Attachment 118 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH cr- HALL 1700 CONVENT:ON CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 h ~i.miaml~beach.n.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 311 -00 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of lhe City Commission Lawrence A. Levy ~ City Manager DATE: May 10, 2000 FROM: SUBJECT: REPORT ON TIlE NEIGHBORHOODS COMMITTEE MEETING OF APRIL 10, 2000 A meeting of the Neighborhoods Committee was held on Monday, April 10, 2000. In attendance were: Chair: Members: Others Attendees: Commissioner Jose Smith Commissioner Matti Bower Commissioner Nancy Liebman Members of the Garden Conservancy (see attached attendance sheet) ,.- Commissioner Luis Garcia, Member, was not in attendance. OLD BUSINESS I. OPERATION OF THE MIAMI REACH ROT ANICAL GARDEN This item was a referral from the Sutnick Hour of February 9, 2000. The discussion of the facility uses, management and operation was prompted by concerns that arose during the Boat Show. Discussion: The Botanical Garden is currently operated by the Garden Conservancy under a concession agreement with the City of Miami Beach. The Garden Conservancy is now seeking a long term lease agreement with the City in order to "grow" the Botanical Garden as a cultural and tourism oriented destination. They are seeking the development of a public/private partnership to enable the not-for-profit, (I.R.s. Section 501(c)(3)) Garden Conservancy to operate and maintain the Botanical Garden. Representatives from the Garden expressed concems regarding: 1. Desire to move oversight from the Parks Department to the Department of Arts, Culture and Entertainment. 2. Coordination and delivery of City services. ,.- AGENDA ITEM t<:.~A 5-10 -00 DATE 415 -"7.----.,..-.....,-- , ~ ,-- 3. The Garden Conservancy would like to takeover both the management and maintenance of the Garden. 4. Ability to fundraise for long term capital campaign ($15 million over 5-6 years including the creation of a $10 million endowment). A preliminary business plan was submitted which included a staged "take-over" as Garden renovation is completed in phases. Improvements to the Botanical Garden include $1.5 million in G. O. Bond Funds. Action: The Commissioners requested that the following information be brought back to the Neighborhoods Committee prior to any recommendations: 1. Costs of privatizing the Garden (Janet Gavarrete to provide current City costs). 2. Comparab1es - Examine how other cities are successfully funding their public gardens. 3. Explore moving programming role to Department of Arts, Culture and Entertainment. 4. Explore removing the maintenance responsibility from the Parks Department and giving that budget to the Conservancy. ,.- This item will return to this committee when above information is available. LAL~IPr; Attachment f:/cmgr/$alllcommemo.OO/neighbor.510 .,,- 416 ---'-~-- '" , ,.- .. (1' ~ f ~ G" . i;t"..;i:l~<,-f ~1.r~::;;j,..'" \Ii ~~&/(i,; t I -s ~o" M 6 Z:.....,:~ <11 ..,., C /' :::; , r ,/ ,.. C\ . -. ? '( r~ c::;>? ,... ~' I.\) 0\ t.. ~ " ~ 0 -, ~ r' Z -~ ~ ?:l ,;" ~ a: . 0 ~ ~ t=l .11 _I \' - r- ;j. ~ '" i c:, () 0 ~J" Vi '" "l , ",,' It: r l;' 'I:=> ~ "::i ,> '-7~ ~ ::t 12 '!o 0 i v- I , , ::z ~D ~ +1 ,}oI t=l J: I ~ -S:> <II .:~:) ::z - 0 ~p l.o ~ vl = t.":l 'r \ci >-l c ~ .". ~ \J It' f\ ~ ';, , ':0 j V\ ~, , \., -- , +l ~~ ~S' .L v> " ":j c. 'i-> ill f :> -t>- f' >< ^ (i\I 2: v' ~. \ ~ I .,., a: ~' '" " = ~ t=l 'Y ::c V ", vJ r. 'l' '- ~ ! v\ ,.- r: t 417 :z ~ .... C1 == =: o ::0 - .... o o o rJ'1 Cl o ~~ O~ 2.... ~~ ~~~ ~ ~> ~ -- :>-.l- ';:::l- ?:t=O -~ 9> N:Z => ,... gCl > t"" C1 > S ~ :z rJ'1 ~ ~ ~ ~ - :z C1 r- .r- ,.- Afteraction May 10, 2000 City Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach R6 - Commission Committee Revorts R6A Commission Memorandum No. 371-00 Report on the Neighborhoods Committee Meeting of April 10, 2000 regarding the Operation of the Miami Beach Botanical Garden. (Deferred from 4/12/00) Action: Report accepted. Motion made by Commissioner Bower; seconded by Commissioner Liebman; Voice vote: 5-0; Absent: Mayor Kasdin and Commissioner Cruz. Prepared by the City Clerk's Office 25 T'-' .._..,-,..--'.......~