89-2655 Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 89-2655 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 39 OF THE CITY CODE, ENTITLED "STREETS AND SIDEWALKS", BY CHANGING THE TITLE TO "STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC FACILITIES"; CREATING ARTICLE V, ENTITLED "NAMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND STREETS" ; ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR NAMING PUBLIC FACILITIES AND STREETS; PROVIDING FOR REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION BY COMMITTEE; PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF SELECTION CRITERIA; PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING AND FINAL SELECTION OF NAME BY THE CITY COMMISSION; PROVIDING FOR REPEALER; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECT~VE DATE. WHEREAS, the Rules and Special Events Committee of the City commission of the City of Miami Beach has recommended that the City commission adopt an ordinance establishing procedures for the naming of public facilities and streets; and WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to insure that citizens of the City of Miami Beach and other concerned members of the public be afforded an opportunity to participate in the process of selecting names for public facilities and streets located in the city of Miami Beach; and WdEREAS, the City commission deems it in the best interests of the general welfare of the City of Miami Beach and its citizens to adopt procedures for the naming of public facilities and streets located in the City of Miami Beach. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That the title of Chapter 39 of the Miami Beach City Code, currently entitled "Streets and Sidewalks" be amended to read as follows: CHAPTER 39 STREETS, AND SIDEWALKS AND PUBLIC FACILITIES SECTION 2. That an Article V be created, entitled "NAMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND STREETS," and added to Chapter 39 of the Miami Beach City Code to read as follows: 1 , . ARTICLE V. NAMING OF PUBLIC FACILITIES AND STREETS Sec. 39-24. Sec. 39-25. Sec. 39-26. Sec. 39-27. General Definitions. Review and recommendation by Committee. Public hearinq and naminq bY city commission. section 39-24. General. After the effective date of this Ordinance, no Dublic facility or street located in or owned by the city of Miami Beach shall be named or renamed except in accordance with the Drocedures set forth in this Article. section 39-25. Definitions. A. "City Commission" shall mean the qoverninq body of the city of Miami Beach, Florida. ~ "Commi ttee" shall mean the Rules and SDecial Events Committee created by the City commission on January 22. 1986 or any other such committee desiqnated by the city Commission to review and recommend names for Dublic facilities and streets located within or owned bV the city of Miami Beach. Section 39.26. Review and recommendation committee The Committee shall establish selection criteria which, when apDroved by the City commission, shall qovern its name selection Drocess. Whenever a name is needed for a new Dublic facility or street or whenever there is a Droposal to rename an existing Dublic facility or street within or owned bY the City ~f Miami Beach, said naminq or renaminq shall first be considered and reviewed by the Commi ttee desiqnated by the city Commission accordinq to the fOllowinq Drocedures: A. Any Derson, orqanization, association, corDoration or other entity including a member of the city Commission or the Administration of the city may DrODose a name for a new DUblic 2 facili ty or street or may Dropose renaming an existinq Dublic facility or street at any time by submittinq a DroDosed name to the Committee. ~ within a reasonable time after receipt of said DroDosal the Committee shall meet to consider and review DroDosals for the naminq or renaminq of said public facility or street. Notice of the meetinq shall be qiven to all Dersons or entities which have proDosed names for the Dublic facility or street under consideration. ~ After reviewinq the DroDosal in accordance with the established selection criteria the Committee shall transmit a written recommendation to the city commission reqardinq the DroDosal; the recommendation may also include any names proposed by the Committee. section 39-27. Public Hearinq and Naminq by city commission A. within a reasonable time after receivinq the recommendation for a naminq or renaminq from the Committee, the City commission shall call a public hearinq. ~ Notice of a Dublic hearinq regardinq the naminq or renaminq of a public facility or street shall be Dublished at least ten days Drior to the hearinq in a newspaDer of qeneral circulation in the city of Miami Beach. ~ At the close of the Dublic hearinq the city commission may select a name for or rename the sub;ect Dublic facility or street. In selectinq the name, the Commission shall be governed by its established selection criteria; however, the name selected need not be one recommended by the Committee. Section 3. SEVERABILITY. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is held to be invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, then said holding shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Ordinance. 3 section 4. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. section 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect ten (10) days after adoption on 16th day of September , 1989. PASSED and ADOPTED this 6th day of September 1989 , . ATTEST: .tt~h.~ CITY CLERK 1st reading 7/26/89 2nd reading 9/6/89 FORM APPROVE: LE 7~-fO( DATE: AMW/SWS/mml Requested by Commissioner Bruce Singer and the Rules and Special Events Committee. 4 ~ ~ 'i1(tamt ~ead FLORIDA 33139 "V AC A TlONLAND U. S. A. .. OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER ROB W. PARKINS " --CITY MANAGER CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673-7010_ ,_ COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~1 July 12, 1989 DATE: FROM: Rob W. Pa 'ns City Manager ORDINANCE FACILITIES PROCEDURES FOR NAMING PUBLIC TO: Members SUBJECT: This Ordinance was drafted by the City Attorney's Office at the request of Commissioner Bruce singer and the Rules and special Events Committee' of the City Commission. The Ordinance provides a procedure for naming or renaming public facilities and streets' owned by or located within the City of Miami Beach. The procedure calls for the following: 1. Review of proposed names by the Rules and Special Events Commi ttee or any other commi ttee designated by the city commission, and 2. Public hearing conducted by the City Commission, and 3. Selection of name by the city commission. The Ordinance also provides that the Rules and special Events Committee will formulate standards to govern the selection of names, and that the proposed standards are subject to approval by the City commission. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: The City Administration recommends that the City commission approve the attached Ordinance. RWP: SWS : j h Attachment 6 AGENDA ~R 3 n ITEM -.-L q-~,-w DATE' CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE TELEPHONE: 673.7010 DATE: July 5, 1989 TO: MAYOR ALEX DAOUD AND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION FROM: ROB W. PARKINS CITY MANAGER SUBJECT: ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING PROCEDURES FOR NAMING PUBLIC FACILITIES AND STREETS This ordinance was drafted by the City Attorney's Office at the request of Commissioner Bruce Singer and the Rules and Special Events Committee of the City Commission. The ordinance provides a procedure for naming or renaming public facilities and streets owned by or located within the City of Miami Beach. The procedure calls for the following: 1) Review of proposed names by the Rules and Special Events Committee or any other committee designated by the City Commission, and 2) Public hearing conducted by the City Commission, and 3) Selection of name by the city Commission. The ordinance also provides that the Rules and Special Events Committee will formulate standards to govern the selection of names, and that the proposed standards are subject to approval by the City Commission. Administration Recommendation The Administration recommends that the City Commission approve this ordinance. SWS/nn