Attachment 85 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 http:\\cLmiami-beach.f1.us City of Miami Beach Telephone 305-073-7010 Facsimile 305-673-7782 G.O. BOND NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING Flamingo Park East to Washington Avenue Neighborhood March 22, 2000 at 6:30 p.m. Police Department Community Room AGENDA I. WELCOME II. INTRODUCTIONS r- Ill. WATER, SEWER, DRAINAGE PRESENTATION IV. NEIGHBORHOOD STREETS CAPE IMPROVEMENTS PRESENTATION V. WORKSHOP VI. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION VII. ADJOURNMENT NEXT MEETING: May 2000 (TBA) r- ~. r- ,- 'L --l "- .-- ~,~ NEIGHBORHOOD MAP _S,.UNCOlJ:!... --1L- ~ ~ . o z ~ " ~ . " . ...:!.. _2!: I JL .. . I -~ , '\ _-E.. _...!!:- ..- ~i z . " ,~ 10 ~ '_ , ----'., _2 z o o < . o ~ ~ . o , '" ~ < ~ -~ " S;, z . -- ~ ~ ~ . ~ 0 = - . 0 z ~ z ~ 'iST'. , ~ ~ - . 0 0 Z " S;, . i ~ ~ - r- r- -1<J": l.<N' .. ~ - --- ~ i ~,~ ~ sr, .=:,::: 1.... - .:i- " s;, --'-11! -- - - - ~'~ '-,- t I _--.!! s; . - i o .:::: ....!.~ - - - sr, . II[' " -::::; :::::.: ,- --',~ .-- ./ I.' --"71 : ! ~;i ~ ~ - " ~ - 'i ~~a ,-- sr, _..E -, ' --:::;:: ___ :;r, - , ;1 . ==:~' . s; '-! -- -so: ----:::: z 3 _~ _g. a. ~ --- ! ~ i -- - "- -2: -- - Ii ~ . ~ = ~ > - - 8. ST. o " ~ s;,; Flamingo " .....-.......---- "'....~---- N I - NEIGHBORHOOD MAP ,r- //''/ s ~ /~' ~ ,~. .-: ~~ ='-0 ~ 3 . o -=~ o '" ~ UNCCLN ~- -""""'- '"'~- r- ~2!:: ~:...QJ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sr~ ,,- ---.,- ~ ~ ~ ~'ST_ ~~ -3.. 2L. -1.L ~ ~ II .J..Q..~ N I J..~ 2~ ..!.- ST. .-- z' = West .#' ,-~, ~~-= ~~;;::'------\:\ ~~ " .' .' ""--...~--- CO}"ic"'{'{:..,:;l1:;,;;iI!K" Overhead to Underll'round Conversion Procedures . Request is usually generated from Homeowner's Association (HA), The HA makes a written request to the City indicating the specific location for the desired underground. , . The City then forwards the request to the utilities (FPLlBellSouth/CA TV) with a site plan or any maps associated with the area specified. . FPL will submit a non-binding ballpark estimate, a non-refundable deposit amount necessary to secure the binding cost estimate, and a copy of the FPL tariff 6.300-6.330 to the City, (Approximately 4-6 weeks) This estimate will not include streetlights (FPL can provide standard or decorative streetlights) nor will it include landscape restoration (this will be the residents' and the City's responsibility), . At this point, the City needs to determine if there are any future projects that are scheduled for this area that might cause a conflict, (Ex, Drainage projects, water and sewer projects, etc,) . Once the City has received a response from all the utilities, they will submit them to the HA in a package and copy each ofthe utilities. . If the HA decides to proceed with the undergrounding, then they will contact the City, The City will then schedule a pre-design meeting and invite all the parties involved, In this meeting, it is important to review the FPL tariff and stress the HA responsibility to obtain and record easements from the residents affected, . Once FPL, BellSouth and Cable TV have received the non-refundable deposit, the design will commence (Approx. 3-6 months), . In the design stage if any of the utilities have questions, they should be directed through the City's project manager, (This is the time to discuss the location of the facilities,) . Binding cost estimates by the utility companies will be submitted in writing to the City, . The City will then prepare the total estimate based on the utility companies' estimates and any additional works required by the HA, and will provide this to the HA as a total cost not to be exceeded in the assessment of the properties, These costs are calculated based on the assumption tllat each utility is working independently; therefore, each utility needs to present a cost including trenching, Joint trenching should only be pursued once the HA has agreed to go forth with the undergrounding. The credit will be determined later on, . The HA will need to determine how they plan to assess the residents and take any measures necessary to receive the approval from their residents, . The HA will need to submit in writing to the City the acceptance to proceed and the commitment to pay by the property owners, through a signed petition or County administered vote, . When a majority vote or petition is presented to the City, with a commitment by the HA to implement tlle undergrounding of existing services by the property owners, the City will pass a Resolution to approve the project and establish the special assessment and identifY the funds to commence the undergrounding project . The work will then be scheduled and construction will begin, COMMUNICATION will playa major role in ensuring that everyone's needs are met M:\$CMBlTEMPlFPLSIGN2. Wl'D ,,,,~,,,,,~,,!,:".~':,m'~.l'm.l'" ,",,'"'' "..~,,,.., ...),.,..."k-".~~~ "".- '-;"'-i'~'M"!""'""'''''-'''-'';'" ;""""",,~"'.."',~',,,= """~' "'~. , ."'_ '. """'R '. .., '. ...., ~..~ ",', . ,,'.'. ,- "" ..... ... ,... .... FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT NEIGHBORHOOD FLOODING My community has flooding and is not illustrated as a priority drainage area. Why aren't our stormwater issues being addressed in this program? A. In 1997, the City and its Consulting Engineer, CH2MHILL, completed a Comprehensive Storm water Master Plan, One ofthe components of the plan was to identify and rank areas in the City where stormwater issues were critical. Criteria for ranking included components of both flood level of service (reducing flooding) and water quality level of service (improving the quality of the water being discharged into Biscayne Bay), Four major criteria were used to rank each of the 172 stormwater basins including pollutant loading, flooding potential, citizens' complaints, and city staff rank. In addition, otber issues including potential for property damage and critical evacuation corridors were also considered, After reviewing each of these criteria and assigning a ranking factor, each of the 172 stormwater basins was ranked to identify locations requiring stormwater improvement, The top 37 drainage basins (areas) were identified as the priority areas where the City could accomplish the most flooding and pollution reduction, The 37 "priority drainage basins" are shaded tan on the infrastructure improvement figure, The City recognizes that drainage is an issue in virtually every community, If a community has not been identified as being a "priority drainage basin" it does not mean that drainage is not of concern, Additionally, some drainage improvements will occur in non-priority areas during future phascs of work, Q. My street has storm sewers and we still have puddles when it rains. Why? A, The City of Miami Beach is faced with very difficult storm water issues including the following: The elevation of the island is less than 7 feet above average sea level, while high tide can be as high as 3 feet (marginal storms can produce tide elevations in excess of 4 feet above average sea level), Groundwater is located within 2 to 3 feet below ground surface, Thc City experiences very intense rainfall (Storms with rainfall in excess of 2 to 3 inches per hour occur weekly during the summer), The City is virtually impervious -- most of the rainfall puddles rather than soaking into the ground, The island is nearly flat with little grade or changes in elevation to assist with the movement of stormwater runoff New laws require "treatment" or on-site disposal rather than discharging stormwater directly into Biscayne Bay, Because of these factors, puddles and some standing water must be looked upon as a nuisance rather than ?flooding? or serious drainage problems, The City of Miami Beach adapted Flooding Level of Service (LOS) criteria developed by the Florida Department of Transportation and Miami-Dade County, Based on these criteria, three classifications of roadways are considered including Principal Arterial (Level A), Minor Arterial (Level B), and Residential (Level C). The Flood LOS criteria mandates that roads remain passable under design conditions, Using the Flooding LOS criteria adopted by the City, each road within Miami Beach was classified as a user Level A, B, or C. Flooding LOS is considered to be met if the roadway remains passable (less than 8-inches of water above the crown of the road) for a 5-year storm on a Level A road, a I O-year storm for a Level B road, and a 1 OO-year storm for a Level C road, Design storm designation refers to the anticipated return frequency of a storm of a specific magnitude (i.e" larger storms return or occur less frequently), Future design improvements to the City's storm drainage system consider the roadway classification and the meeting the Flooding LOS criteria, The primary goal ofthe drainage system improvements is to keep the roadways passable as defined by the Flooding LOS criteria, "'..,... "".. "'''''-'''''''"''''''',~,''-'...f~."~" ,,' ".' _,_ ^",. '''' .,.~- " ...,_. ,,"~.' ,~ M' "'"'m--' .. " .. ..,,"' "..' - -.."'''' "'-" ". .. Despite meeting the Flooding LOS, it would be considered unacceptable to have stormwater above the crown-of-road for an extended period of time, The newly designed storm sewers will meet the Flooding LOS and facilitate the ultimate removal of the stormwater from the roadways, Unfortunately, it may take many hours to completely remove the stormwater because of high groundwater or tide elevations, > Some standing water, puddles, and saturated swales must therefor be considered part of living on the island and nuisances that can not bc overcome, Given the serious drainage challenges and a finite amount of money, some drainage issues will always exist even after drainage improvements have been constructed, Q. What can wc expect after drainage improvements are made in the priority areas? A. In the priority areas, the storm water collection and disposal system is being completely reconstructed, New collection systems including catch basins and pipes will be replaced or supplemented, In addition, the existing disposal systems currently consist of pipes leading to the bay, These systems will be totally redesigned to incorporate drainage wells, exfiltration trenches, and swales to provide on-site disposal and to reduce the pollutants being discharged into the bay, It should be realized that even after the improvements are completed, the new system will operate under the Flood LOS Criteria previously explained, The new system will provide for vehicular passage under design storm condition and will not insure that standing water never exists, The goal of the new systems will be to prevent stormwater from endangering lives and personal property and to keep the roads passable for the design conditions, Q. In areas not identified as priority stormwater areas will any drainage improvements be implemented? A. Yes, Two scenarios exist for communities that are not considered priority drainage basins and include providing localized drainage relief or installing a totally new drainage system, If a specific neighborhood has only minor infrastructure improvements (water & sewer) and if the roadways will receive minimal streetscape improvement, only limited drainage improvements will be considered, In such areas, drainage improvements will address localized flooding issues. Examples of this type of improvement may consist of adding or moving catch basins or adding a drainage well to address flooding at a single intersection, In areas that are not stormwater priority areas, there is still a possibility that an entirely new drainage system will be installed, If infrastructure improvement activities are extensive and lor if roads will be reconstructed, an entirely new drainage system may be installed. This type of improvement may not be identified until the middle of a project and will be motivated by issues other than drainage, Q. In observe standing water that makes roads impassable, what should I do? A. Call the Public Works Department of the City of Miami Beach, The City will send a crew to investigate the reasons behind the problem, Resolving the flooding may consist of cleaning a catch basin or eliminating debris from an outfall pipe, To prevent maintenance issues like this from creating flooding problems, take the initiative to keep the catch basins & grates clean in front of your house; never blow lawn trimmings or leaves into the storm drains, and don't regrade swales along road right-of.way, If you havc "shedding trees" in your com.QlJlnity and you observc clogged catch basin inlets call the Public Works Department to perform the necessary maintenance, Q. We have just recently re-Iandscaped the swale area of our home. Will stormwater construction projects effect our beautification project? A. Potentially, The swales in front of your home may be part ofthe road right-of-way and legally belong to the City, Ideally, stormwater accumulates in the swale areas and percolates or soaks into the ground, Using these systems, stormwater is ?disposed? on site and does not impact the quality of the water in Biscayne Bay, Many homeowners have encroached onto the swales and have mounded the areas to keep them dry and to permit parking even during rainstorms, Additionally, some residents have extensively planted these areas which prevent stormwater from collecting or soaking into the soiL In either scenario, if the swales are not functioning to assist the drainage system, the City may regrade the right-of-way to restore the storm water storage and disposal functions. This may result in the removal of existing plantings, walls, or parking areas, e> .--z I-w w:::l Wz :Ew 0> 0<( Oz J:O 0::1- Oe> lDZ J:- e>~ -<( ~s: Wo :::lo Z"'" W.,... ><(:E . ,I;~~!I :E 0 . 1-0 C2~O:::I- C>s:>-w o ~t:~ o::wz..... a.:::l:::l(/) nZ:Ez 7""UJ:E. c..,>oz llJ<(ue> . Z . (/) 000 . I- . c>c>0-.: zlI! i::E (/). ~~ 0:; I-cD ~@) <(0 Wo ~~ 0:: ~ <(C'l a.C'l OJ: e>U zO::: -<( :E:E <( ...J -'- Ii t l<:i [ '-' 1 G! .Y ... ~ -; , " . '~ ,- ~ ~ ~ .. '^ ~ ~ t'- ("- IS-- ~ (V\ \1\ Ire - '~I- ~ ~~ ~~~ $" ~ ~!l --- ~:--\-' c:g ~:t IC\ ~ IE " / ~ ~ 1 Ii _ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -< -( ~ -1 ~ ~.5 \:oJ I"? \ 2: lill~ ~.:1'; ~ J ~ ~:J ~ _ ~ . t~:::~~~~I~ /_~~~~ ~~ ISiW.-(;r~ ell 1-<:::-> ~ <::.." \i:- I,:!d,j' --;I~I 3 ..c:.~ ~.::"i :.:::: ;:" ~-s 1;$ 1 , ;. ")- ; 1 ,:, ~ ~,.:::.L -'-1./ t:l-S: - "l ~ ~ -., ~ ~ _~ ~ 5 c~ ~ .~ J. _ ~ - 'V "ll or ::.- '-~hlr- .' 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"CO i- \{'l CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Office of the City Manager Interoffice Memorandum lO ,- To: William Carey - South District GO Bond Issues Joseph Johnson - Traffic Light Request Kevin Crowder - Economic Development Michael Alvarez - Paving and Storm Drains Captain Anthony Pizzo - "Pooper Scooper" Ordinance Ronnie Singer IL-~ /? ~ --;; Executive Assistant to the Cicy Manager D~te: March 14,2000 From: Subject: REQUESTS FROM A RESIDENT OF THE FLAME'iGO PARK AREA Attached please find a list of requests from a resident of the Flamingo Park area, \Vuile her letter has been prompted by the GO Bond Neighborhood meeting and will be included in that neighborhood discussion, many of the other issues she raises can atld should be addressed now, " Pleas,e review Ms, Rubin's letter and take the appropriate steps to address her concerns, Your prompt attention is appreciat~ RS:jah Attachments (proposed amendments to Sidewalk Cafe Ordinance) ,- c: Rhoda Rubin Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Lynn Bernstein, Service Delivery Manager F:',o.IGil\SALL.I.R.ONME'.F[.A."lINCO,M'EM - ~~d:h; ~ nemlYJj , ~~Mt1Yl l ~PMlfle; -- - - ,- .' J~'-"" ?E:'~hTFIC" t:;~ . I U :~-~J5-5'85-.25 7 4 , "" 21' 00 8:14 1'10.005 P,Ol ,- To: The city of Miami Beach Al1enlion: Lupila Ramos Regarding: Area 7 and neighborhood improvements I spoke to Ms, Ramos last week and she advised me to forward my ideas for thc area in which J live, area 7, J will not be able to attend the meeting on March 22, Beautification: I, A neighborhood always looks nicer whe,n there are a lot oftrces!! The block of 12m and Drexel has very few trees and almost no grass in the urea adjacent 10 the sidewalk, ] suggest adding palm trees or other tropical trees to these areas, 2, A regular clean up of the streets and walking areas, The garbage makes the beach look dirty and unattractive to those who live und visit here. The gutters are always full of garbage, Health Hazard: The overabuI1dwlce of dog waste is a very seriolls threat to the health of the people who live here. There has heen a profound disrega.rd ofthe law which slutes that people MUST elean up after their dogs, The city nceds to find a way to ENFORCE this law, Putting up signs stating thc law and the fines associated with breaking it might help. ,,- Parking: When resjdent~ have to fight with nonresidents for parking i1makes living in South Beaeh a frustrating experknce, The police do Ilot have the time or manpower to handle this situation" Maybe contracting with a towing company or paying someone outside the police force to help the officers with dispatching could give: tIS some respite. The police supposedly have a number we can call to report illegally parked cars, but I h.w NEVER reached anyone at this number! ! Thwlk you for considering my ideas!! Margaret Ok()n~wo, property owner J 242 Drexel A venue #207 \'V\ '\I1AI' 'N k ,..- -- llW'D v' -~. \::M-IV -. r-' "" 0, \ \ (A t~ 0 ( Q...\ J OI<ON KW00YI--CZ~" YP-,t\OO, C00\ ~ ~, r- G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report Neighborhood: Flamingo Park east to Washington Avenue Meeting Date/Location: March 22, 2000/ Police Dept Community Room Presenter: William Cary Facilitators: Lupita Ramos, Reuben Caldwell Attendees: See attached list SUMMARY OF INPUT: FLAMINGO PARK NEIGHBORHOOD The break-out session was divided into two groups, the first of which was formed by Commissioner Dermer at the request of eight (8) tennis players who wished to voice specific desires for the Park's tennis courts. * The second group, formed by Mr. Cary and the facilitators, primarily focused on resident's concerns within the multi-family and single-family areas, The group called for a "systems" approach to neighborhood improvements whereby general streetscape improvements in conjunction with the enhancement of certain key linkages would strengthen the neighborhood, its linkages to adjacent neighborhoods and the City as a whole, r General StreetscaDe ImDrovements . Cross Walks at intersections including bulb-outs and raised pavement . Curb & Gutter at sidewalks with parallel parking. . Landscaping - continuous shade tree canopy, . Neighborhood Entrance Signs along 5th Street at North and South Avenues, Along Alton Road at 11 th, 15th and 16th Streets and at Lenox and Michigan Avenues 12th to 15th Streets with copy reading "children playing ", "speed limits" and "four-way stops". . On-Street Parking - parallel parking along all streets except single-family areas, . Pathfinder Signs to Espanola Way from Lincoln Road along Drexel Avenue, . Sidewalks - ample sidewalks designed such that people can walk without running into obstacles such as light posts and newsstands, . Street Lighting - fifteen (IS') feet to eighteen (18') feet light posts for both pedestrians and automobile traffic, . Street Pavement - smooth asphalt with paves or varying texture at crosswalks, . Swale - along streets where a continuous street canopy is required and in single- family areas, . Traffic - continuous but calm. r- r Hil!:h Priority Neil!:hborhood Linkal!:e Enhancements . Completion of a North! South axis through the park by opening access at Jefferson and Espanola Way in a manner which respects the existing ball parks, . Create a strong pedestrian linkage from Lincoln Road to Espanola Way including through Fisher Feinberg School. . Develop strong Linkage from Flamingo Park to Biscayne Bay along 14th Street . Increase pedestrian linkages from east to west across Alton Road by introducing bulb- outs. . Bulb-outs at all Park entrances. . Continue Meridian Avenue shade tree canopy from 15th Street to Lincoln Road, . Modify 16th Street section to match that of Meridian Avenue (i.e" swales, trees, etc,), . Increase parking on Euclid Avenue through the efficient use of the public-right-of- way while improving the pedestrian experience through the General Streetscape Improvements previously listed herewith, * The following comments relative to the tennis courts are in addition to comments made by residents and professionals at the March 3, 2000, Flamingo Park Community Workshop. r Flaminl!:o Park Tennis Court Imnrovements Facilitator: Lupita Ramos . Clay courts only - not hard courts . Flamingo Park parking for players not for residents . Better lighting for tennis courts and parking lot . Dispenser for litter bags at no cost to tax payers . Better bathrooms and drinking fountains . More trash cans . Better maintenance of facilities . Widening of sidewalks on side streets to Washington Ave and elsewhere III vicinity (to provide better/safer access to park and tennis facilities) M:\$CMB\TEMP\Flamingol,doc r- ..- G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report Neighborhood: West Avenue & Bay Road Meeting Date/Location: March 22, 2000 I Police Headquarters Presenter: William Cary Facilitators: Thomas Mooney & Charles Buckles Summary of Residents' Requested Improvements WEST AVENUE I BAY ROAD (Listed in priority order from first to last) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ~ 6. 7. 8. Pavement: Pave roadways and sidewalks of entire area where they have not been recently improved Parking Configuration: Organize parking with bump-outs and bulb-outs Sightlines: Improve sightlines at intersections and private driveways Lighting: Add layer of pedestrian level lighting Traffic Calming: Introduce traffic calming methodologies where appropriate Access to Flamingo Park: Provide defined pedestrian access to Flamingo Park from neighborhood Project Coordination: Provide coordination oflarge development projects with neighborhood improvements Comprehensive Plan: Resolve Comprehensive Plan issues while approving large projects in a manner that properly responds to their impact upon the infrastructure M:\$CMB\TEMP\WEST&BA Y.WPD r ~ Update Water, Sewer, and Storm Drainage Bonds I I \ "--- Q Reasons for Improvements Regulations (federal, state, county) :::: Problems = Old pipes/tanks/pump stations :::: Small water pipes (pressure/fire flow issues) :: Infiltration of stormwater into wastewater lines ~ Stormwater flooding "--- ~ New Bonds Proposed WaterlWastewater Stormwater $ 50 Million $ 43 Million . City Commission must approve (Mayor June) l Projected 5 years of construction Q ~ ~ QJ"l1'~ZVf) 2>(u.Jl. Infrastructure Summary -~ Drinking Water _ Buys from county :::: Wastewater = Pays county to treat ::: Stormwater (Drainage) :::: Minimum Criteria: r:: Water rises 10 no more than 8 inches above crown of road := Standing water drains within 24 hours I I , "--- ~ Funding - 1995 Water & Wastewater Bond Issue = First $59 Million of Bigger Package :::: Funds are Committed :::: Upcoming Bond Issues :::: Series 2000 Water & Wastewater :::: Series 2000 Stormwater "--- ~ Coordinate, Communicate =- Citizens' mandate to City: . Coordinate . Communicate Coordination between WaterlWastewater, Stormwater, and General Obligation Bond Programs '- ~ " ,.... ZUllome GO Bond Neighborhood Improvements Planning Workshop City of Miami Beach lQ ~ West Avenue/Bay Road Neighborhood ~ , , . to ask what you NEED for your neighborhood, The City is about to hire architects/consultants for these projects. Before doing so we need your help because you are the "real client". /'"' Flamingo Park Neighborhood 'c '-_LI.~, . L:j' ,--~._-"".- -"'_' ",:.f ""'''''1 ..j .., . ..I _:~- I ..", Weare here tonight to review: Previously funded projects which are completed or under construction. General Obligation Bond Program projects which are be~g planned for your neighborhood. and" , We want to make sure that: We understand existing conditions in your neighborhood, \Ve know which projects are most important to you. We coordinate all projects--street improvements, drainage, utilities-- to ensure that we do not cause unnecessary disruptions. .' 2 .-- Funded and Underway . Flamingo Park Master Plan . Flamingo Park Pool . PAL (Police Athletic League) Youth Facility . Espanola Way Improvements Neighborhood Improvements Eligible Costs for $9,200,000 Flamingo Park Area: $7,400,000 + West Avenue Area: $1,800,000 ~ Street pavement Sidewalks Curb & Gutter Grass swales Parking Crosswalks Bikeways Traffic calming Landscaping Lighting Neighborhood entrance signs Path tinder signs for attractions and special districts W est Ave, Existing NeedsIDeticiencies . u:'-tl' ,,€P,RS _ ,",,"n z ","~"~;:"f' ~ _ co"E~ ,,,~e:-~t."( . ";;>'En!:",, . .r;c,_"....,.-..:!. .-- G,O, Bond Neighborhood Improvement Projects Flamingo Park Neighborhood West A venue/Bay Road $7,400,000' $l,800,OOO Total: $9,200,000 . Includes Lummus Park Neighborhood Flamingo Existing NeedsIDeticiencies . ,II ~:~: ; ~;::,~~~:"~,,,~ _ '...':.,.,'i,"~U'(.P, . S"';:;"'''D ;~~.i ,. , , . , 1'. i Good Neighborhood Street Lenox Avenue North of 12th Street " 3 ~ Good Neighborhood Street "'!I. Good Neighborhood Street Lenox A venue South to 13th Street Good Neighborhood Street Example - Minor Deficiencies . Purdy Avenue Lenox Avenue south at 14th Street Example - Moderate Deficiencies 1 Example - Moderate Deficiencies sidewalk s\\al.: drainage parking street trees lighting: enlwncemelll Meridian Avenue south at 10th Street 15th Coun east of Bay Road r ~~~ pa\'emenl sidewalks trees drainage repairs sidewalk swale drainage parking street trees lighting enhancement " 4 ~ Example - Major Deficiencies Bay Road looking south Example - Major Deficiencies Drexel Avenue north at 12th Street Example - Major Deficiencies Euclid Avenue soum at 12th r Example - Major Deficiencies sidewalks swale curb & guller street trees streetscape 16th Street west of West Avenue Example - Major Deficiencies .::~ sidewalks swale curb & gutter Slreettrees streetscape Drexel A venue north at 13th Example - Major Deficiencies side\valks swale curb & gutter street trees streetscape Euclid Avenue north at 12th sidewalks swale clIrb & gutter slreetlrees streetscape sidewalks swale curb&gutter streetlrees srreelscape sidewalks swale curb & guner street trees streetscape " 5 ~ - Flamingo NeedslDeficiencies Water, Sewer, Drainage - _ ~"'E~ _ ~~I"O. r,hLN..r.: Electric, Telephone, Cable TV Work not eligible for G,O, Bond funds ,- Property owners must pay for underground . Complex process Must be coordinated with other improvements Step I - Workshop Groups I. West A venuelBay Road Neighborhood 2. Flamingo Single-Family Neighborhood 3. Flamingo Multi-Family Neighborhood ,- - West Ave, NeedslDeficiencies Water, Sewer, Drainage - _ ,,\'-...:H '" ',~~_.f - ;'~I ".y' . What are your needs and priorities? . Step 2 - Groups Identify Needs 20 minutes discussion Street pavement Sidewalks Curb & Gutter Grass swales Parking Crosswalks Traffic calming Bikeways . Landscaping Lighting . Neighborhood entrance signs Pathfinder signs for attractions & districts Drainage .' 6 ,-- Step 3 - Groups identify priorities 15 minutes Step 4 - Groups report back to full meeting 5 minutes each group Step 5 - Discussion & conclusions 15 minutes The City oFMiami Beach lQ '"'='" ,- Thanks you for your participation, We hope to see you at the next Flamingo West A venuelBay Road Neighborhood meeting in May, 2000 .-- What happens after tonight? 1, City staff will study neighborhood priorities: * compare with timetables for underground utilities * prepare cost estimates 2, Return to neighborhood meeting in May with answers to: What? Why? Where? and When? .' 7 W' .., "eW I" yew. M'I.",e."ee Flaminco P I :::J ar,< \}ji='S~^ R ~ L r-verl''''- esidents ;Ol'n ' ' ,~, Bay I~O?Ci' " I, us on Ci Marc,h 22, 2000 aI .-- 6:30p.m. Miami B each Police De . 'I partment \,.j;olC:! ' __~lllnc~"n ' P .....".'........ I ......\/~ /, ::in '_"= r' :-ir:-~ CI ,-,."ro"'Cil _' !,: ; i ~ i- r-,r -. ~, r:"cr'" ,~" . '- I, 'jcr;-(:-r: .C1l..,Cn r''1r-~ ,./l,---;-;.....,r " ..' ~V :cc:C:: __.'- Ii ~r:::;'I""" _, ~,c. ;;c 3r- . _'. \) ~ . 8 5 c -::; -: - .- " .,.....L.....') ~""::'l ' , ! -:=.nl< C-=-i ~: :::,r,,...,;,- ___"" ",' 3~5 _ ....L i) 1--'""' ~ .0/ L 2"'~ I _ . ~oc We Jool f with -< orward t . you to furth 0 worJ-<ing pnoritize our n e: develop and projects fro . elghborhood m"ll" m .ho C'.. ' ] Jon G ~ J.ys tn2 en era] 0 . ~"j Bond Jss blJgation ue. r . .~-- , . :;N"ii :,:;,~2,;:..:,>:":' '... 9 llbJrap.o d'~;': , ~mp,r.~v~~,!~i~~D;;;:: il~r5i~!W~ l11trO'f1 '';f;~7:<'''' .~;,i{'Jki~~~ .--..-...:;- ~ Flamingo Park, West Avenue, Bay Road (south of Lincoln Lane but south of Collins Canal on the west side of Bay Road, north of 6th Street, west of Washington Avenue) ~ ,) ~ I) // , [' /'<',- ::l:lSl~,' "'~ ',' : : 1;1 19$1 '''':~ ,/,/ '.li. 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J' ~l , ~ i~ o ~ ~ -s- c ... - o ' tL L <: c.r; " v . ,,L - ..::5-'t I~ -+ c.. I<c, f ,- --'-' I~-~. ~ ~ .s -" ~ 10 ... --l5 - IL~I :!'n J -; f~ 2 <; <: i !"':.... ":l .r 1'" '-' ~ .- . IE fr ~ -r: , I~ (il -f l s o!II~~I~ 1 ~ E 0' ~~t ~I Ice llJ4 I- .. .2, (.0 C) o G STREET IMPROVEMENT estimate of probable cost ( 400 feet - city block) ( 70 feet right-of-way) CONSTRUCTION COSTS SIDEWALK: ( 5 feet x 2 sides) CURB/GUTTER/VALLEY STREET LIGHTING: (new - 4 each side) HANDICAP RAMPS: ( 4 ) MILLING & STREET RESURFACING: PAVEMENT MARKING: TREES / LANDSCAPING: (4 trees each side) ENGINEERING / SURVEYING / PLANNING: TOTAL: 15 % CONTINGENCY: GRAND TOTAL (approx:) Note: infrastructure improvement or other utilities costs (to be determine ),,, $ 24,000. $ 13,600, $ 48,000, $ 4,000, $ 12,000, $ 3,000, $ 10,000. $ 10.000, $ 124,600. 18,690. $ 143,290.