#392 Notice of Special election Nov 7, 2006 <e MIAMIBEACH CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 2006 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Election has been called by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, pursuant to City Resolution 2006-26235, and will be held in said City from 7:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on the 7th day of November, 2006, at which time there shall be submitted to the duly registered and qualified voters of the City of Miami Beach the following: GROUP V - COMMISSIONER GRUPO V - COMISIONADO GWOUP V - KOMISYONE (Vote for one) (Vote por uno) (Vote pou youn) Roger Abramson. 136 Michael Gongora 137 Laura A. Leyva 138 Elsa Urquiza. 139 Deede Weithorn 140 Robert Parcher, City Clerk City of Miami Beach, Florida Ad # 392 45 '.0 o o N ~ c:r:: L1J c::l o 1-' U o > <I: o z ::> Vl Q ~ IX ... :z: . c E ... :z: .... E o v 'ti ~ Q; ::I: E II) i: co ~