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Attachment 098
FROM: Frank U. Del UeccKio PHONE NO. : 31~S 672 0E]~7 APR. 03 2000 09:2!qff P2 Apr~ 3, 2~ S~J;Ob~atio~ on G.O. ~nd Nei~rhood M~t~gs, South B~h Ar~, ~ 20, 21, 22, 27, 29 I ~pa~ ~ ~e five ~u~ ~ ~ ~i~rho~ m~t~gs ~ ~ch 21-29, ~d ~Heve sev~ ~g p~g ~emes ~ ~ id~: *~e~d ~es~ movm~t ~n nei~rho~s, ~d pro~de ~e cros~gs to ~j~t commerci~ g~s- *Unify s~t~pe plug ~ s~-f~y nei~bor~ods. sP~ s~sa~ desi~ ~ a "~stem" t~t integates m~i~s, si~nls, ~s, li~, ~c_, de~g on a str~t's ~ction. *hfio~ ~ v~c~ system so ~t it ~ conthuo~ ~d dfici~t, but ~so ~te ~ ~c~s ~d drop-off po~ts for public f~fies. Ident~ appropHa~ no~-sou~ ~ ~t-w~ co~g str~, ~d ~tega~ str~t~ ~d p~ desi~, d~nd~g on ~ s~t's ~cfion. *U~ t~ G-O- ~nd pros: To erie rou~ ~stms, si~e, ~d ~po~t d~fion m~kers; To s~r dW po~y a~y from ~mme~ u~ of ~jor p~ks (ex. ~u~ Po~}; To cr~te a bi~cle rou~ system; To rmove ~rts to ~estrm ~ss (ex,, ~to ~d t~ou~x F~go P~k; ~d nor~-sou~ on Drexel Ave.) NEIG~O~D T~S. ~btm: ~ ~n ve~cles ~d ~t~. ~lution: Cr~te condifio~ for ~est~ movement Mt~ a n~rhood- Uiy strutripe p~g for homogenous, (ex. SF), nei~rh~- ~te~ str~ components. ~e ~s~ cro~hg of bu~ s~ts to ~cess ~j~nt comme~ g~. ~ sic crosshgs- (ex-, si~s, m~gs, m~s, etc.) ~ T~S. ~obl~m: N~ for ~ve ve~cnlar ~s N/S ~d E~ to d~tmtio~ ~ ~ city. ~lufion: Identify a systm of co~t~ .str~s ~d trot ~ a unifi~ ~me - (i.e., cont~uo~, but ~m; s~n~ge -- d6?in~tm~ ~ rout. In~ ~ compon~ts of str~t~, (i.e.. m~s, try, ~thg, e~-) PEDEST~ ~ BICYCLE MOmeNT. ~oblem: ~ers to ~ess ~ tooremit. ~lution: Iden~y rou~ sy~ms. ~o~e for ~es~ ~ces$ hto Flm~o ~k at ~en~ poinS. ~o~de for ~estr~ ~ess on Drexel Ave. whe~ ~rently block~. Identify ~ ~ bi~cle rou~s. ~OR P~. T~e for L-minuS ~k ~d Sou~ Porte ~k shO~d ~ 'p~sive p~h" ~ W~s ~ g~s ~d ~ch~. RoH-~k commere~ ~cro~t. Emp~ p~s, bicycles. ~.o.o~2,~s~.mv