Attachment 97 up to page 119 ~ 0:: W I- Z W o i= Z ;:) C)~ ~~ 1-0 Wo ~~~ 0::1-01- C)O:I:W Oi:2enw O::I-:I::I: 11.(I)I-en -r- 0:: Z L.:I _ Z:I:Oz OOZC) alc(,_ . W ~ en qall1. C):I:~ I- .. o::fD O@) Zc C C N C") .... :I: o 0:: c( ~ - G ;p t ~ T ~ .J: 3 o ?- 1 c ~ ". ~ ~ ~ t ~ '-l ~ I....., "\: ~ f'~ ~~ \~ ~~ '.$'-ll % ~~r::.l IO~ $ ~ ~ ,~ ~~ , ~ Nil }- ~ ~ t ~ ~ ~~~ IJl 'r ~ I~ ,'c.. ;~ ,.~~~~3' "" ~ S~ r-- Il'I '" "- ~ ~ I" '\ <6 " \. .J'~ ;:, .: ,. ~~.~ ~ \r~'<l . l'" <::.. ~ \...... e ~ "^ '" ~ (\ , '::::: ~ ..., - 3 ~ $3 l~ ..j :J '- .;.)....!~ \-, S 4 ~ -.l r 0 -U 0::: W I- Z W U - ~ ~ z ~ Z? ,.J ::l V\ C>:E ~ r . '\, D ,..J r- ~:E l- I II'- - 1-0 r- 1'\ , Wu ~ :EWw 1}1 V' C2:Eo::: 1-01- ~ 2 C>U:::CW Oo:::cnW f-<. l-, O:::I-:::c:C ~ 0 f'- a.~l-cn .j.. '" '\ \; ~ 1'1 cco:::z jt-. S ) z:::co, , , Ouzz '"" m<c,C> , 'W:Ecn qma. (r-J C>:c::; ~ 0 I- .. ,r-^ 0::: CD ~ .q O@) ~ O-J. ZO ~ J 0 ~ , 0 ~'0 ~. N -2. M ~~ .J ..... ~ \l :::c ~ ~ ,3 u ....... t\.. c- 6f- 0::: c( :E ~ r- 1 "" > < ~ "ID ~ ~~ 0:: W I- Z W 0 ~ z , :::> r? C>:!: ~:!: ;8 1-0 , :!:lliO ~ ~:!:w I-~I- C>O:t:W OQ2(1)W '^ O::I-:t::t: VI <:I a..CI)I-CI) ef,l'{\ roo::z '" ~ 0 ....:t:0. ~ OOZZ lD<(,C> . W :!: CI) qlDa.. C>:t:g I- .. 0::<0 O@) Zo 0 0 N M ..... :t: 0 0:: <( :!: r- ~ W I- Z W () >- !:: z ::l O:!; z:!; i=o W() ~~~ 0:::1-01- C)()J:W O~en~ ~I-J:en ll.enl-z cc~_ zJ:Oz O()ZO Dlc:(,_ . W :!; en C!Dlll. OJ:g I- .. ~cg O@ ZO o o N M .... J: () ~ c:( :!; ~ , ~\ ~ ~ G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report . Biscavne Point Meeting: Tuesday, March 20,2000 Location: Biscayne Elementary School Presenter: Joyce Meyers Number of Attendees: See Attached List Break-out GrouD: Biscavne Beach Priority 1: Priority 2: Priority 3: Other: ~ Streetscape on 79th Street~ needs sidewalk, curb & gutter, angled parking and drainage. Also change to I-way traffic westbound. Traffic calming - Hawthorne Avenue is a speedway (typical 70-mph). Two kids recently hit in front of the park. Cars speed in a circle around Crespi Park. To a lesser extent speeding also occurs on Crespi Avenue. Repair broken sidewalks throughout the neighborhood. It is unsafe to ride a bike or push a stroller. Brighter street lighting - needed to deter crime throughout the area. Traffic calming on east-west streets - install bulb-outs at corners and mid-block to slow down traffic. Do not add too many mid-block bulb-outs because parking spaces are important. Plant street trees in bulb-outs. Fix potholes in streets. Drainage problems on 79th Street and on Crespi around 8lst_82nd Streets. Breakout GrouD: Biscavne Point Priority 1: Priority 2: Priority 3: r- Traffic calming - resurface streets and redesign traffic flow patterns to provide a safer environment - install decorative brick pavers at intersections - install "circles" at major intersections - install "islands" in middle of Cleveland and Daytonia Roads. Acorn street lights throughout. This type oflighting would provide better lighting being below the tree canopies and certainly help beautify the streets Replace or plant street trees to beautify the neighborhood. Make planting more uniform. Improve storm drainage - install curbless gutters throughout - install additional drains. Otber: Island entrance beautification .' Repair sidewalks throughout Open view & access on street ends - Henedon Avenue Landscapelbeautify street end where bridge was removed on N. Biscayne Point Road Stillwater Drive: No representatives present - comments from Donald Shockey and Biscayne Point homeowners: . Develop comprehensive streetscapeltree planting design Enhance / landscape the entrance feature Dig out and landscape large striped median next to Stillwater Park M:\SCMBlTEMPlBisc:ayne Pointdcc --.. g. --.. " 0 ," .. J. !I ~ ~ j ~ 4 C) \) ~ a." Z rf':" -I- - I-w Ww " " Wo:: -t 0 :::iE1- ~ S:; ..... .){ CU) - 0:::1: -" ~ \!J <iJ -tJ 01- ~ :::1:..... ~ ~ ~ 0::"';- 00 mO D :::I:QO N ( f"- ..... ~ ~~ v- ()o... "" lA , w<( -r I '" ZI- \II :l!EO::Z ...!) ~ww i><," !;t:::iE1- c.f\ C)~~w ~~ O...JWW . ~;:: O::...Jw:::l: ~ l)..i=zU) III \~ [; cn>Z \JI " ft<(""i" ~ ;j \~ O:::l:OZ mOU)C) n. '" . <( iijCn 0 ow Di . m I C)w:::iE .c. zQ. <::!. >g <( .. OCD ~@ ..J ~ ,v oN mo >c l '" \ ftO ~ - 1-0 .a J<Q ~ ZN 00 V\ <:~ ~ ... "- '- Q.N !:' UC"'l ", w:::l: zO -:e >0:: <(<( 0:::iE U) m C) Z -I- I-w Ww Wo:: :EI- Qen OJ: 01- J:I'-. o::~ 00 mg J: ~ ~~ w<( zl- oo::O::z ....ww ~I-:EI- C)~~w O-lWW O::-1WJ: D.j::zen Cen>-~ z ~<( Z OJ:oC) mOen_ . <( Oi CI) q~1 C)w:E zD. >-~ <( .. 0<0 en@ Oio -0 1-0 ZN 00 Q.N WJ: zO >-0:: ~~ en iii -q .1.... ~ ./ ~~ ---' J> "" 'l: ~.--' ~ ~.~ ~ ~ 1 i """ ~ ~ r- G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report > Neighborhood: Venetian, Star, Palm, & Hibiscus Islands Meeting Date/Location: March 20,2000 I Police Dept. Community Room Presenter: John De Pazos Attendees: See attached list SUMMARY OF INPUT: Star Island Priority I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Curb & Gutter - Want curbing on both sides of the street Pavement - Whole Island Drainage - #3,5,7,8,9,29,30,31 Star Island Drive Lighting - Need more street lights Landscaping - Need more Irrigation - Update irrigation system. Does not work. Maintenance of water tower Uplighting - Uplighting for landscaping Pumping equipment - Needs landscaping. $200,000 collected by homeowners - should be done fIrst Signs - Neighborhood entrance sign - Identify. Security Cameras - Would like 9 10 Palm & Hibiscus Islands Priority I Curb & Gutter - Need new curb & gutter on N & S Coconut Lane, Hibiscus ring road. Pavement - Level, resurface, and align the pavement throughout Palm & Hibiscus Island. Lighting - New streetIighting. Poles to match E. Palm Island, Park, & Hibiscus Parkway. Need uniform lighting. Traffic Calming - Add pavers at all intersection crossings. 2 Drainage - Problem areas only. W. Palm Ave, W. side of Hibiscus Island, South Hibiscusl W2ct., North Hibiscus/E3ct, North Hibiscus! Palm Midway. Landscaping - Median & Common grounds - replace unsuccessful material with mature landscaping. ""- Street Signs - Need throughout - traffic signs, street names, street numbers, identifIcation at Midways. Park Upgrade - Additional equipment, gazebo, shade trees, bathroom, exercise equipment, pull up bars. Entrance sign lighting. Bridge signs at foot of bridges and at McArthur Cswy. 3 Pavement markings for pedestrian stroller lane. Fountain maintenance system - Bromide feeder or Ozonator. PALM, HIBISCUS & STAR ISLANDS > HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION 152 Palm Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 ~ March Ii, 2000 '. Mr. Victor Varela Mr. Frank Del Vecchio City of Miami Beach G.O. Bond Oversight Committee 1700 Convention Center Dr. Miami Beach. FL 33 139 Gentlemen: In response to your request for a prioritized list of neighborhood objectives. the Board of Directors of Palm, Hibiscus and Star Islands, in conjunction with our management company representatives, Miami Management. Inc., present the following: Foremost Priorities . Streets, Curbs and Gutters . Street Lighting . Storm Drains/Storm Water System (problem areas only) These above issues are our first and foremost priorities. Palm, Hibiscus and Star Islands' road infrastructure improvements have been grossly neglected for a period of over fony- fIve years. Sighting the fact that the life expectancy of any public street is a maximum of twenty years. which has been confirmed in our correspondence with the City of Miami Beach, our streets and related infrastructure are in desperate need of complete restoration. Coupled with Palm. Hibiscus and Star Islands' premier real estate values. over Seven Million Dollars of annual property tax paid as a community, and our recent unprecedented private investments in our properties, our public infrastructure is severely lacking and totally inadequate to support the current state of our neighborhoods. Thus, we feel that our limited G.O. Bond Funding allocated to our community. should not be allocated for the above priority projects as these projects should be funded by our regular tax dollars and already ~lllocated city funds for these issues. Based upon the City of Miami Beach's contlmlation and commitment to the above projects, we prioritize our limited G.O. Bond funding to the following upgrades to our community as listed below. --. ,-- Page 2 March 17,2000 > Although, we believe the approximately 300 homeowners of Palm, Hibiscus and Star Islands are not receiving a fair share of the G.O. Bond funding allocation (i.e. our $675,000 vs. the Venetian Islands $5,671,000), as long as our above priority projects are funded and completed by the City of Miami Beach, we would hope that the allocated $675.000 via the bond funding will be adequate to cover the important projects listed below: '. Bond Funding Priorities . Landscaping - Median and Common Areas . Entrance Signage and Lighting . Fountain Maintenance . Entry/Exit Gate System . Park Upgrade - Additional Landscaping, Gazebo Seating and Play Equipment . Street Signs Please accept this letter as a representation of our community's priorities in accordance with the funding currently m'ailable from the City of Miami Beach's G.O. Bonds. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact either Steve Savage, our lead property manager at Miami Management (Tel.: 305-378-0130 or 305-970-4760), or me at 305-539-8900. ----- ._- _rrr- Sinc~: ./ ./ ..- /' ,-- PALM, HIBISCUS & STAR ISLANDS HOMEOWNERS' ASSOCIATION G.O. BOND FUNDING - DISCUSSION POINTS ~ PRIORITY: . STREETS. CURBS AND GUTTERS Island streets have not been improved in more than forty years. As provided by the City of Miami Beach Public Works Department and the City's consulting firm, Kimberly Horn, the Iifeexpectancy of public streets is approximately 20 years, maximum. The current condition of the streets is deplorable. Given the current tax base for the islands of over $7.000,000 annually, the residents should have a reasonable expectation of streets with curbing and gutters to allow for proper drainage. . POT ABLE WATER SYSTEM - A review of the condition of this system, along with any and all documents regarding the current condition are warranted at this time. . TRAFFIC ENHANCEMENT/ SPEED CONTROL We have a serious problem with speed control oftraftic on the island. As public streets the minimum speed limit allowed by Dade County is 30 mph. This is much too fast for the condition and width of our streets. The Board has devised a scheme to help control traffic by utilizing a cobblestone or brick cross walk at the intersections in an effort to try and slow the traffic down. . STORM DRAINS/ STORM WATER SYSTEM The City of Miami Beach had engaged an independent consulting firm to analyze the needs of our Islands. Their recommendation was for an extensive repair and installation of a new primary storm water drainage system including injection wells, aboveground equipment and back-up generators. In order to optimize the limited infrastructure funds and prioritize Ollr spending. the Board recommends a "clean-up" of the current system and only repairs/renovations to our problem areas on the West end of Palm and Hibiscus Islands. Needless to say, the installation of properly leveled roads. gutters and curbs will greatly enhance the functioning of our old. but reliable storm drainage system. The Board of Directors is of the opinion these above items should be provided as a result of our tremendous tax base and should not require additional funding through G.O. Bonds. ITEMS FOR G.O. BOND FUNDING }. Landscaping - Median and Common Areas }. Entrance Signage and Lighting }. Fountain Maintenance ,. Park Upgrade - Additional Landscaping. Gazebo Seating and Play Equipment ).- Street Signs }. Entry / Exit Gate System -.. ~ C>W Z::> i=z ww w> :E<( CZ 00 01- J:C> Ix:~ OJ: mCJ) a~ wo Zo _ CJ)- ::> ~ o:E """CJ)0 oICjjiO ~:I:1x:1- C> ~~w oc_w Ix:ZzJ: 11.<(::>CJ) cJ:E Z z..l:E"i" O:EOZ m-lo~ .<( -CJ) Oa.C ci -0.: c . Z~ <(:!E -I, ~:E Ix: a. <(0 I-~ CJ)ID ci@ Zo <(0 -10 CJ)N - ~ ZO <(N -J: 1-0 wo:: Z<( ~:!E ~ in ~ J J J ~ ~j~ > VI _ .J :r L ~ ~ r->- c~ D- ~ 0 0 "" ~ d ., " "- ~ , ~ '\.) ~ &. ~ t;;\ '" ~ ~ , "- \^ ~ r- {'- " .-:> \ "'. \ <j\--''I; r- ~0 C>w Z::> j::z WW W> ::E<( OZ 00 Or- J:C> o::~ OJ: m(/') J:<( e>s: wo Zo 00- (/')00- ::> ~ (,)~ "",(/')0 ""'mo ~J:0::r- C> ~>-w ool-w o::zzJ: o..<(::>(/') o...J::Ez z~::E"i' O::iEOz m...J(,)C> 0.<( .Ci) 0..0 ci ~li o . zm <( . ...J~ (/')' -~ 0::0.. <(0 r-~ (/')<0 6@ Zo <(0 ...Jo (/')N ;ZO" <(N -J: 1-(,) Wo:: z<( ~::E I t..o ~ ~ ,''.2 I ~'0 ..::t Cl.. 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'0 r ~ \\ I.IJ C - N .. ~ Z~ !j <t;, " =3 ;;; ::5~ Ii \!l '0') Q ~ "J ;S "S Y " \J ~ .0 en' '" <;0 , 'I: - ::;t \Jl oJ -~ 1- ... - -- Vl 0:: a. ~ ~";t ~ ~ .u cte ~ '" I-~ ~ ~ <'~ 0 - enCQ IT' :2 ci@ \T' '" I..., ') Ze \1J .-.( (\j ..... ::5g .9 l'{t\I <i cI. enN ze;- .~ ctN ~ -:I: 1-0 wo:: Zct ~ ~~ ~ ,fi;. G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report ~ > North Shore Meeting: Wednesday, March 21,2000 Location: North Shore Park Youth Center Presenter: Joyce Meyers Number of Attendees: See Attached List Break-out GrouD: North of 73rd Street Priority 1: Streetscape: 77th Street I Tatum Waterway Drive Hardin!!: Avenue (also traffic calming) 74th, 78"\ 79th, 80t\ 81't, 84th Streets Priority 2: Enhancements for corridor I entry streets: 77th and 85th Streets Repair broken sidewalks and repave streets - throughout area Priority 3: Enhance 73rd Street - Collins to Dickens Other: Signage for Harding Townsite I Altos Del Mar historic districts and original House of Refuge Breakout GrouD: South of73rd Street ') Priority 1: Lighting - increase intensity of lighting in the following areas: around Publix, nod Street from Abbott to Collins, around North Shore Park, Collins from 65th Street to Library. Trash Cans - replace existing fixtures with better quality and increase frequency of service Priority 2: Enhancements to bus stop at nod and Abbott Landscaping - replace poor quality existing materials and improve maintenance Priority 3: Bulb-outs - construct bulb-outs at all street comers in order to improve safety and add street trees. <9- Breakout GrouD: Park View Island Priority 1: Landscaping and sidewalks- Wayne Street, Michael Street, Gary Avenue, Raymond Street, and Bruce Street Priority 2: Traffic Calming - street narrowing at intersections: Bruce & Gary, Bruce & Wayne, Raymond & Gary. __ Priority 3: Benches- add to Park View Island Park > Sanitary Sewers - overdeveloped; breakage in line Easements between houses (42) seepage around pipes and property has dropped 4 inches. Other: Enforcement of parking areas - code enforcement to remove illegal parking areas on private and public property Cobra -type street lighting Sidewalks - Park View Island Point to 73rd Street and Park View Island Point to 75th Street Curbs and Gutters Straighten. telephone/power poles Seawalls on City property Park enhancements- add focal point, fountain, and trees -- Pathfinder sign - locate at Collins and 73rd Street Street resurfacing Intersection of Dickens and 71" - correct intersection design or signal phasing to improve traffic flow problems created by 71 51 Street improvement project. M:I$CMBITEMPlNorth Shore.doc '*- ,.- ,; - ~ ... C) ~ Z ''J i= ~ ~ W W ~ :E "'''' '" 01- .~ ~"l OW ~~ OW ~ ~ ~ J:O:: ~ ., 0::1- " 0tJ) '1l ~ '. ~ alO J:Z ~ C)~ -...j) - . '-0 W..,.. i: Zo 1-10 wO:: r\ wW \X f'\ 0::1- ~ I-Z - tJ)W (J U I :EOz ~ZW ~WI- ';)o~ C) -I-w , OO::ww l';l -- ~ '" O::<CO::J: 'i' ':' M a.:E0tJ) \ "" '", ~ O....JJ:Z ~~ ZWtJ)""'j , ' \^ OOJ:Z \)\ '", () altJ)l-C> ~ ~ n . 0 0:: c;; 01-0 .....J Z C)<C . 6:E za. <co ....J~ tJ)CD s:@ Wo -0 >0 ::.:::N o::~ <CN a.:I: -u Wo:: O::<C O:E J: tJ) J: ~ 0 ~ z ~ Z 0 ~ :I: (Jl s::I: >0 ;::0;::0 o.!'" :I:-o N> ::::: <"' ....;::0 ~ - ~ " - N -, - 0< ~ O- r O~ ~~ @- 0 O)(/) , ~~ 2. ~ ~ -oZ S:9 '" ~>Gl ~ r-. (JlO-lO () -;::OOto Gl-l(Jl s, z:I:oO r- ..\-(Jlmz d( , Z:I:r-O "" (Jlos:-o " ~ . :I:;::O>;::O ~ I:> mm;::oo 2:;, m-l~ Gl -Im......~ mN ~ 0' ZZs: <- 00 f J ~ .( m(Jl ..D z-I '-- - -1;::0 I rJ '- mm "" (;"' ;::om . '" (11-1 oZ ....m 1_ ......Gl N:I: Zro 00 (Jl;::o '5' -I:I: ;::00 ~ K ~\ mo ~O 1. ~ s: ,~ m l\ ~ m ..- " ~\ ~ :::l ~ Z G) ~. 2'~ 0 ;:0 -I :r: en s:::r: >0 ;:0;:0 ,,~m :r:"'O N> ->0;:0 ~ " ..... . ~< '0 " 0- --6' , O~ V. @- ,"en .. r- tr W> Oz "'OC s:~ '>G) z r-. 0-10 (I) ;:0 0 . (5-1 en OJ Z:r:CQ ~enml.J Z:r:r- (l)Os:"'O :r:;:o>;:o mm;:oo m-l~ G) -Im......~ m~s:: Zc "en m-l Z;:o -1m mm ;:0-1 ~Z ->om , - ......G) N:r: Zm Co (1);:0 -I:r: ;:00 mo ~C s:: m ---.. m -I < Z G) '"'" Priority 2 Lighting and Landscaping (I vote each) . Acorn, pedestrian scale lighting for Lake View area . Brighter lights along North Bay Road . Improved landscaping throughout Lake View Drive area, wi large shade trees . Landscaping from La Gorce Island bridge to 63'd Street, extend landscape theme from LaGorce Bridge Priority 3 Drainage . Flooding in the low 50s.and North Bay Road, 51" Street and Cherokee Avenue, 51" Terrace, Pine Tree Circle, and LaGorce Circle . Filters on storm drains . Road closure for Lake View Drive to Alton Road Other Community Issues: . Pine Tree Drive Circle would like to explore undergrounding . North Bay Road: Resident does not want bikes, rollerblades or people jogging - North Bay is a narrow road - sidewalk on one side only. People come from Alton Road and other streets to use North Bay. Residents have problems driving to their property. """' """', e> Zw i=~ wz ~ww :!:> c<C OZ O~ :I:C 0:::- 00::: lXIW :I::!: e>:I: -I- Wo::: Zo -Z 0::: C"- e w,... W~ 0::: - I-:!: w:2 zo::: :z:-O a.. I- ~!:!iCI- e>O~W OZ<CW O:::<CW:I: a.. 0::: I-CI) ,,-.u..~z . 1-- ~"':i=z OCl)CI)e> 1XI Z- .C-CI) qZI- e><co::: ...J<C Cl)W -:I: Z 0- CI):E _<c ...J- ...J:!: <C' -:!: Ca.. Ze <CM ...J .. Cl)CD -@ we Oe O:::e ON e>..-- :3~ ..-.u- 0 ..JO::: 0:::<C O:E e> <C ...J .... ]~~ 'IE: .~ ~ 'It ... ~ 2 ~ I' I' V1 Q<> '" c:. . - I ~ -.A .tp o Zw i=::I WZ WW :!:> 0<( OZ 0<( :J:O n:- On: mW :J::!: O:J: -I- Wn: Zo -Z n: 0.... o WI'- W"lt n: - I-:!: w:2 zn: :!:-O Q.I- ~u)CI- OU::IW OZ<(W n:<(w:J: Q.n:l-en OLL::IZ Z . I-""i' Ol-i=z menenc> '6~(i) qZI- c><(n: ....1<( enw -:J: z 0- en:!: -<( ....1- ....I:!: <(I -:!: 0Q. Zo <(C"') ....I .. en co -@ Wo UO n:O ON o ....- ::5~ -U Wn: U<( n::!: o c> <( ....I ~ 6 v' " < J.. ~ ~ ~ ~ S 0. J\ 2 ~ tl Q~ 9 > --., 6'- .~ G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report ~ .' Neighborhood: City Center Meeting DateJLocation: March 21, 2000/Garden Center Presenter: Kent O. Bonde/WilIiam Cary Attendees: See attached list SUMMARY OF INPUT: City Center Priority 1) Create a safe pedestrian environment within the City Center neighborhoods and between the neighborhoods and the areas which service them: · Create sidewalk linkages · Implement crosswalks/traffic signals · Enhance landscape canopy over pedestrian areas (trees) · Implement strategic signage to direct pedestrians/visitors to areas of interest 2) Address neighborhood/resident parking needs: r- · Primarily on-street parking opportunities to address residential and related commercial service parking needs . Explore median/diagonal parking 3) Implement bikeways throughout the area: · Create designated/segregated on-street bike paths · Create off-street bike paths where possible . Install bike racks throughout the area Palm View Priority 1) Implement safe crosswalks at Alton Road and 17th Street and connectors to and from the neighborhood. Consider implementing pedestrian lights, signaled timing devices and traffic calming structures. 2) Possibility of a median on 17th Street as a traffic calming device 3) Restore the tree canopy throughout the area r- 4) Implement pedestrian level lighting where necessary > M:\SCMBITEMPlCITYCTR_GO,DOC " --. -". C) ,,-. Z i=w w> w- :EO::: CC 00::: OW :I: I- o:::Z OW me..> :I:z C)Q -I- Wz Zw c> <Cz 00 o:::e..> :Ezg <c5~ 0::: e..> ~ I- C)zzw O:JWw 0::: > C:I: Q.>O:::CI) _W<CZ >C)_ . O:E...Jz m...J<CC) . <C ~ en OQ.Z ci ~~ wo I-m z. ~:E zQ. w~ c'. 0:::<0 <C@ C)o ~O CO >N ...J ~ mN W:I: Ce..> <CO::: C<c o:::~ :E W --I- Z W e..> ~ e..> JJ ~>j 1 ~ f. ~ ~ @ o ~ ..:gL 1 i ..A Oi ~ .,. j ... ... ,i; ... <ll ~ / d/L C) Z i=w w> w- :!!Ea:: cC '~ g ffi :I: I- a::Z OW a:lU :I:Z C)O -I- Wz Zw c> <Cz 00 a::u :!!Ezc <c-Ig a:::ON C) ~ Z~ I- O-WW a::-ICW a. 3: a:::I: CW<cCI) Z>C)~ O:!!E-IZ a:I-I<CC) . <C U- C!OoZCl) C)li~ WO !za:l w' u:!!E zOo wg c .. a:: co <C@) C)c C~c C >N -I ~ a:lN W:I: Cu <Ca:: C<c li:!!E W I- Z W U ~ U '" ~ ~ ~ ~ ;; l.. .\l, , ~, ~ tv' ~ --sl ~ ~ \ t -.l) ~ ~ ~ .... -- ~ ,-- Bayshore G.O Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report .' Meeting: Location: Presenter: Number of Attendees: Wednesday, March 22, 2000 Miami Beach High School Auditorium Mark Alvarez 29 Home Owners not in Lake Pancoast or Sunset Islands Priority I ".- Priority 2 Priority 3 ".- Streetscape, Traffic Calming, Bikeways, Drainage . All interior streets should have a unified streetscape theme, with curb, lighting, sidewalks, traffic calming devices, and varied tree species (8 votes) . Better landscaping and control of flooding at Chase A venue and 341h Street triangle (5 votes) . Landscape and irrigate Flamingo Drive islands (4 votes) . Traffic calming (roundabouts) on interior neighborhood streets (6 votes) . Traffic calming on Flamingo Drive to reduce speeding (4 votes) . Establish Bike Routes (4 votes) . Flooding Near Church (4 votes) Streetscape, Lighting, and Drainage . Lower North Bay Road from 27th to 23rd Streets: streetscape, drainage improvement, and more lighting. Also if they don't underground, then replace the utility poles. (4 votes) . Streetscape on 4011> Street, including: remove 32 meters on south side from Chase to Sheridan; 5-foot or more curb on south side with landscape buffer; hedgel1andscaping on the north side of the street; hide dumpsters and large trees; repair sidewalks; and request FP&L substation and post office to landscape and clean up their properties. (3 votes) Pavement, Sidewalks, Traffic Controls . Repave 30lh Street from Sheridan and Royal Palm (I vote) . Sidewalk on Chase Avenue from Alton Road to 3411> Street (I vote) . Drainage and flooding problems on Royal Palm from 3411> Street to 40'h Street . Four-way stop sign at 3~ Street and Chase Avenue; and 3~ Street and Sheridan Avenue . Restrict V-turn at Alton Road and Chase Avenue (I vote) Lake Pancoast Priority I Priority 2 Priority 3 Sunset Islands (not prioritized) ~ Parking and Landscaping . Design solutions needed to accommodate parking and preserve planted area (swale). Curb and Gutter is needed along with a parking solution, especially in high density areas. (7 votes) . Restoration and maintenance oflandscaping on 2411> Terrace and 2511> Street (roots of trees are exposed) ( 4 votes) Pedestrian and Bicycle Facilities . Provide an easy, safe, accessible route from Collins Avenue to Pinetree Drive, with crosswalks across streets (2 votes) . Bikeway: Safe route / lane on street with need curb cuts (2 votes) Lighting and Signage . Lighting on Liberty A venue, walk bridges, (lights do not work. Either repair or replace with pedestrian scale post lighting . Signage: i. "No access to Collins Avenue on 24th St./ Pinetree Drive" - or install a traffic island ii. "23rd Street - Turn here for Collins Avenue" iii. "Cultural Campus - Walkway to Collins Avenue / Beach" on the north side of the bridge ~ 1. Entryway Features . 3rd lane addition . landscaping / beautification / signage . welcome sign to Sunset I & 2 . removal ofFPL and Bell South pole and wires - install pad and landscape 2. Park . landscaping (install and maintain) . correction ofFPL fiasco (damage to park) . gazebo . lighting and signage / control . trash receptacles and benches . welcome signs . correct buried sprinkler systems . re-grade for drainage and smooth playing field 3. Streets and Drainage -., ,-- . repair and resurface all streets storm water relief Finish street edge (trim'and/or swale, curb and gutter) traffic speed control . . . 4. Lighting and Signs . repair and replace - add acorn style posts in park (see #2) . Entryway signs (see 1 and 2) . Street name signs and posts (vintage/uniform) (spray base black with vintage placard) . Directional signs . Eliminate repetitious signs '. 5. Landscaping . FP&L boxes on street and in park . At entry/gatehouse (see no. 1) . In park (see no. 2) . Remove old FP&L boxes Sunset 3 & 4: 1. FP&L undergrounding utilities ".- 2. Landscaping around guardhouse 3. Playground 4. Guardhouse 5. Street name signs 6. Stop signs 7. Curbs and gutters 8. Lighting . ".-- () ~ ~ ~ ">- "'" ~ .".- <0 W "'" '" ~ W :J ... ~ > Z . -.J ;j-' ':{ 0::: w V\ t'^ C > 1 ti 0 <( ) C) w ::t z ii: v - :E ~ <( ...J a. l. 11. ..... M 0::: N I 0 N lD ~ 0::: :E <( :J J: ii: I- 0 W l- f/) C ZC):J :E:Jz<( f/)j::...J ~"':WOI- C)wwow ;;,~ o~:EJ:w O:::I-C~J: <}- ~ D..f/)O f/) ::;- V1 ~ CJ:OJ:z Ie , Zl-J:C), '" '"" ooO:::S:Z \Am lD..;tO C) ~lDJ:- . f/) U f/) qcJ:<( ~ C)ZC)W :5WlD z_ f/) :E I- <( W :E f/) Z I :J :E f/) D.. 0 ...: M ~ o. f/) to <( @) 0 u 0 z 0 <( 0 D.. N W N ::.:: N :5 J: U 0::: ~ u.i <( 0::: :E 0 J: f/) >- <( lD w ~> 0::: C o G Z :E <( ...J 11. o:::~ o [Q 0::: :E <( :J J: ii: I- 0 W l- f/) - C ZC):J "",:Jz<( rllf:.f/)- <( ~I-...J o:::tulliOI- Gw"",Ow Oo:::lIC:J:w O:::I-CUJ: a.f/)of/)f/) ~J:OJ:z . I- J: C) , ooO:::S:Z [Q..;to C) . en [Q J: en OcJ:U C;zC)<( <(-w ...J!:I!![Q f/) - - :!! I- <( W - f/) :!! Z '. :J :!! f/) a. ~ 0 I- M f/) .. <( to o @) U 0 Z 0 <( 0 a.. N W N ::.:: N <( J: ...J U 0::: <( :!! ~w 0::: o J: ~ <( [Q W :J Z W > <( w ii: ~ a. .... M N N , ~ , . ) ~ ~ , v '\: \J oj... . ., tJ ~ 3 j t - , 'J ... <J 0 II) ::? <1" 0 I i M ;D I,f) " - ,JJ \g I~ '" '" ~ ~ ;i "V' I '-ll '" ()" lJ) , ~ ~ 00 ., ~ o '--l) ... ~ ~ I ,.J ).: ~ ..... ("l ~ ~ t) ~ \;l ~ I g ~ ? ~ ~"1("1 P h :z- ~~3::~ rr; ~ r"O ~ f M ~ '>" ;; J "' r" , \\ U) v. VI"O'l' o l\\ l"J r1\ ~~ ;;; ~ ~ !.. '-t" :;t ~G'r- I II ~ In VI "0 ........ C <1) \'. rI) w > ii: C o C) z :E <( ...J 11. W :J Z W ~ L1l ii: <C 0::: a.. ..- ~ M o ~ ~ :!! <( :J :I: ii: I- 0 W l- f/) - ZC)g "",:JZ<( ~f/)- <( ~ I- ..J ~tulliOI- C)W:iow 00::: :I:w O:::I-CU:I: a..f/)Of/)f/) CJ:OJ:z ZI-:I:C), ooO:::S:Z [Q..;to C) . en [Q J: en OcJ:U c;zC)<( <(-w ...J ZW [Q f/) - - :!! I- <( W - f/) :!! z I :J :!! f/) a.. ~ 0 I- M f/) to ~ @) U 0 Z 0 <( 0 a. N W N ::.:: N :5 ~ ~ a::: W <( ~ :!! J: f/) >- <( [Q ~ , ~ G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report ~ .- Neighborhood: Flamingo Park east to Washington Avenue Meeting Date/Location: March 22, 2000 / Police Dept. Community Room Presenter: William Cary Facilitators: Lupita Ramos, Reuben Caldwell Attendees: See attached list SUMMARY OF INPUT: '. FLAMINGO PARK NEIGHBORHOOD The break-out session was divided into two groups, the first of which was formed by Commissioner Dermer at the request of eight (8) tennis players who wished to voice specific desires for the Park's tennis courts. * The second group, formed by Mr. Cary and the facilitators, primarily focused on resident's concerns within the multi-family and single-family areas. The group called for a "systems" approach to neighborhood improvements whereby general streetscape improvements in conjunction with the enhancement of certain key linkages would strengthen the neighborhood, its linkages to adjacent neighborhoods and the City as a whole. ".- General Streetscape Improvements . Cross Walks at intersections including bulb-outs and raised pavement. . Curb & Gutter at sidewalks with parallel parking. . Landscaping - continuous shade tree canopy. . Neighborhood Entrance Signs along 5th Street at North and South Avenues. Along Alton Road at 11 th, 15th and 16th Streets and at Lenox and Michigan Avenues 12'h to 15th Streets with copy reading "children playing ", "speed limits" and "four-way stops", . On-Street Parking - parallel parking along all streets except single-family areas. . Pathfinder Signs to Espanola Way from Lincoln Road along Drexel Avenue. . Sidewalks - ample sidewalks designed such that people can walk without running into obstacles such as light posts and newsstands. . Street Lighting - fifteen (15') feet to eighteen (18') feet light posts for botlf pedestrians and automobile traffic, . Street Pavement - smooth asphalt with paves or varying texture at crosswalks. . Swale - along streets where a continuous street canopy is required and in single- family areas. . Traffic - continuous but calm. ".-. --- Hil!h Priority Neil!hborhood Linkal!e Enhancements · Completion of a North! South axis through the park by opening access at Jefferson and Espanola Way in a manner which respects the existing ball parks. · Create a strong pedestrian linkage from Lincoln Road to Espanola Way including through Fisher Feinberg School. · Develop strong Linkage from Flamingo Park to Biscayne Bay along 14th Street. · Increase pedestrian linkages from east to west across Alton Road by introducing bulb- outs. . Bulb-outs at all Park entrances. · Continue Meridian Avenue shade tree canopy from 15th Street to Lincoln Road. · Modify 16th Street section to match that of Meridian Avenue (i.e., swales, trees, etc.). · Increase parking on Euclid Avenue through the efficient use of the public-right-of- way while improving the pedestrian experience through the General Streetscape Improvements previously listed herewith. * The following comments relative to the tennis courts are in addition to comments made by residents and professionals at the March 3, 2000, Flamingo Park Community Workshop. Flaminl!o Park Tennis Court Improvements Facilitator: Lupita Ramos ~ · Clay courts only - not hard courts · Flamingo Park parking for players not for residents · Better lighting for tennis courts and parking lot · Dispenser for litter bags at no cost to tax payers · Better bathrooms and drinking fountains · More trash cans . Better maintenance of facilities · Widening of sidewalks on side streets to Washington Ave and elsewhere in vicinity (to provide better/safer access to park and tennis facilities) M:\$CMB\TEMPIFlarningol.doc --, .-- G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report , Neighborhood: West Avenue & Bay Road Meeting Date/Location: March 22, 2000 / Police Headquarters Presenter: William Cary Facilitators: Thomas Mooney & Charles Buckles Summary of Residents' Requested Improvements WEST AVENUE / BAY ROAD (Listed in priority order from first to last) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ,-- 7. 8. Pavement: Pave roadways and sidewalks of entire area where they have not been recently improved Parking Configuration:' Organize parking with burnp-outs and bulb-outs Sightlines: Improve sightlines at intersections and private driveways Lighting: Add layer of pedestrian level lighting Traffic Calming: Introduce traffic calming methodologies where appropriate Access to Flamingo Park: Provide defined pedestrian access to Flamingo Park from neighborhood Project Coordination: Provide coordination oflarge development projects with neighborhood improvements Comprehensive Plan: Resolve Comprehensive Plan issues while approving large projects in a manner that properly responds to their impact upon the infrastructure M:\$CMB\TEMP\WEST&BA Y.WPD ,'-- C) Z I-w W:J Wz :!!W c> 0<( Oz J:O 0:::1- OC) lDZ J:- C)~ -<( !:I!!~ Wo :JO Z..... W ....~ >:E :E<(O 1-0 ~~O:::I- C>~>-W o ~!::~ O:::WZf/) D..:J:J cZ:Ez Z~:E~ O<(OC) m U_ . Z . f/) OOC . I- . C)C)O: zlX! 5::E f/). ~~ O~ I-cD ~@) <(0 Wo ::.::~ 0::: ~ <(N a.N OJ: C)U zO::: -<( :!!:!! <( ...J 11. -., 1 , ~ Ic:s:.. '-' 1 G1 ~ J i ~ :: \A <3- ~ C'- {"- IS- - ~ l'^ \1\ ~ ~~ 1~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~I .... c.~ "-.!.~ L \ ~ ~ i ~~I-"~ ~ j ~ ~ -: -{l ""1 ~ ~~ -l:=;;- - , .~ I~ ;::! < ~ ~ I --! j ..L..'-; I -. I~ ~~-:i ..;il~ L. _"'" ~ _ ~ ....2Z L.-.:: 91 I..,.. r--12lr I"'-l<::..~ L' .... I'-" ...Q~:;I ~ ~I'!.: ~ ~ _:.::: ~:::::::;; 'J '::- ;. '> - ~ r I~ ~ "'" "-!. ~Q e ~ F& ~~:::: v -, ~I:::.."; ~ ~ ~ ~ -s: ~ ';;' c ~ - ~~ -; ~l..r -", :::e ._ Q.~ ... ='" q r- r--r- r-- -' .L .0 - 'J s: ........ ~ F3 \ ~ !~ 'E. .... , . .' .... --' - C) ,-.z i=w W:J Wz :!!w 8~ oz :Z::O 0:::1- OC) lDZ :z::- C)~ -<( ~3: Wo :JO Z..... w,": >:!! ""'<(0 ""'1-0 ~fflO:::I- (!)3:~lli o ~-:z:: O:::WZf/) a.:J:J -z:!!z w:!!' O>OZ lD<(UC) .Z .f/) OOC . I- . C)C)D.; Z~ 5::!! f/). ~~ O~ I-cD In@) <0 Wo ::.::~ 0::: ~ <N a..N OJ: C)~ Z<( :i:E <( ,--...J 11. t'\ ....~ \~ Cl ") > .'" to./f'... S~ \;. ~~ ~~ .~ ...... ~ ~ .y c.' 60~ f'.. -r '-~ ~!; --- s ot .:;f ~I ~~ Oo!:,:, ~ G z i=w W:J Wz ~ :!!W ~ c> . 0<( ~ Oz . --.a J:O ~~ 0:::1- '" \I. OG ~ ~ lDZ '. \- J:- - "- GJ: '" ~ _f/) ~~ Wo :Jo ~ Z..... W..... ..,... ..., >:i ,.l :!!<CO ..., I..t> 1-0 ~f30:::1- ,...~ ":),.['1) ...... Gs:~W c: \1> ~... ~ ~'> -.9_~ o ~_ W r< t'-'~..... O:::WZJ: rt'\ c<;:) ~ a.:J:Jf/) \'1 \ ~r..l -- IJ) '" - CZ:!!Z c;' -.9 r' rI- r'I (">1- ZW:!!, If:> -.....!!I '3 I.n \:.t>'-Sir> O>OZ lD<CU~ . Z . f/) OOC . I- . GGD.; zlX! 5::!! f/) I ~~ O~ I-cD t;@) <Co Wo ::.::~ 0::: ~ <(N a.N OJ: GU zO::: -<( :!!:!! ~ <( ...J 11. ,-- Nautilus G.O Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report , Meeting: Location: Presenter: Number of Attendees: Monday, March 27, 2000 Nautilus Middle School Auditorium Mark Alvarez 35 Orchard Park. east of Biscavne Canal Priority I Priority 2 Priority 3 --- Solve parking shortage and intrusion problems, especially in the multi-family I apartment building areas. (9 votes) Traffic Calming and Bicycle Routes I Paths . Traffic calming along Sheridan Avenue, Prairie Av., and Chase Av. (8 votes) . Traffic control in the school zone along Chase Av. and Prairie Av. (6 votes) . Traffic control (signal) at 4~ Street and Prairie Avenue (6 votes) . Bike path network (6 votes) Other Streetscape Issues . Shade trees and low landscaping (5 votes) . More adequate street lighting, and replacement wi acorn lights (4 votes) . Replace swale areas with curb and gutter (4 votes) . Sidewalk extension to the edge of pavement (2 votes) . Streetscape Sheridan Avenue with more lighting using pedestrian scale light poles. (1 vote) . Pavement repair and resurface ( I vote) . Sidewalkrepairs (1 vote) . Drainage work (1 vote) Other Community Issues: . Repairing seawalls along private property was given a high priority (10 votes). This is an enforcement issue. . The neighborhood also expressed strong interest in underground power lines and street light power lines. (6 votes) ".- Nautilus. west of Biscavne Canal (not prioritized) ~ , 1. Drainage Problems: . North Bay Road from 40'h to 4711> Streets, . 45'h Street and 4611> Street have drainage problems, catch basins back up 2. Streetscape and Landscape: . 4~ Street from Michigan Avenue to Alton Road, . repave Prarie Avenue, . . too many signs from 42nd Street to 46'h Street ("No Parking", "No Dumping"), . Bell South box - No landscaping at Chase A venue and 44th Street 3. Lighting: Adams Avenue - inadequate lighting 4. Traffic Safety . Traffic calming is needed, especially on side streets. . Better traffic l;ontrol (signal) is needed at 42nd Street and Prairie Avenue, . Redesign the intersection at 44th Street and Chase Avenue 5) Other Community Issues . Need to create neighborhood groups . Need contract list for services delivery, complaints, etc. . FP&L, Bell South/wire replacement of above ground . Prioritize neighborhood to start construction in 2001 6) Enforcement Issues: . Trash on Jefferson between 44th and 46th Streets - pickup trash pile . 902 West 46th Street lot . Maintain Litter control near schools . Construction debris from the 41 st Street project 7) Services Delivery Issues . All-over delivery of services Sanitation Department . Cleanup, sweep where Michigan and Nautilus converge . City lots - cleanup trash Maintain trees ~ C)~ ~~z I-w W> W<( :!!z C<( OC) 0- J:J: o:::~ o:!! lO..... J:O C)M _..;t W ~ z:!! f/)2 1-0::: wO WI- 0:::- I-C :!!f/):J <(1-<( O:::f/)...JI- C)....oW o'9ow 0:::0J:J: a....;tUf/) p-~f/)Z tl::W, . <(...J Z Oa.CC) lO C- 'C-f/) OO::::!! ci<(f/) J::J U...J 0:::- o!; ~<( Zz O. ~:!! <Ca.. ~o WM W .. 0::: to I-@) Wo Zo -0 a.N en...: :IN :::!J: I-U :Jo::: ~<( <( Z:E , 5 -- 8 -d 1lI 0" ..9 b '" o o . JJ -0 o I -::: ~ ;:j I .-.l '" cr- rI- rI- --- ~-r;- o 0- '- :!r(\J~ ':9 "" /' f' ~ ~ C)W z:J _z I-w ~ W> W<( J 8 :!!z C<( ~ OC) 0- J:J: o:::U O:!! lO.... J:O C)M _..;t W ~ In z:!!: 1>-(><0 V) f/)2 o 0 r- ;:y::T' fl- r ~ 1-0::: i:r a ~ r- wo ;:,? N N '" tP WI- ~'Y')(V', ()a r f'. 0:::- 11/)\;-1 . (' I-C l:J v, "' :Ef/):J ~ ~ r.:- ~I-<( f/)...JI- C)....OW O~OW 0:::0J:J: a...;tUf/) -., C~f/)Z ZO:::W, O<(...JZ lOa.CC) j CC- . - f/) OO::::E C;<(f/) J::J \- U...J 0:::- \/l o!:; ~<( Zz O. ~:!! <(a.. ~o WM W .. 0::: to I-@) Wo Zo -0 a.N en ~ :J~ ::!::t: I-u :Jo::: <(<( z:!! -J: '" " -... '" ""-- ---- '~ . W C):J ~~z I-W W> W<( ::Ez C<( ~C) 0- J:J: o:::~ O:E lO.... J:O C)M _'l:I" W ~ z:!! f/):2 1-0::: WO WI- 0:::- I-C :!!f/):J <(1-<( O:::f/)...JI- C).....OW Ou,>Ow 0:::0J::J: a...;tUf/) r:>-~f/)Z ~ n::: W , O<(...JZ lOa.CC) Ce- o - f/) Oo::::!! C;<(f/) J::J U...J 0:::- O~ ~<( Zz O. ~:!! <Ca.. ~O WM W .. 0::: to I-@) Wo Zo -0 a.N en ~ :J~ ::!:I: I-u :Jo::: ..-t<( z:!! -{ '" ~ ---i, " ~. -..s- oJ '\1" .-1;...),. \ ..j " :( ~\ 1 ~ "IJ q ~ ~ ~ i ~ I G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report , Neighborhood: South Pointe Meeting Date/Location: March 27, 2000/Miami Beach Police Station-Community Room Presenter: Alexandra Rolandelli Attendees: See attached list SUMMARY OF INPUT: General Issues 1) Expand mailing list/notification efforts for future GO Bond and related meetings 2) Present an update report on the terms of the Smith and Wollensky restaurant lease, addressing, the restaurant's rights relative to: . Use of the baywalk for chairs and tables, blocking pedestrian/ADA access . Nurnber of parking spaces allocated to restaurant vs public use Priorities ~ 1) South Pointe Park Master Plan: . Create separate paths for pedestrians and rollerbladers and bikers, segregated by landscaping . The size of the baywalk and pathways should be accessible to the City's cleaning equipment (specifically mechanized sweepers) . Remove all shaded shelters/pavilions to discourage homeless/vagrants . Establish park rules/hours of operation/signage . Relocate the observation tower building to a different location . Relocate storage of beach patrol equipment to a less obtrusive building or relocate altogether . Increase parking within the park. Examine possibility of building a 2-story parking structure camouflaged with landscaping . Enhance park maintenance and security patrols. . Increase trash receptacles . Require a temporary/immediate and permanent directional signage program . Request public charrette in May specifically to address Park improvements M:I$CMBITEMP\SPOINTE_ OODOC ~ ~ W :J Z W ~ Z o .... G Z :I: GUJ ~~ we We :E..... ..... o ~ O:E :EOO <(:1:0 0::0::0::.... C)O~w O~_w O::.nZ:I: a..~=>UJ CW:!!Z ZZ:E"i' (:l.-<(OZ : .1JUC) .0:: .UJ 0<(0 ciwO: .... . Z~ -:E O. ll.:E :I: a.. ""0 =>M 0" f/)tO @ e e o N r-.. N :I: U 0::: <( :E ".-- -...:> ~ '- <;) i=- 1\ t) ~ ..... - '" ~ ~ \S;:.c ~ ~ f1-- r- \ K. r- ~ I c<"\ M 4\'l~ ~ - r- r- -~ \" Itt q: \) { '-IJ t u \ " " ';;) ,., I' o l>-- l' I '::;- ..... ~ '" " ~ ~ , \ l' '1 ~ I~~ "l I\J -J\ '> 4<- p ~ d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ '" c g ~ I ~ " ~ >I -Cl ~ t; 'J 'l.J ~ " ~ 0' J Q .. c1. ~ Nl f i lJ { 't ,~~ ~ 1 '~0 ~ W :J Z W > <( z o .... C) z - J: C)f/) z<( f=S: we Wo ::iE..... ..... c ~ 0::iE ::iE00 c(:I:0 0:::0:::0:::.... C)O~W O~_w 0::: n, Z :I: a..~:Jcn cW::iEz ZZ:!!-r O<(OZ lIlWU(!) ci~ciu; ciwn: .... . zU! 0::iE a.. , :I:::iE ....a.. ::l~ o .. (I) to @ e e . e N r-: N :I: (.) 0::: c( :E . V\ ~~ ~ ~~ ~\~ L \n \Jt ~.- ~Q ~ -=? ~ 'i~ ,,'v \..~ ~"3 ~t \1 ~ P r!' ~ ~ o .. , ~ ';l) .... " ~ -<$:I s: l ~. ~'1. <<l ~ " ? , " " III OJ .. <iJ ".. <Sl <" IJ) -- -- ~ G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report .- Normandv Shores Meeting: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 Location: Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouse Presenter: Joyce Meyers Number of Attendees: See Attached Lists Break-out Grouo: Normandv Shores Homeowners (single familv) Priority 1: Underground wires - FPL; telephone & cable. Landscaping - develop a comprehensive landscape and decorative lighting plan for the entire island, including the 3 entrances and the swale of the golf course parking lot Sidewalks - Extend all sidewalks to the street comers, handicapped access, add new sidewalk along west side N. Shore near the park, add new sidewalks on Sarazen, Mitchell, and Vardon Streets Lighting - increase lighting throughout the island - use white lights, not sodium Other: Widen entrance gate at Fairway r- Traffic calming - reduce speeding on long stretches of streets (speed humps or stop signs preferred) also study ways to reduce accidents at curve in front of clubhouse Repair or replace sod in swales Street ends - Add lights and fence along canal at Jones, Hagan and Ray Streets; Remove tree and add light on Jones at Golf Course Improve water pressure - in specified locations Park - additional enhancements to clubhouse; resurface tennis courts; add squash court; sand in tot lot Security - add cameras; repairs to guard house ".- ... ."' Breakout Grouo: Multi-Familv ~ , Priority 1: Parking - add angled parking where appropriate, push back sidewalks on park side Priority 2: Lighting - increase lighting for security - low cobras on South Shore Drive and add lights on bridge (same as other bridge) Priority 3: Street end enhancements - (Ray Street & no-name street) lighting, paving, landscaping, and parking Other: Landscaping in paved areas - help with parking on North Shore Paint bridge, especially water pipe Sidewalk repairs M:\$CMB\TEMPlNormandy Shores.doc. --- --.. ".-- w > ii: C N I- 0::: 0::: <( lO G..... Z~ i=N W ~ WW :E~ CO OJ: :!!OlO <(J::J O::O:::...JI- GOUW OlO11.W O:::J:...JJ: a.. GO f/) ,...jjjGZ ...-z>-, Qf/)CZ lOWZG -O:::<(f/) OO:!! ciJ:O::: f/)O >-Z C' z:E <(a. :E~ 0::: .- otO z@) o o o N CO N J: U 0::: <( :E ~ .- ~i~~~ 1K.~~:::?t<I Nl .[. t'- l"'>Vl~V?-!.. I ...., Q,~ .... ""iSIl";l~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~\j&1 '? ;;a. 'C$l':Z< ~'~ (0 \:-":::r-c~~(<"l '1l'o:: I QO N\ w > ii: C N l- ii: 0::: ~ lO G..... ZO _..;t I-N W ~ WW :!!~ CO OJ: :EOlO <(J::J 0::: O:::...J I- GOUW OlO11.W O:::J:...JJ: a..GOf/) CWGZ ZZ>-, Of/)CZ lOWZG o 0::: <(Ci) OO:!! C;J:O::: f/)O >-Z c' z:E <(a.. :!!~ 0::: .. otO z@) o o o N ~ CIO N J: U 0::: <( :!! ~ , l ~ "::J' Q (,..,rJr.::> .3 ~ ~ !; \{\ <K 1 r- ~ J~ -... . \ ...,. po~ )a~6; '", ~ ~ 'J ..J ~ ~>- l...~~ C ~~ ,-- w > ii: C N l- ii: 0::: <( lO C)..... ZO _..;t I-N W ~ WW :E~ CO OJ: ~~~ 0::: O:::...J I- C>OUW OlO11.W O:::J:...J::J: a..C)0f/) C:>-WC)Z Z>-, Qf/)CZ lOWZc> 'O:::<(f/) OO:!! C;J:O::: f/)O >-Z c' Z:!! <(a.. :E:; 0:::" otO Z@) o o o N CO N ::J: o 0::: <( :!! ~ .- ~ "" ~ ~ w > ~ C ~ ~ 0::: S lO C).... ZO _..;t I-N W ~ WW :!!~ CO OJ: :EOlO ~J::J O:::...JI- GOUW OlO11.W O:::J:...JJ: a.GOf/) cjjjGZ --- ZZ>-, Of/)CZ lOWZG . 0::: <(Ci) OO:!! C;J:O::: f/)O >-Z c' Z:!! <(a. :E~ 0::: .. oeD Z@) 0 0 0 N ~ CO N J: U 0::: <( :!! ~ r- w > ii: C N l- ii: 0::: S lO C).... ZO _..;t I-N W ~ wW :!!f/) :J CO OJ: :!:OlO <(J::::I cr::0:::...J1- ClOUw OlO11.w cr::J:...Jz a..C)0f/) c:-ijj C) Z ;. z>-, Of/)CZ lOwzC) . 0::: <(Ci) OO:!: C;Zll: f/)O >-Z c' z:!: <(a.. ::>-~ cr:: .. otO Z@) o o o N 00 N J: U 0::: <( :!: ~ , ~ V ~('()~~ C'( p(l; I ~ 'Jl !VI (.....,~ \ \ ~ ~~t () " ~~;J.~-(J ~ ~ ":t Q' ~ ~ ~ J ~ I ~~~~~ " ~ (l:) ~ " .<:l V '" <> ~ <-{ If'.... '-.~ ~....., ~ ~ ~ J ~ ~ ~ !~ ~~ - G,O Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report ~ , Oceanfront Meeting: Location: Presenter: Number of Attendees: Tuesday, March 28, 2000 The Tavern Room, Colonial Bank Building, 41" Street Matthew Schwartz 5 44th Street south to 23m Street (not prioritized) 1. Overall urban design plan, with name for the lower part of the district from 4411> Street to 23" Street. Perform study for parking needs and landscaping for 261h to 44th Street. 2. Street Ends: Sidewalks and improved lighting 3. Underground utilities, 29th Street utilities 4. Parking: resurface and clean up City-owned parking lots. Provide landscaping and lighting for 271h Street lot. '""'\ 5. FDOT streets: Collins Avenue and Indian Creek Drive . Streetscape, . sidewalk restoration, . landscaping, . traffic calming for Indian Creek Drive 6. Water Access and Greenway . provide community docks along Indian Creek Drive waterfront, . Water taxi stops and bus shelters 7. Electrowave service extension to Middle Beach Break-out GrouD. 44th Street north to 63'd Street (not prioritized) I. Beach re-nourishment 2. Landscape enhancements and replacements along Collins Avenue 3. Status of two-way Collins Avenue? ~ c ~ ~ <( -~ 0 1 0::: >- \J GW z3: H i=c wo " ., WG I i :Eo::: n: c:J ~....:. OJ: \ \J 01- ~Q) J:O::: I1J 0:::<( ~ \"., N it1 0..... ':7 Q ~ lOo N 'b \'I- J:~ r- ~ "- , G:: r--, "- '" I ~ ~ . "- -:E ~ ~O :!!WO \C) I.; ~ ~:JO::: <Xi '" ~ ZZI- o ~" Q tt r'l '" \r, '" ~ GWO:::W ~ \l-.. ~\t'- 1>.. ~ O>WW t=: N) " '" "" f\l ~ II O:::<(>J: .... -- '~ I a.f/)~f/) I , \ lY) ~ "'" '..{\ r\) 1'(...... '" If'\ n,l"> .--Z: Z ~~C; =\1) :J -. . ...J::':: Z ooze.!) '- lOU<(- . ...... . lO f/) ~ \ ~J q~...J ~ GW<( '\ W- C).cl ~ ) j~ o:::Z , 'i , '-= uO .. --:..; ..." ~ Z...J ~ t '" \ <(0 <<:. I- \ _u ~c: ] ;~ C . ~:E Slv, 0 v 0 ~~ ~a.. ~ ...... 1-0 Z~ OtO 3:@) ZO <(8 WN u ~ Q) o~ <:1 J: U 0::: ~ <( :!! ~ G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report - , Neighborhood: Lummus, Ocean Drive, 6th _16th Streets Meeting Date/Location: March 29, 2000 / Police Dept. Community Room Presenter: William Cary Attendees: See attached list SUMMARY OF INPUT: Lummus Park Neighborhood Vision of the Park · A passive park; democratic park; open park; grass and trees park; casual park. The Park is still "a beach" and must be treated as such; no gateways, no barriers. General Park ImDrovements . Serpentine Walkways - designed with pattern colored paving to better differentiate areas for various users. The City shall work together with The Art in Public Places Committee. . Park Lighting - introduce the Polson (Lincoln Road) type fixture instead of Acorn type fixture along the western edge of Park. . 14th Street Restroom - renovate the existing facility with these GO Bond funds when Penrod's lease contract expires. Expansion of the facility should be to the east if necessary. . Newspaper Boxes - preferably there should be no boxes at the park and at a minimum the number and location should be carefully regulated. . Phones in the Park - telephones shall be located at comfort stations only. . Park Benches - additional benches should be located along pathways. . Fitness (Vita Course) Stations - expand existing fitness stations. ---- General Nei2hborhood ImDrovements . Street Pavement - alleys should be fully re-paved and larger catch basins installed into the center gutter in order to facilitate the maintenance of the alley. . . Sidewalks - repair where necessary, consolidate parking meters and provide additional trash receptacles. . Curb & Gutter - introduce a "V" roadway cross-section to alleys for better drainage. . Parking - no changes except the repair and repainting of the 13th Street Parking Garage sign. . Crosswalks - special patterning or paving is desired, at a rninimum crosswalks should be better striped. . Bikeways - additional bike racks are required. ~ ~ Lummus Nei!!hborhood ImDrovements (cont.) . Traffic Calming - synthromze traffic lights along Washington Avenue. Provide an additional stop light at 13th Street and Collins Avenue and look into "smart lights" at intersections. . Landscaping - the City Parking lot at the southwest corner of Collins Avenue and 13th Street should be better landscaped. . Neighborhood Entrance and Pathfinder Signs - to comfort stations, park and beach. M:\$CMB\TEMPILummusl.doc '. .~ ".- ~ ~ $ '-~ , W 2 !~ :J J Z 0 W ~ f~ \.. > 4 G<( Zz .g i=o . WI- .N @t~ \ wG III l~ :!!~ t.~ CJ: I Ut Of/) <, ~~ ~ 0:::0 en 00 0- j! lO..... <Xl 7' J:.... , c- o;) '< G ~ Cl ~ _:!! :!!WO "^ Ji ~zo ~ ...:0:::1- VI '"" - Gw~w ::l- N") IV' -= I'-C" ow_w , , - O:::O:::zJ: .-J N _ a..I-:Jf/) I<' . I~ C, ~ ~ cf/):!!z III ZJ::!!, ~ I..... \.n 0 " 0 Ol-oz '" r<)(iI lO~uG . - c;-.. "J: of/) ql-q -::> :::r GtOa. ~ai .s::: W " ~:!! 0 0::: . ~~ C:E ~~ za. ~\ '^ c ~ <(0 - (,) i w~ ~ 0 UtO .." v O@) eno :JO :!!~ :!! ~ :JQ) ...IN J: U 0::: <( :!! ~ ,-- .- W :J Z W G~ \... . z z -'Ub", _ --r- .+.t1 m ~ ,!J.p.....:.....:....... :!! Z-e. Iwn cS: I(;J o en ;);.:,' ~~ 0:::0 00 . lO..... 3~ J:.... G ~. _:!! :!:WO <(Zo 0::: ~ 0::: Gtu>-I- OWI-w O:::O:::_W a..l-zJ: ~ :J f/) , _:!!z O'=:!!' ....InOz .......uG .' - OJ: .f/) . I- C GCl:lO: u.iai >' _:!! 0:::. c:!! za.. <(0 w~ UtO O@) eno :JO :!!o :!!~ :Jcn ...IN J: U 0::: ~~ Y (j\ '. G.O. Bond Neighborhood Meeting Report > Normandy Isle. Normandy Sud Meeting: Wednesday, March 29,2000 Location: Normandy Golf Clubhouse Presenter: Mark Alvarez Number of Attendees: 30 Break-out Group: Sine:le Family Priority 1: Lighting. Drainage - with valley gutters (or curbs) Priority 2: TrouviIle Esplanade. mini-park at street end - pavers (preparation for guardhouse) Resurfacing all streets Landscaping on 71'1 Street/Normandy Drive - different from the past landscaping; uplighting, streetscape with pavers as on east side of island Priority 3: Sidewalks one side of street ) Landscaping on Rue Bordeaux and Rue Notre Dam Street closings - Rue Notre Dam and Rue Bordeaux Neighborhood signage Traffic calming due to speeding, especially on 71st Street/Normandy Drive Payers at each intersection Entrance sign Breakout Group: Multi-FamiIv and Commercial '*- Priority 1: Parking - solve parking problem - use alternative methods, not parking lots Lighting - need post lighting throughout neighborhood to create streetscape Priority 2: Traffic calming - reduce speeding on 71 st Street and Normandy Drive; - add traffic light on Vichy Drive at Normandy " .- r- r- Priority 3: Other: - four-way stop sign at Calais Drive and Biarritz Drive in front of bridge to slow traffic and prevent accidents , Landscaping - better maintenance, especially in King Cole area.; increase tree canopy 71 st and Normandy Streetscape - Marseille, Verdun, Granville, Bay, Biarritz, Notre Dam Sidewalks need cleaning Parking - purchase two 10Js on Marseille Drive, one lot on west Bay Drive and one lot on Brest Esplanade for residential parking Crosswalks with pavers - 71 st St, Normandy Drive; longer pedestrian crossing time needed 71st and Bay Drive near fountain. M:\$CMBITEMPlNonnandy lslc.doc G 1;Q z { i= \.l W ~ ~ W :!! Cw 0> 0- J:O::: o:::C , -0 ON ~ Q lO!:: <sU J:O::: <>J GO::: .~ -<( '"" w- ZlO ~ W..... >0 _..;t O:::N C W~ >-f/) ~ <(:J lOO \~ C9 ~J: Q :!!WlO '" )0 ~>:J D::...JI- GCUW )n 0f/)11.W ~ o:::-...JJ: f'1l a.:50f/) , C<(GZ ~ -. ZU>-, o ~C z lOWZG ...Jc:(- . ...J f/) P: O-:!! 'Wo::: Gf/)O O:::z <(, ~:!! Ca.. :Jo f/)~ >-to C@) ZQ <(0 :!!o o:::N Oai ZN ~J: Wu ...Jo::: ~<( >-:!! C Z <( :!! 0::: 0 Z - -. ._. ---... ,.~- .__.~. -..-- ---- C) z i= w .-!;!;! 1: Cw 0> 0- J:D:: o:::C o~ lO- J:O::: GO::: -<( w_ ZlO w..... >0 _..;t O:::N C ~ W >-f/) <(~ lOO ~J: ~~~ 0:::ii:...J1- GCUW 0f/)11.W o:::-...JJ: a..:50f/) C<(GZ 2"""') >-""l'" C. ~CZ lOl1IZG ...J<(_ . ..J f/) O-:E 'Wo::: C)f/)O ~Z :E' ~:!! Ca.. :JO f/)~ )-to C@) Zo <Co :!!O o:::N Oai ZN W~J: U ..Jo::: ~<( >-:!! C Z <C ~ ..J Z rs 1- ~ i :z. 'i l; "'. , o t I ~t l ".- .- DISCUSSION ONLY '. I T E M # 5 ,-- ,-- ".-. , DISCUSSION ONLY ".- I T E M # 6 ".- ".- , DISCUSSION ONLY '. I T E M # ,-- . 7 r- ".- , DISCUSSION ONLY '. I T E M # 8 -- ".- ".- , DISCUSSION ONLY r I T E M # 9 ".-- ~ .- '. I T E M # 10 ORDINANCE NO. 95-2985 ,.- , AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, REPEALING MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE CHAPTER 4A, ENTITLED "ART IN PUBLIC PLACES" CREATING A NEW CHAPTER 4A, ENTITLED .ART IN PUBLIC PLACES" , PROVIDING REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO THE COMPOSITION, MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS AND POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE ART IN PUBLIC PLACES COMMITTEE 1 PROVIDING FOR THE BSTABLISHMBN'l' OF AN ART IN PUBLIC PLACES FUND AND PROVIDING REGULATIONS FOR ITS USE, PROVmING PROCEDURES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE APPROPRIATION OF MONIES TO SAm PtlND BY THE CITY AT THE TIME OF APPROPRIATION OF CITY PtlNDS FOR CITY-OWNED CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS; PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR SELECTION OF ART WORK TO BE LOCATED ON PUBLIC PROPERTY OR PUBLIC FACILITIES WITHIN THE CITY AND PROCEDURES FOR THE SELECTION OF SITES FOR LOCATION OF SAID ART WOR1C; PROVIDING FOR A REPEALER, SEVERABILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ,.- WHEREAS, the provisions of this Ordinance will improve the City' s ability to utilize funds appropriated for art in public places to enrich the public environment throughout the City of Miami Beach. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OJ' THE CITY OJ' MIAMI BEACH, FLORmA I 9ECIJ.':rON 1. . REPEAL OF MYAMT BEACH CrrY CODE MrIl.~TER 4A. That Chapter 4A of the Miami Beach City Code entitled "Art in Public Places" is hereby repealed in its entirety. ".- SECTION 2. CREAT70N OP A NEW C7TY con~ CHAPTER 4A. , That a new Miami Beach City Code Chapter. 4A is hereby created to read as follows: CHAP'l'ER 4A ART IN PUBLi~ PLACES Sec. 4A-1. ~n~Bnt of Chant.r. It ; R the intent of this Cha~ter t.n enhan~~ th@ BeRthetic environment nf th~ Citv ~f Miami g@ach by in~ludina works of art on 9ubli~ nrQne~~v within the City and in Cltv conetn1cticn nrn;ect~. Sec. 4A-2. Definit:.ionR. For nurnOS~R of this ~anter. the followina wnrde and phrases shall hav~ ~he fol1nwina m~nnlnas: Art in ~lbli~ PlacP-R _ ~nrk(l!:Il ~f art: of exc@ptiona.l mJal.!tv execu~ed on an annronriate s~ale ~nd for qeneral nubIle. ;)CC~SS i.n.. Dub] ir! nlaru~e other ~han mnSel1mR which enrich and aive diver~;nn ~n th~ nnhlir! ~nv;rnnm~nt. Art in Puhlic PlacP-R Committ@e (APpel - The Cnmmittee a~oin~Ad hv the City Commission to car-TV out th@ dut.i @s and functions R@t forth h~rein. ConstruC':!t:inn CORt _ 'costs associat:p.d with ('!onstruct:ion 2 '"' ~ Co~struction Project - (C1ty-cwned C . P . onstruct1on ro,ect) ~ PrnfP-Bsional Ad . . V1S0rv Comm~ttee (PACl- Work (e) of Art - ".- includina archit~ctural and p-nqineerina , fees. and contin9'ency gi~~ wnrk. allcwan~eR_ T d . .Jan acr.rllisi tion ______ COSt.S alnd costs a.ssnciatAd with Ruhseauent _______ chances in construct. ion are not contract.s inclUded. Anv csnit.al nro, ect: for new Ci 1: . v-owned buildino co t ____ ne ruction or f- d . . _ _or a_d1t:1nnR to existi"" -iM ____.. '- Ly-owned building. ___ naid for who] Iv oor i __ n nart: bv the CitX ____ of Miami :Beach. A croup of arts n f Tn Assionals selAcred qy the APPC and confirmed b~ th __ _ e City Commission t ____ 0 recommend W k( _ or s} of Art or art.ists f ___ or aneCT more . __ a..cQ}11sitions. The a9plication of ekill and taat:e to nrodn~t:inn of ta ibl _ no A oh;ects accordincr to aesthetic principles. includina but. not. limited to nai M. __ __ v nL1.naa. R~ulptur~A. @!n9rAvin9". ~arvi.naA. fre _____. AcnA. m b-l ___. ~] es. murals. ~ollaaAA. mosa;~R. At:at:llee. baB-Y"eli@fs. tRneBtrieA. nh r n oar~~hB. and 3 drawinas ar anmbina.tions therp.!of. ;.Inri '. d . d a.rt~st- e!;nane nublic sna.ces and 1 1 t eithp-r as int:@crral functiona e ernen 8. ______ __ - of a laraer nro;ect or as a 9arLR ----- ... SBna.rate @ntity Sec. 4A-3. Ar~ in Public Pl.CAR PUnd ..tAblisftBd. . Pub1 Places Fund shall be The Citv of Miami ~p.ach Art 1" ic ______ _ estahlished to consist of the fn11owina: 1al. Monies annronriated to the Fund hv the Citv Commissinn in a.ccordan~e with ~ectinn 4A-4 herein. llU. d t d t thp.! Fund bv ",r] vate Moni AS which mav he ana e. 0 _ individuals and oraanl?ations. ..Ld . h b receiv@dbvtheCitvfromawardof Monies Wh1~ mav e ________ ~ ___ _ federal or stat.e Q'rant:s for the acmliRit:inn or maintena.nc@ of Wnrk(A) of Art on nuhlic nronertv or at nublic facilities in the Citv of Miami B~ach. Sec. 4A-4. .w. A~~r~ri.~ionR bv ~h. City ~o th. Punda f ~'t f d1no for Construction of a~~ronriatinnR 0 L1 V un. ___ A.Il t' of new bui Idings and/or Citv-own@d Pro;ectR. inclnnina ~nnAt:ruc ,nn ___ public '1' . ddit1' ons to existina struct.l1re:!=;. fac1 1t1AR ~r a __ ________ sha.ll 4 '"' include an ~npronriat1Qn of funnR to the Cit:v of Miami Beach Art In ~ Publi~ Placp-s Fund. , For new const . __ ruct.1on the amount shall not be less than one and one-half nercent (1 l/2%l of the Const.ruction Cost of ~hp- nronoRed . _____ pro,ect: ThA annr~riat.ion t.o t.he Fund shall be made at t.h@ sarnA t:ime as the annrO,priation of fundina for the Construction Proiect:. lhl.. For City nroj@ct.s which also involve narticipation bv cersone: illnd ~ntit:;es other than the City. the r~auired annronr;at:;Qn Ahall be b-" ~ I __ t'1 en so elv unon the City-funded Dortion of the Const.Y11ct.ion Cost. 1d If the Citv Commission determines t.hat. a particular nro;ect is not: an annrnnriate site f or Workls) of llrt. it mBV waivF! ~ the reauir@:d annronriation bv resolution. or alternatively may el~r!t to waive a nortion of the annronriation and place the remainina DO t' ____ r 10n in the Fund. In making this determinat.ion. the City Commission shall consider the recommendation of the APPC. ..ull. When a nro;p.~t site has been determined to be an annro-priate Bite for Work(el nr Art:. ~nJ'ro'9riat.ionB made in conn~ction with B particular ConRt.nlr!tion Proiect. n~~d n t b ____ 0 e used for Work(s) of Art to be located on the eite of that narticular project. A ",ortion of the annrnpriation fOT a "9articular r!onatruct:ion site mav bA t.l' U 1 17.Ad for WorkeR) or Art ror that: site. 5 ".-- with ~he T@maindp-r of ~he annronriation then hAin~ nlaced in the Fund fl)T nse at another R{te. or the entire annTonriat:ion mav be placed in the Fund. S@lection of alternativ~ sites. allotment of annrooriation for acauisition of WorkeR) cf A~t for particular sites and selection of workeA) of Art RhalJ be dA~p-rmined bv ~he APPC and aunroved by thp- Citv Cnmmi~sion. BeC!.. 4A-5a P8rmi~~8d u.. of Pond moni... MonieR nlaced in the Art: in Public Places Fund shall only b~ used for thA followina nurnos@s: J.al. Accn.tisition of Works of Art to be located on -puhl:it'! pro~ertv in the Citv of Miami Bp-ach or locat@d on nnhlic facili~ips within the Citv of Miami Reach in accordance with thA procedures in Sections 4A-IO and 4A-l1 herein Property selected as a site for thA location of WorkeR) af Art nursuant to this Chanter mav include both new construction AiteR and efteR of exiRtinc;r buildin9s on nub';~ nronP-Ttv ar on/in public facilities or nubli~park~. .!.l2l. InRuranC!~ andlt!1r mA.intenan~f!I! of eyimr.ina Warka. of A.rt acmtir@d qy the Citv in a~cordance with a yearly budget for such ineurance and/or maintenance to b@ ~prnvp-d by the City CommisAion. Th@ Citv Manaaer and A.PPC shall nrovide the Citv CommisRion with a 6 -., ~ vearly r~comm~ndatinn reaardina this hudaAt. ld ExnenS@R relatin9 to the followinQ'! 1) rFlsearch and evaluation bv the Committ@@ DP-rtainina to pronosed Works of Art includina " . . D1n1ons when n@cessarv from outside eXDP-rts and/or professional advisorv 2} @xnenseR rAlaten ~r'} art contests committees: s"9onsorAd bv the APpe in connect. inn wi t.h a.c . . ____ Q).1.1.s1tions of Works nf Art. incllld;na rId _ e ate nrintina ~nd distribution e ___ xnenses: 31 administ:rativ~ A:~en8eB reI t' __ a J.na to the onerationR nf thA APPC. includina but not limit@d to sQRgli . d . AS an eau~pmp-nt for the keening of minut.@s and nri1"1tina and distribution of Board Aqendas and corrp-snnndent'!e: 4) ~'Ta.VA 1 exnp-nses. at the rates used Cit:v-wid@ and annrovp.d in ;:adv;anCA bv th@ citv Mana.aer. r- All Rll~h AxnenSAR shall be annrOVAn as nart: of the v@Arlv .budaet for th~ Funn bv thA Citv CommisRinn a.fter ~cn~ddA:rina the recommended b d ______ u aet $ubmitted by the City Man,3ger and APPC. See. 4A-6. Art: in Public:! P1aeell Ct'"l'IMIIit:t:.. (APPCI .w. An Art in Public Places Cl1mmitte8 (APpel is herebv esta.blif!!lhed to caTrv out the fnnctinns .a.nd d1.1tlAR set fcrth in Section 4A-7. The Committee shall be cOTllPl1sed of six (61 mf!!!mbers anoointed by a. maioritv vbte members shall 90ssess a of the entire Citv Commission. The hiah d~aree of comnetence in the evaluation 7 ".- of art histoT'V. architectural history. a.r~. h'tecture. arc 1 sculnture. 'ntjna. nB1 , . artlA't1c T::l] R'truct:n desian and other apnrQoriate media for disnJay or ion inteara.t: nf Art in Public pla.~p.8_ Vacancies nefOT~ occl1rrina iratirln eXD shall be two term shall 121 .il2l Th@ term f'~e for of of 1L; __ mbers 'ttee me Comnll. years t:h~ of a he f:i] lpd bv the Mevnr for thp- l'"~mA;nder of t.hat term. Members provided by The M'ami Citv of :I. r,:.mnva.l tomaric a.11__ for absence a.s p-xcessive shall ;;lsn hp- sub;ect: rn Beach Resn'uti~n the procenures No. 97.-.20514. .w. Committee !'lhall follow s~t forth in Resolution nfficers and No 92-20514 of mp.p.t:inqs. Committee p-lect:ion of npr:lonic C'!nmm:isAion (",!;t':v SeC!. 41-7. 'POWArR aft" nu.~iA.. The Art in Pnhl:il'! Places "t:tee Comm1 Ahal1 hllV~ th.. followina newer A and rinties. mmt!lllnd To reco _ to the Ci.ty whether a t"!nmmission _ ticular par .w.. prnnnsed ConRt:ruct:fnn Project iR an ronriate ;ann site Wnrk(s) fnr of Art ;::Inn whet.her all nr '" nart nr the aqprqpriation Y@011irp.;d bv . 4A-4 S~ct1on _ should be waived. ..uu. To screen Bubm; ssions selAct and rn Worklsl existina of nr determine to ___ whether iSRlon comm Wnrklsl n@w of Art for Art to 8 ~. the l.d Wnrk(s) .uu. reaardina . A1t:@. 1AL fl!a~h TP:Q)l irements of this Chanter fnr Arr in To conduct. ~nntest:.e and ccmnet.it.ionR in ornp-T to select Tn recornmAnd a PAC t __ 0 adviR@ the APPC d . ___ an C1ty CommisRion RP.]A~t:.ion of n .' ___ __ arL1cular Workl,;) f A ___ 0 rt for a pro;ect or To be resnonsible f _________ or manaainq- the renroduction riahts to Bernd Bition stth,ec1: tn 001 ici@s established bv the City CommiAsinn .w... n@ceRRarv ~ J5tl. Tn the maintp-:nanc@ and insurance recommend d an oversep. tn nTPRP-:rv~ ... d ________ ~n nrntect a~nu' . . _______ 1A1t:.10nSa Tn make a r@cnmmendation t _______ n the Citv c . . Omm1.aR10n 'rp-oarding propnRed nr~:d e~tR whi~h ____ include art: illnn to nartic:inat:e in the plannin"" of s h . uc proiects. 1hl. To M' . 1am1 Beach. ill the Citv ".- recommend leaislation concernina art:. in the City of To n~rfnrm al] other duties a.nn f'nn('!t:ions as remIested bv CommiSAinn. 9 ~ LeaR! Qoun..l. Thp- 'f' 's Of 1C~ City Attornev ~hall nrcvide bv th@ APPC. rp-mles1:ed _ leaal servic~s to t.he arv or as he n@CP-SB _1 APPC as mav __ iAd Committee Rolelv liabl. obliaat:ions. for Unl~As and unci] th~ . "nn Citv,Comm18s1 h nassaqe of an annrov~s y_ . 1:12: resolut.ion a.n"9Tonr1a or of a Work of acauisition A]"~ . for this proGram. the suoh 'sition and acqU1 all casts associat.ed with Bu~h acm11 Rition shall not: be an ohJiaation. d bt of. liabilit.v or e of the Citv. Exclusive of the costs annrovp.d ~ the Commission as Ref: forth in this cha.pter for the acmlisi t:.i on of a W't')rk(sl of Art. no obliaation. liability or debt of any kind or nature wha.tsnRv~r inCllTrp-d 0,.. asserted aaainst the 11 in any Committee eha. aT whatsoever be an mann__ ohljaation or f the Cit~. b"J 'tv 0 lia , , SeC!. 4A-10. :,Prot!.d.ur.. for 1At!~i.on. ..i~. .. .. .1.ll.l. The Committee sha.ll eva.luate ea.ch pTonnsp.d Citv dAtermine ction Pro;ect. to Constru its a.s a lo~ation for suitability __ _ Work Is) OT Art. In Makino its determination followina fa.ctors the ____ will hp- C'onRideTPda .ill AnnrcrQri a't:p.neSB of b oldina as the U1 a lo~at:]nn faT 10 -., ,,- Work(R) of Art:. III PhvRical , lavout of the buildina on th . ________ __ e s1te. J..ll. Exnosure to th- hI' _ __ __!:::: nu I.e. .illl.. AdditinnaJlv. the APPC shall establish Ii _____ a st of existina City-owned siteR which it od ccns] ers annronriate sites for Workls) of Art. The criteria in ____ __ naradraph (a) shall be llsed 1n p.valuatinCj1 pnr~ntial sites. Sec. 4A-l1. S.le~tion of .r~i.~.. ~ _______ ann Work. of Ar~. .w.. When the' Ccmmittee recommends a nart1cular City construction nro;p-ct nr existina Si~A BR heina a~nronriate for Art in Public Placp.:~ thA Committee shall also re~nmmend one of the fol]nwina me f _ ens n obtaininq the WorklR) of Art- ..l.1.1. Open ~ntrv l!omnAtftion- Throuah annronr:iate advertisement: all artists are invited to Anter into comnetition for a. --mm . ___ _ '""u 18s10n to create a Work of The a.mount tc be naid f __ ____ or the Art for the site. Work (s) of Art shall be d~t:ermined bv the Citv Commission a.fter considerin9 the Committee's recommenda.tion. Art':iRt:e may be a. k d _ B e to s,thmit slides of th ' __ e1r past work. resumes. letters of intent related to the ___ snecific nro;ect or specific 11 ".- f r the pronosa]s 0 nro;ect: under review. III Limit:p-d , entrv comnp.t:ition: A limited number of artists are invited to cot1'\Pete as set forth in of this Sect.ion. oarBoraph (1) __ f the ArtiAt:. geleotion n An artist or III Direct: several . 't art18 .S ma.v be selp-ct.ed to dev~lop a. oronoeal for the 1;)ro; ect or oroduce the desired Work (al of Art. ..w. niT"~~t: nnr~ha.SA of e1l:]stina Warkle) of Art: A cnmnleted Work of Art is nt1rcha.s~d_ No more than ten nercent (10%1 of the costs of the Work of Art. mav an t:n a. dea.1fll!r or aaent. ~ .illl. In the case of a limit~d comnetition or a direct selection. an art:ist: may be BAkF!d 1":0 d~veln~ a 'Oronosal for a sne~ific 'Oroiect: If asked to 1 a "ro~osal. cleve Qn _ ... an artist may be paid a prnnnsal fee on the basis of a.n d fee schedule. annrnve This schedule shall be . d bv the APPC after det.erm.1ne consultation with "'itv the ~__~ h 11 consist of a Manaaer ~nd 8 a _ d 1 based ~on Rlidina sche u e th~ total nroiect ccmmission. in a~nera.l no more tha.n fivA ner('!ent (5"1 of the total Art in . Pla~es allocatinn P1.lb11c _____ for a nro;@ct shculd bA na:id in nrnnnsa.l fP-@R to a.rtlRts. ..u:l. enn t.he Y'Acomm ___ The Committee mav t' nf a PAC to a.n~oint.men _ ~2 -., a.SS;R~ with s@lection of workes) of Ar~ or artiR~es) for a -- narticular nroiect. Selection of a PAC shall be bv the APPC and , confirmed hv ~he Citv Commission Reasonable exnenses incurr@d bv ehe PAC may be TP-imhursed from the Fund in ac~ordance with rates ann roved in advance bv thp- APPC and the Citv Manager. 1dl The APPC shall cons~~er the recommendations of the PAC in selectin9 Workle) of Art for ~articular sites. lal Selection af artists. sculntars. craftsmen. and PAC's. review of deRigns and choice and acceDtance of Work/sl of Art shall be bv the APPC and must have annrov~] of the Citv Commission All aarp..p!mAnts madp.! oursuane tn t.his Chant:~r ~h~11 h~ aut.hnrized hv the Citv Commission. ".- ltl In eelectina/~~~rovina Workee) of Art the APPC and/or PAC and City Commission shall consider the followina criteria: 1- ~nnrqnriatp-nASR t.o the Rite. .2.... Maint:enance reauirement.s. ~ Qualitv of the work. L.. Lik~linARA that the art] 8t can comnletp- th@ work within available funding. s.... Reflection of endurinq artistic concents. rather than transito~ nnes. .2... Historv of the a.rtist in terms of comnletion of works an t.ime. - 13 SECTiON :3. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be . and the same are hereby repealed. SECT:J:ON 4. aEVRRAB:IL:ITY. If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECT:ION 5. ICFF:lCT:rvR nA.TE. This Ordinance shall take effect on the 15th day of April . 1995. PASSED and ADOPTED this 5th day .~ April , 1995. ------ ATTEST: ~---- - ~~- \..AfAY6R ~ (""U~AJ. r_.~~. - e:J:'l'Y CLElUt 1st reading 3/15/95 2nd reading 4/5/95 .' ; - i,) SNS:.cf:,.Odl.k8\.r~-n-pp.o%d ~~/ ~ ~-1J~1'1' 1-1/ . By- Date 14 ------ , '. I T E M # 11 /" :-MB "'I,,':-~iCDC 00 C"r.!:' 21 l3'ld' dS .. C . U' V'b D'.~lj ~ UI Ing an ustalnlng ommunlty -. nlque, I rant, Iverse ..'., ,'T "'-; ... PH 3: 58 ,'.'/ February 17, 2000 Commissioner David Dermer City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive 4th Floor Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Commissioner Dermer: As the City of Miami Beach proceeds to implement the General Obligation Bond funds, it is important that we remember the employment needs of Miami Beach's residents. MBCDC supports the "First from Our Community" policy whereby qualified contractors performing the work under the G.O. Bond funding would be required to have a certain percentage of their work crews be Miami Beach residents. Utilizing our city's residents will serve to maximize the investment the GO bonds has on our community. r One ofMBCDC's partner organizations, The Miami Beach Hispanic Community Center (UNlDAD), operates a job training and preparation program. At any given moment, they have a large and able pool of workers ready to perform a variety of tasks. Every effort should be made to employ participants of this program since it is funded in part by the City of Miami Beach and because its participants are primarily beach residents. If there is any way MBCDC can assist toward this goal, please do not hesitate to call on us. If you would like to know more information on UNlDAD's training program, please contact the Executive Director, Ms. Margarita Cepeda at (305) 867-0051. ~y,~ oberto Datorre President, MBCDC cc: Margarita Cepeda --- MIAMI BEACH COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 1205 Drexel Avenue. Miami Oeach. Florida 33139 . Phone 305538-0090. Fax 305538-2863 -A , CITY OF MIAMI BEACH G.O. BOND PROJECT OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE MEETINGS '. MAY 1, 2000 (Monday) JUNE 5, 2000 (Monday) JULY 3, 2000 (Monday) AUGUST 7, 2000 (Monday) . SEPTEMBER 11, 2000 (Monday) ~, OCTOBER 2, 2000 (Monday) NOVEMBER 6, 2000 (Monday) DECEMBER 4, 2000 (Monday) * All meetings are on the first Monday of each month at 6:00 P.M. in City Commission Chambers. The September 11, 2000 meeting was scheduled on the second Monday ofthe month to accommodate for City Holiday. --.,