09 September 21, 2006 CM September 21. 2006 CITY COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS ~genda B Time certain o Supplemental Materials o Speaker's list o Invocator memo o Presentations & Awards list o Addendum q ..second Addendum [1( Notice of closed executive o session ~fteraction ~onsent-Originals manila folder ~' gular-Originals , . development Agency Agenda materials Handouts folder o ,)b9bbyist Log (See Handouts Folder) rJ1=>ublic Hearing Notice Ads O. log of Proceedings electronically recorded notes EJ'<Redrope files I of ( ~ Burned - (See CD File by Commission date) ~riginal Contents list to City Clerk ~VD I of / from Office of Communications ~mmittee of the Whole Meeting/Handouts ~raction -Committee of the Whole Meeting ~nd Proposed Budget Hearing and Handouts FOLDER PREPARED BY ~ REVIEWED BY: ''7t,~ (oj ~ I If I f 7' j )tAL;!;.:? DATE: F:\CLER\$ALL \LILLY\CONTENTS .FLD\2006\092 I 06speciaICM.committeeofthewhole. .doc