Attachment 107 ~ITY OF MIAMI BEACH ITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 lp:\\cl.mlami-beach,fl,us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO.~ FROM: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence A, Levy \~ City Manager ~ DATE: April 12, 2000 TO: SUBJECT: . STATUS REPORT - SUNSET ISLANDS I & II At the March 15, 2000 City Commission Meeting, the residents of Sunset Islands I and II presented their concerns to the City Commission on issues relating to the condition of Sunset Island II - park, streetscape improvements and code compliance, STREETSCAPEIMPROVRMENTS ~ The City staff is working with the residents through the G,O, Bond Neighborhood (Bayshore, Lake Pancoast, Sunset Islands)Task Force to address the overall conditions of the public right of way, This has been identified as a priority project and it is anticipated that a RFQ for design and engineering sercies will be reviewed by the City Commission in May 2000. The residents have provided the City with the design concepts which were presented by the Sunset Islands I and II Homeowners Association at the March 22nd G,O, Bond Neighborhood Meeting. SUNSET ISLAND II - PARK On March 27, 2000, City ofMiarni Beach Public Works staff met with Ms, Aletha Player and Ms, Martha Barreto, Florida Power and Light Major Accounts Managers, Governmental, to discuss the landscaping conditions on Sunset Island II - Park. As requested by the Sunset Islands I and II Homeowners Association, the following issues were discussed, FPL old transformer boxes have not been removed: FPL is in the process/scheduled to remove transformer boxes with a completion date of July 2000, No landscaping around new boxes: FPL does not landscape around boxes, FPL maintenance crews need access to the cabinet doors, The Parks Department will place landscaping to buffer the boxes, Huge boxes in park: a) The boxes were placed as shown in FPL construction plans, r- AGENDA ITEM ~ DATE~O T:\AOa.'DA\2000VJ'1l11OO\REGUlARISUNSST.\VPD b) No landscaping around-- FPL maintenance crews need access to the cabinet doors, which must fully open to the sides, > - c) Huge mound-- The huge mound was placed by FPL for an electrical splice ground box, FPL will level and redo the sodding where the mound is presently, No water in parks or at entrance: Due to an aged irrigation system, the Parks Department is in the process of placing new irrigation, with a completion date of-May 5, 2000, Old pole still there: City staff is working with BellSouth for the relocation of the pole which is at the entrance of Sunset Island I. FPL power lines and Cable TV are also hanging from the pole, Estimated date for the removal of this pole is September 2000, Landscape condition of park: FPL is scheduled to redo and/or level the area at the north end of the parkand place new sod, The estimated completion date for this project is April 21, 2000, The Parks Department will enhance the landscaping at the north cnd of the park (upgrade existing planting), CODE COMPLIANCE - 1511 W, 27th ST, ,-- The above location was taken before the Special Master on March 9, 2000, The Special Master found the property owner guilty of using the property in violation of the zoning code, The property was being leased for less than six months, On March 23, 2000, the property owner's attomey faxed a copy of a lease between the owner and CH Financial, Jeff Wilson, The lease is from February 22, 2000 to August 22, 2000, The Department of Code Compliance continues to monitor the location during the weekend to ensure the location is being used as a single family residence, A hearing has been scheduled before the Special Master for April 27, 2000 for a status report, LALgr Attachment r T:\AGENDA\2OOO'u\PIl12001REGULAA\SUNSET.WPD . FPL Florida Power & Light Company, p, O. BOlC 029100, Miami, Fl 33102-9100 ,-- > March 31, 2000 City of Miami Beach CIa: Michael A, Alvarez Assistant Public Works Director 451 Dade Blvd Miami Beach, Florida 33139 " RE: SUNSET ISLAND Il- PARK Michael: This letter is to verify that FPL will level and redo the sodding at the park in Sunset Island in the area where we stored our material and parked our trucks, As previously discussed we will also level and redo the sodding where the mOWld is presently at per your instructions, please confum with Mrs, Sharpstein that this is what the residents want done to avoid any fl1rlher complications. I have asked our crew Supervisor to let me know when the landseaper will be at the site so that I can go and see the work being done, Also I would like a membex of the HOA to see the work that our landscaper is doing, This should keep us from having to go back after the work is completed, THIS JOB SHOULD BE COMPLETED BY APRIL 12nl, Please call me with Mrs, Sharpstein telephone number so that I can WOlUl her of the dates we'll be out there . If there is any additional information you require. please don't hesitate to call. ~!2~ Marta C, Barreto. P Major AccoWlts Manager, Goveromental r- an FPL Group company Regular Agenda April 12, 2000 City of Miami Beach ~ ReDorts and Informational Items A City Attorney Commission Memorandum No, 310-00 City Attorney's Status Report, (City Attorney's Office) ACTION: Written report submitted, SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIAL Al City Attorney Commission Memorandum No, 317-00 City Attorney's Status Report - Supplemental Additional Cases Filed in court Against the City of Miami Beach, (City Attorney's Office) ACTION: Written report submitted, B Commission Memorandum No, 311-00 Status Report on the Cultural Campus, (City Manager's Office) ACTION: Written.report submitted, r- C Commission Memorandum No, 312-00 Status Report regarding Sunset Islands I and II, (City Manager's Office) ACTION: Written report submitted, D Commission Memorandum No, 313-00 Status Report on the 42nd Street Parking Garage Project, (Construction Management) ACTION: Written report submitted, E Commission Memorandum No, 314-00 Status Report on the Landscaping at the 75th Street Water Tank: Replacement Project, (Construction Management) ACTION: Written report submitted, r- Page # 48