Attachment 104 ~ITY OF MIAMI BEACH TV HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 :p:\\ci,mlaml-beach,fl.us - ~- COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ FROM: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members ofthe City Commission Lawrence A. Levy % City Manager DATE: April 12, 2000 TO: SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT AGREEMENT WITH REG ARCHITECTS, INC., AS APPROVED BY THE MA YORAND CITY COMMISSION IN JANUARY 1999, TO PROVIDE ARCHITECTURALIENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE PHASE II REDESIGN AND/OR RENOVATIONS OF THE BAYSHORE AND NORMANDY SHORES GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSES AND RELATED FACILITIES; FURTHER ESTABLISHING A NEGOTIATED FEE OF 8.5%, OF CONSTRUCTION COST; APPROPRIATING ARCHITECTURAL/ ENGINEERING FEES FOR THE BA YSHORE GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE, IN THE AMOUNT OF $179,675 (BASED ON AN ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION BUDGET OF $2,113,800), AND THE NORMANDY SHORES CLUBHOUSE, IN THE AMOUNT OF $115,000 (BASED ON AN ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION BUDGET OF $1,353,160); AND AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $61,365 FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES AND SURVEYS FOR THE CLUBHOUSE PROJECTS, FOR A TOTAL AMENDMENT OF $356,040; WITH FUNDING AVAILABLE FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED GENERAL FUND BALANCE, TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE CITY OF GULF BREEZE, FLORIDA, LOCAL LOAN PROGRAM AND/OR THE FUTURE GENERAL OBLIGATION (G.O.) BOND ISSUE. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS: On May 7,1998, the City issued Request for Qualifications 58-97/98 for architectural/engineering services for the redesign and/or renovation of the Bayshore/Par 3 and Normandy Shores golf courses clubhouses and related facilities. On June 8, 1998, an evaluation committee reviewed the proposals submitted. After presentations were made, the committee recommended selecting the firm of REG Architects, Inc. (REG) to the T:\AGENDAUOOlI\APRI10ll\REOUf..AR.\REOa.UBH.Mi!M AGENDA ITEM--B..:J.C. DATE~OO r Commission Memorandum April]2. 2000 Page 2 r City Manager. On October 7, 1~98, the City Commission, following the Manager's recommendations, authorized the Administration to negotiate an agreement with REG Architects, Inc. Following the approval to negotiate, the Administration and REG agreed on a fee of$15,000 for basis services with an additional $1,600 for reimbursable expenses for the Phase I, Pre-Design and Cost Study work. On January 6, 1999, the City Commission <luthorized the execution of an agreement with the fmn of REG Architects, Inc., for architectural/engineering services for the redesign and/or renovation of the BayshorelPar 3 and Normandy Shores Clubhouses and related facilities for a basic schematic design plan and cost estimates to be completed in of April, 1999. It was intended that when completed, this information, combined with the Arthur Hills report, would provide the City with a clear cost projection for the restoration of the golf courses. Upon the execution of the agreement, REG Architects, Inc. proceeded with the preliminary analysis of each clubhouse to establish a base line of existing conditions, possible options for renovations and or new construction and the' development of preliminary schematic options for each location. Thoughout this phase REG Architects, Inc. worked with the Mayor's Ad Hoc Golf Committee and, the City's Golf Advisory Board, as well as the Administration, to develop schematic plans and cost estimates that would accomplish the project goals while remaining within the established budgets. The Phase I schematic designs and cost estimates were submitted to the City in May of 1999. /"""" The completed Phase I schematic designs and cost estimates for the clubhouses as proposed by REG Architects, Inc. were reviewed by the Golf Advisory Board on July I, 1999, the Mayor's Ad Hoc Committee on July 15, 1999, and the Finance Citywide Projects Committee on July 21,1999. The clubhouse schematic designs and cost estimates met with the approval of the various committees with the exception of the allocation recommended for the Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouse which was reduced from $1,465,500 to $750,000. It should be noted that $750,000 was later included in the 1999 General Obligation Bond and approved by the voters in November, restoring the budgetfor the Normandy Shores Clubhouse to $1.5 million. On October 20, 1999, the City Commission adopted a resolution approving the overall plan for the renovation of the City's golf courses and clubhouses at Bayshore and Normandy Shores and further authorized the Administration to develop the plan to provide the necessary financing to implement the project. On February 9, 2000, the City Commission approved the financing strategy for the renovation of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Courses and Clubhouses and referred the plan for the renovation of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Clubhouses to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee for a review of estimated project costs. The Finance and Citywide Projects Committee meeting was held on February 24, 2000. At this meeting the Committee again reviewed the schematic plans and cost estimates for each clubhouse as prepared by REG Architects, Inc. and recommended that Administration proceed with the designs as proposed. This recommendation was reported at the City Commission meeting of March 15, 1999 and accepted unanimously. T:\AQENDA\1OOO\APR l1OOl.REOULAA\REOCWBH.MEM Commission Memorandum April 12, 2000 Page 3 r Additionally, at the March 15,2000 Commission meeting the Administration was authorized to amend the Arthur HiIlsl Steve Forrest and Associates agreement in the amount of $530,713 to implement Phase II Construction of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Courses. The construction amount recommended for Bayshore Golf Course Clubhouse is $2,113,800 and $1,353,160 for the Normandy Shores Clubhouse for a total estimated construction budget of $3,467,560. In response to the request for a lower fee percentage REG Architects, Inc. has agreed to a fee of 8.5% reduced from their original request of 8.9%. The additional fee for the Phase II work is $294,675 and equates to an ov~rall reduction and savings to the City of $13,938. Additionally, an amount not to exceed $6(365 will be allocated for reimbursable expenses and surveys for the clubhouses projects, for a total amendment of $$356,040. Approval of this Resolution will enable the City to proceed with the renovations of the City's golf course clubhouses as recommended by the City Commission, the Mayor's Ad Hoc Golf Committee, the Golf Advisory Board and the Administration and ensure a coordinated and timely completion of the golf course and clubhouse at each facility. ".b~ LAutIIlliKs r r ~\AGENDA\2OOO\APRI7OO\REOULAR.\ll.EQC1.UBH.MEM ,-- RESOLUTION NO. > A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AN AMENDMENT TO THE CURRENT AGREEMENT WITH REG ARCHITECTS, INC., AS APPROVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION IN JANUARY 1999, TO PROVIDE THE ARCHITECTURAL/ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE PHASE II REDESIGN AND/OR RENOVATIONS OF THE BAYSHORE AND NORMANDY SHORES GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSES AND RELATED FACILITIES; FURTHER ESTABLISHING A NEGOTIATED FEE OF 8.5% OF CONSTRUCTION COST; APPROPRIATING ARCHITECTURAL/ ENGINEERING FEES FOR THE BAYSHORE GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSE, IN THE AMOUNT OF $179,675 (BASED ON AN ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION BUDGET OF $2,113,800), AND THE NORMANDY SHORES CLUBHOUSE, IN THE AMOUNT OF $115,000 (BASED ON AN ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION BUDGET OF $1,353,160); AND AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $61,365 FOR REIMBURSABLE EXPENSES AND SURVEYS FOR THE CLUBHOUSE PROJECTS, FOR A TOTAL AMENDMENT OF $356,040; WITH FUNDING A V AILABLE FROM THE UNAPPROPRIATED GENERAL FUND BALANCE, TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE CITY OF GULF BREEZE, FLORIDA, LOCAL LOAN PROGRAM AND THE FUTURE GENERAL OBLIGATION (G.O.) BOND ISSUE. WHEREAS, on May 7, 1998, the City issued Request for Qualifications No. 58-97/98 for architectural/engineering services for the redesign and/or renovation of the Bayshore/Par 3 and Normandy Shores Golf Course clubhouses and related facilities; and ,;-"" WHEREAS, on June 8, 1998, an Evaluation Committee reviewed the proposals submitted and recommended the firm of REG Architects, Inc. (REG) as the top ranked proposer; and WHEREAS, on October 7, 1998, the Mayor and City Commission accepted the Evaluation Committee and City Manager's recommendation and authorized the Administration to negotiate an agreement with REG; and WHEREAS, on January 6,1999, the Mayor and City Commission approved the Agreement with REG, for architectural/engineering services for the redesign and/or renovation of the Bayshore/Par 3 and Normandy Shores clubhouses and related facilities, with a basic schematic design plan and cost estimates to be completed by April, 1999; and WHEREAS, the completed Phase I schematic designs and cost estimates for the clubhouses were reviewed by the Golf Advisory Board on July I, 1999; the Mayor's Ad Hoc Committee on July 15,1999; and the Finance Citywide Projects Committee on July 21,1999, and met with the approval of the various committees; and WHEREAS, on October 20, 1999, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Resolution No. 99- 23373, approving the overall plan for the renovation of the City's golf courses and clubhouses at Bayshore and NOlmandy Shores, and further authorized the Administration to develop the plan to provide the necessary financing to implement the project; and WHEREAS, on February 9, 2000, the Mayor and City Commission approved the financing strategy for the renovation of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Courses and clubhouses and ~ referred the plan to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee for a review of estimated project costs; and ~ WHEREAS, the construction amount recommended for Bayshore Golf Course clubhouse was $2,113,800, and $1,353,160 for the Normandy Shores clubhouse, for a total estimated construction budget of $3,467,560; and WHEREAS, in response to the request for a lower fee percentage REG has agreed to a fee of 8.5%, reduced from its original fee request of 8.9%; and WHEREAS, the additional fee for the Phase II work which includes but is not limited to the comprehensive architectural design, development and permitting of construction bid documents, construction administration and project closeout for both the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Course clubhouses and related facilities is $294,675, and equates to an overall reduction and savings to the City of $13,938, and an amount not to exceed $61,365 will also be allocated for reimbursable expenses and surveys for the clubhouse projects, for a total amendment of $356,040; and WHEREAS, the Administration would recommend that the Mayor and the City Commission approve an Amendment to the Agreement with REG, in the amount of $356,040 for the scope of services referenced above. ~ NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and Members of the City Commission hereby approve and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an amendment to the current Agreement with REG Architects, Inc., as approved by the Mayor and City Commission in January 1999, to provide the Architectural/ Engineering services for the Phase II Redesign and/or Renovations of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouses and Related Facilities; further establishing a negotiated fee of 8.5% of the construction cost; appropriating architectural/engineering fees for the Bayshore Golf Course Clubhouse, in the amount of$179,765 (based on an estimated construction cost budget of$2, 113,800), and the Normandy Shore Golf Course Clubhouse, in the amount of $115,000 (based on an estimated construction budget of$I,353,160); and an amount not to exceed $61,365 for reimbursable expenses and surveys for the clubhouse projects, a total amendment of $356,040; with funding available from the Unappropriated General Fund Balance, to be reimbursed from the City of Gulf Breeze, Florida, Local Loan Program and the future General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Issue. PASSED and ADOPTED this 12 day of April, 2000. MAYOR ATTEST: CITY CLERK F:\RCPAISALLIKEVINlCOMM,OO\REGCLUBH,RES APPROVED AS TO FORM 8. LANGUAGE 8. FOR EXECUTION r ~~ JI>~ om. --- AMENDMENT No.1 TO ACREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND REG ARCHITECTS, INCORPORATED FOR THE ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE BA YSHOREIP AR 3 AND NORMANDY SHORES GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSES This AMENDMENT NO.1, dated as of ,2000, to that certain Agreement, dated January 6,1999, by and between the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA (City) and REG ARCHITECTS, INCORPORATED for the Architectural and Engineering Services for the Bayshore/far 3 and Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouses. WHEREAS, the Agreement provides for the provision of architectural/engineering services for Architectural and Engineering Services for the Bayshore/Par 3 and Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouses; and WHEREAS, the Administration recommends that the foregoing Amendment No.1 be executed for the architectural/engineering services necessary to complete Phase II of the redesign and/or renovations of the Bayshore! Par 3 and Normandy Shores Clubhouses as approved by the Mayor and City Commission pre Resolution No. 99-23373 on October 20,1999. 1. ABOVE RECITALS The above recitals are true and correct and incorporated as a part of this Amendment No.1. 2. MODIFICATION The Agreement is amended to add the additional scope of services and fees as specified in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein. 3. OTHER PROVISIONS All other provisions of the Agreement, as amended, are unchanged. 4. RATIFICATION The City and Consultant ratify the terms of the Agreement, as modified by this Amendment No.1. r r- Page 1 of2 . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties hereto have caused this Amendment No. 1 to be executed in their names by their duly authorized officials as of the date first set forth above, CITY OF MIAMI BEACH By MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED I-S TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION CITY CLERK ~~ ~/JOt? Dale ,..- CONSULTANT REG ARCIDTECTS, INCORPORATED By PRESIDENT Print Name ATTEST: (Secretary) Print Name .-- F:\RCPA\$ALLIKEVIN\COMM,OOIREGCLUBH,AMD r- . EXHIBIT A FOR AMENDMENT No.1 TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND REG ARCHITECTS; INCORPORATED FOR THE ARCJllTECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE BA YSHOREIP AR 3 AND NORMANDY SHORES GOLF COURSE CLUBHOUSES r- r I N A C R CHI 0' R. p. 0 R A INTERIOR DESIGN, T T E E C T S R E G D ARCHITECTURE * * PLANNING , ..'- MEMORANDUM DATE: March 9, 2000 REVISED: Tuesday, March 21,2000 . TO: Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, City of Miami Beach Assistant City Manager , Kevin Smith, City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Director ' WaIter Redrick, City of Miami Beach Public Works Construction Manager . , , , FROM: Rick Gonzalez, AlA, Preside~t, REG Architects, Inc. RE: Final Revised Scope of Services & Fees Proposal Bayshore Golf Course Clubhouse, CMB #: Resolution No.: 99-230121 REG #: 98042 I. PROJECT,DESCRIPTION ~ , , , ' , , Construction of a new clubhoilse at Bayshore Golf Course with additional limited exterior and site improvements to golf cart barn, limited improvements to driveway' at parking lot, limited improvements to maintenance facility and limited landscape and irrigation. The project will include the. entire demolition of the eJ:cisting' c;lubhouse and be completed during the golf course renovation. No new parking at this time II. PROJECT SERVICES A. Basic Service Task 1: Pre-Design Phase REG will meet with members of City Golf Committee, Design Review Board, City Staff and . . Arthur Hills Golf Course Architects; to present and review one last time the original pre- design drawings prepared in May 1999 in ord er to verify program needs. Task 2: Final Conceptual Design Drawings Presentation of final conceptual design drawings' incorporating comments from pre-design " phase meeting, REG will prepare final conceptual design drawings for presentation to the City Golf Committee, Design Review Board, City Staff, City Finance Committee, and Arthur Hills Golf Course Architects. r- o Lincoln Road . ,.one: {30S1672.1092 , . 330 Clematla Street Phone: 15611659 - 2583 . Suite 353 . Miami Beach . Florida 33139 Fax: (30S) 672-1080 Florida 33401 Fax: (561) 659+5546 . Suite 114 . West Palm. Beach . License. AA0002447 ' March .9.2000 Revised March 21, 2000 Scope of Services Proposal City of Miami Beach Bayshore Golf Clubhouse 98042 Page 2 00 -- Task 3: Design Development > Incorporating comments received by all groups mentioned in TBsk I and 2 above, REG will , prepare computer generated (Cadd 14) design development drawings incorporating comments from consultants, anoutline of project specifications and anopinion of probable. cost.. ' Task 4: Final Design Review Board . " . REG will present work ,to City staff, City Golf Committee, Design ReView Board, Finance and Arthur Hills Golf Course Architects in order to receive final design approval. REG will incorporate all comments received in Task 3 and present one last time to design review board prior to beginning construction documents. ' ' Task 5: CQnstruction Documents. Upon notice to proceed from City, REG will prepare construction documents, specifications, and fmal opinion of probable cost and coordinate all work with REG's project consultants and City's golf course consultants. REG will provide the City with opportunities to review drawings at 50%, 75% and 90% completion. Task 6: Permitting and Bidding , ,-- , " . ' ,. , , , At 90% completion, REG will begin the work through permit process with the City of Miami Beach Building and Fire Department and Dade County Department of Environmental Resource Management. REG will incorporate all comments and prepare final documents for bidding. ' REG will also assist in the preparation of the bid form and in the selection of the contractor by assisting the City in preparing pre-qualification criteria for bidders and evaluating responses. Task 7: Construction Ad,ministration REG with its consultants will monitor construction, hold construction meetings a minimum of twice a month and respond to all construction administration phase duties as specified in the contract documents and City of Miami Beach agreement for professional Architectural and Engineering Services. At 11 months after final acceptance REG, City Staff and Contractor will meet on site and make a fmal punch list on all warrantee items. B. Additional Services: 1. Limited Cart Barn Building Surveys 2. Limited Site Survey including utilities, topographic~ related site items, etc. r 3. Reimbursable expenses, including present,ation materials for Design Review Board. REGlagf G:\projects\city\98042-bayshorelrev-scope,doc March 9, 2000 Revised March 21, 2000 Scope ofSei'vicesProposal City of Miami Beach Bayshore Golf Clubhouse 98042 Page 3 on r r r .~ ,III. FEES A. Basic Services Task ,Phase, , ' , 1. . Pre-Design Phase Verifications , 2. Conceptual Design ' 3. . Design Deveiopment , 4. Design Review Board ' 5. Construction Documents 6. BiddingfPemritting 7. Construction Administration Total Basic A&E Services ' B. Additional Services ,cart Barn Building Survey Limited Site Survey *Reimbursable Expenses % of Total 7% 10% 15% 5% 35% 3% 25% .100% Fee: $12,577.00 . $17,968.00 . $26,951.00 $8,984.00 $62,886.00 $5,390.00 , $44,919.00 $179,675.00 $4,000,00 $8,500.00 $17,025.00, Grand Total * NOTE: $209,200.00 * REG has included a total of four (4) meetings before Design Review Board during the design process. Any additional Design ReView Board Meetings will be on a time and material basis. See rate sheet attached. (Exhibit "A") Presentation renderings and color boards are part of reimbursables. ,IV. SCHEDULE: See attached Exhibit "B" V. PROJECT BUDGET: . See attached Exhibit "C" Thank youforthis work opportunity! Sincerely, REG Architects, Inc. . ~LA' p","""" REG/agf fr.\projeelSlcity\98042-baysborelrcv-seope,doc R E ARCHITECTuRE ~ . DATE: G R.C H I o ..R ,P 0' R A INTERIOR DESIGN' T T I N A c ... . EXHIBIT "C" March 9, 2000/~t!~ ~'21yft7 , . . , . TO: ' . Kevin Smith, Director" CMB Parks and Recreation FROM' trfJ.. .', rook --'~ AlA, P=i"" J;.G Arehire"" Tno. RE: IV Proposed Budget for New {;onstruction of, ' .' Bayshore Golf Clubhouse , ' Resolution No.: 99-230121 E E C D ... . .' REG JOB NO.: T S PLANNING 98042 ~ Item 1. 2. , 3. 4. 5. Description Demolition (No Environmental Work) Open LoggiaslDecks (1700 sf@ $65.00 sf) New Building (8000 sf AC @ $120.00 sf) Cart Barn Exterior (Min) Enhancements Limited Landscape & Irrigation Enhancements Subtotal , Cost $ 69,000.00 , $195,000.00 $960,000.00 $150,000.00 . $250,000.00 $},624,000.00 $324,800,00 , $165,000.00 $2,113,800.00 $179,675.00 $ 29,525.00 ~ Lincoln Roall ; (3051672-1092 1.." South Dixie Hwy Phone: {S61l 659 - 2383 10%. Contingency + 10% Mobiliiation . , Furnishing, Fixtures, and Equipment Budget Subtotal A&E FEES @ 8.5% Survey, Reimbursilbles & Presentations GRAND TOTAL . . . Suite 353 Suite 201 . . MIami Beach Weot Palm Beach . Ide... .AA.0002447 $2,323,000.00 . O:\projeccs\cRy\9lOC~ydIore\Exbibit..c.doe . FIorllla 33139 Fax: (3051 672-J08O FIorllla 33401 Fax; {561IOS9-S546 R E G I, N A R C H I T E C T S C 0 R P 0 R A T E D * INTERIOR DESIGN * PLANNING . MEMORANDUM ARCHITECTURE r- , DATE: Thursday, March 09, 2000 REVISED: ,Tuesday, March 21, 2000' TO: . Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, City of Miami Beach Assistant City Manager' . . Kevin Smith, City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Director , Walter R~ck, City of~ami Beach Public Works Construction Manager FROM:~RiCk Gonzalez, AlA, President, REG Architects, Inc. . RE: Final Revised Scope of Services & Fees Proposal , Normandy Shores Golf Clubhouse , CMB#:' Resolution No.: 99-230121 REG#: 98041 I. PROJECT DESCRIPTION r- Nonnandy Shores Golf Clubhouse renovations to include selective demolition of interior and exterior, the restoration of original facades, the addition of new loggias and decks, ADA, accessibility throughout facility; very limited irrigation and landscape improvements. No new parking lot, cart barn and maintenance facility improvements will be included at this time_ II. PROJECT SERVICES A- Basic Services Task 1: Pre-Design Phase: Pre-design phase: REG will meet with members of City Golf COmplittee, Design Review Board, City Staff and Arthur Hills Golf Course Architects, to present and review original pre- design drawings prepared in May 1999 along with record drawings in order to verify program needs. . Florida 33139 . Fax: (305) 672-1080 Florida 33401 Fax: (5611659-5546 . Suite 114 . Miami Beach . West Palm Beach . ,-. 420 Lincoln Road Phone: (305) 672-1092 330 Clematla Street Phone: (561)659 . 2583 . Suite 353 . Llcenae t AAOO02447 u...&U.........." .vvV/ AI;:;V~U ~VJ.4l1...U L1, 4VVV Scope of Services Proposal City of Miami Beach . Nonnandy Shores Golf Clubhouse' Page 7 of4 r Task 2: Historical Analysis: .' , ' , " , ' . REG will identify. and investigate possible additional funding sources and tax credits for historic preservation projects,from state, county and local goven)ment grants and inform City , Staff ofthe potential opportunities. ' ., . :.. ,- -, Task 3: Final ConceptiialDesign Drawings: , .,',', , . " , . . ' . . ' Presentation offmal conceptual, design' drawings ',incorporati~gcolIlIl1ents from predesign phase meeting, REG will prepare final conceptual design drawings for presentation to the City Golf Committee, Design ReView Board, City Staff, City Finance Committee, and Arthur Hills ,Golf Course Architects, ' .,Task 4: Design Development: . Incorporating comments received by all groups mentioned in Task 1 and 3 above, REG will prepare' computer generated (Cadd 14) design. development drawings incorporating comments from consultants, an outline of project specifications and an opinion of probable cost. r Task 5: Final Design Review Board: REG will present work to City Staff, City Golf Committee, Design Review Board, Firiance and Arthur Hills in order to receive .final design, approval. REG will incorporate all. comments received in Task 4 and present one last time to Design Review Board prior to beginning constructioll; documents, Task 6: Construction Documents: Upon notice to proceed' from City, REG will prepare construction documents, specifications, ,and final opinion of probable cost and coordinate all work with REG's project consultants, and City's golf course consultants, REG will provide the City with opportunities to reView . drawings at 50%, 80% and 90% completion, Task 7: Permitting and Bidding: At 90% completion, REG will begin the walk through permit process with the City of Miami Beach Building Department and Dade' County Department of Environmental Resource , Management. REG willincorporate all comments and prepare final documents for bidding, REG will also assist in the preparation of the bid form and in the selection of the contractor r REG/agr . A:\rev-scope.doc ~u,........u.., ~VVVI J."CV1~(;U. .l.V~Q.l\.oU "J., LVVV Scope of S~ices Proposal City of Miami Beach' . Noni1andy Shpres Golf Clubhouse Page30f 4 ," , ,--. by assisting the City in prepating pre~qualification criteria for bidders and evaluating responses. Task 8: Construction Administration . REG With its'consultants will monitor coi1struction,holdc;onstructionn:ie~tings a minimUm , of tWice a month and respond to all construction admini~tration phase duties as specified in the contract documents and Cityof Miami Beach agreement for professional Architectural , and Erigineering Services. At 11 .months after final acceptance REG,' City' Staff and, " , . Contractor will meet on site and make a final punch list on all warrantee items. ' B. .. AdditionalServices: L Prepare as built record drawings after review of existing city record drawings and verification of site condition and receipt of site survey provided by City of Miami 'Beach (City); REG Architects, Inc,(REG) will prepare CADD drawings for records. 2. Limited Site Survey including utilities, topographic and related site items. 3. Reimbursable expenses, including presentation materials for Design Review Board. (Renderings, color boards, color copies, reports, etc.) ,--. III. FEES A. Basic Services Task Phase 'L Pre-Design Phase Verifications 2. Historical,Analysis 3. Conceptual Design 4. Design Development 5. Design Review Board 6. Construction Documents 7. BiddinglPennitting 8., Construction Administration Total BasicA&EServices % 4% 3% 10% 15% 5% 35% 3% 25% 100% Fee $4,600.00 $3,450.00 $11,500.00 $17,250.00 $5,750.00 $40,250.00 $3,450.00 $28,750;00 $1~5,000.OO ,.--. REG/agf A:Irov-scope,do<: ~".lCu.....u 7, ~VVV, ~C;VlljC;U lVlaJ.'.;1.L~.1, .l.UUV Scope of Services Proposal City of Mianii Beach . "Normimdy Shores GolfChibhouse Page 4 of4 ,-., . B. Additional Services , As-Built Building Survey Limited Site Survey '"Reimbursable Expenses $8,800.00 " $8,800.00 $14,240.00 Grand Total . $146,840-.00 '"NOTE: . '.' .' . ,," REG ha& included a total.Of four (4) meetings beforeD'esign Review Board during the design 'process. Any additional Design Review Board Meetings will be on a time and material basis. See rate sheet attached. (Exhibit "A") , . , IY. "SCHEDULE: See attached Exhibit"B" V. PROJECT BUDGET: . See attached Exhibit "C" . ,-- Thank you for this work opportunity! , Sincerely, . REG hWirJo'"' .. .. m~AJ^ ""- ,-. REG/agf A:\rev.scopc.doc ~- -. -~ -...~... _.~.- _.- --- ....- ........... .., .. . R It ARCBlTECTtJRE ~ DATE: TO: FROM: RE: G I A :a CHI T COR P OR A T * INTERIOR DJIlSIG1I " 11 . EXHIBIT "e" E C B D ..."'....... T S PI.AN1II1IG March 9,2000 REVISED: Tuesday, March 21,2000 Kevin Smith. Director, CMB Parks and Recreation Ric:k Gonzalez, A.I.A., President, REG Architects, Inc:. Proposed Budlet for ReJlIwation of Normaudy Sbore. GoJfClubhouse Resolution No.: 99-230121 REG JOB NO.: 98041 Item l. 2. 3. 4. ---- Description Deto.oJition (No Environmental Work) Open LoggiaslDec:)ts (1700 sf@ $55.00) RenovatiOJl.ofBuilding ((6500 sf@$loo.00) Limited Landscape & J:rrigation Subtotal 10% Contlngency + 10% Mobllization Furnishing, Fixtures, and Equiplttent Budget Subtotal A&E FEES @ 8.5% Survey, Reimbursablcs & Presentations COIlt $ 50,800.00 $ 93,500.00 $650,000.00 $200,000.00 $994,300.00 $198,860.00 $160,000.00 $1,353,160.00 $115,000.00 $ 31,840.00 REG/agf ~o y..lft.....~l... ..4 ~ t3QS)"'.J.OQ2 ~ lIaa.tIl J)bde I!l~ ~(Sel119"2H3 ,.-- GRAND TOTAL . Bul~ 3&3 . _I Bellda lIuIte 201 . w..t hloIO ....... . u.-.. UAllnll.l11' $1,500,000.00 . CJ:\..-4....~.1o~ 11ad4. a81119 h:c t30S) 672-1010 II'Iorlft a:M01 Pee (661. 85NS46 Regular Agenda April 12, 2000 City of Miami Beach __ R7B Commission Memorandum No. 292-00 A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute Modified Sovereignty Submerged Land Lease No. 130765469 Among the City of Miami Beach, the Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency and the Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund of the State of Florida for the Miami Beach Marina. Joint City Commission and Redevelopment Agency Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (City Manager's Office) ACTION: Deferred. Judy Hoanshelt to place on the May 10,2000 Commission agenda. R7C Commission Memorandum No. 293-00 A Resolution Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to Execute an Amendment to the Current Agreement with REG Architects, Inc., as Approved by the Mayor and City Commission in January 1999, to Provide the Architectural/Engineering Services for the Phase II Redesign and/or Renovations of the Bayshore and Normandy Shores Golf Course Clubhouses and Related Facilities; Further Establishing a Negotiated Fee of8.5% of Construction Cost; Appropriating Architectural/Engineering Fees for the Bayshore Golf Course Clubhouse, in the Amount of $179,675 (Based on an Estimated Construction Budget of$2,113,800), and the Normandy Shores Clubhouse, in the Amount of$115,000 (Based on an Estimated Construction Budget of$I,353,160); and an Amount Not to Exceed $61,365 for Reimbursable Expenses and Surveys for the Clubhouse Projects, for a Total Amendment of $356,040; with Funding Available from the Unappropriated General Fund Balance, to Be Reimbursed from the City of Gulf Breeze, Florida, Local Loan Program and the Future General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Issue. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (City Manager's Office) ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23867 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Smith; seconded by Commissioner Bower; Voice Vote: 4-0; Absent: Vice-Mayor Dermer and Commissioners Cruz and Liebman. Commissioner Smith stated that the residents must be in the loop at all times. Commissioner Garcia stated that the Committee process is a problem because appointments are not being made to the Golf Advisory Board. Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli to handle. "...- Page # 33