Attachment 123 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH .r:-v HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. g.o 1- 00 TO: DATE: May 24, 2000 Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members ofthe City Commission FROM: Lawrence A. Levy ~ City Manager SUBJECT: REFERRAL TO THE FINANCE AND CITYWIDE PROJECTS COMMITTEE - DtsCUSSION OF AN ANALYSIS PREPARED RY REG ARCHITECTS, INC. FOR THE SOUTH SHORE (6TH STREET) COMMUNITY CENTER ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Refer the Item. ANALYSIS r On November 2, 1999, the voters of Miami Beach approved the issuance of an approximate $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bond. Included in this bond was $24.8 Million for Parks and Beaches and specifically $1,185,000 for improvements to the South Shore Community Center. On January 12, 2000, the City Commission approved an amendment to the REG Architects, Inc. contract to include the $1,185,000 approved GO Bond funding to renovate the South Shore Community Center. As a component of their contract REG Architects, Inc., was required to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the facility's current conditions. Based on this initial evaluation the architects have developed two different options, (a) renovate the existing building or (b) demolish the existing facility and construct a new one. Based on the scope of these options the Administration recommends that the matter be referred to a meeting of the Finance and Citywide Projects committee for discussion, prior to giving REG ArC~cts, Inc. further direction. ~.o~ T:IAGENDAI20001MA Y2400ICONSEN1\REFSOSHO.MEM ,.- AGENDA ITEM CJ.+]) DATE 5~2-<+-~ 21 lR 'E G A It c B I T E C c' 0 R P 0' R A T E D , ' . 'IN'TERIOR DESIGN . -- " [ N. 1 J May 17,2000, I ,City of Miami Beach , Public WorkS Dep3rtment 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 " 1 i J RE:, Executive Summary City of Miami Beach Commission and Administration: We would like to take a moment to thank the City of Miami Beach for this work opportunity and present the following iIifomiation. This analysis will provide the City of Miami Beach with a greater understanding of the current building conditions of the South Shores Community Center and provide insight towards our recommendation for the facility's future, ' !,-- The South Shore Community Center plays a central role within this community; it provides social welfare services, day care and education programs to those who really need assistance. Constructed in 1969, the structure has undergone' several modifications in 1974 and 1979 in order to keep up with the growing and changing needs of this community. The building has performed this task honorably over the years but is in serious need of repair and will require significant renovation work be completed in order to meet current code requirements. According to Miami-Dade County, the assessed value of the current building is $872,737.00 which according to state statutes will that require $170,000.00 or 20% of the construction budget be solely spent on ADA compliance improvements. The current situation is that further modification and necessary repairs will exceed the current assessed value of the facility and the allocated budget. Furthermore these improvementS will merely result in a structure that will accommodate the existing tenants but not improve the working conditions significantly. Lastly, renovating the building would not help revitalize this area, but may cause stagnation of the growing private fmancial investment in the immediate area. T s The 1999 G.O. Bond funds have been allocated to the City of Miami Beach to be utilized effectively and responsibly. REG Architects Inc. has been selected to aid . and advise the City of Miami Beach on how these funds are best utilized. We believe that investing these funds in the repair and renovation of this facility would ,not be the most appropriate use of this endowment. The end result would be a mended structure and building. system that will continue to require costly ir ; .,1;20 South Dlzle Higbway PboDe: (561) 859.2383 420 Lincoln Road Ph_a: (90S) 872-1092 SUite 201 ~e.t Palm Beach . . . Mlam.l Beach Suite 853 . Lk:eue ,.AAOOO22Q . ' . Florida 33401 paz: (S61)65~6548 Florida 33139 PaZ: (305) 672-1080 I........'. 't.., :~;_..~,;.:~, >. ,'," '. , ".' , . .-,", "- '-/"":' ". . ~'. .;', . " " , '. . South Shqre CommunitY Center , " . Ex.cutiYe sU11UIiary '. : .,paie 2: of2 Pa:ges' .'. . '." ,r<. , ... ,...-", . .," ..~ '.. ,~ . /. ".' J'.." }" .' I. , iri;W;tei1an~e' alrld ~bservation,' The costaf repairing the building system and upgradingtl1emechanical, electrical arid plumbing systems only allow for minimum iinpr~vements' ofthe'.working condition for.the current occupants, ~. I 1 I.... I o I . . . 'In conclusion, if the building is to remain it will require $ 1,259,500.00, to bring it . up to code 'leaving nothing for the desired interior improvements, As indiCated within this report, the interior improvements are. estimated at $ 580,000,bO to provide the tenants with requested' improvements and improve the exterior, These 'improvements will only provide' limited spatial improvement and will notguilrantee' that alltenan'ts will be satisfactorily provided for, Our dilemma as a team is that the use of.1999 0.0, Bond'flinds t6 only repair the community center is p~rhapsnot the most intelligent orreSpoiisibleallocation of these community dollars, These repairs and renovation will not provide the tenants with a responsive structure but simply a safer space, The programs within the building will need to be relocated during the .' rePair processliDd this period of time will not be significantly different than if the . . building were demolished and ' reconstructed: Our preliminary estimates for a . community center of similar size and program is $1,670,400,00. We believe tliat . the community of Miami Beach would be better served if additional funds were allocated and a new community center erected, ' I I REO/jg I j ; I r' , 23 1 R E G A R C H I T E C r-. I N. . C 0 R P 0 R A T E D .- . J ARCHITECTURE .. .INTERIOR DESIGN . T S PLANNING J 1 J . . EXISTING BUILDING CONDITIONS OBSERV A nONS Building Structure: The'South Shore Community Center is a ,concrete frame structure with double- T slab construction, the interior partitions' are a combination of unfinished concrete masonry units and drywall. The interior ceilings are exposed and no acoustic attenuation is present The structure exhibits signs of differential settlement and has extensive visible . water damage. . 1 j j f '. Roofing System: I ,", , A visual inspection, indicated that many of the roof drains have been improperly abandoned during re-roofmg procedures and no provisions for' overflow scuppers was given. Originally, the second floor was designed with patio areas that have been covered with a built up roofing membrane and the original floor drains were covered. This is causing pondirig to occur and has not only destroyed the roofing membrane in many areas but caused flooding of the classrooms as well. i j Typical double- T construction requires that a flexible joint sealer exist between the joist, the existing sealer has outlived its effectiveness and must be replaced throughout the entire 'structure to prevent future leaks. This will require extensive rehabilitation, all of the expandable filler between the double- T' s will need to be removed and replaced. This process demands that the existing roof membrane removed and the concrete surface exposed. Additionally, the roof does not appear to have insulation, current codes require that a minimum of R-ll insulation be provided throughout building. This lack of roof insulation is causing extensive AlC loads and efficiency loss, as well as being in violation of current building codes. The entire building should be resealed, insulated and .re-roofed. , . ?-- !. I >> Windows, Storefronts and Storefront Doors: The existing windows are not Dade County Product approved nor show sign that an approved storm shutter system is utilized. . The weather stripping on the auditorium doors is non-existent and signs of water leakage are also visible throughout the structure. Currently no accessible hardware is provided on the storefront doors. On the second floor, windows are used to enclose the original breezeway but they are not watertight nor impact resistant. These windows were originally intended to be sliders but the tracts have corroded and movement of the windows is very difficult The installation of these windows is very poor resulting in water damage to the office carpets and interior finishes. No provisions are visible for storm shutters on the second floor. The sliding glass doors in the classrooms are operable but do not have a water seal resulting water,penetration occurs. ~ i , J . 1r 10. Soutll Db::Ie Blfbwa,. Pboae: VS81)85g.2383 . Suite 201 . West Palm Beach . Florida 33401 Fu:: (581) 859-5546 Florida SSlS9 Pax: (30518721-1080 ! 420 LlDcolD Road Phone: (305) 672-1092 . Salte SSS . UceDM 'AAOOO2A4 Miami Beaeb J r \, .' r l. .1 1 I 1 I ! i , i 1 I I 1-- I :r- . . . South Shore Community Center Existing Building Condition Obseivations' . Page 2 of3 After analysis of the glazirig systems utilized; all of the storefronts liDd storefront doors should be replacecl' and proper installation details provided in order to prevent future water intrusion and energy loss.' . , Life Safety: . No panic hardware is present except at one exit door. The exit routes are not clearly identified and some exits appear to remain locked at all times. On the second floor, only one means of egress is present for each half of building. ,Currently, the layout of the second floor has created a dead end corridor condition that should be' addressed immediately. A fIre alarm system is present but does not comply with current building codes; there.are no strobes or emergency lights visible. The childcare center alarm system appears to be compliant, but egress routes are not clearly identified. The entire fire system of the building should be tested and inspected by the City of Miami Beach Fire Departffient ADA Compliance: Currently all areas of the building can be accessed by individuals with disabilities but additional ramps would greatly improve the circulation throughout the building. The existing parking.. area provides 30 spaces, none of which have been designated for handicapped parking. Parking for the handicapped is provided by one space along 6th Street located directly in front of the entrance, however, no curb cut is .provided at this time. The building is equipped with a passenger elevator that provides handicapped access to the second floor. The elevator has recently been equipped with an ADA compliant emergency phone, but the remaining control panel should be upgraded. The interior of the building will require that all door hardware be upgraded. The current door handles and locks do not comply with the new codes. The existing rest rooms throughout the structure also fail to comply with the current ADA code. All of the rest rooms will require new floor finishes to meet the new slip coefficient, all fixtures need to be upgraded and sizes of stalls enlarged. The current rest room facilities have attempted to accommodate handicapped needs, but do not meet the current requirements. The current estimated value of the building is $ 872,737.00, according to Dade County Property Appraisers Office. Our estimated cost for the replacement of such a structure is $1,604,000.00, this will require a minimum of $ 174,000.00 of our budget be allocated to bri~g the building into compliance. The estimated cost of our minimum improvements for compliance is $120,000.00. Mechanical System: According to conversations held with maintenance personnel, no significant work has been done to the system within the building since its construction in 1969. In order to 25 L ~ J 1 J ] 1. J ! I I r 1 I i I I I I ~ I Ir , . "', .' . .' . South Shore' Comniunity Center , ExistiDg Building Condition' Observations Page3 of3 ' ' moderni~e the building, all of the HV AC should be replaced. This will have an estimated ;cost of $70,950.00, but wil~ begin to pay itself off within three years due to sufficient energy savings. The pumps and heat exchange unit should be replaced along with the air- cooled condensing units on ,the roof. The current condensing units do not appear to have proper hurricane straps. Electrical System: " The existing switch gear unit should be replaced, the current equipment is no longer in production and replacement parts are not available. All the sub panels are acceptable and can be maintained, others will need to be added if the requested computer lab is provided, For more details regarding the electrical system evaluation, please see the attached analysis provided by M.H: EngiI)eering in the Appendix. Plumbing System: None of the rest rooms in the building are in compliance with ADA requirements; they will require full renovation in order to comply with these requirements. The rest rooms on the second floor are neither accessible, nor available for use by occupants other than by those located within adjacent offices. The current location of the second floor rest rooms is not conClucive to efficient space planning and therefore must be relocated to a more central location. . ' The storm water system is in need of extreme rehabilitation, many of the original roof drains are not being utilized and others are leaking profusely causing extreme water damage to the interior. The entire roof drainage system will require repair arid restoration. The exterior gutter system should also be rehabilitated due to oxidation and vandalism. Telecommunications: The building is currently providing the tenants with phone service access, but in order to meet their requested future demands, tenants will need to invest a significant amount Each tenant should be responsible for outfitting his or her own system. The building is presently supplied by a 200 pair copper cable which will enable the City to meet the expected demand comfortably with no significant investment The tenants on the other hand should realize that their request will require as little as $6,000.00 for a small office phone system to more than $100,000 for a secured service for a computer lab access to the internet This item is extremely complex and will affect the individual tenant differently based on their needs. We believe that the City of Miami Beach should require , that each tenant furnish and install their o,wn communication system 26 ] .. R' E G A R C H I T E C ;-- N I C 0 R P 0 .R A T E D I 'ARCHITECT'URE ',' , ' . . INTERIOR DESIGN . , ' T S PLANNING J I I i 1 I ANALYSIS OF EXISTING BUILDING PROGRAM UTILIZATION , , The following groups currently occuPY the building: ' . Miami Dade County C.AA '1st Floor . In meals IslFloor . Lirtle Havana Activities Center 151 Floor . FineberglFisher Adult Education Center 2"dFloor . 55 & up 2"d Floor . Seuior Ride: 2"dFloor . ' UNIDAD 2nd Floor . 2371 s.f. 3029 s.f. 2977 s.f. 1909 s.f. 644 s.f. 598 s.f. 493 s.f. '. These groups are utilizing the building to provide social welfare services and as administrative offices. The building has been in service since 1969 and over the yeaxs has undergone several modifications, these spaces have been divided up and situated in a way does not allow'foi the proper circulation for emergency egress or building services to occur. , ;-- The second floor was originally equipped with two large rest rooms for use by all occupants, but the access was restricted when the breezeway was enclosed in 1979 and offices were erected. These rest rooms are now only accessible to those within the adjacent tenant space. . Currently, all of the occupants are using the auditorium facilities, added in 1974, which are located on the 1st floor. This constant flow of people causes major disruption for organized events within the auditorium. These rest rooms are also used daily by the homeless in the immediate area. We believe that the current tenants on the second floor can be accommodated more efficiently after a significant renovation and re-distribution of the space. Additionally, the tenants on the first floor can also benefit from a re-distribution of space. The request for additional space and communication infrastructure can also be provided at a significant cost as welL The, new data infrastructure will require new raceway installation and penetrations through the walls and fJoors. The new phone systems requested by the tenants can'be accommodated by using the existing building's primary service, but we recommend that each tenant be required to furnish and install their own system to meet their needs. The current facility can accommodate the current tenants and their future requests, but the limited budget will not allow that many of these much needed improvements be accomplished at this time. Due to the additional costs incurred when adapting ,( .0 South DildD Hlgh_y ~oae: (581) 659-2383 420 Lincoln Road PhoDe: (305) 612-1092 . Suite, 201 . West Palm 'Beach . Florida S3401 ..... [Sel) llSNII48 Florida 33139 Pax: fS05) 872-1080 . Suite 353 . Un..... 'AA000291 Miami Beach J .', ' - -~ ,:'>' :,-~, ...... ',' .- ...... ,- .~, " "1: ", ::~ > '- j.", ..' r--"" , ..... , "' -. '. -....--, ,'1.<~""\ " _' :"":':.: .:.....;..,_ ,','" '.' S~Uib Shore ColIl1!1lli>ity C';';iei. ...... , ..'. '. Analysis of ExiSting' Buildirig Program Utiliiation. , .. Page,iof2","",~:>;,<, . .... . ...,..'.. .' " ,. , . ".; ;",.~':-... ... ~.". .;.... 1 1 ], I J I . ' . : ~ ',". _ - 'r" :',... _ " '. -." .' .... , . '. . .:': -, . " ..'oewSystems towork.Withinanexisiing structtire, such; as the cosLof selective " demolition'mdrenovaiiori 'of interior' spaCes, these improvements will exceed the propo~td b~~get _ . Thecurr~t and fiitUre program needs of these tenants will be more efficiently met , if a new building is erected with a defined program. We understand that it is not the intention of the Miami Beach Par~s Department to build commercial properties; yet we believe that a commercial building with a section designed for day care will not , only ilnprove the level. of service provided to the community but also create a new inlagefor this, thriving area and generate rental revenue for the City of Miami' ~~ . . - . . . ' 1 1... r L I . , 1 . . Jr- . 28 ]it"::'E .'Ac' -"R' "C>H I' 'T Gc , E c s T ,I ',N D r- I ARCHITECTURE., 1 1 ) 1 1 I DATE: TO: , FROM: RE: 'c:, 0, R' "p ',0 R A T .: . 'INTERIOR DESIGN , ' EXHIB~T "A" , OPlNION OF PROBABLE COST May 17,2000 E . PLANNING Michel Magloire, Capital' Projects Coordinator, CMB Public Works Ed Gonzalez, Construction Services Manager; REG Architects, Inc. . South Shore Community Center- Renovation Improvements 1999 G.O~ Bond Improvements REG Job No.:9703e> I. Maintenance Items , The follo~ing items have been placed in priority order: v- L New roofing system, double- T joint filler, insulation and, storm water improvements'. Existing HV AC system demolition Complete HV AC system replacement Window replacement at second floor leveL Electrical swichboard replacement. Ground floor storefront replacement Lighting Improvements Total Recommended Maintenance Improvements 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. * Note: no proVision for asbestos has been included in this estimate II. Renovation Items: 1. ADA Compliance upgrades throughout facility, including restrooms, access to parking, life safety issues and door , hardware. 2. Accomrrlodate existing tenants immediate and possible future programming needs: computer/ Internet stations, minor office space modifications, etc. r ~o South Dixie Highway . PJuia.: (581) 659-2383 420 LincolD. Road Phone: (305) 872-1092 . Suite 201 Wcat Palm Beach . Suite 8153 . Ii..... 'AAOOOa41 Miami Beach '$ 150,000.00 $ 45,000.00 $ 19,000.00 $ 36,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 43,500.00 $ 32,000.00 1,139,500.00 $ 120,000,00 $ 95,000.00 . "P1orlda 33401 lfar. (581) 859-5548 Florida 33139 Faz: (305l872.1080 . . " ~. , ,< ~. I . I. . - ,.",,' ]' ,,:. EXliibil ;'A" '\;> "".' ..' . soulh Shore Community CClilef,. "....'.' , , dP.iriiOl!'o.f~rqbable CO,,! ' . . ;:' 97?36., , . j"o,;:.;,,)'llge ~ 0(2" . " .. .......', .'," ".-.." . .',' r 1.... .. ] ], .... . , j' I'. . 1. , ' " " , . . . , ,'- .' , .,. .3. ' Re~ov~te mtenor spaces: new paint, flooring, ceilings as . needed, sound attenuation! proofing in day care area. ".' 4. ." RenoVate tot lot lindjJlayground. 5. Sandblast, repair, andwat~rproofexterior. '6: Landscaping improvements: remove exterior planters filled , with concrete, new plantiIigi garden areas, sod, and irrigation. , . . .7." Multipurpose auditoriUm renovated, etc. Total Budget for Renovation Items. . . . . Total Maintenance and Renovation Budget r, L' I I I I '. J I J fr 1 $ 95,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 100,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 700,000.00 $ 1,839,500.00 D:lProjectsICityI970361lettcrslexhibi,.a,doc , 30 . ].... ..R'..'.....E":,"G' . ~, . ., . . - ~ ... . ".. .' .' .... ~ .<,"'" .' ..... , -. A H E c T s :R c I T ",,: r-.,.;'.....' ...." I' N. J~AR6~tTECTiJl~E: .- '] .. ; '~." ,- ] 1 ] 1,,' I L '.'.. DATE: TO: FROM: RE: 'C. ".0 '0. T R ..P R A . '. -.I!'iTERIOR DESIGN EXHIBIT "B" OP.INION OF PROBABLE COST . May 17,2000 E D . . PLANNING Michel Magloire, Capital,Projects Coordinator, CMB Public Works Arturo G. Fanjul, ProjectMaoager, REG Architects, Inc. 'South Shore Community Center - New Construction 1999 G.O. Bond Improvements . REG Job No.:97036 The following'represents a new facility with of similar size and program. ~ I; Demolition ) 1 J J r I j , 1. Demolition of existing structure 2, Site preparation for new structure Total Dem<!lition "Note: no provision for asbestos has been included in this estimate II. New Community Center Jr .:0 South DJ.zje Highway ~ODe: (661) 859.2383 i' 420 LlDcom Road J PboDe: (305) 67Z--1092 . 1. Day care, center 2. 2 Story office and education center 3. Rest rooms . 4. Reception hall/ auditorium 5. Equipment areas Total area Total demolition & site preparation 10% Mobilization ' 10% Unforeseen Total Construction Budget 3,600 sf $ 9,000 sf $ 1,500 sf $ 3,600 sf $ 1,800 sf $ 19,500 sf $ $ $ $ $ Suite 201 West Palm Beach ,. Sulte 353. Miano Beach UceDSe fAAOOO2Q1 $ $' $ . 85,000.00 5,000.00 90,000.00 280,000.00 675,000.00 128,000.00 180,000.00 99,000.00 1,362,000.00 30,000.00 139,200.00 139,200.00 1,670,400.00 . Florida 33401 Far. (561) 659-6546 Florida 39199 Fu:: (3051 612.1080 .,.... .-----..,..- 1 ] IIJlj ~ I mtHj ll" i I i~irf!!lle~ 151 I BU~ !hd III " I ~ III d D~I~li! ~ i lr'NiIo\"'W'OTaSJ,.j ,~ C'-.... r- .011- UI- ....rB . .Hi : Ii : ...... . ::i!~ .. - W~;.. i Ii : I : :::~ .. I ':'; ~ 0::",: ~= = 1- hl- ~:-~ ~ SI ;1 ;1=; tI~: .. ~ I J I 0 II!I i I 10 13 , ~, \ i y . . . . r . i 0 ~ w -' :> Q ~..,,~~ :sli,Hi! w $/ l- o o u. = = -< . ~ . . . r- I ~ ~ m ~ ~ HiI~ ?l. d i ~ ;6~ii!i~ ~Indl ::J..... 01'" 13 ~- ~..~- I ,n:::: ~r- . Iii: p2: ~:"'8 .~..' . W~;:: i I; :: I :: .... . .. i"'!!I'" .... 1i"I!' 0::;;;; as sl ~d: .d: -BjJ ; rnr1ll'll ":'1"0' '/1 (oll . 1"1',"1: I ~ jJ -II !Ij!l!!il ~ ~ :: I 8U~ U Ii; I ~ B 11= Im!lii!li! ell ~ ~ i t ~. ." -. ~.~ ~. !0 - ... ,.. ..... ~. ~ ........ , , , D ,~ ,,/ j \ ~ . \ {[ , ~ I . ~ , . ! IJ[AJI ~ III ,1'1 .. "'-,. ~,. ....Cl .Co.. A'''' Ii= ~ ~ , j I--------------::::----t t- ------: I I,: .... rr::: ~ - :;"'.. 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I ~ I lr.i __l>N ..b'n 1'--' II II ~ 1 , l ,~ ~ ,-- South Shore Communiry Center Existing Conditions Building Photographs Page 1 of6 ~ ~ , .....f!~ '''~>>':~ ";Hf~;,>~j.:}tJl~:::;-'- "., -'.. .::.,--. .~, )~:_ " u::t~~_~~',.:~,~~;' I'" '. ,',.-. ..~:'"\ ;fA II II I I ! 38 r- South Shore Community Center Existing Conditions Building Photogn:lphs Page 2 of6 -- 39 r- South Shore Community Center Existing Conditions Building Photographs Page]. of6 '--J ,~ltlj$" r 40 ,-- South Shore Community Center Existing Conditions Building Photographs Puge 4 of6 41 , 1 j South Shore Community Center Existing Conditions Building Photographs Page 5 of6 r- , , \ ~:i 42 r- South Shore Conununity Center Existing Conditions Building Photographs Page 6 of6 1 , .~ ~,'l\i'_,; " '~ ", ~'fj,.. ;., ,~'.~. '''''>;~' . .' . ~~, '.:.Ii':" '~ ~. ,. >~v . , ".~ ~""""""',~-, "<" ",..: . ;-~.._.-,_..:., . ._,....-,-... .". . -";.0:.,0,.." '~~-..,,;;.:, \ ~, \ 43 1 I,":::: ~. 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I r ~ , r 35/11/2BBB 14:59 M 3B55960eB4 MH Et'IGIt-EERIt-lG PAGE 01 engineering inc~ l056S SOIIlh W... 113 PIKe M\alnl, Flortda lJ 176 (305) $96-4999 Sill, VISIT R[POl<l PROJEcr: SOIlth Shore p,mmunity Center 141 Sixth Street, Miami Beach. Aorida March 11, 2000 DATE OF 5 WEATHER: AffiNDEES: Based. on II . systems, I <>>mply willa Emilio J ~itaI, PE March 10, 2000 ,o-F SUlll\}' EmRlo I Hoopltal, PE A/turo F...u1. '-':'. ANA YSI EXISTING Ala CONomONIN PLUMBINC AND ftECJ1tlCAl. SYSTEMS .A>o....oliDn,iIltmade DB May 10. 2000 to cbten-e the ~c:oudition of the abooe ~ P'~ 1hc fllIlowiIlglevalnaIiaD 8114 II p1dimiDaIy toSl ~ In ll16a for 1he bui!diIlg to code~ HVAC The exisIIDa: CODSim ofllcaIICII air--*d c:hiI1c< pIont.mh4 re:ft:it=ua c:o~ (CaniorModcl 3JHS110D5O$ 2Ohul1s- 3 p-l __ cooIocI by anair-coo1edchlllcrlallDldyb:aled on lheruo( The cOalrol systcm to be wo.lJo,g bal if is in.....,.poor c:oadiIian -' requires 6oah4>..~. The c:IdIled_ system. . U oir-I....d1",<< uaiIS JIlf*\ _ tbtcGpmI the bulldill&. 'Ibq ~ to be in gGocI oouditillD cxapt for "'''. wlW:h are jostol1...4 ... chc "",ling of1hc JIICCting 100II1 8114 _ in.1Ieecl of Iep~ The buildiag m.ln._..".,.' iDfamJecl-. III the lime of 1hc visit, that 1hc CIIIltc system is the arigin2! oquipmall with the oflheair-<:ooled ~-'$. wlW:hwere roca1t!ytq>1:acod. Thec:ldlled lOa1CrpllUlpiu IiD81e pump """ is . very hot. hD<CdJ to be replaced. The O<l,w...n,g _ pumplsalso II sinde pump. I w.. also infoODed it had =cndy boat KIVicecl. It appeared II> be NlI1IiIlgprupedy. Iflhlo entire baiL:ting ino be iDIpfCMd in to oampIy with c:amIIl code ~ 1h= an e<alualion of the air.II'...."..., 1IIIits aud tbe cenlIal pIaDI be clone. The omsiole air .~....a1IS have boat inaeased 110 more lIlan doable of the roqairemonls 1hc time the system was lint ins!aIlecl In 0Idec to .,..........;...1hc ~bilily of the e:xUtixlg ~ for the new I . II _ in. cIepth evaloatiOIl sba11 be ruaole. In addition to II completc "'st and baIaDce aualysis lIDd II cooling analysis sball be dooe pdor 10 lID enIualion. Also. 1hc code appca...Uo be assmning 1he lhlo pipiDg asbestos ..... ''''lu4<>l thsr air-bandIiDg llUiI IUODIS hlIVe l.hourfue t3led pertilioJIs. The _ air COddc:Dscr good CDDdldon but eua"""", at the metals has already began. I have I"_old a cost estim3le COD4ition Wbac ~ em<ft .,..,. will have to be replaced (see below). HOwe\'et...."" though to be in good coodiliw; it may <OUlain asbeatos siDcc this bail<ling was e:ro:ted <Ioring 1he time No asbestos lUIIOV8l was caIcu1ared in tbo cost cotimaIe. CooonIIing I!.nglneers 46 ] ,- I J ] ] 1 , ;- 1 l , I r ; I I i I , ~S/11/2000 14:59 30SS960Ela4 MH ENGll-EERING PAGE 02 ~~ . C<:D= ,Dcilitios wil1 haw to be ~to comply with UJe coacnt code requi:tt:lIImII for qaamitios """eu/bilily. Haodlc:apped applO<'Ocl e1ectIic watcr.cooled fiodllri~. will also !lave to be acIdccL system appears to be in disn:palr ODd sbal1 also be improvoc!lo comply with =- code SYstEM DOl c:orrc:alIy baTe a fire sprinJc~ sysll:uL ht my opinion, it wJll DOt be Rquired INSTAUATlON is ~.h............ all FPL Co. !mIlIfonnor y,mlt with a main c:IClCtIicat room Den to it. ,e is at 1201.Z0sY. The c::s:isIiDg c1DCUlt ckmaD4111dl:C No. 760SC603 was sI>oIMng ". the time of dauaDdoft.02 X UOkW- 12%.4i:W onppmllimaIe1y 144 KVA(400 amps). The eIlistiog 1Il1:JO amps ......p. 8Wilchboard, III'bid ill ''Uy old andruslied In adcIiticm, there.., no loDicr ll\'lIilablo for dlIs ~ H.:na:, [ mgest thalthe ftritclIboarcl be tepIaoecI with a wall IIlIllIlII<l4 '0Il paad of the sune capadty. Sewal. buI_ aU pIIllds..ere ablerved The obocn.~ panels appeared to be ~e bUI ~..... will JleOd to be macIe. AdditioDal t=krs and _lsmay also be requiRd to the power dUm'balica for oddilionaIt c:IlIIIpOIl<lr instal1aliot~ The Iil:bling sysu:m appeared to be . buI SQlDO do rcqnire repI_n..... lIDdIor relamping. The ~ u,btlug ancl eIlit signa:e.sball impr"'-..I_.-IrecI to COJIIply with UJe _ code roqnin:monu. The baildiq does _ c:am:nrIy _ a fire .,,-. This will be ''''Iuirod Wrlnd;.,g" _ system. mober, HVAC shnt dcm11 ~ smoke OIl:. SULATION thtIe _ JlD existiag wall DOl'roofillSlllaIioJL The new -s1 code JeqQirer a miDimmn of R-II if tIu: roofaDd R.19 ifinsta1l=cl bcIDw. Howe<u, a complete <n<<gy sru4y shonld be _ in onl<rto 8d.Gri~...1 mocIificaliOJlll W01IId be neoeaaIy for ......'PI;~..... .......IMINARY I:STtMATI! OF ~NSTRVcrroN B1lDGI:T , I-a) b) 2- 1- 4- 5- 6- 7. 8. HVAC syIlaIlrq>l~ S19,500 $45,000 S55.ooo 'S30.000 S55,000 $65,000 $12,000 S55.OOO $48.000 SS~.- $60 boo 'SOSS,OGO . IIlIIlI\'IlliDll. W_~ 5\VfU:hhoenl tep1.............-nt panels mI oatteu ~ systcD1. iIlF-"_tiiMI to !he exislil1s sySlclu :AI. to';. DO asbestos ICJnOVlIt Dllrbaildingm...JariOll.imp<o'<:III<:IttS have t-. iIIcladcd in tIsis estimat<:. ce: ! via liocsimiIe j,- P"80 2 of 2 47 -It '" en Q) 2 ,{) Cl 0 0:, - c:r l- I I <:D - 0 0 0 ~ '" <I> (6 ... >< .".Q) 0: l'" ~ I-w 8g .,., ~ .~ .... '" ~'" ~~> .~ ,~ ~ e 1\ ,~' ~ ]~ Cl J~ I r-l '" ... ... . '" 0:0 "'g' c .... ....., ., c c.... .", '" ~ '" o 0 u u ... !J: .0: .. ~ :Ii a: III ... " Z Q ... ::> .. <!l <!l '" '" .......... r- 0 ... ... .......... M ... ... 0 ... r- ... N '" '" N N .... .a o N .- 11 N I:r' J _ ~ ''/ ~ ~ ;: .;: .. 'z '0 ,t -'C -. .I -J - .- \U ~ '2:'" ~ ",o<:ro I ('l <:r'<:i--Or- ~ 6g;10 -.f~1J;) 2, ~ ':.Q 8 oc-~ - .., -'16 <:fe-a- ~~~ "0 <lCC 6l s:- C>.. ,~ ~ r p \'l <:l). "c,<CC.! ~ & o O. N '} I cr o o I I'll 'c:l N 'T t\ o oJ \fl D 0 III :/I U. .~ (, <:;' '" (J ~ 9 ~ ! ^ - '". J ~) o. ." '? .- ~ " <- ~ I.C (;' Co- ') ( Ii! t . ") >- 5) ~ ti '.fl III ) ~ - .J " \i) '3 i C!l:) 1 ;;- ] 1 1 ] ] 1 I J- I I , I I I I l-- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Building Depl;lrtment , " 1700 Convention Ctr Drive; 2nd' Floor Mial!li Beach, Florida 33139 Inspections: (305) 673-7370 Office: (305) 673-7610 SMALL BUILDING WORK PERM 05-10-2000 Activity Number: B9803096 Status: APPROVED " Issued By: BUlLRODR Site Address: 833 6TH ST MBCH PMcel#: 42030094820 Applied: 07/14/1998 Approved: 07/14/1998 Completed: To Expire: 02110/1999 Valuation: S8,OOO.00 Applicant: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH. 833 6TII STREET MIAMI BEACH FLRIDA 33139 Property Owner: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH 33139 Description: REMOVE ARCHITECTIJRAL BARRIEDS/SEECOM. Inspector Area: S =~============================= ============~============================================ Total of All Fees:/ rfj)1 () ~ J4'.8b., Total of Payments: If ~ ; '" ~~~~~==================================~===~~~J~~~~@lit~ ------------------------------- C'7'~OF ------------------------------- . i M ' BUILDING D~!vII 2e,q,.,.. -Pl!J17'~ . '~,'J. . nlE:\l~, ....,:. , 49 \ , -'-'.'-.,,~:-:r- ] ,;a- ] J j ] ] J I I.- I I j I I I lr- CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Building Department 1700 Convention Ctr Drive, 2nd Floor .. Miami Beacb, Florida 33139 Inspections: (305) 673-7370 . Office: (305) 673-7610 MECHANICAL WORK PERMIT 05-10-2000 Activity Number:BM941006 Slams: APPRO VED Issued By: BUlLRA yP Site Address: 833 6TH ST MBCH Parcel #: 42030094820 Applied: Approved: Completed: To Expire: Valuation: $20,000.00 Applicant: POOLE AND KENT CO 1781 NWN RlVER DR MlAMIFL33142 325-1930 Property Owner: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Description: REPL DOT COND SEer Inspector Area: S 06/15/1994 06/1511994 1211211994 =============================== ========================================================= Total of All Fees: TOla10!Payments: Balance Due: so.oo SO.OO SO.OO =============================== ========================================================= , 50 r .u.,t,. ru-"'..:-...................... .a.1.~ 'j City of Miami Beach ,- ] 1 j '] I 1 1 1-- J I I 1 L..... ~ l 1700 ConllmtilJn Center Drive Miami- Beach, Flo,ida 33139 (305) 673-7000, EXTENSION 6727 Fax: (305) 673-7772 FAX TRANSMISSION COVER SHEET Date; To: April 20, 2000 Arnm:> G. Fanjul. Projecr MIlnager Far: 305/672-1080 Re; t South Shore Community Center (833-6t1l Stmt, Miami Beach, Florida) Smder: Jose Damien, Asm Manager YOU SHOULD RECEIVE 9 PAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET. IE YOU DO NOT RECEIVE ALL THE PAGES, PLEASE CALL, (305) 673-7000, EXTENSION 6727. As we dis.:ussed. IralUliUtu:d ha~with is the pl'ograllunlng jnformation related to th~ organizations which currently occupy the above referenced propercy. Written rcspoIlSe$ have: been ",cdved lrom Miami.Dade County Community Action Agency (ExhIbit A) and Miami Beach Hispanic Community C~n='(l!xhibit B). Additionally, lIS a result of meetings with other user organizations. we have recdvcd programming Infonnatlon from the Little Havana Community RaInbow Day Care Center (Exhibit Cl. Community Council for Jewish Elderly-Senior R1c1~ Program (exhibIt D), Jewish Vocational Servic~-Hot Meals Program (Exhibit El, and FicnbergFisher Adult and Community Education Center (Exhibit fl. Although we have }'Ct to rc"",ive a formal response from the 55 &. Up organization, also transmitted herewith (Exhibit G) Is the: space curr~ntlyoc:c:upied by t~m. Pleas~ bc: advised that r did speak to Jose Argot<:. of SS &. Up. whom advised me that their prognmming needs would be transmitted via fac:sbnUe to me tomorrow. Based on the prcUmlnaty record drawings dated March 30,2000, provided by your otfl""" w. are also providing th~ approximate space (Exhibit H) currently b<:ing provided to the resp~ctlve user organlzatlollS. If you have 'any quenion.. or require additionallnfonnation plt:a.e do 1\Ot h~siutc: to contact me at (305) 673-7000, extension 6727. . MBHee has rtIfIU$f#d tq U?alrd into "pproximJltely 690 $~ft. a.rrtnt!y being U$td by FtcnberC Fisher. ""d if "ppro.eJ Fie>rbC'€ Fisher wm be prwidea "pproximately 390 ,,~ft of temp<1rtny <paa ;H rJu suutheast CDJ7ler of rite Alldlti1l1um. F,IODHNALL\ASSE7\6STREF:I'.CTI.\REG.SJ>AC. TIU'l 52 ~_.:::~-~~ J,(.~ ] ,,-- I 1 I 1 ] ] I ] r- I J I 1 I I r ~~ 1l'I'. '10. .., D. ~:lt.oo ~ Joe o-l_ _~""l -. . rMIoI& ,--.. 111_ ..... - %at. ~ _ IIIIoIn ., u.. .caCfhtr _ _t* ~'ie U- 18 1.-- -a_t'llr too OU_'a..... _. a. ~ .. , eo C.OO ..... A' ~"'J' tiona ~- !'Joe .~, I _ t'l:s.e. i. ~ .f .1& ,""aU ......n. .. ....a) t. ....,Ad eo "".. eo . eMU .f 2.0 .... .,n.. ...... "' ~~ ....13. ... - ton_. . 5 -~-1..tnU" .ca- . ~1.u.. eHl_ _ __ ~...w..':Iaor c81o:l... . .~$. If _ _a~ rot' _ _ fet- 10-15" _AU' _10 .MUaD . CIIIIl,.., o....~UIe.y ,... 'l'it ~.:I-'-"'- . i TO 10 "/".l.r&......c: I....~..,.. .. aMtt:l,,-1 bIf',,--t... -__ 1 M ~ __to _ .~ 1C30'UU- .na. . ~1&- t8'lIl9 ;-~.;xrt' 'Pvhihlt R 54 t".t:J..:a P.81 ] r- I I ) J J J APR- 2l1-':::~~~ 1" f': 34 P.U'> Community Council for Jewish Elderly- Senior Ride Program A meeting with Jose Prado of the Senior Ride Program concluded as follows: The Program has been on site since 1992. The site is used as a bus dispatch station, has 9 telephone lines, 3 personal computers, and i3 staffed by 3 individuals. The site operates from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. It services elderly participant (60+ years old) and provides trnnsportation to meal sites, Senior Centers, doctors, etc. It has approximately 1,300 to 1,350 clients and provides 90,000 units of service (one ride, one way) per year. They advise that providinliJ similar amenities is in meeting v.ith their current and future needs. Current concerns are leaking exterior walls (roof?) and water damaged carpets resultini from same. They have tequested that they remain in the inunediate area of the building, where they are currently housed. v- F:\DDIlPISAlLWSE'l\6S1tlEET.CTJI.\PIlOONEEDJUI> r- Exhibit D 56 1 I ] ,..J I I I ) I I I 1 I ! ),,-- r Jewish Vocational Services-Hot Meals Program Dj~ssion With Steven Weisberg of Jewish Vocational Services concluded as follows: The Hot Meals Program uses the auditorium located on the 1 st floor serve meals on site from Monday through Friday from approximately 10:45 a.m. approximately 12:30 p.m. Althouih the meals are served during the aforementioned time, ax times staff anive at around 9:00 am. to begin p~tions for Homebound distributions. Approximately 100 to 120 meals served per day. CUl1"eIItly, amenities are limited to lighting, air-conditioning, electricity, tables and chairs for the participants, and space to prepare for servicing the meal distribution. Limited use of our facilities freezers. A piano, wbicb is located within the auditoriuIn, is sometimes used by the participants during impromptu sing-alongs. The Program also provides for a dumpster (on the properties north side)and garbage pick- up at theiI expense. (Option) Iffeasible, the option of removing the stage and partition waIl directly north of it should be iiVcn considCIatiolL F:\I>DHI'ISAlL\ASSENSTllUT.cTIl\lJlOGlEiD.MEA Exhibit E 57 APR-20-2000 17: 34 ) ;outh Shore Community Cenlier ~ 6th Strut 'r. Meals re Havana Activitie* Center at oor en hlher 10140' 434 1215 3029 12S-16S(.1A31 2769 220 641 213 192 '_7 598 201403 493 11%.11~ 11&+110 333 176 111 267 " 10' 117.11. 1040 122 sq. . 2371 3029 _1<17 208 2Z1 eoi 21'- 163 21e 686 211 20lI200 105 127 ....lJ':j 2977 3 8 8378 1909 11% 58 644 S98 493 o hNlDAD Is currenlly and ternponllily using spaces _ 208. 209 & 211 I ;pace numbers (as pnMded In Rl!G"a pIaM) in bold quare footage based on Preliminary Record Drawings dated 313012000 as provided by REG :umbers and c;aleulatlons contained herein should be verlfted _they may not aec:urately reflect existing condltlons. r r ...'.,..... Exhibit H 60 3644 12022 TOTI'LP.<l9 '. . .._-.:""'"~.~._- J I"",Y-02-2000 lei: 17 305 6e4 2437 P. ei2 Dec. 2S 2llOO 02: 48F'M Pl N I FIl11 EEFf:H ASSET !'GI1T. t-K.M:NIJ. : '<'-0111. . r- I .;=' .i It'" ; 'T'. :!;. l~ .7:.~ {.r- "'. ." : J ::',:. -. (A NorJ-Ptotjt o.v""astionl "Fr:Ir n...1tfgh~ Ofs.ion cutzo!ns- 1&40 QoIal Way. S'Ilte 204 . ""la~l, P1od4aSSU$ ~: (S06) S74-65UP (3OlS) 860-1258 . FU: (S06) 8llO-l5B1S I I i Miami, April 24, 2000. J Mr. Jose Dami= Asset MaIlagcr City ofMimU Bcaeb. Dear Mr. Damien: I , ) In response TO your letter dared Much 20, 2000, ~bis letter is to info:nn you oftbo needs fOr office ~pacc fertile Miami Beach offi~ of 55 Years and Up. There are tmee anployee, of this org~n assigned TO Iht: M"13JDi Bach Office. to wit: -- Mr. Jose Martiriez, hgioaal Mauagu Ms. Maria Kralj, =:eptioIlist {ScIlior Aide Propm} Mr. Eduardo V 8Zql1e%, Survey laker (Senior Aide l"fo&ram) In onier TO ptOperly COIIdv.ct our actMties in 11: a1Drcsaid ofli~ we uced at lcasr two connecting rooms. abollt the UII1C: size we prcsemJ:y have at 833 - 6 Street. r- 61 TOTFL P. 02