Notice of Proposed Tax Increase CITY OF MIAMI BEACH NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE The City of Miami Beach has tentatively adopted a measure to increase its property tax levy. Last year's property tax levy: A. Initially proposed tax levy................ ......... ............ ..... $ 130,598,517 B. Less tax reductions due to Value Adjustment Board and other assessment changes..................... $ 1,607,494 C. Actual property tax levy............................................. $128,991,023 This year's proposed tax levy...............................................$ 167,775,514 All concerned citizens are invited to attend a public hearing on the tax increase to be held on Thursday, September 21,2006, 5:01 P.M. at 1700 Convention Center Drive City Hall Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor Miami Beach, Florida 33139 A FINAL DECISION on the proposed tax increase and the bUdget will be made at this hearing. BUDGET SUMMARY CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. FISCAL YEAR 2006107 THE PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET EXPENDITURES OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ARE 14.4% MORE THAN LAST YEAR'S TOTAL OPERATING EXPENDITURES. INTERNAl . GENERAL RDA ENTERPRISE SERVICE FUN'io FUNDS $0 FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL CASH BALANCE BROUGHT FORWARD $7,863,672 $4,966,682 $12,830,354 ESTIMATED REVENUES: Taxes: Millage Per $1,000 Ad Valorem 7.37410peretlnQ) $140,307,954 $18,991,324 $0 $0 $159,299,278 Ad VaIonm 0.338 Norm. Shores) 87,949 87,949 Ad Vllorem O.2lll (Voted Debt) 6,561,271 6,561,271 Franchise 8,675,000 8,675,000 Utility 13.478,300 13,478,3OlI Convention Development 0 4,500,000 4,500,000 Licenses and Permits 13,025,335 13,025,335 Intergovernmental Revenues 11,160,640 3,750,475 14,911,115 Charges for Services 7,490,350 100,165,693 44,623,462 152,279,505 Fines and Forfeitures 1,826,000 1,826,000 Interest 5,300,000 1,345,950 244,000 6,889,950 Rents and Leases 2,934,251 2,934,251 Miscellaneous Revenues 6,013,515 2.383,972 401,328 8,798,815 Other Financing Sources 27,373,802 322,624 1 ,000,000 28.&86,42& TOTAL REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES S244,234,367 S18,991,324 $112,468,714 $46,268,790 $C21,963,185 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES AND BALANCES $244,234,367 $18,991,324 $120,332,386 $51 ,235,m $434,793,549 EXPENDITIIIIE/EXPENSES General Government $40,735,094 SO $0 $48,950,581 $89,&85,675 Public Safety 132,685.293 132,685,293 Physical Environment 11,191,432 65,678.832 7&,870,2&4 Transportation 4,321,104 23,145,611 27,.,715 Economic Environment 1,085,391 18,991,324 20,076,715 Human Services 1,209,837 1,209,837 Culture & Recreation 29,757,650 16,630,117 46,387,7&7 Normandy Shores District 135,254 135,254 Debt Service 8,474,893 14,877,826 2,284,891 25,637,610 Other Financing Uses 7.500.QO~ $18,991,324 $120,332,386 $51,235,m 7.500.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURESIEXPENSES $237,085,948 1427,&55,130 Reserves 7,138.419 0 0 0 7,138,419 TOTAL APPROPRIATED EXPENDITURES AND RESERVES $244,234,367 $18,991,324 $120,332,386 $51,235,472 $434,793,549 THE TENTATIVE, ADOPTED, AND/OR FINAL BUDGETS ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED TAXING AUTHORITY !IS A PUBLIC RECORD. -.-"----- lfU 1- :c.o '0 : 0 ; N ~ 0:: UJ (Xl ~ UJ I- l:l. UJ ,., ~ <C Q Z ::l VI Q .... -< ar: 1&1 :ll: i: 1tC i: III :ll: ~ E o u 'ti ~ QJ :I: 'e '" i: en :r