Attachment 119 ,-- ,:~~-, """'''',''.',>'' :"-"''--'~ _~r'1,..,r-".''''- J!;;:1~~' ~~~" ';';.',I,-.~ , --,,,, :'j'~" ,~,. City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation s ~ 1Nyo\"YeLJ .... = __ 1 When: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 6:00 p.m. Smith & Wollensky Restau rant 1 Washington Ave Miami Beach. Ti me: Where: * Who will South Pointe Park serve? * How will it serve them? * What type of programs/activities are needed? * What facilities will be needed to implement programs/activities? For an\4 additional information please call at (305) 673-7730 Call (305)673-7730 VOICE to request material in accessible format, sign language interpreters (5 days in advance when possible), or information on access for persons with disabilities. ,.'.."....... .,-,......'.:~.~< ,-- SOUTH POINTE PARK COMMUNITY WORKSHOP Wednesday, May 17,2000,6 p.m. Smith & W ollensky Restaurant 1 W ashington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida AGENDA I. History of the Park ............................... Kevin Smith, Director City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department II. Park Master Plan .................................. Aida Curtis, Project Landscape Architect, Curtis & Rogers ,.- . III. Neighborhood Framework .................. Aida Curtis IV. Breakout Groups Discussion: . Who will South Pointe Park serve? . How will it serve them? . What type of programs/activities are needed? . What facilities will be needed to implement programs/activities? V. Reports from Breakout Groups VI. Discussion r ....._-":"~~ ,,- ,.- South Pointe Park, a 17 acre regional park at the southern most point of the island, is one of Miami Beach's most scenic parks and one, that has received a great deal of attention from the 'South Pointe Park Charrette" held in 1995, facilitated by the urban planning firm of Duany, Plater-Zyberk. Echoing many goals set forth by the Charrette, the Master Plan seeks to unlock the beauty of the park, by allowing views, circulation and a public preserce to occur in the East-West axis of the Park., The Master Plan opens up the Western edge of the Park to face onto the future plaza at the terminus of Washington Avenue. On the Eastern edge, both the large artificial dune and the boardwalk will be removed By opening the East-West axis through the Park, a more scenic and inviting Park will be create, providing a sweeping view frolT) Washington Avenue Plaza through the Park to Ocean Pl.afa and the Atlantic beyond. .. . South Pointe Park is the passive park of South Beach and the waterfront gateway to the city, offering panoramic vistas of the Atlantic Ocean and the Miami skyline. The pedestrian promenade, paralleling Government on the Southern edge of the park, will be defined with stately palms, forming a grand ocean entrance to the City. The promenade will wrap around the tip of Miami Beach, connecting the Park to the Miami Beach Marina via the future Bay Walk. The Northern edge of South Pointe Park, formed by large scale condominium development, will be buffered by plantings and, where appropriate, will allow direct access from the condominiums into the Park, in an effort to activate this park edge. The passive nature of the Park, as set forth in the Charrette, will be enhanced in the Master Plan to include large areas of green lawn with canopy trees and shade pavilions for picnicking and, for added green space, the stables and amphitheater/storage building will be removed. To support the anticipated increase in Park attendance, the Master Plan incorporates a park managers office, a moderate increase in parking, a new tot lot, and new restroom buildings. The existing coastal dune community, currently disturbed by the boardwalk, will be reconstructed to tie into the hardy dunes located just North of the Park, creating one cohesive dune ,-.. system. ~ - w !z o D.. :t: I- :::> o (J) ED . " - ."0':": . .m, .__._ . , .,:,-'_T:-:T'~-:' lD ,.- ,*BONDFUNDifUDGET"$I;O/J4j740.00 .' . <:i'.iY=Bond P,!ndedltems) .,...... MASTER PLAN ELEMENTS ,--. Buildings ./ Redesign & Renovate Park, incl., ".: Entrance, Traffic Flow, Exist. '. Buildings, Ughting (partial) " ./ New Restroom Building New Restroom Bldg. wi Park Office Fishing Pier Renovations New Shade Pavilions , New Maintenance Building . ,," ,,-. Redesign & Renovate Park (full) ".-::':'-",::-:"~:::~=7 ..-..........-....-.........-...-...-...-............-.-....--.......... .PedestriarT,:,,:~' Gov'nl CuI Promenade Paving ..f~:::~p'~:jtl&i~B .._..~:.:~~.!:.~~~_.._.._..._....._............................ :::".~,..; :'" ':';;:'-:-~,:;'-':- -., ," Sitef lightin9' { Replace Site Lighting 7;":;-;::-~:;~~r:'::~i~~;it ........._04..__4..._._...-..__.._.._.._......._...._..._ ~laYg/'Ounds. ./ New Playground Equipment :.~0' ;:~:;~~:S'~::~ ..-(...~c::~s.!.?~:..~!:.rJ.:.~~?~.~~:!.I!..:!.'!E._...._...... Signa'geilFum ./ Signage -c_. "'--<>,:':';', ./ pa'rf!. Furnishings (partial) ':;::':;'::.':-A.:':::~'~ '-':'.~:.-:,,,,, ParffAJ.,mishings (turo '7:-'"':::::,~..;'!~:'~'7r:.~"f .................-..-..-.-.-..-.....-.............-........-........... ~ariq~6?p~'~~'~; ./ Landscaping (partial) ,..:.":~;,.,\,,,. -"""',' Landscape (full) ::-~i.",; :.':! ~:~~~~'.:';,;;~ ,';,'..'i~-,: . .~.7::;::~'77~:7;3'~:::"." .._..~--~-~.~..__.~.....~-._--~..__.._..~~_....._...~.. 'Imgaliorl).!l\';f;~~ ./ Irrigauon (partiaO j!ii~~ji~j~~' .._..~~~;::~f~;~;~;-;~~~_..._..._................- i'7,;,,~{,,-8.',~t,- -'!~.~~:~T~~i:\i'ltll!l:i l'j'I:!l~'8~g!Er!l&J?j'I;' ~........- ',,~, ~ _,_ 'r",~, ,Total Cost.., $ 4,050,726.60 $ 900,658.80 w.' 's", !i~'g~~~~"ill;illI1!' $1,004,740.00 $1,004,740.00 i~iii~~~"~i;~'I~ ($3,045,986.60) $104,081.20 Notes: All costs include 10% for mobil~ation and general conditions and 10% for unforeseen conditions. w !Z o c.. :z: ~ =' o '" ""e Bond Fund Budget has been adjusted to reflect Bond processing fees. Master Plan fees and AlE fees for design and eonstnJction. A bUdget for accessible playground surfacing has been added to each par1<. where applicable. SPOIN.Q2.WPF SI03IM ,.- .. ~ , ,.' ..~ ;.....,,-;o:--:"':~ ...-..,-,".... T.r;''T' '. r N !!tAYW.4l..J<. W,A5l-lIN::;..iCN ~T c~ =~51CN Fl,5t"!OVS: ',STA6L.E5'I08SE:qyAiICN rcu.eR: AMI"'I-'I IoOEATE.~AINT6'-lANCe e4JlLOINc::iI ~O Re5T'ROCM5 51olAOE 51-1 ' r=,~ L.4ll,N WriJ-l el-lAOE l"R!::::' NEW ~5TROCM NEW MAIN~.4NCS ~Ul OING EXI50T1NG 5T_ .6N,. T ~"O'l'..t. (i%~~) T ~. NAO . TR .. p C~r C' OP!!N LAILN -- RS10V!! EARTl-l MCUoOlPtLOT Io4OU8E1R!!5TROCr'VOeeERVA TICN rC'U.G:R c $~a ~ELn:RS NTWI leC' SUFOflACING At!.NWIT1-l !IJAO SI-IAOE TE~ .oN Pl... IIO!ECONSTF<1.ICTICN (REMove I!5QAROWAW<J Aoe FI:!+-I I"L..A TFOIOMO ="""" ATt..4NTrC OCE.AN ACOITIc::NAL Y; .5lGN.6Ge t .sITE P\J~ITUl't! . ~CURlTT' L.IGWTIN:i .'RAIGATrCH TW~ ,-- MASTER PLAN CIT't OF MfAMI aUCK MASUR nAHN!HG FOR PARKS. 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'-lIr0 'v /f/ 1)...1 J'2 F. vU (I CI ~ d , t,/<-..p fCl Hf1~...) ;'(7/000 SQ..FT, fi..T/I<.I )./o/(Fj;! ,t::~1TCt?;Z/f/V.K cYj:: /flu ;Jfl-tC.I< # /1'11] W(/v'-d ~,uHl'J~..e cF,l:'(v/t//- hlfl../'I,j"JJ,/fl-tu(~ ;1-fJdC-/Z.PIlI'1 ,'1/0 CI~)O lt7-J-I- /loJlU /-1 ;:::'l<.tI t"1 aA,c/J ":5 r TiJ j;-J.J f-(!//Vfl-tVJ7!C./1VT C l.( / J'-t ,r..../ I t1J {U_ tL /11 (1 I' AI !- J,v n- tv t...; / s /J () uJ /) IJ I/<.J /-::: !-:(" tl /Zf TlI-J. f11/1. ,'t{; i<ltv ~;vC....t 14- f 795/-" City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. ..-,----1"--:,""":"-.. ,.- If you have suggestions for South Pointe Park please write your comments below. Thank you for your participation. NAtV1E: U ~ e.a. so. f'.ov 0.- ADDRESS: :z.. ( 0 D \.A> CL ~~"..\ "- O-tz>...... /'+,J t.... K<1;, f-L?>?> \~ "l PHONE;{?;6's) bT1- 7l3l)FPu'\.: OdS )rc7l,-7n.~ Comments regarding: Who will South Pointe Park serve? How will it serve them? What type of programs/activities are needed? What facilities will be needed to implement programs/activies? r- "?hCN\d co",-r;'\v-e. ~"^'"' c:'-2<'; ~+;":j ycvth. -f(dJ{ttn"l(ll1;:.s 'su-vh LA.~ -rk il'-~mOJS. ~lo."'-i^-1 CarY\(' l/-J"';c..h SerwS- C;oJtr VI- ,^~r~ c...h\\..dJllf" 01"\ 0.. 'iRad1 bctS;.s. -::"'" 0~J.~ t\cSY"Il ~r?O-~;'L') y~ proJro.rTV1'\; "5 -n \r>-c..W(4. Sl"c\rt3/>f<ciq{(1.~j tiC-hv;h'o -+- -w-e"m VJw\ J ~l ~ln,ficir.1 if'. if\co'<<<.)i,,-) a.(^..JIW(.~.rt T uh\;Vl~'(J""'" Of- ~k ~adc ,-- City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. . ~ .' ._.,_.-...~":R'. If you have suggestions for South Pointe Park please write your comments below. Thank you for your Partic~ion. . I / NAME: l:Of \1'\1\ -{ 1\ If k la..1'10~ ADDRESS: \ 3 ~ S L.J Q..,S t f\w -fY\, (\, ~ ( S 3(.5~ PHONE:3:->\(oH-o<;dl FAX: V1u~l[~ dO(uH(CA.-fOf"rf, ~ -ru rJJ(' ...J w [ c,(l..r:' Comments regarding: Who will South Pointe Park serve? How will it serve them? What type of ~- programs/activities are needed? What facilities will be needed to imple~nt programs/activies? ~r c~~ ~ ~k . C StvJta~((3Irl.p(j1;J.) ~~ ~ ~(lJQ) ~ - W{k.QJ - ~J - ~,b~'1 <;:'J~Vlb~J. , .. fli) ~~ ~V\ ~'\.~ o<r- n--d\+ 1 '(bclt<rd~. Qb (Ylofc.t ll:c.1 ~ill\-llO"tJ -= lPh[~~ ;- ~: - ~r p~*~ ~O/!. SCd&t~ OJ'~ OA S'le9lQ w\~ ~ r~a8~ Srut? ,.- - \) \' p I,' ~ e Itcf(dLJaAJ-.I' 'tOu W L~ (\--e.ecA VI'--d"{ 6.f ~l/l\j" COIl'l.e [f\")d rart: In (J () DCL~ ()<\ u)()c&-eY'- Jlspl% \.0 \ Ttt CcLLC:L(ldn f!eC<fj1~c/ep ~ \'00, \ ,( ~ lA./ t:/lJ OUlJ) ~ ~r-I C\.bof/A- ~ B(;(}rJ~k QCL~ ~SttlCtUAV1 .- /C/eY~ ~ Mlf ~f ,-- City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. . -.-.,..,.-:--;-.. ,.- If you have suggestions for South Pointe Park please write your comments below. Thank you for your participation. NAME: ADDRESS: C/4-V J\)' 4 &l r:j-t( ,- YOO {OiJ II-) f1;')I/ ))0 1/ / ZO/ PHONE: :j/>/ Z sg Zr FAX: f 6 sl; / II Comments regarding: Who will South Pointe Park serve? How will it serve them? What type of programs/activities are needed? What facilities will be needed to implement prograrns/activies? .. A.>vo ItE "Wy-t 1rMt\ ,.- ~ WE f ..5,...fJL1 J) f" 1 tee 5,. ~C'c/vn 11 CANS" ~T ,I\S 0 C\J E /\} T ..s o IV ~ D-C AJ -r --i + tlA;C~ )v"-& ~ ,A X r~ t:T~ -- (0 tl\l~ rJA{ufL~ . f , --- q ~I) t I - - ~ City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. ~-~.-..~"':-.. r If you have suggestions for South Pointe Park please write your comments below. Thank you for your participation. NAME:~',. ~ H<-,1/'~'---, ADDRESS: I <.l:L.O ('--Lu-l 'ct, c. n IL u..,;*s,,-v 2- / -'0" ~L PHONE: 3:-?1<~\ FAX: Comments regarding: Who will South Pointe Park serve? How will it serve them? What type of programs/activities are needed? What facilities will be needed to implement programs/activies? ,.- .' A l k. S )~~ tJ" c eA sJu; LA ld 1e- 40 tJ /G-f~ or rof0r/1 /tu1dsv~ b~ D ,If", r '^ C . +~ .s h 0 cd cL h oi- l /}-r rO'll n v I I 1 7 ~ld=- ,-- City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. -'-'--"--:-~-'. ,.- If you have suggestions for South Pointe Park please VvTite your comme:J.ts below. Thank you for your partiJon. NAME: - ~CJLI (,It::.. .. ~ _ ADD~:J 2.-1-=1 LfH ~..n'. r"".;r~ 0IU\fl fL ,..-U PHONE:$O~ ~~2-- If' 4-"1 ,. Comments regarding: Who will South Pointe Park serve? How will it serve them? What type of programs/activities are needed? What facilities will be needed to implement programs/activies? -, j..'S S-~...,; Sr",'~ s~.I.l k ....Sea> fi k...... "-~"''5 ~ -t If 'VC\.a..eS. pel~. ~ . ,...J-<<i i"Ulfr-v4l-e'~ · ~~f N- ';";of'1:,..1l .e.~ r City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. . _, __._...-:",,~w" ,.- If you have suggestions for South Pointe Par' I . your participation. l( p ea~e wnte your comments below. Thank you for NAME: (; Lo (J LJiYE L L~ ADDRESS: '30/ 0 C/f7Af\..J~)f) .#\:c"€ M.B 'S31~ - -- C-:" ~ { PHONE:~I.J~ - ')"-7d 0 1v I F A.,'{: . ( I I , ?llc; ~ Comments r.e~~rding: Who will South Pointe Park serve? .. programs/actlVltles are needed? What facilities will b . How :vllllt serve them? What type of '.' e needed to Implement programs/activies? t/1 VZ~ /lC1~ /tti &Mf,4'ft1k!. !,~f,'1! ~ 111cJlPrS~Jee= S~ ~ r~W~ ~ rr cUCP-0' 0-l-~7h-r1..... f "fMM5 h sf.-, f, Yy "tVo <2#<1) h /~::" /;e<< c{.,_-, > J. r-- .//". O'J/C-S -F//f/F $ScJoJ - ~ ~ ut- C~f1.kS or ~ /CUUAJaJU -- - V€MCL.e , I CA?". 'Y'...,;v,f ~a /JU<dc m0fUl~'ri' tP2i ~ !M~ !J4/IU;t m (}Z1A~ !~SCA.{)/~) m f~ . D&:un~ 2-~ --ei/21t..f C&11~t:~~ CIty of Miami Jieach Parks and Recreation De art . Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. F~x (3~;~~7;~~~2~aShmgton Avenue, Miami -:[.j-. (bnCI2-L rf3 a.1,re OV~.ted _ ~tk! bvt JeS ~ rJ- 1;::;tMA cj Omj(, ~ j;" _~0wj !ZJ dt:sC~ . OmIT ~. /Lo a~ ~ A i~e ~ - S;~1W) ~ Fsd ~7d.t2 - rCv^/ ~;,__ ~MAI'1;) (fro )'tWdAP;t\~-, ,--. f (C</l ' c-~ I '- ./'/i~) /.,,1/J,fk )J '! ~tA.-h G- ov- C 0J17(lJ2A. ~ 0.. cA 00 -?1P Cr. c;, I/J h e~ ,-- -,._---..~":-.. ".- If you have suggestions for South Pointe Park please write your comments below. Thank you for your participation. NAcvIE: ..:::::r...o' ~ c: (. ~ 'J- ~', [(,I !-<-, ADDRESS: '2.-4- c C 1:1 J l; Al s -il'i r- ~,'(1E--JC( (.: l PHONE:3<=- ~ J, 1 "I II; (; F A,'{: Comments regarding: Who will South Pointe Park serve? How will it serve them? What type of programs/activities are needed? What facilities will be needed to implement programs/activies? '?\"'C,sc ~;tf~T,.zMcl'C- ~"'? ,~lj ,.- ".- City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. -, _.-..-~':""""':-.. ,.- If you have suggestions for South Pointe Park please write your comments below. Thank you for yourp~ n,.....-,- 1/ NAME: .......' 0 II J -fft /,e't-/; J1r ADDRESS: 11 <f~ 1ft TlI hz ~(/~V i/a-o rlhlntJ; ~vlJc-1 P// 36JI/j . ~Q.)' s?:'~otl-~/ FAX'. ' PHONE: Comments regarding: Who will South Pointe Park serve? How will it serve them? What type of I programs/activities are needed? What facilities will be needed to implement programs/activies? . (k. .~"jlv ~ 1-~ 7U;ft b~ #M .tV ,~ ~~ ~~;0h;ih~ cfr- 6-U:tPJV ~ Pd tzw, r -)} ~(J~ ~ J p(;~~ ~-jN~1V ri:kJ~ f~ ~, I ~~ .//.-1:.1 ~~~jJdeMU;UH- p~J ~7 ~ City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. .-.-"...,..~":-.. ~ If you have suggestions for South Pointe Park please write your comments belo\v. Thank you for your participation. NAME: ? -r- f-( . LA;NG-ErJ ADDRESS: /(;; S. 4-~.b;S;t.v-:S, ~, U{bIS~ (~,m.$, 5SIS?( { PHONE: b *aC:l.l~ FAX: b h (J <:ld. ~ Comments regarding: Who will South Pointe Park serve? How wil1 it serve them? \\'hat type of programs/activities are needed? What facilities will be needed to implement programs/activies? r- ~~ ~ .p (TAJ2.S'~ {~A-{L... ~frb- Jvnm ~~r?-(f 01- F' ?(S.~d9- C5: ~f ~~ . 'D ' Lv0...~O (<-- ~ 0 . T?~. f (,,:;;, ~ ~ ~S b; ~ ;,,-J.Q ~ h.u.:L ~~ thr-- ~ ~ ~ ~~( (s- ~t' ~~ Jv. ')1-. JuU-&;(j ill ~ . City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department~hink~e, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. " ?rS. prCS . <;~p ~ff' "'6 'h. ~ ~Ih--.. 'S I d-::J r-- -,-~,-...~,,;_.. ,.- If you have suggestions for South Pointe Park please write your comments below. Thank you for your participation. NAME: ~ I vCPl 8/2 l c w.tft~ :!;3r '30 I 0 (' c:::: fJlJiR I V <IE.. f7 go g ADDRESS: y'V1 (f.M I B 0c (.J 'FL PHONE: 3oSS3//'$5/ FAX: 3os- 5JIJ t[8 'f9 Comments regarding: Who will South Pointe Park serve? How will it serve them? What type of programs/activities are needed? What facilities will be needed to implement programs/activies? . ~ S"t'f'n/tf:71E.. {'","Oo:: 5TfZ, nN' Lu r:'1LloC vuf':l '/ 12-0 Lt..<"V1.. 13.\.(.')0.12- /(31 ( 'i C L.6: rtro.; '0""'" SIJf-\Q~ Tf2.12~ C; . P~l "l Larr., ()? r=tt. or-/l ('O'n-/s WI"1-+ L~OSu)p,^( .J B FJ-...C It ~.s t1 T ,-- f1.='-OG <;;, .ay~('J WAC '< w~ V r:vz I If? 00 ..s 0 rz FP{ ~ +- (;J l+lC b-I S J-kl Lt LO f3~ p., L>?:r~T /,If,-.I ~ I Lf / WLOF . Ii I Iv. ST7-ll.-L Lt 6HTI}I\..J 6 I/Jl+LCI-I IT I Pr;;,Dr;;:~;-a <t<) N s: poi?S' f-/07: (yLA{2F ~ fL/WT LOTS ,rF- S&9-G-(20Prs..S 1+ cOcOf\/u,s. D () No-;- f \...o{)jJ T f'/l E.o U (l '- f'P L fY1 .s ,-- City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. .-.._".....~":-.. ,.- If you have suggestions for South Pointe Park please write your comments below. Thank you for your participat' on. NAME: CI! (""I Q /e i/ ADDRESS: PHON{iO~6H/:J~:eo V 6' ~-Y:3;b5 Comments regarding: Who will South Pointe Park serve? How will it serve them? What type of programs/activities are needed? What facilities will be needed to implement prograrns/activies? , ~ ;-a~/t//L'1 ~~-fi/;':r?T- rcs/cJn!s cmd~ rf"rS / 0 Ie -ft( (Pnf,r JJir-l--tfluC' 1/1 5ou--/-i ~f Cl F-;e ft Lp'l -til" na/v~ ~nc~i p 5ff --Ii", 'Sun 54'f9E'1 ~ j,=~ ---/ie -a./75- ! I C~a// Q'nd a- ~rtr rYlO'na er, 100r f, /'" ~/ / '17 ~r I:. 1 k r>?or--r: IJ' fa ~S-! -/eees I' -more ~V ~ City of Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department, 2100 Washington Avenue, Miami Beach, Florida 33139. Phone (305) 673-7730. Fax (305) 673-7725. .-.-"--11'---;":-" ,.- uti ~ fO ;p.., c. (( ~nl1l.1ltr (;;?YI J rJ 1/ -/r;;- /hA.A wet/i., rJ{ tf,{-< r,.-t ~ . c.4:.- W ~Jj M-60V r f'CA"'I, Oce?t p n "'" 30( sfl-OD r r r South Pointe Park Community Workshop Report Introduction The City of Miami neach, held a public workshop on Wednesday, May 17th, 6:00 pm at the Smith & WoUensky restaurant in South Pointe Park. The purpose of this workshop was to secure input for the continued development of South Pointe Park, as part of the Parks Bond Improvement Program and the new General Obligation Bond Program. A master plan for the park was developed in 1996. As part of this process, this plan will be updated to develop an actual program for construction. This is the first of several public workshops. Presenting .at the workshop were: . Kevin Smith - Director Parks & Recreation . Rai Fernandez- Architect . Aida M. Curtis- Landscape Architect City of Miami Beach Bermello, Ajami1 & Partners Curtis + Rogers Design Studio ,.- In addition the following City of Miami Beach's staff was also present at the meeting: Assistant City Manager- Christina Cuervo, Ronnie Singer- Executive Assistant-City Managers Office; Sugar Pirtel . Parks Dep;. Betty Fleming - Parks Dept.; Odalys Man, & Cindy Casanova - Parks Dept.;A1exandra Ro1ll;I1dclli- Redevelopment; Joe Damieo. . The workshop was designed to provide the meeting participants with opportunities to : 1. Review the existing conditions and parameters that underlie the planning and design process for this park, 2. Review the master plan developed and adopted hy the Commission in 1996 have been developed following the above parameters, 3. Present their ideas about the future use and desired programmatic activities, 4. Present their comments relating to the use, planning and programming of this park. The meeting agenda was as follows: 1. History of the Park II. Park Master Plan III. Neighborhood Framework IV. Breakout Groups Discussion . Who will South Pointe Park serve? - How will it serve them? - What types of programs/activities are needed? - What facilities will be needed to implement programs/activities? V. Reports from Breakout Groups ,.- South Pointe Park Community Workshop Page 1 Z"d SSvS-stov-soe: Slj3~Olj , SI.lljn:J dSl'toO 00 eo unr . '..--.,.--':- r VI. Closing Remarks and Adjournment Publi~ Plll"ticipation Process The public participation process allowed the citizens in' attendance with two opportunities to communicate their preferences and concerns regarding thc planning and programming of this facility. The first opportunity occurred in the comment group discussion and the second was through individual comment sheets. The meeting was attended by approximately 35 citizens and representatives of various organizations. Following the presentations by the City and Consultants, a general discussion was held regarding the planning parameters, current plans and programs for the park. The community participants were then asked to break into self-selected groups with a "spokesperson", responsible for recording ideas generated. Each group was responsible for answering the following questions as it related to programming and activities desired for each of the designated user groups: A. Who will South Pointe Park serve? B. How will it serve them? C. What type ofprogramsfactivities are needed? D. What specific facilities will be needed to implemcnt these programs/activities ? ,-- The spokesperson would record the various answers on easel paper. The goal of this exercise was NOT to reach consensus among members, but to bring out a broad range of ideas from all participants. As a result there may be some comments from one group in opposition to another. The reason for doing this as a group vs. individually, was to enablc meeting participants to hear each other, and in cases one person's comment might prompt discussion or ideas from others. After approximately 30 minutes, the comment groups were reconvened to listen to the presentations by representatives of each group. The presentations were designed to share the ideas recorded on the easel paper. Just as the interactive groups did not seek a consensus among members, the purpose of the presentations was not to produce consensus, across the five user groups but to sample the ideas emerged. The comment groups "easel paper" comments are included at the end of this report. The second portion of the workshop provided participants with additional note paper to record individual ideas and given to representatives of the City for incorporation. ,These individual comment forms allowed each citizen to express their particular point of view, or address other relevant issues related to the planning and design of South Pointe Park. These individual comment forms are summarized at the end of this report. Conclusion This workshop allowed the approximately 35 participants to voice their opinions regarding the r South Pointc Park Conununity Workshop Page 2 E"d 99il-6-Sil-il--SOE S~3~O~ 1 SIl.~nO dSt:~O 00 90 unc r ,.- v'd ,,- planning, programming and design of the South Pointe Park. In the interactive groups and the individual comment forms the participants expressed their ideas about the specific elements, programs, activities, and facilities for the park. The information and ideas gathered at this workshop will be seriously considered in the planning and design of the facility. Concept plans will be presented at a second public workshop, date an<f"time to be deterrnined. At this time additional discussions and comments will be secur"d. Enclosures G:\Project FUts\MBEACH\PARKS2\5point\workshop-rcpol1.wpd South Pointe Park Community Workshop aavs-svv-soe S~3flO~ 'II SI.L~n:J ;, Page 3 dSt:vO 00 ao unr ~ COMMENTS FROM INTERACTIVE COMMENT GlWVPS Group No.1: . Facility should be used as a park, this will discourage the homeless . Events should be held - ie. Taste of the Beach, symphonies, small concerts, small private (permit) events, film production industrY . Film and Special events promote positive and safe use of these facilities . Important considerations: . Sanitation . Security . Parking . Public Access - more open to beach/marina . Rollerb1adelbicycle path' no motorized vehicles (scooters) . South Pointe Park is a versatile park and is able to house any kind of production which in return is beneficial to itself. Group No.2: ,.- . South Pointe park should serve" TRANQUILITY" . The park should serve local residents and tourists, non-commercial. . How will it serve them? . via Cultural Activities . Family Oriented Activities . School Programs d, . Programs! Activities Needed? . health related . low decibel programs . no food events (commercial) . pre-school activities . cultural activities . police patrols . community policing . Facilities needed? . tri-level parking . bandshell ,.- South Pointe Park Community Workshop Page 4 S'd BBj,S-Sj,j,-SOE: Sl:I3!l0~ 'I SIJ.l:In:l ol9t'j,0 00 BO un(" h ~.lIII-1 ~. y....- -~~...- t...cJ. ee-;.s-S-;.v-SOE S~3ElO~ '8 Sr.L~n:J cJ.SI'vO 00 eo unr ,.- . Adapt current facilities 10 provide more shade. & lighting particularly along walkways. . Vita-course . Separate (safe) walkways for rollerbladi!)g & bicycle paths with minimal concrete . meditation areas (quiet) . enclosed dog area . sufficient trash cans and collection . more sitting areas Group No.3: . Who will the park serve? . area residents (South Beach) . all age groups . local tourists . How will it serve them? . vita course . no more activities in park . children's arts & crafts centerl educational . cultural events on the weekends, ie- music, art . no org!lllized sports ,.- . Facilities Required? . small recreation building . bike racks · furnishings. benches, trash receptacles . signage - interpretive-native trees, historic . No additional parking in the park. Since the City has a parking problem and extra garage could be built, but utilize area transportation. This should not be the concern of the park. PARKING PROBLEM TRANSCEND PARKING IN THE PARK, IT IS CITYWIDE. . Alternate transportation methods - electric shuttle, bikes. . No film crews should be allowed in the park - very destructive. . Enforcement of park rules is imperative . Noise restrictions . Additional native landscaping - shade trees . Central focal point in the park - plaza, water feature ,.- South Pointe Park Community Workshop Page 5 S'cJ. 88vS-Svv-SOE S~3~0~ .. 5 r HIn:l cJ.St'vo 00 90 unr '._-'''''-.~-....~- O~ S'd " '5~~O~'- 'i' 'S I .L~rt'~ ; . -,udl.-tu''i>'Cl'' OV""'U -... ,.- Group No.4: . Who will the park serve? . Open to the public ( Federal Funding Requirements) . Programs! Activities'! . Passive programs, ic. picnics, reading, no structures . Facilities? . Police substation . Landscaping! benches . No barbeques, huts . Clean, safe bathrooms . Trash receptacles . Poop stations Group No.5: . Park Manager (on-site) . Separate dog trail! Run (leash enforcement) Signage for i~rbage (dog use, scooper pickcr upper) ,- . . Sanitation issues - attractive signage I trash cans . Security - security station! check point, enforced schedule for park hours. . Picnic Areas vs. . No picnic areas if not properly maintained. . use by reservations . charge fees . maintenance of areas- critical . Observation tower . secure and maintained . --, .'-- Aih/"'''~l ilventi9 ,.- ... -0'" - r Keep concrete sidewalk. (SkaterlDikelPedestrian) Friday nite - bandshell - missed - Low key events No place for garbage on most of Boardwalk. No motorized vehicles. Sanitation Homeless Keep paths clean. Scooters are on sidewalk - Please ~ You will need more parking - Have electro wave come into Park. Poop bag on wooden display v.-ith collection receptacles (seen at Las Olas River Walk Park) Still angry about Marina Boardwalk access restriction. Claudia Glaser 400 South Point Drive, #1201 Miami Beach, FL 305-582-5824 fax: 305-865-4111 ,.- More Shade Trees More Security Trash Cans But, No Events! We, residents and taxpayers need a Quiet place to enjoy nature. .' Mary M. Vernon 1020 Meridian Ave., #502 Miami Beach, FL 33139 Alaskan Parcel should be donated or properly landscaped by Portofino. City should not buv it. 1. Kulick 400 South Point Drive, #1207 Miami Beach, FL 33139 305-532-4844 This superb setting should be used to be an amenity fro all. It requires policing. Shade must be incorporated. Safety. No football etc.. Clotilde Luce ,.- South Pointe Park Community Workshop Page 8 S"'" 99j,S-Sj,j,-SoE: S~39o~ ",SlUInO "'~t:vo DO 90 unr r- 301 Ocean Drive #508 Miami Beach, Fl33139 305-538-670 I 305-538-8775 A large area - should be set aside - for daytime tranquility (yoga, meditation, fai ch'i, reading) with no music or commercial activity - no activities involving noise. All companies renting out motor scooters should be required to put decals in English and Spanish stating "No Entry to parks, beach, dunes or sidewalks - Fine $500) - on each vehicle. 1 am against too much manicuring. Too many paved paths, too much landscaping, too many planned zones looks unnatural. If concerts are organized - make buses free and available at Omni. Do everything to discourage cars coming into the area. Joseph J. Villar 240 Collins Ave Miami Beach FL 305-674-1190 Please Vita Track for all. r .' Joan Patrella 7755 Tatum Waterway Drive Miami Beach, FL 33141 305-538-5491 -;,; As in the past, Friday Night live was a summer success. Local Residents found time to bring the entire family and pets out in the fresh air. 1 feel we should be capitalizing on the South Shore Park donation by the Federal Parks Program. The problem with homeless derelicts can by triaged effectively. R. + H. Langen 112 S. Hibiscus Drive Hibiscus 1s1and, Miami Beach, F133139 305-676-0023 Please reinstate the Fitness Trail. Please stop people from camping or sleeping in the park. Please provide restrooms, to stop people from urinating in the park. PIs. Do not allow dogs to run in all areas, but designate an area for that purpose to stop dogs from fouling all areas. . Thank you. ,.- South Pointe Park Community Workshop Page 9 Ot'cI BB..S-s....-soe S~3~0~ 'I SI.L~n:) clLt:..O 00 BO unr ,.- Erika Brigham 301 Ocean Drive #308 Miami Beach, FL 305.531.1331 fax: 305-538-9898 Separate pedestrian walkway from roller bladelbicycle paths with landscaping, shade trees. Provide Jots of benches at pedestrian walkway which should have varied surface and be at least] 4' wide. Install lighting which does not "Glare" at pedestrians. Plant lots of Seagrapes and Coconuts. Do not plant 'Medjool' Palms. Marialice Celidonio 400 South Point Drive, #2009 Miami Beach, FL 305-673-1932 fnx:305-674-9325 (Tranquility) South Point residents and tax payers To be the only quiet place in South Beach. A place to listen the nature, silence, to see the sunshine, the boats, the pelicans. Clean, police and a park manager working in the park. No more parking spaces. More trees for more shade. Frank Del Vecchio 30] Ocean Drive, Apt. 604 Miami Beach, FL Ensure unbroken continuity of the Bay Walk. Linda Leiboviei and Ed Bliss 400 South Pointe Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Maintcnance shed should not be near residential buildings. In addition letters from Frank Del Vecchio and Peter A. Marinello were submitted for consideration. These are enclosed as part ofthis report. Also included is the sign-in sheet, although it will be noted that not all attendants signed in. ,.- South Pointe Park Community Workshop Page 10 tt'd BBj,6-Sj,j,-SOE S~390~ 'I SIl.~n::l dLt:1>O 00 BO unr -""".~ - FROM Frank V. Del Veccklo ,.- Ft-ICl-;e Me. 305 672 06lfJ7 MA',. 18 2e~0 11:2S'::;M F1 Ma.y \8, 2000 MEMORA..'llDUlv! FOR: Bett}' Fleming, Recreation, ('.ultIJre 8< PaTk~ FROM: FraDk Del Vecchio. 301 Ocean Drive, Apt. 604. MiamitBfacQl FL 331:39 , Tel. 305-672-2486, Fax. 305-672-0807 ~. f:::,J.Jl-{y~D Sl.JBJ: Program for South Pointe Park - Public Comments at Work3hop, May 17 Please inc:lude the below two observations in the comments: :Ensure that the BayWalk continues uninterrupted aroUDd tbc souther:n perimeter of South Pointc; Design South Point.. Park facilities using security and low maintenance princi;>"",,. 1. Continuity of ~ "BavWaIk" ~d the South Pointe Perimeter: Is There a (lap or . ... lntelTUotion of tllA! BavWalk? The consulJ:ant's presentation showed a ~ in the plannlld BayWalk in the area of the "Alaska Parcel". The BayWaIk ill intended to provide unbrokm public alXeSS around the pc:rimeter of the South Pointe area. atong Bi&:ayne Bay from the intersection of 5th St. and Alton Road, along Government Cut, to connect with access along the east (occao) s~ of the lalaDd. A major public investment has been made in negotiating the inclusion of the BayWalk in the POt"tof'mo Settlement Agroeement, and in other ways. The BayWaIk also represents a major pedestrianlcydistlrollcrblader entry to South pointe Paris;. South Paintc Park. itself. is conceived of as an iritegraJ element of the BayWalk expcri<:nce, and the public comments at tile community ....orkshop on May 17 reflect the interl:$t in ensuring public access to the park that the BayWalk is i.D.teDded to provide. The dty ""miJristration shoukt set forth its pIan for ensuring unbrck.en uninterrupWd BayWaIk continuity, including the 1egal stepS that remain to be taken to .co-!lf"U'm IDlY public easements, etc. Mcessary. . 2. Securttv as a n-.;KJ> J!.leJnent in Facility PIannin" and I.andllc:aain.. Mai:nten8nee as a Dc~"" Consideration All presettW:ion& at the commuDity "",rltshop on South Pointe Park emphasiud the absolute necessity of use controls to obviete edverfIe use impacts. and. for mainteaan<:e lII\d sect1rlty. , An example of a use control i$ to provide for a dog walking area, With leash aDd ~-up requirements. posted nJ~. tnsh bags available fOT pick up of dog feces. and trash conta;~ in which to dispose of them. ~re is a relationship between use control aDd maiDfienanCe. Using !be dog walking example, properly looated dog walking areas and controls should reduce related main.~. Similarly fOT controls on consumption of food and beverages. and the prohibition on the sale, possession or COJ:lllumptWn of al<::oholie bevcrZl&d in eny p>>bl{c place - (e.&.. the BayWalk. South l'ointe Park, streets and sidewalks). (See ~ Code. Sec. 70-87 (a)(l); unlawful far any perlI~ to co~e, 5eI'"Ve, sen or possess ~ open containet' of any alc:oholic bev_ge on or m any public p\.ace___ Except for spccif"u: exceptions l:isted in the on;lin:.lDce.) r '.,... ~- -....,..- Zl .oJ BBir6-Siri>-SO€ , Sll3flOll ... SI~lln:J oJBltirO 00 BO unr F"~M F~at"'lk. U. tie; l lJecchio ?HCNE NG. 305 572 0807 ~.Y. 19 2C'3e 11:2;~M P2 ,.- :2 Speci:al attention must be given to the des;gn of facUities, and of landscaping, with respect to security. General Obligation Bond prOCO>ds may only be WlOd for ""Pita! deve10pmcnL Maintenance and security musr be provided for fr?m annual get>eral fund budgets. The widely a<:cepted principal of facility design in public parks is to des~ them in such " way that continuous maintenance and pOlicing wm not be necessary for them to function cleanly and safety. 'Regarding South Pointe Park, landscaping is a security issue. 1'0 the extCl:l.t that clusters of b~. that eould harbor vagrants, etc.. can be avoid=d, security and mair>tenance is enhanced. ObGervation towers, that are attractive havens for: vagrants and require COl1Stlmt ll:lalntenance and policing, are a design mistake. Restroom fadlities that arc not dcsigneo:1 as an mle!!,ral eLement of a more "5l:CU.re and defensible complex (such as a Besch Patrol/Maintenance Bui1dblS in a more open and secure location), are 5\lsceptible to break~ ins by vaTldals 8Dd vagrants. Well-intentioned roofed picnic structures become havens for vagrants, -are oftm tak8l1 over territorially by a handful of members of f:be public, denying use to others, and are associated Wfth titter. Such "tT'llctures pose matatcnance, security. and hiih administrative cost problems. 3. Options, Low Maiutenance/ttilfh Desil!rl Security. etc. 0{ all ~ South Beach General ObligatiOn Hoed community workshops. this one on South Pointe Park highliglrte<l neighborhood and commWlity interest in controls on pcn:aittecl activities. and mamtl:nance and security concerns. Options 00 facility design should be explicit in showing ....bat activities they represent,. and what the associated mal.ntenanee and security needs would'be. (For example, could the consultant develop a Low MAiqtenan<:e. H:!lth lote~ral Security Option, as one parameter, taking into account the commurutY comments, as a polnt of C01DPwon and contrast with what the consultsnt misht present as an option which, in its opiniDn. best reconci1es the competins intcrest& at tnmquillity and security veraus activitY and ser;wity?) M.l 99. 5-18-<lO r e:t'd eevs-svv-Soe: S~390~ 'I SI1~n:l det'vO 00 eo unr 05/29/20QU ;:~::l2 to.'\..\. ,JU:)QI,llt.:a "'...u-n..............'u...".. .;' ~ Z4 'ilIiI U'l_ P.M. '_15314304 /1I"'MI fli:AOl,F1.. ".1.'2 /'"" n-ra1l A. llMtlla.LO 't1tIL MAGNOLIA CC*OCIIllltUMS 1005 . .......e Pan~.... 4 Ki~l I.ach. Flort46 331J9-5617 ~y %2. 2000 Ct.cl' of "1_1 ae.cll Pad:.. .an.tI "cr'ca~\on o.p""~"'1l1: 21011 lI..ki>latGft A__ "1.1~ ".ch. 'lortda 33\39 .~ (30!) 67'-7725 o.al~ I'ri..nd.; t A.':':."... 0\a'C' 1'Mt&hbo~. ....t;i.n& \..c v..k.. The lOne belel at S<ou~b 'oi.nt.& Pa~.. t .,. v.r~ pl..... wt~b ~ha peace.. ehee allow. for our tnp"e. t ... al.4 to ... ftO.~l, ftSiahbor. turn up. 4ft.&l" t.b6 -.ct.t". 1U.\\1 ~b6USh.t.S e,J:IIM. co .{1'\~. ......y &lraacly dt.cu...eel In the ..ti.... /'"" I uHl _uld 'tU... to .....U.... ...... thi.... tbat haw ato04 OUe to 1M o. .....t ilOp .rea.." .... 'rh. parI< t. Cot p...'''. u... ... h..... "......11 _rctal proP4rty in ~II. ."e. ~fta~ ..J ...4 of ~~.id.ftC. or vt.1CQTS .haul. ~ ~n41.4 QUe of eommcr~i.l p~ope~~y which pay r~a~ and Q~ e..al. ~b. ona unt~ e~.pt tbat ~. ...n r..lly captt"li.. on I. the ..e~ th.t we ca.. b.v. "ll'I" l...b ar.... ""lit to thl wat4r to 80 ..." ap?...cl.t. eM lluuey of our ea... .1de city. Wa ~v. O~~ pa~k. co ha~l. OUt Gt&&nL&ed acti"'~1. Any private portia. ~... be .~~a~.d _1tb rb. .ie,_ Po..ibly wi~h &raa. vb.t. ace... can be li.i~.d wbc" naeu.s. o,...n .,..... _..\d .ll.... for 1:11<,,,,,1.... rottullh..sc. IInd l"'de.lcr1.an.. Ho _~0~he4 1:C'..Dlpari:.at.'t... ~c ill .. ...'II\Itoriloo4 pari<. PAJ:KtWQ. '..rk;... 1.& . CITY loIllla PIIOIUM. dwl ",.".c of our op.en .",,ace ia ab.\lrd. -----r1iM'U. ,1." wHb ..ar1r.~ ".><"11"; Hew "J1" $"'I&Y~ . Cr..~ins I r... ,aikln. .pac&. 'a.ki... .ho,,14 h4 addr....4 .... constructio~ sbould pro..id. for .~~. n - .. . . ~ . .~ I cltefr ,.- vl'd 88vS-Svv-SOe: S~3f)0~ , S I Htn::l dSl:vO 00 80 ~nr "-"'Y""T' '-:T.'';-~. O~/29/2000 Z2:52 FAX 301)6731'/Z:;" "":n.O~l\C.""Ar.."\.J.J.VH Ill.. ....v.. on. ot Ch411 r.lI l(.\t\'CI tbAt flC.C'81e. <:..11 ..aLk.. Tbi. 1... 4\54,) uni.q,I.U! toe OU~ (,i.t:y" 1:ou:ci.~.<J' n."al\b4ra, aDd ne~1:by v1sttora t..'ft eOCN .pan-a the doilY, 4 ...k, . tltOoth. ,-- 9ou~ Paint. P~fk would b. y4~ aftother de&~in~elan~. A plaee w~~rc ~b. v.$~eo~. un dlcc:.o\llec- an4 ill..." .bout tn.. l>caut.)' C)'f 0"11;' ,.n14UG. place 0\1 .....C'th. 't..."" yo.._ Sl......r.l' you~._ #~ Pet.er ~.. ".artne\la. ~U~hj...u TarYace luIaocta'tiqn Pr.. (d4\rlC, , (3(-5) 531-4;J04 -4/~ ,.- ~')~ <; ~... Co _~ r....:, r St-d 88iooS-Siooioo-SOE S~3ElO~ , SIl.~n:J dSt'iooO 00 80 unr ----.,..---,.~ r ,-- . .. .......... 91-d >< '" "'- ... c: .,g c:.. ... ..~ ~:trr-~ - 'V r- .1 ~r:!';"~0 ... 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T-',lJdrcssthis<lucltiol1,theciryofMiami Beach rcccndy Justed niT J\.h\{l't 1'1.1Il~ (rum 1')')5, hired the land. \(C)l'l'Hchircclllrc firm o(CuHisanJ Roger" .11ld hosted J community work- ,hop till ideas and proposals on what, c~actly, lC' do with the'e 17 JCfeS of p:\lkbnd alThe "luthnn rl1<1~t poilH of Miami Beach "The goal of this worbhop i_~ to get idcas t'n thc p1rk'" said Aida Cllrti~, lead architcct I-"r the prnicu. "\~/hid, we willllse tu modify, change and updatc rhc MaHcr l'bn." DrJwnu[,in 1995 as ,1 re.llllt of the "South roiIH~)ark Chanclte", f;tcilitated by the A VIEW OF SOUTH POtNTE PARK FROM THE OBSERVATION TOWER, "i According 10 Kevin Smith, director 01 the Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Deparbnent, there Is currenoy $2.8 million available lor th. park, "but we want between $8 and $7 million lor construction," he said. , "',:, ':t~ ~_..~ . ~ --'" . :';', ct "'!I!!l~ ~_ . .,saa!! .....P..!,,+lE- , .. _~ -.101- ~!;;.,. .. ----~...; '" ,:::.' "...'" -;;::;-. ~Ii~' . l~~) ~.... .1,.Si_ ;",~ ~ll' _.' !S.N':!'I'\':!_ I ..., . . .... ~-,. t,;t::::~,J:"-~.r~ a.'~ ....... ~I'" .-- c"""""~i.;._,, -~,~ "':~,__ !'It I; ~\w:r-;g B -'!!!! h~~ .f ~,,~a JI-;~"~ :~~J:' i! _:~m .'--' ;'~'':i''~~lii !:.'!!!! :,:m,I!i~o;\'J"'r 1":';2.__ Ft'llWfl ,=" "" ......iBI..' - :~i~ ~.'~,-;1ipt-" .,..':_ r~l I,,'...l~.!~~~. .":0:: __, 1<,__ 'II -- It 1~IP!ri""i"=;;;;;i. -'nr.!l lIrha., planning IIr11l of Duany, Plater.Zyberk, the originall\laster Plan's overall goal was 10 pmmote a greater puhlic presence in the park, i.e, to cre;lte :t ~pace that people would actual- Iyme. To accomplish this, the current plan calls fi,r a numher of chan~('s to the landscape of the park. Existing huilding~ ,It the westem edge of the park would he removed, as well as the bo.mlwalk ;l11d.mificial dunes ro rheeasr, flH more ~cenic and unohstructcd views e;lst, wcst and south. A row of palm tree_s would be added along the pedcsrri;l11 promenade thJt par;tllcls the Government Cut, which would .\ornnlayconnectlOthcfUlurelhyWalktuthe tvliami lkach Marin;l. Trcl's and othcr plaOli- figS would huffer the behemoth condomini. UIIIS, ,tlLh a~ South P"inte ;tfld POrlofino toW- ~rs, Incated on the northern edge of the park. :;haderr<.:esandl'avilionst(lrpicnickillgwould YES. THIS IS Tl"E ENTRANCE FOR SOUTH POltHE PARK, READ THE FINE PRINT, < j' ~ A VIEW INSIOE THE PARK'S OBSERVATION TOWER, speTH millions of dollars on its construction, h.ldurigillally be,-!ueathed the park and thar il should be open for public use. "I wish there W;tS something here ofclIl- rural interest'-' "'lid Bruce Singer. director of lhe Miami Beach Ch<llllber uf Cnmmet<.:e, "Bllt I'd like (tJ ~ee ~omethjng more than jUSt;t 5 hacky.ltd park." ,n Some meetlngpanicipal1ls benmaned the k'~1 of communitr e\-ents at the park such as 'i Friday Night Live - the free mmmcr COllcert series th,u drew families and r~~;dcnts of all i :I~CS and demographics, Musical events. syrn- ~_ !,1l(1nie~ ;lIldsm:11l cuncerts. aSIVell as a rClllrn of Ta~te of the Beach, were also S\l!;gested ;tS .... cultrlral c\'erHS dut could be held ;u lhe park. ~ Besides regubr<.:ulrural events",ut;gestiotls .~ r;l11!'ed from .In arts and crafis center, spac~ for ~ mnlhers!Obrin~theirkids.;lndcrc-,l!in!;;J.gell- ~ crally quid meditative and non-cornmer<.:ial space for local r~siderHs and lOurlst.~ to relax g and enjoy the views. 0 be added to thl' now open lawns, according to the proposed plan, and, to handle theinnuxof new park patrons {hat would result from aU these changes, resrrooms, parking space~, a nl'W tot lot and a park l1lan;lger'~ office would bebuik "Sure, more shade trces alld bathrooms, the h')Illelcss lovethat,~ said Victm Morale<, a former ;trchitecrural wrlsuhanr on the Sourh Poinrearea. ~Since '')'j ;lOd theSo\J1h l'ointeCharre!lc, there's beell J lot of positive ch.lngc~ in the n~'ighhorh"oJ," said Curti~, e.~rbinirlg the current reevaluation of the Master Plan. Worhhops nn rhe f'mposed I'hn are sched- uled through luly. "It's an ol'cn publicpwcess,-'Cunistold a Cf(1\'/d of over 50 10c;11 residents and city ofli- cials I.lstweek g.ltheredar the restJurant in the park _ Smith & Wol1ensky. ~The intenr of these meetings is to get inplll on the fin.ll designs of the park. 'J.i'e're not here to reach a consensus - we willr;lke your idea.s, develop them into a revised pbn .md bring it hack fur more discus.lion." But most agreed dUI vagrancy was a m;ljnr prohlem in the park, which could be solved hy h~ightened ,Iccuritv, <aniUtin!l and an Oil-site pMk manager with a '.r.llioll and <.:heckl'oim, -,omep3.rticipa.ll1s.laid. Under the original M-.lstcr Plan. the total cost nf p;uk tenovations would he more th:tn $.1.05 million, but with a budget frorn local bond fUnd~ of just o\'cr $1 million. A(C\lrdi[l~ to Kevin Smith, director of lhe Miami llc;ch Parks ami Recreation Deparunem, then' is L'urrcmly SZ.6 million ;lv;l.ilable for the park. "hur we W:lnt between $6 and $7 million For constructioll. ~ be said. Smith added thaI the federal gOVl'roment, who