Attachment 105 '-, .J rflH ~ - cmC. V'I\ t) B '(Y\ ~ ~ R..S V'''- t:> .r-- > CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR & COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: LAWRENCE LEVY CITY MANAGER" NANCY LIEBM' /7i) COMMISSIONE~ FROM: DATE: MARCH 20, 2000 RE: AGENDA ITEM Please place on the April 12 Agenda a resolution to declare Miami Beach as a Cultural Campus and to discuss renaming the Collins Park Complex. ~ This issue was discuss.ed at a recent Cultural Council Meeting and some of the suggestions include Collins Square; Collins Park Complex; Collins Center; Collins Commons. The name Cultural Campus causes a perception that this was the only area for culture in the city. While this may have been true years ago, it is currently not the case now. At one time the area was called the Museum District. Again, in the past, the city only had one museum, now there are three. The most common denominator in this naming dilemma is the historic name, Collins Park. Since the area surrounding the park is now being built into a complex of arts, it is the desire of many, particularly the cultural community, to rename the area to appropriately brand its image. For that reason I would like to have direction from the Commission and at the same time declare our city as a cultural campus. NLlhs r Agenda Item R ,-L Date t.{- \ '2. -OD . -.-._~._--~~ .-.--., r 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ,---- 18. 19. 20. SUGGESTIONS FOR COLLINS PARK FROM MARCH 16TH MEETING WITH CULTURAL COUNCIL > Plan for the full park - east and west side. Should be a botanical garden with sculpture and a small performing venue. Should be a contrast to the busy Ocean Drive. Must have open sight lines. Too many bus shelters surround the Park. This must be reviewed. Organize a neighborhood group to include: Bass, Ballet, Library, and Property owners. Shakespeare events would be goo~. Think of it as a sculpture garden, not a festival garden. Consider Cultural majors and small performing groups for park events. Create sculpture and landscape together as at the Walker Museum in Minneapolis. Noise issues will be a concern. Park should be passive. , ~' -,-~- '. ...~. ..,,,.. Expand the sculpture garden concept to east. Building an amphitheater would bring pressure to program it and cause conflict problems for the surrounding neighborhood. , Save the Rotunda, bl,lt limit Rotunda additions - plaza on West of Rotunda would be excellent for Ballet performances. Make sure fountains are built to work. A temporary stage would be better than a permanent stage. This would be used for small quality events (carefully regulated). Address linkages to 21" Street/Woman's Club/Garden Center and other Cultural Venues. We have an amphitheater 2 blocks away not used properly. The area will have condos and hotels. It does not need noise. Area needs a dog run with maintenance. Creatively designed - not sure it belongs in Collins Park. There is currently a dog problem in the park, which needs to be addressed. 21. Set up moveable groups of chairs - not benches (as in Bryant Park in NYC). 22. Need different levels of landscaping but retain trees and landscape. They are historic. 23. Bryant Park in New York has movies/concerts/fashion shows - no fIxed stage, but has electric/water. The center is empty for creative production. 24. To have Special Events there should be a Collins Park Events Committee (Screening Committee). 25. Create a vision statement for the Park. 26. Create a Rotunda Plaza for Ballet Performances (have Ballet help plan). 27. A temporary stage should be built into budget - consider storage needs and signage for the park. 28. The existing Collins Park will need to be repaired and irrigated for the next few years until the Park Master Plan is constructed. This is the "front door" for the Ballet, Bass and Library. r ,,-- RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23876 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA DECLARING THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH A CULTURAL CAMPUS. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach has developed over the years into a visual and performing arts mecca; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach is the home to major performing arts theaters and centers, specifically, the Jackie Gleason Theater of the Performing Arts, the historic Lincoln and Colony Theaters, and is the locale of a variety of other venues in which local and international performing artists showcase their talents; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach is also home to major cultural organizations such as the ArtCenterlSouth Florida, the Bass Museum of Art, the Concert Association of Florida, the Miami City Ballet, the Miami Design Preservation League, the New World Symphony, the Sanford L. Ziff Jewish Museum of Florida, and the Wolfsonian-FIU Museum; and /""" WHEREAS, through its Cultural Arts Council, the City of Miami Beach substantially improves the quality of life in Miami Beach with extensive grants and marketing programs for over sixty visual and performing arts groups. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA that the City of Miami Beach be declared a Cultural Campus. PASSED and ADOPTED THIS 12th day of April ,2000. wJ1 MAYOR ATTEST: ~uAr f {JMl-lA. CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION F"A1TO\1lJRNlRl!SOSICULT\JRAL,CAM ~ ,t~~i1r- Itv !tome)' 'j-).-crz) , DaliI ~ r ~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE MAYOR & COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: LAWRENCE LEVY CITY MANAGER NANCY LIEBM' CJ COMMISSIONE~ FROM: DATE: MARCH 20, 2000 RE: AGENDA ITEM Please place on the April 12 Agenda a resolution to declare Miami Beach as a Cultural Campus and to discuss renaming the Collins Park Complex. ~ This issue was discussed at a recent Cultural Council Meeting and some ofthe suggestions include Collins Square; Collins Park Complex; Collins Center; Collins Commons. The name Cultural Campus causes a perception that this was the only area for culture in the city. While this may have been true years ago, it is currently not the case now. At one time the area was called the Museum District. Again, in the past, the city only had one museum, now there are three. The most common denominator in this naming dilemma is the historic name, Collins Park. Since the area surrounding the park is now being built into a complex of arts, it is the desire of many, particularly the cultural community, to rename the area to appropriately brand its image. For that reason I would like to have direction from the Commission and at the same time declare our city as a cultural campus. NLlhs r Agenda Item R I L Date '-I-\2-0D . "'- .) j'YIl-\ C~c. V't\ \J B yY\ ~ c; tZS ,,"- D --- 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. ~ 18. 19. 20. SUGGESTIONS FOR COLLINS PARK FROM MARCH 16TH MEETING WITH CULTURAL COUNCIL Plan for the full park - east and west side. Should be a botanical garden with sculpture and a small performing venue. Should be a contrast to the busy Ocean Drive. Must have open sight lines. Too many bus shelters surround the Park. This must be reviewed. Organize a neighborhood group to include: Bass, Ballet, Library, and Property owners. Shakespeare events would be good. Think of it as a sculpture garden, not a festival garden. Consider Cultural majors and small performing groups for park events. Create sculpture and landscape together as at the Walker Museum in Minneapolis. Noise issues will be a concern. Park should be passive. ,#-. ...- _... ..... Expand the sculpture garden concept to east. Building an amphitheater would bring pressure to program it and cause conflict problems for the surrounding neighborhood. Save the Rotunda, but limit Rotunda additions - plaza on West of Rotunda would be excellent for Ballet performances. Make sure fountains are built to work. A temporary stage would be better than a permanent stage. This would be used for small quality events (carefully regulated). Address linkages to 21" StreetIWoman's Club/Garden Center and other Cultural Venues. We have an amphitheater 2 blocks away not used properly. The area will have condos and hotels. It does not need noise. Area needs a dog run with maintenance. Creatively designed - not sure it belongs in CoIlins Park. There is currently a dog problem in the park, which needs to be addressed. 21. Set up moveable groups of chairs - not benches (as in Bryant Park in NYC). 22. Need different levels of landscaping but retain trees and landscape. They are historic. 23. Bryant Park in New York has movies/concerts/fashion shows - no fixed stage, but has electric/water. The center is empty for creative production. 24. To have Special Events there should be a CoIlins Park Events Committee (Screening Committee). 25. Create a vision statement for the Park. 26. Create a Rotunda Plaza for Ballet Performances (have Ballet help plan). 27. A temporary stage should be built into budget - consider storage needs and signage for the park. 28. The existing CoIlins Park will need to be repaired and irrigated for the next few years until the Park Master Plan is constructed. This is the "front door" for the Ballet, Bass and Library. ,,-- b~4~ I ~ -:'.'/' , . , ~ I I ~ ," II.,,, . ( I " . i J , : , ( . i J r t ,I ':!-'j ~ i ~ .' -t .' I, ..' ~ ~ ,.. i ~, I, , ;~,*";m ~ :: ~ [ ~: i dil ,. i,' ..;~ >~;7L~:'~~6?~:<<'::/ ,,:-' I ~>.: ,::he~'( ;~:\:': :?t;':'l I ,~1kttt~i+'l,i"i~'I'.. ',.~~~~.~, ,,~:~,~~~~,:,'\' ~~~~~")~':':~\'::,':<"'::I '"'''::;>':\.''''~''''''' . ,,' i1r~",,~~1'\~~1~~i ".'''~Y''''~'i~~~_\\",,\~~1 "'~'~~~~~~i.~~~:-;~'~~~::- ~~~~Vk.~\~\\~1 Ililt{i~}T~1 ' -:7';'. .'.-, , ;,. ~~ ','.:.~~ ':?\ j ."..-. ...... / .. I :...J. ,,a'-'1.-.,t!I"-"<b,..fJ.'," :' 5 e ~ ." "' "- ;: " ~ _ ,..-=..,,~'O:..~ ~ ~ ~-;-:.'\ it. ~, ..J' ~~ ~\ ~ ~ -i':1. ~:~ , ..^~o:; ^vt:>/'w7 ,.~ ~ ~! ~ ' I I I '*~ .~~~, .~~~~. ~~ ~~".., ~~ ~1;, .~.,,;-:. " .,,~~,,~;.. ,~;;(,,:".~ ~-:.;~,,,., ~ ~~~~~ ~,:..,~~ :::i ~~., ~~~\:, .~~~~:'I ~Y: "~-"S'" .i ~""" ~":.,,'.:-,;. "k"'i."'i!::, ;...~~~: :~~<,;. :~~\~~~1 ..".., ,,~~~ ~, ~," ~~:~. ,.- Rola::'l A.M. Su:rn ^n.,hil~I,IS ,.-. ,.-. 4(,0 ~'!1ot .l~,11 ~rrr:I~I. NI........ Y1lfk. NY (1I0nl 'lel.~ I ~ 1)(,7 ) I 00 F.II !ll ')(\'! i')HH November 10. I9"JK 14<.tI"f'elll &. Auu..intc:!I CITY OF MIAMI Hf.ACH }l!:(;J()NAl. Lllm"RV SummA I'" or PI'C'Clnt{ldun" to CllIllullrntr)' Onlu'llDU:: Wew, 0,1. 28, 1~98 IOtl.In.: Ru.liincx.... Ar~ And 111C/lltl~ (jnlllr~ Sn.ul.: IlolMunwuor In)" knder 7.tboue Hy: I'R!:~"NT: Myra l)i~ J)utnCllytlli (A::sislunr City MIII\I1~t:r) <.:iry <:llmI11i~,:lijollt:r Nnncy Li\,)hnlun (ItlliIJjn~ C.lllHllill~t: Chili,., ^I~); l.;1milt (Vrinc:i(lIlJ. Retbcrt A.M. :-ilc:m Architects) Jnitnc: Iklroilj (Ilrin\fipnl, B~lmUi iUhj A3:mcimc:f) J4YII Z4:hedC3 n~rlljccl ManK~Jr. lJ()tTelli a.nd A-.;,soci:lI'e!i} Mtlrcns fr.tnllJl (princjpl1l. )irunkcllll1d Ax.o;l"cinLI.I:'i. (1It:.) Jnr~e E. <.:hrtnllld (Prnjec1 MIIl\uJ:;c:r ti.lr (~ily nf Mil:1nli Bench) J lnrnul S~hwn.nkc (A.,."tsulllll lirL'ctor" :\.lll1lni.l)udl.: Pllblic I.ihri\ry ~~'!i1cm l (jl,lrtnl,Ju Millur (Ov~rsi~lu Cumlnill~~l I.::llllnc Webhurl; (Ovcf)i~hl COIllIniur.el Willitun Cau) (1IiJ,tnl'ic 1T~~l"Vntll,") Mernhes n( vAriut.l' l.:llmlllunily J;nl!lp~ il1l:tuc1II!;;: J.D. Sh:ol C1111.:..t1riLlI;;C "l1'll:l\Ir;r) J:ric Fi)l/O (Colnny TIlt:tttet) Murlin Sc;w,", (The Abbey Hm.l) Slulln BlUlnherg ((jreljtur Mil\l1li 11(111::/ ^~~IM.:intinn) .IllMeph Nuwl (Owtlur, Wull1c':i) Ciulnl1d Knhen ,Culn,rol A,b Council) ~pt:Q.'" TaUy Mi.ll.mi Bedell Pr:''ll.'r\llJl1lln Ll.::lj.:;lIC PUrllU!\C fIr Itr\.~~n'.HtltllUt: Tn I~cilitut~ lUul c/If.:uuragc r.;.l;nnmunily involvcm~nf ill Ille clevel(ll"'lllunl urlhe Clllllmll tlillLricl, e~pucinlly as jl f'l~rtHin.~ \U t!1" pl1.11sihle l'ulur<;, l.lJ:l;!~ ,,(Ihe p~rk IIncl "f1ellllda. - ,~lII11InHry: lJuth pre'lCIlIHtioll.l( lllllrtltd ...,ill, an inuvuuctlun om! o\"erview of [he rrnjClc.:1 "y '-1yrll Pill?' RutAC.::woli. The.: GuJIUr'D1 Cnanpll$ inchllJe9 tht: UU.'t.1i ,"1uli~um or Arl, l.c:urrtlntly undt:r~tlilll: nil cJl.f1I111:sinn whIch I,,", ~cht;':uuled In be COlnr'lld.urf on OCll)her !lIQQ), t/u: Mi;,.u111 C:iry Hnll::!. (collsfnlctinn recently sllirtetJ ant.llhe huildins plu.n.:l Lf) lJpl.:l1 ny ^U~~I:it ('If 191~)1. thL: n~w HCt;illlllil Lihrary. (wilid will ruplne:: Un: c:tlsllnlo; rHcilily), and lllW'.li 400 CII.r :':9nt"~. A !t.l.ly' ulemunt (If" eh" prnjl.-.cl. i.!l the tJU.,I~ll of lhe pllrk. llnu .11rQcT.';I.;Kne whi~h willut! IUj;.t'IIll.:r till 1/1-..: ~lr\ll,:lurc.'\ inlu 01 new {.:ull.urull>i!iuicl. CrJltlmi.~inno::r I.iebnl/Ul fnllo....l:tl wirh rC:111nrlu ll~ 10 Ihe llllp("ln~n=e uj" (';on\tllunily ill \,0 0 h,;eUH!IH ill dcr~l.nl illin, tIll: (Ulurc 1.1:\::::1 ul' the: pnrk and tho:: Rotullciil. Priur tl) the t1rchirlJd'lI e:('lh;;u,jj"e C(lI"tC'.I.:P CUll I d.::~i!;n, il 1.'1 il:1f1IJrt:Ull to ~tlil1 unc1cr;ofmn:.1jn~ or" rile: comllluniry.... prillrfllL:.~ !IIH! inLen:sl.~. r r Rtlhc.:r"\" 1\..'vl. .'1'1"1'11 A,dliH't'l:<; ,.-- ,...;...;I..J= J 'l'l(l W~'.u Yhb .'llr":C'I. N(."", YtJr!" NY IOlllI/ 'I;~J 1/2 ')(,7 ;1l1fJ bl}l2 IJ(,i i'iXX !'\umnuvy of Pr~clltl1linll~ It' (;C'lnll1\lllity City ofMhuni ACl:ICh -1(c;iomtl1..ihrnry No'"nb", J 0, 199X ?g~e2 fnll'lwinl; Alc:\ 1..l;U't\~'(1 pt~scml:llil1n or rhe pmjct:r lt~ 1,lIali subl1liul.:u Iii. ~he <.:omllClition ill M.,y l~( Itll}lf,lhc meC'tjn~ WIiS opened Itllhc: f1uhlic fM voiL.:ing ~ht!lrtiUl:lrlillu. ur ClllleenlS. 'l11UI';l,l im;luJl.!d: I. I'^K,,'N\J: ^n impun~nt cOIJt:epl inlhc: ^rcl1it.:c:'s I1l:1.rk IlrClIJu:lId i... lht: Cnnrlrllli1!ion "r,he p.ll'k Jfl fhe oce~:HI. 1n order Iu HL:hic:ve this.. the par\Cing jn du.: biock I-ns! ul" ClIllin.'l. i!l n.:plu,'cn hi diltgunlll rnrlt.iul;j. linamfl :hc 1'1'1'(1 ('rn{'l(l,cd bfuck."i nf'pnrk. ~ilh tllc e:cccpllon nr"f"o!lil1) Avenue;, "1111'; ['UhliG i, CnllL;l1f1Il.:!J Ihnllhi.'l will nor pmvillc .~l1ff;ci,nt flt1rklfl~. H) ^ddi[iurutl J1:1rkjn~ 111 ll:wce: II WU"I )otul.:~~Cj{c=d 10 oplll("e rh<- p<.llfHihili,y (If ucJJin. lIne ur lwo ,~tC'lrb h.1hu G:l.m~t: :l\ruc:.tuN. or lit lUI&o11 rrovicilfl!:l ,,"nic;iCnl ~lrU(;lUrnl 30ppurt In ncid Iln: nUl.II., ill Ill(; luulrc. :r (:lOtI~ ht.-co/llc IlYI:ulahlc and [here :s inc.fet.:u rlcl.:d for ;u.l"lllllntll rll\l1i.lllg. h) l)illl:ol1l1l P3rkinl!: 1'h.:r~ \IOUn! tlthe'r wrlClJm~ 1t)(prt'~~uU in r~hM.J:t hI Jil4].nlltd F::rricrll);. If if: imporhll1t tn illquin. "",ith :he ,""'ia.mi Hench DOT since IlllrrellrS that clltt{.:,OliuJ pju'kjJ1~ rn...s~nl.'llrlun: ll/'a dl1ngt;l' In red~lrIlU1.'i, ,'iki1l~r..., 11m! "ieyelr.:::l: than other Iyr'!e.... ufp"'kiI1Y. 2 l'AIlKINi1 CAllA(;F: in Jinlrnnccs: The public ~~recd wirh ~hc prcPO:fr.:u d(lUble: f'lcl1t:.o;triill1 l:ntr{jnc.~ u. rhl! gam~c:. in urder ro IIUUll.! it convenient to the new ('flO'wm:c: 1(1 thl,l' BII"'III LInd lu lhl.l lu:ur..: tlfl1rMnCe)l Orlhu J.ihmry unJ 111C Miumi <":iry lJnlh.:l. i:") l-:Juvntiof1:.: The: IIrchilC",\;( prC:~lu:d the dc:1ign canc::plltlr Ule llat'Ugc ~t:'Uclun: which witS U1Hilanan and ,Yt!l fied Iu the languilgo of ~he Lih~r)' rhtulll:h mnLL:ritlJ.... and l,lr.:--'u. Mr. ~rencer Tany nf ~lC Miami H~Jll;h I~Crvuli(ln l.e'~'l~ull' feh enll Lhll' arr:cuhlliflll ()J' the l~C;lde" ctluld h~ rurtn!!!' dtyelnrltd. ], 11~li~ Of I'^KK: Nec:d lu Rer:ulall!: A pllrlicil,nlll. ,~fr. Fl\rku);, Ul(rrenctJ o;nn':l;rtt UY/.::{" the l),I"~:\ tlr-,:v\:f\L" rhlll will Inkc phu;o IU the: rnrk. 11 i.:s impcndivt: ~Jlflll.hc.: r::il)' t::iUlt>llsI1 guiu~lilll::~ thai wi/: PI"\,"'O('e, culluml Ql.;liviti=s ttUt.l.IUC So.:l\~iliv~ fO U\e ~pucc (~tl\,.:h il.'; nu~d\lUl' CI)I\tl".rt "eries) UllJ l.Jcler ulhof' [ypt;:; "Ui1irs or 1i.::iI'i\ul.'1 which will he ul.:lrrme:ltcl/lt1 tht.: rnll.: flf~n\li(!1I111hlll. sou~ht in 1I C:ull.lll1\f Dislrict II) :-;luuh:; It is imfX'l"umllu er=mc open ~P"C~S wjrh sLIIij(;rclll "~hadt'o 'llhl:~i.,L'.lh~y WlIIl': he: lI!cIJ :-:i" nWIl/hs of lhc y~"r. hJ Pl/tlii~ 11ncjHtius: ^ punicipllJll r.:xj"lre.'l!j('"u Clll1CCI1l .lIblllllll~....d I'nr publ;!: t'nl:iJili....~~lldl ;t.'i rC::lln)()n1~. lulcph()lle~ .nd eduetdcity ulJrine. n Jllri:i~ CVlJUt. c) PI}t~GITI(I,"J: Tht= uwn~r ur lhe ^hl'x:y r lOla! ,'iu\'u':cs:l.:U rot (;r~rjol1 (II a chih./rcl1 's plnygrullnd. The.: n::splln~e Wit:! thoU rht'rt: iJre nUll1er('\U~ nluY2.roun(l~ in th~ cily, ...no tlllH r:{llljfl.~ J'nrk ."lhfltlld rc-rnllin" l.'lJltmni Purle.. ~IL~ No,~~{ ll~~l '=~ l' 4c~1 W..'lil ,,~rh~Irt."Cr. Nt"W'r"..k. ~y IO{)(I/ '1~:l.~.IL'JrI7 'iltlO r;:u 2JZ')(j; ii~X '~ lU:Kcnica FAX ;B~5 .-j-J" ;....:....:= j ---- Summllfjl of rre~enlllliol1.:1l^ C;IJml:lunily City 01' Miwni Belich. Rl.lgiMwll.Hmuy Nnvt':lnner In. 11luII f'K.ge. J H.oht.!.! A.M. Sa:I'11 A/"I.:I';!l.t"l.~ 4, SOCIA I, C:()Nl"~R"S, 1:1;) rJllmelc.'\.": ^ memher of ~hc ,omrnunhy t:Xrrt:!llietJ 1.:f1r.,,;:um OYl:r :1;... ill!luunl 111 h"mcjc.~~ puof1lc ~d rC.'Iident.1t of tMe aJjwc~1H rwcdil)' rM the lIlcrtLil.Uy dJ.c;atllcr. rllflc rrequcnt Ihe CUtl'unll.iMt"Jry 1:lnd Pl'lrK. II WIlli .'uued Ihil[ l1::s is nul:\ pmilJcltl ,~re:;:lic ro .\.fi"1111 I1Cftch, htlllllltl it is il pwhfenl inLTllt~ic to puh/i..: !"Jildill~.~ <lll:J f.1Cjlili~.~ i,l itr.>, IIrhrm.lc:l1ing. t~lIl1mi~~lullur l.icnmnl1 ,-espunde:d llulllhe:: c.:ffiJf1:O: In !\rin\; rClll",~","1 m lh~ IIrClI. will hclp hrillt: me 1:cnet'l:Ll rAlblic!('l fhe :lr~1l and hUI"ctldly deter. tII:wlulIed :;1I:.ell:o. fnlnl frcQuentin~ rill.: ruliur:1ILJi>otrict. h) Crime; Mm1in St.:u.~.~=rn nllC~LI thar lh~ park W(l~ currently nil If.rt:lUt Ii'r df\J!;.s ,IllJ f1ru"liunloll d~nlin~ Hc: .~IIJ;gU5ted In cl1gtlL:e rh.c !oIL.!rvicu t\t' :nun: I,olice \Jflic.:.r:l'~ in the tlrelS. I h: Illso f'!.ised cnncc:mJ: o...ur r.nt current re.,jJl:nt~ ui ~/1me:ll t1uildinJ;s amI lhe Inck I1f CUlltrol Wilh SlI'llY Ct1hl. Mr, 1.01mb shHrecl Srlmc n':"l\E1rk.s ahuuc :hc rx1Wt:r .If in.lIlihltinl1111 dc\"dupnu:l"l( inl1r1nglny :wcinl rchi'\t'liliru.tion III i'Ll1 uren l Fur e.!:t. I.illl.::lill C,'C:I;tcr ill New Yurk). ,~, liS!; or J(on 1~IlA: The nrifllin.1 dc:bllw in rUYHrd!i in rtle Rotunull in\lulv~d the dcci~ion lL'i to "",hll!fnl.ll" il wu~ t{\ .-. oc r~al'Vec1l1r dc:111Uli"h~ along: withlhc f'e)lllfthc l.ihro.lf} ~lnlcll.lrc. 'Inure!ll'\: Ilwner('t.:. ~rOUfllC in the cUUln1l1nily \.,:hich ha"" ujln::\ac:od their inf::-c:ll in Kt:crll1g. ~he !(ntllur.!a, incluclJni:i. nlc)1I1 ,lOjs-uiticMlly, hl3curi, pn.:~crvi'l~:OIl !;:"OtlpS. Tn\.: Archi(c;:j',l propo.~:'.l l:ndor:u.lll thl;: rn:1er\'l!tiorl of rIle R(lUmd". There Itrl.l it num(~r or dit1i:nml ll~ t111d :In: heing cOll~lder('tl for the strtlcture. Currently. thc De...dt1!"lllcnl <,1' the HUlundn inlo lUll tllhr.l1" use i... not put IJr Ihe COnlnel oorwccn chlo: Cily (l( Minnli Rcnel) IIIUJ IlK.: ,\rt:hitc:t.:t:J. f':l;r C:dn he incnrpufllled rulln"'illg. dh:: Cil}'.,'l.lircL;liYc, Hlock BOA ThCUll."r: Ttu: r'\n:hirec":l11n:.d hl:tll ucJvi~ccllh:1f 1t1l:M1bur... of Lhl! c(,mmulIity. espoclUlly lhen.t(,'r &rtluJ'l.~ WC,Tc.: very inreru.:ltd in :ldap1inl:t tIll': cUM't.:lIl. rOlunuu ~nrIlCll1."'C for lJ.''IiC as H hlnck hill( lhuatl!l". The Archilul.:lll hIm.: C;J;pn.:.....'tCd l;llnccrn Chm thc struc<u:'c Inay Ilut h. llifS: \iIUHI!;ll In ~lIppnrl u Iheotor, If tllJditiunuJ lIf)tJ(,:CS IIfC reqll;r~ !ill" :tllpp11l1 nmJ ~cr'Vicc It will be uca-ilTlcnr.allU tht: ('lIltUrlsl {lurk. J.ll ~lcd ti.o II 1 Thit; Urid~~ Tl1enlcr cxpn.:.'<.'ied his views Which iuunrify the Rllllmdu U:l 11 pcrf;;;: r.J'1 ,~t"i11 lhl.:ut"':". lie: cnnllnellfeU llmr thu current htlCM ,'pm:..:s wIJuld be :lU~IIUtllt' rur dr::i~ir.;;. lln:tl.'l Itl"ld cnnlrol hoOrh. nlC Architccl.'i rl;~ll[nfllcll<l tllgH~jng It !'hellt::r \';tln".;lIll~lnt!u OMn...R" lln: fCIl:lihililY ,,(eNllling u themur in tht..: Rmunclll. Mr. Smel alloll Hll.:l1tio;I:J'J 111lu. hijvin~ ufchjret:lt~ dr.iwin;~ iJenli f"yin:.: lllc mrllm.!;1 n:> ~ lhrall.'r cl,J~lld rn~'ijiln1~' lu:d mi~jl,g (ur the prnjeCl. C..f~: ^ l'.'..~ibili~y dc::o..,;JibutJ ill thd AI"Chlrr:t:I'~ C\Jrnp~ljlion 1^=~i~JI. c.c.hihilllll1 Spuct:: T1"Ie l"lJrrelH Direcllll" of the Atl...... MuseUln (;\csa:nt lit Ihi:1 pa.rriculnr pn:~entl:1tion) hnt.l t!xpr~s!ied Ole iuca of \l.'.in~ thllt Klllunda for 1':xhibILiuJI :..pilt:L. rertl:iinillL:. tn flIt Cily urMinlni Ilcll.!:h (:lrh,"l.:itic.ally tl. I.:u/lcclion olllhe wort llr r.rchil:.::.:: MUlTi!' 1.1Ipiuu/ol) ---- ,~ ,,,...,,I~a rH" ;;",,;,00 'HY' PAI;~ s 1(dl W<:>, ,1~lh ~"\"', N,.w Yurko I'Y IImlll '1<:1 1.11. %7 ~ WIl I'::,!I" %7 \\~~ ,..- SUIlllnflry nfljrt::tCIHa<<lOllll:U Cmnmllnlly CUy nf MiRml BUttCh - Rcgiunall.ibr!lf'Y Nuyumh... 10. 19uR P1t!?U 4 Rllhc.:n A,M. St::rn ^TJ"\l;h'\.'I~ II) Vi.'iilor tnlhrmnlion (i:nr.er: ,\Ar.\'. G~1'1rud~ Millel' .~uggcnC'd ll1l41 Ihe J.llltulldll will make " U!"".Jbt viJitor Cl:!nrer. lln intrCldul:tion t(1 rh" l:ulLl.zr11l CllmpU:i untlwlhc CilY nr' Mltillli n;r.ch. Shl: "uSgl::Sll..-d ~ho: ptl:s.~ihi/llY uf hLtvln~ Ii. lilOl ns 1I11 intrn.dul:!ion to rhl.: ll.rcfI. Mr. ~pcfl\;t;r Tnlly 111M C:ltJll~=d tllu u~ of [he Rlltund.l:l ~... ,Ill VI:\illll' celll~.'r lIe CfllT1ll1r.:nlcd t!l<!r .:mch (1 u,r.: wlIdd l;ivc the l1ar~ II mrll'e ;ldiw lL~": nil " :Iay 10 Uo.I.!' hn;liZl whil.;h wCluld brinc.li~e Itllh~ r.1l'\: uu1'intl, Ihe "':1]", 6, P!.:RFORMINU fACILITY IN THE CllLTlllli\Ll"i\MI'lI~: Whefhcr or nOI the ROrlll1ua will he alloc:!ut.!u rM g 'Ino;rer, there ill illlcrc11 ill hrinl=ijll~ III rhe lU'ell t\ IllJl'<.l~d 1,N ~I perfum1ins llpUl.:e. ":rit,; Fli,,". Pruuuc;lion Mllllngcr uf:hr: Clllon)' 'nu.'1t.f wc(1ro.sm intl;:r;), in inr;orpunu.lll\C. $uch lJ .spsct: :t1I0 Ihe: l.ihmry, Orhcl' partici\Jillll' i,l:.u o:c.prcs.!Icd UUU nil ^uditoriu," in lhu I.ibrillY WitS CnJciilJ hi Ihc CCllon1lmi,y, Tne f1n:tlltecr ro~rmndcd (hltr illrhlJu\:h rl1t:rt! i1i CLJrl'-:':I'Hly n 10(1 'tnl luclura hull in r.hu pn)p(lXU Uhrary. II pc.:r1f\nninu 'pAC~. wCllIld toc;uire l110te ~llPilnn 'pm..:c" cr~:Jtjl1!; il :lIurc I.:umrtcx .nct cU~IJy f'm~nUT1, 'nIt! ^rchill~CI.' r~';oHtnll:l1d dUll irtucJcc:J t/1C cay wnllls lo inc:uJc 11 nlnck Om. 'J1lctltQr in till; C:ultLlrltl (~l/l1pu~, tile 4L1U~iic:.l/hut sht1l;Ju he pu~d i~ mil "lJo..":'C Ir Ot in [/'1\: RuUIO'h't'l, hut (tither. Whlll would he ~hc hc.,,' sptlct: retr II lhc:ucr Ilnd wher.: sllould ir he" Olller nossih1t= lOc:ulillnlii IfltntiotleJ fl)f' ~llJ crearil10 nt'tt JJIa.r.;k Hux 7'helllL'r wen: in~ide Ihr.: rropm:.d parkinG ~'::tt:.c or 110 !he g,ruund r.uo.ing an::a tle!\tw.i tt\e Fl\lr'Q6eu - I.ihrnry. \.tl'3. Wci,burg mentillned thl:lC llle City Or M101l11i BC;J.c!l pllln,..; to build a flew f'ellilrmiug; AM) C'l.:nter for the IUI:l:l( Ili~h SdlL'til, This cnuid rrn\liJ~' tho flll,liJi~ III l:IccnmmudaJe pcrlhmlinl,:: n~cd~ in th= city. 7. ART~ IN PIJIiI.'C SI'^<....'-:.c:;; Mr. Onlonu KnhclI nr(lu~hl u{1l1:c ;1U"j~\,;t IIf Arr~ in l'tiblic Jlh1cell, .1mf hu\40 it wus impOM.ltn( tlllt( if be ill harmony wirh the C:ullllrnJ !Ji:.;tricL The" ^"hjwcUi hclicve dlHl JillclI.lt.'iinns with rhe ^/1J<: is PuhJic PIMCiHl U~ulJ.tl3huulct bc~11t early, !'iO t\.'lln t:'ttsure Ihul the An will dllulnce Ihu dOlili~n intolll of :.ld. indiV'iuuul 'lftfCUJre in the ptfr\c :'l.~ well ~ th'll'ultur-.u Oi:llri,.~ 11.'1" II willi/C. It was DI.~1I :;uggc:'ilcd tlH:l! the t:ity !Iec.:i :1 ,olnpctitivl,t rncdltxJ 10 nllow ruT!$l~ t.o prtJ~nr WtlrX.s of Art' for the Prujt:Cl, .\.lr. Fli...t from the Cllluny '!lICHter :wg;;.:sted Ihe itlU:1 oftlSculprure !..i.nu!:!n ill In!! pork. 8, LIHflARY' II) I,(lcuticm of Cbildrun'!t Section: (jen:rutlc Millur ,~\I~U,'iled rovetsing dltl; usus or' L~(; mmuy Mlhuy Me: in the prtlpnscu hllik.Jin~. MllVi"~ tMe ndull.'! t(1 thu /ir'll I1m1l' ami th<: chilclrell lollle ~uc'llld IKJillr wtluJd a::uut'c dlllt lh, Lihr:lry wOllld lllll ,~ccm empty d(:riT1~ Ih.tdo)l,...In..:1.l children lln 11111 .,i:lit ~,ht: Uhl"'.u:' unlit ilnlJr.';C!lonl in 1!U: atternodll, Mri:, I )j,tl.(, AUtllt.::1\ooll vnicer.! CClll~ms in n:~:'trds tll h8vin~ the.: childrun's ~ccrian ."n(lV~ hllhc ~CCOIIU t1Oc.w. ,"'IIt.:h tL" jl1~n.:li."erJ li:10ilily. nCli~c cnrUrlIl. ncl.:u.,;.~ rut' ,"lwlluf.<; i10t..lllC::;SS to j.lMnlen. She J1!~tJ nlelllione:lllhlill .he: Li"rur)' could prnvil1c iidtJHiolllll prny.l1:irn" rur c::hildrl!I1 durir'~ 1111.,- riny, in/,;JLlJinb t.'IJYler~ Hl1d 5Cl1oul Clgu chikln::1'll fl(n:.:,nun,<:', h) l\eferlJnce: ^ pRltlcipAnr ~xDro:<l,.<<1 hill vie..... IhAI il \..\.Iih imp~lrtu.nt III htlYu 11'i 111UllY de:tJc,,, fur rcf~r:.:ncl: buoks n'S 111O"IC: :tll('l\.:~luc.1 f.. CCln'flull,lj'". r- .-- ,......-...., ,-- Rllhl.:rl ^.M, 'sn:i'll ^rc.:llitc:\::~ - ,-- -~ . o !~.~cnlca ~H1. ~O~O -,"" ?~G:: 6 1(,fl Well :Hu, SItl.'l1, "'t"'4' Yurk. NY !unOI IH .~I~ IJh7 ~1()(J li;l~ .~ll""61 ,,)~Xl'\ Sllmm:try of Prwwntfttif\l1. lu Cllrl'ln1\11lil). Cily ('If Miami Hench. /(ct!innnf l.lbnuJ' NU\lt:m(lt:r 10. 19CJK I'HB~ .~ Ovcr3iJ.' tlllnk.~: 1I i:c important In i1RSun.: lh~t ther!:: will he lnrge s;'eJvin~ (n QccUlnmndnre lilfJ:C YlliUlnC::-l or !lId hi"lDfic:lI11nd An i1ullk.... Sirnilhrly, dlen: ,.,.hOl:ld he d~b IHr!:!! enou!::h In view J\Jch u\lltl"si2.f.l yulumc,'4. l)i~rlilY: 'lllc:rc wa." expreSlJOO intere::il in having diliplt\)' iJrcns IlII wijlls ;;lId un tllhl!:.,; Ihrnughl1ul t!H,: l.il~mry. lil1lrHncu: (j~r1rtlJr.: Miller cxprv~d conCCr:1ut./ (ly~r l/lc 4ccc:...."ibililY lollu: J.ibl1.lr;. lilr pl.ldc.'lrri.Qn~ urrivin~ by hts... rronl <':ollin,li .""vcum:. (lowever, 11 i... tl4ually irTlfllH'tnlll1u l\live U1t~ entry (lr ll'1e ne\Ji Lihrary estahli:'lh 1\ dYnl\lnh.: tJill.lm: with 1t1L: cnlrnnce.'t lulhe Rnllellsnulh-= BI\5!t Musuum. "11e cUr."l:nt I'roposl'd Ul1fry "",ltich "nth frt,llt!i ihe.: pnrk lUll! )leI tUidreJlol.!l' Ihl: corrlel', IICcnmriish.u ~m(h. Unrdcn: There Wt1~ t:nnt:em ~xpn.:~::i&(j (l'J-:r the f'nlprtllect Kllruun in lilt: hrtck of the litlmry which fnc~ Itn ~ ,~tory ~uh!ticli1.:d li....in!: arartnlenl huildillJt. '11u.: Ar:.:ni,ect uc..'tcrihe=d the intent. in IIsilllJ' :s I'cl"Utllv. or trC!lIi.li co ,lIcruc:!t I1hl ~urtlL:n from thL: nCliJlhl~rin~ huildin~1 Archive:s Ufl'lty {J!" MiMIl llcach: Mr. ~tL1~rt. Rlunlbc:ry :i\I\U:t:sred lhe creUril)11 (II" tin i1rcl1i\lO dTC:1 in the l.ihr:sry to hou!'C ulll...:.un~tll~ 1/'::1.1 arc ~t(crucJ:lll <lrtltlnu thu ('otll~t:" Thi,. will crcJdc: It ~rent rClluurcc (('If Ihllllcity. 1ol.............'11."."."..".._".,~._...."._.r.' ,- --- noh"!"l ^.M. Sll'nl An:hill:'!.l-" ,- ......... ' ~", _V"'V c'" PAG: 7 4()U Wl..... ,i4lh Slre,'..:I, Nl.:w Yorl...!"-IY IDUOI 'Jj:I.n~ 1)(,] 'lUn r;ll .~111)hl '~HH NllV.,"""r 10. 199~ &rrc1Jl &: A_M'.eM CITY OJ' "l1^MI BJl:ACH H.Er.IIlI'f^L I.IBRARY ",..II'1t MI.,i,,,, Me,nall ",llh Llbl"llry OIn.;.1I l).tOlTi...:, w,.t. (l<,1,1X, IOOR 2:00 r.m.: Uy: JM)'1l KdJL.'t'lehedl: rkr..~t:,vr: AIl:x l.nrnj~ (Principa!. Rnbctl1 ^.M. ,~IU"Tl ^rchllc:r.:I~) hil1l!: Aorulli (Principl1l, I\nrn:1II "nd ^}iMICi,llc,'l) Jny.a lc.:})edl.l (l)mjecl M.llnnicr, lllll'Telli ,lful ^S:wcilllcJo:) M.rcu~ I"rank:l (11rincip.I, J1nmkd Dnd ^&l,Iuciatu;. Itll':.) )uryc H. ChnnrJna (I"tt~ecr MDt\lIllJer' FtlrCity ul'MiuUlI RQ:l(.11) Ru.yrnnnd Sl1IllillgO (Diroctnr. Milll11i.l")aul: Puhlit; l.ibr:.lJ') Sy!Wnl) Hnrrie~ SchwMnk" (^):lI~lltfll Dir~ur. Mijtl1li..f)A,lc P1.Jhlir,; t .ihrury Sy,'U.:m) "'-CC:ddu; K~vlcw prnpo:jC(ll.ihrnry pru~ml" rukJ dlSlCi~n. ~lImm.l')': TIlc fnU",..,ing nnt i.uuc.'llhal w~ utl:!cCI n(tliSl;l!.'I.,jun duril1bt :Iu: l1leelin)o(: I. AtJt)ITC)R.llIM: '[1''11: lfudiwr1mn ,~lluuld be lurier lWllluaC i, !;nn eC(;4JmlfllldlllO lip III J 50 pc,:uph.:. Art:hiwcrs wilt inert:2tSc its: ..i~C, h)' rn.njpula~inG Imp!"n" :Ire!."! i1rt)unll it 'J11C Liorary ollicilll, aJ.~l eJtl're~ IMI itx lOClltiun cahJ Illnve xincc then: Wit' nn nea.:d to hllvlJ IIlU.1'mr.UC cnlr.IllCo for AucJitoriuJn. ll,ing the Auditurium during nffht1un.:, will pn::3CIII :J R1IU'1,ogumont prnhll;m lhnllc lihrnry. a;v~n the {It'OximiLy to ulc.....lur. Ilrchire=L.'\ will ~Ik!; nct.:C$.'lury Ine.rulures 1n l&hielu the nni,'lc trlln1lhu ~udiftJrJtllll, 2. I-:I.EVA 1'CJRS: 'IllC'IY mil)' nut he the nec:u for twu c:leyutor:l for the puolic. One Jill' Ihll lluhlic linn tIne (m' Aurvicl: ",hl.luld hr: .::iUmCIet11. ,I. (;llll,nl.urN~' ^"'t-:A: 'lhe Children's j~ .,hauld he 911''I/tllc:r. .l'h~\: WRS c.lhH::lssi<Ul as Inlhu pO$",i\lUity ufmuvil1p: illll"'IHi~, '111., Ilrohitl:C:: l:~pn,:.'3l:d t1W: while r~Llcini In: ~i1'..e it is bc~t tn kc~p it dOWNItain, TJu.:rc: call ~ more proKlnlll:( for l.:JlihJr=r1 during the ":1)', to IIvoitl thl) ro:HI1S pfw"l^jn~ intO}ill .~mp\y lihrnry" while childre/l aN fit 5(.:houl. ~, ClRCUI.ATION' WORK ROOM: 'In. Cire..I",!"" "'"r. ""'Ill C"" 1lC'lI1all",', .'. ~HCllt\nY: Thw~ Wl1" ft di~LL'Isiul1 uholll sr.clJrily. 'l111.: Lihnuy nrn"iHIR fu/t th..u lne: purson nl the cin;u/lltiHl1 uc"k ct\llnor o"t:~ IScliviry III IhL! (l1.un 1I11(ll;at~ III Cl,mcnt l'i\:tiOll. ")1:)' :'Il.l"U::l.'MtoiJ mnvinJ; the circulslinn d~k to {ht: front lltlwcvl:r. Mr. l.ntni.<; c.:lIl.phailloo lh.llt il WlIS il1lpul1Hnc tu kO::fl rt~ I'ubli~ MflIluc:'\ jll IhlOl. Il ~~ liiugY~:lted In {Ilnl (he ~laCk.~ illlhe ulhc;r dircclilln r\J ullllw ~t't:(ua vi:O;ihflilY Ifill! ~rea Jill'" drcuhnicll1 (lc.-;~. I'i. COFFHll RAn: Th" I .ihrary umt:ijhti "l11c::,tiOlloo lht: pl11ll0"lcd InCH['''f\ u(lne ....'II1i.-C hM!", II .....Il.'t t:UJl,b'Cl'4lulllluu tile nrcIHIUCT.l6 rclllcOllu il Kujf1c~!l111l till': "ttrrl"'"fl [lrtlv klin)!. uct't.:."l( hI tilt: utlluours. 7. 1':XPF.NDAJ1I.ESt'ACl-:""': M1":I. Sl.:hwllnkc: c:r;"rn!l~ dun the flll1nwit11: ~"ucu.o,:. cum:lIlly l'" ll,..=' r...o........( .i..l/l.l::l'ti 1 .'7 ID:Konica FHX S635 F"''' PAG.= S ,litO WI':'i1 J-1dl ~1rr.r:1. NI."W Ynrl<. NY 1000 I 'Id:! I i. '}(,i ; I no r::I .~ J? 1)(,7 i'iMK r Minut= of. MWLin&; with l.ibn'l) ()I1i..iills ("ifY or Mlo,.; H.lch - Rc"illn,1 LibrJljl November 10, I9'lA r:l::c~ n'lh~'~r A..'-t SI'.:rn Art Ilill~o,;tll in rhlo: prllt'=,"m nn:: c::<p>:nde:bh:; A. t:umf'tutar Tmiuing l{mlln (Tmininll; scssiuru'i clluld tnkc :;llnee in th~ lluditnrilllll wilh u llrnjecrion gCTI;t.:r1. n. l.)uivf ~bJdy R.oom C. Sfllnll \'ol.JOr'Cf"OllC:C room n. Young A<.Iulr MlmnGer ufncc. (C:nulc1 he ~lnflOlleU in Rcft:0:ilC: Un.:lI) L. Y""n~ Adull Sf,lt (r:nllld be ,Ioli"nod in Il.r....""" ","") R. MIAMI HR^CJI AJ.lt'tIIVE$.:; The il.llilul: uflm nraa nJl0e&llou tel Millnli Ucm;!1 arc.;hi'te.s .....IS., di3CU5~. Mr. ~nntjl\go lIotal Ih;n nlthough It Is a PUliliihililY, i1lm.:sents probl~n.~ in 'crn'l:i of luJtJitinnl\1 sfomng thal will bt: requin:u. Q. AK'I'S IN PI JRJ.fC PI.ACI:.S: Archi,ecIJsh(Klh.l he iJ1Yol~ with the process urHull.ll:lil111. Mr. umis: t...,t.; 1h,,1 ill:lln hili. W'Cll uppurtunity. lie wuuld lik.: In l"l(: nnliliuJ Ufl.hc llC;(r 11'1ecling ufnl>: An:. in Puhlic 1'1RCt::i UOllru in nr.ler!AI v.<:l invtltvt:d n.~ 'Mly 11:1 J111"'...ihlc MI.. t:hanrund will fry tl1 ~choc1ule this I11l!uting. r- 10. FI.EX IIJILJTY; TIl': Lihnuy ufficinl!l woul.cJ lilce the I\ew l.ihr'oU'Y leI pl1)vidu J1uJliilili,y in ('rder to :.ttJUrtl,M chl1nl;in~ ntHkL't flnd r~chnuluAQ'. Mr. lAm", prc:'lc:ntc:d thu pn);,llihiliry or haviUl; tI misC4.f nuur III L:urlnin lImiloo :lret\&. which IIllhnll~!l n costly pmpofiiitinl1. i1l1ows rut J;T'CIltl:!" t10xlbility (nr Adapling to IiJlUrc lccllllulnb'Y. S(l111'; Ill.~ I.jhrnri:~ hllvc an 1(" roLisec.l noor. Mr. l.ami.~ st1~cSlLX1 !hill in this t:3~. a 2 v,. or J. r\l;",oll nnor 111AY hI.! :ftllTIcicnl for CUllUuill(. Ir i~ ;J1,o ~ihft: t" rnj~c the t1unr (loll' ill hi~h tuc.:hnlllt,g)' ttl"\al." IImJ ,.....iu thtl ~.!AN ~l nthcr I\rCA:s. II. ~l:f{ V'l-:~: 'I1H:rc will he n need (ur u miHro It>>UJing dock nl JW. TheN is JIll lIec~ ri.lr um;k. k:...elt:~. '[llon: will he tI dUlnnsLcr nnd n rccyc!inl:: L:(llltnincl". 12. STAFF: Th" I ,ibnu)' "nicinls l.."=::lerihtxllhc: rctlll;ru.l...taflin~ fur the: m:w 1.ll1l1H)'. Tht:I"e wiil ~ ;'Ppro.l;.;f11l1u:ly 2_' PCOIlI~ nn ."itatf. workln~ two sllilb. which rm~nns lhallhcn: will be 12 l\l nne l:imc, twu urwhidl will be :fccurity, It U(X)K SECURITY: Jte\{\k ..c~~uril~ s)o'!ih:m 10 I'l: 3M. ThCR will he uno: 3Clfl,;h-=l..:~, JM lypl.: If,lloWl. 14. NtlMBhK 01; VOl.lI~lI.~S: AlthC1l1p.h the llrnu.rnm cslluc..l j()r 20o.noO vlllume~. jf is unlik.ely thAI the J .ihlllfY \.Viii ever hnve lit"" many. C"e11t1inly nut:1.1 the b..,~innin&. II .....1:1:-0 ~uggc."rted Iu 11.:tneWc, \Com"" uftho !':h~lvill~, which willlllitially he: cnl~ly lint.! rUI dlCCll in lIiturQgc. Mr. l.umi~ liIVOlcd ha....inG IC::i,:j :llncJc,~ ill rhe pilm:l,:J.'i :l1c nn':Ul\ Jook SOtllc.....t:a( l:rtIwdoo. 15. B^ iHI(OOMS: Hnthl'outn.'t shnutd be ue...ii:ned such lh:d Ul"Y C,;Wn he ;Hl~d In....ll rN t:lcnnillg. Prm'ide tlu.h t~,il~tJ;. dl"llIiH il'l tl<lor. nu liUur di:spCfl.:M.:f"~ lInd .;eilin\: rnmlllleU rnrri,iun:t. l"rl"vidc 8rll.flili proof :lurfUl.:CS. such II-'{ II I,:tletir Ft)rmlCll Uliill.:nn he c8:sil~ r:::pIHcut!. !'roviuc ~crnrnle b.ltlhronm l"or t:hi!tJrcl1. l'mvid~ doors to NtJ.llruurns alO ,,-- ~ /"" ._............. ,1...."....1. ::0 1. ,lu:r,a"ica t''''X G63S ;:P'" PAG" 9 4M 'X'r," .l~dl."rt"d, New ru'\.., NY IIM)I kl,',I'!, %'! ~I\lil hll!\] %7 '-\KK MinutQC af I Moalin& wilh L.ihrllry (Jtlil.:;rd:o. City af MilllUI }iL:Olch . I(Lo-giunaIl.Jhl"Hry NII~h.r 10. 19q~ rJRgc J I~/I/Jtrr A.M. Sl(~l'll Arl,:hill.t'l.~ Of'J"IC1".d \u privncy tlccc~. /"" I(i. Mr~t:IIANJ(:^I, SPACF5;: II b irr.pClnlUlIl\l1:er i'\ f~lt;ilitie~' nunullJcr :'llld lhu t,;lflhiUJI i,,~ l.:j1~j"eers invnl"e<J tfS c:trly ns l1o.~.o;ibh: III lllc:\re Anti 1=i..,e ilpru'nrrinh- l:l1'-!drl~,,1 tlml IlIc~l.:hnnicSlI rnnmc; JIlf \Ncll.,,," t~uit"m(1nr IJlwu:tll. 17. W^[.I. SIIRF^CP~'1: Tht; I.ihrary willI!:. \.II"ill he ,(/1~lrllc:k. '111Cm.: ......ill he:: 11 h~~'y dUly Rcrylic surface lip r.(l ." in the ,c:r\ic.::: .In:~. 'lil~ <.ialrcry wnJh. will h.1Ve 11./1111 ln~,=",: 11/ pl)rWtllJd untier the .~he;:lnlclc. "'1''''_.''1 ,.."....._~. ,101_.",1' ....hl ~~'.y."r._"...." ..~. ',",' -- -- ~ it..lwn A.M. SU'1'll An:hill"lH ~ ~ ....v."...,r\l\,;ca I"'HA :::0.;.0 .-r i-~G; 11) .\w \Ivb, :14.1, S"",,, N..-w Vorl., NY IIXIIII '1~111'l %7111XI F" III %7 iiMM November HI. I QQ)t Hurrelll '" A"IMH.:IiIlQ CITY OF MIAMI HI':ACH RF..GIONAL LlIIIIAIlY Mu.=tln; MlnutCll Mllotl_C with Clt::, ll( MIAmi Ruck HI.to,;C' Prc..~,"Vutlu. Om~hlk l)1I~e(I'IJ1I1.:: Th. Ol,;t. ;lrl, IC)QH 10:0110.111,: lly: Joyo Ko~cr ,...oed. 1'Ilr..SI~NT: Alex 1.lImi~ (!J~illCir"I. Roner. A.M. ~lern ^r<.:hiltteL:<;) Juimc Hun:lli (I'rinc:irnl. nllm:lli .IlJ ^=("IC.i$ltr.:;) Juy. l.c""~. (~roj...~ Mlln.g.r, 1i"m:III.I1~ ^,""ciolc-,;j Mureu. Fronk.1 (I'rincipnl. Fr4l11w1 om! A.ssocilll"'<. Inc,) Jorge F_ (:'IlMnrand (J'rojecr Mltnal:.'Ur rol' City of Muuni A~LJl.:h) 'fain l.uny (Hi!'llllric IJreservltion) Wllllnl11 CIII')' (l'til'lJ.M:ic f'rr:scrvntiul1) AI.-cnda: Review IlMJpnxad l.ibt'llry Ilnd Pllrk desiJ:n wilft liP officiols Suta.ln.ry: Mr. t.ulIY tJl.N:rlhcU lilt: proc:,<j,1i fur ubtuining huiluillt4l:l:nd dcrnolitilln fX"'mil.' Inllll die Cily nr Miumi A~l:h. lie culnmented un the City'~ tJu.ociyn ~uid~lines which tin: mt5Unllll promote l;OCld desilln und yet nul rie "rehired5 tn any ""f1CJCilic: :11ylc. r'roiects hnvl: 1(1 he il[1I1I1IVt)d by the Ilesign Md R\lv~ BmltCJ liInd th~ Ifistnl'ic rr=tcrvlltiufl HUlIlrd. William lJ1ry feels that Ihe C\lm:nt :n:hcmnti~ rnckllgc LIlt pMJ:tcnl...,J "Ir d)C cl>lnrd:itiun ill Nuflici\:nt fur illilillllllt!l\)til\~9 with nil: LlK and I tl' nOlmbi. 'Ole upctXTling ITIUC1ln~ IU"t: I )cc. ~th and Jl111. 12'''. It Wtci J~idd Itml lh~ Librorj' l)esi~n 1'=tm will 11rc.'tI.ln1 In the Dc::Iil#l K.t:vicw Rnnrd on J:multr)' 12'''. Prillr to Uli!i 1l1od.i1lA. the Tenll11JulIJld I1'1Qet. with the City Jlt!unlCY 1.a1'1i' I.c:vi to di/otCuss i:,,~ues fXrtllil1inl,!. lu thu pumJillB ncqui.9ition ",nand, LInd hll~.tu huwt ll"'J~ it in rhd: AppHc:uinn. Ther!.! ill lim~ until Nu\'clllucr JOIl. t(l .,ubmit l\f1rlicatinn!'l I1nlJ l,tl'1lJr rlJ~Uinmll::11I:S, includin. liNt I\nd l11hcl~ uf "n owners wimil\ .17.1 feet nrfl"1jt)CL ^l.~1TT1e t'Juinl holhrc ~1l!l1inl.t d~iW1 development. it L"l imllor1;ml 11) mut:t wilh tlnici~l~ frUllllllc I:ir" l)u~munt. A":culOlihilily [)t'pamnenlllnd dlC nuildiny ~1'lInmcnt In L!n..urc Ihllllh~ uU!tiyn t.:anlorn" to 011 their ~Guirc~"J'\t.'. The rnllnwinl; W'C cmnrm:nL.'l frmn Williull1 Car')' ill regltrds to the pmposed I.ihrnry nnd Pilr:<: I. P^R~: Mr. (:ury ~r"":AAl.od cun~ IIV\lr thu "lim.':il (l(truuH- \:urn:uLly ill lit\: nurk. tlJUI\L:. 21'1 :<itrecl. lie t,=cl~ lhaJ. d1c huildin!;:"l in {runt IIi' tht; pi:lrk :'\l\ln~ 21" :lln.:Ul pn::.t:l;l sil;J'liticI,"l Art f")ct:H r~t:Btlc.'l. l1wy 1thnul(j n:IlU :JS part (If the.: c.:ultund J)i:-llrit:1 IIntJ nul cl:Isl <lrfhy lhc pmrxL"(~tJ ucmn.: lree ILrf.!'o1. 2. PARKIN<.;: Mr. CW'l' u)I!"fl:l(lllJd cnncum lIvur thu intrlllll.lclinn Ill' diut;flnlll pllrkil1H nn ellllin:'! Pllrk .,lun~ 21- /I.Iul 2'2"" !itree~. (11~ I;xplitinl;d thall,here i'\rc 110 precedents rn!' uU1j.Wnltl pl1f'1<.ll1~ In lhlSll:lrt:2t). I II:: wnulU pron..'t" lilr p~rJllcl rrari::n8 w he l~~ll1ecl at:lllec;e 1~)..:tU:ion.~. I Ie dut..~ nUl hllvc a prublC:11 with diltgOllltl fll:lrking lln the hlt1t:k 1;.:1."\1 (It' (.'llllin!'i. ()Iuions fur providilll( i1ddlunl\111 pHricill~ wen: t..Ii~u::cloo. AJt..Iing l1nl.llhur ~!flry nt"rnrkin!,:: III the HBrMt-'e is fdJsihl~. 9~ the 4,nillg hrJignt linlil i.~ .~O'. Thl.l an:hilucl will aiI'm I:xplfll't: ,,- ,,- 1-t1'1.CrT A.'\l, ~1~lll l\fll1iIr:~t.\ ,,- ......"...:'I....o.;Ir"',..,'\~:) c,' p~= :.l 4(,11 Wl'~1 54d. Sir,'!:" r--:"...., YOlk. NY 10001 'Ii-{ ;I.! ')(q ~lOf) fall ~12 'Xli 'liRH Minutt::l nf d MCl:finll with t'itr f'fMi.mi Uuuch 'Ii.,lnric rn:,<;CT'Vl1ti\lll Oflichll.'f City oi'M;omi Uu.:u:h . Rcgi,'null.ihrary Nlwunlh"f' IO~ lIJl1R Pngu :2 rn~!lihilirj~ tll i'h:fl.:.:I.'IC f'.rkil1~ 1':'l~IIJ( C:(lJlin.'l, Wllilc :'~:alnln\oi tll:: cClillintrity ,,(lile l1~r:" rl./he XCrt:'1, .l. (lARAI a:: Mr. Cllry emphasi7.ed the i1l1ptlrt"-Ill.:C' ltf rho (~(lI'li~C c:leVillinn~ lSmllll.:..... In!,,: level ur rlchtij .0.1 !c,,~t Oil the l:JrmlllJ rcto.iJ n()t,rllhollltJ conftJrm wit, !ltl; 7(:,1' uf rile." Ji~tricl. }fe C'nri"I'~utJ thll gllr;\!'C'.~ rw"1I ,~c:ptu,ue enlr::n..:.t':f J.!,:j !.lll':::- luw~:, ar:.ic.:~ilH~'lln. An:nitcl,;ls ..huuJd !:;'l:liure \IUtl vehu.:lc: liUaLllighL" nr~ .~/';I'~~l;d from m~ .\lrecL 4, :'iTr.::f.T~(.'/d/C: 'filere shmlid be n .~l.f~tsc::lpe J",,,i!!-ll inc:lut.linH r!1VC~, IIght.s lHU.l signuac which should CSIIY)' throuw:h wilhin th..: Gullot""..l ~npu::il. Arcllilecl.'i :<i/':ClUJJ l.:.Oll.'l.~lt. .....it.h Churtc:" ~uckJI;Set. l.Jttld~~ApC: Arc:ltltlXl fur 11ile City uf Mhllni Bc.!tch III di~cu~$ r<~,ibilirice::r IiI( ..,.lkw"y~ und pu:vcr InlitallttLioo. SiJ:,llRU:': .ol:u:klJ~C: will rt:~uir,,:I. .~"'pW";'HC f1lo:rnli~. S. R< H11Nl )A: Mr. ClItjo 1Il1jtctw In Wtit\i the. RU\l.lllrnu..'i ~ purfomull{t Sl1ttt.:'e iri, f,,:~ui~es aulditiur'\hi M"lllll(e li')()IAl;\'I:. III.: .,u~c";Jcd r~CJtinmll i':Jrt. uf the exjsljn~ wnlkwny In the RutnnuH.. lie; relt thill rccn:mir.~ t~c nriBin~l multI l\!'OtJnd il w119 H ;ir~lll iC<!H. lie .111.01;(\ cm"rnc:1lll.:lJ thHI tile!\: mtty he cU!lc".;;n IlbUUI lhc.:: Rollllldn uh.'l:ctll1I1G lhl.: I,jbnu)' !hJf11 Collins AVI:. lie dj..~cu.ucd tho f1Cl!~ihilhy nf Inc)vin~ (he H,ClCUl1..u. La the E~""I 91th: of CfJllin~ ^ venne, 6, 1.l1lRARY IHIIL.DINO: 'nlt: lI~l nlQlI1COr~hllllJd pm,il:'.cf SouthwArd 10 !.ICll1ld UliunncC" rat,;;uh: rUl'Wltfd EI(,..Q dj~linguis.h il. Cre,'\linu II slmn!; <:el1lolu n{ unlry WI1.1 illlrllrl~m durmjt lhe ^rt I)~) perind. 'Int: ~rncr :lhmrld he luluroh...'t1.. O~ Cc>nl..:.":f w~n.: nlsu imptlrtlUlIltnd :-itrOllcly lIniGuiJtLed dume:tls dllrin~ lhc Art Deco rerlne!. The enlmncc In rhe l,.ihrnr)' .Ilht'h/ld mil .. shined In the: rnjdLlh: ns WitS )tl~e:ilcd by Mr!. (jcn.rud.e Milier durintl tl10: c:nttllTll..ltt.il)' l'1I",linp. 'nUl flIllklnLllol .'It the Northwest comer of tile Lihrnry :ihuuld c..: run:hl.:r nniculnu.x.l t'!1 p~ of jilt,: huilJinlZ.. and tl(d jU{1 r<<tJ Illi l\ 1'U..I....ill!; IOL 'n\~~~ (s. ;t que~linn ~5 tn h.J.i.lVIII\t thb IiI'1RCU only /111 pM<i'I~. "" il i6 "'-.:ry vlI/uBblc reltJ e:HHI~. nod pCrhllfll<i lhure 9.huuld hI!: pl"t.IVtliOM rtlr ftUurc U:<<:. ...,.',"".....<1. ...\.. .... ..._...~ Jill'..... ,.._.....,-',..pl ~ MIAMI BE.{CH ROTUNDA nCT SHEET PREPARED FOR THE CULTURAL CA:vrpus OVERSIGHT COM:vnTrEE :vrEETl:--:G October 23, 1993 by Tne Bridge TheJter 1. Th~ 21st Street RorundJ. is a P~rtorming Ar..s Ass~t and should b~ 3..TJ. im~g:"J..i ~:!!": or ::..~: C:..::::::::.1 C:unpus. 2. ~rost Broadway touring shows whk~ come to TOPA p~rform :nusic:ll works, (St~ 3.!::.1~::~d prog:::...-:-:~ for .Victor, Victoria) perform at me 21st Srreet Ro~"nda. frequendy ac:ompani<d by I:.~e Ro~.:nda pi:!.".o. :: the greJ.t satisfac:ion of the gen~rJ..l pubHc. Tn~ acoustics ar~ ex:e!lent to thos~ who u.r..:~rs::~.::: ~~t ',lse J.::c purpose of me rorunda. 3. Michael Spring, Executive Direc:or or" the Dade Cau:::y Culrural Ar-.; Cour.d. SJj'S :.~e 2[;: S::ee: Rotunda is a be~er facility with. potential as a first r::lt~ perr'orrning a...-.s venc~ L1J.n rr:C$: or' L~~ 59:.!.~:s currently receiving funding. Ninety.nin~ seat the:lter houses. (.j",..;tors Equity Assod.1~:cn rr::!.:~:rr:.Ur:1. hcus~ ~~= for me Small Professional Theater camrac:s) are me heart and soul of developing, eXgecirr.e::t:1l :!leatec, T~e size allows ma."dmum use of audience space and minimum tinanclal obligation for the professional l:.~eJtec producer. J. Tne Rotunda fits into existing philosophy wit.~ respec! to funding ca~i~.:1I d~':e~opm.~::t progt'J....T.s :'c: the ar..s by improving already exiting spaces, r:lth~r than building r.~w on~s. Funding t.~~r~{oc~ '.voutd '::~ e~iec to se::ure, and in fact could be lever:lged by the alre:ldy se'.;::r~d ri..tndi~g for 6~ Cui~..:r~l C.1r:'.~t.:~. pot~nriJlly cre:lting e'le:t more funds for the C:Jltural C.1ffipUS if rb~ RomndJ. is 3. p~::cr:::ing 2r-5 Sp:l'::~. 5. An architec::ur3.1 pt:m r..1:lt includes c..'-:~ Rotund:.! as ::t perior~ir:g a..-..:; s;::.;; ::'::c'.;"$ r'ci:' lI:~:ldy id~:-::::::,: funding sour~es, (D:lde County Cult'.lral Affairs Council. the SCJte or Florida, the K:esg~ FOl.:nl!:lt:on. J..:.-:d ~:; Cor.-.munity De';eloprnent Block Grams for :,.n:uni Beach) to be sought. Should ::0 f",..ds be ;:roc"J:ed. a.~ 2.lte:::.:ltive plm to not de'le!cp the Romnda as a performing artS space could b~ imp!~;.:::::t=.:.. V~,::, sim;::.:: ~ ~(n'" and "'Out" set of plans whic:, k~eps the door operr on this gre:::.t opporrunic:' was sugg-::i:~': by Mich~.:~ Spdng 6, While me proposed Black Box space will serve Area Stag.. and sarne of me pe".or::::::g gc~up of ~(iJ..mi B~:J.ch, ~1e gr~at r:1:1joriry of impor-...anc resident performing ar"..s grou;:s :l..1C l:::s~s '.:,.':H .::o::t:::u~ :0 ne-:d small proiesslor.:1l spa~es like the Rorund3. in which th~ most importJ.nc new :lr: is 3.'.:~or.:.p[:.sh~c.. s~:::...:::s which allow risk c:l.\:ing and some~imes slow d~velopment of the m form wntl: rr'.:l:<::r::.L'::::g :..~-: :;r..:=~ fJ: :.~: performing artS orgmiz:::.tion. 8, Promised ope~ publk cis':'Jssion :J.bouc th~ campus ar.d RomndJ beror~ rl~:J.l C;!';:s:or-s :l.:".d recomrnendJ.cions h2.S r.Ot tJ..l\:en pt3o.:~. B~for~. during and aft;:: t.,~ Mi.:L."'ii.i B~::!...:;,. C!c:r C.Jr.'..."":':.:ss;ur. 1,'0:: :..:0 apprave the intci:ll pla.ns for me Cul~r:tl Carn;;)Us Tne Bridge Ti1e:lt~r hJ.S COnt~,:.::~d m;!::::'~rs (Jr' ~':= 0.."t:-S:g:-.: comw.i(t~~ for the Culn.:r:ll Carr:.p~s. This pro~~ss h3S r~q,uir~d cO~tinu.:tl mon;t:;dng s:r...;~ :::;:'':: ,'..or:;. t.':~ p~riorming grou9s im~r~s~ed ii1 t.":~ Rocunc:l h:1S nOt b~~n ~n--cou::!g-:d, ,.-- 7:~',:::,:.l::. I)o.,;:,:~,=: tj ~ : ,).<;,'. I=: ,:R.=.~.7 31)!)l(j ::[SC~_'S3:12':-'i G~l)r:? r::--: ~';:."'I.()::: ".' .\.(..:ri:..!~ ::.~:.~~:: ~ .lJ.:~'''' ::. ,n'.;~:' ;''' [;::.\.; .',;,,':~::::;C:' 5 .! "'.' :. =.. ,~... - , ~.' -.,. ... :j:;:,:~ ::':;\::~'S..i~':.';:::\ , .. ~ . ..,. ::.' >'~:~ .';;::':~.:; :'..1:":. \'!'''':=::~: ,=: :":.1 '>1 :'.:-: ';;:~, ~ : .:.....':':.:.; "', ...,... " ',.'.- '" ---. , ...~ --.... ; ::.: '.~,; :::.: :.::.:: ; -: ~:- ::=:::: ~ ',';:::' ::':.: :: <: ",' ,.-.-,-- .' 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S7-g":)'i==~~ ::;::~7:~ 3~_~_"\.~~:E r;.)'./'.l ',";:l..::::iit G~~~ ;{.Da C.>~::;-L / '" : - ~ '-, '; 1:.'-.-; .l\ ? l.; : ::::..~...,-, o ,.-- ~ober( A.!vL Stern Architects ,.-- ,.-- ...... 460Wc:st .~, Screet, Nc:wYork. >'""\i lOOOI Td 11': 96:' ) F:J...'C 212 96- )-)S3 October 27, \998 Miami Beach Regional Library File" 93011.03 The following notes are minutes ofa meeting afme Cultural Complex O'\"e:-sight Commine~ fer the Miami each Regional Library. Attendees: Sharon Ban Diane Camber Don Chauncey William Cary Jorge Chartrand Beth Dunworth Alvaro Fernandez Dean Grandin Goland Kohen Nancy Liebman Richard Lane Jay Miller James Quinlan Nanene Rodriguez Harriet schwanke allan Schulman Jaime Borrelli Jaya Zebede Marcus Frankel Alexander Lamis Christine Kelley eMB Planning Boss Museum Miami Dade Public Libra;;' CMB Planning CMS Public Works Performing Am Center Cultural ArtS Council CMB Planning Cultural ArtS Committee Vice Mayor. C:VlB Miami City Ballet Steiner & Associates CMB ArtS, Culture &: Enm-:,ir.-nen: CMB Media Relations Miami Dade Public Library Allan Schulman Architect Borrelli Associates Borrelli Associates Frankel &: Associates Robert A.M. Stern .~.rchite'::5 Robert A.M. Stem Architects I. Meeting agenda - The meeting was established as follows: ACTIO"'- A. Architect to present the proposed design (or ~liami Regional ;--':ote Library . B. Comminee question and answer session. C. Review of project schedule. D. Appoint a comminee chair, E. Establish next steps. 2. Project Review ~ Robert A.M. Stem Architec~s and Borrelli :--:ore Architects present competition model and boards to the Comminee. (Question & answer session). 3. Black Box Theater.. The Comminee discusses the use of the existing rotunda as a black box the.Her. It is noted that the black box theater is greatly needed and has much community suppon, There is concern that a black box theater in the existing rotunda might require an addition to the existing struct'J.re. Ar~hitect to R.-\\tSA -- -- 460 WCSt Stteet. :-Jew \"rk. ~"{ 10001 Tel 211 967 o Fa., 112 967 55as ~ Minutes of a Meeting Miami aeach Regional Library October 27, 1998 Page 2 ACTION Robert A.!v1. Stern ArchitectS contact theater consultant and determine programmatic requirements for a black box theater. Miami Beach to provide theater program inform.tion, aass Museum offers Morris Lapidus exhibit as a ptoentiol use ofr the rocunda space if it is not utilized as a black box. 4, The Rocunda - The Committe. states that the preservation of the 'l\"ote rocunda could be altered or determined by the cost 0 f preservation. The architect recommends that the City do a survey of the rocunda in order to determine state of the existing conditions. . MB to consider. S. Permits. The Committee notes that the school demolition requires Note City Appropriateness from the HiStory Preservation Board for demolition. This is a three month process with the Historic Preservation Committee. The review by HPC will also include the approval for the development of the site. Two applications will be required, one for Collins Park and one for the Library, ~ 6. Sidewalks - The Committee requests that sidewalk material be RAMS A considered early so that sidewalk paving at the Bass ~luscum is consistent with the overall plan of the park, 7. Schedule. The Committe. notes that scheduled openings are as Note follows: Bass Museum. October 1999 Ballet Building - August 1999 8, Committee Chair. The committee chair for the project will be Nancy Liebman. 9. Boardwalk. The Comminee inquires about the architectS feeling Not~ on the boardwalk and any ideas on extension of Collins Park toward the boardwalk. The architect had no immediate response since this relationship was not studied as part of the competition. 10, Collins Park - The Bass Museum would like to see the park more Note open to accommodate a sculprure exhibit. Currently the Museum feels that there are toO many trees to accommodate sculpture,. panicularly in the east-west direction. II. Trees . The Committee requests that the architect consider Note reClining the better trees that currently exist on the site. It is noted that some of the treeS on the site are registered to be maintained and preserved. Additional shade trees are suggested so that the park will have greater use in the summer months. ~ , .-- ,obert A.M, Scern Architects ~ ~ '- ,- Street, NcwYork. NY 10001 Tel 212 96i: ) F2X 212 967 5588 460 West Minutes of a Meeting Miami Beach Regional Library October 27, 1998 Page 3 ACTION 12. Parking Meeting - November 4" is slated for a City meeting to discuss the parking lot and library lot to determine the extent and location of parking. Note 13. Children' 5 Garden ~ Gilfden wall to show access that can accommodate a traClor.mower for lawn maintenance. RA:vtSA 14, Auditorium - Library auditorium appears small. Architect to review. RAMSA 15, 21" Street - Committee discusses the possibility of using fewer trees along 21" Street so that the park is open to the retail on the south side of211l Sa-eet. The architects note that fewer O'ees at 221'14 SaccI and Liberty A venue is designed to create a more open intersection with limited traffic for pedesnian access. This condition does not exist at 21- Street. Architect to review. RAMSA 16. Garage Elevators. The Building Committee is concerned that one elevator at the parking garage may not be sufficient. Architects to smdy. Building Committee requests that the architect look at a garage entry point on Liberty so that traffic can queue on 23rd Street. Architect to review with garage consultant. The Committee also suggestS fast tracking the garage project and inquires as to how this might impaer construerion of the Library. RA:vtSA 17. Library Collection - The architects estimate approximately 200,000 Note books are in current design. 18. Exhibition Space.. The architect notes that therc will be space for Note exhibition in the Children's Library. 19. Computer Areas. The architect confirms that there are computers Note in both the Adult Colleerion and the Children's Colleerion. 20. Schedule - Oerober 28,1998 - Architect to meet with Library to Note review Library program. 2 P.M. October 28, 1998 - Public Meecing with Cultural Complex Building Committee. 5 P.M. Location to be announced. November 4, 1998 . Parking Garage Site Meeting November 17, 1998 - Building Committee meeting, II A.M. Miami Beach City Hall. November 18, 1998 - Commission meeting, City HalL Time to be announced. r- Rober: A.M. Stern Archite"" r- r- - 460Wc:st ,Street, NeW York, NY 10001 Td 212 961, ;0 Fax 2129675588 Minutes of a Meeting Miami Seach Regional Library October 27, 1998 Page 4 These minutes reflect the Author's undc:rstanding: of events as mey OCCUlTed. Please submit comments within 5 days of receipt. Respectfully submitted, \ CK/jtb N It99Ipct'l1000l'MlA.\.f:laONTco:1....,. OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY r-- ~~ tfJldomi l1mM f L o R o A MURRA Y H. DUB BIN City Attorney Telephone: Telecopy: (305) 673-7470 (305) 673-7002 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 30'2. - Ob TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and DATE: April 12, 2000 Members of the City Commission FROM: Murray H. DUbbin( \ l1!v"V--- City Attorney Vi uj SUBJECT: RESOLUTION DECLARING THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH A CULTURAL CAMPUS. Pursuant to the request of Commissioner Nancy Liebman, the above referenced resolution is submitted for consideration by the Mayor and City Commission. cc: Lawrence A. Levy City Manager ""r".'I1'~~'<">IoI....~.~.t"'."'_,"_<'''''' r-- Agendaltem~ Date ~-12-0D 1700 Coovention Center Drive - Fourth Floor - Miami B. Regular Agenda April 12, 2000 City of Miami Beach ~ R7J Commission Memorandum No. 300-00 A Resolution Approving and Adopting Administrative Fees for the Issuance of Concurrency Statements for Interested Parties, Pursuant to the Miami Beach Automated Concurrency Management System; the Methodology Used to Arrive at the Cost Per Trip for Mitigation of Impacts from Projects that Exceed Traffic Concurrency, Plus a Schedule of Transportation Concurrency Mitigation Fees to be Charged from Such Projects; These Statements to be Issued and Fees to be Collected by the City's Transportation/Concurrency Division. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Transportation and Concurrency) ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23874 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman; seconded by Commissioner Bower; Voice Vote: 7-0, Matthew Schwartz to handle. R7K City Attorney Commission Memorandum No. 301-00 A Resolution Opposing the Imposition of a Cruise Surcharge or Tax to Support the Building or Operating a New Baseball Stadium in Miami-Dade County. ~ Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Requested by Commissioner Jose Smith, Commissioner Nancy Liebman, and Commissioner Simon Cruz) ACTION: Commissioner Liebman stated that this resolution is mute based on the Governor's actions. Resolution No. 2000~23875 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Liebman as recommend by City Manager Levy not to use any resort tax, bed tax, CDT money, etc. for the baseball stadium; seconded by Commissioner Smith; Voice Vote: 7-0. Christina Cuervo to handle. R7L Memorandum from Commissioner Nancy Liebman A Resolution Declaring the City of Miami Beach a Cultural Campus and Discussion to Renaming the Collins Park Complex District. I. City Attorney Commission Memorandum No. 302-00 A Resolution Declaring the City of Miami Beach a Cultural Campus. Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Requested by Commissioner Nancy Liebman) ACTION: Discussion held. Resolution No. 2000-23876 adopted. Motion made by Commissioner Garcia; seconded by Commissioner Bower. Voice Vote: 7-0. Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli to handle. (Resolution declares Miami Beach a cultural campus) Motion made by Commissioner Bower to refer to the Community Affairs and the Culture and Arts Council to rename the Cultural Campus to something else dealing with the name Collins Park; Seconded by Commissioner Liebman. Voice Vote: 7-0. Judy Hoanshelt and Ronnie Singer to place on committee agenda. ~ Page # 37