Attachment 115 r r ,.- R6 - Commission Committee Reports R6B Verbal Report on the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee Meeting of May 8, 2000: 1) The Proposed Water, Sewer and Stormwater Bond and General Obligation Bond Neighborhoods Projects; 2) Discussion of Funding for the Pine Tree and La Gorce Drive Traffic Calming Island Landscaping Enhancements; and, 3) Purchase by the City of Miami Beach of Byron Carlyle Theater for use by Local Cultural Groups and other Municipal Uses. Agenda Item f-Ca fS Date 5'10 -00 419 '" ;..~, "-'.~-~"""'~""~ CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami.beach.f1.us ~. COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 39 ~- 0-0 Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members ofthe City Commission FROM: Lawrence A. Levy * City Manager ' TO: DATE: May 10, 2000 SUBJECT: REPORT OF THE FINANCE & CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON MAY 8, 2000. A meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee was held Monday May 8, 2000 in the City Manager's Large Conference Room. Commissioner Cruz called the meeting to order at 2:45pm. Commissioners in attendance were Simon Cruz, Nancy Liebman, Matti Bower and Jose Smith. ,-- City staff in attendance were: Lawrence A. Levy, City Manager; Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager; Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager; Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager; Ronnie Singer, Executive Assistant to the City Manager; Patricia D. Walker, Finance Director; Georgina Echert, Assistant Finance Director; John De Pazos, Capital Projects Coordinator; Yaraima Arceneaux, Construction Manager; Jose Cruz, Budget Officer; Kaslyn Mohammed, Special Projects Coordinator; Julio Grave De Peralta, Public Works Director; Ricardo Mendez, Assistant Public Works Director; Gus Lopez, Procurement Division Director; Reuben Caldwell, Planner, and Maribel Ramirez, Office of Mayor and Commission. Others in attendance were: B.H. (Bud) Levine, Aqua Systems; Daniel T. Anderson, Rony Joel, Armando I. Perez, Mary Silverman of CDM; Rick Olson, CH2M Hill; Suvia Yallar, Bernard Zyscovich, Zyscovich Architects; David Whitman and Roland Kohen, Cultural Arts Council, and Donald Shockey North Beach Development Corporation. NRW RlJSINRSS 1. Purchase by the City of Miami Beach of the Byron-Carlyle Theater for use by Local Cultural Groups and Other Municipal Uses. ACTION: The Committee requested that the Administration provide the following information to the Committee within 30 days : ,.- 1) The amount that the present lessee, Regal theaters, would be prepared to pay to terminate their lease earlier than the end of its term; 2) A survey of local Cultural Groups that would iudicate their interest and how they would participate if the City were to consider assisting in the acquisition of this facility; AGENDA ITEM DATE ((G:,~ 5-10-00 3) A list of arts venues within the City and how they are being utilized; and 4) A plan that would reflect how both acquisition and operating costs would be funded for the project and the split of public and private funding. ,.- Discussion: This item was presented by the City Manager, Lawrence Levy and Assistant City Manager, Christina Cuervo. The Committee discussed their concerns regarding the acquisition of this facility and how it would best be utilized. A tentative floor plan delineating potential uses was presented by Bernard Zyscovich. The potential of this project would to be to encourage arts groups, who are currently leaving the City, to move to North Beach to act as a strong catalyst for the redevelopment of the area. 2. Discussion of the Funding for the PineTree and La Gorce Drive Traffic Calming Island Landscaping Enhancements. ACTION: The Committee agreed that the Quality of Life funding could be used however, they requested that the Administration pursue reimbursement from the County. This item was presented by Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager. He indicated that he was continuing discussions with the County and thus far they had agreed to supplement our funding for landscaping with 44 trees valued at approximately $25,000. . 3. The Proposed Water, Sewer, Stormwater and General Obligation Bond Neighborhood Projects, their timing and funding strategy. ACTION: The Committee took the following actions: ,.- 1) Approved in concept the timing and schedule for water, wastewater, stormwater and neighborhood improvements; 2) Directed the Administration to bring an RFQ to the Commission to hire a Program/Construction Manager for these projects; 3) Directed the Administration to commence the rate studies; 4) Referred the remaining projects for review by the Finance Committee at their next meeting and directed the Administration to prepare an RFQ for a Program/Construction Manager for these projects; and 5) Directed the Administration to prepare a schedule reflecting the in house staffing requirements for these projects. This item was presented by Patricia Walker, Finance Director and Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager. Ms. Walker gave an overview and discussed the financing strategy timing and sizing of the potential bond issues. Mr. Schwartz, discussed the role of consultants in the process. Representatives from CDM made a presentation on Program Management and the alternatives for construction management. r The meeting adjourned at 6:55 pm.. LAL:PDW C:\MYDOCU-I\WPOOCS\CMOS 1000\50900MIN. WPD Afteraction May 10, 2000 City Commission Meeting city of Miami Beach r ~ R6B Verbal Report on the Finance and Citywide Projects Committee meeting of May 8, 2000 regarding - 1) The Proposed Water, Sewer and Stormwater Bond and General Obligation Bond Neighborhoods Projects; 2) Discussion of Funding for the Pine Tree and La Gorce Drive Traffic Calming Island Landscaping Enhancements; and, 3) Purchase by the City of Miami Beach of Byron Carlyle Theater for use by Local Cultural Groups and other Municipal Uses. (Page 419) Action: Written report submitted at the meeting. Report accepted. Motion made by Commissioner Bower; seconded by Commissioner Cruz; Voice Vote: 5-0; Absent Mayor Kasdin and Commissioner Garcia. ,.- ,.- , Prepared by the City Clerk's Office 25