Attachment 117 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH P""Y HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 357-00 FROM: Mayor Nelsen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy II. /' City Manager ~ DATE: May 10,2000 TO: SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF A CHANGE ORDER IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $105,347.50 TO MASTEC NORTH AMERICA, PURSUANT TO STANDING ORDER NO. 14133 FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE 77TH STREET BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT; AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDING FOR THE AFORESTATED PURPOSES FROM THE GENERAL FUND UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE $92 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. ADMINISTRATIVE RECOMMENDATION r Adopt the Resolution. FUNDING $ 69,097.50: Funds are available from the FY 97/98 CDBG for North Beach Streetscapes $ 36.250.00: Funds are available from the General Fund undesignated fund balance, to be reimbursed from the first series of the $92M General Obligation Bonds (Biscayne Elementary School Circulation hnprovements: Municipal Mobility Plan Project #4) $105,347.50 Total amount of available funding ANALYSIS On December 15, 1999 the City Commission approved the award of a contract to Mastec North America in the amount of $221,700, pursuant to Bid No. 18-99/00 for the 17lh Street Streetscape hnprovements. At the time of award, the construction documents were based on available funds at the time of design. Therefore, design was limited and the project was value engineered to a degree that many desirable elements, such as replacement of sidewalks, curbs, and gutters, were omitted. Community input, as well as Planning Department's review and comments, has created a need to expand the original scope of work to include these desired enhancements. r AGENDAI'rEM~. DATE 5 - (D - 0-:) 273 ANALYSIS (Continued) ,.- Recently, additional funds have been identified which may be applied to the desired enhancements for the 77'" Street Streetscape Project. These enhancements include new sidewalk, curb and gutter throughout the project limits, additional landscape and irrigation and a brick paved crosswalk. The Construction Management Division has requested a Change Order proposal from the contractor, Mastec North America, to reflect a total value necessary to incorporate the additional scope of work. Change Order No.1 in the amount not to exceed $105,347.50, wiII be funded from the General Fund undesignated fund balance, to be reimbursed from the first series of the $92M General Obligation Bonds and Community Development Block Grant funds. The City's consultant, Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., has evaluated this Change. Order and agrees with the cost estimate submitted. The City Commission should adopt the Resolution. ..\v _~_I ~I' it!fV ~ ;.~~~~JDP/mJkrp~ r ,.- 274 , ,.- RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23909 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE ISSUANCE OF A CHANGE ORDER, IN THE AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $105,347.50, TO MASTEC NORTH AMERICA, PURSUANT TO STANDING ORDER NO. 14133 FOR THE COMPLETION OF THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE 77TH STREET BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT; AND APPROPRIATING THE NECESSARY FUNDING FOR THE AFORESTATED PURPOSE FROM THE GENERAL FUND UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE TO BE REIMBURSED FROM THE FIRST SERIES OF THE $92 MILLION GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS. WHEREAS, pursuant to Bid No. 18-99/00, for the 77'" Street Streetscape Improvements Project, the Mayor and City Commission approved the award of a contract with Mastec North America for the Project on December 15, 1999; and WHEREAS, an appropriation and standing order was established for this purpose; and WHEREAS, the approval of the attached Change Order, in the amount not to exceed $105,347.50, will allo\\( the City to achieve the Project's intent; and ,.- WHEREAS, funding to pay for the attached Change Order is available from undesignated General Fund balance, to be reimbursed from the first series of the $92M General Obligation Bonds and Community Development Block Grant funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby approve the issuance of a Change Order. in the amount not to exceed $105,347.50, to Mastec North America for the completion of the improvements to the 77'" Street Beautification Project; and appropriating the necessary funding for the aforestated purpose from the General Fund undesignated fund balance to be reimbursed from the first series of the $92 Million General Obligation Bonds (Biscayne Elementary School Circulation Improvements: Municipal Mobility Plan Project #4) and Community Development Block Grant funds. PASSED and ADOPTED this 10th ~ymM.y,_ ~~ MAYOR AEST:j , , -c'(U,t~- r Cu-cLt.---- CITY CLERK APPROVED J>$ TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUT;ON ,.- /~~ ., ,. ,.'"..~.::._-....,.~,- Afteraction May 10, 2000 City Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach 1l:31a ,.- C7CC Commission Memorandum No. 357-00 A Resolution Approving the Issuance of a Change Order in the Amount Not to Exceed $105,347.50 to Mastec North America, Pursuant to Standing Order No. 14133 for the Completion of the Improvements to the 77th Street Beautification Project; and Appropriating the Necessary Funding for the Aforestated Purpose from the General Fund Undesignated Fund Balance to be Reimbursed from the First Series of the $92 Million General Obligation Bonds and Community Development Block Grant Funds. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Construction Management) ACTION: Separated for discussion. Resolution No. 2000-23909 adopted. Matthew Schwartz to handle. Commissioner Smith believes that road impact fees should pay for this project. See action on item R7L. ,.- ,.- Prepared by the City Clerk's Office 17 -, --, T ,... - -- -.-.-...,..,-.......-