Attachment 111 ~ FLAMINGO PARK COMMUNITY WORKSHOP Wednesday, April 26, 2000, 6 p.m. Miami Beach Police Headquarters, Community Room 11 00 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida AGENDA 1. Welcome Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager II. Introductions Kevin Smith, Director Parks and Recreation Department III. Report from 3/7/00 Workshop Jim Chastanet Carr Smith Corradino Project Architect IV, Revised Park Plan Jim Chastanet r- V. Priorities Jim Chastanet r- .-- City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation \ t,; , j IN''o\..\lE~ - ../, ," ~.~, ~. on _ . _~^ ...b _';'$.. . ." . . ~m~ 11lrnm!1111~m mlmir[il~)mm[ Flamingo Park Community Workshop When: Wednesday, April 26th, 2000 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Miami Beach Police Headquarters, Community Room 1100 Washington Ave. Miami Beach, FL r' Where: For any additional information please call (305) 673-n30 .-- Call (305)673-7730 VOICE to request material in accessible format, sign language interpreters (5 days in advance when possible), or information on- access for persons with disabilities. ~ 2:CQp.m 300p,m, Cultural Carr.cus Oversight Ccmmirtee ClTY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES April 24-28, 2000 _ First floor Conierence Roem CN Hall ~avor'5 Ccnference Rcom Fourlhlloor.CiVHall City Clerk Office Conference Rcem FirSlFloor. Cirjr!all FirSl Fioor Conierence r:1com C;lyHall & MONt lAY, lprill4 ~ :00. l.m. Barrier Free E:wircnment Committee Caele Ad'/'SCry Board 3:00 p,m. ',haml aeac~ C;";111Jral Arts Coulicil\ i","rtTrlJst TUESOAY, Apnl ~S 9:00 a.m. ijr.\ :Iasslfiec Emglgyees & Eiected OHicials Per::<;lon Board'.JfTrustees 3:CO p.m. P1ar,'!iing Beard'" 5:00p.m. BudS Jet Advisory Committee Pension Office Conference ,~com First Ileac C;ty Hall Commission Chambers Third floor. CiryHall. . City Managers large Cooference Aoom Fourth floor, City Hall First Floor Ccnference Room City Hall North Shore Activity Center 7250 Collins Avenue r- Code Compliance Conference Room Second floor, City Hall . Miami Beach Botanical Garden 2000 Convention Canter Drive Commission Chambers Third floor, City Hall Police Department Community Room 1100 Washington Avenue Mayor's Conference Room Fourth floor. City Hall CcmmisSlon Chambers Third floor. City Hall Executive Boardroom Miami Beach Convention Canter First Floor Conference Room City Hail Commission Chambers Third floor, CitvHall North Shore P'ark '501 72nd Street Biscayne Elementary 800 77th Street Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce 420 Uncoln Road, 2D Mayor's Conference Room Fourtfl floor. City Ha" r- r- ~ If you have suggestions for Flamingo Park please write your comments below. Thank you far your participation. NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: Comments: City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. ..-- ~ J~ ~ ~rI'l 1 ~ ~'""\ I"- ,,.,J \ \ 1..,1'<'\ '", ~ ';' ~ B t> ;:: ':i- r" '-00 ~ \lO ~. "- ~ \>:, tv) , . . . r-- r- l\ ~ N --.J "" " \Y1 N) ~ \'" "- "ll \.() lr- '0"" c:>o " <:> ~ ~ 0 to '" .., J a. 0 x: I- W ~ .W ..- 0::: .x: ~ II) ~ ~ Ul '- Z Ul " C) e z Cii "C ::l E "C r- :E 0 <I: :E 0 0:: 0 >- V\ U - 'C ";) '" ::l '- W E c & " ~ l- E 0 z 0 ;:; ~ III W u .!::! 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C '-...' ik:S T: ~ ' . \)) rf\ II ~ '2 ~ 'lI ~ V _ VI 0:::::<: ' .~ ~ ~ 0 '( ~ ' '-' p , .~ If {, '-/ 0 j :~ ~ )e3 ~ ~ 1 j _ i- ii ~Ili)"-I <-';; .j;; ~",,!J)~::::f"\\O' "C .....\.>'>,'. ~~~<s.:D <C ::::-, N r '2. ~ I \ ~ ~ ~ .~ ~'CJ ~ ~ / j v ~ ~ ~ j;;:: -.:t: ~ A p~ f'.;\,- O'~n ~~ ~ j . ~ ~ ~-' - -.J ~ I"" - v '-- J: t: ! 1. ~ ~ "- _ ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~:> d .~ S. ~,.... t -1:' ~ ,,::. Co 0 '::- ~ (;~_ G ...._~ ~ r 5'-::: ___ ,,~ ~ (:D ~ -\\ (rf '-?. ~f-j let -r G ~ ..i ~ ~ ~ 2 .. I~ ~ -t ~ .e:: -:; r-~ ,,_I~ Q.. ~ ~ r.i l$l ~ ~ 1 J ~~ ~ rr- ,,- <( ~ z ' ') z fi . <...::::. --......; t-"-> -...I P r- Kevin Smith and Sugar Fertel Division of Parks and Recreation 21 00 Washington Ave Miami Beach. FL 33139 March 23, 2000 / '~~ - - ~..<~ :] Dear Mr. Smith and Ms Fertel: This petition is to strongly object to the proposal that four (4) hard surface courts be built at Flamingo Park to replace four (4) existing har-tru courts. Not only would it be expensive, time consuming, and disruptive, but it is undesirable by the vast majority ofthe people who play tennis at Flamingo Park. Hard surface courts are unhealthy with regard to added stress to knees, legs and back. In addition, statistics show that players are more prone to injuries when they play on hard courts The signatures below represent a fraction of the number of players at Flamingo Park who strongly object to hard surface courts and we request a public hearing where we can confront any proponents of this idea. Ifp-'-~(J E. 5rl'or q ~t~ry -----.:f?ltLlkl (jjL.(j. 16<) \'~v1.V-.-L PAj\5<~ ))jtll€ ~ 7a../J ~.r ;4-v' ~_fI - ~e.~ /' ::1/= ::l-S-z. j a.vk OJ... 'r ~'1.-0 0 W~ ~. .',---V , -----'--~\ \ \ ' \. \::; , \ ~,:::,,\r:.::::, '^-- - \ J- J... y- \w 0c1i,;\ ~Q- 0-1.-> ~ it lOW eIJM'" ~I j'l\i~ ;;o~.(:tV';f~- ::?J:J? ;:-11111-1/-7 1Jr: ;ZS-J ~ 6157 ~Q\\\^? A-etlrte 0L- (. ~~ / 'DAf1d ~ '7 ~~ S>j - ~ <f~~S- rL~~ ~ Ii.( 5'0 1; "ca(/1 Po( ~'tr) ~ .-iFs ~ /' $Lf.t..() QyUl-,,-, '3.::p;~tIt.V\.O .~~ , (l~t:.- ~'- '(6~ ~1~S{. , U1 .'" Lf)~ l~ 2s FL. -:r '-'1/ Il., ' ~";" ,~ "J) -f, 'Uwee... J2/tc.Qlt/{ .rrN2-'Ji'\.... 0'--5 /1(0"/," I"'TlV'L r d-/~~r:1 ~(,yo l1/~N::f ~ '. 1J If: AIL--r:;-~ ~7'p (Pc? ~ J~c '1~~ V-L -" 1fv. TJ/M'~~ ; ~~f7<.- r F-evv~w- ftZ5/~ Ave. he -3~/-5/ t ttf/1/ll~ Ie (C Ie /( IV, ht2PA'iRJ c:K.. q6<3 /'V)f.;;RJ bJAJJ -Auc 1" )f aJ?~~ 9 I F 1'<' (}iJ QjJo lA- 57 J~ ') .6~ A-<7f&Av "~ -ff: ~tf? __ ~ ~ (; STAt:.- .:TSt.fil..Jj) ]jI2-IJC~- A '~" ~'Y{ '1?/0 Juy, ~ ?" Q",- /J,.{3 /J11l2l/l11 1/f /01:/2 ~?'O MwTIf ?O/IVT PI2 It/I/-! ~/ / g Ell Of /I-;,f-~ rf3~~ ~!~ .' cf'f1"7 ~<-I~ ~ /r113 ft/4 {... 7 e~ 8DN / 6cE./2 ~V 0 s;':--R:;J/ j(Yf 1//2 rr -;F ,g / M~-./f ~"l.--<.J(...)'--r- / 0 2 -r ft.1/ cHI Ci-;2J ~ ,.+ l/. H' d , . ~ Li'-3)() )Jc, /vl;t (!.Jf/0rJ./Af:Ii, ~X3 ~ 1(J.~~) C,M>v '13' c ;./ A "t<(~jW ,~"'" A f, 33 1'10 l {,. .}< SbOl ~v I iL> , (V1&1)fI1&.t, L..Jf/9>{ ~ 0 d,ll\r~ -b4 ~ t,U-..::..> . klc ' , roO Lc;~<\;..lD ~Dl~ 4 &a~I/UCI l 000 v.J~ST A'JE *:,\1 1\\1) 0JO wes! /'1ue ;/603 11113 --_.~ .-. -.-..... ,.-.. 2. Kevin Smith and Sugar Fertel Division of Parks and Recreation 21 00 Washington Ave Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Mr. Smith and Ms Fertel: March 23, 2000 This petition is to strongly object to the proposal that four (4) hard surface courts be built at Flamingo Park to replace four (4) existing har-tru courts. Not only would it be expensive, time consuming, and disruptive, but it is undesirable by the vast majority of the people who play tennis at Flamingo (, . , ' . Park. Hard surface courts are unhealthy with regard to added stress to knees, legs and back, In addition, statistics show that players are more prone to injuries when they play: on hard courts The signatures below represent a fraction of the number of players at Flamingo Park who strongly object to hard surface courts and we request a public hearing where we can confront any proponents of this idea. r 1)u~ .-- 62B,!c:=J1V y 1J-e If 2 I( ~/~; ~cG; - \PI ~ ?,~/?:'9 6"C(()( f:/V)~~ ))Y- j 0,1'/;/ /)-14IJ/.ur .fi:/:!;31'f-../ le~6 w. d {~ br1 '. fl"u... L Fe 33/<10 1111""-<-l1>"- v I - 1(&l6<.,vL~ ~ 1'01 ~hJ.) 1~ 31/37 $t7'9-~ s3/:J ( '7IJ~ ~x,//y, .,1/02 /16. no; 2!-0 /J~,( ~'~7t!J' ~:U? 3~/:lf" flffd/dl8~:JCle g/~D .say v. d 6 'Vr')y ~B d3/k~ 6~ kf.J:1-~ ?)~/ ~'-.-;t--f 4,>-( , . '~ ..-? D ,.-- lYI- C'_"-'~(~ (yO--- ~~ ;f!r ~.f.. ex n.6L ryl~ 10ffer ~~~,~ 1AJ~, ~~,,~fth:> .)Jc/?'i-~ ?l 2 ~~ p~, M f3 ) 5/5; ~ Lf)/ '700 L-. t'i S:L M'(3 3'}/YO s~e~C{,~ -_ f' _ _ It.,bf1?.&./Ct'7; .!/id~/;d!;',f .?SS5 ~r!ldL. 10,'13 3'3 ^lO Go ( GCi rec~~ ~ <; ~ ').5 ,pM' IJ Yfl2ge/\ 636 (O/Cy.. fill. A{Jt 2.09 fv{.ee~c~ FL 33' 'JCf ,Jonu-nJ x!kn~b ~. ~~ /~ ~~ ------ . (~ ) dJVv~ r /r dz. . .-- <...\v\~ <..\)\"l\s:),~h, /],5(;1 ~ f(L(LL-j A~l ,. ( ?;~j~1 / TO 7 G 3 0 $W <) I Ave..... :2.3 3 3 ;'1-'>.<.."U:ue.. A--...u.., -# If ( 7 d?--z.';c...3.3 12. i .,......... rJ S,(, il~ ---,-...-., ',- ~ -(,?f'-)'Q .....:.\.. ~ -,- - . ~ '3:J., 5.-1 (J2f1tJJJ d1 ' ~O\ cc~(trt1 7?o( e. ~uu- !J12.ti...Fe- lf1+S S" p~;/;e..- Ave. ) (V1, e. J pc, 35 r '+.0 SiD() ~ /( IJ ') fJ\ p. ] I _I L.- ~ /L /.) /1 i/' J'7 /..1 gS-5 "F f(enJO~ Ii ~ J;b ? , .~ .-- Kevin Smith and Sugar Fertel Division of Parks and Recreation 2100 Washington Ave Miami Beach, FL 33139 March 23, 2000 3 Dear Mr. Smith and Ms Fertel: This petition is to strongly object to the proposal that four (4) hard surface courts be built at Flamingo Park to replace four (4) existing har-tru courts. Not only would it be expensive, time consuming, and disruptive, but it is undesirable by the vast majority of the people who play tennis at Flamingo Park. Hard surface courts are unhealthy with regard to added stress to knees, legs and back. In addition, statistics show that players are more prone to injuries when they play on hard courts The signatures below represent a fraction of the number of players at Flamingo Park who strongly object to hard surface courts and we request a public hearing where we can confront any proponents of this idea. r / /, /.;: .... .i(' LluA' Iw ~!/() , '...l.,l, v,::- ( ,f JI..-'t) ,'- i J /6 ...T .n' \K' (l'I/vr ffot.... r IkIU-tLL-il c.--f heftlvL -- . (I.'. {{}.ue /),/.tf7 J :thu / ~ (1/11/ I'C lifT ).,/ ~iJvL/.,- (".'fA Q (' --1'y I' 0 n-1(~ j-~~' ~-= ~. c:.-V v \C\C>o N\c-'R \~l j/"q,() -; , ~ .y_ \jOb IV\. ~ ill . \,-\. \-\ ~ b' .:.. G '-' S - j) ,^t v ....... b-\ (' 0.----: Q, .'''' ~ ,\.,... '3.'3 I 3 ~' ~j;J{~Zh.. :.- .:t:!f7 '10/ -6i#.--:p.;.j3c,{ (\ w ";Sr).-/ J)- T;; ~?r:fl . t) t 111 ~ r::t:: bVt ~ I v r/ i 't':;;' :{2,J-J.J .-- iJ (j(/~ 'f1-~') N./i-?ct" !Iv-ii. J1 K uu) EcJ~ Av~_ c ,.- > . ,.- ~ If you have :<nggestions for Flamingo P'U'k please write your comments below. Tharu'< you for your participation. NAJ.'vfE: J), {-{. A- (-t t<-\ ~\.t ADDRESS: (PO it/ ~,p-7 ~(l KjvO '1) r ~ PHONE: .)(75: S~( ffs<!1FAX: comme~s: 7.ee6e~tle. C~ {t;Lf- rd-C~fu, C{ (- F ( a..uiw yO 7CL~l .---- It 'fl'?ea $CL ic ~ ~) r/lO tJ \'L ()f'ref.. cJa fer d('~ ~ r~U4(fq C#? at ~U~5. / - d ' ~ l?11O u c b uJ Q ~ "wy ~ I'tLcn..ll-r€ J{) Lt/"('-t-L dcy+~(' ~(lCG~-1 kacd em- <.t/'- t-o City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami ~ Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730, Fax (305) 673-7725. ", ...... --,.....-.-'...,.....-. .. -, .. ~~W"'-r:--: ~ If you have suggestions fa, Flamingo Park please write your comments below. Thank you for your participation. NAME: it /7 cIA (j) il L 77h Ij U ADDRESS /(9p tV -2/1) l!7&I!(!7/D.. jJiC !JJ/FI#!/ pI'/? c,1 F/ :13/.3;/ PHON(~) )'J/ ~%AX: (:-:>~ ) ~~ ? -rEr-J Comm~'" /ill ~ ~ - J ~ [j)f~~A /~-~t~,&vf~ ..~~~ (?) f~- ;;At 1ft~- ~ ~.: ci- vf,:; ,~ ~ ~~~ CIty of Miami ~each . rks an Re~reati~n Department, 2100 washinrn Avr;ue, Miam~ r- ~ Beach, Florida 33139. hone (305) 673-773 Fax (305) 673-7725. ~ ~/ (j) . ~ ~if~tlC . ~ /~~~ . '... .,,' (Ti.R:./l/tJtI&f2. ~ ., ~ w~ ~ ltv 7 r- r- '- <::J , ' ,.- ,.- Thank Y' " for . for Flamin9:o Park pleas~ write your commentS b~!ow. v~ T f vou have suggestIOnS - i, your participation. NAME: '~h.MIY ~VA~~ - r-,III'/ I....I.-~<>~ ADDRESS: .;::" r..( ~- , . , ~~ [b('(', (4 Jp~(' ~7!rO ~''66~i)( J FAX: '661 'I0<L PHONE: -; :l ~ Comments:;. OI!j'iJSLef} ~ /~ ~ ~ mM/(~?1<{ ~ ~,"Pt'i .z . ~ ~ ~ ).JoJ/ ~~ ~ 81 ' JU1-U/L.tYfY'<J c{ ~ ci!.r~ -L; ~ SI r ~~fJ.>> ~ ~~~~~c~'/J0~ ~ ~ r n ({ad) '~r"~ ~ 10f5~ ~ (1M/'~ b~ rr::-~u.-d), 3 .~h- t? J-C ~ Z- Uf tt ~ h cuJt( 1 ~ 41~ ~~ !I 4~ ~fu ~U~~ ~~,,: r. ~ ~ ~~~~~ w~ e;~~~. ~ '~~ 0., d,v(~ ~ ~. ~~-N /VB-'I ~ jJ~/;~ f- o~ 6oL-J~ M'mi . rt t 2100 Washington Avenue, 1a P lis and Recreat'lon Depa men, City of Miami Beach ar (305) 673-7730, Fax (305) 673-7725, ,.- Beach, Florida 33139. phone -""~~7'"-:-' __'w,_ ,.""'"'' .-"" .". ,_' . ..~ n_" ,". . .- ., ...", ' ".. .." --- If you have suggestions for Flamingo Park please write your comments below. Thank you for your participation. NAME: KOnfl / J to 5 trp :9 ADDRESS: 0/ 50 L; ~ r:; 0 I", /(,( ~.5t1 / 1l1~ II- 33/"3/, PHONE: L;,3:1-5 tJ 5./FAX: Comments: ^ ( .. IV6 f/Q ~ c! Co U JtI 7-5 ".... City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 21 00 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. . '-"~. :.-" "-.', .,=-' .. ... "'~.'_ ,- '--."..v ,~. "1,' ..,,"~'" . "_'0 ". '0'" ",.,,"'_ ':.. _" ._ ...,,_..;-.,v,...-~' .--- If you have suggestions for Flamingo Park pleas~ write your comments below. Thank you for your participation. NAME: J,.<.!'-(M th2:r~ -1:\?I'l( )oJJ ADDRESS: (22.-ILJ (F=:r--!I'l)C A\lc /0.?7 'J-;')I~, PHONE: 3:3' ro7?> ~3>c6" FAX: Comments: Mt:+{NrCtrJS~U; of or-E:~lO^"ls- SGQu.~l'kc (c).1Sf;::.u.c...1{0rJ suc.+f 'f1-!A'r 11-\fgE IS '" f1S L-1TtL..1:: rNf~~uprla.J '[D Acfly(fi MZ.6pS f+-$ toss (lX-c ' . .. ".... City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. .. .'.; -. ;'. ....- ~ . ,'~': -.~ - " '~.' ," .'. . .-_......:' ,,' .. . .'.-.: :'.:...-:~ .,,-.-. .:.- ""-"l"~'.~. --- If you ha~~ su~gestions for Flamingo Park please write your conU:lents below. Thank 0 fi your participatIOn. y u or NAME: ADDRESS: t Vl.oc; [).,..e-?-e t A. JoIl. M.G. Pc- ~~\~ " PHONE: CJ~:lO~c:tJi~FAX:S~fJ- VZPX,,~ Comments: ~ ~e- ~h ~ Ix- 6. lJJalkW4j cYI\ C\O",'~ 9u",,~ ~vV\JO-V'j ~ tJ\eV'~~~tA-~. -\-0 SQ~ eci~J ~ of; V\O-l'-tk.. rat'?V\~ (cr{-~ -r A'-.JC::>-\--n.'~o.~ 'R~ kJ3~ (x\8-v\~ vvk",~J:~~ ~. ~ ra.",t, ev"\-\v-wwd.L. ~+ \~n 4. --\0 !,\ortL ~'-\V\~tl"'1 6~\j ~ v--e,1M ove-d I 1ivreb j tV\cv-e.o.~~3 v0L- of Pll.V'1t Ct~ \J~sva( awtiM\~ CW\d Jecv-e6.~'v\:J ,~~: ~'!{)~" ~fFV'-kV\(~ ~-t V'\\~. ~ r6-"'~,^~ C-o\! u b W\i-j:;W1~~ bj W\o.l~~~ (h'\~ kJ 'fckll'l~~ (O-\~~ ifJ~o.~ +d'&0J 61'\ ?o~~. ~ of- \ Y2- i1. ~. \;;-\-~ 0\\~ rjM\.J <MIA A (-hw1. )4- .. e:i-\<O-\''Yl.~ +~~ ~ ~ he e\tn(tNW, No+- " ~~\. e"f.\'?4i~~? 6lwulJ v--ewtaM -\,.e. ~.e\d.(e\Juat: City ofMJaml Beach Parks ana Recreation Department 2100 Washington Ave u M" " .-- Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. n e, laml CArv\ J. t=? ~ Co \J&.:> ~ ~ \ (l W\ f\II k. e -\- c . * Cc2~\:'5~€L(t'Iv'l-ky"~1-t~8Vl O~ t-J&.J~el1J vJa\k:\J,Ja~ . -. ... .. -.6b\~ ~~~.,.v.J/.?Pd~....2J?-.+-..~~'~ A..r 0~J~~c-~t --- --- r If you have suggestions for Flamingo Park please write your comments below. Thank vou for your participation. NAME: Cesew- Gc.,vvic..- POv.S ADDRESS: (S3j Mev\~;"1I\ A~, -A-'j N\\~v...\ ~(.,'" Fl. 3313':) PHONE: 305 Col2:\'l~l FAX: btJf Go"€,, '2.3~S- Comments: CD ~~~ t~ f f~v f- q(CJLSS ~VVl- +~-e.. ~ $~ Sy' oUc (~\,\~ &\1- 'Nt: ~~ I N\.e,vlo\;""'- ~ ') @ becc)~-t ~ rev i ~-€'4ev p",,,,\::- ~V\ vi", j ~'^^ 0\ -t~\.J( fe.../ \<., " @ .~ ~~ S f""'\c. '" ~c~s .f61"+ - ~bt J\AvJT--~ CQ-~W ~t~t 1~~~S J- +~ ~~\4' @ NV>K ~~~ ~J -~wJ~. (9 RS MDvE M~lV\~~~CJ( ~vo\ ~~ tewt- ~V\1i~0l City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami _ Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. . .. . ':". :. .,~ ','.. -~'" ~- .. , . . . . ... --,", ~-' ,-' -'-, .;' ".. . -~. '. . .-....;-,..~~. ",' .' .. ... -- ".... FLAMINGO PARK COMMUNITY WORKSHOP Wednesday, April 26. 2000, 6 p.m. Miami Beach Police Headquarters, Community Room 1100 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida The City of Miami Beach held its second public workshop on Wednesday, April 26,2000,6 p.m. at the Miami Beach Police Headquarters Community Room. The purpose of the workshop was to review comments made at the first workshop ( March 7, 2000) and to present a modified park design plan based on those comments. James Chastanet, project architect, presented the report from the previous workshop and the modified park design plan. After the powerppoint presentation made by Mr. Chastanet, attendees were invited to comment on the plan orally or in writing. The followihg issues were discussed: Parking: 1. Provisions should be made to prevent people from parking all day in the lot. A parking permit should be issued with tennis permits. Residents disagreed with this because they need the parking spaces. Although everyune recognized the parking shortage, no one wanted to see parking displace the open green space. Maximize parking by making angled parking (along with shade trees) on south side of 12th Street between Michigan Avenue and Alton Road. 2. ".... , ". Shuffleboard Courts: I. All shuffleboard courts should be demolished. Operation of Park during Construction: 1. Careful consideration should be given to make sure the entire park is not closed down during construction. North Boundarv Walkwav: 1. A walkway is needed from NE comer of park to SE comer of north parking lot. The walkway could traverse the park along the back of the baseball field fence. Security and safety issues need to be studied in relation to this issue. Tennis: .--- 1. Most tennis players at the meeting objected to the inclusion of 4 hard courts. However, the participants did agree to a compromise of including 2 hard courts, --- 2. " J. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. Tennis players complained that the tennis pros were monopolizing 4 courts for lessons during peak hours. Parks and Recreation Department explained that its policy limits the pros to 2 courts for teaching. It was agreed that the tennis stadium should be demolished if possible. Provide cold water drinking locations at courts. Picnic tables are needed (at least 3) at the Tennis Center for home team luncheons. Improve restrooms. A natural drainage and automatic sprinkler system for new courts. Some nets are tom and need replacement. Revitalize tennis stadium. Lights should be placed east to west and north to south. Courts need dividers between courts. Property Maintenance Facilitv I. Mi)st attendees expressed a preference to remove the facility from the park. However, if a . new location outside of the park is not available then Option B, to move the facility to the north side of the park, was the most desirable. 13th Street Drop-Off: I. ~ Baseball: Concern was expressed about the drop-off point cutting too deeply into the park. The attendees agn;i:don a compromise which would limit the depth of the indentation to approximately the width of a car door. 1. Restrooms need repair/renovation, 2. Dugouts are outdated. 3. Water fountains in dugouts do not cool water. 4. Lawn maintenance has improved, however, a timely lawn maintenance schedule needs to be established especially in the outfield. 5. Proper lawn maintenance equipment needs to be purchased. Security: I. Attendees inquired about park security. It was explained that currently the Miami Beach Police patrol the park 10 hours a day/7 days a week. A new Park Ranger program will be initiated in FY 200 I. Central Space: I. --- Concern was expressed about maintaining the center focal point of the park and how it will be enhanced. Treatment should be added to the center circle and along edges of sidewalks, _..-.,-~_..- ".... 2. It was suggested to research how other parks treat central places. 3. Central space at intersection ofNS and EW walkway should be paved with space set aside for public art. Historical Context: I. The park should celebrate its history in some form. Specifically Carl Fisher's role as founder of Miami Beach and Flamingo Park should be acknowledged. Also the use of the park during the 1972 Democratic Convention as base area for protestors should also be recognized. Cy Gelber and Mitch Kaplan would be good resources for more information. Open Space: I. The park is located in a densely populated area and needs as much open green space as poss.ible. Shade trees should only be placed along walkways and near seating. 2. Australian pines hedge along Meridian Avenue from Park entrance at 13th Street to north . boundary should be removed to increase visual amenity and decrease "hiding" opportunity at night. Perimeter Fencing: I. Decorative p~:i:neter fencing around entire park. r- ~: I. Existing trees need to be evaluated. Not all existing trees should remain ie. malaleucas and ficus benjamina. Picnic Benches: I. Add picnic tables throughout the park. F:IRCP A I$ALLIBETfY\FLM.1.REP r- 3 .--.- . r ()n 0)>- ;::0;;0 ;::0;;0 )>c.n Os -- Z-i OI Lj...m'./ ~ '~IV :s: ~. 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PWIK flI!ICIG AT APPII:P'IM"I..OCA~ __,__or..... --...... ._If'ltIIIIf:>(R)'IIIMI~ AfrI)"1WI> ILIIW:8 CQIIrJII", TOTAl.J17 -- .~"""1I!!IIeC8lll!lt --. -,--.......... v:-' 0 I \b \ \ , \ \ \ , r- ~ City of Miami Beach - Flamingo Park ~~ CARR SMITH CORRADINO ~\iNAJ;ll~":.l...'\.~\~,;~,:....4..~" ,_c ~ r , '- -- . 1PC'IIM2.-nD~."""'M.D ._-- . _~_IJX:A'!DI __I_.......cPMMl .__TI!XIIIBCIl _PALIWlII:I ,_1OCIl.1'OoCIJIT ...- if, 0 '0' I I . IIIW- ~ 1O..-:a fILA'IGIQICt ._lIL......-..........,. , ---....,. . _~ATflltUlr.... -_...._+-- ..--~- 1ICIJIlIIlI_""- ..---..- P<III!IIIIIL"",""",,__LCC01Dl 11Ii..,w- J7t1O_DClQ"- / .... IIICI'IIIS fIIQ81'c. + WM.J:IfAy . ___AT..... :( I 'I 1.0 'I IL, a " '~ : I ~ , i I Iii II I', I ; , I, 0 ,'~ I II ~&-- J, .!. '9 11 .~' ,. G ~ JJ 'L ~ t' ~ I , ',1. u--:-U , o '\ , ~ ((It (IJCO 41 I i II 'I ]i .",., _(0' = I 0 0 llr-I . '. 1........1" r-11::Eal ~ I,r-I I ~ 11>' q) Ir-I:i--HI:~' Slr-I J,=: = .==;=. . 1:""-'" I.. 1-:-1 i" '-H 'I,.....,..... 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C':;.':'Il'im:cn :emer Acvisory Soard <1:COc.:r:. 5:COa.m. 5:COc,,1l. C.;:ean ~r:'/e Asscc:aticn r'JulsarceA.:a!elT'em8card 5:30p.m. 2~~:;~,~~ff ~~C~;~e~enrer Ne!gnccrr. -.oa r:rs; CversIght Committee --- t1 - ,=:'5;=:c::r ::':;;~:e''::''''c:: :::co.-:; C:", ;..,all ~~~;:~~~ ::':r1:,~r;nc~.=ccm ,.....r".,lccr,..../r4Ol,1 c:~ C:erl( ;~:ce Ccn:eren:::; ::::ecm =:rstF:eer, C:;, ~a!1 ,~rs; ~:ccr C.:r.iererce ::lccm C;ty Had ?_ensjcn ,:H:c;':;,Jr:er;r'ee ?CCffi .='rst:lccr. ,:;.rv Hail CJmrr.iSSlcn Ci'amcers ihlrd freor. CN Hail. ~;ry ,\o1a~ager }Larg~ Contereflce RCi: ...::::;r;,' tlcer. >Jlrr~all F:rs, Fioor Cunter:;r.ce ..kern c;~ H"I ~jor:h Sl".cr.e Ae:ivll'l Cemer i250COIIIr.s Avenue C.:ce CJrm:lianee Ccr.lerence Rcor Secor.dflccr. CtyHa!! Miami Beac.., 80tanlcai Garden 2~CO Convention Carrere-nve Commlss:cn Chamcers ihlrd fleor. City Hail Police Deoartment C.:rnmUf111'1 Rco 1100WasnlngtcnA'IenL:e Mayor'sC.:nferenc:;.2com F0urth_floor. City Hal! CommlsSlcn Chamosrs ih:rofloor. C;lyHall ExecutIve Boardroom I,.\iami Beac" Conventicn Cemer F:rst Floor Conference Room c;:vHall CemmlssionChamoers ihird flOor. City Hall North Shore P",Hk 5Cl 72r1o Street 8isea'me E:ementary eCOnthSlreet Miami 8eaen Chamber of Commere <120 Lincoln Road. 20 Mayor's Conference Room Founh floor, City Hall r- 0 r ~ '" '" '" '" ~' '" ~ c: .,. << >- << '" :z ::> on E 0 0 ... .. ~ . '" ~ ~ ~ " .. " .--- r ~....-.. 'Parks vvorkshops to plan programming, activide The city oi Miami Beach will hold additional community workshops to discuss program- ming and activities at North Shore Open Space Park and Nature Center and Flamingo Park. The .l'!9rth Shore Open r Space Park and Nature Center workshop will be held 6-S" p.m. . Tuesday at the North Shore Activity Center. 7250 Collins Ave. The Flamingo Park work- shop wiH be held 6-8 p.m. Wednesday at the Miami Beach ----" ,.,.-, j.,' " .p Police Department. COtnr. nity Room. liOO Washing: Ave. For more information. c Betty Fleming at the City Miami Beach Parks and Rec: ation Departmer. 305-673-mO. "'., :'.-,'~r.:;:t:,0'- ~..---".-'