Attachment 110 ~ III. IV. V. r- NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK AND NATURE CENTER COMMUNITY WORKSHOP Tuesday, April 25, 2000, 6:00 p.m. North Shore Activity Center 7250 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, Florida AGENDA I. Welcome Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager II. Introductions Kevin Smith, Director Parks and Recreation Department Altos Del Mar Park Joyce Meyers, North Beach Planning Coordinator Dade County Beach Maintenance Department Services Tim Byrnes Miami-Dade County Report from 2/28/00 Workshop Rai Fernandez Bermello & Ajamil, Project Architect Aida Curtis Curtis & Rogers, Project Landscape Architect VI. Phased Development Plan: A. Park Planting, Clearing and Irrigation Aida Curtis B. PlaygroundlRestrooms/ Shade PavilionslTrails Aida Curtis and Rai Fernandez C. Nature Center Rai Fernandez VII. Discussion r '__T;'''''~,,",,:~'~ r City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department r ".. m' ,-.:: .,.,..ddi}:\ ...\, ...,=,...,.....:......... .<:::;..,;.;~x~,~:::..;.. ::::,: ......e...,::.:.:.:,..;.. :',':'. . ,.,~li0~1j::1i::.:i!i:!:':iJ\ ::r.~ }:~1~::il;11 ..:;::tR:~:t:}}:;:~. . ,:~t{{W~:f:?" "{'~::'_ . ,;;Ilillltl;'ii} .....,.",..,..... ,..... ':III~ll!~~. ,-- Community lorkshoh North Shore Open Space Park and Nature Center When: Tuesday, April 25th, 2000 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. North Shore Activity Center 7250 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, FL Where: For any additional information please call (305) 673-n30 Call (305)673-7730 VOICE to request material in accessible format, sign language interpreters (5 days in advance when possible). or information on access for persons with disabilities. a. o ::J: en ~ c::: o r- ~ Z ::l ::l!i ::l!i o o c::: W I- Z W o w c::: ::l I- <( Z o z <( ~ c::: <( a. w o <( .... en 2 o c: WO Q) 0.0 OQ)t1l o~ -Z-::>:!2 1.0 "- c: .... 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NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: Comments: ~ City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. '-<H~""7;7;~ MAY-OI-OO 14:53 FROM-ROBERT M, SWEDROE AlA +3055749125 T-15S POllOI F-431 If you have suggestions for North Shore Open Space P...-k and Nature Center please vvrttc your comments below. Thank you for your participation. NAME: l-AU /(IE SIJJEl)l''$oE ADDRESS: '1'11./ "I A"1L..IlN1'1 C. W 14'f VI'\/IIlWlI 6E' ACH- 'F L 3314 J : PHONE: 3OSG,,3 ,"ooz. FAX: 305 {,74<1! 2/0 Comments: ,-- Maintenance yard to be relocated out of North Shore Open Space P:1tk. To a site d1lll: is not oceanfront! Or at least to the northem end of the park (87m/near Dezerland). The negative effect d1lll: this facility has on the Altos del Mar neighborhood is great and therefore, this faciJiry must be relocated. Again, thank you for your immediate attention [0 this most importam matter. City of MiaIlli Beach Parks and Recnation Department, 2100 Wasbington Avenue. Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673.7730. Fax (305) 673-7nS. ,,-- ,-- If you have suggestions for North Shore Open Space Park and Nature Center please write your comments below. Thank you for your participation. NAME: \Z~ -\ l-\ ~ '\ '-^ ~\ '-., _ ADDRESS: ~()~\) \\ "'" d.X ~ N. ~ ~y c... 1t '-\ \:;. ~ ~O- A4', ~~. ~\..1. ~'1, \ "\ \ PI-IONE:)().')'- 'i)(. b :H') \ FAX: Comments: ~j ~~ xo\ <:A Q... }^- \ u.. bQ>o.... ~ \)J Q>.. ll< . b ~ ~ 1-<. \ \, \ l ~0 ~Q,~ ~'^e>\ OIJ...~ ,.- \}J ex. s \ "I' 0."" "'^- s '.2 ,...I, \ \ l \ <) .. ~~~<;'~b\..~ c;~ \) Vv t,y' ~ City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. . .....-. ,"-~,-."'~'-""'- .............~....7""',...,~ ,-- North Shore Open Space Pork and Nature Center Community Workshop Report Introduction The City of Miomi Beach, held a public workshop on Tuesday April 25, 2000, at 6:00 pm at the North Shore Activity Center. The purpose of this workshop was to review the status of the plans for improvements to the North Shore Open Space Park, proposed as part of the Parks Bond Improvement Program and the new General Obligation Bond Program. For purposes of this workshop the North Shore Open Space Park consists of the area located along the Atlantic Ocean east of Collins Avenue, between 79" and 87" Streets. Presenting at the workshop were: . Kevin Smith - Director Parks & Recreation . Joyce Meyers - North Beach Planning Coordinator · Tim Byrnes - Dade County Beach Maintenance . Rai Fernandez - Architect . Aida M. Curtis - Landscape Architect City of Miami Beach Altos del Mor Park Miami-Dade County Bermello, Ajamil & Partners Curtis + Rogers Design Studio In addition the following staff were also present at the meeting: ~ Sugar Firtel, B~tty Fleming, Odalys Mon, Selina Mills, Amy Lutzer -CMB Parks Dept., Michel Magloire - CMB Public Works Dept., Charles Buckles and William Cory -CMB Planning Dept.; Jean Lee of Curtis +Rogers Design Studio, Chris Keidash of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Jim Hoover ond Bill Akern of Miami.Dade Parks and Recreation Department. The workshop was designed to provide the meeting participants with opportunities to : 1. Review the conditions and parameters that underlie the planning and design process for this park, 2. Review the conceptual site plan and floor plans that have been developed 3. Present their ideas about the future use and desired programmatic activities for the park. 4. Present their comments relating to the current site plan and floor pions. The meeting agenda was as follows: I. Introductions II. Altos del Mar Park Overview III. Dade County Beach Maintenance Dept. Services ,-- North Shore Open Space Pork and Nature Center Community Workshop Page 1 .4~ __~_. ''1" ,-- IV. V. Report from 2/28/00 Workshop Phased Development Plan A. Park Planting, Clearing and Irrigation B. Playground/Restrooms/Shade PavilionslTrails C. Nature Center VI. Discussion - Questions and Suggestions. Public Participation Process The public participation process allowed the citizens in attendance with two opportunities to communicate their preferences and concerns regarding the planning and programming of this facility. The first opportunity occurred in the comment group discussion and the second was through individual comment sheets. " The meeting was attended by approximately 30 citizens and representatives of various argdnizations. Following the presentotions by the City and Consultants, a general discussion was held regarding the users that this park serves and the types of activities they would like to see in this park. This discussion produced comments, such as: r 1. The park appearance from the street should be open & inviting. 2. Mak(l sure that there are enough pavilions of different sizes, uses and locations to accommodate different types of uses, (Corporate picnics, family outings, etc...) 3. Parking- discussions of adding parking within the park to encouroge more use: - angled parking parallel to Collins Ave. but inside the fenced area of the pork - angled parking along the North Property line - parking lot in the middle of the park (at 85th Street) - enhance crosswalks from lots across the street, and make entries to park clearly visible and inviting. 4. Is using Coconut Palms appropriate in a natural area with natives? Can native palms be used instead? . 5. Use of volunteers to help maintain and run park facilities to keep costs down. 6. Will there be a dog park? 7. Possibility of a restaurant. Discussion of a restaurant at Altos del Mar instead, 8. Playgrounds: - try to use "naturalistic" equipment and colors to blend in with the Nature Center theme. - reduce number of playgrounds to two, 9. Provide fresh waterfor wildlife. 10. Study the inclusion of a tidal pool (like Matheson Hammock)' 1 1. Separate Nature Center from Maintenance Yard. Incompatible uses. ,-- North Shore Open Space Park and Nature Center Community Workshop Page 2 ...---- -' " . ,,'-- r Conclusion This workshop allowed the approximately 30 citizens to voice their opinions regarding the planning, programming and design of the North Shore Open Space Park arid Nature Center. In the interactive discussion and the individual comment forms the participants expressed their ideas about the specific programs, activities, and facilities which should occur here. The information and ideas gathered at this workshop will be seriously considered in the planning and design of the facility. Enclosures: Sign-in Sh~et Comment Sheets r r North Shore Open Space Park ond Nature Cenfer Community Workshop Page 3 ,'_, n-,. . ,-':~ -,' ,-' . -....,-;~-;... :~c~'_' ',,_ .,".r",' . '_..-,:"';'-~:" ~ If you have suggestions for North Shore Open Space Park ar.d Nature Center please \vri:" your comments below. Tna1l:lc y~for Y, ur Partici ation',J / / t II /' // , I /, NAME: '~ .&t..o I ADDRESS: '?51JO - '77 :$;'/' IIt'a.""" ;~, PHONE: (30<;") I%?- ?7./'lAX: ~l J;--.' i fl <13/L// - Comments: r- ~~d Ik- 41ffit/7 -/M~ ~ evt;/t.tk/4 S7h 1 f ~ wJ~ jL r; o~ u( ~ . {;d./l City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. -- ,.- ........ ..,.... ......-.--, ""'-;., .--,''''-.-':''~''''''-'':'- ...'_...... -:-::-' _~:' ....v-..-..,~.I- . :t.,- 7'..... .~.':,.' -. - ~....:-- :', .~... '.". .. . - _._.~ ",-,-- .- p21Qra?:~3{JAX:' ~t;/~ (;1\\ ~7~; <icv<U)tJ Cf7:S ~ lJGi rJff71 D i~~ fff ~ uJfteN lAB ~ w ~kr1 v'G ~~ '5 ;2 I \fffrJ ft ff~ City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. ~ . _; .._......~..---:-_.. "~";_.. - ""',_"" _. ..-:" n_ '." .... ---...., ~ ','. ..,--- "'. .. . .~. ',:' 0" "C-:-'~ ",. .~.-, . "._,~ _., ~. . \- ',\ . . .......- ~ North Shore Open Space Park Community Workshop Report Introduction The City of Miami Beach, held a public workshop on Monday, February 28,2000, 9:00 a.m. at the North Shore Park Community Center. The purpose of this workshop was to recommend the programming requirements for the North Shore Open Space Park and Nature Center. Presenting at the workshop were: . Kevin Smith - Director of Parks and Recreation Sugar Firtel - Parks Department Joyce Myers - Planning Department Aida Curtis - Landscape Architect Rai A. Fernandez - Architect City of Miami Beach City of Miami Beach City of Miami Beach Curtis + Rogers Design Studio Bermello Ajamil & Partners . . " . . In addition the following staff and commissioners were also present at the meeting: Commissioner David Dermer; Betty Fleming Parks Department; Ellen Vargas - Parks Department . ~ The workshop was designed to provide all participants with the opportunity to contribute information regarding' the following three questions: 1. Who will this park and nature center serve? 2. How will it serve them? What type of programs and activities are needed? 3. What facilities will be needed to implement program and activities? The meeting agenda was as follows: 1. Project History 2, Review of Master Plan and Preliminary Schematic Design 3, Discussion of the Three Questions with all Participants 4. Closing Remarks Public Participation Process The design consultants served as the facilitators for all participants. Each participant was given an opportunity to respond to each of the questions. All comments and responses were collected and placed below each of the corresponding question, Different color tags were issued in order to differentiate between the citizens and Miami Beach staff members. At the conclusion of this phase of the workshop any additional information was collected that may have an impact directly or indirectly to the design of this facility. r ,- -. . ~,--,--;-'C:" .-.-"7'"....--.;----:- ,.-. ,.-. ,.-. Conclusion This workshop allowed the approximately 30 participants to voice their opinions regarding the planning, programming and design of this facility. The information and ideas gathered at this workshop will be used in the planning, programming and design of this facility. The city is in the process of arranging a follow-up meeting to review the proposed solutions to this project. H:\nsoswonhorep.wpd - '.t" :'. ", " , ' ' ~~.T!,,~.-'~ .~ NORTH SHORE OPEN SPACE PARK COMMUNITY WORKSHOP 2.28.00 WHO WILL TIDS PARK AND NATURE CENTER SERVE? COMMUNITY RESPONSE - PURPLE Artists colony - painters Fence issue - fence should stay up but goal on keeping entire park transparent should be discarded - there should be areas in park where person (or more importantly - nature!) can't see and hear three lanes of cars going by on Collins Ave. Natural environment Neighbors, visitors to beach, conununity Target turtle education Focus on restoration type facility Minimum impact Needs to focus on restoration - use removal of Australian Pines as an educational tool. Nature, historic interpretive classroom...education Maintenance '. Migrating bird food and cover Nature, passive use birders Community picnic Turtle hatchery Pathways for runners and bikers No vendors - food or bike Handicapped and blind access - ADA ie ramps, signage in Braille etc. General conununity Classroom field trips ,- Family picnics Hopefully the nature center will serve the students ofBiscayne Elementary School during the school year, And including our community school (after care), have a workshop or workshops for teachers and follow up materials Residents will be served as well Residents of Miami Beach - residents are to pay a fee to the NSOSP and public beaches Nature center = school visitors Programs for residents Residents Hotel/tourists (exhibits) Education (classes, labs, exhibits) Area neighbors and local youth Outreach local residents not informed by activities held in park area Skating / cyclists BBQ's / benches Beach Club / cabanas Families Students / educational Classroom without walls Chickee huts / Native American exhibit Outdoor amphitheater Paul George, historian / tours Youth groups Educational Exchange program with other feeder patterns Also, partnership with Smithsonian Marine Station (Ft. Pierce) and environmental groups Children ,-Families ~og cabin nursery Modeling industry 'C'" +-.", ....:~:.. -:.,..,,~.:-.: "'"',-. 1,'" - '-~'~""'~'..-('" 7',-',""', - -". .";1.,:......7". ':"":T7 '''-0' 1 ... _.._-,..:,-.-.:-.....,.-:<...~~-. '..'j.'." ';~.:-..,~:."~-~.-...'7'l',.~-:-:-._,.-::-'~ . ~, .. '.. ". , ' i' ",', -.._~.-:':""'..-.-.,...-:"'-.,-:.--. ----~...---.-,-~~7 ~ Snorkeling community Birds and animals native to park - turtles Bird watching community Summer camp Senior citizen center Protect wildlife Lighting Link to marine environment Residents and tourists seeking a natural escape / oasis Educational clients Wildlife - nature preserve - we don't have any habitat in all of Miami Beach Photo fashion industry Ecosystem reconstruction Festivals CITY RESPONSE - YELLOW r Who General public ahd special interest groups Students Summer camp programs Not the homeless Dog park area (park restricted to dogs except in designated areas) Regional residents want access to natural selling beach How do we estimate numbers of regional residents? Should we try to limit access by regional residents through availability of parking? Age groups: Children Teens Adults Seniors What are greatest needs of each group for natural selling recreation? Differentiate from recreation opportunities at other North Beach Parks. Priority order: 1. Residents 2. School/ Civic groups 3. Tourists r .--~.. -...----.....,.... .-.. -.... _.-.- ,,--- -,-- , . ....,-....--.-- , , " -.~.~;-,.- - .,.......,-....-~'.-i- -.. .- <" .-~ .,.--~.,~ "".--':" ,T'f'-~..~'~:~ '~::- ';~'-r.'. . 7.'.-~~~.,::---'-'-' -__'-~-~-_'~ .~..:' t:', ,,...... ", -";' 5~::~ HOW WILL IT SERVE THEM? WHAT TYPE OF PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES ARE NEEDED? r- PUBLIC RESPONSE - PURPLE Computers / visual guides for children and adults to learn about solutions to environmental problems ie. erosion and pollution. High power telescope to study plants and stars Easy to maintain varieties of palms Partnering with UM Marine School graduate students as mentors researchers! scientists Project GLOBE - environmental program .. international connections Teacher workshops Elder Hostel Program Emphasis on the Turtle Program Web site for the center Nature trails Summer camp 't Turtle release programs Log cabin to run nursery and composling program Activities for pre-school,.. tot-lot Admission fence - 79'" Street Access Security Place to sell tickets for merry-go- round Pool/ wet-tot-Iot Miniature golf Swings and multi function play.set r- Water splash / sprinkler play Large merry-go-round Sufficient lighting with adequate method for light replacement Openness - retractable fencing Nature center with shade cover for outdoor projects Modem restrooms Lots of trees and shade Turtle release facility Log cabin nursery in park Composting center to be run by log cabin nursery Senior center Stables for police horses Dog Park section in park Beach maintenance (the NSOSP is the only place for this facility which serves from I" street to Haulover) Then it needs to be relocated to north side ofNSOSP (87"') Nature center can remain at its present location but no parking Nature programs Picnic facilities to be at Swale area, not near Collins Avenue No parking in NSOSP Snow fencing Will need boardwalks to minimize impact Interpretive center Can bring in kids / students - involve them in restoration work and turtle hatchery Can hire seniors as tour guides / working in nature center Zoological Society of Florida will assist CMB with marketing programs at NSOSP Non-profit organizations supporting - Metrozoo ,..-Exchange programs - groups like Audubon Society maintain a presence here \stronomy group .-~ ,'~.._~- ...",:,:- n~~_.~~_~'_'__",_ i-':~"-'-J"I~ :~- ,.:: ::':,'...,..'...... . .. .' '-~:>':.~ ~. "'\ . .'. _.~ . .~.....~. ..... ',-" . ,.'p." ~'.- ---, - ~ ..'.. ~~,-,':':,.' ",' ':c_ "".J " CITY RESPONSE - YELLOW r- Hydroforming Desalination-related projects and research Barrier reef I beach erosion / prevention / design projects Simulated environments including astronomy and sea environments / local food chain Web access to other nature centers/ museums Creation of nature center web site with local concerns Research / video cam on animal life, especially sea turtle hatchery Interpretive center on history competes with concept for Altos Del Mar Park - NSOSP should focus on natural environment and Altos should focus on history - House of Refuge, etc. Historic houses in Altos Park must have suitable use. Sea oat reproduction / animal life breeding r- r- .~" ::'!. ~ ,.__._.~ .-.....~_.._,--_._.~._._.,- -,~. - ..... ,.... ........-. . -.- ~._.,._p._,.-.....,,,-'-- .~"' , , . -, i. .'_:;:,-::: :':,;"' :':'~'\:-::-:'.~-" 7--~:','''~~-: ;1""r:~"::"~ . 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WHAT FACILITIES WILL BE NEEDED TO IMPLEMENT PROGRAi\1 AJ"ID ACTIVITIES? ,.- PUBLIC RESPONSE - PURPLE Ecosystem reconstruction will require as much or more planning and resources as building new structures - equal effort should be given to that Have various sites along the park Have some classrooms with microscopes Area along the water for marine life specimen Classroom area with computers Some areas prohibited to human access A large nature center with some sort of classroom with tables, chairs, science experiments area, microscopes, salt water fish tanks Classrooms could be a covered open space area Picnic area nearby Keep fence as a deterent- paint it up Rollerblading could be dangerous Historical pavilion Classroom facilill' for field trips / outdoor learning labs Public compost area at maintenance area Native animal pavilion Display area of fish, shells Plant labeling on walkways for walking tour Computer lab for school School field trips offering students the opportunity to virtually design erosion problems Native planting to encouuge more native wildlife and insect life Summer programs Gift shop ,.- Sea oats / dune study Removal of Australian Pines - detrimental to the native horticulture Passive park Before NSOSP there used to be approximately 90 homes Nature center - history Restroom facilities Fence Snow fencing on both sides of the dune NSOSP is the classroom - therefore we don't need walls No parking in NSOSP Classroom display area Open shaded amphitheater Historic natural environment for museum type displays Less important to invest in computer interactive Picnic area Volume of traffic and what can be done to slow it down to allow for safe crossing? If parking lots are not developed what can be done to make them aesthetically more pleasing to the eye and more in harmony with nature? Pave parking to accommodate photo crews using the park Auditorium area for workshops / presentations Educational/interpretive center Vegetation fence instead of existing one Paint murals on concrete walls of bathrooms or other areas to make them more aesthetically pleasing Nature area prohibiting human access Remodel the band shell to look like the "Wolftrap" Farm arnhitheater just outside of Washington DC (covered seating / lawn seating) use for animal displays and field trips Music events ,.-. Slide shows - screen needed Astronomy '''' c,~-~;.", c. ,_ .,-_'~ ...,. .-.-....- ~ ~.-' _ ---~, -.,.... '-7"'''''' ,....-. ~.. . ,-;~. -. :.~.I" - ".~:'.~.~~-;~..-;,>. 7"""l,';~-:;~ '';~~-: ",-..-:'.~"7~ <:';0'"i'"'-..~S"~":':~ _,-=:: . ~-.~ ~~,~.._.....~ ,'~ ..,',_-.;~..:;-;~~.~-:~ '~~~ ", . , CITY RESPONSE - YELLOW r Interpretive center Beach maintenance yard Put interpretive center in the middle Keep beach and park maintenance yard at 79 SI. or other area away from interpretive center Feasibility of snorkeling reef Relocation oflog cabin Fence down / user friendly North Beach Rec corridor Interpretive center Link to amphitheater at 73'" St - don't build another Create a series of mini-stations for county instead of large facility in park. Beach renourishment Activities available nowhere else in city Picnics Bike and skate rentals Snorkeling Nature tours Turtle hatchery See the ocean Look at park in Cozumel Towers: Lifegaurd locations -72, 74, 76 (pending tower), 79, 81, 83, 85 (pending tower) Need North end Sub HQ.for lifeguards Nature center: small amphitheater; shaded Multi-purpose room - that can be used as a classroom, meeting or party area, or rec programming for seniors Exhibit area Reception area / gift shop Plenty of storage areas ,"- Park: nature trails, pavilions Fenced in area adjacent to nature center for ovemight camping for MB recreation programs William Carey - historic preservation and design review board will argue vigorously for preserving Australian Pines r -. --~,-'...-~. ""~'- -,- ,~.""'-'.' .... - -.-..-.....,'...... ....... 7" -.-~"...,,,", .,--.._,_.... "".".~- ..~, --.7-'.~r.. .~''''..-..-''.-,...L '.'''-,.' '.~~....-.-(".-,.,..c'f-e-.".. '-'.-,' ,"_ "..' _, _,' r:::;'l~..c?" :' ,'~.,'''' ':?