Attachment 103
, R6 - Commission Committee Reports
R6D Verbal Report on the Finance and Citywide Project Committee Meeting of April 7, 2000: 1)
Beach Front Concession Rules; 2) G.O. Bond Financing Strategy; and, 3) Information Only -
Florida Municipal Loan Council - Equipment Financing Program.
Agenda Item
" --.. - _.-...~.._""'---.
Regular Agenda
April 12, 2000
City of Miami Beach
-, R6D Verbal Report on the Finance and Citywide Project Committee Meeting of April 7, 2000: 1) Beach Front
Concession Rules; 2) G.O. Bond Financing Strategy; and, 3) Information Only - Florida Municipal Loan
Council - Equipment Financing Program.
ACTION: Verbal Report given by Commissioner Cruz.
I) The Committee approved the Hotel Association proposal of $15 per hotel room with the
understanding that the Administration would look for ways to narrow the budget shortfall either
by assigning funds from the Loew's ground rent or reducing expenses and that the fee structure
would be re-evaluated one year following implementation.
2) The Committee approved the proposed financing strategy and recommended that the Finance
Director continue to pursue this transaction.
3) No action required.
I. Preliminary written report, dated April 12, 2000, of the Finance & Citywide Projects Committee meeting
held on April 7, 2000.
R7 - Resolutions
R7A City Attorney Commission Memorandum No. 291-00
A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor to Execute, and the City Clerk to Duly Attest, the Amendment to
the Employment Agreement, Entered into as of December 18, 1999, between the City of Miami Beach
and City Manager Lawrence A. Levy, Extending the Term of Service Provision in the Employment
Agreement for a Period Through and Including September 27, 2000.
Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution.
(City Attorney's Office)
ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23865 adopted.
Robert Parcher gave an overview of the activities of the City Manager Selection Committee. On April
18, DMG Maximus will present to the Selection Committee a list of applicants. The Selection
Committee will review the list and recommend which candidates should continue in the process. The
candidate interview dates have been scheduled for June I and 2. The Search Committee is scheduled
to meet with Mr. Saul Gross regarding the Business Resolution Task Force.
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