Master Index 6/8/00 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AS PART OF THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1999 - 2004 1. April 6, 1999, a special meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee was held to review the proposed City of Miami Beach Capital Improvement Program (CIP), 1999-2004. Changes were made based on previous comments of the Commission from May 1998. The Committee gave specific directions concerning the following: (1) Include cost of fire apparatus in the Proposed General Obligation Bond and review costs for the Fire Administration project in light of the current relocation plan; (2) consider including approximately $11 million of projects in the proposed General Obligation Bond package to complete Parks Master Plan; (3) consider the expansion of City Hall for flexibility and future growth; (4) consider golf course funding alternatives; (5) consider establishing an endowment or an impact fee for parks maintenance; and (6) concern was expressed regarding current staffing and workload in Public Works, and how the magnitude of proposed projects would impact this organization, The Committee recommended the CIP with a proposed General ObHgation Bond, and referred it to the full Commission for approval. It was recommended that a community workshop be held (after City Commission approval) to obtain public input on the CIP, proposed General Obligation Bond, and other funding sources, (See Attachment 1). 2. April 14, 1999, the City Commission Accepted a verbal report on the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee meeting of April 6, 1999 regarding CIP. (See Attachment 2, item R6B). 3. May 26, 1999, the City Commission, at a Joint City Commission and Redevelopment Agency meeting, did not approve a Resolution Approving the City of Miami Beach/Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Program 1999-2004 (CIP); Approving Certain Projects Within Such Program for Possible Inclusion in a Proposed General Obligation Bond Offering. The Commission requested that the Administration review the CIP with the Mayor and each Commissioner individually, explore a lower dollar figure for the proposed bond issue and then hold a Commission Workshop seeking public input and comments to be scheduled after revisions to the CIP have been made. (See Attachment 3 , item R7G). 4. June 23, 1999, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Granting Conceptual Approval of the Placement of a Question on the City of Miami Beach's November 2, 1999 Special Election Ballot Amending the Designation of the Eleven (11) Contiguous Oceanfront Lots in Altos Del Mar on the Flum of the City's Existing Single-Family Residential (RS) Designation to Recreational Open Space (ROS), With a City Commission Workshop to be Held in Order to Ensure that the Ballot Language is Clear, Objective and Legal, and Providing that the Resolution Calling for the Special Election on this Proposed Ballot Question be Placed on a City Commission Agenda By No Later Than Its July 21, 1999 Meeting. (See Attachment 4, item R7G). 5. July 14, 1999, City Commission Workshop Regarding the City of Miami Beach Capital Improvements Program for 1999-2004, and Certain Projects Within Such Program for Inclusion in a Proposed General Obligation Bond Offering. In accordance with the Commission's concerns, the proposed bond issue was reduced from $88-million amount presented on May 26, to $65.2-million. The proposed General Obligation Bond would fund the following: (1) Public Safety $13 .3-million; (2) Neighborhood and Park Enhancements $34.6-million; and (3) Public Facilities Rehabilitation and Replacement $17,3-million, (See Attachment 5). 6. July 20, 1999, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Redesignating the Property Known as the Eleven (11) Contiguous Lots of the Altos Del mar From the Existing Future Land Use Category RS Single Family to the ROS Recreation and Open Space Future Land Use Category. (See Attachment 6, item R5F in conjunction with items R9A and A) 7. July 21, 1999, the Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce submitted a survey of frequent voters in Miami Beach to determine public opinion regarding the General Obligation Bond. The survey found that 62% of City voters would vote yes on a 20-year general obligation bond issue - "which would provide up to $65-million specifically dedicated to improving police and fire facilities, beautifying Collins A venue, improving public buildings, making public and fire facilities accessible to the disabled, enhancing beaches and neighborhoods, and building a new tourist information center." (See Attachment 7). 8. July 21, 1999, the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Approved in Principle the City of Miami Beach/Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Program 1999-2004; and Authorizing the RDA Administration to Conduct Public Meetings and Seek Input on the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) and Engage a Professional Services Firm to Assist the City/Agency With a Public Information Program Regarding the Above With Funding For Such Professional Services Firm From Available Sources. (See Attachment 8, item 2D). 9. July 21,1999, the City Commission Approved a Resolution in Principle Approving the City of Miami Beach/Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency Capital Improvement Program 1999-2004; Authorizing the Administration to Conduct Public Meetings and Seek Input from the Community; Authorize the Administration to Prepare a Ballot Language for the November 2, 1999 Election regarding Whether the City of Miami Beach Should Be Authorized to Issue General Obligation Bonds Payable from Ad Valorem Taxes for Said Projects; and Authorizing the Administration to Engage a Professional Services Firm to 2 assist the City with a Public Information Program Including Surveys and Polls Regarding the Above; Funding from Unallocated Bond Fund 351. (See Attachment 9, item R7B). 10, August 10, 11, 12, 1999, three focus group meetings with community leaders were held in each of the City's sub areas, North Beach, Middle Beach and South Beach, The Administration invited representatives from community organizations, and members of City committees and boards for the purpose of: (1) familiarizing the community with the CIP, and the needs for General Obligation Bond funding in their community and the City at large; (2) determining whether the community would conceptually support the issuance of General Obligation Bonds for community enhancement purpose; and (3) obtaining input on projects to add, delete, or modify on the list of General Obligation Bond projects that would be desirable for each community and the City at large. Specific changes to add or delete projects and other line items were incorporated into a new proposed project list for the proposed General Bond Issue. (See Attachment 10). 11. August 18, 1999, meeting with Bond Counsel and production of consolidated proposed project list. The project list was grouped into three related areas based on three ballot questions: (1) Fire and Safety Facilities and Equipment - to renovate, expand, and improve fire stations and related facilities located in the City, and to acquire and equip fire trucks,; (2) Improvement to Neighborhood Infrastructure - to improve neighborhood infrastructure in the City, consisting of streetscapes and traffic calming measures, shoreline stabilization, and related m.aintenance facilities; and (3) Improvement to Parks and Beaches - to improve recreational facilities and equipment, access, security, and related maintenance facilities for parks and beaches located in the City. 12, August 23, 1999, the General Obligation Bond Issue Community Workshop held in Commission chambers, (See Attachment 11). 13. August 24,1999, the presentation made at the Community Workshop was taken before the Planning Board and additional comments were taken. A summary of changes from the Community Workshop, Planning Board and additional community input includes: (1) inclusion of Park View Island improvement; (2) inclusion of Normandy Sud improvements; (3) funding for the expansion of North Shore Open Space Park with the Altos del Mar property; (4) reallocation of funding in the Normandy Shores Neighborhood; (5) additional funding for projects in the South Pointe Redevelopment area; (6) additional funding for projects in the City Center Redevelopment Area; (7) sidewalk widening on the east side of Ocean Drive; and (8) shoreline stabilization costs were considered too high and the allocation was reduced from $10,300,000 to $4,800,000, (See Attachment 12), 3 VOLUME II CITY COMMISSION APPROVES SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF SUBMITTING TO THE ELECTORATE 3 OUESTIONS ASKING WHETHER THE CITY SHALL BE AUTHORIZED TO ISSUE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS V.II 14. September 17, 1999, the City Commission Approved 3 Resolutions Calling for a Special Election to be Held on Tuesday, November 2, 1999 for the Purpose of Submitting to the Electorate of the City of Miami Beach 3 Questions Asking Whether the City Shall be Authorized to Issue General Obligation Bonds not Exceeding (1) $9,720,000, (2) $57,915,000, and (3) $24,120,000 in Principal Amount Payable from Unlimited Ad Valorem Taxation, Bearing Interest At Rates Determined at the Time(s) of Sale Thereof, Not Exceeding the Maximum Legal Interest Rate at Such Time(s) to Renovate, Expand and Improve Fire Stations and Related Facilities Located in the City and Acquire and Equip Fire Trucks; to Improve Neighborhood Infrastructure in the City, Consisting of Streetscapes and Traffic Calming Measures, Shoreline Stabilization and Related Maintenance Facilities; To Improve Recreational Facilities and Equipment, Access, Security, and Related Maintenance Facilities and Equipment for Parks and Beaches Located in the City; and Providing an Effective Date, (See Attachment 13, item R7A). Note: The Scheduled Commission Meeting of 9/14/99 was continued to 9/17/99 because of Hurricane Floyd. V.II 15, September 17,1999, the City Commission, at the request of Commission Dermer and Mayor Kasdin, discussed the issue of renovations of the swimming pools at Flamingo and Normandy Parks. The City Commission directed the Administration to take the following actions: (1) Review current proposal for Flamingo Park pool to include four swim lanes, (2) Include cost of enhancement ($400,000), in proposed General Obligation Bond, (3) Submit proposal to the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program requesting $400,000 for the Flamingo Pool project and develop a third alternative to finance the cost of the swimming pool expansion, (4) Begin planning and design process for additional four lanes, and (5) Proceed with Normandy Isle Park pool as originally designed, (See Attachment 14, item R9IIR9J). V,II 16. September 22,1999, the City Commission Deferred an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article III of the Miami Beach City Code Entitled "Agencies, Boards, and Committees" By Establishing an Oversight Committee for the Purpose of Providing Guidance and Assurance That the Proposed General Obligation (GO) Bond Funded Projects are Implemented in Accordance with the Project List. The Commission instructed the Administration to modify the ordinance including changing "members" to "residents"; adding "appointments to be made by the City Commission"; and adding "a member of the Chamber of Commerce", The item was deferred to the October 6, 1999 Commission meeting, (See Attachment 15, item R5B), (See October 6, 1999 and November 17, 1999), 4 V.II 17. September 30 - October 31,1999, Community Meetings, Press Clippings, Brochures, and Advertisements concerning GO Bonds and Ballot Questions for November 2, 1999 Election, (See Attachment 16) V.II 18. October 6, 1999, the City Commission Approved an Ordinance on First Reading Amending Chapter 2, Article III ofthe Miami Beach City Code Entitled "Agencies, Boards and Committees" By Establishing an Eleven (11) Member G.O., Bond Oversight Committee Comprised of Two Residents from the North Beach Area, Two Residents From the Middle Beach Area, Two Residents From the South Beach Area, One Member From the Budget Advisory Committee, One Member of the Planning Board, One Member from the Chamber of Commerce, One Member From the Parking and Transportation Committee and One Member From the City Commission for the Purposes of Providing Guidance and Assurance that the Proposed General Obligation Bond Funded Projects are Implemented in Accordance with the Project List Approved by the Mayor and City Commission, Said Appointments to be made by the City Commission; Providing for Severability, Repealer, and an Effective Date. (See Attachment 17, item R5A). V.II 19. October 6,1999, the Administration submitted a status report via L.T.C. No. 198-1999 concerning additional swim lanes for Flamingo Park Pool. The Administration initiated the following actions: (1) Suspended all work on park bond project until alternative funding sources were explored, (2) Included additional $400,000 in the proposed General Obligation Bond to be presented to the voters on November 2, 1999, (3) Submitted a request to the Safe Neighborhood Parks Oversight Committee on September 12, 1999. Subsequently the Safe Neighborhood Parks Oversight Committee stated that the City of Miami Beach should request a matching grant of $200,000. The City amended its request and applied for $200,000 on November 15, 1999. The City was awarded $100,000 on December 6, 1999. (See Attachment 18) V,II 20. October 12,1999, Press Conference to Introduce the My Neighborhood Now! Issue Campaign. (See Attachment 19). V.II 21. October 25,1999, Town Hall Meeting on Proposed General Obligation Bonds and Other Ballot Questions at City Hall. (See Attachment 20). V,II GENERAL OBLIGATIONS BONDS APPROVED BY VOTERS 5 22. November 2,1999, the ..:;itizens of Miami Beach approved the issuance of$91,755,000 million in General Obligation Bonds. (See Attachment 21). V.II. 23. November 3, 1999, City Commission Approved a Resolution Adopting the Certificate of the Results of the November 2, 1999 General Election for the City of Miami Beach and Adjourning the City of Miami Beach Canvassing Board for the November 2, 1999 General Election, (See Attachment 22). CITY COMMISSION APPROVES ESTABLISHING A GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE V,II 24. November 17, 1999, the City Commission Held a Public Hearing and Approved on Second and Final Reading an Ordinance Amending the Code of the City of Miami Beach; by Amending Chapter 2, Article III of the Miami Beach Code Entitled "Agencies, Boards and Committee" by Establishing a (13) Thirteen Member General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee Comprised of Two Residents from the North Beach Area, Two Residents from the Middle Beach Area, Two Residents from the South Beach Area, One Member from the Budget Advisory Committee, One Member of the Planning Board, One Member from the Chamber of Commerce, One Member from the Parking and Transportation Committee, One Member from the Historic Preservation Board, One Member from the Community .Development Advisory Committee, and One Member from the City Commission for the Purposes of Providing Guidance and Assurance that the Proposed General Obligation Bond Funded Projects are Implemented in Accordance with the Project List Approved by the Mayor and City Commission, Said Appointments to be Made by the City Commission; Providing for Severability, Repealer, and an Effective Date. The Commission amended the Ordinance to include two more members; one non-voting member from the Historic Preservation Board; and one non-voting member from the Community Development Advisory Committee. (See Attachment 23, item R5A), (See September 22, 1999 and October 6, 1999). V.II 25, November 17, 1999, the City Commission Referred the $92 Million General Obligation Bond Issue to the Joint Meting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee and the Neighborhood's Committee (See Attachment 24, item C4C). V.II 26. November 29,1999, a publicly noticed community meeting was held to review the over overall goals, and composition of the GO Bond Oversight Committee .During this meeting additional nominations were collected, questions were answered by the administration, and comments were received, which were incorporated. (See Attachment 25). 6 V.II 27. December 1, 1999, the City Manager sent Commission Memorandum No, 895-99 to the City Commission concerning community recommendations for the G.O, Bond Oversight Committee including the role and composition of the Oversight Committee, nominees, and the role and composition of District Task Forces, City Commission approved a motion designating the chair or designee of City Boards (Budget Advisory Committee, Planning Board, Transportation and Parking Committee and the non-voting members from the Community Development Advisory Committee and the Historic Preservation Board) to serve on the G,O, Bond Oversight Committee. The Commission requested that the administration report at the December 15,1999 Commission meeting on the structure of the District Task Forces and how they will work. The Commission appointed Commissioner Dermer as the member of the City Commission and Chair of the G,O. Bond Oversight Committee. The Commission made appointments to the G.O. Bond Oversight Committee. The Commission agreed that the person receiving the highest number of votes would receive the 2 year term. (See Attachment 26, item R9Al). V.II 28. December 6,1999, the first meeting of G.O. Bond Oversight Committee, (See Attachment 27). V.II 29. December 8,.1999, Joint Meeting Finance Committee, Citywide Projects Committee, Neighborhoods Committee and G.O. Bond Oversight Committee. A presentation was made by the Administration concerning amending the existing professional agreements with each architectural firm currently working on parks projects. An extensive discussion transpired concerning the benefits of such an action, the past performance of each firm, the amount of fees paid to each of the firms to date and the possibility of the firms to handle additional workload. The final recommendation of the Committees was to amend the contracts subject to renegotiation to lower fees, (See Attachment 28), (See V.II 31). V.II 30. December 15,1999, the City Commission approved on first reading an Ordinance Amending Chapter 142 Entitled "Zoning Districts and Regulations", Division 2 Entitled RS-l, RS-2, RS-3, RS-4 Single-family Residential Districts Section, Section 142-105 Entitled "Development Regulations and Area Requirements" by Setting the Minimum Lot Width for Oceanfront Lots in the RS-3 Zoning District at 50 Feet; Providing for Inclusion in the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; Repealer; Severability; and an Effective Date. (See Attachment 29, item R5K). 7 V.II 31. December 15,1999, the City Commission accepted the Report from the December 8, 1999 Meeting of the Joint Meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee, Neighborhoods Committee and GO Bond Project Oversight Committee, (See Attachment 30, item R6A), V.II 32. January 10, 2000, the General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee meeting. (See Attachment 31). VOLUME III V.III 33. January 12,2000, the City of Miami Beach Issued Requests for Qualifications No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (G,O,) Bond Project List. (See Attachment 31 A) 34. January 12,2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute an Amendment to the Current Agreement with Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., to Provide Architectural/Engineering Services for Six (6) Park Projects, as Proposed in the City's Parks Master Plan and Approved by the Mayor and City Commi~sion; Said Amendment Establishing a Reduced Overall Fee of 7% (from Previously Approved Rate of 7.2%) of Construction Cost; Appropriating the Amount of $472,936 (Comprised of $442,936 for the Additional Architectural/Engineering Services Necessary to Complete the Parks, as Specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program), and an Amount Not to Exceed $30,000 for Surveying, Testing and Other Reimbursable Expenses, with Funding Available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance, to be Reimbursed from the Future General Obligation (G,O,) Bond Issue, (See Attachment 32, item C7P). V,III 35. January 12, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute an Amendment to the Current Agreement with Carr, Smith, Corradino, to Provide Architectural/Engineering Services for Three (3) Park Projects, as Proposed in the City's Parks Master Plan and Approved by the Mayor and City Commission; Said Amendment Establishing a Reduced Overall Fee of 9% (from Previously Approved Rate of 10%) of Construction Cost; Appropriating the Amount of $153,937 (Comprised of $131 ,937 for the Additional Architectural/Engineering Services Necessary to Complete the Parks, as Specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program), and an Amount Not to Exceed $22,000 for Surveying, Testing and Other Reimbursable Expenses, with Funding Available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance, to be Reimbursed from the Future General Obligation (G.O,) Bond Issue, (See Attachment 33, item C7Q). 8 V.III 36. January 12, 2000, the City the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute an Amendment to the Current Agreement with REG Architects, inc., to Provide Architectural/Engineering Services for Ten (l0) Park Projects, as Proposed in the City's Parks Master Plan and Approved by the Mayor and City Commission; Said Amendment Establishing a Reduced Overall Fee of 7.5% (from Previously Approved Rate of 8%) of Construction Cost; Appropriating the Amount of $191,252 (Comprised of $166,252 for the Additional Architectural/Engineering Services Necessary to Complete the Parks, as Specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program), and an Amount Not to Exceed $25,000 for Surveying, Testing and Other Reimbursable Expenses, with Funding Available from the City's General Fund U ndesignated Fund Balance, to be Reimbursed from the Future General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Issue. (See Attachment 34, item C7R). V.III 37. January 12,2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute a Memorandum of Agreement between Barry University's Academy for Better Communities and the City of Miami Beach, Florida for the Purpose of Establishing a Partnership to Enhance the Well-Being of Families and Youth in the North Beach Area by Contributing Funding to Construct the North Beach Youth Center, Providing Recreational and Cultural Activities and Social Services to Families and Children in North Beqch; and Appropriating $260,000 from the Barry University's Housing and Urban Development's Hispanic Serving Institutions Assisting Communities (HSIAC) Program to the North Shore Park Bond Project Work Order to Be Expended on the Construction of the North Shore Youth Center. (See Attachment 35, itemC7Y). V.III 38, January 12,2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Declaring the Official Intent of the City of Miami Beach, Florida to Issue Debt in Order to, Among Other Things, Reimburse Itself from the Proceeds of Such Debt for Funds Advanced by the City for Certain Expenses Incurred with Respect to Projects Approved for Financing with General Obligation Bonds in Special Elections Held by the City on November 2, 1999; and Authorizing Certain Incidental Actions, (See Attachment 36, item R7E), V,III 39. January 12,2000, the Administration Presented a Status Report of the North Shore Park and Youth Center Project. (See Attachment 37, item R9F1). V.III 40. January 26, 2000, the City Commission Approved an Ordinance Amending the Code ofthe City of Miami Beach, Florida, Amending Chapter 142, Entitled "Zoning Districts and Regulations", Division 2 Entitled RS-1, RS-2, RS-3, RS-4 Single-Family Residential Districts Section, Section 142-105 Entitled "Development Regulations and Area 9 Requirements" by Setting Minimum Lot Width for Oceanfront Lots in the RS-3 Zoning District at 50 Feet; Providing for Inclusion in the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida; Repealer; Severability; and an Effective Date. (See Attachment 38, item R5C). V.III 41. January 26, 2000, the City Commission Approved an Ordinance as Amended on First Reading Amending Chapter 2, Article VI, Entitled "Procurement", by Creating Division 5, Entitled "Debarment", Sections 2-397 through 2-406 of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Providing for Debarment of Contractors from City Work; Providing for Severability; Codification; Repealer; and an Effective Date. (See Attachment 39, item R5J). V,III 42. January 26, 2000, the City Commission Approved a Resolution Setting the First Public Hearing on February 23, 2000 at 2:00 p,m, to Affirm the Development Regulations Pertaining to the Normandy Isle Park and Waive Certain Development Regulations Pursuant to Section 142-425 (d) of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, in Order to Construct a New Swimming Pool Facility and Multi Purpose Court. (See Attachment 40, item C7D). V.III 43. January 26, 2000, the City Commission Received a Report Detailing All Funding Sources that will be Used to Complete the North Shore Park and Youth Center; Including a Timeline for Project CQmpletion, Funding sources were explained which include a total of$6,297,181 estimated for construction; $3.9 million from the $15 million Parks Bond; $1.2 million from the 1999 GO Bond Fund; a Section 108 loan for $1 million for fees and architectural fees; and a HUD grant for $400,000 Barry University received for construction of the Youth Center. Commissioner Garcia requested quarterly status reports on the progress of the project. (See Attachment 41, item R9F). V.III 44. January 26, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Waiving, by 5/7 vote, the Competitive Bidding and Award a Purchase Order to Musco Lighting in the Amount of $28,600 and to Power Depot in the Amount of $8,200 for the Generators at Flamingo Park Baseball Stadium. Musco Lighting, for $14,300 a month, will provide temporary lighting. The City will provide the generator at a cost of$5,000 per month. Musco Lighting will credit the City 50% of the $14,300 if they are awarded the replacement contract (See Attachment 42, item R9H), V,III 45. February 1,2000, the City Manager Issued a Letter to Commission Regarding the RFP and RFQ for the Electric Shuttle Facility/Intermodal. (See Attachment 68, pp. 293 -296, L.T.C. 16-2000). 10 V.III 46. V.III 47, V.III 48. V.III 49, V,III 50. V.III 51. V.III 52. February 9, 2000, the City Commission Authorized to Award a Purchase Order to Musco Lighting, Inc., in the amount of$189,307 Pursuant to the City of Jacksonville, Florida Bid No, SC-00400-98 for the Purchase and Installation of a Eighty-two (82) Fixture Baseball Field Sports Lighting System for the Flamingo Park Baseball Stadium as Specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program, (See Attachment 43, item C2D). February 9, 2000, the City Commission Referred to the Planning Board an Ordinance Amending Part II: Goals, Objectives and Policies of the City of Miami Beach Comprehensive Plan, by adding Policies and Objectives to the Conservation/Coastal Zone and Recreation and Open Space Elements Addressing Environmental protection, Land Acquisition, Greenways and Recreational Facilities; and, Directing Transmittals of this Ordinance and All Applicable Documents to Affected Agencies; Providing for Repealer, Severability, Inclusion in the Comprehensive Plan and Effective Date, (See Attachment 44, item C4A), February 9, 2000, the City Commission Referred to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee the Plan for the Renovation of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Courses and Clubhouses for a Review of Estimated Projects Costs, (See Attachment 45, item C4C). February 9, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving the Financing Strategy for the Renovation of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Courses and Clubhouses and Authorizing the Finance Director to Take All Necessary Actions Subject to the Final Approval of Loan Documents by the Mayor and City Commission. (See Attachment 46, item R7G). February 9, 2000, the City Commission Deferred a Resolution Creating a "North Beach Youth Center Oversight Committee" to Monitor the Design, Planning, Construction and Use of the North Shore Youth Center. The item will be placed on the February 23, 2000 Commission agenda. (See Attachment 47, item R7H, See Attachment 76), February 9, 2000, the City Commisson Deferred to the February 23, 2000 Commission Agenda a Report on the Progress of the Greenway and Related Recreation Projects. (See Attachment 48, item R9C). February 13,2000, an Article from the Miami Herald regarding the renovation of Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Courses and Clubhouses, (See Attachment 49). 11 V.III 53. V.III 54. V.III 55. V.III 56. V.III 57, V.III 58, February 15,2000, the City Manager Issued a letter to Commission (L.T.C.) Announcing a Community Workshop to Receive Input and Plan for Renovations and/or Construction of Facilities, programs and Uses for North Shore Open Space Park and Nature Center to be held on February 28, 2000 at 9:30 a,m. (See Attachment 50) February 18,2000, the City Manager Issued a Letter to Commission (L.T.C.) and the Parks and Recreation Director Sent a Memorandum to the City Administration Announcing a Community Workshop to Receive Input on Programming for North Shore Park And Youth Center on February 29, 2000. (See Attachment 51), February 23, 2000, the City Commission Referred to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee - Financing Strategy for the First Phase of the General Obligation Bonds Approved by Referendum on November 2, 1999. (See Attachment 52, item C4C). February 23, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the City Manager or His Designee to Submit a Grant Application, in the Amount of $100,000, to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Division of Recreation and Parks, fQr the Purpose of Funding a Portion of the Construction of New Restroom Facilities and Parking Lot Renovations at Allison Park, to be Matched with $100,000 from the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program; Further Appropriating the Grant, If Approved and Accepted by the City, in a Work Order for the Allison Park General Obligation Bond Program Renovation Project; and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute All Necessary Documents Related to the Application. (See Attachment 53, item C7J). February 23, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Appropriating Funds, in the Amount of $33,012.05, Generated as Interest Earnings from the $15 million General Obligation Parks Improvements Bond Program for the Period of January 1, 1999 through December 31,1999 and $50,987 from the City's General Obligation (GO) Bond Issue; Said Appropriation to Fully Fund Change Orders No.1 and 2 in the Total Amount of$84,287.30 (changed to $83,999.30) to Regosa Engineering, Pursuant to Standing Order No. 12732 for a New Basketball Court, Sports and Security Lighting at Tatum Park as Specified in the .Parks Master Plan Program, (See Attachment 54, item C7L). February 23, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Setting First Reading Public Hearings on March 15, 2000 to Consider Proposed Amendments to the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulations Consisting of: 1) Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment - Environmental ProtectionlGreenways (5:00 p.m,); 12 V.III 59. V.III 60. V.III 61. V.III 62. V.III 63. V.III 64. 2) Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment - Transportation Concurrency Management Areas (TCMAs - 5:01 p,m,); 3) Land Development Regulations Amendment - Hotels as Permitted Uses in RM-lICD-2 (5:15 p.m.); and 4) Comprehensive Plan Text Amendment - Hotels as Permitted Uses in RM -1 (5:15 p.m.). (See Attachment 55, item C7M). February 23, 2000, The City Commission held a Public Hearing and Adopted an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2, Article VI, Entitled "Procurement", by Creating Division 5, Entitled "Debarment", Section2-397 through 2-406 of the Code ofthe City of Miami Beach, Florida, Providing for Debarment of Contractors from City Work; Providing for Severability; Codifiaction; Repealer; and an Effective Date. (See Attachment 67, pp. 171-183, item R5B), February 23, 2000, the City Commission Approved on First Reading an Ordinance Amending Chapter 2 Entitled "Administration", by Amending Article III Entitled "Agencies, Boards, and Committees", by Creating Division 29, Sections 2-190,139 through 2-190.143 Thereof Establishing a Debarment Committee; Providing for Codification, Severability, Repealer, and an Effective Date, (See Attachment 67, pp. 184-189, item R5C). February 23, 2000, the City Commission Held a Public Hearing and Adopted a Resolution Affirming th~ Development Regulations Pertaining to the Normandy Isle Park and Waiving Certain Development Regulations Dealing with Required Setbacks, Pursuant to Section 142-425 (d) of the Code of the City of Miami Beach, in Order to Construct a New Swimming Pool Facility and Multi Purpose Court. (See Attachment 56, item R7E). February 23, 2000, the City Commission Received a Report on the Status of the Indian Creek Greenway Project as it Relates to the Technical Assistance Grant from the National Parks Service, Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance Program. (See Attachment 57, item R9C), February 23, 2000, the City Commission Deferred Discussion Regarding Request from the Sunset Island Property Owners, (See Attachment 58, item R9F), February 23, 2000, a Status Report on the Cultural Campus was Submitted to the City Commission. (See Attachment 59, item A). 13 V.III 65. V.III 66, V.III 67. V.III 68. V.III 69. V.III 70, V.III 71. V.III 72. V.III 73. V.III 74, February 25, 2000, Letter to Commission Announcing a Community Workshop to Receive Input on Active/Passive Recreational Uses for Flamingo Park. (See Attachment 60, L.T. C. No, 31-2000). February 27, 2000, an article in the Miami Herald Regarding North Shore Park and Youth Center Renovations and Community Workshop, (See Attachment 61). February 28, 2000, Letter to Commission Regarding the Creation of a North Shore Park and Youth Center Program Advisory Committee. (See Attachment 62, L.T.C. No. 35-2000). February 28, 2000, Community Workshop to Receive Input Regarding North Shore Open Space Park and Nature Center, (See Attachment 63), February 29, 2000, Letter from City Manager to members of the North Shore Park and Youth Center Program Advisory Committee inviting them to serve and announcing the committee's first meeting, (See Attachment 67, pp.247-248), February 29, 2000, Community Workshop to Receive Input Regarding North Shore Park and Youth Center. (See Attachment 64). February 29, 2000, the City Administration Issued a Notice to Proceed to Todd Tragesh Regarding Renovations and Construction of Fire Station No.2. (See Attachment 65), February 29, 2000, the City Manager Issued a Letter to Commission Announcing Community Meetings Regarding General Obligation Bond Projects, (See Attachment 66, L.T.c. No 36-2000), March 1,2000, the City Manager Issued a Letter to Commission Regarding the Appoint- ment of the Evaluation Committees for RFQ 41-99/00, Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects, (See Attachment 67, pp, 130 -132), March 6, 2000, the G,O. Bond Oversight Committee Meeting, (See Attachment 67). 14 V.III 75. V.III 76. V,III 77. V.III 78. V.III 79, V.III 80. V,III 81. V.III 82. V. III 83. March 6, 2000, Memorandum Regarding a Request for Approval to Expend the Proposed $100,000 for a "Call to Artists" to Locate and Produce a Design to Screen the Control Boxes Serving Pump Station #31, and to Provide a Visually Interesting Object at this Location. (See Attachment 67, pp, 218-224), March 6, 2000, Memorandum Regarding a Request for the Approval to Expend the $300,000 for the improvements of Operation and Enhancements to the Fountains and for Lighting Upgrades on Lincoln Road as Outlined in the General Obligation Bond Project.(See Attachment 67, pp, 227-228), March 6, 2000, Memorandum Regarding a Request for Approval to Expend the Proposed $36,250 for the Biscayne Elementary School Circulation Improvements Outlined in the General Obligation Bond Project Program List in Conjunction with the 77th Street Improvement Project. (See Attachment 67, p. 229). March 7,2000, Flamingo Park Community Workshop, (See Attachment 68). March 9, 2000, SUNPOST newspaper article regarding Art in Public Places project for South Pointe, (See Attachment 69). March 9, 2000, South Beach District G.O. Bond Community Meeting. (See Attachment 70). March 12,2000, Newspaper articles and advertisements regarding G.O. Bond District and neighborhood meetings March 6 - 22, 2000, (See Attachment 71). March 13,2000, North Beach District G.O. Bond Community Meeting, (See Attachment 72). March 15,2000, Memorandum from Marguerrirte Ramos Herrera regarding North Beach District Task Force membership, (See Attachment 73). 15 V.III 84. March 15, 2000, the City Commission Accepted a Report of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Meeting Held on February 24, 2000 Regarding (1) Discussion of Fee Structure Proposed in the Amended Rules and Regulations for Beachfront Concession Operations; and (2) Review of the Estimated Project Costs of the Renovation of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Courses and Clubhouses. (See Attachment 74, R6A). V.III 85. March 15,2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute an Amendment to the Current Agreement with Arthur Hills/Steve Forest and Associates, to Provide Landscape Architectural/Engineering Services for Bayshore Golf Course and Normandy Shores Golf Courses; Further Establishing a Revised Overall Fee of6.85% from the Previously Approved Rate of7,O% of Construction Cost; Appropriating Architectural/Engineering Fees for Bayshore Golf Course in the Amount of$322,878 (Based on an Estimated Construction Budget of$4,696,408) and Maintaining the Current Balance of $57,000 Available from Phase I for Reimbursable Expenses and Surveys for the Courses, for a Total Amendment of$530,713; with Funding Available from Unappropriated General Fund Balance to be Reimbursed from the City of Gulf Breeze, Florida. (See Attachment 75, item R7C). V.III 86, March 15, ~OOO, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Creating the North Shore Youth Center Oversight Committee as an Ad Hoc Committee of the Miami Beach City Commission, Prescribing the Members and Terms of Office of the Members, and the Committee's Duties, Functions, Powers, and Responsibilities, (See Attachment 76, item R7I). V.III 87. March 15,2000, the City Commission Heard Discussion Regarding Request from the Sunset Island Property Owners, (See Attachment 77, item R9C). VOLUME IV V.IV 88. March 16,2000, Mid Beach District GO Bond Community Meeting. (See Attachment 78). V.IV 89, March 20, 2000, Biscayne Point, Biscayne Beach, Stillwater G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting. (See Attachment 79), V.IV 90, March 20, 2000, Venetian Islands, Star Island, Palm Island, Hibiscus Island G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting. (See Attachment 80). 16 V.IV 91. V.IV 92. V.IV 93. V.IV 94. V.IV 95. V.IV 96, V.IV 97, V.IV 98. V.IV 99, V.IV 100, March 21, 2000, North Shore, Park View Island, Altos Del Mar, 72nd Street G.O. Bond Neighborhood Community Meeting, (See Attachment 81). March 21, 2000, La Gorce, La Gorce Island, Allison Island, St. Francis, Pine Tree Drive G.O, Bond Neighborhood Meeting. (See Attachment 82). March 21, 2000, City Centre, Dade Boulevard, Garden Center, Palm View, Lincoln Road G.O, Bond Neighborhood Meeting. (See Attachment 83). March 22, 2000, Bayshore, Lake Pancoast, Sunset Islands, 40th Street, Sunset Harbor, Flamingo Drive G.O. Bond Neighborhood Community Meeting, (See Attachment 84). March 22, 2000, Flamingo Park east to Washington Avenue, West Avenue G,O. Bond Neighborhood Community Meeting. (See Attachment 85). March 22, +000, Appraisal Report of the Proposed "North Shore Community Center Building" Located Along the North Side of 72 Street at Byron Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida, (See Attachment 86). March 26, 2000, Newspaper articles Regarding Neighborhood G.O, Bond Community Meetings,(See Attachment 87). March 27, 2000, Nautilus, Pinetree, Alton, Orchard Park, 40th Street-51 Street G,O. Bond Neighborhood Community Meeting. (See Attachment 88). March 27, 2000, South Pointe Area G.O, Bond Neighborhood Community Meeting,(See Attachment 89). March 28, 2000, Normandy Shores G.O. Bond Neighborhood Community Meeting,(See Attachment 90). 17 V.IV 101. March 28,2000, Ocean Front, Indian Creek, Collins Avenue Q,O. Bond Neighborhood Community Meeting,(See Attachment 91). V.IV 102, March 28, 2000, Letter of Resignation from G,O. Bond Project Oversight Committee Member, Jerry Libbin. (See Attachment 92). V.IV 103. March 29, 2000, Normandy Isle, Normandy Sud, Marseille, Calais Drive, Bay Drive G.O, Bond Neighborhood Community Meeting.(See Attachment 93), V.IV 104. March 29,2000, Lummus, Ocean Drive, 6th Street-15th Street Q,O, Bond Neighborhood Community Meeting,(See Attachment 94). V.IV 105. March 30, 2000, North Shore Youth Center Oversight Committee Meeting, Attachment 95). (See V.IV 106, March 31, 2000, the City Manager Issued Letter to Commission Regarding a Joint Meeting of North Shore Park and Youth Center Program Advisory Committee and Community Workshop to Review Input from Community and Results from Interest Group Surveys. (See Attachment 96, L.T.C. No. 60-2000), V.IV 107. April 3, 2000, General Obligation Project Oversight Committee Meeting. (See Attachment 97). VOLUME V V.V 108. April 3, 2000, Memorandum from G,O. Bond Project Oversight Committee Member Frank. Del Vecchio Regarding South Beach Area Meetings. (See Attachment 98). V,V 109, April 5/6, 2000, the City Manager Issued a Letter to Commission Regarding Community Workshop to Receive Input and Plan for Renovations and/or Construction of Facilities, Programs and Uses for North Shore Open Space Park and Nature Center, (See Attachment 99, L.T,C, 63-2000/67-2000). 18 V,V 110. April 6, 2000, the City Manager Issued a Letter to Commission Regarding Community Workshop to Receive Input and Plan for Renovations and/or Construction of Facilities, Programs and Uses for Flamingo Park and Tennis Center. (See Attachment 100, L.T.C/ 68-2000). V.V 111. April 6, 2000, the City Manager Issued a Memorandum to Serve as Written Notice of a Meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee to discuss G.O. Bond Financing Strategy. (See Attachment 101). V.V 112. April 12, 2000, the City Commission Received a Verbal Report on the Neighborhoods Committee Meeting of April 10, 2000 Regarding the Operation of the Miami Beach Botanical Garden. (See Attachment 102, item R6C), V.V 113. April 12, 2000, the City Commission Received a Verbal Report on the Citywide Project Committee Meeting of April 7, 2000: 1) Beach Front Concession Rules; 2) G,O. Bond Financing Strategy; and 3) Information Only - Florida Municipal Loan Council - Equipment Financing Program, (See Attachment 103, item R6D), V,V 114, April 12, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute an Amendment to the Current Agreement with REG Architects, Inc" as Approved by the Mayor and City Commission in January 1999, to Provide the Architectural/Engineering Services for the Phase II Redesign and/or Renovations of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouses and Related Facilities; Further Establishing a Negotiated Fee of 8.5% of Construction Cost; Appropriating Architectural/Engineering Fees for the Bayshore Golf Course Clubhouse, in the Amount of $179,675 (Based on Estimated Construction Budget of $2.113.800), and the Normandy Shores Clubhouse, in the Amount of$115,000 (Based on an Estimated Construction Budget of $1,353,160); and an Amount Not to Exceed $61,365 for Reimbursable Expenses and Surveys for the Clubhouse Projects, for a Total Amendment of $356,040; with Funding Available from the Unappropriated General Fund Balance, to Be Reimbursed from the City of Gulf Breeze, Florida, Local Loan Program and Future General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Issue. (See Attachment 104, item R7C). V.V 115, April 12, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Declaring the City of Miami Beach a Cultural Campus and Discussion to Renaming the Collins Park Complex District. The renaming of the Collins Park Complex District issue was sent to the Community Affairs and Cultural Arts Council. (See Attachment 105, item R7L). 19 V.V 116. April 12, 2000, the City Commission Received a Written Report Regarding the Status of the Cultural Campus. (See Attachment 106, item B). V,V 117. April 12, 2000, the City Commission Received a Written Report Regarding Sunset Islands I and II. (See Attachment 107, item C). V.V 118. April 13, 2000, North Shore Park and Youth Center Program Advisory Committee and Community Workshop. (See Attachment 108). V.V 119. April 18, 2000, the City Manager issued a Memorandum to Serve as Written Notice ofthe Finance and Citywide projects Committee, Included in the Agenda was the Proposed Water, Sewer and Stormwater Bond and General Obligation Bond Neighborhood projects, their timing and funding strategy, *NOTE: The meeting was canceled. (See Attachment 109). V.V 120. April 25, 2000, North Shore Open Space Park and Nature Center Community Workshop, (See Attachment 110). v.v 121. April 26, 2000, Flamingo Park Community Workshop, (See Attachment 111). V.V 122. April 27, 2000, the City Manager Issued a Memorandum to Commissioner Liebman in Response to her Memorandum Requesting Information Regarding the Status of North Shore Park and Youth Center. (See Attachment 112). V.V 123. May 8, 2000, Finance and Citywide Projects Committee took the following actions: (1) Approved in concept the timing and schedule for water, wastewater, stormwater and neighborhood improvements; (2) Directed the Administration to bring RFQ to the Commission to hire a Program/Construction Manager for these projects; (3) Directed the Administration to commence the rate studies; (4) Referred the remaining projects for review by the Finance Committee at their next meeting and directed the Administration to prepare an RFQ for a Program/Construction Manager for these projects; and (5) Directed the Administration to prepare a schedule reflecting the in house staffing requirements for these projects.( See Attachment 113). V,V 124. May 9, 2000, the City Manager Issued a Letter to Commission Announcing Community 20 Workshop to Receive Input and Plan for Renovations and/or Construction of Facilities, Programs and Uses for South Pointe Park. (See Attachment 114). V.V 125, May 10,2000, the City Commission Accepted written report from Finance and Citywide Projects Committee (See Attachment 115, LTC 99-2000). V.V. 126. May 10,2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Declaring the Official Intent of the City of Miami Beach, Florida to Issue Debt in Order to Among Other Things, Reimburse Itself from the Proceeds of Such Debt for Funds Advanced by the City for Certain Expenses Incurred with Respect to Improvements to Certain City-Owned Golf Courses; and Authorizing Certain Incidental Actions. (See Attachment 116, item Cn). V,V, 127. May 10,2000, the City Commission Adopted a.Resolution Approving the Issuance of a Change Order in the Amount Not to Exceed $105,347,50 to Mastec North America, Pursuant to Standing Order No, 14133 for the Completion of the Improvements to the 77th Street Beautification Project; and Appropriating the Necessary Funding for the Aforestated Purpose from the General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance to be Reimbursed from the First Series of the $92 Million General Obligation Bonds and Community Development Block Grant Funds. (See Attachment 117, item C7CC). V,V, 128. May 10,2000, the City Commission Accepted a report on the Neighborhoods Committee Meeting of April 10, 2000 regarding the Operation of the Miami Beach Botanical Garden, (See Attachment 118), V.V. 129. May 17,2000, South Pointe Park Community Workshop. (See Attachment 119), V,V, 130. May 18,2000, the City Manager Issued a letter to Commission Announcing Neighborhood Meetings Regarding General Obligation Bond Projects, (See Attachment 120, LTC 108- 2000). V,V. 131. May 22, 2000, the City Manager Issued a Letter to Commission Regarding North Shore Park and Youth Center and the Administration's Notification to Project Architects to Proceed with Designing two (2) Hard Surface Tennis Courts and to Include one (1) Outdoor Fenced Basketball Court, (See Attachment 121, LTC 114-2000). V.V. 132. May 22, 2000, a Memorandum was Issued Regarding the G,O. Bond Public Information 21 Plan Announcing Neighborhood Meetings. (See Attachment 122), V.V. 133. May 24, 2000, the City Commission Referred to Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Discussion of an Analysis Prepared by REG Architects, Inc. for the South Shore (6th Street) Community Center. (See Attachment 123, item C4D), V.V, 134. May 24, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Issuance of a Request for Qualifications (R,F.Q.) from Qualified Firms with Experience and Capability to Provide Professional Program Management Services for Capital Right-of-Way Infrastructure Projects for the City Including all Activities from the Beginning through the Issuance of the Final Certificate of Occupancy. (See Attachment 124, item C7F). V,V. 135. May 24, 2000, the City CommissionAdopted a Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project No.1, for ArchitecturallEngineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the Fire Station No.2 Maintenance Facility Renovation, Public Works Operations Facility, Property Management Facility and the Electrowave Shuttle Facility; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. To Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facilities and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of M,C. Harry & Associates, Inc. Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top-Ranked Firm, (See Attachment 125, item C7J). V,V. 136. May 24, 2000, the City CommissionAdopted a Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project No.2, for Architectural/Engineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the Fire Station No.4 Renovation and Expansion; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm M.C. Harry & Associates To Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facilities and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of Corzo, Castella, Carballa, Thompson & Salmon, (C3TS) Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top-Ranked Firm, (See Attachment 126, item C7K), 22 V.V. 137. May 24, 2000, the City CommissionAdopted a Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List, Specifically for ArchitecturallEngineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the Altos Del Mar Park; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm Falcon & Bueno, Inc. To Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facilities and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of Curtis & Rogers Design Studio Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top-Ranked Firm, (See Attachment 127, item C7L). V.V. 138. May 24, 2000, the City CommissionAdopted a Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No, 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List, Specifically for ArchitecturallEngineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the Allison Park and North Beach Recreational Corridor; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of Kimley-Hom & Associates, Inc, To Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facilities and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of Rosenburg Design Group, Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top-Ranked Firm. (See Attachment 128, item C7M). V.V, 139. May 24, 2000, the City CommissionAdopted a Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List, Specifically for ArchitecturallEngineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the 10th Street Beachfront Auditorium/Beach Patrol Headquarters; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of ST A Architectural Group, To Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facilities and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of RJ Heisenbottle, rnc" Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top-Ranked Firm, (See Attachment 129, item C7N), V.V. 23 140. May 24, 2000, the City ComrnissioqAdopted a Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List, Specifically for Architectura1IEngineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the Belle Isle Park Improvements; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of Rosenberg Design Group, To Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facilities and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc, , Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top-Ranked Firm. (See Attachment 130, item C70), V,V. 141. May 24, 2000, the City CommissionAdopted a Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No, 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List, Specifically for ArchitecturallEngineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the Miami Beach Botanical Garden Renovation and Expansion; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of Curtis & Rogers Design Studio, Inc" To Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facilities and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of Judson & Partners, Inc" Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top-Ranked Firm. (See Attachment 131, item C7P). V.V. 142. May 24, 2000, the City ComrnissionAdopted a Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List, Specifically for ArchitecturallEngineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the Beach Planting; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of Savino & Miller Design Studio, To Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facilities and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of PBS & J, Inc., Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top-Ranked Firm, (See Attachment 132, item C7Q). V,V. 143. May 24, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Appropriating Funds in the 24 Amount of$122,800 Available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance to Be Reimbursed from the Future General Obligation (GO) Bond Issue for the Award of a Purchase Order to Musco Lighting, Inc" in the Amount of $122,800 Pursuant to the City of Jacksonville, Florida Bid No. SC-0400-98 for the Purchase and Installation of New Sport Court Lighting Systems for the Palm Island Tennis Courts ($70,000), Stillwater Basketball Court ($25,800), and the Crespi Park Basketball Court ($27,000), as Specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program.(See Attachment 133, item C7R). v,v. 144. May 31, 2000, Middle Beach General Obligation Bond Neighborhood Meeting, (See Attachment 134). v.v. 145. June 1, 2000, South Beach General Obligation Bond Neighborhood Meeting, (See Attachment 135). v.v. 146. June 6, 2000, North Beach General Obligation Bond Neighborhood Meeting. (See Attachment 136). v.v. 147. June 6, 2000, the Finance and Citywide Project Committee Met and Discussed the Analysis Prepared by REG Architects, Inc. For the South Shore (6th Street) Community Center. (See Attachments 123/ 137). v.v. 148. June 7, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Appropriating Funds in the Amount of$60,000 Available from the City's General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance to Be Reimbursed from the Future General Obligation (GO) Bond Issue for Landscape Improvements to Star Island, as Specified in the 1999 General Obligation Bond Program; Said Funds to be Expended in Advance by the Star Island Homeowners Association And Reimbursed by the City of Miami Beach Based on a Review and Approval of All Costs Deemed to Be Fair and Reasonable by the Administration, Based on Prevailing Cost of Construction, Materials and Labor for the South Florida Area at the Time of Expenditure. (See Attachment 138, item C7E). v.v. 149, June 7, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and Authorizing Amendment No.3, in the Amount of$134,090, to the Professional Services Agreement for Architectural and Engineering Services with Robert A.M. Stem Architects for the Cultural Campus/Regional Library Project, for Additional Services to Complete the Design and Perform Construction Administration on the Collins Park Portion of the Previously Approved Master Plan. (See Attachment 139, item C7L). 25 r- V.V. ISO. June 7, 2000, the City Commission Deferred the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Report to the Commission Agenda July 12,2000. (See Attachment 140, item R6B). V.V. 151. June 7, 2000, the City Manager Issued a Letter to Commission Announcing a Community Meeting to Discuss the Proposed GO Bond Improvements for Island View Park. (See Attachment 141). V.V. 152. June 7, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and Authorizing Amendment No.3, in the Amount 0[$134,090, to the Professional Services Agreement for Architectural and Engineering Services with Robert A.M. Stem Architects for the Cultural Campus/Regional Library Project, for Additional Services to Complete the Design and Perform Construction Administration on the Collins Park Portion of the Previously Approved Master Plan. (See Attachment 142, item C7L). V.V. 153. June 7, 2000, the City Commission Adopted a Resolution Approving and Authorizing the Mayor and C,ity Clerk to Execute Amendment No.4, in the Amount of $26,867, to the Professional Services Agreement for Architectural and Engineering Services with Robert A.M. Stem Architects for the Cultural Campus/Regional Library Project, for Additional Construction Administration Services on Phase I of the Streetscape Portion of the Project. (See Attachment 143, item C7M). ,-- V.V. 154. June 8, 2000, the City Manager Issued a Memorandum to Commissioner Liebman in Response to her Memorandum Requesting Infonnation Regarding the Status of North Shore Park and Youth Center. (See Attachment 144). A:\GOBONDHLWPD r 26 __ .., '_".'_'" _ _ "'''.'',,_~W_!__ ._,-: 'C,", ','- .-/ .....-.-.. "'--",'- ,"..~.--:' ~ .. . ".', ","';'" "-':r'~'~~-'