Attachment 86 j ~ a ~ ~ - r .-- APPRAISAL REPORT OF THE PROPOSED "NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY CENTER BUILDING" LOCATED ALONG THE NORTH SIDE OF 72ND STREET AT BYRON AVENUE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA ,- Ie; I DATE OF VALUATION: MARCH 22, 2000 J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 . j j ~ . 11 III . . . . . . . . . . . . J.B. ALHALE at ASSOCIATES, INC. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS 3121 COMMODORE PLAZA, SUITE 200 COCONUT GROVE, FLORIDA 33133-5846 JOZEF ALHALE, MAl STATE CERTIFIED GENERAL APPRAISER NO. RZOOO1557 TEL: (786) 552-0960 FAX: (786) 552-0970 March 28, 2000 Mr, Jose Damien Asset Manager Office of Asset Management City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Be~ch, Florida 33139 Re:, North Shore Community Center Miami Beach, Florida Dear Mr. Damien: Pursuant to your request for an appraisal of the above referenced property, I submit the following appraisal report, Legal Description; Part of the City owned site where the North Shore Park Recreation Center will be located. I have made a physical inspection of the subject site and reviewed the building plans dated December 3, 1998 prepared by Bermello-Ajamil & Partners, Inc., 2601 South Bayshore Drive, Suite 1000, Miami, Florida 33133. The subject facility is a portion of a larger public recreational facility and will be owned and operated by the City of Miami Beach, It is my estimate that the Prospective Market Value of the Fee Simple Interest in the subject property upon completion of proposed construction, as of January 1, 2001 was: PROSPECTIVE MARKET VALUE OF FEE SIMPLE INTEREST UPON COMPLETION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION TWO MaLlON FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,400,000) Sincer~ ~ Jozef Allmle, MAl State Certified General Appraiser License No. RZ 0001557 \20.3-5 II IJ iI iI I I I I I I I I I I I I 8 I I ~ ,- TABLE OF CONTENTS SUMMARY OF SALIENT FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS. . , , . , :. . . PHOTOGRAPHS OF SUBJECT PROPERTY :., , . . , , , , , , , , , , , . PURPOSE/FUNCTION OF THE APPRAISAL, . .. , , . . , . . , , , . , , SCOPE OF THE APPRAISAL ""'".."",.,.""",., PROPERTY RIGHTS APPRAISED ., , , . , . , . , . , . . , . , . , . , . , , DATE OF VALUATION ...'""....'"...,..,...,.." STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND HISTORY . . . , . . , . , . , . . . , ESTIMATED MARKETING PERIOD '...,.,.,.,.,..'..'". DEFINITION OF VALUE. . , , , , . , , , . . . , , . . , . . , . , . , , . . , . NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS ,...'..,'......'...',...., ACCESS TO THE SITE . , , . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . . . . , , . . , , . . . , DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE , . , . . . , , . . , . , , , . . , , . . , , . . , . UTILI:rIES .,.. . . . , . . , , . . . . . , , . . . , . . . . . . , . , . . . , . . . FLOOD ZONE. . . , . . . . . . , , . . . . , . , , . . . , . . . , . . . . . , , , . ZONING ",.,.....,.....,.......,.,.,."...,...' HIGHEST AND BEST USE DEFINITION , . . , , . , . . . , . . , , . . , . . HIGHEST AND BEST USE, AS VACANT , , , . . , . , , , . . . , . , , , THE VALUATION PROCESS "'" . , . . , , . . . . , . , . . . , , . . , . THE SALES COMPARISON APPROACH """"""""'" THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE .,....,......,...,.... RECONCIUATI,ON AND FINAL VALUE ESTIMATE """"'" CONTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDITIONS , . . . . , . . . . . . . , . . CERTIFICATION, , . . , . . . , . . . , , , . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . ADDENDA. , . . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , , , . . , . . . . , SUPPLEMENTAL SALES DATA. . . . , . . . . , . , . , . . . . . . , . . . . LETTER OF ENGAGEMENT ...,.'....,...,..."..',... MARSHALL & SWIFT COST ESTIMATES ....,........,.'.. CONTINUING APPRAISAL EDUCATION (Jozef Alhale, MAl) . . . . . : QUALIFICATIONS (Jozef Alhale, MAl) , . . . . . . . , . . . . . , , . . , . . PAGE NO. 1-2 3-4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6-7 7-8 8 8 8 8 9 10-11 12 13 14-17 18-34 35 36-37 38 39 40-47 48 i 49-53 54 55 J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 . - - 1 ~ '--'--'----'1 . - - - -~ , , r- r- .I l 1._+ . In[ I . a ;~ ~ '" Bj '" ~ .. < ,,' < ~ . u , " < . " u ~ ,~i a ,-~ ,I g!!" ~.~ J=,~~~LL~:,'_~L'-~"~n~~I~.- __ .! ~09-~-"-"" [~:.:.I-~'..'!' J~~ !! -:_=:;i':- J " ~ -I :J':"~: B ! I-~'-';;;'~ -- ).B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS . . ,- II III . I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I ~ I I SUMMARY OF SALffiNT FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS Location: Address: The north side of 72nd Street, at Byron A venue, Miami Beach. Florida xxx 72nd Street Miami Beach, Florida City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 Owner of Record: Legal Description: Improvements: Site Area: Flood Zone: Zoning: Proposed Use: Part of the City owned site where the North Shore Park Recreation Center wiIl be located. The subject improvements consist of a proposed two-story CBS community center building with a gross building area of 18,282 SF which is comprised of 8,641 SF on the fIrst floor and 9,641 SF (including the elevator and stair area for the fIrst floor) on the second floor, The proposed facility wiIl be a part of the larger North Shore Park Recreation Center located between Harding Avenue on the east side, Dickens Avenue on the west side, 73rd Street on the north side and 72nd Street on the south side, The proposed community center building wiIl be adjacent to the basketball/gymnasium building to the east and the shuffle board area and the tennis center to the north and northeast. As per the building plans dated December 3, 1998 prepared by Bermello-Ajamil & Partners, Inc., 2601 South Bayshore Drive,: Suite 1000, Miami, Florida 33133, the proposed subject community center building wiIl have a large multi-purpose room, two classrooms, a ceramics room, offIce, storage rooms, lobby and restrooms on the fIrst floor; and fIve classrooms, storage rooms, restrooms and offIces on the second floor. 9,641 SF (footprint of the largest floor area of the building) Flood Zone "AE" - special flood hazard areas inundated by 100-year flood with base flood elevation determined at eight feet; National Flood Insurance Program, Community Panel Number 12025C-0094J, as revised on March 2, 1994, GU (City of Miami Beach - Governmental Use District) Community center facility J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 1 - .-- ,- 'j' jJ , , I I I I I I I I lA', I '\~t:i 0 I I I I I I I 0- ~ 0-' il! 'ji 0-' 0-' il :' 0- ~.~- / ~, ( 0-: I, I , I-:: : l1io::'::- I I I 0-' :$---' I 0-' I I I I I !II 0-' : 10-' I I I I \ I , , ...,---- --- - - - - - - - -- - - - - -- _...'" ; 11J1!n!~ i1 ~sl qn ! ~ ~ p P J < , f i i~ 'i , t ~I d II' , > B '~I 'I '--0 '--0 '--0 ,~ iI ~ o l" ".. ,.. '" _ <0 ~ nnnBI' ~~~~~~~J:. ~ . ;!I 0 I i:;J'p~ D = ~ 111111 J I 1"0 in. ~, liiil ~f ~:: 1 g ;;i ~ ,.p.t; I e ~ 11111111 !!'Hi //11 B :'1" I .. :II = ~ it" "t I' · > l!-f I' =m @ ,,~ ..~{: . ~~ jHa': -<.. .\ ;;I:.! j '0 .. . ,,~ :: 0% i.~ j! ! ;: i' , 1m, . f;- 0 % . Ii!! ..g -It ~ = J I>. n'" ~ ','. ' , 1''''<- , i ~.. ' '. ~ !:!" I II ~~ -<. l !:~ ).8. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I \ ~ SUMMARY OF SALmNT FACTS AND CONCLUSIONS -- Continued -- Highest and Best Use: The Highest and Best Use of the subject site, as if vacant, would be for the development of a public recreational facility within the constraints of the applicable zoning criteria, Property Rights Appraised: Date of Appraisal and Inspection: Fee Simple Interest March 22, 2000 January 1, 2001 Date of Valuation: MARKET VALUE ESTIMATES: Income Capitalization Approach to Value: Sales Comparison Approach to Value: Cost Approach to Value: Reconciled Final Value Estimate: Replacement Cost.New of Improvements: Market Value of Underlying Site: Not Applicable $2,380,000 $2,430,000 $2,400,000 $2,095,000 $335,000 .-- J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraiser. and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 2 - . . . . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ,-- \~. ""oe...... ' . View of the subject site, looking northeasterly from 72nd Street - March 22, 2000 ~ - ~;'~"''''!~.' ''--. ~ -:~i?0;~~~~~&.i;t""c;"" r View of the subject site, looking northwesterly from 72nd Street - March 22, 2000 r J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 3 - t ~ . . , . , , , , I I I I I I I I '''''',.-)<~j;.. - Street view along 72nd Street (subject property on the right side), looking westerly - March 22,2000 r ~.......,~~.~ ...",~" r Street view along 72nd Street (subject property on the left side), looking easterly - March 22, 2000 .-- J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 4 - ~ 'm I I' iT'71;' ',I I 1\... }: , , o I,~ r---'""---- -- '?I 1"1 1111211 II II (I I ljl I I I II 111.1 IJ II II II '_I II II II LI 1.1 II 11 1.1 I 0 I t::I I 0- , , ,I I '€ --lI! -.a---:o,...---- Ir, &S --IJI__ -:;,.-~- ( . o III 1''''''''''''''''''''111 I 11111111111111111111 111111(1111111111,111 11::::::::::::::::::::I!u11 <J 1 I III II n I~ II Il Ii II JII I · il: ijLr r,""I,:.,',~lfri-'-l-l( " ~ I -~ -- , - 1 1IIIIIl.II I' I I" 1'1'11, I ~ 1 I ~ ' """S"" I~"~ * 11 j-y-rr rllf.ui"l.l .~ '~. ,...:J.:..: i.---.,'- f r I~ I hI oj, .~': ",{ '-,-It ~ 11111111111 II '-,--;:; 0'-7 "1 .. I II "I I \ " IJ II rl 11 " II II Illfl 11 II rr IJ II II II f! U II '1 II n f! II II II 1,,1 1/ Ii I[ 'r 'r-; I ') I, I illl I ill! .i~.,' ::,.rl:~ n -'--,,,,, ----- ;r-:W--:t~:'::~.:".~.~:,_l!.:.__. ;,-" ") '''''''''''''''''''' \AlIIIIIIIII II +---.;C..' ";Oi'-.n"'. "".I':,i- t ,..j, I i I I ~ ...-/ ( I I: ( , \ II II......' I ..',itf- J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS * I . .-- ,- PURPOSE/FUNCTION OF THE APPRAISAL The purpose of this limited scope appraisal report is to provide an estimate of the Highest and Best Use, and the Prospective Market Value of the Fee Simple Inter<;st in the subject property upon completion of proposed construction, as of January 1, 2001. The prospective valuation date is based on an estimated nine-month construction period, The function of this appraisal report is to assist the client in executive decision making and coIlateral/asset valuation relative to the proposed municipal facility, SCOPE OF THE APPRAISAL I have made a physical inspection of the subject site and reviewed the building plans dated December 3, 1998 prepared by BermeIlo-Ajamil & Partners, Inc., 2601 South Bayshore Drive, Suite 1000, Miami, Florida 33133, The subject facility is a portion of a larg<;r public recreational facility and will be owned and operated by the City of Miami Beach, The scope of the limited scope appraisal involves the research and analysis of factual data relative to the subject property, as weIl as market data necessary for the development of the Cost Approach to Value, as weIl as supplemental data for the Sales Comparison Approach to Value, The subject property is a special-purpose public recreational facility which will be owned and operated by the City of Miami Beach, and is not a commercial and/or income producing property which is sold/purchased for its rental income generation potentiaL Therefore, the Income Capitalization Approach to Value was not deemed to be applicable and was not utilized in this "limited scope" appraisal report, The Sales Comparison Approach to value was provided as a supplemental analysis, reflecting the sales price of private school/day care facilities in the subject area, The value estimates developed within each of the applicable approaches are then reconciled into a final Market Value estimate, The data and information used in developing our fmdings, projections and valuation estimates have been derived from published information, direct interviews, analysis of similar properties and other sources which were considered appropriate as of the valuation date. PROPERTY RIGHTS APPRAISED This appraisal report assumes marketable and insurable fee simple title. The appraisal is made with the understanding that the present ownership of the property includes all the rights that may be lawfuIly held under a fee simple estate, An analysis of the Fee Simple Interest at market rental rate and terms has been provided, Fee simple is defined in The Dictionarv of Real Estate AooraisaL 1984 Edition, which was sponsored by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers as follows: Absolute ownership unencumbered by any other interest or estate; subject only to the limitations of eminent domain, escheat, police power and taxation. J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 5 - 0--' ~ 0--- , , 0-- 0---' 0- ~ u..._..~~ I'!! I:, I': I', :' " II:: , " II:' .:: ':' I:: :: d ,-- " ~ ~ .~._-- !; ;; :i :; .L.-.- " :: Ii :: ;: " .L.-. '-'-'-'-'-'~'~'+'7'-'-'-'-'-' 1 ~;. ,-,-,-,,,-,\-, I ): I ~. I U: .:oi , ' t ,;_.. I ::.. I ::.:. " .---. -.-........ I I I I I , I I ~,----l-~-J-----cb ,-,-,-,-,-, '1xt' ,-,-,-,-,-, " " " , " " " , ::=i~_; " I ~ee-' i . " ~ I 0," .''''-'-'-'-' " " " , if ' " " _.......-.~. o II I'! II 11 1\ 11 II II n II (1 II II 11 _._..u.-LI.J.LlL.IJ...w...L1._. II II II II II II 11 II ! I 'Ijl.) II II II I J l..l~Ll 1.1 II M ["1 11 1"1 r-l r I I.l I.l II 1.1 II II II II II ,rl n 11 U II II rl 1"1 n II II 1'1 [-j I' II I J II II 11 1"1 r I r 1 II I'l 111111 111.1 1\ 11 II II ('1 11 11 _ ) \ I) II II II 1'1 II 11 \ ~I,:'-r -,~ ----f-::I--,-- I ) -'--, -- -'- ,-,-,-+,-1-,-,-,-, "_J t, I! i I II II II : 1 11 1111 n 11 [I II If II II II II 1,1 n I tlrl II r1 II II ! I r I I) II II . 11 rl n n II 11 II 11!1 I II II 11 ~ 1"1 I r n n 11 II fl IJ II 1.1 I J 'I II II 1"1 11 11 II II II 1.1 11 1111 II II 11 II 11 11 II I I I -.-.+++J-H-fi-.:+.H.+:.-. -'-'~'f7"";'~ . I J I I I! I I I I I I ~ I , : . II II II II II II II ;: o 0" ...-.-.-.....- . ______l_~ ~ --t-',.~:;11-,~.n ; I filii .,-t- ."". ---,- " -.-.-.-- I 0.. " i: " " " " II ': " " " II " " " " " " II 11:211 " " " ! I!II " " " II II " " " 1IIIl " " " " " " " I J I 1;- 'II \ ~g .. _,_111.-__ II ~-jf- T' , I, -t-' .: -1b,~1 :: ; / 'l -.--If :; f-~~-f~ " 6- :1' " H ..r" " " " ::: " II I! ~~~"'I I ( " -J;: Ii t I " ....:;, j - Jii'.!l-- :ii;=.'l, ,.-ii -~-,,, ;.: ',' .:: ,. ::: :.' ~ : ( " .)......1:1 ! ~ ,', ).B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS .' , ,--,-{) ---{) -,--{) .=.~:-'-O ~-o -'---0 -,---0 -,-,-'-0 --,--0 ,-,-,--0 ----0 -,-,--0 II o 2 ~ ~ I I" i a - II . /I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I ~ .-- DATE OF VALUATION January 1,2001 (based on a projected nine-month construction period) from the date of appraisal. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP AND mSTORY The subject property is currently owned by the City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, ESTIMATED MARKETING PERIOD The subject property is a special-purpose public recreational facility which will be owned and operated by the City of Miami Beach, DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE Market Value is defmed in The ADI;lraisal of Real Estate, Tenth Edition, by the Appraisal Institute as follows: The most probable price, as of a specified date, in cash, or in terms equivalent to cash, or in other precisely revealed terms, for which the specified property rights should sell after reasonable exposure in a competitive market under all conditions requisite to fair sale, with the ,buyer and seller each acting prudently, knowledgeably, and for self- interest and assuming that neither is under undue duress, Fundamental assumptions and conditions presumed in this definition are: I.Buyer and seller are motivated by self-interest, 2. Buyer and seller are well informed and are acting prudently, 3. The property is exposed for a reasonable time on the open market 4, Payment is made in cash, its equivalent, or in specified financing terms. 5. Specified financing, if any, may be the financing actually in place or on terms generally available for the property type in its locale on the effective appraisal date. 6. The effect, if any, on the amount of Market Value of atypical financing, services, or fees shall be clearly and precisely revealed in the appraisal report J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 6- ,~o'''' ...... " , ..T" OT 'I~ OT, r ~ o. /-MIAMI \SHORES Bill 51. Park BISeA'N!' ( POINT . NORMANDY SHORES ;751051, ~PQ/. -' , i HAIlBOIl : ISLAND ,~~ ~ Cif H~jj.t DV , Nor,tuhor. ~o," GffyltOIlll(/ BIl' Su .JOHN F, EN ~~~ NOIlTH I.' ISLAND "< . ';i. 0:: 10 :- x: ':- . "T::~i TREASURE: ISLAND i..j ~ IE -. ~ MIAMI '...... , BEACH , '1-.\ lsid. 'k \:j ...... ..... c::;' Mt. S;noi .. Hospjlol . JOHNS ISLAHD(; II ! "'- ..... J LIA T E ~ '., ...."_,..~..,.., _W', ' OT l"-- "'," .~" i SUHsn . :~ ISLES --. n. "': ,II YNE NO SAN WARCO ISl.4NO " ,c:::=>, ! I !" 01-\.100 .. . ISI.JoHO ~ !" ; ~ t ""i ! J RIYO l"" I ~ ~ {l ' 9 lil, AI. TO I~ i! \~l ~o\ :~I ~!ISL.". ,'-::0 ~I CA.USEWAV' J) ) " I ...." I lal ,...,,1:.... 't/ " . Bou Museum C~"in~ Pal. _7. , C."....'i... C...,., ""';....i a..d'l "1..,.,.1: ...,1.,...;..,"'''' ,.. ......co...... aD. ........ ........;:..,,~,., / J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS i III II III 11 II rI II I I I I I I I I I I I .-- .-- ~ DEFINITION OF MARKET VALUE -- Continued -- Market Value is defined as per current Federal regulatory agency criteria as follows: The most probable price which a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller, each acting prudently, knowledgeably and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus, Implicit in this .definition is the consummation of a sale as of a specified date and the passing of title from seller to buyer under conditions whereby: a, buyer and seller are typically motivated; b, both parties are well informed or well advised, and acting in what they consider their own best interests; c. a reasonable time is allowed for exposure in the open market; d. payment is made in terms of cash in V,S, dollars or in terms of fmancial arrangements comparable thereto; and e, the price represents the normal consideration for the property sold unaffected by special or creative financing or sales concessions granted by anyone associated with the sale. This appraisal is subject to the above referenced definition, as per Federal regulatory criteria. NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS The subject property is situated within the North Beach section of the City of Miami Beach. Miami Beach is an island located just off the southeast coast of Dade County, Florida, The island is approximately one mile wide, ten miles long and travels in a northerly/southerly direction parallel to mainland Dade County. The town of Surfside borders Miami Beach to the north starting at approximately 87th Street. The Atlantic Ocean acts as the eastern and southeastern border, while Biscayne Bay/the Intracoastal Waterway lies to the west The subject area is conveniently connected to mainland Miami via the John F. Kennedy Causeway (State Road No, 934) which divides into 71st Street and Normandy Drive as it enters Miami Beach; and Julia Tuttle Causeway (State Road No. 112/1-195) which becomes Arthur Godfrey Road (41st Street) as it enters Miami Beach. The area is serviced by north/south arteries including Collins Avenue, Harding Avenue, 71st Street, Normandy Drive and Indian Creek Drive which connect the area with the causeways mentioned herein. as well as the cities of Surfside, North Bay Village, Bal Harbour and North Miami Beach. J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 7 - ~ ._._.._----~-_... '._- -,p--- --.-....----.- ~ J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC REAl ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ NEIGHBORHOOD ANALYSIS -- Continued -- The property uses along nnd Street consists of multi-family residential buildings; and low-rise apartment buildings, retail and office facilities along 71st Street and Normandy Drive which serve the surrounding residential neighborhoods, ACCESS TO THE SITE 72nd Street provides direct access to the subject facility on the south side. 71st Street, Normandy Drive, Harding Avenue and Collins Avenue are the main arteries connecting the subject neighborhood with mainland Dade County, Surfside, Bay Harbour, South and Central Beach areas, DESCRIPTION OF THE SITE The subject site will be comprised of the land beneath the proposed building. The subject site is level at street grade, and does not have any apparent drainage or other problems which would restrict or limit the use of the site, No soil boring tests or engineering reports were submitted to the appraiser; however, the property is assumed to have stable subsoil conditions as do most properties in the immediate area, The appraiser has not been informed of any adverse subsoil conditions revealed by an environmental a~sessment conducted by a fIrm with experience in identifying such substances, nor is ,he qualifIed to detect such substances that may exist. It is assumed that the subject site would be typical for properties located in the subject area with no apparent soil problems which would restrict or limit the usage of the site, If any adverse subsoil conditions are identifIed and do exist, these conditions would be, considered to have a material affect on tI e Market Value estimate. The valuation' analysis assumes the site to be free of any dverse subsoil conditions, and is subject to the satisfactory removal of any contaminating materials in accordance with technical, environmental and governmental guidelines UTll.ITIES Public utilities available to the subject site in lude electricity, water, sewer and telephone service. Police and fIre protection services are provided by the City of Miami Beach, FLOOD ZONE According to the National Flood Insurance Program Community Panel Number l2025C- 0094J, as revised March 2, 1994, the subject site is located within Flood Zone "AE" - special flood hazard area inundated by 100-year flood where base flood elevations have been determined to be seven feet above sea level. J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 8 - '~-- ~-..,.-""" - . _ ;'~. [iEt] ~ .~,d4 I" . I yt, \1..\, I'Hf> ~~':',:'..~. .:.,. .. . . - . . ,. li"' >- j:.- ~ ~~ t . : -, STinEr:: ...'~' j;....L~.,\.-...~ ~ '7TsJI; 11,1 I iil Ii" I I, II'" .' ~, -L.; : pL ~i--:- ~ ..I ,~ -=-' ,.L'" '----' ~'-'- ~ "Ii~',I'" I ~ 1,l>lyr '" ,llaI, ~~'" ,." ".. _ m, , " ..I 'i' "' ~ . - . ,- ~ ; ""J1:....,. ".'a" .~.n,1 '1,,11 ' ,.; ~ ;, 7' ~ :z t '~J:IYITI~I1I-"1 JDI,.." ,. ~j~; ~ ~ ~ ;t :1', ;; "I,lll !"r, 111 " I;r'd= ~ 1'= h:IT:w.. ' .; T.!'TJ 'U ,,,; '" '" I-'- '-=--""L',-- I'- 11;, ,.J~II'i, "I n ,"1, ,'''l,)~q<s.~,' {'-;-: 3 '12' f-L~' , i e'~ SF: ~:!l,' ,.. 'r--:' ~' tJ ..' . r"['Troll: ITIT-I"'1," I --i" I ..: 1;~ iI,lll, " >^ Ie' I,., "~;~J-:-.- { ... ' .. '.., .. , "', C;lll~:;i"Il~I.Ll~ ,1.jII~JI:z~ f'!;;'~i"" 't.,;, ~~:., : - z sr ~ h:- ....II-ti-"'i# 12 ~- v. II, ,;' '1,"li;;j~j ~ ~ ~.:f;-- fB~'" ~ 1 ,) ... E---...~. ~ +. = ~ , ,II' ',~}.1 .';j~<'>?t~~f-'-' "e' ~ =' . ", 1, 11:illli.l"1. I:: "~I ~ <' c::.,;/:>, ;' '-..- ~ ~ ~I I" 1.lI;:jHd.l~)(M 'z" ,t1lJl, .. i < ',JUI. 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' · : ~'" . ~-:,- c:;;:: ~ ~ r ~ ~~~.. .\I1'...::..i i .:~:~ S'. 11 . j, 'a;' Ii ~ . IJ ~ . :... ,G,U, ~ 'GU ,74'7 - Ei ~ 1_~ \~,~ '~i, "~\.< :,~ ~'~~-:~" ~~~ ,~ ,;~ ~ i \"~' ';, '\, ~ ~ ,~'-;;- '-T " s " .~ ~ ..~ -~..:- ...~ \ .. ~ '7:''!Iw i+--r,.... '. i ),_\~, ,'~Y~ '~;\ 7..;"",,:~.~1 -;, ~ ~---.:.; \~~~l~! ~-., S'? - \~&I"C"'. '. ~ "-, .. -,. ""'\\ '" U <? , '< ,\\V:IJ!t!. lJ::I _,"1 ; _ 'tJ I ,~,~, - ' .:..~.-. .,.. ~-- GU ....RK NO.IZ& GU ~ J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. REAl ESTAlE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS z ~ U o (J ..... ~ Z 'l: --..J t--. ~ <no z_ ~. 0- ... (9~ Z..J 6'" a: .. r I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r ~ ~ ZONING The subject property is owned by the City of Miami Beach and is classified as GU, Governmental Use District. The purpose of the GU zoning district is to, accommodate government buildings and uses, but not limited to parking lots and garages; parks and associated parking; schools; performing arts and cultural facilities; monuments and memorials, The surrounding neighborhood across nnd Street is zoned as CD-3 High Intensity Commercial District, Accordingly, for land valuation purposes, we have utilized the floor area ratio of the neighboring CD-3 District. The proposed subject improvements will represent a permitted conforming use, .' J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 9- .- .' , I , , . . . I I I I I I I I I I ~ HIGHEST AND BEST USE DEFINITION The Highest and Best Use is a market-driven concept. It may be briefly defmed as representing the most profitable, competitive use to which a site can be put, or that use which may reasonably be expected to produce the greatest net return to the land over a given period of time, In addition, the concept may further be defined as the available use and program of future utilization that produces the highest present land value. Highest and Best Use is defined in The Aooraisal of Real Estate, Ninth Edition, published by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers as follows: 1. Highest and Best Use of land is the reasonably probable and legal use of the property which is physically possible, appropriately supported, fmancially feasible and that results in the highest land value, 2. Existing use mayor may not confonn to Highest and Best Use, 3, Highest and Best Use may comprise a combination of a profitable interim (transitional) use and a deferred, more profitable potential future use. 4, Highest anc{Best Use may be limited by zoning, historic preservation regulations, environmental controls and/or deed restriction. 5. The principle of increasing and decreasing returns affirms the proper apportionment of land and improvements to achieve maximum land value. 6. The concept of Highest and Best Use may be extended to improved real estate for various decision-making situations, but such applications should not be confused with the underlying concept of Highest and Best Use of land only. 7. Balance and consistent usage are important collateral considerations in the selection of Highest and Best Use. Highest and Best Use is further defmed in The Dictionarv Real Estate Aooraisal, 1984 Edition, which was sponsored by the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers as follows: That reasonable and probable use that will support the highest present value, as defmed, as of the effective date of the appraisaL Alternatively, that use, from among reasonably probable and legal alternative uses, found to be physically possible, appropriately supported, fmancially feasible and which results in the highest land value, J.B. AUIALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3tH Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 10- . . . I . . . . I I I I I I I I I I I ,.- ,.- WGHEST AND BEST USE -- Continued -- DEFINITION - Continued The definition immediately above applies specifically to the Highest and Best Use of the land, It is to be recognized that in cases where a site has existing improvements on it, the Highest and Best Use may very well be determined to be different from the existing use, The existing use will continue, however, unless and until land value in its Highest and Best Use exceeds the total value of the property in its existing use. The estimate of Highest and Best Use is based upon four stages of analysis: 1. The possible use or uses which are physically possible for the site under analysis, 2, The permissible use or uses which are permitted relative to zoning, historic preservation regulations, environmental controls and/or deed restriction of the site under analysis. 3. The feasible use or uses which are considered economically and financially feasible for the site in terms of existing and projected market conditions, ~ 4, The Highest and Best Use in consideration of those legally permissible, physically possible, fipancially feasible and maximally productive uses which will result in the highest net return or the highest present worth. J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 11 - <Xl .,. <Xl l.J -, I~ ~ Q",- ~ I :.::-: '<l 0::0 - ~ ~z ;; ;; I- , " ~ (; :J: ~ 1! .. ,,~ (f) oj 'I i~:. ~ " ,~ " .. ~ " ,,~ " . '3^V ~ ( , . 0 0 Q N ~ ~ .. N 0 " l- . .. N .. " ;;; . ~ .. 11: .. ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ (f) ~ ~ L , , .... .... . os . " " , " ,,,,. - N 01 ; <Xl <Xl .,. ( :! , . C , . 0 ~ , ~ ~ . ~ 0:: l- . " J c " " r<) (f) o.! .. . ,} I"- - ~ " . , " " 0': OS " .~ 0': ~- ~ '3^V 0 ~ ~ .. .. 0 0 .. 0 0 Sl H 0 " 2 . .. 1! .. " " N 'b ~ ~ ~ " " " " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, .... QD .... . - OS" . " . , " oS os . " " " " 0" .. r<ll ,00 ~ . <Xl :!!: <Xl :!!: 0 . ~ 0 . ~ "~ " ~ j ~ - .. " " . " " " , N ~: " N .. " N " . ..~ .. .. " " " ;;; " - " ,,~ ,,~ " 0" ,,," ,,~ ,~ "~ '.. "'W ( ~ '0 . '3m <t NOClA8 0 'b . ~ -I <t ~ r<l ~ I C 0 - 0 8 0 .. .. N 10 .. N .. C\I 0 .. " N ;; ;; 0 .. " " N . 0:: ,..-/ ~ .. 1! .. " " " " " ~ I"- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ if - .... .... -( <>s- .... os " " " " " o. " , " " " . l<t l' ~ <Xl .,. <Xl :! . .0. . . w ~ ~ " " " ~ 0:: ( " ;;; " " .. " N 0 0 .. .. .. ..~ 91:' " " " ;;; " os Ir " " .~ ~ ,,," - ,,~ .~ ~ 0'" :I: (f) C . '3NiI 3lAlClVJ 0 :I: Z ( 01 ~ l- N 0..- " " " " " -5 :I: , ~ 0:: I"- 0 ( O~ 0 0 0 I- 01S 0 " ~ 0 0 ~ . " N 0 10 .. " N N Z . 1! 1! ;i 0 " " " ;;; "0 . ~LO 0 <t ~ ~ tD~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ I"- , ( oS- .... - .... O? " " " " " 0': . 3M! SN3)l:)IG 0 0 ..-- ~ ~ ~ I oL g/fn -( , I W - , N i 0:: - r ro. J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. REAl ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS . . . . I . . I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ HIGHEST AND BEST USE, AS VACANT The estimate of the Highest and Best Use of the land, as if vacant, requires market analysis in terms of market conditions of supply and demand. The value of land is based upon the level of utility that is in demand and that will produce amenities or net income to the user. Therefore, the use which creates the greatest land value and which is considered compatible in terms of the restriction imposed by the physical, legal, financial and maximally productive factors is inherent in this analysis. The physically possible uses of the subject site, as vacant, would include a variety of residential and commercial uses, Analysis of the permissible uses at the subject site takes into account those uses which would be permitted by existing zoning and/or deed restrictions, providing that no deed restrictions are in effect at the subject site which would restrict certain uses of the site. The subject site is owned by the City of Miami Beach and is classified as GU, Governmental Use District. The purpose of the GU zoning district is to accommodate government buildings, and uses, but not limited to parking lots and garages; parks and associated parking; schools; performing arts and cultural facilities; monuments and memorials, The surrounding neighborhood across nnd Street is zoned as CD-3 High Intensity Commercial District, Based upon analysis of those uses which would be considered physically possible, legally permissible and economically feasible, it is the appraiser's estimate that the Highest and Best Use of the subject site would be a public recreational facility, within the constraints of current market conditions, J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 12 - . , ~ . I II . . I I I I I I I I I I I I .-- ,.-- THE VALUATION PROCESS The valuation process is defIned in the 1993 Edition of the Dictionarv of Real Estate Aooraisal which was sponsored by the Appraisal Institute as follows: " A systematic procedure employed to provide the answer to a client's question about the value of real property, In order to provide an estimate of the Prospective Market Value of the Fee Simple Interest in the subject property upon completion of the proposed construction, the Sales Comparison and Cost Approaches to Value have been utilized, The subject property is a special-purpose public recreational facility which will be owned and operated by the City of Miami Beach, and is not a commercial and/or income producing property which is sold/purchased for its rental income generation potentiaL Therefore, the Income Capitalization Approach to Value was not deemed to be applicable and was not utilized in this "limited scope" appraisal report. The Sales Comparison Approach to value was provided as a supplemental analysis, reflecting the sales price of private schOOl! day care facilities in the subject area. The Sales Comparison Approach to Value is based upon a comparison between recently sold private school!daycare facilities in Miami Beach and the proposed subject facility, utilizing the sales price/SF unit of comparison, The Cost Approach as applied to improved properties, requires an estimate of the value of the land, as if vacant. An estimate of the Replacement Cost New of the improvements is then estimated, as derived by the cost data supplied by Marshall & Swift Valuation Services, From the total Replacement Cost New, an estimate of physical depreciation, functional obsolescence and external obsolescence, if applicable, is deducted, The resultant fIgure represents the depreciated cost of the improvements, plus the land value, In that the subject property will be a City owned and operated public recreational facility, the Cost Approach to Value was considered to be most applicable method to reflect the value of the underlying land and proposed improvement components. J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 13 - . ..-- . I . . II . . .r . . . . . . I I I ~ THE SALES COMPARISON APPROACH INTRODUCTION The Sales Comparison Approach to Value is based on the principle of substitution. When a property is replaceable in the market, its value tends to be set at the cost of acquiring an equally desirable substitute property assuming no costly delay in making the substitution. The Sales Comparison Approach to Value is provided as a supplemental analysis, and is based on a comparison between recently sold private school/daycare facilities which are primarily located in North Beach, and the subject property, utilizing the sales price/SF unit of comparison. Refer to the Addenda section, , J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and CODSultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 14- /MIAMI \SHORES I -' , JOMN F, ~~~ ~ IE ~sid. 'k r J 1.1A. YNE NO SAN IiIARCO 1$\,.",..0 , .c=>, <.. ~ EN , " . . . . . . , " . . ii ~! ,:;;, " , ,.. -;;;0.... ..'" ..TM .. 'I~ ST. .0, eISCATHE' POINT O.'I'OHI'" NORMANDY SHORES ,HUBOR : ISLAHD '~ . . '. ill Cif H~~j Y NORTH BAY VILLAGE' " I , i \ J 65th 5'. ; Pork . r HORt" I.' ISLAND :;'! ,. '1'- '. " ., T::l:~ TRUSURE: ISLAND -. MIAMI ~EACH . , ~ '..... ...... 'I ..... ...... ~ "'- ..... ~ " I J J J J J I <\ \::t r:q , MI. Sinai Hospital JOHNS ISLAN~(;' ~ COLLINS ISLAND: E ! D\-I..IOO, ISLAHO !" , ;( .< RIVO J.B. AlHAlE & ASSOCIATES, INC. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS II II , I I I I I I I --- I I I I I I I I I ~ THE SALES COMPARISON APPROACH -- Continued -. SUMMARY OF SUPPLEMENTAL SALES Subject Comparable Comparable . Comparable Comparllble Comparable I!wwll< llilllLJl!la ~ :<;;~lp Thrill! ~ ~ Address xxx 72nd 2217 Normandy 7115 RUEl Notte 17QOJefferson 1160 71st 122171st SlreQt Drive Dame Dri\l8 Avenue S_t Street Miami Beach Miami Beach Miami Beach Miami Beach Miami Beach Miami Beach Type Community Private Private Private Private Private Cenler SChool/D. Care School/D. Care SchooUO. Care ScnooUO. Care SChooIlD. Care Building Area (SF) 18.282 6,080 1,214 4,955 1,174 2,003 Year Built Proposed 1940 1947 1932 1944 1946 Condition Excellent Average Average Average Average Average Site Area (SF) 9,641 14,520 2,750 7.500 6,675 9.826 Site Area (Acre) 0.22 0,33 0.06 0.17 0.15 0.23 l.and-Ta-Building Rallo 0,53 2.39 2.27 1.51 5.69 4.91 Zoning GU RM-t CD.~ RM-1 RO CD-2 Date of Sale 11/29199 6125198 5128198 2121/913 1/21197 Sales Price . $500,000 $119,000 $400,000 $160,000 $300,000 Terms Cash to Cash to $20,000 2nd Cash 10 Cash to the Seller the Seller PMM at Market the Seller the Sellar and Terms .' Cash Equivalent Sates Price $500,000 $119,000 $400,000 $160,000 $300,000 Cash Equivalent Sales PlicelSF of Building Area . $82,24 $98,02 $80.73 $136.29 $149,78 ADJUSTMENTS: Location: 10.0% 10.0% -10.0% 0.0% 0.0% Condition/Age: 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% Ollality and Appeal: . 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% 10.0% Amenities: . 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% Size 1 Scale: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Total: 35.0% 25.0% 15.0% 15.0% 15.0% Adjusted Plica: . $675,000 $148,800 $460,000 $184,000 $345,000 Adjusted Price/SF: . $111,02 $122,57 $92.84 $156.73 $172,24 J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 15 - . , . . , . . , . . , . , , ~ ~ ~ ~, I '-- \. ~ ~ /'"' THE SALES COMPARISON APPROACH ANALYSIS OF COMPARABLE SALES -- Continued -- The Sales Comparison Approach to Value is based upon a comparison between recently sold comparable private schoolldaycare facilities in Miami Beach and the subject property, utilizing the sales price/SF method, A comparative analysis has been made and adjustments for differentials in fmancing, time of sale, location, age, condition, as well as investment criteria characteristics were made, The following discussion illustrates the basis for our adjustments, Financing With the exception of Comparable Sale Number Three which involved a second purchase money mortgage at market rate and terms, the sales represent "arm's length" and "cash to the'seller" transactions with typical terms of purchase, thereby requiring no adjustment for financing, Time of Sale The comparable sales have occurred between January 1997 and November 1999 (Comparable Sale Numbers One through Three occurred between May 1998 and November 1999), and reflect the most recent private schoolldaycare facility sales in the subject area and.;therefore, no time adjustment was applied. Age/Condition. Ouality/Apoeal and Amenities The comparable facilities have been built between 1932 and 1947, and some facilities have subsequently undergone moderate to substantial renovation programs prior and/or subsequent to their sale, The proposed subject facility is substantially superior in terms of age/condition and quality/appeal, as well as amenities. Location Comparable Sale Number Three was considered superior based on specific location on 17th Street in South Beach. Comparable Sale Numbers One, Two, Four and Five are located in the North Beach area. Comparable Sale Numbers One and Two were considered inferior in terms of specific location on and off Normandy Isle, in residential areas, Size / Scale The comparable sales have been analyzed relative to their size, Analysis of market data indicated that investors purchasing smaller properties pay a higher price on a per square foot basis, while larger properties reflect a discount on a per square foot basis, The comparable sales which are substantially smaller facilities required a negative adjustment due to the premium typically associated with the sales price per square foot of smaller properties, J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 16 - I a I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I l ~ THE SALES COMPARISON APPROACH -- Continued -- Summary Prior to the adjustments discussed herein, the sales price/SF for the private school/day care facilities were $82.24, $98,02, $80,73, $136,29 and $149,78 per square foot of adjusted building area. Subsequent to the adjustments discussed herein, the sales price/SF for the supplemental sales were $111.02, $122,57, $92,84, $156.73 and $172,24 per square foot of adjusted building area, or an average of $131.08, Based on the preceding analysis, $130,00/SF of building area is a reasonable value estimate for the subject property upon completion of its proposed construction, Then: 18,282 SF x $130,OO/SF = $2,376,660 Prospective Market Value via the Sales Comparison Approach to Value (Rounded) $2,380,000 '. r -;.' - J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 17 - 2, 3, 4. 5, r- 6. . ..~ .. II , , , II II . I II I I I I I I I ~ THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE INTRODUCTION This approach to value consists of an analysis of the physical value of the property. The principle of substitution, which forms the underlying rationale of this approach, holds that "no prudent person will pay more for a property than the amount with which he can obtain, by purchase of a site and construction of a building, without undue delay, a property of equal desirability and utility. " In the Cost Approach, the following six steps are typically employed to reach a value estimate, 1, Estimate underlying land value as if vacant, Estimate replacement cost new or reproduction cost new of the improvements. Estimate and add developer's (entrepreneurial) profit, if applicable, Estimate accrued depreciation, if any, caused by physical, functional and! or external sources. Deduct accrued depreciation from the cost new of the improvements to arrive at a depreciated egst estimate. Add land value to the depreciated cost estimate of the improvements to arrive at a value estimate, The Cost Approach as applied to improved properties, requires an estimate of the value of the land, as if vacant. An estimate of the Replacement Cost New of the improvements is then estimated, as derived by the national cost data supplied by Marshall & Swift Valuation Services. From the total Replacement Cost New, an estimate of physical depreciation, functional obsolescence and external obsolescence, if applicable, is deducted, The resultant figure represents the depreciated cost of the improvements, plus the land value. In that the subject property will be a City owned and operated public recreational facility, the Cost Approach to Value was considered to be most applicable method to reflect the value of the underlying land and proposed improvement components, J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 18 - . 'I II . I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE LAND VALUATION -- Continued -- In order to estimate the value of the subject site, the land is analyzed as if vacant and available to be put to its Highest and Best Use, There are several different techniques which can be utilized in the valuation of land. The technique selected must relate to the specific factors inherent in the appraisal problem at hand, The land valuation technique selected must reflect the prudent and rationale behavior of the most probable, typically informed purchaser/investor. In addition, the availability of reliable and verified market data further leads to the selection of the applicable land valuation technique. 1, The Sales Comparison Approach analyzes the sales of similar vacant parcels of land with comparison and adjustment made from these sales to the subject site. 2, The Abstraction Method analyzes the sales of improved properties with an allocation made between land and improvement value, The indicated allocation may establish a typical ratio of land value to total value or to derive from the portion of the sales price allocated to land an estimate of land value for use as a comparable land sale, 3, The Cost of Development Method provides an estimate of the value of undeveloped land based upon the creation of a platted subdivision, development and sale of said parcel. The method assumes that the most probable purchaser of the land would be a developer/mvestor who plans to dispose of the developed sites at a profit, The costs of development are subtracted from the estimated proceeds of sale resulting in a net income projection which is discounted over the market absorption period, 4, The Land Residual Method treats the net income available to support the investment in the site as a residual. The income required to cover the investment in new improvements that represent the Highest and Best Use of the site is deducted from the Net Operating Income resulting in an estimate of the net income to the land which is then capitalized to estimate the land value. The Sales Comparison Approach has been selected to estimate the Market Value of the subject site, This method is based on the principle of substitution which states that a prudent purchaser/investor would pay no more for a given site than the cost of acquiring an alternative site with the same utility, The subject site is owned by the City of Miami Beach and is classified as GU, Governmental Use District, The purpose of the GU zoning district is to accommodate government buildings and uses, but not limited to parking lots and garages; parks and associated parking; schools; performing arts and cultural facilities; monuments and memorials. The surrounding neighborhood across 72nd Street is zoned as CD-3 High Intensity Commercial District, Accordingly, for land valuation purposes, we have utilized the floor area ratio of the neighboring CD-3 District. The Sales Comparison Approach is based on a comparison between recently sold sites and the subject site, utilizing the price/SF unit of comparison. ~ J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 19 - .", ~. ,..- -- "~,,'>'.J,~ r >p" . . . . . . . . . . I I I I I I I I I --- ~ THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE -- Continued -- LAND VALUATION - Continued Comoarable Land Sale Number One Location, West side of Collins Avenue and east side of Indian Creek Drive, approximately 200 feet north of 65th Street, Miami Beach, Florida Legal Description: Lots 25, 26, 27, 28, 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41, less the northern 5 feet of Lot 28, Block 7, Second Oceanfront Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 28, Page 28 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida Grantee: Sport Investment Properties, Inc. Grantor: y & S Rowe Motel, Inc. O,R. Book/Page: 18522/4030 76,713 SF (1.76 Acres) Site Size: Zoning: CD-2, City of Miami Beach, Medium-Intensity Commercial District ,~ Floor Area Ratio: 1. 50 Base 1.50 Maximum Date of Sale: March 16, 1999 $2,920,000 Consideration: Financing: Cash to the seller; $2,150,000 conventional mortgage from Ocean Bank at market rate and terms Cash Equivalent Sales Price: $2,920,000 Cash Equivalent Sales Price/SF: $38,06 Sales History: The aforementioned transaction represents the only "arm's length" transfer of ownership at this property in the last five years. J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 20 - . . ~ . I II II II , , . , I I I I I I I I /"" THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE LAND VALUATION - Continued -- Continued -- Comoarable Land Sale Number One - Continued Comments: The existing improvements consist of a one and two-story CBS motel facility which was built in 1939 and 1965 and has an adjusted building area of 40,005 SF, as well as a 2,249 SF dwelling built in 1941, as per the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. The site has 195 feet of frontage along Collins A venue and 200 feet of frontage along Indian Creek Drive, '. The main building has a gross building area of 36,557 SF which is comprised of the 17,981 SF eastern wing which contains the lobby, 53 hotel rooms and commercial retail space utilized as a grocery store; and the 18,576 SF western wing which is a U-shaped two-story hotel building with 48 rooms, The existing improvements reflect a low coverage ratio of .19 (14,838 SF fIrst floor area I 76,713 SF site area) and a Floor Area Ratio of ,52 which is substantially lower than the permitted Floor Area Ratio of 1.50 (previously 1.00; base and 2,00; maximum with design bonuses), The existing improvements are located along the western portion of the site and the northeastern comer of the site, with the remaining undeveloped area being utilized as parking area for 81 cars. Therefore, the older improvements which are reflective of a motel facility built in 1939 and 1965, grossly under-utilize the development potential of the site and, do not represent the Highest and Best Use of the site, as vacant, under current market conditions. J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 21 - ,-- .-- r I. ,.-.-,- .", I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .-- ~ THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE -- Continued -- LAND VALUATION - Continued Comoarable Land Sale Number Two Location: Legal Description: Grantee: Grantor: O.R. Book/Page: Site Size: ~ Zoning: Floor Area Ratio:, Date of Sale: Consideration: Financing: Cash Equivalent Sales Price: Cash Equivalent Sales Price/SF: Comments: 50 feet west of the northwest comer of Collins Avenue and 22nd Street, Miami Beach, Florida Lots 4 and 6, Block 2, Miami Beach Improvement Company Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 7 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida American Riviera Real Estate Company Carl S. and Lorette J, Ablon 18053/3818 12,500 SF (.29 acre) CD-3 (Miami Beach - High Intensity Commercial District) 2,00 Base 2.50 Maximum April 6, 1998 $425,000 Cash to the seller $425,000 $34.00 This site consists of a 12,500 SF site situated along the north side of 22nd Street, 50 feet west of Collins Avenue and 150 feet east of Liberty Avenue, The site has 100 feet of frontage along the north side of 22nd Street, with a depth of 125 feet. The site is level at slightly above street grade and improved with a vacant one-story commercial building which appears to have been once utilized as a night club. J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 22 - . . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .-- ,- THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE -- Continued -- LAND VALUATION - Continued Comparable Land Sale Number Two (Continued) Comments (Continued): The one-story CBS building was built in 1947 and contains an adjusted building area of 6,789 SF as per the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, The building has a Gross Building Area or foot print of 6,065 SF, with approximately 750 feet of mezzanine space which brings the total area to 6,815 SF, However, the improvements are in very poor condition and have been exposed to the elements from lack of maintenance and continued use, The rear 2,850 SF portion of the building were in very unsafe condition. According to our previous conversation with the broker who had listed the property for sale, the cost to replace and re- support the roof structure, as well as gut out the interior of the building which is in very poor condition was estimated at approximately $52,000, as per a written bid dated March 12, 1997, '. The existing improvements indicate a low Floor Area Ratio of .49 (maximum FAR is 2.5) and a high Land-to-Building Ratio of 2.06: 1 which indicate that the existing one-story improvements do not fully utilize the developmental potential of the site. Therefore, the existing improvements are concluded to have ll.Q contributory value and do not represent the Highest and Best Use of the site, as if vacant. This site is currently owned by American Riviera Real Estate Company, c/o Ronald Bloomberg, 420 Lincoln Road, Suite 448, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 which purchased the site for $425,000 on April 6, 1998 from Carl S. and Lorette J, Ablon, 20521 Chagrin Boulevard, Cleveland, Ohio 44122, as recorded in Book 18053, Page 3818 of the Official Public Records of Dade County" Florida, The previous transfer of title was from William K. Peden and Lee Marburger to Carl S. and Lorette J, Ablon on July 18, 1991 as recorded in Book 17275, Page 3367 of the Official Public Records of Dade County, Florida on July 17, 1996, It appears this was in lieu of foreclosure, because the property was sold to William K. Peden and Lee Marburger on February 28, 1991 for $360,000 as recorded in Book 14938, Page 2073 of the Official Public Records of Dade County, Florida, - J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, FlorIda 33133 - 23 - . , , . II , I I I I I I I I I I I I I - ~ THE COST APPROACH TO VALVE -- Continued -- LAND VALUATION - Continued Comoarable Land Sale Number Two (Continued) Comments (Continued): As recorded in Book 14938, Page 2074 of the Official Public Records of Dade County, Florida, the sale included a Purchase Money Mortgage in the amount of $350,000 at 12% interest rate with monthly principal and interest payments of $3,855 between March 22, 1991 and January 1995, with the unpaid balance due on February 22, 1995. This property had been listed for sale with Myron Greenberg of IRAMCO Realty, According to my conversation with Mr. Carl Ablon and my meeting with Mr. Greenberg who was representing the property owner in early 1997, the property had been on the market for sale for $450,000, net of commissions, Mr, Greenberg has also informed me that there was a construction bid dated March 12, 1997 for the repair of the roof structure and gut-out of the building for approximately $52,000. It should be noted that the City's interest in acquiring and assembling several sites on 22nd Street and 23rd Street appears to have become public knowledge and the seller of this site had informed the appraiser in May 1997 that Mr, Ronald Bloomberg had approached him to buy the site. J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 24 - r- r- 1J Q ;;] -, --c ~ ., :.,J --,.../ : ;;, ;;;;l ;J a3 I I I I f I I I r -,._..-~..-..--.- I I. j I I I i I i I I I I I ~ ~ ~ THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE LAND VALUATION - Continued -- Continued -- Comparable Land Sale Number Three Location: Legal Description: Grantee: Grantor:' O.R. Book/Page: Site Size: Zoning: Floor Area Ratio:'; Date of Sale: Consideration: Financing: Cash Equivalent Sales Price: Cash Equivalent Sales Price/SF: Comments: Southeast comer of Liberty Avenue and 23rd Street, Miami Beach, Florida Lots 7, 9 and 11, less the northern 10 feet for right-of-way, and the northern 25 feet of Lots 10 and 12, Block 2, Miami Beach Improvement Company Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 7 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency John King Jr. 18019/886 19,750 SF (.45 acre) CD-3 (Miami Beach - High Intensity Commercial District) 2.50 Base 3.00 Maximum February 24, 1998 $672,000 Cash to the seller $672,000 $34.03 This property consists of a 19,750 SF site situated at the southeast comer of 23rd Street and Liberty Avenue. The site has 140 feet of frontage along the east side of Liberty Avenue and 150 feet of frontage along the south side of 23rd Street. The site dimensions are 140 feet by 100 feet or 14,000 SF in its western portion and 115 feet by 50 feet or 5,750 SF in its eastern portion. The site is level at street grade and improved with a one-story commercial building. ". J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 25 - . . , I II I . . . . I . I I I . I I I ~ ~ THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE -- Continued -- LAND VALUATION - Continued Comparable Land Sale Number Three (Continued) Comments (Continued) : The one-story CBS building was built in 1925 and contains an adjusted building area of 4,815 SF as per the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. The building has a Gross Building Area or foot print of 4,114 SF. However, the improvements are boarded-up and in poor condition and have been exposed to the elements from lack of maintenance and continued use. According to my conversation with the broker who represented the property owner, the property had been marketed as vacant land. This was concurred by a representative for the buyer. The existing older improvements indicated a very low Floor Area Ratio of .208 (maximum FAR is 3.0) or a high Land-to- Building Ratio of 4.80:1 which clearly indicated that the existing improvements grossly under utilized the site. Therefore, the existing improvements were concluded to have !)Q contributory value. This property was owned by Polkin, Inc., P.O. Box 161379, Miami, Florida 33116. There was no transfer of ownership at this property during the last five years as per the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. This property had been listed for sale with Stuart Auerbach of Auerbach Associates. According to my conversation with Mr. Auerbach who was representing the property owner, the property had been on the market for sale for $640,000 or $32.41/SF of land area. Mr. Auerbach had concurred that the existing improvements were of no contributory value and the site was on the market as vacant and available for development. The broker had also indicated that the property had been on the market for several years; however, the owner had not been aggressively marketing the site and no reasonable offers for purchase were received. J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 26 - ~ ~ ~" / ~\\~~\~1t'r .. I ! r- .--'.~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE LAND VALUATION - Continued -- Continued -- Comparable Land Sale Number Four Location: The northeast comer of Jefferson Avenue and 17th Street, Miami Beach, Florida Legal Description: Lots 17 to 19, Block 21, Golf Course Subdivision Amended Plat, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 26 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida 17th Street Parking, Inc. Grantee: Grantor: Jesus Bravo O.R. Book/Page: 17965/1706 ... Site Size: 22,500 SF (.52 acre) RM-l (City of Miami Beach - Low Intensity Multiple-Family Residential District) Zoning: Floor Area Ratio:. 1. 25 Base 1. 60 Maximum Date of Sale: January 30, 1998 $750,000 Consideration: Financing: Cash Equivalent Sales Price: $562,500 purchase money mortgage at market rate and terms $750,000 Cash Equivalent Sales Price/SF: $33.33 Comments: The 150 feet by 150 feet site is located at the northeast comer of the busy 17th Street corridor, connecting Collins Avenue and the beach to Alton Road, and has 150 feet of frontage on Jefferson A venue and 150 feet of frontage on 17th Street. The previous Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for this site was 1.25 (base) and 1.60 (maximum; with design bonuses). The site has been improved with a surface parking lot. J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 27 - -, - -. ~ ~ r I . ~ THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE -- Continued -- . LAND VALUATION - Continued . Comoarable Land Sale Number Five Location: Northwest comer of Collins Avenue and 78th Street, Miami Beach, Florida I Legal Description: Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 21, Altos del Mar No. One, as recorded in Plat Book 31, Page 40 of the Public Records of I Dade County, Florida Grantee: Class Holding Corporation I Grantor: Leontina De Sole Julian and Claudette Cote Simard Dorothy Reese, Trustee I O.R. Book/Page: 17332/1849, 1820, 1735 I Site Size: 26,250 SF (.60 acre) Zoning: RM-2 (City of Miami Beach - Medium Intensity Multi-Family I ~ Residential District) Floor Area Ratio: 1. 75 Base 2.25 Maximum I Date of Sale: August 15, 1996 August 8, 1996 I August 7, 1996 Consideration: $220,000 I $260,000 $335.000 $815,000 I Financing: Cash to the seller Cash Equivalent I Sales Price: $815,000 Cash Equivalent $31.05 I Sales Price/SF: Comments: Three 8,750 SF lots improved with older single-family I dwellings with no contributory value. After the sale, all improvements were razed and the site has been cleared. ~ J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. . Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 I - 28 - ~ ~ ,- . I "-.r~-~'~~ . , . . . . I I I I I I I I I I I I I ,- ~ ,- THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE -- Continued -- LAND VALUATION - Continued Comoarable Land Sale Number Six Location: West side of Collins Avenue, approximately 60 feet north of 65th Street, Miami Beach, Florida Lots 22 through 24, Block 7, Second Ocean Front Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 28, Page 28 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida 6550 Plaza Associates Limited Legal Description: Grantee: Grantor: Monte Carlo Condo Enterprises O.R. Book/Page: 171 07/898 Site Size: 26,822 SF (.62 acre) CD-2 (City of Miami Beach - Medium Intensity Commercial District) 1. 00 Base 2.00 Maximum Zoning: '. Floor Area Ratio: Date of Sale: February 21, 1996 $970,000 Consideration: Financing: Cash Equivalent Sales Price: Cash to the seller $970,000 Cash Equivalent Sales Price/SF: $36.16 Comments: This is a commercially zoned vacant site which was previously utilized as a parking lot for the Monte Carlo Hotel. The site is being developed with a strip-retail facility. The area is developed with hotels and apartment buildings, as well as commercial facilities. J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 29 - . --;Mo.... ..... 5T " I t=dlna- ", 51, /MIAMI \SHORES ! 8'" 51, Park . ( el~~~~~[: ( OAY'O",. 5 NORMANDY SHORES /'IORklANDY I$I..E J ; HAASO" : ISLANO .O~ . CiJ N~;' Y CIt'yflllulldBUJ Su -' , JOIolN F. EN 6SIh 51, Pork ~~~ ...OAT" lA' ISlANg TREASURE ISL.AND \..j ~ IE -. ~ MIAMI BEACH , '- ...... ~sjd. 'k :;:; I ..... : 46'h St. ~ J 'atlc r ~ c:s MI. S;nQi HOlpilal JOHNS ISLAN~~; ~ ......... ...... JULI T E ~ " ._,.~.... .' ~ !" YNE ND .0 .N ., .<::=::>. . ,...,It.,,) J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. REAl ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS . . I I I I I I I ~ I I I I I I I I ,- I I THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE -- Continued -- LAND VALUATION - Continued I".OMPAKAtll.J;: LANI;I ::iALc:S Subject Lan' Lan' Lan' Lan' Lan' Lan' Slle SaleOne Sat.Two SOIl. Thre. Sale Four SOIl. Flv. Sal,Slll Location NORTH SIDE OF WEST SIDE OF SO' WEST OF SlEIC OF 23RD NiElC OF 17TH NORTHWEST WEST SlOe OF 12NO STREET COLLINS AVE. & NMItC OF 22ND STREET AND STREET AND CORNER OF COLLINS AVE. AT BVRONAVE, EAST SIDE OF STREET AND LIBERTY AVE. JEfFERSON AVE. COLliNS AVE. & 50' NORTH OF MIAMI BEACH INDIAN CREEK DR COlUNS AVE. MIAMI BEACH MIAMI BEACH 78TH STREET 65TH STREET 200' NORTH OF MIAMI BEACH MIAMI BEACH MIAMI BEACH 85TH STREET MlAMI BEACH Si18 SiZ8 (SF) 9,641 76,713 12,500 19,750 22.500 26,250 ZU22 Sile Size (Acre) 0.22 1.76 0.29 0.45 05.2 0.60 0.62 Zoning GU CO-2 CO-3 CO-3 RM.' RM-2 CO-2 (CO-3) " FAR (Base) 2.25 1.50 2.00 2.50 1.25 1.75 1.00 FAR (Maximum) 2.25 1.50 2.50 3.00 1.60 2,25 2.00 a... BuildabJeArea 21,692 115,070 25,000 49,375 28.125 45,938 26,822 Maxil'rnlm Buildable Area 21.692 115.070 31,250 59,250 36,000 59,063 53,1544 OaleofSale 3/16199 ""'" 212419' If.lM18 ~1"'" 2121/96 PO,," $2,920,000 $425,000 $672.000 57'0,000 $815.000 $970,000 Financing Cash 10 0.'" ~ Cash to $582,500 PMM 0."'", Cash 10 .. the Seller ItllitSeller lneSelrer AT MARKET lheSeller \tie Seller .. RATE & TERMS Cash Equivalent Sales Prlce $2,920.900 $425,000 $672,000 $750,000 $815,000 $970,000 Sales PncalSF 538.06 $34.00 $34.03 133.33 $31.05 $31.1' Col'rll1'llWCial: Sales PricalSF Buildable Area @BaseFAR $25.38 $17.00 $13.61 $2fi.67 $17.74 $36.16 @ Max. FAR $25.38 $13.60 511.34 $20.83 $13.80 518.08 ADJUSTMENTS; rrme(3.0%IYear) 3.0% 5.9% 6.4% 6.7% 11.3% 13.0% Time Adjusted SalesPnce $3,OO8,SOQ $450,100 5715.300 $800,300 $907,400 51,096,200 Time Adjusted Sales PricltlSF $31.22 531.01 131.22 $.'35.57 $34.51 $40.87 L.OCliItion; .. -5.0% 0,0"- 0.0% -10.0% 0.0% -5.0% Size: 10.0% 0.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% FronlagelExposure: -10.0% 0.0% -5.0% .10.0% -5.0% -5.0% Development Polt .10.0% 0.0% .5.0% -5.0% -5.0% .10.0% Floor Area Ralio: 10,0l !i~ ~,.. 10.0% 0.0% SO!1\ -5,U . U.U". .1O,U% .0.U% -lU. % Adjusted sales Price .. $2,858,400 $450.100 $643,800 $720.300 $862,000 $986,800 Adjusted 1{{{~~r~~{{*:{)J{lt;I~~t@;J{{{{tft#I{*m{{,~{{!I~*;{;J{i!{i;i;M%{*Jt{{m;;{{~!~t~{{ll Sales Price/SF . J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 30- , , , , , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE LAND VALUATION - Continued ANALYSIS OF COMPARABLE LAND SALES -- Continued -- The six comparable land sales which were reported herein have been analyzed and are considered reasonably similar to the subject site, as if vacant, in terms of zoning, physical characteristics, topography and buildable utility, The subject site is owned by the City of Miami Beach and is classified as GU, Governmental Use District. The purpose of the GU zoning district is to accommodate government buildings and uses, but not limited to parking lots and garages; parks and associated parking; schools; performing arts and cultural facilities; monuments and memorials, The surrounding neighborhood across 72nd Street is zoned as CD-3 High Intensity Commercial District. Accordingly, for land valuation purposes, we have utilized the floor area ratio of the neighboring CD-3 District, The Sales Comparison Approach is based on a comparison between recently sold sites and the subject site, utilizing the price/SF unit of comparison, Financing: With the exception of Comparable Land Sale Number Four which involved a purchase money mortgage:at market rate and terms, the sales reported herein are "arm's length" and "cash to the seller" transactions and therefore, no adjustment for favorable fInancing was required, Time The comparable sales have occurred between February 1996 and March 1999, Based on the improving market conditions for vacant land in Miami Beach, a modest annual time adjustment of 3 % was utilized to reflect the positive trend. Locational Comparable Land Sale Numbers One, Four and Six were considered superior in terms of specific location on Collins A venue in Central Beach and 17th Street in South Beach, and required a negative adjustment. Fronta!!e/ExDosure Comparable Land Sale Numbers One, and Three through Six have superior frontage and required a negative adjustment. ~ J.B, ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 31 - . II . . I I . I I I I I I I I I I I I .~ THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE LAND VALUATION - Continued ANALYSIS OF COMPARABLE LAND SALES - Continued -- Continued -- Size / Scale The comparable land sales range in size from 12,500 SF to 76,713 SF, while the subject site will contain 9,641 SF, Comparable Land Sale Numbers One, and Three through Six required a positive adjustment due to the discount typically associated with larger sites on a price/SF basis, Zoninl!/Develoomental Potential .. The subject site is owned by the City of Miami Beach and is classified as GU, Governmental Use District, The purpose of the GU zoning district is to accommodate government buildings and uses, but not limited to parking lots and garages; parks and associated parking; schools; performing arts and cultural facilities; monuments and memorials, The surrounding neighborhood across 72nd Street is zoned as CD-3 High Intensity Commercial District. Accordingly, for land valuation purposes, we have utilized the floor area ratio of the neighboring CD-3 District, " Comparable Land Sale Numbers One, and Three through Six are considered to possess superior development potential due to their physical attributes (size, configuration, etc.), In addition, we have analyzed the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) of the comparable land sales, The comparable land sales have maximum Floor Area Ratios of 1.5, 2.5, 3,0, 1.6, 2,25 and 2.0, respectively, at the time of sale, The maximum Floor Area Ratio for the subject site, under a typical CD-3 designation, is 2,25, Comparable Land Sale Numbers One, Four and Six required a positive adjustment, while Comparable Land Sale Number Three required a negative adjustment, SummarY and Land Value Correlation Prior to the adjustments discussed herein, the sales price/SF for the comparable land sales were $38.06, $34,00, $34,03, $33,33, $31.05 and $36.16, Subsequent to the adjustments discussed herein, the sales price/SF for the comparable land sales were $37,26, $36,01, $32.60, $32,01, $32,84 and $36,78, Based on the preceding analysis, $35,OO/SF of site area is a reasonable value estimate for the subject site, as vacant. 9,641 SF x $35,oo/SF "" $337,435 Reconciled Market Value of Subject Site, as if Vacant $335,000 J.B, ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consnltants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 32 - ~ COST SUMMARY Address: Building Area (SF); Number of Floors: Building Area (SF) on the Firat Floor: Building Area (SF) on the Sec:and Floor: Cost Estimate for Governmental CommLU1ity Servlee Buildings (Marshall & Swift Section 15, Page 31): Cost Estimate for Public Library Buildings (Marshall & Swift Section 15, Page 32): Cost Estimate for ArtlCraflslMusic School BUildings (Marshall & Swift Section 15, Page 40): projected Cost Estimate for the Proposed Community Center: Time Adjustment (Marshatt & SwIfI Section 99, Page 3; March 2000): Location AdJustmen.t (MarshaU & Swift Section 99, Page 7; January 2000): Adjusted Cost Estimate for the Proposed Community Center: Construction Cost (Daycare Center) Sprinkler System A) Total Construction Coat Indirect Cost. (Architect, engineers, professlona!, accounting and legal fees) B) Total Indirect Cost ~ Financing Cost lintere.t (at 11%, outstanding for EknonthS) FinanCing Cost I Points (1,0% of Loan) CJ Total Financing COIIt D) OVerh..d and Profit IREPLACEMENT COST NEW /IMPROVEMENTS} LESS: PHYSICAL DEPRECIATION (Proposed Construction) !DEPRECIA TED COST OF IMPROVEMENTS ESTIMATED MARKET VALUE OF LAND, AS OF VACANT PROSPECTIVE MARKET VALUE UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION VIA THE COST APPROACH xxx 72nd Street Miami Beach. Florida 18,282 Two 8,641 9,641 $93.24 $98.69 $83.75 $91.89 1.03 0.89 $84.24 SQUARE COST = l.LSf 18,282 $84.24 18,282 iWIll 18,282 $86.24 8.5% $7.33 18,282 $7.33 18,282 $6.07 15.0% $14.93 18.282 $114.59 0.0% SO_OO $114.59 $132.92 $132.12 TOTAL = = $1,540,050 - $1,576,614 $1,578,814 ~ $134,000 $1,710,614 $94,000 I.I.ZJllIIl $111,000 $1.821,614 $273.000 $2,094.614 $2.095,000 III $2.095.000 ~. $2,430,000 $2,430,000 Rounded ~ ).B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS AND CONSULTANTS 1 ~ ~. ~ ~ I . . I I I I I I I I I I I I THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE IMPROVEMENT VALUATION -- Continued -- After the value of the site, as if vacant, has been determined the next step in the Cost Approach to Value is to estimate the cost of the improvements, The estimated value of the subject property by means of the Cost Approach is based on the estimated reproduction cost new of the building improvements, plus developer's profit/overhead, less depreciation, plus the estimated value of the vacant land, The Cost Approach is founded on the principle of substitution which holds that a prudent investor would pay no more for the property than the cost of construction or acquiring an equally desirable substitute property without undue delay in time, Reolacement Cost New In estiinating the replacement cost of the proposed subject improvements, we have relied on the information obtained in the Marshall & Swift Valuation Service Cost Manual. The Replacement Cost New for subject improvements was estimated to be $1,821,614 or $99,64, Refer to the facing page, Entreoreneurial Profit A fInal addition to cost is the profit which a developer expects to receive in addition to cost, This figute for profit expectation can be derived from market analysis and discussion with developers. The amount of entrepreneurial profit varies with economic conditions and therefore a typical relationship between it and other costs is difficult to establish; however, it is a necessary element in the motivation to construct improvements, The entrepreneurial profit and overhead was estimated to be 15 % of the cost or $273,000, resulting in an overall Replacement Cost New of $2,094,614 or $2,095,000 (rounded) or $1l4,59/SF, Refer to the facing page, Physical Deoreciation Physical depreciation can be the result of curable and incurable items. The curable items are those that can be corrected at a cost which is equal to or below the value increase after the repairs. The subject improvements are reflective of a proposed construction (i.e" no physical depreciation), External Obsolescence An analysis of the subject property, with respect to surrounding neighborhood trends and usages, revealed no external obsolescence at the subject property. Site Value The Market Value of the subject site, as if vacant was estimated at $335,000. ~ J.B. AUJALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 33 - ~ I I ~ I . , . . I . . I I - I ~ I I. THE COST APPROACH TO VALUE -- Continued -- IMPROVEMENT VALUATION - Continued SUMMARY OF THE COST APPROACH UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION Replacement Cost New Plus: Entrepreneurial Profit/Overhead (15%) $1,821,614 + $273,000 $2,094,614 $2,095,000 Total Replacement Cost New (Rounded) Less: 'Estinlated Depreciation Physical Incurable Physical Curable -0- -0- -0- -0- Functional Obsolescence EconomiCiExtema! Obsolescence Total Depreciation -0- $2,095,000 + $335.000 $2,430,000 Depreciated Building Cost Plus: Estimated Site Value, as if Vacant Prospective Market Value Upon Completion of Construction via the Cost Approach to Value Rounded $2,430,000 J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 34- I I I I I I I ,- RECONCILIATION AND FINAL VALUE ESTIMATE Income Capitalization Approach to Value: Sales Comparison Approach to Value: Cost Approach to Value: Reconciled Final Value Estimate: Not Applicable $2,380,000 $2,430,000 $2,400,000 $2,095,000 $335,000 Replacement Cost New of Improvements: Market Value of Underlying Site: In orqer to provide an estimate of the Prospective Market Value of the Fee Simple Interest in the subject property upon completion of the proposed construction, the Sales Comparison and Cost Approaches to Value have been utilized. The subject property is a special-purpose public recreational facility which will be owned and operated by the City of Miami Beach, and is not a commercial and/or income producing property which is sold/purchased for its rental income generation potential. Therefore, the Income Capitalization Approach to Value was not deemed to be applicable and was not utilized in this "limited scope" appraisal report, The Sales Comparison Approach to vall1.!: was provided as a supplemental analysis, reflecting the sales price of private school/day care facilities in the subject area. The Sales Comparison Approach to Value is based upon a comparison between recently sold private school/daycare facilities in Miami Beach and the proposed subject facility, utilizing the sales price/SF unit of comparison, . The Cost Approach as applied to improved properties, requires an estimate of the value of the land, as if vacant. An estimate of the Replacement Cost New of the improvements is then estimated, as derived by the cost data supplied by Marshall & Swift Valuation Services. From the total Replacement Cost New, an estimate of physical depreciation, functional obsolescence and external obsolescence, if applicable, is deducted. The resultant figure represents the depreciated cost of the improvements, plus the land value, In that the subject property will be a City owned and operated public recreational facility , the Cost Approach to Value was considered to be most applicable method to reflect the value of the underlying land and proposed improvement components, It is my estimate that the Prospective Market Value of the Fee Simple Interest in the subject property upon completion of proposed construction, as of January 1, 2001 was: PROSPECTIVE MARKET VALUE OF FEE SIMPLE INTEREST UPON COMPLETION OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION TWO MILLION FOUR HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($2,400,000) J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 35 - , , , , , , I . ~ ~ CONTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDITIONS We assume no responsibility for matters legal in nature, nor do we render any opinion as to the title, which is assumed to be marketable, The property is appraised as though under responsible ownership and management, Weare not qualified, nor are we responsible for matters which are structural and/or engineering in nature, as they pertain to the subject improvements, The appraiser is further not qualified to confirm or deny the specific structural integrity of the subject improvements, nor to provide estimates of the cost for repair/remediation, if any adverse conditions exist, If a formal assessment of the structural condition/integrity of the subject improvements is required, we recommend that a duly qualified professional be engaged for such purposes. When-applicable, the sketch in this report is included to assist the reader in visualizing the property, and we assume no responsibility for its accuracy, We have made no survey of the property, Weare not required to give testimony or appear in court because of having made this appraisal, with reference to the property in question, unless arrangements have been previously made thereof, Additional professional valuation services rendered would require further compensation under a separate contractual agreement, Where applicablj:, the distribution of the total valuation in this report between land and improvements applies only under the existing program of utilizations, The separate valuations for land and building must not be used in conjunction with any other appraisal and are invalid if so used, We assume that there are no hidden or unapparent conditions of the property, subsoil or structures which would render it more or less valuable. We assume no responsibility for such conditions or for engineering which might be required to discover such factors. Information, estimates and opinions furnished to us and contained in this report were obtained from sources considered reliable and believed to be true and correct, However, no responsibility for accuracy can be assumed by us. Neither all nor any part of the contents of this report, or copy thereof, shall be used for any purpose by any but the client without the previous written consent of the appraiser, and/or the client; nor shall it be conveyed by any including the client to the public through advertising, publications, news, sales or other media, without the written consent and approval of the author, particularly the valuation conclusions, identity of the appraiser, or any reference to any professional society or institute or any initialed designation conferred upon the appraiser. No one other than the undersigned prepared the analyses, conclusions and estimates concerning the real estate set forth in this appraisal, J.B, ALRALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 36 - i , , I I I I I I I I I I ,- ~ CONTINGENT AND LIMITING CONDITIONS -- Continued -- This appraisal report has been made in conformity with and is subject to the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional. Practice of the Appraisal Institute, the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice adopted by the Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation and the requirements of the State of Florida for state certified real estate appraisers, as well as current Federal regulatory agency criteria, The appraisal report can not be used in connection with a real estate syndicate(s) or securities related activity(ies) and is invalid if so used without the previous knowledge or written consent of the appraiser, Said activities include but would not be limited to activities which are required to be registered with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission or any state regulatory agency regulating investments made as a pub Ii,," offering, as well as activities involving Real Estate Investment Trusts, Limited Partnerships, Mortgage Backed Securities and any other transaction which is subject to the securities Exchange Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Trust Indenture Act of 1939, the Investment Advisors Act of 1940 or State Blue Sky or securities laws or any amendments thereto, -, The existence of hazardous materials, which mayor may not be present on the property, was not observed, We have no knowledge of the existence of such materials on or in the property, nor, are we qualified to detect such substances, The presence of potentially hazardous materials and/or substances may affect the value of the property, The value estimate reflected in this appraisal report is predicated on the assumption that there is no such material on or in the property that would cause a loss in value, No responsibility is assumed for any such conditions, or for any expertise or engineering knowledge required to discover them, The client is urged to retain an expert in this field, if desired, The Americans with Disabilities Act ("ADA") became effective January 26, 1992, We have not made a specific compliance survey and analysis of this property to determine whether or not it is in conformity with the various detailed requirements of the "ADA". It is possible that a compliance survey of the property, together with a detailed analysis of the requirements of the "ADA" could reveal that the property is not in compliance with one or more of the requirements of the Act, Since we have no direct evidence relating to this issue, we did not consider possible non-compliance with the requirement of "ADA" in estimating the value of the property, J,B, ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC, Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 37 - . ~ ~ . , ,- CERTIFICATION The undersigned do hereby certify that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, except as otherwise noted in the appraisal report: - The statements of fact contained in this report, upon which the analyses, opinions and conclusions expressed herein are based, are true and correct, - The reported analyses, opinions and conclusions are limited only by the reported assumptions and limiting conditions and are our personal, unbiased professional analyses, opinions and conclusions, - We have no present or prospective interest in the property that is the subject of this report and we have no personal interest or bias with respect to the parties involved, - The amount of our compensation is not contingent upon an action or event resulting from the analyses, opinions, or conclusions in, or the use of, this report, - Our analyses, opinions and conclusions were developed, and this report has been prepared, in conformity with the requirements of the Code of Professional Ethics and Standards of Professional Practice of the Appraisal Institute, the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice adopted by the Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation and the requirements of the State of Florida for state certified real estate appraisers, as well as current Federal regulatory agency criteria, - The appraisal assignment has not been based on a required minimum valuation, a specific valuation, or the approval of a loan, - The use of tills report is subject to the requirements of the Appraisal Institute relating to review by its duly authorized representatives, as well as the Florida Real Estate Appraisal Board. - As of the date of this report, Jozef Alhale has completed the requirements of the continuing education program of The Appraisal Institute, - The appraiser has personally inspected the subject site which is described in this report. - No one other than the undersigned prepared the analyses, conclusions and opinions concerning real estate that are set forth in this appraisal report, nor provided significant professional assistance to the persons signing this report. It is the opinion of the undersigned that the Prospective Market Value of the Fee Simple Interest in the subject property upon completion of proposed construction, as of January 1, 2001 was as described herein. / Jozef Alhale, MAl State Certified General Appraiser License No, RZ 0001557 J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 38 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ ,- " ADDENDA J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 39- I I I I I I I I I I I I /'" ~ ~ Supolemental Sale Number One Address: 2217 Normandy Drive Miami Beach, Florida Legal Description: Northeastern 1/2 of Lot 10 and all of Lot 11 and southwestern 1/2 of Lot 12, Block 41, Miami View Section of the Isle of Normandy Part Three, as recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 33 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida 2217,Inc, Grantee: Grantor: Ana M, Olin, Trustee O,R, .~ook/Page: Date of Sale: 11888/2725 Site Size: .... Building Area: November 29,1999 14,520 SF (,33 acre) 6,080 SF Zoning: RM-l (Miami Beach - Low Intensity Multi-Family Residential District) Year Built: 1940 Condition: Average Land-to-Building Ratio: 2,39:1 Consideration: $500,000 Financing: Cash to the seller; $450,000 conventional mortgage from the International Bank of Miami Cash Equivalent Sales Price: $500,000 Cash Equivalent Sales Price/SF: $82,24 Comments: The improvements consist of a one-story CBS day care center/ nursery school facility which was built in 1940 and has an adjusted building area of 6,080 SF, as per the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. . Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 .40 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ ~ ~ Suoolemental Sale Number One - Continued Comments (Continued): The gross building area is 6,216 SF and is comprised of two identical 3,108 SF buildings which appear to have been converted from a multi-tenant apartment building facility into a day care/nursery school facility, The facility offers good functional utility and appears to be a viable use in a residential area, with easy access and good frontage and visibility I exposure on Normandy Drive, The property has a central courtyard area which is utilized as a playground, as well as a paved off-street parking area for seven cars, and a drop-off area. The property was leased to the buyer for $4,900 per month; and the tenant had the option to purchase the property for $500,000. The property continues to be owner-occupied by the buyer, J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 41 - I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ Suoolemental Sale Number Two Address: 7115 Rue Notre Dame Drive Miami Beach, Florida Legal Description: Northern 55 feet of Lot 40, Block 9, Isle of Normandy Ocean Side and Trouville Sections Second Revision, as recorded in Plat Book 40, Page 35 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida Grantee: Shari L. Daniels Grantor: Jaime Rojas O,R. Book/Page: 18167/2733 Date of Sale: June 25, 1998 2,750 SF (.06 acre) 1,214 SF Site Size: ~ Building Area: Zoning: Year Built: 1947 CD-2 (Miami Beach - Commercial Medium Intensity District) Condition: Average Land-to-Building Ratio: 2,27: 1 Consideration: $119,000 Financing: Cash Equivalent Sales Price: Cash to the seller $119,000 Cash Equivalent Sales Price/SF: $98,02 Comments: This one-story daycare center is located along Rue Notre Dame Drive, just off Normandy Drive, in North Beach, J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 42- Zoning: .' ,.- Year Built: Condition: Date of Sale: Consideration: Financing: Cash Equivalent Sales Price: Cash Equivalent Sales Price/SF: Comments: I I . I - , I I I I I I , ~ ~ Suoolemental Sale Number Three Address: 1700 Jefferson Avenue Miami Beach, Florida Legal Description: Lot 1, Block 20, Palm View Subdivision, as recorded in Plat Book 6, Page 29 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida Grantee: 1700 Jefferson, Inc, Teri Lee Toschman Grantor: O,R, Book/Page: 18125/1756 4,955 SF 7,500 SF (.17 acre) .' Building Area: Site Size: Land-to-Building Ratio: 1.51: 1 RM-l (City of Miami Beach - Low-Intensity Multi-Family Residential District) 1932 Average May 28, 1998 $400,000 $20,000 second purchase money mortgage $400,000 $80,73 The two detached two-story CBS buildings utilized as a day care center facility has a gross building area is 3,364 SF consisting of the 1,178 SF western wing (589 SF on each floor) and the 2,185 SF eastern wing (1,412 SF on the fIrst floor and 773 SF on the second floor), J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 43 - I I I I I I I I . . I . I I . .. I I I Supolemental Sale Number Three (Continued) Comments (Continued): The building has been utilized as a day care/nursery school facility and offers good functional utility and is located one block north of Lincoln Road, on 17th Street which is the main artery connecting Alton Road and the beach, as well as the nearby Miami Beach Convention Center, TOPNJackie Gleason Theater and the City Hall complex, The property has a 47,5 feet by 62 feet fenced and landscaped area utilized as playground area, The existing improvements reflect a Floor Area ratio of .45, while the maximum Floor Area Ratio is 1.25, permitting a building with 9,375 SF, The existing improvements reflect a land-to-building ratio of 2.23, " ~ ~ J,B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 44- ., I I I I I I I I I I - ~ Suoolemental Sale Number Four Address: 1160 71st Street Miami Beach, Florida" Lot 10, Block 11, Ocean Side Section of the Isle of Normandy, as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 60 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida Legal Description: Grantee: ROLM, Inc, Grantor: Sephardic Congregation of Florida, Inc, O,R. Book/Page: " 1800114315 1,174 SF Building Area: Site Size: 6,675 SF (,15 acre) Land-to-Building Ratio: 5,69:1 /"" Zoning: Year Built: RO (City of Miami Beach - Residential/Office District) 1944 Condition: Average Date of Sale: February 27, 1998 $160,000 Consideration: Financing: Cash to the seller Cash Equivalent Sales Price: $160,000 Cash Equivalent Sales Price/SF: $136.29 Comments: This one-story CBS day care center/nursery school facility has a gross building area of 1,174 SF and the building has been utilized as a day care/nursery school facility, The facility offers good functional utility and appears to be a viable use in a residential area, with easy access and good frontage and visibility/exposure on 71st Street. ,- J,B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 45 - I ---- ~ ~ Suoolemental Sale Number Four (Continued) Comments (Continued ): The property has a 90 feet by 53,4 feet area utilized as playground and fenced off-street parking areas, The existing improvements reflect a Floor Area ratio of ,18, while the maximum Floor Area Ratio is 1.25, permitting a building with 8,344 SF, The existing improvements reflect a land-to-building ratio of 5,69 which is considered high, thus providing expansion potential. " ...... J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC, Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 46- ~ ~ ~ Suoolemental Sale Number Five Address: 1221 71st Street Miami Beach, Florida Legal Description: Lot 76, less the northerly 25 feet, Block 10, Isle of Normandy Ocean Side Section, as recorded in Plat Book 25, Page 60 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida Stanley C, Myers Community Health Center Jonathan Candiotti Grantee: Grantor: Q,R. Book/Page: Date of Sale: 17554/3414 Site Size: January 21, 1997 9,826 SF (.23 acre) 2,003 SF . ... Building Area: Zoning: Year Built: CD-2 (Miami Beach - Commercial Medium Intensity District) .' 1946 Condition: Average Land-to-Building Ratio: 4.91:1 Consideration: $300,000 Financing: Cash to the seller Cash Equivalent Sales Price: $300,000 Cash Equivalent Sales Price/SF: $149,78 Comments: This two-story mixed-use building is utilized as a daycare center on 71st Street, in North Beach. There are no off-street parking spaces. J,B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 47 - I I I I I . . I ~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive. Miami Beach, FL 33139 http:\\ci.miami-beach.fJ.us OFFICE OF ASSET MANAGEMENT Te'ephone: 305-673.7193 Facsimile: 305-604-2437 March 14,2000 Jozef Alhale, MAl J,B, Alhale and Associates, lnc, 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 TRANSMITTED VIA FACSIMILE 786/552-0970 Re: Fee Simple Appraisal of the Proposed North Shore Community Center Structure, Including the Foorprint of Land Directly Beneath Same DearMr, Alhale: Thank you for your prompt response to the above referenced bid request. Please be advised that your bid of $2,000, to complete and deliver the appraisal report within three (3) weeks, has been accepted, Please consider this our formal request for you to engage in this project, and proceed with the aforementioned appraisal. ~ - If you have any questions or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 305/673-7000, extension 6727, JD:rd cc: Christina M. Cuervo, Assistant City Manager F:\DDHPlSALLIASSETlNOSHOREIA W ARD.APR J,B, ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 48 - I - I ,- ~ ~ ,,~ if~ ~~ ~~ H w~ ~~ ;~ ~~ ~~ r~ . ~ , o . 1 ~ ~ C :IE ~ g":n ~ ~~~1 5:'5'"tl ~ca g:~ .g'~ m <<... c.. III lit g~"'tl r.5 a lit! 'II C m - 5"5. tS'5. ~~ 1p.!! ;r51 ;1!.~ ga ~. ~ ~"2. ;5 a!!. ~.s- a~ ; ~ g ~ a (tI ~ Ii ~ ~ 3":i 2' 0. 9:<Q <Q III 0.."0 ~<ll III s: :j"~ g.eR C n III <.C <ll co _. m @ :=. III !!t Co ~ en ~5@~'~'[O II>:J ~::I ='5" ~ i.,!E. !!t g: ~<Q -l ~~. ~..g. i~ 6 )>o~ ~.':D l7i g, z -@:~~fr;~ ::.~ ~ [~~ Q~ Q~' 3~ ~():rz . t)' -'1lI $'.:< <ll rg.::I<'cJl' !II ;; ~;:o ~.. ~'g. =- ~ o~ -:0::";"':<0. ,. r r '" '" "' 8 .. ~ kl N l!l is w .. co " co ~ ~ '" <> ~ ;., co '" t: ", .. .. N '" a. w '" o 8 ,. r r -'" '" ~ g !" ~ Rl N A co " co '" '" '" 8 ~ ~ ~ ~ <> '" '" '" ~ g: '" .. ::: .. !!l 8 pn 0> . 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ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC, Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 49 - :l> . OJ Cl m o x o 0 c. ~ a r ~ ~ S2.S!? g:~ :g ~ m g:gg'~3('j"X CD - __ Ol CD:or ~ Q ~ !e- <=:'-0 m '3 ..,~j"mJJ . . g - 0 3. Q r.c ~ 5 a ~ ltl g;; JJ rD (fl ~ c. 0 :E gg Z g:~ )> .::J< g~!!' o~ .~ .<0 G; "'00. < c- .glQ. ~ ~ III III ~ ~+g; j 3. l!f:!! ~~ ~ ~ I!:!::l n l2: ~!II ~ Q - Q "'00. nO. !!o< !!!-.< ~ ~ ~ ~ 0.= = j~ g,~ < S' "S.. 0 !II"S. =,~ III g ii Co 3 !! ""C !!" o -- ~ j~r ~~-@~~c - lD III 0 .... C) R-@ iii~O:l: 3!i~~3::j i>>l>> .:;'emz ~~g~O'p =__ 3 CJ::t lD::r GI ~ )> "C ~(I>!e Co2, ~; g-c 3~ ~O:: lD lD -)>CC lD =: .1Il r-_ ~~ [ Z l>> -- lD C) -' , '" =J h ~ ~ 1f i-~ ::t ~a"N3 m 3~ h ~ '0 ~ <(Jl ~ ~~ ~ ~~ 0> ~' 1< <0 0; ;5 :. '" ~o" (,II ~!= 0 8; ;:t?~ fii '" .. <g> ~ ~. ~~ '" W " ~ (Jl en ~ ~ OJ ." "' m . z .... m ::c (5 ::c ." 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Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 !! '" ~ .. N " ~ "",1: ~8tR - 53 - :t m ~ Z " > :z c C'l o o C :z " o.~ ~ ~ 0 g" ~ ~ ... 3 (jj" ".~ . '. -<0 CI) S ~ ] a ~ ~"~ :; - -':T ;:;;:lD .-, 3' . o lD ~ . <0 . . . " ~,. g:;& ~i~ a~a Q,..:< 3 ~ 0 . ._~ ~~~. ~O'~ 0. ~_. :.:~ -~. 0_" _ 5$ ~ . , --- ;'2'5 -,,- 0" o . . . " ~ -" . 3 ~:: ':ig ,,3. IDCO in PI ~19. ~ < ~. . . " , a. CD _. , , ::::-lll _ ~~g: " . -.. 'do III 0 ::: C:" 0 ::::J;;. ? ~~; 7 0 CD ::E ~ g g :;;' 3 lDg-g g g; ~::::J;:! (/10'''; . 0 . aE; g ~ ~ -.' . -;i" ~, ". n " . . . ~ s:~ . . ;::: ~[ ~"'rn ~ 0 o 0 , , ~ . . - a;: !:a ~a ~ 0 ;:::. . 0 0.3 . ~ <0 . ~g. .? g:~ no 00 - , -- 0.5: ~. - " -. . ~ 3 - . 0 :J: m !'; Z " ,. z c C'l o o C z " "'en ~ m " n :i ::! ~g ~~ ~" > " m u go o 'T1 :!! (') m en E: m c ::c a (') m~ 'T10)> _cr z~)> moz E::Ilc m~"C z~c -loOJ eng C (') OJ c r Q z G) en ~ JOZEF ALHAle. MAl I i 3121 CommoQore PIn., Suite 200, Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 , r.I:(186jS52.0960 Fall;: (7861 552.0970 i CONTINI liNt; FlJl/CATTnN FOR RFAr fl'''lTATF AP-P'UIl'lAI '4J i = CClIIR~l"ISI=MINAR 11T1 F i CQIlE HQU~a~ 3I3f.!000 Regression Analysis In Appraisal Praclice: CCllC8pts anCl Applications ACE950643565 7.0 212912000 Federal Appt'aisal Requiremftnts ACEN2123878501 3.0 10115.16/1999 Course 330 Apanment Appraisal: Concepts and Applications ACE5288 16.0 1012/1999 Anacking and Defending an Appraisal ACE2150 3_' 811311999 Partiallnlef'estValualion.Cl'lk:leCl ACE7003 7.0 7/2411999 The Goo<l, \hI Bad and \h8 ApPl'8isall3oan:r ACEl174 3.0 511/1999 An inside view oIe1tlics and $tarnlards ACE2203 3.0 811411998 7 Hour USPAP -CONI- Law fOr Appraisen ACE1261 7.0 7118/1998 The Imp8d 0' Contamination on Real Estate Value ACE2143 3.0 6112.1311998 Standarcls of Professional Practice, Part C ACE1959 16.0 5/2/1998 Loss Pl"8'lenlion lor AppraiSIl/'S ACE2Q70 30 41311998 Small Hotel/Motel Valuation ACE20t59 7.0 212011998 Appraisal Office Management ACE2O<< 7.0 1/3111998 Non-contormIngUS8S ACE20<6 3.0 918/1997 Appraisal of Transfenlble OeveIOJll1lent Rights ACE1965 3.0 71811997 HAIFA Fair LendInQ CotMY 50-4 7.0 11/1511996 Appraisal of Nwsing Home Facilities ACE1875 7,0 7/1311996 The '98 Data Exc:hangeIRoundtabl8 for Incame Prcpertles ACE1825 3.0 21311996 Intem8C and the AppraIser ACE1750 30 811811995 The Appraiser as Expert Wtr\ess ACE1531 7.0 2/.4/1995 Real Estate E'iatuallons and the Apptaisallnduslry ACE1l512 3.0 ~ 101141199-4 Seven Hour USPAP "Core" L.aw pO/' AppraiSltl's ACE1261 7.0 81511994 Umilvd Appraisals and Repotting Options ACE1557 7.0 7/13-1611994 Standards of Prcteslional Practice, Parts A and B 410&.20 27.0 5111/1994 Vetttlcatlan of Mar1Cet Data ACE1532 3,0 411811994 Power Una EuementI end EMF Seminar ACE1.gs 3,0 2/12/1994 Americans with ClsabUitles Ad. (ADA) Seminar ACE1462 4.0 9111/1993 HatelVatuatlan ACE10e5 3.0 4117/1993 'M1y the Cap Rate is Always .10"? ACE1263 3.0 912611992 Eclucatloo: The New Generation ACE1203 3.0 9117-1811992 HateclMatet Market Study, Valuation & Investment ACE1256 14.0 211/1992 Prsc:ticaI Appraacn.s to Appraising Troubl8cl Properties ACE292 3.0 811511991 Overview of Recent Changes to Standards ACE691 30 911111990 Subai'llsianAnalylis ACE990 7.0 6124-3011990 Report Writing and Valuetlan Analysis EXAM2-2 18.0 2124-31311990 Ca" Studlel in Ru! Estate Valualior'l EXAM2.1 39.0 9/23-11141989 Capltall%atlon ThlIory and T.w:hniquel, Part B EXAM'''' 39.0 5/7-11/1989 SlaI'ldardaofF'rateuionaIPntctice SPP 24.5 ~-31181989 CaptlBllutlan Theory and Techniques, Part A EXAM1B-A 39.0 9117-101221988 Real ESlateAppraisalP1lnciptel EXAM1A.1 38.5 9110-101151988 BasicVahJalklnPn:M:edl.nI EXAM1A-2 W TOTAL 446.0 (0): An CQurses/seminars I9Onsored and given by the Appraisatlnsli~te. ~ J.B. ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consnltabts 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 54- I ~ ~ ,- ~ Experience: Membership: Professional Experience: '. Academic Education: Licenses: Assignments: JOZEF ALHALE, MAl 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 Miami, Florida 33133 QUALIFICATIONS Twelve years in the field of real estate valuation, consultation, economic research and market analysis, Appraisal Institute, MAl Miami Society of Commercial Realtors J,B. Alhale & Associates, Inc" Miami, Florida President, May 1994 to present Dixon and Friedman, Inc" Miami, Florida Senior Appraiser, October 1991 - May 1994 R,G, Davis & Associates, Inc" Miami, Florida Fee Appraiser, January 1991 - October 1991 Izenberg Appraisal Associates, Inc" Parsippany, New Jersey Staff Appraiser, July 1988 - December 1990 " Master of Science, Computer Science Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude, Computer Science New York University, New York, New York State Certified General Real Estate Appraiser - State of Florida Certification Number RZ 0001557 Real Estate Salesman - State of Florida Appraisals - Vacant land, warehouse facilities, shopping centers, office buildings, rental and condominium apartment buildings, hotel facilities and special-purpose properties including parking garages, A,C,L.F" service stations, audio/video production studios, restaurants, marinas, automobile dealerships, and yacht repair/ manufacturing facilities, Partial interests, Land Leases and Air Rights, Consulting - Economic research, market and feasibility analysis pertaining to commercial and multi-family residential developments, condominium conversions and land acquisitions. J,B, ALHALE & ASSOCIATES, INC. Real Estate Appraisers and Consultants 3121 Commodore Plaza, Suite 200 . Coconut Grove, Florida 33133 - 55 - -.. -. ~ -~.