10 October 11, 2006 City Commission Meeting ....----- October 11, 2006 CITY COMMISSION MEETING CONTENTS ~ ~genda ome certain upplemental Materials o Speaker's list o Invocator memo *esentations & Awards list ddendum o econd Addendum o Notice of closed executive iiession Afteraction nsent-Originals manila folder gular-Originals evelopment Agency Agenda materials andouts folder , obbyist Log (See Handouts Folder) \ ublic Hearing Notice Ads edrope files I of I Burned - (See CD File by Commission date) riginal Contents list to City Clerk o DVD _of _ from Office of Communications DATE: ;~) ~ ':vaN" {{<Uit; ~-3~ If (:)(d h FOLDER PREPARED BY:- REVIEWED BY: F:\CLER\SALL\LILL Y\CONTENTS.FLD\2006\101 106CM.doc