Attachment 113 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 htt :\\cLmiami-beach.fl.us ~ OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Telephone 673-7010 Facsimile 673-7782 MEMORANDUM DATE: May 2, 2000 '. TO: Commissioner Simon Cruz, Committee Chairman Commissioner Jose Smith Commissioner Nancy Liebman Patricia Walker, Finance Director and StaffC dinator p,LrW..... FROM: Lawrence A. e , it Manager SUBJECT: MEETING OF THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECT COMMITTEE This shall serve as written notice that a meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee has been scheduled for May 8, 2000, at 2:30 p.m. in the City Manager's Large Conference Room. The agenda is as follows: r- NEW BUSINESS 1. The Proposed Water, Sewer and Stormwater Bond and General Obligation Bond Neighborhood Projects, their timing and funding strategy. Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager . 2. Discussion of Funding for the Pine Tree & La Gorce Drive Traffic Calming Island Landscaping Enhancements. Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager 3, Purchase by the City of Miami Beach of Byron Carlyle Theater for use by Local Cultural Groups and other Municipal uses. Comm. Jose Smith L~~~OdP .r- F:~\WPWrN60\2000\FrNCOMM\AGENDA . ,. '""' PAGE 2 - FINANCE & CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 8, 2000 c: Mayor and Members of the City Commission Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Christina M. Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Ronnie Singer, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Mary Greenwood, Executive Assistant to the City Manager/Labor Relations Murray Dubbin, City Attorney Richard Barreto, Police Chief Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Julio Grave de Peralta, Director of Public Works Jorge Gomez, Planning Director Kevin Smith, Recreation, Culture and Parks Director Jacqueline Gonzalez, Parking Director Raul Aguila, First Assistant City Attorney Phil Azan, Building Director Diane Camber, Bass Museum Executive Director AI Childress, Code Compliance Director Robert Parcher, City Clerk Jose Cruz, Budget Officer Max Sklar, Office of the Mayor & Commission Gus Lopes, Procurement Division, Director Debbie Turner, First Assistant City Attorney Larry Herrup, Chairman Budget Advisory Committee Donald Shockey, North Beach Development Elayne Weisburd, Middle Beach Association, Inc. Amelia Johnson, Transportation Coordinator Lynn Bernstein, Middle Beach Director (DDHP) Miami Beach Art Deco Miami Beach Neighbors ~ '"" ~ 1-"" , ,-.,..;r~';'i5:':C --- " --- I ,. . M C>> N E --- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miamj.beach.f1.u5 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO, ~ OS t{ -Db TO: Mayor Neisen 0, Kasdin and Members of the City Commission DATE: April 12, 2000 FROM: Lawrence A. Levy ~ City Manager '. SUBJECT: REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE OF THE PROPOSED WATER, SEWER AND STORMWATER BOND PROJECTS, THEIR TIMING AND FUNDING STRATEGY A DMTNTSTRA TTON RRC()MMRNDA TTON: Refer the item, ANALYSTS: .--- The proposed Neighborhood and Citywide Improvement programs include up to $59 million of additional water and sewer bond funding and $43 million of stormwater bond funding in addition to the General Obligation Bond funding of $57.9 million. The implementation of these programs will have significant impacts on the City from both a financial and operational perspective. It is recommended that the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee review the proposed projects, their timing and funding strategy. NOTE: SE.E A 'tT ACHED DOCUMENT FOR WATER & SEWER. STORMW A TER BOND PROJECTIONS L~~ C:IMYDOCU-l I WPDOCSICM0412001 WSSW.REF ,r- AGENDA ITEM C. ~ E. DATE~ ".... ---- I Y . M T. ., o --- :::;ITY OF MIAMI BEACH ;r~y HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 ~ COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. A S3-oo TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy ~ City Manager DATE: April 12, 2000 FROM: SUBJECT: REQUEST FOR REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE FOR DISCUSSION OF FUNDING FOR THE PINE TREE & LA GORCE DRIVE TRAFFIC CALMING ISLAND LANDSCAPING ENHANCEMENTS. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION Refer the matter. ANALYSIS - Miami Dade County has begun installation of the traffic calming islands at Pine Tree and La Gorce Dri ve from 5151 Street to 62nd Street. A total of twenty-two (22) islands will be constructed, eleven (II) on Pine Tree Drive and eleven (II) on La Gorce Drive. Landscaping, irrigation and uplighting enhancements are not included in the County contract. The Administration recommends that the City Commission refer discussion of fund appropriation for the Pine Tree & La Gorce Drive traffic calming island enhancements to the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee. L~ --- AGENDA ITEM C1_<-U::d. F:wortlaD/krpfmcmo#LlOPFcommemo DATE~O ".... PINETREE & LAGORCE DRIVE LANDSCAPING ENHANCEMENT (22 -- intersections) ESTIl\L-\. TE OF PROBABLE CqST PLA:\TING :y{A TERIAL medjool date palms IS) shmbs/groundcovers ....@ 13.S00,.................................. 303.600, tlo\.vering (rees UPLIGHTING islands I intersections ....................@ 3.000...,................................ 66,000. IRRIGA TION..........................@ lAOO..............................,.... :30300. --- Sl'BTOTAL...i;:J.Y). S ":00,000, A/E@7% REnrBlJRSABLES + CO~lDiGENCY 28.000. 40.00n. 68,000. TOTAL: (say) S 4iO,OOO, 7 ".... CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~ 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE, MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 ---- MEMORANDUM DATE: April 19,2000 TO: Members of the Finar1ce/Citywide Projects Committee SUBJECT: Pine Tree & La Gorce Drive Traffic Calming Island Landscaping Currently, the County's constractor has installed eleven of twenty-two medians on La Gorce Drive. The remaining eleven medians are tentatively scheduled to be completed by June 30, 2000. The City has contacted the Miami-Dade County Public Works Department to request reimbursement of Road Impact Fees for this project, The County has indicated that a small portion of funds may be available. Of the estimated $475,000 required for the project, the City has identified about $ 300,000 of Quality-of-Life funds from Mid-Beach that the Administration could apply to this project. The balance of $175,000 could possibly be redistributed from General Obligation Bond Funds. ,-- r- ".... --- I ,. . - T H R E --- ".... '.1. ," ',. JrnH aow fS m 00 MAR ~ 8 AH 9: I 8 CITY OF MIAMI BEA<;::H".. OFFICE OF THE MAYOR & COMMISSYPlSi"C,:. MEMORANDUM TO: LAWRENCE LEVY MANAGER FROM: JOSE SMITH COMMISSIONER ~I .~ C' - /j' ,~ DATE: MARCH 7, 2000 RE: BYRON CARLYLE THEATER Please refer to the Finance Committee a discussion about the possible purchase by the City of Miami Beach of the Byron Carlyle Theater for use by local cultural groups and other municipal uses. North Beach currently does not have a single cultural venue, and it appears that the Byron Carlyle may be a perfect fit. JS/ept .--- A.gendaItem~ Date 3-15-()()