Attachment 122 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\cl.miami-beach.f1.us MEMORANDUM TO: GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE DATE: May 25, 2000 SUBJECT: G.O. BOND PUBLIC INFORMATION PLAN In the City's efforts to inform our residents of the upcoming neighborhood meetings of the General Obligation Bond, the public information plan included a combination of paid advertising, distribution of flyers and press releases, and insertions in City communication channels (Beach Briefs, Cable Channel 20, and the City's Website). The following is the distribution list: FLYERS: r All three libraries All three Pub1ix Supermarkets City Hall City Parks Civic Organizations Commission Chambers Condo Associations Dry cleaners Fire Stations GO Bond mailing list Hair salons Homeowners & Neighborhood Associations Laundromats Nail salons Police Stations Real estate companies Religious organizations (churches and synagogues) Schools (Public and Private)/& the PTAs EMAIL: GO Bond email group composed of residents and community leaders that have attended meetings. ,.- G.O. Bond Memorandum Page 2 ,.- PRESS RELEASE: All media Calendar listings Citywide newsletter (Beach Briefs) cover story (insertion in the City utility billing) Website (www.ci.miami-beach.fl.us) PAID ADVERTISING: The Miami Herald Neighbors (May 21, May 28, June 1 and June 4) SunPost (May 25 & June 1) Hola Amigos (May 26) La V oz de Miami Beach (May 26) Art Deco Tropical (June 1) MEETING NOTICES: Channel 20 Miami Herald Neighbors All media Website ,.- Attachments F:\cmb\info\rodn\misCorrespondence\Memos\gobondcom r m CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release Date: May 18,2000 Contact: Nannette Rodriguez Phone: 305-673-7575 www.ci.miami-beach.fl.us Residents Urged To Get Involved in Planning Neighborhood's Improvements Miami Beach -- The City of Miami Beach will be meeting with the community to surmnarize the proposed projects and provide a status report on the General Obligation Bond. There will be three district meetings held with breakout sessions for residents of each separate neighborhood within those districts. The meetings are as follows: Wednesday, May 31, 6:30 p.m. Middle Beach Neighborhoods (for all residents living south of 63'd St. to 23m St. & Dade Blvd, including La Gorce, Allison and Sunset islands) Nautilus Middle School Auditorium 4301 N. Michigan Avenue ,.- Thursday, June 1, 6:30 p.m. South Beach Neighborhoods (For all residents living from South Pointe to Dade Blvd. & 23'd Street, including Venetian, Star, Palm & Hibiscus islands) South Pointe Elementary 1050 Fourth Street Tuesday, JUDe 6, 6:30 p.m. North Beach Neighborhoods (For all residents living north of 63rd St. and south of 87th Street, except La Gorce and Allison islands) Lehrman Day School 727 77th Street Three district meetings and thirteen neighborhood community workshops were held in March tp review the previously funded projects, which are completed or under construction, to review the general obligation bond program projects which are being planned for the neighborhoods; and to listen to the neighborhood's needs. For more information, call the City Manager's Office at 305- --- 673-7010. ### Important Community Meetings Scheduled for Implementation of the General Obligation.. Page 1 of 1 ,-- Important Community Meetings Scheduled for Implementation of the General Obligation Bond Improvements The City is ready to meet with the community again to summarize the proposed projects and provide a status report on the deneral Obligation Bond. Three district meetings will be held with break-out sessions for residents of each neighborhood within those districts. The meetings are as follows: WHEN: WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 20006:30 P.M. WHAT: MIDDLE BEACH DISTRICT (south of 63'd SI. to 23rd Street & Dade Blvd, including La Gorce, Allison and Sunset Islands) WHERE: NAUTILUS MIDDLE SCHOOL AUDITORIUM, 4301 N. Michigan Avenue WHEN: THURSDAY, JUNE 1, 20006:30 P.M. WHAT: SOUTH BEACH DISTRICT (South Pointe to Dade Blvd. & 23rd Street, including Venetian, Star, Palm & Hibiscus Islands) WHERE: SOUTH POINTE ELEMENTARY, 1050 Fourth Street ,-- WHEN: TUESDAY, JUNE 6,20006:30 P.M. WHAT: NORTH BEACH DISTRICT (north of 63'd SI., except La Gorce and Allison islands) WHERE: LEHRMAN DAY SCHOOL, 727 77th Street Over the last month, the City staff has studied the neighborhood priorities; compared the priorities with the timetable for the approved underground improvements; prepared cost estimates; and developed a timeline. : Three district meetings and thirteen neighborhood community workshops were held in March to review the previously funded projects which are completed or under construction; to review the general obligation bond program projects which are being planned for the neighborhoods; and to listen to the neighborhoods' needs. For more information, call the City Manage~s Office at 305-673-7010. L- r http://www.ci.miami-beach.fl.us/newcity/depts/econdev/importan.htm 05/24/2000 Residents Urged to Get Involved in Planning Neighborhood's Improvements Page 1 of 1 Date: May 18, 2000 ,- Residents Urged to Get Involved in Planning Neighborhood's Improvements Miami Beach -- The City of Miami Beach will be meetinfl with the community to summarize the proposed projects and provide a status report on the General Obligation Bond. There will be three district meetings held with breakout sessions for residents of each separate neighborhood within those districts. The meetings are as follows: . Wednesday, May 31, 6:30 p.m. Middle Beach Neighborhoods (for all residents living south of 63rd SI. to 23'd SI. & Dade Blvd, including La Gorce, Allison and Sunset islands) Nautilus Middle School Auditorium 4301 N. Michigan Avenue . Thursday, June 1, 6:30 p.m. South Beach Neighborhoods (For all residents living from South Pointe to Dade Blvd. & 23'd Street, including Venetian, Star, Palm & Hibiscus islands) ,- South Pointe Elementary 1050 Fourth Street . Tuesday, June 6, 6:30 p.m. North Beach Neighborhoods (For all residents living north of 63rd SI. and south of 87th Street, except La Gorce and Allison islands) Lehrman Day School 727 77th Street Three district meetings and thirteen neighborhood community workshops were held in March to review the previously funded projects, which are completed or under construction, to review the general obligation bond program projects which are being planned for the neighborhoods; and to listen to the neighborhood's needs. For more information, call the City Manager's Office at 305-673-7010. ### Call 673-7575NOICE to request material in accessible format, sign language interpreter (5 days in advance), or information on access for persons with disabilities. ,.- http://www.ci.miami-beach.fl.us/newcity/press/pressOO/pr052200.htm OS/24/2000 ,-- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH MEETING NOTICES May 29 - June 2, 2000 MONDAY, May 29 Memorial Day - HOliday observed TUESDAY, May 30 No meetings scheduled WEDNESDAY, May 31 9:00 a.m. Joint meeting of the Coastal Communities 6:30 p.m. Meet & Greet City Manager Candidates 6:30 p.m. Middle Beach Neighborhoods! General Obligation Bond Improvements THURSDAY, June 1 8:30 a.m. Audit Committee 9:00 a.m. Special Master Hearing ,.- .0:00 a.m. City Manager Selection Committee Interviews! City Manager Candidates 4:30 p.m. Golf Advisory Board 6:30 p.m. South Beach Neighborhoods! General Obligation Bond Improvements FRIDAY, June 2 9:00 a.m. Board of Adjustment 2:00 p.m. City Manager Selection Committee Interviews! City Manager Candidates 3:00 p.m. Miami Beach Sister City Coordinating Council -. Aired on Cablevision/Channel 20 Mayor's Conference Room Fourth floor, City Hall First Floor Conference Room City Hall Nautilus Middle School Auditorium 4301 N. Michigan Avenue Mayor's Conference Room Fourth floor, City Hall Commission Chambers Third floor, City Hall City Manager's Large Conference Room Fourth floor, City Hall Bayshore Golf Course 2301 Alton Road South Pointe Elementary 1050 Fourth Street Commission Chambers Third floor, City Hall City Manager's Large Conference Room Fourth floor, City Hall Miami Beach Botanical Center 2000 Convention Center Drive Any meeting may be opened and continued and, under such circumstances, additional legal notice would not be provided. One '--r more members of the Miami Beach City Commission may be in attendance and may participate in discussions. Any person .Iay contact the City Clerk's Office at (305) 673-7411. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodation to participate in any meeting or to review any documents relative thereto, should contact the City Clerk no later than four days prior to the proceeding. Telephone (305) 673-7411 for assistance; if hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service Numbers (800) 955-8771 (TOO) or (800) 955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance. ".,. .,." Y..": ",..". ".,. V.A'"'' ,A... Its Your Nei;;;;;';rhood, Be Part of the Process ,-- @~Rl1 @{/ IMI Q51IiiJll~ [ID@d)@l!liJ North Beach Neighborhoods lIAesday. June 6, 6:30 p.m. Lehrman Day School 727 77th Street (For all residents IMng north of 63rd Street to 87th Street except l<l Gon:e and Allison islands) Middle Beach Neighborhoods Wednesday, May 31. 6:30 p.m. Naultilus Middle School Auditorium 4301 N Michigan Avenue (For all residents IMng between 63rd St. & 23rd St. & Dade Blvd. Including l<l Gorce, Allison and Sunset islands) South Beach Neighborhoods Thursday, June 1, 6:30 p.m. South Pointe Elementary I 050 Fourth Street (For all residents living from South Pointe to Dade Blvd. & 23rd Street, induding venetian. Star. Palm & Hibiscus islands! The City of Miami Beach looks forward to working with you to further develop and prioritize our neighborhood projects from the City's General Obligation Bond Issue. Break-out sessions will be held for residents of each neighborhood within the three districts. For more information, call the City Manager's Office at 305-673-7010 or www.ci.miami-beach.f1.u$ (II\(; fm I i-\e'CA.l.t:, '{\J<;:;: l~t+eo~ ~LU.{)-: ~ 2./ 2: 28( ?<.X'O ,- ,.- ..,.ft.e.fte~ ft". .,.:.~~:~...." ~ -- In Your Neighborhood, Be Part of the Process h__ North Beach District Tuesday. June 6. 6:30 p.m. Lehrman Day School 727 77th Street (For all residents living north of 63rd Sr. to 87th Street, except La Gorce and Allison islands) lfI.. / South Beach District Thursday. June I, h 6:30 p.m. C Sc:xJth Pointe Elementary 1 050 Fourth Street fFor all residents living from South Pointe to Dade Blvd. & 23rd Street including Ve- netian. Star; Palm & Hibiscus islands} '.' :~ n Mlcldle Beach District Wednesday, May 31, 6:30 p.m. NaJltilus Middle School.Auditorium 4301 N Michigan Avenue {For all residents living between 63rd St. & 23rd St. & Dade Blvd, including La Gorce, .Allison and Sunset islands' The City of Miami Beach looks forward to working with you to further develop and prioritize our neighborhood projects from the City's General Obligation Bond Issue. Break~ut sessions will be held for residents of each neighborhood within the three districts. For more information, call the City Managers Office at 305-673.7010 or www.ci.miami-beach.fl.us Arrf...ungmo,l>oopo....8nda>ntlnlledancl._'__.._IIogOl__noIl>o,...,._.Arrf...............,ao_lhoCll1C'""".OM<>ool(3D5)873-7411. Inaocordo"""_lho_""_DIu_Morl_,_...--.g.......I~_lopll~~In.n'..-IIneClflo...iow.""__Ihoo_.- to"'"oIIhooCIlyC.."'nololotll'lOnro.....'.prlorlolhoopr-.g. T...pI\ono(305)673-7411ro'_....:"...r1ng~lnId,bo..phonol""_ReIo;'s.rvicoNlmI>o'"(IlOO)9SS- a771(mol.'(lIDC)Z5-a770{V~CE),li><._ r S~+ 1~~ ,.- MB www.herald.com THURSDAY, MAY 25. 2000 8 ;;.i L~ " ,~ , ~ ': ' :' < ~ ~ i ~ ; -, 1 1 -i ] j ,; , ~I ' . " 1 ' _ _ 1 ~ : ~ -~_ ; . J i 1 J " ;; , _ . Meetings give project updates The city oi Miami Beach will hold three meetings to give res- idents a status report on the proposed general obligation bond projects. The meetings are as follows: Middle Beach neighbor- hoods: 6:30 p.Ol. Wednesday at Nautilus Middle School Audi- torium, 4301 N. Michigan Ave. This meeting is for residents who live south of 63rd Street to 23rd Street and Dade Boule- vard. It includes La Gorce, Alli- Street. This is for all residents son and Sunset islands. living north of 63rd Street and. South Beach neighbor- south of 87th Street, except La hoods: 6:30 p.m. June I at South Gorce aild Allison islands. Pointe Elementary, 1050 Fourth Three district meetings and St. This meeting is for all resi- 13 neighborhood community dents who live from South workshops were held in March Pointe to Dade Boulevard and to review the previously 23rd Street. including Venetian, funded projects, which are Star, Palm and Hibiscus islands. completed or under construc- North Beach neighbor- tion,to review the general obli- hoods: 6:30 p.m. June 6 at Lehr- gation bond program projects man Day School, 727 77th which are being planned and to _---, listen to the neighborhood's I needs. For more information, call the city ntanager's office at 305-673-7010. r r " ,e.. "a". ."6 ."ee. ..,.,,::,...,. ,..- It~ Your Neighborhood, Be Part of the Process ,.- ,-- @OQl1 @~ ~OI!lIlIDO 1!I@1!l"~ - South Beach Neighborhoods Thursday, June I, 6:30 p.m. South Pointe Elementary 1050 Fourth Street (For all residents IMng rrom South Pointe to Dade Blvd. & 23rd Street, including Venetian, Star, Palm & Hibiscus islands) The City of Miami Beach looks forward to working with you to further develop and prioritize our neighborhood projects from the City's General Obligation Bond Issue. Break-out sessions will be held for residents of each neighborhood within the district. For more information. call the City Manager~ Office at 305-673-7010 or www.ci.miami-beach.f1.us Any meeting may be opened and continued and, under such circumstances, additional legal notice would not be provided. Any person may contact the City Cler1<;'s Office at (305) 673-7411. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodation to participate in any meeting or 10 review any documents relative thereto, should contact the City Clem no later than four days prior to the proceeding. Telephone (305) 673-7411 for assistance; if hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service Numbers (800)955- 8771 (TOO) or (800)955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance. r KUI\:_ \1 nn ~LamU ~ Nt~"bors :)vn.1. I) ~U r .I,.".e."e~ "I'" ,...~.~~:~I.I." ~ ,-- It~ Your Neighborhood, Be Part of the Process h__ North Beach District Tuesday. June 6. 6:30 p.m. Lehrman Day School 727 77th Street (For all residents living north of 63rd St., except La Gorce and Allison islands) Middle Beach District (Meeting held May 311 fFor all residents IMng between 63rd St. & 23rd St. & Dade Blvd. including La Gorce, Allison and Sunset islands) South Beach District Thunday, June I, 8 6:30 p.m. 1.:/;/ Sooth Pointe Elementary 1050 Fourth Street (For all residents: living from South Pointe h to Dade Blvd. & 23rd Street including \fe- e netian, Star. Palm & Hibiscus islands) Il:!fr, @1/ 1l8J!41<<l1G I!li!l!li!llll The City of Miami Beach looks forward to working with you to further develop and prioritize our neighborhood projects from the City's General Obligation Bond Issue. Break-out sessions will be held for residents of each neighborhood within the three districts. For more information, call the City Managers Office at 305-673-7010 or W'WW.ci.miami-beach.fl.us MymHling...."Doopo.....ocl__,.......'.....ek'cumoI;I""".._IOgoI__""'Dopr<Mdod.A"'f_...ycorlOdtllOClllyClorIl'.OIIcool(3D5)873-7411 In_''''''_tIIO_..wiIIlDioo_M.~r'lIIlO,porw>no-.g-'*'I.ooomnodI_lopo~lI>.nymoollngarto......any---,- canIoct'''"CIyCloIIcnololo'lhonfao.rdoy.pIlOItotllOpmcadIng.T.lopl1ono(3D5)Il73-74''ro'_....,W"........'''''''_,lolopl1onolhoFlorldoRoIoySonrkloNumbo,*(llOO}II5S- 8T/'(TOO)or(8Oll~(VOICE),fot.Nlotor>co r 5UA' rpr~-t c., II .1e". ,,_\. .\. ."ee. ..,.".:....... \~..ta Its Your Neighborhood, Be Part of the Process r ,-- - North Beach Distrid lUesday, June 6, 6:30 p.m. Lehrman Day School 727 77th Street (For all City of Miami Beach residents living between 63rd and 87th Streets, except La Gorce and Allison islands) The City of Miami Beach looks forw~d to working with you to further develop and prioritize our nelghb rhood projects from the City's General Obligation Bond Issue. B ak-out sessions will be held for residents of each neighbor ood within the district. For more information. call the City Manager~ Office at 305-673-7010 or www.ci.miami-beach.f1.us Any meeting may be opened and continued and, under such clrcumstances, addilionallegal notice would not be provided. Any person may contact the City Clerk's Office at (305) 673-7411. In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, persons needing special accommodation to participate in any meeting or 10 review any documents relative therelo, should contact the City Clerk no later than four days prior to the proceeding. Telephone (305) 673-7411 for assistance; if hearing impaired, telephone the Florida Relay Service Numbers (800)955- 6771 (TOO) or (600)955-6770 (VOICE), for assistance. r rYLl~~ DJ..elf'lbor-5 3u (}..L Lt) ;:;-ot:JV r .yv.. .,..... ,v v........e ,,- - ~ ~ ~ l j , , (~ 1 ........ .- ./ Vecindarios de North Beach """" martes, 6 de junia, h 6:30 p.m. Lehrman Day School 727 77th Street fpara tooos los residentes que viven al norte de /a calle 63 hasta la calle 87 . excepto !as islas La Gorce y Allison) :r \ l' .../ Vecindarios de Middle Beach ~ mlermles, 31 de mayo, 6:30 p.m. Naultilus Middle School Auditorium 4301 N Michigan Averue {Para todos los residenteS que viven entre Ia calle 63 y Ia calle 23 y Dade Blvd. incluyendo /as islas La Gorce, Allison y Sunset) , [: ',5 ~ ~ Vecindario de South Beach jueves, I!! de junio, 6:30 p.m. South PQinte Elementary 1050 Fourth Street fPara tOOos los residentes que \liven desde SOuth PQinte hasta Dade Blvd. y Ia calle 23 . incluyendo !as islas Venetian. Star; Palm & Hibiscus) :;r La cuidad de Miami Beach esta trabajando con ustedes para analizar sus priorldades y segulr desarollando los proyectos que mejoraran sus veclndarios del programa de Bonos de Obligacion General. En cada una de las tres reuniones. habran reunlones apartes con los residentes que viven en los vecinadrlos dentro cada distrito. Para mas informacion, lIame a fa Oficina del Administrador 305-673-70100 www.cLmiami-beach.f1.us Any meeting may be opeJled and continued ~ under such circumstances, additionalleaal notice would oot be provided. One or mor& members of the Miami~ach c~ Commission may be in attenqance and may particip!te in dIscussions. AsW ~:~~~smnal~~ta~Ta?:6g~~gdati~ ~ ~arUbi~1r~~~~ri:nma=a6'r~Wre~i~ :nmeJ~~:~H ~ra~~~~~W ~sh~Uld ~ntact the City9Clerk no leler than four days p'rior to the proceeding. Telephone (30~ 673-7411 for assistance; ~ hearing Impaired, telephone the Florida Relay ServIce Numbers (800)955-8771 ( TOO) or (800}955-8770 (VOICE), for assistance. C> +bill /+m I J0.5 < J-.-Q V02 d.; JlLIJVIJ.-i lJRp.cJ.- Art ~ eo ---rwr-aJ r Ytr1- o . ID~ Q~ o U HOME-BASED BUSINESSES ~ The City's Zoning Ordinance allows some home-based businesses to operate "'\ I- accordance to certain prescribed restrictions. Businesses should basically be . 3: conducted by phone, computer or fax only. There is a license fee to operateA o home-based business and an additional occupational license for the specific'~i:'e Z of busmess conducted must also be obtained. For more information, call the :.:: City's Occupational Licensing Office at 305-673-7420. AT YOUR SERVICE! The Department of Code Compliance has the enormous task of enforcing the City's Codes and the standards set by the City Commission and the various Citizen Boards. Improving the quality of life for citi- zens continues to be a major goal of the City. Miami Beach is recognized worldwide for its beautiful beaches, nightlife, luxury hotels and well-maintained neighborhoods. The department continues to strive to make Miami Beach a world-class city. Rapid Response Team Hits the Streets of the City A new City team hit the streets of the City to provide a better, more efficient coordi- nation and provision of basic City services and to improve the quality of life in the City of Miami Beach. The Miami Beach Rapid Response Team is on the move. The Rapid Response Team's roving crew is comprised of representatives from City de- partments that deliver City services, such as sanitation, public works, parking, code compliance, and property management. The sweeps consist of graffiti and sticker removal, weed removal, spraying insecti- cide; touch-up painting of utility boxes, structures, poles and curbs, additional pres- sure cleaning, removal of debris and litter, and gutter sweeping on public right-aw.Q.Ys. The Community Heroes Awards 2000 recognizes the achieve- ments of the following individuals and or- ganizations that made a significant contri- bution to the Miami Beach community. The award symbolizes this year's Community Development Week's theme: "People strengthening communities strengthening people." Individual: Bernie Winer, Police Athletic League Nonprofit Organization: UNlOAD Government Agency: Fienberg/Fisher Adult &. Community Eduction Center Business Partner: Miami Beach Latin Chamber In the past four years, the department has made numerous improvements to reach its goal of providing professional quality ser- vice. I hope that you find our staff to be courteous, caring and committed to rais- ing community standards without being overly regulatory or punitive. The department is responsible for enforc- ing the Zoning Code, Minimum Housing Code, Occupational License and Certificate Use requirements, Marine Authority Regu- lations and other parts of the City Code. In order to meet the demands placed on the department, a staff of enforcement personnel work almost a 24-hour shift, seven days a week. In the evening hours and on weekends, a Code Compliance Of- ficer can be contacted by calling the Police Deparbnent's non-emergency number, 305- 673-7900 and a Code Compliance Officer will be dispatched to investigate the com- plaint. ......... .... ...... .... : Census Worker in Your Area: : Census 2000 workers, identified: -by official badges, will be in your- : neighborhood. Make yourself : : count! Answer the census. : ..................... .. AVAILABIUTY OF GRAN rs Grant opportunities are at your fingertips. The City provides information about government and private grant resources on the City's website at www.ci.miami- beach.f1.us. For more information, call 305-673-7193. FIRE DEPARTMENT OFFERS FREE PUBUC EDUCATION CLASSES Public education presentations are available free of charge for groups in the community who would like to promote fire and Iife- safety issues. Topics include hurricane preparation and evacuation, high-rise fire safety and evacuation, fire sprinklers costs and benefits, public assembly fire safety, fire safety for senior citizens, and more. Call Inspector David Mogen at 305-673-7123 for more information. Self-Defense Classes Offered The Miami Beach Police Deparbnent offers a free, two-hour self-defense program that incorporates a video presentation with in- formative printed materials and actual hands-on techniques. You must pre-register for the class. The summer schedule is as follows: Tuesday, May 23, 5:30 - 7:00 p.m. Tuesday, June 13, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, June 27, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 11, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 25, 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. As the City grows and meets new chal- lenges, it is our commitment that the needs of the citizens are met. The department can be reached during business hours at 305-673-7555. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. AI Childress Director Department of Code Compliance To schedule a class, c'- -ict Paul Lupien at 305-673...,uuO, extension 5404. Call 305-673 757S/VOICE to request matenalll1 accQ,>slble tormat, sign language Interpreter (five days In advance), Qr Information on access for persons With disabilities