Attachment 121 CITY' 0 F M I A M I B E A C H .cITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\Icl.miaml-beach.ft.us L.T.C. No. U4-2DDD LETTER TO COMMISSION May 22, 2000 TO: The Honorable Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission FROM: SUBJECT: NORTH SHORE PARK AND YOUTH CENTER PLAN Over the past two weeks the Administration has met with each of you individually to present a modified plan for the construction for the North Shore Park and Youth Center. The modifications discussed were a direct result of comments and input received at the following public meetings: ,.- 1. Community workshops held at North Shore Park on February 29th and April13th, 2000; 2. North BeachY outh Center Oversight Committee meetings on March 30th, Apri15th and May 11 th, 2000; and 3. Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board on May 4, 2000. The modifications requested focused on the following points: . The substitution of two (2) of the twelve (12) clay tennis courts in the new tennis center with hard surface tennis courts. The community felt this modification would better enable youth learning the game of tennis, as well as youth playing for their schools, to practice and play on the surface that is most commonly used for this level of play and competition. Additionally, it was felt by some that having a choice of clay or hard courts better served the community. . The option of adding outdoor basketball courts in the southwest section of the park for individuals who may prefer them to the basketball courts that will be constructed in the gymnasium. The additional court(s) would be sited in the area that is currently a parking lot. Any parking spaces eliminated would require on street parking to be reconfigured to angle parking. r Based on these discussions and your comments, a consensus on these issues was developed. Unless advised of additional concerns, on the morning of May 26, 2000 the Administration will instruct the project architects to: . Design the tennis complex to include two (2) hard surface tennis courts and ten (10) clay (Hydro) courts. . Include one (1) outdoor fenced basketball court on the southwest end of the park. (Please refer to the attached site plan for a comprehensive overview). In conjunction with this, the Administration will begin the planning process to reconfigure on street parking. Barring any further revisions, this notification to the architects will enable them to continue working toward the projected July 19th bid issuance. Should you have questions or comments, please advise. LL~/KS c: Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager Matthew Schwartz, Assistant City Manager Kevin Smith, Director, Parks and Recreation Odalys Mon, Special Projects Coordinator Michel Mag10rie, Projects Manager ,.- M:\$CMB\TEMP\NSBB.OO r , .. .~. I . L@ !- '" ~ ~ "0 ~ ,. z qlm I . if ~ ~ ~;. i! j~ It ; ~ , . o o . ."-.L- .-J (lltl'.t11S ~'o'I:wut I - . . ~ . ~ 8~ 0 L ~ c> .~ "i:i ;j > ~ ~ z I ~ 0 0 ~ Os z ~ o 0 . ~ 8 = > , IJ 't- ~ ~ = > L ~ ~ "0 ;;; , < 0 G . 0 I . . ~ ~ @ 1 ~ L'._ .~ I ~ : , ~ n 0 c ~ E. L I l I D t-,;,- i:\;i:' r L I 1'1 .~ ! i~ I I , " Clo I f.i\ I DO' ~~ I :ur ,'. I'll ;:; ~ fl'! ',.... 1 ... t !~:;'I .. I l.~ " ;> ? ~ ,i! t:' I 'ii "1 ,.:.. ~:~ ! 1.,1, 1 ~: J . 'n_ iii~. ii!! II ~ !!Ui lllle !!ii ff' i ~ iiii ~~ it: J ~ Ol iI" ! '1. ! ~~ I II ~