV1EN VOTERS OF DADE COUNTY II Jlme 27, 2000 This is a longer message than usual; however, we wanted to make sure that you were fully informed on the issues. Please read it, oot on it, and share it with your friends. .nINE 29: COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDA TTON ON TNCI,l JT)INO INTERNET DISCLOSURE IN TIlE COUKTY'S BUDGET: In order to make democracy work in our County, it is fundamental that citizens must be able to understand who is fmancing the elections of their Board of County Commissioners, who is lobbying them about what, and what actions the COImnission is taking. There are publie doeunlents that address all these issues, but to read them we are required, as a general rule, to go during working hours to the offices where they are kept. As you may remember, some time ago the League proposed disclosure on the Internet of some key public documents. One of the most important parts of our proposal was implemented when the COIIunission enacted an ordinance, co-sponsored by COImnissioners Jinuny Morales and Migucl Diaz dc la Portilla, to put campaign fmancc reports on the Intend. This is a good beginning, and very mueh appreciated, but there is much more to do. At our request, the County's ChiefInfonllation Officer (CIO), Randy Witt, has prepared an estimate for the eost of taking thc next steps. Although the cost is tiny as compared with our $4.6 billion county budget ($3 billion operating, $1.6 billion capital) and the potential benefit in informed democracy, no provision has been made for this cost in the first draft of the County budget. However, tins week the Commission will have an opportunity to request that tile County Manager include this item in the next draft. This Thursday, June 29, starting at 2:00 p,m., at a workshop on the COlmty budget for the year beginning October 1, 2000, Commissioner Jimmy Morales will propose tllat the Commission reoommend to the County ~{anager that the next draft of the budget inolude an appropriation for Internet disclosure. For your information, I have listed below the types of documents that we have requested be disclosed, together with the CIO's estimate of the initial cost of oomputer programing to put the documents on tile County's Internet site and tile alUlUal cost of keeping tile site up to date. 1. The C.ounty Manager's oover memos recommending action by the Commission: Most items that come before the Commission are accompanied by one of these memos. They are designed to summarize for the Commissioners the essential points of what is proposed, and they provide the best available summary for members of the public as well. It is much more economical, and much more convenient for the citizenR, to put theRe memOR on the Internet (along with propoRed ordinances. discussed below) than to attempt to put on the Internet every agenda item including all 5275 SlNSET DRIVE, MIAMI, PI DRTDA 33143 305'666'0 1 ~6 From: Santiago Leon 305-577-4270 To: Maria E, Martinez Dale: 6/27/2000 Time: 9:49:48 PM Pllge 5 of 6 its attaohments. Programming cost $~,OOO, annual oost $20,000. 2. T ,ohhyist registration report.~: Tht:st: reports provide in((mnation on which lohhyist is lohhying on which issue on behalf of which client They provide an excellent overview of the political forces that surround a particular issue. Programming cost $25,000, annual cost $15,000. 3. COImnissioners' voting records: This information is fundamental to a working democracy. The voting records arc already maintained in electronic form, so putting them on the Internet is not difficult Programming cost $4,000, annual cost $15,000. 4. Lobbying exptmditure staLWltmts: This information gi Vt:S an idea of Lhe amounts spent by lobbyists. Programing cost $6,000, annual cost $15,000. 5. County ordinances, proposed and enacted: It is essential that citizens be able to fmd out not only how their representatives voted, but also what uley voted on. Currently, ordinances which have been enacted arc put on the Internet through a third-party service, but only months after the faet. Proposed ordinances must be obtained from the Clerk of the Board Progranuning cost $8,000, annual cost $20,000. The total estimated programming cost for these items is $51,000, to which must be added $24,000 for equipment and infrastructure costs, for a total estimated startup cost of $75,000. The total estimated annual maintenance cost is S85,OOO, or the equivalent of 1-112 additional staff Total estimated cost is thus $160,000 for the first year, and $85,000 per year' thereafter. TIle fU'~1-year expense would be less than .0035 percent ofthc County budget; thereafter, the cost would be about .0018 percent of the budget. Whether our Conunissioners will vote to recommend including Illtemet disclosure in the budget will depend on whether they teel that their oonstituents oare about the issue. Theretore, it would be very helpful if you oould come to the budget workshop at the Commission chambers at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, JIme 29. In addition, please visit, fax or call your Commissioner. The shared fax: nwnber for some of the cOllunissioners is (305) 375-5569, for others 375-4838, and the switchboard phone number is (305) 375-5124 (if you plan to send a tax:, oall the switohboard to check whioh fax: number to use for your commissioner). JULY 6: COMMISSION VOTE ON PUTTING PUBLIC FINA. ~CING ON THE BALLOT: At the Commission meeting on July 6, 2000, Commissioner ~fora1es will propose that the following item be placed on the ballot in November: "Whether to Provide Umited Public Financing for Mayoral and County Commission Elections. " We believe that public financing is the best way to ensure a County govenunent which is accountable to voters, rather than to campaign contributors, and that asking the voters this general question is more praotical than trying to put all the details of a public fmancing system on the ballot The word "limited" is there to mak~ it cleaT that the f'Amnty would not he t::llacting an opt:n-t:nded syslt:TT1that uould r~sult in limitless public expenditures. If the Commission votes to put this question on the ballot, the voters will have the opportunity to vow on the issue. If the voters approv~, it will be up to the Commis8ion to design a sysLem of 5275 SINSET DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 305'666'0186 From: Santiago Leon 305-577-4270 To: Maria E, Martinez Dale: G/27/2000 Time: 9:49:48 PM Page e of 6 publio fmanoing (and of oourse we will do our best to enoourage them to adopt a system that would really make a difference). Once again, it is important that the Connnissioners know that lhdr c<msliLuenL~ can: ahoullhe issue. TIlI::n:fcln::, il would he very helpful if you could come lo the Connnission meeting on Thursday, July 6. The meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. and will probably run for much of the day; in order to fmd out approximately when the issue will be discussed, call Connnissioner Morales's offioe ((305) 375-5680) the day before. Whether or not you can come to the meeting, please visit, write, fax or call YOW' COImnissioner. The Commissioners' address is 111 NW 1st Street, Miami, FL 33128, and (again) the shared fax numbers are (305) 375-5569 and 375-4838 and the switchboard phone number is (305) 375-5124. Should you have any questions, you can reach me mosl easily at my offiue (305-577-4270, fax 577-3502) or by email atsleon@answerrisk.com (please note the new address). Sincerely, Santiago G. Leon Chair, Ethics and Accountability Connnittee 5275 SlNSET DRIVE, MIAMI, FI ,OR IDA 33143 305'666.0 I ~6