Ad No. 394 Notice of Special Election 11/7/06 (2) 54 \ 1.0 0 0 N as 0: lJ.J a:l 0 f- U 0 ~ <( 0 Z :::l Vl CI .... ~ III :z: i: -C i: III :z: ~ E 0 u ~ Iii :u ::c 'E ttl ~ lD I: ] LJ tt. kJ a;;\L 1\1 0 II (' t ~ MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 2006 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Election has been called by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, pursuant to City Resolutions 2006-26236, 2006-26277, and 2006-26278 and will be held in said City from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on the 7th day of November, 2006, at which time there shall be submitted to the duly registered and qualified voters of the City of Miami Beach the following questions: Question No. 1 PUBLIC VOTE PRIOR TO TRANSFER OF CITY INTEREST IN PUBLIC BEACH RIGHT OF WAYS Shall Miami Beach City Charter Section 1.03 be amended to require voter approval prior to the sale, exchange, conveyance, lease, or other transfer of any city interest in public beach right of ways (extending eastward from Collins Avenue/Ocean Drive to the erosion control line), excluding Pllrmits of no greater than one year, and excluding the sale, exchange, conveyance, lease or other transfers not exceeding 10% in width of such public beach right of ways? Propuesta NIim. 1 VOTACION PUBLICA PARA LA TRANSFERENCIA DEL DERECHO DE LA CIUDAD SOBRE EL DERECHO DE PASO DE LAS PLAYAS POBLlCAS "Debera enmendarse la Seccion 1.03 de la Carta Constitucional de la Ciudad de Miami Beach de modo que se exija la aprobacion previa del electorado para la venta, el intercambio, la cesl6n, el arrendamiento u otro tipo de transferencia del derecho de la Ciudad sobre el derecho de paso de !as playas publicas (hacia el este desde Collins Avenue y Ocean Drive hasta la linea de control de la erosion), con exclusion de permlsos de no mas de un ano, y la venta, el intercambio, la cesion, el arrendamlento y otras transferencias de no mas del 1 0% del ancllo de dicho derecllo de paso de las playas publicas? Kestyon Nlm. 1 VOT PIBLlK ANVAN TRANSF~ DWA VIL LA SOU WOUl PLAJ PIBLlK YO ~ske se pou Seksyon 1.03 Konstitisyon Vii Miami Beach la amande pou egzije apwobasyon vote yo anvan lavant, echanj, transfe, 10kasyon, oswa lot transfe nenpilt dwa villa sou wout plaj piblik yo (pwolonje ales depi Collins Avenue/Ocean Drive jiska Iiy kontwol ewozyon an), ekskli pemi yo ki pa pou pliske en an, epitou ekskli lavant, echanj, transfe, Iokasyon oswa lOt transfe ki pa depase 10 pousan nan laje wout plaj piblik sa yo? Question No. 2 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: CHANGING TERMS OF OFFICE Shall the City of Miami Beach's Related Special Acts be amended to provide that commencing with terms beginning on or after January " 2007, Board of Adjustment members' terms shall be changed from one year to two year staggered terms? Propuesla Nom. 2 JUNTA DE AJUSTES: CAMBIO DEL PLAZO DE LOS CARGOS "Deberan enmendarse las Leyes Especiales Relaclonadas de la Ciudad de Miami Beach de modo que se disponga que a partir de los plazos que comlencen e11. de enero del 2007, 0 despues, se cambie Ia duracion del plazo de los cargos de los miembros de la Junta de Ajustes de un ano ados anos de plazos allemos? Kestyon Nlm. 2 ASANBLE AJISTEMAN: CHANJMAN NAN MANDA YO ~ske se pou yo amande Lwa Relatif Espesyal Vii Miami Beach yo pou mete anplas ke manda kap komanse apati jou 1 janvye 2007 la oswa apre jou sa-a, pou Manm Asanble Ajisteman yo va chanje pou vin manda dezan olye de manda en an epi ki fet pou pa finl anmenmtan? Question No.3 BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT: RESTRICTING CERTAIN HEIGHT VARIANCES AND STORY (FLOOR) VARIANCES Shall the City's Related Special Acts, Section 2 regarding "Board of Adjustment" be amended to prohibit the board from granting any height variance greater than 3 feet or any variance from a property's allowable number of stories (floors)? Propues1a Nom. 3 JUNTA DE AJUSTES: RESTRICCION DE CIERTAS VARIACIONES RELATIVAS A LA ALTURA Y A LOS PISOS "Debera enmendarse la Seccion 2 de las Leyes Especiales Relacionadas de la Ciudad en relacion con la "Junta de Ajustes" para que se prohiba a dicha junta conceder variaciones de mas de 3 pies relativas a la allura 0 variaciones relatiYas al numero de pisos permllidos para un inmueble? Kestyon Nim. 3 ASANBLE AJISTEMAN: LIMITE SaEN VARYANT NAN wrn YO AI( NAN ETAJ YO ~ske se pou yo amande Seksyon 2, Lwa Relatif Espesyal Villa ki gen rapll ak "Asanble Ajisteman" amande pou entedi asanble an apwouve ankenn varyant nan wote ki pliske 3 pye oswa ankenn varyant nan kantlle etaj yo pemet nan yon pwopriyete? Robert Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach, Florida Ad # 394