Attachment 97 up to page 032 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH to 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL httD:\\ci.miami~beach.fl.us G.O. BOND PROJECT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA APRIL 3, 2000 CITY HALL, COMMISSION CHAMBERS 6:00 P.M. ". 1. Attendance 2. Review and Acceptance of March 6, 2000 meeting minutes 3. Report on City Commission actions of March 15, 2000 4. Report on: District Meetings Neighborhood Meetings Next Steps 5. Proposed Water, Wastewater, Stormwater Revenue Bond Program 6. Status update on G.O. Bond Projects .7. RFQ Selection Committees update 8. Funding of Maintenance and Operations of Capital Projects 9. Endowment Program 10. Presentation on Art in Public Places Ordinance ~ 11. Presentation by Miami Beach Community Development Corporation regarding UNlOAD's training program Next Meeting: May 1, 2000 JAG:lr F:\CMGR\$Al.L\LUPITA.\GOBONDS\AGENDAS~0300.AGN r- r- r- . '. 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Roberto Datorre was elected Vice-Chair. 4. Clarification of Ex-Officio's role and responsibilities. -- DISCUSSION: DISCUSSION: Raul Aguila, from the City Attorney's office, reviewed the role of ex- officio members. He explained that ex-officio members may not (1) vote on motions; (2) make a motion; or (3) second a motion. Ex-officio members are free to participate in discussion. Raul Aguila reviewed the Ethics Ordinance. He explained that Committee members are prohibited from (I) appearing before other City boards on behalf of a third party and (2) lobbying for third parties. Either of these actions could cause a member to loose his/her position on the Committee. He explained that there is an exception; a Committee member may appear before a City board on behalf of a not-for-profit organization. 5. Website Update. DISCUSSION: r Nannette Rodriguez, Media Relations Officer, presented an overview of the City's website. She discussed the upcoming G.O. Bond District and Neighborhood meetings and how the meetings were publicized. 6. Report on City Commission actions of January 12, 2000 , DISCUSSION: DISCUSSION: . ~ Janet Gavarrete and Mike Rath reported on the issuance of Request for Qualifications for 13 G.O. Bond projects. Deadline for submittal was March 1, 2000. Selection Committees for projects have been selected. Selection Committees will meet March 23, 24 and 27 to short list firms. Firms will be interviewed during the week of April lOth. G.O. Bond Project Oversight Committee members were appointed to the following Selection Committees: '. Project 1 - Fire Station No.2, Maintenance Facility Renovation, Public Works Operation, Property Management Facility and Electrowave Shuttle Facility. John Mallah ap1?ointee. Project 2 - Fire Station No.4 Renovation and Expansion. Note: Jerry Libbin has resigned from the GO Bond Project Oversight Committee. John Mallah will rl:Wlace Jerry Libbin on the Selection Committee for Proiect 2. Project 3 - Altos Del Mar. Mariueritte Ramos-Herrera appointee. Project 4 - Allison Park and North Beach Recreational Corridor. MariUeritte Ramos-Herrara appointee. -.. Project 5 - 10th Street Auditorium/Beach Patrol Headquarters. Victor Varela appointee. Project 6 - Belle Isle Improvements. Frank Del Vecchio appointee. Project 7 - Miami Beach Botanical Garden Renovation and Expansion. Victor Varela appointee. Project 8 - Beach Planting. Amy Rabin ap.pointee. Project 9 - Citywide Traffic Count. Frank Del Vecchio ap'pointee. Project 10 - Citywide Sign age and Environmental Graphics. John Mallah ap.pointee. Commissioner Dermer reported that the Debarment Ordinance is in effect. This ordinance provides a mechanism for the City to break contracts with contractors who are involved in illegal actions and to prohibit those contractors from doing business with the City for up to 5 years. A second reading on the formation of the Committee on Debarment will be heard at the next Commission meetings. ~ ~ 7. Discussion on Point System for Consultant Process DISCUSSION: Mike Rath reviewed the discussion from the January 20, 2000 G.O. Bond Project Oversight Committee meeting regarding evaluation point structure. He explained that the Selection Committees need a point system to assist with evaluations. He presented the following Evaluation Criteria: '. Firm's Experience Project Manager's Experience Previous Similar Projects Qualifications of Project Team Certified Minority Participation 20 points 20 points 25 points 30 points 5 points 100 points 8. Status of Project Financing DISCUSSION: ~ Patricia Walker, Finance Director, reported on the Gulf Breeze Loan Pool which has agreed to advance funds to the City without charging issuance fees. This will result in a considerable savings for the City. When the size ofthe issuance is determined then the interest rate will be determined for a 20-year term loan. 9. Fiscal Year 2000/01 Budget Development Process DISCUSSION: ACTION: r Ms. Walker reported that Fiscal Year 2000/01 budget process has begun. A 5-year budget has been prepared for parks maintenance and playground replacement which provides for them without raising taxes from the current level. The 5-year budget will need to be updated on a yearly basis. Janet Gavarrete will provide a report on maintenance needs for each park at different levels of maintenance and schedule a specific discussion item regarding maintenance/operations of fire stations, parks and beaches and streetscapes at a future meeting. Commissioner Dermer requested to have an item placed on the next meeting agenda to address the maintenance issue and how the corporate partners could assist the City with establishing a Maintenance Endowment. 3 10. Discussion of Deleted Projects and Unused Funding DISCUSSION: > Ms. Walker reviewed the rules for spending unused G.O. Bond funds. Before the City can spend any unused funds, the City must first complete all projects and satisfy project descriptions that the City committed to when citizens voted to issue bonds. Any excess funds may only be spent on like capital projects as described in G.O. Bond project descriptions. G.O. Bond funds cannot be used for maintenance or operational programs. She explained that the City does not know how much projects will cost exactly until they go out to bid. Any excess funds may be needed in case projects cost more than originally estimated. Ms. Gavarrete explained that some G.O. Bond projects are budget driven. Other projects are not yet programmed such as neighborhood improvements. The City is conducting a community outreach program to get input from the community regarding neighborhood needs. After this information is gathered then the City can determine the cost of the projects. She explained that there are 3 categories of projects and each of them is at a different implementation phase: (1) Fire Stations are moving forward; (2) Parks and Beaches are underway and RFQ's have been issued and received; and (3) Streetscapes, including water,drainage, sanitary sewer projects, need to be determined and prioritized by neighborhoods. ~ 11. Reports and Actions on Various projects DISCUSSION: '1" Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager, explained that Pine Tree/La Gorce project is not a G.O. Bond project. He reported on projects and requested approval for projects which have not been approved by the Commission: 1. Tatum Park - $83,000 for lighting has received Commission approval. No motion needed. 2. Flamingo Park - $189,000 sport field lighting has received Commission approval. No motion needed. 3. South Pointe Streetscape - $100,000 for Art in Public Places "Call to Artists" for design to screen control boxes. 4. Marseille Drive Streetscape - $323,643 for streetscape. This is an important project which may be out to bid within 60 days. 5. Lincoln Road - $300,000 for fountain enhancement and improvements. 6. Biscayne Elementary/77th Street - $36,250 for school circulation improvements. """" 4 -- DISCUSSION: ACTION: ACTION: ACTION: r ACTION: ACTION: ACTION: Commissioner Dermer disagreed with the expenditure of $1 00,000 for South Pointe streetscape. He explained that it is not necessary for this area to receive G.O. Bond funding because of the RDA funds available for the neighborhood. He questioned whether the City had to spend G.O. Bond funds on this project. Lawrence Levy, City Manager, explained that the City has been authorized by the voters to spend G.O. Bond funds on specified projects. There may be some flexibility and the City should pursue bond counsel advise on this matter. The Committee requested to have follow up reports on all projects. Larry Herrup made a motion that would mandate that all projects to be funded with G.O. Bond funds must go to the community first before being presented to the G.O. Bond Program Oversight Committee. Victor Varela seconded the motion. The motion failed. John Mallah made a motion to change the wording on the Memorandum regarding South Pointe "Call to Artists" to read: " Request for approval to expend the I'r61'63cd up to $100,000 for a "Call to Artists" to locate and produce a design to screen the control boxes serving Pump Station #31, and provide a visually interesting object at this location." Roberto Datorre seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. Margueritte Ramos-Herrera made a motion to approve Marseille Drive streetscape project. Amy Rabin Seconded the motion. The motion passed. Larry Herrup made a motion to approve Lincoln Road project. Roberto Datorre seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. Roberto Datorre made a motion to approve Biscayne Elementray and 77th Street streetscape project. Victor Varela seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved. 12. Presentation on Water, Sewer, Drainage DISCUSSION: r Julio Grave De Peralta, Director of Public Works Department, reported that the City has studied the water, waste water and storm water system and is in the position to move forward with a revenue bond program to fund projects. Consultant gave reports on community outreach to inform the public about the issue. The City Commission will vote on whether to issue the revenue bonds in April or May. 5 13. Community Participation -- > DISCUSSION: Janet Gavarrete and Kevin Smith, Director of the Parks and Recreation Department, reported on community workshops which were held to discuss programs and facilities for North Shore Open Space Park and Nature Center, North Shore Park and Youth Center and Flamingo Park and Tennis Center. The Manager appointed a North Shore Park and Youth Center Program Advisory Committee. The meeting was adjourned at 9:53 p.m. " --- --, 6 \ ,-... ~ z ~ w w :i!: w w l: :i!: :i!: o Oot- t-ow J:ow ~NJ: -fSiU) U) .......J:z -O;Z >~C) 0<_ :i!::i!:U) ~ ~ o ~ a. C z o a:I o C> ....... 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Bond Recap ii. Neighborhood Planning Projects Summary and Status iii. Neighborhood Planning Process iv. Neighborhood Workshop Meetings - Content v. Neighborhood Workshop Meetings - Time and Locations 6. Questions and Answers 7. Adjourn - meeting will end no later than 8:00 p.m --., . NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOP LOCATIONS South Beach District Venetian Islands, Star Island, Palm Island, Hibiscus Island ' City Center District, Lincoln Road Palm View Neighborhood (north of Lincoln Lane but north of 15'h SI. on the east side of Washington Avenue; south of Collins Canal and 23"' Street; east of Alton Road) ~ Flamingo Park Neighborhood, West Avenue, Bay Road (south of Lincoln Lane but south of Collins Canal on the west side of Bay Road; north of 6'h Street; west of Washington Av.) South Pointe Neighborhood (generally south of 6th Street) Lummus, Ocean Drive District (generally south of 15th St, north of 5th SI. east of Washington Avenue) r Monday, March 20, 2000 at 6:30 pm Police Department Community Room 1100 Washington Avenue Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 6:30 pm The Garden Center 2000 Convention Center Drive Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 6:30 pm Police Department Community Room 1100 Washington Avenue Monday, March 27, 2000 at 6:30 pm Police Department Community Room 1100 Washington Avenue Tuesday, March 28, 2000 at 6:30 pm Police Department Community Room 1100 Washington Avenue South Beach Neighborhood Improvements Flamingo Neighborhood Improvements 632, Alea-wide street impro~t (Municipal Mobility Plan Projeet # 33. and #35, requires 341, coordination with Project #37). Funding indudes traffic calming planning, sauctures and 342, monitoring, sidewa/X improvements, street pavement, IJohting. bike facilities. landscaping and 343, irrigation. and increased on.street parking conceplS. Capital costs based on right-of-way related 411 projects proposed through the Flamingo Neighborhood Charrettej~ 1997. TBD -Neighbomood Pianning Process February - September 2000 West Avenue I Bay Road Neighborhood Improvements 632, ArlIe-wide street improvement (Not UstecI in Municipal Mobility Plan Project Sank, requires TBD -Neighborhood Planning 341, coordination wittl ProjectS #33, and #35). Funding includes trBfIIc calming planning, structures Process 342, and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement, lighting, bike facilities, landscapIng and 343, irrigation, and increased on-street parking concepts. February - September 2000 411 Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase I-Venetian Islands 340 InfrastruClllre and landscaping imptovements tor Venetian Islands, inclUding San Marino, Di l.ido, Ri'o'o Alia, and Belle Istands, and a section from Alton Road to Islancl View Park. Includes sidewalk, curb and guller, lighting. landscaping. tral'fic control deviQl improvements, and gateway trealrTlent. Phase 1 improvements includ~ Island sjdestreets (Not listed in Municipal MObility Plan Project Bank, requires coordInation with MMP Project 132) Venetian Causeway Master Plan Phase II-Causeway 577 InfrBstrudtlre and landscaping improvements for the Venetian Causeway. from the Dade Bouleval'd intersection to the City Line. Includes sidewalk, curb and gulter, li;tlling. landscaping, tratnc control device improvements, and g8teway ltealment. Phase 2 Improvements are for ttle causeway only. (Municipal Mobility Plan 132, requires coordination with MMP Projec:t #30) Star,Palm, Hibiscus Islands Enhancement 633 Tra1ftc enhancementS, land$caping, slgnBga. lighting, and park Impro'l1llrnenlS to Star, Palm, and Hibi'cuslslanc:ls. Lincoln Road Improvements 620 Improvements to Uncoln Road to upgrade lighting, poolS. fountains, snd other amenities for the purposes of replacing malf\lnclloning and/or unservlcable equipment with 8ql,lipmantlhal can provide torbetter maintenance and performance. Meridian Avenue Extension Streetscape new StreetscaPe. landscape. lighting, for reopening of Mendian A'o'enue frcm 1st Slreello 2nd Street. Not covered under RDA funding. (COOrdinate with Municipal MObility Plan Project #42) WashIngton and Third Street Public Plaza new Provide ae$1hetic Impru\lefTlenb 8t the pump stalionlocation to integrate with a public plaza improvement at intersection of Washington Avenue, Third Street. and Euclid Avenue Authorized amendment of existing contrad with Urban Design Group / Kjmley Hom Associates for AlE professional services TBD -Neighbomood Planning Process February - September 2000 TBD -Neighbomood Planning Process February - September 2000 Oversight Committee recommended to amend existing contract. 3/612000 TSD -Neighbomood Planning Process February - September 2000 Oversight Committee recommended to amend existing contract - 3/612000 $7,400.000 $1,800,000 $3,844,150 $1,827,000 $600.000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 ---.., South Beach Parks and Beaches Improvements 10th Street Auditorium I Beachfront Aud. (Beach Patrol Hqrts) 554 Renovate 10th 51 Auditorium I Beach Patral Headquarters, including ADA requirements, painting, and restoration or detet10raled facilities. South Shore Community Center 553 Renovation and reconstnJdion of complete facility, with new landSC8Jling, ilTigation, signege, and playground Flamingo Park 542. New pool, renovate aU sports faCIlities, tot 101, landscape. and signage. Proposed GO Bond 637 components indude: perimeter aItIminum plcll:et fencing, security lighting, foOtball field renovations, new bleachers, track resurfacing, completion of tennis court improvements, court lighting, new shade pavillion, and a new irrigation system. Renovation and buffering for compatibility of the Property M,intenance Facility in Flamingo Park is funded separately. Flamingo Park Pool - Expansion' new, Additional funding for construction of new pool 10 have 4 additional lanes. I.ap pool enkwvemenl 542 will be approximately 28 lI.by 7511:. 10 be added to I coordInated with constnJclion of new pool lisled uncler Flamingo Park improvements, CIP # 542 ~ Lummus Park 544 Renovate restroom, renovate sef'J)entine sidewalJc, new playground equipment. landscape, & lITigation. Proposed GO Bond components Indude addilionallandscaping, and Widening of the sidewalks on the eut side of Ocean Drive, Island View Park 530. Playground surface, landscape & irrigation. Proposed GO Bond components include MCUrlty 637 lighting, perimeter aluminum pl~et fencing, and shade pavillion. Palm Island Park 533, Repair eldsting shade pavinion, new basketball courts. new ptaygrnund equipment. accessible 637 routes. Proposed GO Bond c:omponents indude court and secur1ty IIghtl_ng, and refurbislvnent of tennis coUJ1S. Belle Isle Park Improvements new Proposed GO Bond funding to provide playground, land$C8pe, /nigation. slle fumishings, pedestrian, allCllightlng improvements South Pointe Park Improvements 603 Improvements to South Pointe Park. Collins Park 550 ConstnJd park Improvmenls: walkways, lighting,landseape, amenity, etc. Garden Center Renovation 613 Renovations to building and ADA compliance ,.- Issued RFO for Professional NE Services 1/13/2000 Amended existing contract with REG Amended existing contrad with Carr Smith Corradino Amended existing contrad with Carr Smith Corradino Amended existing contract with Bennello Ajamil Amended existing contract with REG Amended existing contract with REG Issued RFO for Professional AlE Services 1/1312000 Amended existing contract with Bermella Ajamil TBD ~ Cultural Campus Plans Issued RFQ for Professional NE Services 1/1312000 $690,000 $1,350,000 $2,500,000 $400,000 $1,100,000 $150,000 $75,000 $600,000 $2,000.000 $1,800,000 $1,500,000 =:: u ~ I'ol =: =:: E- ~ o en . '-' z - E- I'ol 1::J ;> ;; ~ E- g~ g1 l:::~;;~ enO I'ol :::<:lOu -\DO ~E-lX:z z~I'ol8 OoUE- =:gzz< Z ~~ ~ ~ ~~a:~~ ~uzu... 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Bond Neigborhood Planning Biscoyne Boq " Middle Beach District Meeting March 16, 2000 ~ ,'-- , NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOP LOCATIONS > --- Middle Beach District La Gorce Neighborhood, La Gorce Island, Allison Island (north of Surprise Lake, west of Indian CreEik) Bayshore, Lake Pancoast Sunset Islands (from of Collins Canal (Dade Blvd.) north to 41 st Street, west of Indian Creek, and Lake Pancoast) Nautilus, Orchard Park (from 41 sl Street north to Surprise Lake, west of Indian Creek) Ocean Front, Indian Creek Collins Avenue (east of Indian Creek to the beach. ) (from 23'" Street to 63'" Street) Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 6:30 pm Miami Heart Hospital Auditorium 4701 North Meridian Avenue Wednesday, March 22, 2000 at 6:30 pm Miami Beach High School Auditorium 2231 Prairie Avenue Monday, March 27, 2000 at 6:30 pm Nautilus Middle School Auditorium 4301 Michigan Avenue Tuesday, March 28, 2000 at 6:30 pm Colonial Bank, Tavern Room, 6th Floor 301 Arthur Godfrey Road (41st Street) """', i: ' . . , ,t-:1KEl)~fgJfr~i':It:'IIT!J ::r1\'!J(Bi'-::;<!lJ):?Ju"EflL' . \?..i@€1!1I.l:;.,' : .~: . ". . .' ~llil:s'(ili:wi; ,!~nX!llH!:.' Middle Beach Parks and Beaches Improvements Fisher Park 529, Shade pavillion, restroom, tot 101, security lighting, landscape. decorative tencing. Proposed GO 637 Bond components include sea.uity lighting and perimeler aluminum picket fencing. Amended existing contract with REG $150.000 La Gorce Park . 531, New 101101. S8QJrily lighting, landsCape & irrigation, Proposed GO"Bond components Include 637 securfty lighting llOd perimeter atuminum picket fencing. Amended e>dsting contract with REG $50,000 Brittany Bay Park 637 General lighting pet the PlIl1r.s Master Plan TBD $10,000 Allison Park new Renovations, galewey, and be8dl access. Project added by eommunity request Specific components to be further defined. Issued RFQ for Professional NE Services 1/1312000 $170.000 Muss Park 532, Renovate recreallonal building. sports courts, court lighting. tot lot, landscape & Irriglltlon. Amended existing contract with 637 Proposed GO Bond components Include replacemenl playground equipment. irrigation, perimeter REG aluminum picket fenCing, security lighting, and court lighting. $75,000 ,-- , Pinetree Park 535, Paricing lot,landacape, lnigetion, pedestri,n w8lXways. Proposed GO Bond components Indude 637 seurity lighting, adclitionallandscaping, and site furnishings Amended existing contract with Bermello Ajamil $90,000 Scott Rakow Youth Center 548 New Ice rink, building renovatlofl;, partcing lot, and landscaping. Proposed GO Bond components provide funding necessary 10 complete Pants Bond Fund renovations listed above, Amended existing contract with Carr Smith Corradino $150.000 r- ; _ ~ ' ,,}, , ~ _' "' "" v, ' ',':' ~ F' " ~' " ; '.::,~4@ru.tIL~~~~~~~~Jilli:!l0~ ,',,' <" ,',: .,'. ' ,&Z!}~ ~, q ," ,'. ' .~.,', ,""'. ::.' ,""""'"",,,, ''hl' ,". "",,~-rr.~:., ,~.~' , ~ "',_ . ^.~,,,""'< '"">>! ~ :\., .<-. ,~~^ " ' :" . ~~~J ,-.:- " t~! wV' City-Wide Parks and Beaches Improvements Beach Planting 557 Development of landscape design end plantings for beaches dune system on beach throughout City. TBD $1,000.000 North Beach Recreational Corridor 558 Bicyde and p&(lestrlan facility on Beach ROW from 60th Street tCf75th Street. To be coordianted with Allison Park improvements Issued RFO for Professional AlE Services 1/1312000 $500,000 ADA Beach Access new W1ee1Chair eccesslble over-dune access. with decked, railed, lookout point, wI shede trees, and addition.' periling space. made out of bar grading in the sand.~ anchored below grade with large deck area at seaside with rails (similar 10 5th SlIeet) TBD $225,000 ADA City-Wide Renovations 480 Renovale CUy-owned fedllties to impro'ie sale access to pel'1:ons with disatlifrlies T8D - coordinated with other restoration $1.000,000 Parks Facilities Roof Repair Plan .86 Provide for comprehensive r'OOf surveys of large feclllties roof needs plus repl8cment and repair. TaD - Property Maintenance This is BO% of the ROOf Repair Plan. 10% is ineorporated into the Public Wori<s Facility, and 10% Dept. eMS inlo the Property Maintenance Facility. $700,000 --. \. . ~ :?E o o IX: :z IX: W > Cl< Zt- t=~ W :EWZ :Eca C2""'...J~ c>o<(w g,,-zw ......... :I: ~oV') , 5...J Z Z 0_ ::Z:CJz o CJ . ,1'\ a:l<(..,,~ . W ..::: V') qmg; c>w~ ...J<O 8<9> - 0 :Eo o N lD .... :I: CJ IX: <( ~ ~ ,1~ B~ 1~ j ~ .~~ ~ ~ 1.1' - ~ G. O. Bond Planning Meeting North District March 13, 2000 '. :allSl: bi....'nl"... Lll' ,I'"' E",p",,,' I:,,,, !\~]"Jjc' CC"lrl ~ o o 0::: Z 0::: W > e,,<C z!;- ;::~ W ~WZ ~<c ~...~... e"o<cW 05:-w O:::...Z:c 0.(1)0(1) c5-'z Z 0_ :coz 00 . ,n CO<c_'-' . W "'" (I) C!CO~ e"W~ -I CD g@) -0 ~O o N CD ..... :c o 0::: <c ~ ~ ~ ~ 1.fI ...... ~ G.O. Bond f:<Jeighborhood Planning North Beach District Meeting Monday, March 13, 2000 6:30 p.m. North Shore Community Center 501 72nd Street Miami Beach, Florida AGENDA 1. Introductions r- 2. Purpose of this Meeting 3. G.O. Bond Oversight Committee South Beach District Representative 4. Water, Sewer, and Storm Water Drainage Infrastructure Presentation 5. G.O. Bond Neighborhood Presentation i. G.O. Bond Recap ii. Neighborhood Planning Projects Summary and Status iii. Neighborhood Planning Process iv. Neighborhood Workshop Meetings - Content v. Neighborhood Workshop Meetings - Time and Locations 6. Questions and Answers 7. Adjourn - meeting will end no later than 8:00 p.m r- NEIGHBORHOOD WORKSHOP LOCATIONS > North Beach District Biscayne Point, Biscayne Beach Stillwater . (west of Tatum Waterway, north of77''' St.) North Shore, Park View Island Altos del Mar, 72nd Street (north of 63'. Street to the City Limit, from Indian Creek Waterway and Tatum Waterway to the Beach) Normandy Shores (Normandy Island, north of Normandy Canal) Normandy Isle, Normandie Sud Marseille Dr., Calais Dr., Bay Dr. (Normandy Island, south of Normandy Canal) Monday, March 20, 2000 at 6:30 pm Biscayne Elementary School Cafeteria 800 77th Street Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at 6: 30 pm North Shore Community Center 501 n"d Street Tuesday, March 28, 2000 at 6:30 pm Normandy Golf Course Clubhouse 2401 Biarritz Drive --- Wednesday, March 29, 2000 at 6:30 pm Normandy Golf Course Clubhouse 2401 Biarritz Drive q,. ~ North Beach Parks and Beaches Improvements Crespi Park 526. New restroom, reoevele basketball courts, tot 101. landseape, and irrigation. Proposed GO Bond 637 components include new basketball court, court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum plcketfendng. Stillwater Park '. 536. New recre8llon building and basketball courts, limited security lighting, landscape & irrigation. 637 Proposed GO Bond components indude court and seaJl'ity lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. Tatum Park 537, Building: renovations. p1ayground,landscape & irrigalion, limited security lighting & entry gate. 637 Proposed GO Bond components inClude court and security lighting, and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. North Shore Open Space Park 547, New Recreatian I Nature Center. renovate restrooms, lighting, landscape & irrigation, funded by 637 CIP. Proposed GO Bond companents include expanded Nature Center, additional beach plantings, security lighting and fencing, and provides for expansion into Altos del Mar. Expansion includes conversion to pauive parle. of eleven contlgtJous lots in Altos del Mar, renovate or move historic strudures, provide infrastnJcture, and extend Ocean Terrace to 76th 51. ,..- North Shore Park & Youth Center 546, New recreation center, tennis COllrts, renovate bandshell, lighting, landscape & irrigation, 637 accessible playground. Proposed GO Bond components include baseballlleld lighting, petimeler aluminum picket fencing, and $1 ,000,000 for Youth Center. Shane Watersports Center new Expansion of the Shane Watersports Center to provide meeting rooms, appropriate facilities for training:, and related slle improvements. Addition will Include the construction of a second story on to existing building. Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouse I Community Center .'2 Phase II Renovation and restoration of goJf course and club house. Proposed GO Bond component to provide additional resources per community request for clubhouse renovations and development of community center fadlities for ttle neighbortlood residents. Fairway Park 541, Building, baHetbaH and tennts courts renovation, lighting, playground,landscape. 637 Bond components indude perimeter wrninum picket fencing. Amended existing contract with REG Amended existing contract with REG Amended existing contract with REG Amended existing contract with Bermello Ajamil Amended existing contract with Sermello Ajamil TBD - Shane Center negotiations with CMS TBD . in cooridination with Normandy Shores Golf Course renovations Proposed GO Amended existing contract with REG Normandy Isle Park 545, Renovate pool and fields, new recre8llorlal center, baSketball courts, security lighting:. tot lot 637 landscape & irrigstion. Proposed GO Bond components induds seCUrity lighting and perimeter aluminum picket fencing. ,r- Amended existing contract with Carr Smith Corradino $150.000 $160,000 $150,000 $3,200,000 $1,350,000 $300,000 $750,000 $250,000 $300,000 North Beach Neighborhood Improvements Biscayne Point Area Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 632. Area-wide street improvement (Integrates Municiplll Mobility Plan Project #2). Funding indudes 341, lra1l'lc calming planning, structures and monitoring. sidewalk improvements, street pavement, 342, lighting. bike facilities, landscaping and inigation, and incr~sed on-street pal1dng concepts. 343. 411 T8D -Neighborhood Planning Process February - September 2000 North Shore and Park View Island Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 632. Area.wide street Improvement (lnteglllles Municipal Mobillly Plan Project #2). Funding includes T80 -NeighborhoOd Planning 341, traffic calming planning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk improvements, street pavement. Process 342, lighting. bike facilities, landscaping and irrigation, and inCl1ilssed on-street pari<ing concepts. Area 343, indudas all areas north of63rd Street. and east of Indian Creek and Tatum WalelWay. This area February ~ September 2000 411 includes Park VIeW Island. Blscayne Elementary School Circulation Improvements 632 Improve traffic circulaUon, pedestrian ,afety along 77th St. In front or Blscayne Elementary School Oversight Committee (Municipal MobUt)' Plan Project #4) recommended to amend existing contract - 3/6/2000 Normandy Shores Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 632, Area-wide street improvement (Integrates Municipal Mobility Plan Project *2). Funding indudes 341, trat'IIc calming plllllning, structures and monitoring, sidewalk Improvements, street pavement 342. lighting. bike facilities. landscaping and irrigation. and increased on-street pal1l.ing concepts. 343, Includes all areas of Normaocly Island north of !he canal. 411 TBD -Neighborhood Planning Process February - September 2000 Normandy Isle & Normandy Sud Neighborhood Streetscape Improvements 632, Area-wide street improvement (Integrales Municipel Mobility Plan Project '2). Funding includes TBD -Nelghbofttood Planning Process 341, traffic calming planning. atnJclures and monitoring. aklewalk improvements. street p8\lement. Feb. Sap 2000 Oversight Committee 342. lighting. bike facililies. Jand.scaping and irrigation. and increased oo-street pal1l.lng concepts. recommended funding for Marseille Dr. 343. Includes all areas of Normandy Island south of !he canal, including tha Normandy Bud StteetSC8pe 411 neighborhood. Normandy Or./71st Sl Corridor Enhancements 632 Provide increased lenclscaping and pedestrian amenities alOng Nonnandy Or & 715t St. Continuation of eJllsting streetacape wast from Rue Notre Dame to City limit (Municipal Mobility Plan Projectill6) TBD -Neighborhood Planning Process February. September 2000 $4,150,000 $4,150,000 $36,250 $3,400,000 -. $4,150,000 $293,000 --'.