Attachment 108 ".- NORTH SHORE PARK AND YOUTH CENTER PROGRAM ADVISORY COMMITTEE AND COMMUNITY WORKSHOP Thursday, April 13, 2000 at 6:00 p,m, North Shore Teen Center, 501 72nd Street Miami Beach, Florida AGENDA I. North Shore Park and Youth Center Program Advisory Committee Business Meeting 6:00 - 6:30 p,m, Kevin Smith Director, Parks and Recreation Department '. II. Community Workshop 6:30 p,m,: A. Welcome and Introduction Janet Gavarrete Assistant City Manager B, Barry University Program r /. ! C, Focus Group Study Dr, Jacqueline Mondros Professor/Director Academy for Better Communities Barry University Ms, Gem Sprague-Damon Faculty Field Instructor Barry University D, Report from Parks and Recreation Department Kevin Smith E. Report from Workshop February 28, 2000 Kevin Smith F. Report from project architects Aida Curtis, Curtis and Rogers Design Group Rai Fernandez, Bermello & Ajamil G. Discussion H, Adjournment f:\RCPA\SAl.L\BE1TY\NSPWK41J.WPD r .... ..._....,._,_..u_..... .... .- ,._..-~-~-..-.--- \ ,,- ..-,'...-'-'- ,-- r City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation I ~ . lNvo\,VEJJ e ~/_f~.' c"'*&t$>>,._w<';W'A '''':W..&M::tY'":Z::'-:=: ~. iff.9 '~4::~~.>>': ~.'.' :<iiiw liiili '-'~::::B ~'." ~l Community Workshop: North Shore Park and Youth Center When: Thursday, April 13, 2000 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. North Shore Teen Center 501 72nd Street Miami Beach, FL Where: For any additional information please call at (306) 673-Tl30 Call (305)673-7730 VOICE to request material in accessible format, sign language interpreters (5 days in advance when possible), or information on access for persons with disabilities. m l~ 2iCO WAS...NGTON AVENUE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 PHONE 13051 673.7730 FAX 13051 673-7725 http://ci,miami-beach,fl.us March 20, 2000 ~v ~ 601- Ms, Janet Gavarrete 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Ms. Gavarrete: Thank you for your continued interest in the North Shore Park and Youth Center. Much progress has been made since the Community Workshop held on February 29, 2000 when we obtained your input as to who the park and youth center should serve and the type of programs needed to serve them. The workshop was well attended and valuable suggestions were obtained from you, The architects have reviewed your concerns and addressed them in the design of the building interior spaces, layout of sports facilities and access to the park. In addition, Barry University is ~ currently conducting interest group surveys regarding programming needs of user groups from pre-school to seniors, including special needs groups, As you may recall, the City Manager, Lawrence Levy appointed a North Shore Park and Youth Center Program Advisory Committee to provide on-going assistance with the development of programming for the park and youth center. Its members represent the following organizations: Barry University, Biscayne Elementary, Boys and Girls Club, Community Development Block Grant, Elderly Affairs, General Obligation Bond Project Oversight Committee, Hispanic Community Center, Housing Authority, North Beach Development Corporation, North Shore Youth Center Task Force, Office of Children's Affairs, Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board, Miami Beach Police Athletic League, Scott Rak.ow Youth Center Advisory Board and two North Beach residents, The first meeting of the North Shore Park and Youth Center Program Advisory Committee will be combined with a Community Workshop, The joint meeting will be held on: April 13, 2000 6:30 - 8:30 p,m, North Shore Park Teen Center 501 72nd Street, Miami Beach, Florida, The agenda will include reports from project architects regarding input from the community workshop and a report from Barry University concerning the results of their interest group surveys, ~ ~ We look forward to working with you to develop an exciting program for this facility which will serve the North Beach neighborhood. If you have any questions, or need additional information, please contact Betty Fleming or Odalys Mon at (305) 673-7730, ~ Sincerely, cc: Project File r- r- ,-- ~ 0.. o :I: en ~ 0:: o 3: ~ !::: Z :::> :2: :2: o () 0:: w t- Z W () :I: t- :::> o ~ Cl Z <l:o ~ ~o 2 0::0 C <l:N ~ .g a. C"? c: 'C WT""" Q)........Q o::=EQlQlu... o C. o.t- ~ ~ :I:<l:g~ii5{) en>ci:io'O~ :I: 00 E'V5cCD t- '0 N ,- o::~o...c:r-E 0",01::'<""00 ~ ~ 0 0 .- zt-<ozU?::2; ~ t- W W :I: en z z Cl en (.f1 .; ~ tj '$. K')f\... ~ '&1 ~ ~-&: <() ~ t(" '" r- J ~ . - "^ ~ VI I 1~~ "-:::: ) \:- ::;- ~ '-.J) 0 >< v ""-...S\rY) lU c- l.'1 r- u.. ~ .-S.; ';? v r9- ~~ Gl ~ ~ ~ v 3- f ?-J C'1 c;- \ ....... c F ':}- '" 0 r,- :i'l ..c: ~..,siD 0. rv1 (Y') Gl 1:'-, ~ r-rr- Qi "'-.)~ ~ \P <:J t- Gl E <II Z ~ ~<r -8 J ~ ~ :l <'3 () ~=;s'8 ~ S III III Gl ... 'tl 'tl <l: <:) <0 '- 1- -- ~ ~ ~ - c o :;::l <II ,~ C <II OJ ... o J'l -::~'3~ \ C) 9-. ~ _"\1 \ ~ r~ ~ ""-' "'0 ... 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The purpose of this workshop was to review the status of the plans for improvements to the North Shore Park, proposed as part of the Parks Bond Improvement Program and the new General Obligation Bond Program, For purposes of this workshop the North Shore Park consists of the facility located between Dickens and Harding Avenues and nd and 73'd Streets, and the adjacent facilities east of Collins Avenue, also between nd and 73m Streets. Presenting at the workshop were: . Janet Gavarrete - Assistant City Manager .' Kevin Smith - Director Parks & Recreation . Rai Fernandez- Architect . Aida M. Curtis- Landscape Architect City of Miami Beach City of Miami Beach Bermello, Ajamil & Partners Curtis + Rogers Design Studio In addition the following staff and commissioners were also present at the meeting: Com, David Dermer; Com, Mattie Bower, Com. Jose Smith; City Manager- Lawrence Levy ;Ronnie Singer- Executive Assistant-City Managers Office; Sugar Firtel - Parks Dep;. Betty Fleming - Parks Dept.; Odalys Mon - Parks'Dept.; Ellen Vargas - Parks; William Cary - Planning Dept.; Joyce Myers- Planning Dept.., and various other members of the Parks and Recreation Department. ~ The workshop was designed to provide the meeting participants with opportunities to : 1. Review the conditions and parameters that underlie the planning and design process for this park, 2, Review the latest site plan and floor plans that have been developed following the above parameters, 3. Present their ideas about the future use and desired programmatic activities for the park 4, Present their comments relating to the current site plan and floor plans, The meeting agenda was as follows: I. Project History Review II. Openning Remarks III. Building and Landscape Design for North Shore Park and Youth Center IV. Program Overview - Parks and Recreation Department - Barry University ,-- North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 1 v Discussion and Workshop A. Who will this park and youth center serve? B. How will it serve them? What type of programs and activities are needed? Closing Remarks and Adjournment ~ VI. Public Participation Process The public participation process allowed the citizens in attendance with two opportunities ti communicate their preferences and concerns regarding the planning and programming of this facility. The first opportunity occurred in the comment group discussion and the second was through individual comment sheets. The meeting was attended by approximately 70 citizens and representatives of various organizations. Following the presentations by the City and Consultants, a general discussion was held regarding the users that this park serves, This discussion narrowed the categories of those served irfto the following: - Pre-school User Group - K- 6 User Group - Teen Group - Adult Group - Senior Group - Special Needs Group r- These user groups identified could utilize the facility during different time frames, making a more optimal utilization of the spaces. The community participants were then asked to break into self-selected groups with a "spokesperson", responsible for recording ideas generated. Each group was responsible for answering the following questions as it related to programming and activities desired for each of the designated user groups: A. What type of programs/activites would you like to have provided at the North Shore Park and Youth Center for your specific user group? B. What times day would you like these activities to occur? How frequently? C, What specific facilities would be required to operate the programs? The spokesperson would record the various answers on easel paper, The goal of this exercise was NOT to reach consensus among members, but to bring out a broad range of ideas from all participants. As a result there may be some comments from one group in opposition to another. The reason for doing this as a group vs. individually, was to enable meeting participants to hear each other, and in cases one person's comment might prompt discussion or ideas from others. After approximately 30 minutes, the comment groups were reconvened to listen to the presentations by representatives of each group, The presentations were designed to share the ideas recorded on the r North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 2 -.~.._"._---,-.- easel paper. Just as the interactive groups did not seek a consensus among members, the purpose of the presentations was not to produce consensus, across the six user groups but to sample the ideas emerged, The comment groups "easel paper" comments are included at the end of this report, The second portion of the workshop provided participants with additional note paper to record individual ideas and given to representatives of the City for incorporation, These individual comment forms allowed each citizen to express their particular point of view, or address other relevant issues related to the planning and design of North Shore Park. These individual comment forms are summarized at the end of this report, Conclusion This workshop allowed the approximately 70 participants to voice their opinions regarding the planning, programming and design of the North Shore Park and Youth Center Facility, In the interactive groups and the individual comment forms the participants expressed their ideas about the specific programs, activites, facilities and hours these should take place, The information and ideas gathered at this workshop will be seriously considered in the planning and design of the facility, These refined plans will be presented at a second public workshop scheduled for Aprill:!", at the same place and time, At this time additional discussions and comments will be secured, Enclosures r' E:\Project Files\MBEACIDP ARKS2\northsh\correspondance\worbhop-report. wpd r North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 3 COMMENTS FROM INTERACTIVE COMMENT GROUPS r User Group: Pre-school Program/Activity Time of Day Facility Playschool - arts and crafts Morning 9 am- 2 pm Room with chairs Minor academics singing Morning 9 am- 2 pm Sports/ games Morning 9 am- 2 pm Playtime, development skills Morning 9 am- 2 pm Playground Social ski lls Morning 9 am- 2 pm Intergenerational Activities Morning 9 am- 2 pm Exercise Morning 9 am- 2 pm Field Trips Morning 9 am- 2 pm Programs till 8 pm r r- North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 4 ~ ,'-":~-:'-'""";"Y ,-- r COMMENTS FROM INTERACTIVE COMMENT GROUPS ~ User Group: K-6 Program/Activity Time of Day Facility Summer Camp Daytime and after school Mter school tutoring After school Classroom/ chalkboard Video games/ play stations After school/ weekends Tournaments After school/ weekends Dance Lessons Mter school! weekends Music classses Mter school! weekends Clubs - ie, chess, etc, After school/ weekends Rollerblading Mter school! weekends Paved Area Tennis After school/ weekends Track Mter school/ weekends Language/ Performing Arts/ Weekends- day Flexible Room Dance Art Club Weekends- day Ceramics Weekends- day Field Trips After school/ weekends Dances Weekend - Friday Night Cooking Class After school/ weekends Room with kitchen Computer Education Mter school Room with computers Sports After school! weekends North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 5 ~ ~ r COMMENTS FROM INTERACTIVE COMMENT GROUPS User Group: Teens Program/Activity Time of Day Facility . Full weight workout area late afternoon, weekends, Weight room with mirror holidays and summer Aerobics late afternoon, weekends, Room with mirrors holidays and summer Midnight basketball late evening Basketball court Do away with two tennis courts for outdoor basketball Running track evenings and weekends Video games, air hockey After school tutoring and Classroom setting mentoring program Computers (filtered only) Computer room Martial arts Volleyball volleybail - indoor court marks Language/ performing arts/ Weekends Flexible rooms dance Two baseball fields are very weekday afternoons, nights important and saturdays Lights on tennis courts -not on faces Soccer field anywhere with Mter school lights Friday night movies/ rap and Room with screen- large TV video Conflict resolution classes Classrooms North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 6 .c., - .-.-....-----.~ ,-- ~ ,-- 2 hard courts (cement) not clay Outdoor basketball courts with Outdoor courts street access Computers with inlemet Computer room access Pool tables Entire facility should be teenage user friendly - untimidating Flag football After school Outdoor field Job coJnseling Several tennis courts Art classrooms/ drama Classroom, room with stage Scuba diving Pool? Self Defense Skateboard ramps Ramps, slopes Boxing Vocational training Phone areal snack machines North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 7 .- ~~--~ COMMENTS FROM INTERACTIVE COMMENT GROUPS ,-- User Group: Adults Program/Activity Time of Day Facility Adult sport leagues Nights and weekends . Athletic facility Computer classes (intro, Day time/ evenings Room with computers internet) Fencing Evenings Large room Outdoor basketball Job readiness training day time/ evenings Classroom Conflidt resolution training daytime/ evenings Classroom Parenting skills daytime/ evenings Classroom r .r North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 8 COMMENTS FROM INTERACTIVE COMMENT GROUPS ,-- User Group: Seniors ~ Program/Activity Time of Day Facility Dance class mornings .. large room Yoga class mornings Duplicate bridge afternoon Aerobics morning room with mirrors Vaudeville Arts an? Crafts afternoon Luncheons lOam - 2pm Services coordinations ( lOam - 2pm housing, health, job searching) Health! nutrition workshops lOam - 2pm Music/ sing along! instruments lOam - 2pm Dominoes lOam - 2pm Intergenerational programs with children Field trips days and evenings Meeting room Current events/ weekly Meeting rooms meetings r- North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 9 COMMENTS FROM INTERACTIVE COMMENT GROUPS r- User Group: Special Needs ~ Program/Activity Time of Day Facility . Social club Saturdays, evenings 7 pm - 9 Accessible activity room with pm tables and chairs Special olympics - athletic weekdays, late morning Field space, tennis area program Inlcusionary after school camp early afternoon/ weekdays Accessible activity room/ field space Shuffleboards weekdays/ weekends, Accessible shuffleboard courts , evenings, mornings Wheel chair youth and adult weekdays, weekends, Accessible tennis and league - tennis & basketball afternoons basketball courts Outdoor basketball Goal ball - for visually late afternoon, weekdays and accessible gymnasium impaired .. weekends Beep baseball - for visually late afternoon, weekdays and accessible field area impaired weekends Contract sign language - interpreters ,-- North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 10 INDIVIDUAL COMMENT FORMS r- Donald Shockey: . Use canopy trees extensively . Coordinate with potential development of parking parcel by Equity One . New and continue medians on 7'l.'d St. and 73'" Street . Research sucessful new youth centers elsewhere and incorporate any new ideas . Keep in mind a main goal is to attract "problem kids" who may be turned off by conventional activities, Consider surveying them somehow to see what they would want. Definite things they would want: . outdoor basketball . weight lifting . Consider rollerhockey area, reduce baseball field to one to accommodate . Investigate opportunities for sponsorship collaboration with Nike and other corporations . Technology related activities . A reassessment of youth need will be helpful. Some needs may have changed, ,-- Gary Knight: . Visit the four best youth centers built in the last 3 years in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Philadelphia (and other cities with diverse ethnic population and similar youth basis) and see what they did, what have they learned, etc, . Assemble all organizations in Miami Beach which currently have youth programmings in arts, sports, culture, etc, What have they leamed, what can they contribute to his new youth center? . Get a crack youth administrator to put together 2 proposal programs and test it on target audiences you want to serve . Do the above steps again for pre-school, teens, seniors, etc, . Give the resulting program to the Architects . Design a new building based on the foregoing, . Forget the kilns indoors unless you want high air conditioning costs, . Concession area on the present plan serves no purpose. Y oucannot send kis outside from rec center to utilize, Put inside facility wiht 2 service areas one to service outside crowds and one to service the inside users, . Storage areas just outside and give homeless a place to live in those cubbies . Open space area at rear of facility between classroom and gym, Make enclosed for r- North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page II .. .....,~-,....,.- r- usage by children for storage area of books and personal items after school and summer camp, . New program of day care of 1- 4 year olds, Will serve the community and city employee kids, . Jane Gilbert: r- . North Shore need outdoor, well-lit basketball courts that are open to the public 24 hours a day, This is critical. Make sure multi-purpose room has a prung wood floor for dance classes/ rehearsals, Conduct a programming needs & resources asssesment. Resources inlcude local reagional and national non-profits organizations able to offer programming, public and private funding sources and community talent and volunteers and an alternative facility in North Beach (ie. Biscayne Elementary, Needs - look at issues facing children, youth, families, single adults, and elderly. Also ethnically. Ex. - truancy, social problems, domestic violence/ abuse, drug use, gang activity, unemployment, isolation, health, Youth need: individual family counseling services, youth and adult vocational! GED education, tutoring assistance, sports and recreation, arts and cultural education and , expenences. . . , . . In addition letters from Laura Jimenez, and Maria Ruiz were submitted for consideration, These are enclosed as part of this report, Also included is the sign-in sheet, although it will be noted that not all attendants signed in, r North Shore Park and Youth Center Community Workshop Page 12 , ~ LAURA JIMENEZ 1375 Cleveland Road Miami Beach, Florida 33141-1712 (305) 865-8212 - home (305) 374-5600 - office February 29, 2000 Kevin Smith, Director City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department 2100 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, FL 33139 RE: North Shore Park and Youth Center. Oceanfront Bandshell and North Shore Activity Center Dear Mr, Smith: ~ Thank you for inviting me to the workshop to discuss programming for the captioned sites, Since I realize the importance of this matter, I put my thoughts down on paper but am available to answer questions also. Please consider the below suggestions which answer the questions you posed in your February 17, 2000 letter: 1, Who will North Shore Park and Youth Center serve? Children, adolescents and parents in the nearby and surrounding areas, 2, How will they serve the community? What type of programs and activities are needed? l The park and youth center will enable the community to prevent problems by keeping children busy, interested and involved in activities, Unfortunately, this area has the highest concentration of juvenile arrests, Done correctly, and making needed adjustments along the way, this Youth Center will attract and keep children and adolescents safe which will substantially curb delinquency and gang and youth violence in our area, Here are a few suggestions of classes to offer: after school sports and recreation programs, drama, dance, arts and/or crafts, music/rap and video, community service, conflict resolution, job readiness, computer skills lab, parenting skills and Friday teen movie night. Where interest warrants, these classes should be offered until curfew and on weekends, Midnight basketball deserves serious consideration, Nu'inerous cities across America are using midnight basketball to reduce substance abuse, violence and related activities, The City of Miami Beach could join over 50 cities which participate in the Midnight Basketball League for set up, coordination and guidance, Across America, Mayors and community leaders have commended the success of the League program because it effectively reaches at-risk young adults and strengthens their communities, ~ CM8002;1 .-..--,-"'...... r Kevin Sm~h, Director February 29, 2000 t"'uge2 I cannot stress enough the importance of properly marketing and offering classes in response to local interests and the even more arduous task of maintaining that interest. While this is the best I could do in limited free time, I know that it is by no means comprehensive, If there is any doubt that the results of this meeting do not produce top. picks for this area, perhaps the next step should be to conduct a needs assessment questionnaire through the nearby area schools, obtaining both student and parent input. Since numerous caretakers of our children are unable to guide their children with their home learning activities, any such needs assessment should include this option, If a needs assessment is deemed unnecessary, guidance with home learning should be added as another class above, After school sports and recreation programs should address varying skill levels through multitiered programming, I would also like to note that when sports are kept in the proper perspective, sheer competition and winning at any cost is deemphasized, Instead valuing each child's best efforts, discovering new competencies, increasing self worth, learning from losing, respecting their bodies, strengths and limits, teaching connections and enabling children to express their deepest emotions from their heart should be accentuated, The right attitude and the right coach. can make all the difference, ~ This same vision can also be applied to enhance development in any class offered at the location, For example, a wise art teacher would encourage participation, draw out originality, dispel fear, renew interest and enhance talent. Foremost on everyone's mind should be safety because no matter how wonderful the programs turn out, and no matter how much fun and how fantastic the activities end up being, there is absolutely no substitute for taking whatever steps are necessary to prevent even one tragedy from occurring through proper supervision, I envision this park and youth center as another method to keep children and families safe, entertained and out of trouble, You are on the right track, By offering an alternative to the streets for parents and adolescents, you will be providing a great service to our community, These are important and needed front-end investments in children, Thank you all for your input and for allowing me the opportunity to speak, LEJ:ip r CMB002;1 Author: JanetGavarrete at C-H-PO Date: 02/25/2000 05:45 PM Priority: Normal TO: BettyFleming r-cC: JulianFernandez 1"0: MariaRuiz Subject: Re: North Shore Youth Center Maria, thanks, You are on ta committee, Will forward the LTC next week, Janet Reply Separator North Shore Youth Center MariaRuiz at C-H-PO 02/25/2000 12:28 PM Subject: Author: Date: Some issues I'd like addressed on the North Shore Youth Center Workshop (again I apologize that I cannot attend) : r- 1) ~ultiple service providers 2) Age-appropriate programming 3) User/ quality assurance surveys 4) Programming hours that match curfew 5) Passive recreation space (TV, pool table, etc,) 6) Specific programming for teenage girls (represents a signifcant population block with upward trend in delinquency) 7) Segregation between adults/ youth 8) Total Quality Management philosophy among staff 9) Dedicated'..homework/ class space w/ computer portals 10) Efficient scheduling plan for use of facilities by multiple providers/ age groups These are just an overview of the topics of greatest concern, I am sure that members of the Oversight Committee will address others, I hope the workshop meets and exceeds your expectations, Have a great weekend, r _ "_~,,_:,,,.,,"""""'-"J,~ t~ )<fY-~ ~ ",,_,,_,,_,_ ' ......__.._~..._.,.., ,-- ""'~'v '_" _ '~....'.__"_.....,. _"_". _'_._~_"...._ ._._M_____._.'________.__._.~ ..~:~~~fi~~~~~~;;~fi,:~.~~:~;:;;!~,.:..~-~;;::;;~-;~~~~;~:::~~~~~:f~~r~~~~:~~1<t~~if~~i~:}~~~~~,.~=~~~~;~~;~;~..~f;_;;;~~ ~~~ r-- North Shore Park and Community Center Focus Group Report A total of148 surveys in the form of focus groups were done of residents of the North Beach area during the last two weeks as a follow up to the February 29th Public. Workshop at the North Shore Park, Of those 148, users of the Center were from the followin~, identified groups: r- Basketball Tennis Senior Line Dancing Ceramic Club Preschool Children K-6 Teens Special Needs Adults I Families 22 surveys were also done of teens at Nautilus and Miami Beach Senior High who are presently non-users of the Center in order to understand what interests these teens might have that would bring them to the Center, Attached find the complete breakdown by group regarding interests, In general, the common theme throughout all of the groups felt the following: . Park should be kept clean . Park should be educational . It should be fun . All groups either wanted the Center to be intergenerational or had no feelings regarding that issue ,-- ------,--,_---..- . -. 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All those interviewed are users but not all are registered, paying users Why do you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? . 100% basketball, football, soccer, other outdoor sports 20% indicated they use the Center because it is free and they cannot afford to play elsewhere. About 50% wanted indoor courts while tbe other half liked to play in open air. .' r- ..... . If you do not use the Center, why not? What would you like offered that would motivate you to use the Center? What kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? , There is no structure; would like to see more formal sports schedule . What time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you like to see this Center open? Morning, afternoon and evenings, 7 days per week 10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p,m. . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities / programs you indicated were offered? Every day twice per day . What do you want the Center to do for you? Fun, good playing atmosphere Keep it maintained and more people will come ,-- - -~_._--. -==---~ -_.--:.-.,-~-~- .... _ ,"_.__'._.. , ._,....' --..,. ,~,......,~,___. '_'_"___"~"'__'__'n'" .'_..~._ _..____.___ ~.~~~.:h~-=i..~~~~~~~.'--~.- '_U;:__'~_~~~~'_~~~'~:__-=';-~__~'. ,,~'_'..':: .~.__.~~;';:~:;"-_,~-::.=::~=~~--=----":'"3=:-_~:::~..~ ".'-=,,'-::!,~~Ml.~~~_:!l~':":_,~~___~- _~__",". .--:..-."-----"----.;--.._----:,. .__,.__.~":";'.'____.Ii 1.10 ~. _.~ __ _.__...... __--: __ _ _____ --...-.--~-"-p-~::-:-..=:::':'~:;:~ '-~.:'" -- -:-,' . --~. - "'-;-,,:",-:- "''':''''~~--''''--- '"--.....----.~'- - - -----. KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS , r- . What types of classes would you like to see offered? What classes wouldyou like to . see continued? Karate, computer room, video games, boxing Languages Football classes All kinds of martial arts . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room? 100% would use the gym; 20% would use the weight room Must be free . How many tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis courts? Cement or clay? 40% - 4 cement; 4 clay - total 8 40%-8clay r- . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor or outdoor? 60% . 6-8 indoor 40% . 2-4 both indoor & outdoor , , . What is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into two fields or one? 70% want 2 fields with one to be used as soccer or football, as needed 30% want one large field . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 85% No 15% Computer Room Yes 95% No 5% Video Game Room Yes 60% No 40% Soccer field Yes 50% No 50% ,-- ;._.__._-'_...:_....__~..,;~".._ _.. _ '" ___. ."_.. '_"...... . ".'_ .,'_._.,_,~_"',..______.;_..._._m__._____ . _ ..,'" . "__'_H... ~ -, - ',.; -'. :,;:::,~.,...... .,,-' ~-_--'_;:-::,....=:..:.~:'.~'._..":"_..._,.!'"~~--~~,-lt;;;:-~..~~.;':;.:.:''-'-.~__M_~~~7~-~~.::~-=7'-=----._"";' ~.Etll _ _ . __ _ . _. _ ,_~ .c__o.... J5i!!!J- ~. ;~:._..~.~.. _~___._ ..,.'_.,...,... .. -':-.--..:;~~:~~~~~-;~..:-.:~~i:~..;;.::-:~--....--:._._--:.;,:~:~..~.;--- _~~ -- .- --. - . .,__-_-~__?'~~-----.- -- - - u-C- ~ - - 4__......+'_ ~ Friday night movies Yes 85% No 15% Weight Room Yes 95% No 5% Running Track Yes 95% No 5% KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION ANDCOMMENTS . Would you use any of the following classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 45% No 55% Aerobics .: Yes 50% No 50% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 55% No 45% Language classes Yes 50% No 50% Perfonning Arts / Dance Yes 60% No 40% r- Martial Arts Yes 97% No 3% After school tutoring! mentoring Yes 55% No 45% ! / ' Job counseling Yes 85% No 15% Vocational Training Yes 55% No 45% Art / Drama Yes 80% No 20% Boxing Yes 90% No 10% Knitting Yes 10% No 90% Gardening Yes 10% No 90% Any other comments or suggestions? ~ Be open to all --.- -.-.---..---.--.... ,.---. '.._-.- ..".- .. - ----.. '- .,._....__ ____.______ __ __.___.,___._ _____." .______ _._.__._.__.'.... _._,..__.h______._. ~-4 -~-:~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-.-:: .~-~~~~?~ ~ ~ -::~'"'--..--..~...--._.----,,~_..-. . ___' -.. '.___.__,C~,..-.--_.h----' ---~-_~- __. _' - .,___. - ''''. '_'._':',_ .n_ ___ _ _. :-.~~.:":,-o.,.i.;:.:.:.::_:.~~:.~ ~.-:":-;.:;-:.:;:.:=,__:::_:_~:- .'_'_"" -.~'.-.:;-=:.=-~-..--.:.-..,. North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _Tennis Date _April 11, 2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit~ KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use the Center now? All those interviewed are users . Why 'do you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? 100% feel the program is good but needs to be better kept . If you do not use,the Center, why not? What would you like offered that would ~ motivate you to Use the Center? What kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? Tennis lessons to increase interest " . What time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you like to see this Center open? Mornings, evenings - 7 days per week . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities I programs you indicated were offered? 1-2 times daily was most common answer . What do you want the Center to do for you? ,-- ...- --- ...- ~.. -~ "'- -- - -- . ,- , ::~ ~..,.~ .'--. -. .-.....--.--.-....---..--.---... . -.--'-- ....-..------,..------,.,- , '."~""-""----------'-'~~" -~_'.,.__.". ~--:.~,'C..~..,:- -"C',. ."...,~'?--.-~~~~=--'-:-~~~~0Z~~..:-~~~s-:..::_::"T~-_~~:.~~ ,-_';:;"~-''':'''._.:'''''_~ ~.i!;';";:';'..~^':':"':';"~.l:.ji ",.__ _ "___ ,_ _ __ _,.. .._ __._ --.- -. -..-- . .... ..... ;~_c~';'-"~;~";:~' _..-. .'~ ,- - :~---. ~ - -'. ," ~ -. .;: ''-:~-;..;.iI<'''';-'':.Z' ._:::";"'__-:;""C--'~_ ".-.. ,...."':"~:--____.,.--__~~_ ~ KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS . What types of classes would you like to see offered? What classes would you like to see continued? Tennis lessons, especially for kids Ceramics . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room? 50% would use the gym; 50% would use the weight room . How many tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis courts? Cement or clay? Average'response was 10 courts; most request clay but 10% wanted Y, cement . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor or outdoor? Indoor & outdoor - no number --- . What is your opirrion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into two fields or one? Most had no opinion but 40% of those who did wanted,l field i ' . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 80% No 20% Computer Room Yes 50% No 50% Video Game Room Yes 30% No 70% Soccer field Yes 20% No 80% Friday night movies Yes 50% No 50% Weight Room Yes 50% No 50% Running Track Yes 50% No 50% ,-- _______ ._._..,...~_~___._._~.~.,._.._., .... -__ '__'_0.. _... _.__..____.._._"_~.__...._~,___~_.____,_._____._.____.___..._. _'_""""_ "'__n -___J _" ___...,..., ..,... ..__.. , _ _ _"_...._.." _ _ ~._ . _~_~ ~_,~~~_.__~~....-,_. Ji~_~~,--.._.......~ ~.__~ .,_~_~~.~~__,~.,.,___".':':.~:-~-"~,.'.,....,,,,~-: ,_ _ ~~....o::_u....~ --''''''. ~. :~.:__ ~;";:--",-~~~F~,::--:-i:1~."";-~':'-:-.:'=--=-:.:--._'- .!:fI~ ~""---A ~ I . ' _.__::=- --.':--.". '-'--'o':::'.-.'c::'~'::':~::-:-:'_':"~: ~-.::-,~..:.." :-:--- ..~ ':;~"_~.:;..;~,__~.:....-______:..:....~-:..:~.::~.~' _U_"_ r- KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS . Would you use any of the following classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 0% No 100% Aerobics Yes 10% No 90% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 3% No 97% Language classes Yes 40% No 60% PerformiIw Arts / Dance Yes 40% No 60% Martial Arts Yes 3% No 97% After school tutoring! mentoring Yes 3% No 97% .~ Job cOWlSeling Yes 0% No 100% Vocational Training Yes 3% No 97% Art / Drama Yes 5% r No 95.% ' Boxing Yes 10% No 90% Knitting Yes 0% No 100% Gardening Yes 0% No 100% Any other comments or suggestions? Need clean restrooms Place to eat Need wall around courts so balls don't go in the street Have tournaments Water fountains, water drains on courts ,-- O't...-:::-. - -_:..: - T -~.... '_", ..__. .~__. .__.-lo.._. ___.::':;:_~_:';::";;"_ _--... ____. . _ T ~"-__~"__....'1 . ~~~~~~'::~:<'~:"::'~':-:'" .....- - - -. '. '--~'.,~ ..-"-" --- ..--.- '.._...-~-_._- -,;:~~~" ~--~'. . -~ ~~~:{"-'-r~""':.-',~'-~~"';,"-'~-'~:;:~~:.,.~,:~ -;_.._.~:-.~..~~~-:~.:: - . ----- ~.~~~;z~ ~:~-::--~;;:.~...~:..~'::._: c. ...::2..~~:.-- "~ ._----..'~ North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _Senior Line Dancing Date April 11, 2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit~ KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use the Center now? All those interviewed are users . Why Clo you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? 100% come because it is a fun way to stay fit They all indicated it keeps them occupied and happy 100% said they need more senior programming like this r- . If you do not use' the Center, why not? What would you like offered that would motivate you to Use the Center? What kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? . , What time of the day would you use the Center? wha;'hours would you like to see this Center open? Daytime; 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p,m. . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities / programs you indicated were offered? 2-3 times per week . What do you want the Center to do for you? Be a community center for all ages Advertise more because many of us are snowbirds and we need more members Provide social atmosphere r ~~-;:5":"=~'" .~:,~- _.=~::-----:~~~-;::,~~~=.--"",,;':;;; :-~..:~~' ~~_.~;;.::, ~ "~=:~'.-'~~ --~-~ .._~~;," -_\-:. ,.;:;::::-=~::Z.?~--::~::~~-:.'~ . ..-:-:::--- --'::-r~"'-~---'-".'-=----';."'~ = . -_.:. " ,...:~::--=~~j':;.'~-~,---.........-= ...._.-~-~--=-":'-=::..-----:'.~._--- .....:..--~. .~_"':~--= ,.....'" -. , ~ KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS . What types of classes would you like to see offered? What classes would you like to see continued? Educational classes; senior programming; senior social time 3 day cruise, dinners for seniors Bridge, yoga, card room and games, travel club, exercise Shuffleboard . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room? 0% would use the gym; 0% would use the weight room , . How inany tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis courts? Cement or clay? N/A . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor ~r outdoor? r-- N/A . What is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into two fields or one? : ' N/A . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 9% No 100% Computer Room Yes 0% No 100% Video Game Room Yes 0% No 100% Soccer field Yes 0% No 100% Friday night movies Yes 0% No 100% Weight Room Yes 0% No 100% ,-- Running Track Yes 0% No 100% ~-:'_ '.'-- n ._-~.__:~=~~=~~:- '~~~}~__'_"_':_-:;;':':~"_..=:.._~-:_._..:..~~._~m~_=~_.' ;';'::.:::i-'''--':~~.' ~ _ ;-'':'~:':~'::;~:.:-,~,__._ _~ ._ .=.~~.:.o.~~;~~ ~~~-:.:.._: .~_~_ ~:~-:,::.:..:;..--=~- _~ -::;:t_~__...:-_l:~ <~:"'''=_';~'~~''''~~'< _..~__-._o.._~,-,-~;".;,-... ~- :.~,--<=<,;;_.~:~~-;;':,..:':'.;--_-:;..i.J,...."~~,.-.:: ~';':::;:~;~'-;"_"""~-'-~'~_""'-'-:-~"!I: . - ~----",,'~'::...'~"'-:_ -::.-:::~~--~.:._:=-.,-:-:-;.;.'-..;..-:':_:"_ _-: "---'.~-_-.~;":::' -::-- .._:;;J:_~-';":':'- ",,:".=- . _ __...__' .._:.-.:.....:.~_.._.-.':::-::;. -.-_~-"-"'-'-"~' :--:- ,....:"':"-.:.--:=:.:-~~~ __ "'.-::. - r- KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS . Would you use any of the following classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 0% No 100% Aerobics Yes 100% No 0% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 0% No 100% Language classes Yes 95% No 5% Performing Arts I Dance Yes 0% No 100% Martial Arts Yes 0% No 100% After school tutoring! mentoring Yes 0% No 100% , r-- Job counseling Yes 0% No 100% . Vocational Training Yes 0% No 100% Art I Drama Yes 1000% No 0% Boxing Yes 0% No 100% Knitting Yes 10% No 90% Gardening Yes 0% No 100% Any other comments or suggestions? Should be an Activities Center for seniors not just youth r -. -...-.-....-,.- J.~______~___'~"'__",__"'':';";,;;,~,,:,,,-___._.. ,"'. ....':':';:;".;'~;;';:':':~ - _. --" "-... "-- ~_,....., _...~~~_......~~~':''?'~.'':'_'':...~?--.-..,..,..~,...........,--... '-:::.~7:--"":==-'., ..._ ...~~-~ .':~:-..:::,':_:-~--=::""::::':'__-=~ ..'"-..-......-_......,~..- ~..-., .,".'" . --. ... . --- . ----."- -'---". -. ".-..- ~~~~- ~~~. ..:..;.;~~~:::.~-=,~:~:~~?~~{~.~~_~::-~~ .;~. .~_~~:7:.~~~~:~~~.;.~.~~-::=~:~.::=..~. ~"~~7~~~'~:-~~ -=:::~...~:-~-'=~~,.~~c.~_~~:~~~~~:";.~: ___ ..~ __, __. .. . - ___ . ," "0 "'" __.' _.... . .__..____.> .-' ~ North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _Ceramic Club Date April 11, 2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit_ KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use the Center now? All those interviewed are users " . Why do you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? 100% come because ofthe feeling "like family" They all indicated how much they liked the dedicated teacher 100% said it is like therapy to make "wonderful art" " ~ . If you do not use'the Center, why not? What would you like offered that would motivate you to use the Center? What kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? . What time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you like to see this Center open? Daytime; 5 days per week 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities / programs you indicated were offered? 2-3 times per week Everyday . What do you want the Center to do for you? Be a community center for all ages To teach and be a learning center Provide social atmosphere ,-- .'-.,--.....-~ .___ ._._,__ __..___h.____.._.._~_.....___._..._ ___.__..__....._..~._ .._..._~______._.___.__ _._ -'._. .__._ .._._.__. _'...___.._.__. 7~~~~~~~-~?~-;;;~~~~~~-~~~;;;::~~~_~~~;~~- -:~-=_._~.~~~~;~ .-.-.-..,.,...... _...._,."'._....-...~"- .----~ -',,---..,- .-""-' .------,-.-.-. KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS ~ . What types of classes would you like to see offered? What classes would you like to see continued? Enrichment classes; senior programming; senior social time Ceramics, arts & crafts, photography Bridge, yoga, card room and games, travel club, exercise Senior Drop-in center . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room? 10% would use the gym; 0% would use the weight room . How~y tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis courts? Cement or clay? N/A . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor or outdoor? r N/A . What is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into two fields or one? " . N/A . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 5% No 95% Computer Room Yes 5% No 95% Video Game Room Yes 0% No 100% Soccer field Yes 0% No 100% Friday night mo vies Yes 0% No 100% Weight Room Yes 5% No 95% ,-- Running Track Yes 5% No 95% .._,.-_.~-C--- .".'. - - -.'. .~_. _._.."""---'-"-"~'--'-""--"-'-''''-''-- - _. l '0-' - _. :;;;::----.. ---,",-:-<.~_._---~----_."",":",'----,._-~.-_..._-'..-=-:::::-- -" ---'~~~~~-.."--;;-~.--.'''''"'''. .,.-=- --.. - - ".- --~ --~. -~. ----- --~ - -'::-~ - ~~-- ~ -'-,.--~-="'.. .n._....:=. _~~-=~i-:.~=~-:-:~;-~:?-i~- :~.-..~:::7~:~:--~.7:~ -..-.:--:--___..~"-;-~.2_:~-~:;;~;~~~t:.~;:~~~~i~:~ ; ---~.-~~~..=:.:f:::7?4;...,,;~:~~= _~__~ ~---=~__ ~;=;..-,-;..- . ,,' ,...._~:...._~--- .-"- ,,~'-----,....,...-' -.....- -.-. -,=..._.'-_._.._--._...,.....-._.~.. ~-_._- ~ -'---~-'-- ,-- KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS . Would you use any of the following classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 0% No 100% Aerobics Yes 5% No 95% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 0% No 100% Languag~. classes Yes 5% No 95% Perfonning Arts / Dance Yes 60% No 40% Martial Arts Yes 3% No 97% After school tutoring! mentoring Yes 0% No 100% " ,-- Job counseling Yes 0% No 100% r Vocational Training 0% ' , Yes No 100% Art / Drama Yes 80% No 20% Boxing Yes 0% No 100% Knitting Yes 10% No 90% Gardening Yes 10% No 90% Any other comments or suggestions? Be open to all; Should be an Activities Center for ALL, not just youth Need full time Ceramics teacher More toddler programming Keep the Margaret M. Swett Social Club every Saturday night Need more social programs - adults need a place to learn and gather ~ . __ ..~_ 4~...,_______ ..--.--.--.'.-..---.,.-.---.--.-.----.-.-'-.-. ....'--.-- --.... -----.-.--,--------,--- -.-. .----.- --.---...--l";... ~ -.-.__., .-s=. -,~~2. _...__e__=:':"'______.- ._, .===:_~ _ _ -=-__ _ __..---~~--:=_~." ~;.,.=__:::__-,;.;;:::::.:;;:;;~: ..:~'""..;~r~r- .--.;~-.~~==-..;==:- ~-~""-~~::;~~~~~-::~~.=.~~!~~:i.;~~2~~:~~~,~,-"-~.~~~~~--;;::~:~~~~,~~i. .:.~. - ~~~~:::~-~~:.~~.:-'. __ _~_:= __~..'..__....:--__~_.-_____.~'___ --._,0.......,.. ._._,.:__~____.._.....____ _~'."",,-. ,.,.___ ._ '__< _~___., - North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _Pre-School Date _April 11, 2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use the Center now? All those interviewed are users . Why do you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? 100% feel the educational program is good Close to home Economical ~ . If you do not use the Center, why not? What would you like offered that would motivate you to use the Center? What kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? N/A / . What time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you like to see this Center open? 10% -Needs to be open later 90% feel it should stay the same . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities / programs you indicated were offered? Monday-Friday . What do you want the Center to do for you? Have a variety of youth programs ages 4-16 Classes to learn English Needs to be clean ~ .._."_ ._._. _............._.._..__....._...._.__..n _._____.._ .._......n...._....._ . ... .... .,._> . ............._ . _ _...... __ _ _._.__..___.__~..___....h...~~_.._..~".._. ... _ __...~. _'-...~...... __. .'!.E~~~._. . _ ::....::-_.___ _ _ --...,' . -;~ _. __~ .;._..-::.~~'"":-:'"-",""'--:=---'..~~~ ~i.:. .: ~7~~?~~~~.;g;~,._.::~~7:.:~1~i'-~~~:;::.~:=--::;~..,,-;"::;:~~z;:~:-=:--;;;;..::::.~;.:;E..~~.:,,:;-:--~.~.;,,;~.~-:::_.-: ..~_-:;~:.7.,:,~~,~~:' .~_ ~'..c~,.,..~~!::-.".,.<---=-=- .:r.~~ --=,,-,.~_.:""____. .___""::._--:~ ~~::":::;:..~-.-_.-:::::.:--:;:::.:::..~'";;"~~.h.--::~-:;...;:::W~~.-~~:-_~.:'=:~..;.. -_ ._. ____..... ._. _ __J";_..._-_ -'--=,'~'_.. -"~,,._,._----." .~- _..---.- '--"'--_"'~-"'-- --",..'~. ,~'--<""""'--::,",,-'.,-- .~ KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS . What types of classes would you like to see offered? What classes would you like to see continued? Moreclasses during vacation, swimming, gymnastics Ballet, piano, guitar, music in general English classes Drug Prevention classes . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room? 100% would use the gym;100% would use the weight room . How.many tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis courts? Cement or clay? 90% said it should remain the same 10% said there should be 4-6 clay courts . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor pr outdoor? ~ Indoor & outdoor - no number . What is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into , two fields or one? All want 2 fields; one suggested batting cages . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 70% No 30% Computer Room Yes 100% No 0% Video Game Room Yes 90% No 10% Soccer field Yes 100% No 0% Friday night movies Yes 100% No 0% Weight Room Yes 100% No 0% ,-- Running Track Yes 100% No 0% ... t-. .--..-----;-- -.- ~ - - -.- -. . .;,;.o,;.~::-:._ - ___,''::-_':..~-----::=:::~~~~{--:_~:''=~==-~.~::.:::='''':::::'~-:-'::?",,:~S;:'~~.~~~_::..~~~~-;.-;".~,,:~:;,~~..._~~~,-.=,;~~~ .-~~];:~~i:~~~~-~: --~,~~~~;j~~~~~~~~~-_~i:~-;~-:~t~..~-.~i-:~-~~~~.:~-~~'~=:~~~~~~_~~~._~-~--:" .-.:~~-:.:~_::_:~?~~~O~ ~'=~~? KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS ~ . Would you use any of the following classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 97% No 3% Aerobics Yes 100% No 0% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 60% No 40% Language classes Yes 100% No 0% Performing Arts / Dance Yes 97% No 3% Martial Arts Yes 80% No 20% After school tutoring! mentoring Yes 100% No 0% Jo b counseling " Yes 70% No 30% ,"- Vocational Training Yes 97% No 3% Art / Drama Yes 80% No 20%/ Boxing Yes 10% No 90% Knitting Yes 20% No 80% Gardening Yes 10% No 90% Any other comments or suggestions? Parenting classes Another playground Make more programs for kids of all ages Thank you for all you have done r "'-"--l""~ _.. n .__._._~_____,__..__..___.....~..._..,__ _ _......___._~..__. "'. _ ..~_._..:__._. .._____._.,__. ~~~~~~~~=~~4~'~?~~m""1~~0~:;;;:~:'~~:-":.:;~~~2:O--~'~}=~..~.~:.~;~~:;:.:~~~.::~ --.-...; -~-- --,'.--" ..,~ -. '---'---.- - _""_.'-.,_._~.~'.---- -~.._.,-.,..,-,,-- --' -....----- ~ North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _K-6 Children Date _April 11, 2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit~ KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use the Center now? All those interviewed are users . Whydo you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? FUN . If you do not use the Center, why not? What would you like offered that would motivate you to use the Center? What kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? " ~ N/A . What time of the day would you use the Center? What'hours would you like to see this Center open? N/A . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities / programs you indicated were 0 ffered? LOTS . What do you want the Center to do for you? BE FUN r- --.....-r-~-:- -.""- .. . '" _..-._-, ,"-- ,,"---' ---"'" ;'~~~'~.::-='~._~"~:;_~;:;:-.,_"_:~-~f~=-:~~.;.:,~~=~:t--::-:~_&.?:-::-==~-=:--~~S-~.~Y;~~~'""'":~."':::~'-;;;;'~J,~~~:~~:-~~_~~~2~ _-"'-"_~~__'~':.-oo"'_-o.o-_'-_:'.-:o'-~:.;:.___:~..:.~~~-::.. - --,,-. -~ = ~~.~.~~~~..,- -,."'",,"'''' ..--.",.... ':-<"-"--cc-_,no,!!!", <,-, -. :~_...;;~_..:..--,,;;..;,;.;.:."", ---:--:',;_7_~!'''''''"''~:-:::=--- ____' -_.--~-':"'":-~--_-=-'"' -'-, .-... _._,",.____J_- ~___:...__ ...._. ._~.".._- __. _.._..'..-.-_.-- . _u"'.....__._ ~ KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS . What types of classes would you like to see offered? What classes would you like to see continued? Bowling, basketball, football, baseball Ice skating, roller blading, horseback riding Dancing, hockey . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room? 100% would use the gym;100% would use the weight room . How many tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis courts? Cemep.t or clay? N/A . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor or outdoor? N/A I""" . What is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into two fields or one? / . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 70% No 30% Computer Room Yes 100% No 0% Video Game Room Yes 100% No 0% Soccer field Yes 100% No 0% Friday night movies Yes 100% No 0% Weight Room Yes 100% No 0% RlInning Track Yes 100% No 0% 0'-- """-'~~'.~ . .~--_..._. '..."--- -",-,,-,-"-.'-' ~ - . - ~ - - - '--. .._.~"' ~~ - 7-."!!!' ~ ~';;"~_.;:i"""~--~~';;"" -.""-=:;:-'''''-~---~ ..... .,........,.__... _ , -_'_- .~;.___::~:""..;..:_:.='_.:_~:.;..:;,:.~ .::-_-.:-~:::'_ ...--_ -::::_-=-=-"",'":1-"_ .:-:-__:::-;,-.",.-::...:_-:~-_--_-:-::_--:::::..::~~ ~;s-- ._~~:~~~~?:..~-".--,,~~:.~~-:---_ ~~~_. ~;:,~-~~~~.:::::-~,;-,~~~":,;,,,~: ~: -' -=.c:-=~_:"~._~~~- ,,- _.;~... :~__--':;:-'_d_=: .,.....--,-....~...._~._~..,.~-- ."- - _..-_..----:::;-~~---'---~.._---- ._...- - ~. ---..-- -----.- KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS , ~ . Would you use any of the following classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 0% No 100% Aerobics Yes 100% No 0% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 0% No 100% Language classes Yes 0% No 100% Performing Arts I Dance Yes 97% No 3% Martial Arts Yes 80% No 20% After school tutoring! mentoring Yes 100% No 0% Job counseling Yes 0% No 100% Yes 0% No 100% Yes 80% No 20%' Yes 10% No 90% Yes 0% No 100% Yes 0% No 100% r- Vocational Training Art I Drama Boxing Knitting Gardening Any other comments or suggestions? ,-- . .... __....... ____'_d _._ _ .....__. ,'._ _ ___. ____'______ . __O',U _. _ _ _ . .1,. -- o_~_'...-~.=... -.~~~_:_.::.::..~:?':::::~-~~,;;;;;..f::z,:: '.:-3:-='"": . ..,.._"""....,_u~h.'-'_."O:-_-_~..,.:-O_. .~~E;.~~~i~~-";~;~~:-;c-:~~~~2~~,~.~~-,,~...~ :}:.::.....:.-~o,;~~,'C-.:._,...,-.,:.- _,,,,,.__~, _._~--:;;._ ~,___,.~_ ._00"'___ '_"_~_. "P_ -0',....-,._...... ._..,__-__.......~_~__-_,'__,_~..;o___:.____ __ _.., ._' ____._'O__~~_._ _ ._,".._.____ _ .._,'.-,_ , ~ North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _Special Needs Date April 11, 2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit_ KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use the Center now? 75% those interviewed are users; 25% are not users . Why ao you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? Bring seniors, neighbors, kids together . If you do not use the Center, why not? What would you like offered that would motivate you to use the Center? What kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? " ,-- - Did not know about it Would like more programming for the disabled / handicapped t / ' . What time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you like to see this Center open? U ntillate . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities / programs you indicated were offered? As much as possible . What do you want the Center to do for you? Bring people of all kinds together ,-- ., ....\--;~...,~~~ ~_:-,~~-~~:_;-~~~~7:~:~~~-~~-~~~2::::;-~~~~~,~~':;;:_:~~;.:'::~-~~~~.~;Z~;=~~_~+:,,~?:~~:,~;,_~~ .:~~:~.-:.~:~rft~-_' ,'-, ._._ .~ :::.:~~~""!:"~~~':~~.--~~:::~-?::::,:~--:::;~::- ,~:;::~ .-'::'7_~~--:~~~-.~;.;;;::;~,-:::.,~:~~~_-=~,;~~...~.~_:z~~~~~~_."..^ '., ~____ ~.::=~ --., . -- .",.-", -- - ..- - .. ----- -.-~ ,'~-'...._. --- ~'"""""' - ~ KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS . What types of classes would you like to see offered? What classes would you like to see continued? Exercise, gymnastics, music Current events, senior classes . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room? 80% would use the gym; 40% would use the weight room . How many tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis courts? Cement or clay? .' N/A . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor or outdoor? N/A " ,-- . What is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into two fields or one? / . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 0% No 100% Computer Room Yes 100% No 0% Video Game Room Yes 100% No 0% Soccer field Yes 10% No 0% Friday night movies Yes 100% No 0% Weiglu Room Yes 100% No 0% Running Track Yes 100% No 0% r . .,-_...-.-.--:-~-- ,_.___....~.__......__..._.._.__._h'_~."__._.~__._. _ , _.,. .. ._. .. : z-~~~;~_~~~~~~~~~~,ti~:~_,~~~~~77:~~~-:~~:~~~t:~;::.,-:~~=~~Z~.~,.~~:-~._~-~?P~T~?f.~~~.:~.:.~.~-"0-_.,~~~:' ~ .- .__ ,:..:::..-~~;"::~~'~~2:-,~~~:~~:.-";:.-:-" ....---~ -:'.-~-~._~-- :.~- ---- .--::---:.:-.. _:'~. "'-~'''--':~-:::::.:.;_~::;..~.:'=>:-'~:' -~-~~ KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS , ~ . Would you use any of the following classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 0% No 100% Aerobics Yes 100% No 0% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 0% No 100% Language classes Yes 90% No 10% Performing Arts I Dance Yes 97% No 3% . Martial Arts Yes 40% No 60% After school tutoring! mentoring Yes 20% No 80% r Jo b counseling Yes 100% No 0% Vocational Training Yes 100% No 0% r Art I Drama Yes 100% No 00;.;' Boxing Yes 0% No 100% Knitting Yes 0% No 100% Gardening Yes 80% No 20% Any other comments or suggestions? ,.-. ~:~~~~iI:''';'~~.'-'--''.d,.-~.~;:.' -~.._--".-'--"--~ '.-----; -' To ,r- ~ m. -.,.- . ..... -" - - +- - ~ - --~------ ~~-~,_~--:-~fb=7~~_~~-~-=-~~~~'= ~ '~~~'~~~.-,~~~~h~:';4:'~:::::~'..:~c:~:~.._-~-~,:~;.:-...-~~."~- .......' ~ ..:;:.~~:-:-:;::....:.::~,.<,:"',.:..::'1'!'.,",.;.. ,~--- , _ _ '. __ _ ~ ._. _ ._.__ _._'" .___.~_ .....:..-..0........_.....-____ ._~~'._.,=--,:.':_..__._. ~__ _ _..__,_,..__............-__ .._-_'_ ..........'_- ._~.' ,,"- .._-~. J'_ _..... ~ North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group _Adults I Families Date April 11, 2000 Facilitator(s) _Barry University, MB Field Unit_ KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do you use the Center now? All those interviewed are users and indicated their reason is to "have fun" . Why ao you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Center's facilities or programs? 100% baseball, pool, bowling, playground, basketball- family "things" . If you do not use the Center, why not? What would you like offered that would motivate you to use the Center? What kinds of activities or programs would you be - interested in? N/A I / . What time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you like to see this Center open? After 9:00 a,m. during summer, after school and evenings, 7 days per week 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m, . How frequently would you use the Center if the above activities I programs you indicated were offered? Every day twice per day . What do you want the Center to do for you? Have a good time and meet people; fun Take better care of the trees and flowers ,,-. _..-.....-"'I,..-~ ..__ ',_.___ ._+ _._____._,_...~_..._.... .._ +'_.',._,_..'__' "_. ___'_u____."..'o _.._____..~'__..,..,_+. _ ....'__.. ..__..._ _..,._._ ..... ~ --""-"'-,;-'-'-- - ._" _ ~.:Iii u_~_'c':... ~~ _ - ~ -' ~_.. - , --__ _~ _ ~__'::-;__,--_ _ _-.....--:::::T .:.- 0' .. .-'. ._.-~- ". ~~~:~~=~i::= .:~_:. -~~~;;~:;...~:.~~.:~~-~~~~~.~:~~=~.;:;~;-~~,~?:.:;;~:.~~:"~~.:-":~-~~~':~......;..~~~ .~;~--~.~-~~=:~_ . -_.....".<"-_.'--,..._.,,~---_._,._...---.,..'.,, -'-~-""":_".'_'':''----''''''''-~' -,--..,..;..."-....,<-~....~...,,,..,.,,_.,-- ---+ "'--'_._"-_.~ ---=--- ~ ~ --.... , ~ KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS . What types of classes would you like to see offered? What classes would you like to see continued? Computer classes Tennis lessons Football, baseball, basketball classes Jump rope classes . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room? 100% would use the gym and the gym . How'inany tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the tennis courts? Cement or clay? 2 cement; 2 clay - total 4 (2 indoor) . How many basketball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor or outdoor? ,-. 4 - 2 indoor & 2 outdoor . What is your opinion about the baseball field? Should the existing field be made into two fields or one? / 80% want 1 field 20% want one large field . Would you use any ofthe following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes 90% No 10% Computer Room Yes 90% No 10% Video Game Room Yes 100% No 0% Soccer field Yes 50% No 50% Friday night movies Yes 90% No 10% Weight Room Yes 100% No 0% ,-. -~"-......." ~':.~-_ __,--=---..........~ __._'_;__'~_~.::-_~~::_~.+'- __,~r_oll:~ __,::::,!~~ .-=-~-:~'-"'-~". "'.."---' .' -~.. -"-.-- ~- ... -'-~' ---.::.:.~-~~-----~z~~~~~~-~:~~::~~~.-:_~=~_:::.:~~~~.:.:-.; _.._.._r_-_ __.."'__. ~.,,_____,~ ,_".~._.__ ...______..:....nn___r__.._...._.. _..__~....- __._....,,'""-_~,-"".-'-___....~.'" __ . Running Track Yes 100% No 0% . ~ KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION AND COMMENTS . Would you use any of the following classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes 100% No 0% Aerobics Yes 100% No 0% Conflict Resolution Classes Yes 90% No 10% Language classes Yes 95% No 5% Performing Arts / Dance Yes 95% No 5% Martial Arts Yes 50% No 50% After school tutoring! mentoring " Yes 100% No 0% ,-- Jo b counseling Yes 95% No 5% . I , Vocational Training Yes 50% No 50% Art / Drama Yes 80% No 20% Boxing Yes 50% No 50% Knitting Yes 0% No 0% Gardening Yes 0% No 0% Any other comments or suggestions? Clean the park up Should be a pool More water fountains near tennis courts More water drains on the sides of the courts Have fences on the sides ofthe courts so balls don't go out ,-- Have indoor tennis .,_...-.~.---.-~~.,- ,-- ~ School of Social Work 11300 NORTHEAST SECOND AVENUE MIAMI SHORES, FLORIDA 33161.6695 Direct Number (305) 899.3900 , Main Campus (305) 899-3000 Barry University MlIrch 30, 2000 TO: Janet Gavarrete Kevin Smith V Sugar Firtel ....- Maria Ruiz ,~ Fleming FROM: Gerri Sprague-Damon LCSW RE: Letter of Intent - Focus Groups regarding North Shore Park and Youth Center AttaChed please find the survey tool we will use as we solicit the opinions of approximately 200 of the North Beach residents, A final report will be delivered to you on Friday, April 7, However, an addendum wi11 be required since I was not aware until yesterday that certa:il1 user groups of the Center, other than school age children, do not use the Center during Spriog Break, -- lIispanic Commuuity Ceuter TeeD Group. Already done Nautilus Middle Scbool Teen Gro..p - Already done, ,I. Basketball- (Show up nights and weekends at least 2 '-3 times) TellDis - (Show up at least 2-3 times 8:00-11 :OOAM Mon-Fri or weekends) lIispauic Community CeDte)" LiDe DSDciJJ.g - (Tues, and Thurs. 1-3 but they are on break coinciding with school break so this will have to wait until Tues" April 11.) Ceramic Ladi~ - (Monday 11 :00-2:00 and because they are also "on break" so this will done by phone; I bave the list of all the participants) Prescbool - (also because this break affects everyone, this will have to wait until Monday and Tuesday, Aprl110 & 11; The parents arrive at 8:30 AM to drop offand pick up at 2:00, We will do both the 8:30 and 2:00 on both days) Adults - (Showup at the Youth Center and S'Ur'ley anyone there) Also we will survey the clients we are alJ:eady workWg with in the North Beach area. Special Needs - ThLs is a bard one since "special needs or those with disability can be anyone in any age group; We have clients who are disabled so those clients who full into this category we will do a phone survey and ask the same questions but "how the Center could a4just plans to meet their needs) We will have this done with the exception ofPrescoool by April 7, I will add the Preschool by Apri112_ I am presenting the results on April 13 after discussions with all of you. ,-- The Ellen Whiteside McDoo.nell School of Social Work 9/2'd ZLOl'oN A CamoUc Inrernadonal UJA'~3G~:JV A~~VB ~d62:v 0002 '18' Hf1 r- North Shore Park and Youth Center Focus Groups Name of Group Date Facllitator(s) KEY AREAS OF DISCUSSION . Do..you 11$6 the Cente:l:' now? . Why do you use it? What attracts or brings you to the Center to utilize the Cente:l:"s facilities or programs? /"'" . If you do not use the Center, why lJ,ot? What would you like offered that would motivate you to uSe the Center? What kinds of activities or programs would you be interested in? J ' . What time of the day would you use the Center? What hours would you like to see this Center open? How frequently would you 11$e the Center if the above activities / programs you indicated were offered? . What do you want the Center to do for you? r- g/e'd WI'ON ^~3am m~8 ~doe:~ OOOZ 'Ie' H~ ......--,~--~-:-O:"(- ,.-. KEY AREAS FOR DISCUSSION A.1'llD COMMENTS . What types of classes would you like to see offered? What classes would you like to see continued? . Will you use the gym? Will you use the weight room? . How many tennis courts do you think are necessary, if you uti~ the tennis courts? Cement or clay? ~ . How many b:1$Jc:etball courts do you think are necessary, if you utilize the basketball courts? Indoor or outdoor? . What is your opinion about the baseball field? Sl10uid the existing field be made into two fields or one? . Would you use any of the following? (Circle choice) Pool table Yes No Computer Room Yes No Video Game Room Yes No Soccer field Yes No Friday night movies Yes No Weight Room Yes No Running Track Yes No ,-- 9/7 . d Z L 0 I . 0 N A~3am mV9 ~d08:v om '18'1!~ .. r- KEY AJ.U:AS FOR DISCUSSION AND COM1\fENTS . Would you use any of the follO"'ing classes? (Circle choice) Homework Club Yes No Aerobics Yes No Conflict Resolution Classes Yes No Language classes Yes No Performing Arts I Dance Yes No Martial Arts Yes No After school tutoring! mentoring Yes No r- Job counseling Yes No Vocational Training Yes No , , , Art I Draina Yes No Boxing Yes. No Knitting, Yes No Gardening Yes No Any other comments or suggestions? r- 919 'd ZLO I ' 0 N mom mV8 ~d08:t 0002 '18'H~ NORTH SHORE PARK RECREATION CENTER r- Sheet Comments A100 Site Plan Any possibility of sun huts between tennis courts? Yes, We will include them as additive alternates. Are there any electrical outlets on tennis courts? (for water fountains and maintenance pU1]Joses) There will be outlets (wp) at the tennis center and we will identify two additional courts, Backstop fence on existing field needs to be straightened, We will indicate this request on the drawings, Concessions: Vending or food prep? This will be mostly vending with the ability to cook hot dogs, cheese dip etc, Plaza: What is this? (circled entrance steps to community center) Due to the need to elevate the building we need steps, These steps serve as seating for plaza, Baseball field: Why is this baseline crooked? Drawing shows existing conditions, Community Center: How do you get in the building from 72'" Street? The main point of entry is in the plaza, 72'" Street: Is there any fencing? Existing? Ifnew, how tall? ~ There will be new fencing at a height of 6 feet, Community Center north entrance: Wasted space - expand building, Alcoves not suggested, The north entrance is being modified, Gymnasium east entrance: Do we need entry on Harding! Abbott, This could be storage and fire door, We need a point of entry and exit at this location. AZOO Overall Floor Plan Practice Tennis Court: What is the height of the wall? If a fence is attached to top of wall use dense mesh. Standard is not acceptable as tennis balls get caught and patrons try to climb roof (liability problem). Distance from wall to fence should be greater than 45 feet. A dense mesh will be provided, Concrete wall = 4'-0" with 9'-7" fence on top, total height = 13'-7" Need a weight room and boxing ring, The plan is being modified to include a weight room, The boxing ring will need to include as an alternate use in the gym. Covered area (113): Is this the same elevation as the Tennis Center Building? What type of roof is being used? (hopefully clay tile) Where will the water drain to? (are they using gutters and downspouts?) The covered area is higher with a concrete roof, The water will drain through internal drains, ~ The current tennis center building (office, restrooms, storage shed) is 1250 SF, Why is the proposed new building smaller? Tennis center dimensions: enclosed = 1100 SF, covered = 1000 SF, entry = 735 SF, Total = 2,835 SF Tennis center office: is there a separate (enclosed) manager's office? Yes, Kiln & Adjacent Storage Room: do we need this wall (separating the two rooms)? Gtinding table? (very large) The interior wall has been removed, We are in the process of laying out this area, Three kilns! (currently two). Will it store all existing equipment or molds? We can provide three kilns. Classrooms: need in-room storage. We are in the process of modifying the plan to include more storage, Gymnasium south entrance: regulate entry? Info? Check in / lobby'feature, (something between street and program needed) We will include a check-in desk at the gym, A201 Shuffleboard, Practice Tennis & Tennis Center Floor Plan Tennis Center Pro Shop: build counters in pro shop. Make sure all courts are visible from pro shop. All courts will be visible from pro shop, We will include counters in pro shop, . Central AlC - No mention? Ductwork should be done while building tennis center office, This building is air conditioned (ie pro shop) Do we need restroom to be air conditioned? What is between Pro Shop and Storage (rectangular shape)? Ifnot used - why not? This is the practice court. We need adequate storage space to store clay/ proposed storage is a bit small, We will identify a cl;ly storage area, ,-- Build all safes while constructing foundation, Which safes? Tennis Center: showers? There are showers included in each restroom at the tennis center, A203 Community Center Floor Plan (Ground) Bathrooms: Where are the bathroom entries? How far are they from Multi-Purpose room? Entrance to bathrooms are on main corridor, Distance to MP from mens = +/- 39'-0"; womens +/- 50'-0" Kitchen: Need to refrigerate up to 20 lunches at a time, Need a freezer, We have two refrigerators, Office: Need a sef:egated area for park manager / fIrst aid / safe in floor, Route to office when you enter building from 72' Street is too far and removed from activity area. Need direct access and visibility to Multi- Purpose room. The office has a direct view into the main activity area, Multi.Purpose Room: pool tables - ping pong? Kiln & Adjacent Storage Room: see comments on A200, Classrooms: see comments on A200, Community Center north entrance: see comment on AIOO. ,-- ,", - '..'" p r-;-~--~_~~:,:~~-::- A204 Basketball Gymnasium Floor Plan Please provide actual court dimensions (must adhere to standard regulation basketball court regulation sizes) We are complying with high school regulations, as previously discussed and agreed to, Backboards must be retractable (especially under bleachers) Backboards are retractable, Volleyball anchors and lines in alternate color, We will include volleyball anchors and lines, What type of flooring - wood! High gloss, We will price wood as an additive alternate, A205 Dugout, Bleacher & Field Storage Floor Plans, Elevations Storage room needs to be double the size of the existing building with phone and electrical. We will increase the size of the storage shed, Do we need air conditioning? Field St6rage: As previously noted - this field house needs to accommodate equipment, materials, vehicle (golf cart size), desk for registration I phone /fIrst aid etc, Must be larger. Roll up doors on field side, The field storage shed will be increased in size, ID200 Tennis Center Office & Pro Shop Enlarged Plan & Elevations ~ What other options are available as to counter areas? (plastic laminate) A plywood top with plastic laminate is the most economical. Vinyl tile is not cost efficient in the long run as it has a shorter useful life span, What is the preferred floor finish? Other options include: Wood floor, ceramic tile or berber carpet. Wood floor with sub flooring is a good choice. Ceramic tile is a better solution for this location, ID 201 Tennis Center Restrooms Enlarged Plans & Elevations Will hand-dryers be installed in restrooms? Yes, How many showers are in bathrooms? (Men? Women?) One each. ID207 Community Center Multi-Purpose Room enlarged Plans & Elevations Pool tables should be as far away from stage as possible (arrow shows move to ther side of room), Ping-pong is portable, The final location of the pool tables have not been determined. ~ Where does this door lead to? (not gymnasium) We need a door connecting the community center to the gymnasium. Where is dressing room? (backstage) The plans are being modified to include a dressing area. ". .-..,;-r:'~~~~--:- ,-- L210 Enlarged Tennis Court Plans Six water fountains needed (2 courts will share one fountain) We will provide and incorporate on drawings, LSOO Planting Plan Make sure trees do not hang over fences and cause "debris problem" Palms are provided through court promenade, These will not create a debris problem, L601 Irrigation Plan Drainage is a problem on courts 1-4 north side (currently). Courts 5&6 are pitched too much and therefore cause clay to run out of the entrance after a significant rainstorm, Courts are being regraded to correct drainage problem, Please refer to grading plan on sheet L300, ,,-. ."..- - c----.----~.