Attachment 125 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY H'.L' 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 ---- ':\\ci.miami-beach.f1.us TO: FROM: SUBJECT: COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~\ \ - DC> Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members or the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy I C1. City Manager ~ DATE: May 24, 2000 A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List; Specifically for Architectural/Engineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the Fire Station No. 2 Maintenance Facility Renovation, Public Works Operations Facility, Property Management Facility and the Electrowave Shuttle Facility; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. to Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facilities and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm ofM.C. Harry & Associates, Inc. Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top-Ranked Firm. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS: On November 2, 1999, the City of Miami Beach voters approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bond for Neighborhood, Parks and Beach, and Fire Safety Improvements. In an effort to begin the implementation of these Bond Projects, the City desires to contract with design professionals pursuant to Section 287.055, Florida Statutes, for planning and the preparation of the construction and/or bidding documents needed to undertake the work detailed in the Scope of Work for the above subject facilities. The selected finn will be responsible for reviewing existing City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinances and Building Codes, and for incorporating the data into complete construction documents including final working drawings, maintenance expenses, construction estimates, specifications, and bid documents necessary for the bidding and construction of this project. r- AGENDA ITEM Ci3 5-2.<{--0 Q DATE r- RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Two May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (c:ontinued) The firm will be responsible for obtaining all Federal, State and local permits necessary for the construction of the project, and may also be required to provide consulting services to the City on various matters which do not result in drawings or specifications. The design will be developed with the input of the City Administration, the various City Boards and Committees, as well as area residents and other interested individuals and groups. The design team for this project will be headed by an Architect/Engineer with considerable Public Facilities design/renovation experience and will include a Landscape Architect and Environmental Engineer. There are four (4) facilities: (1) the Fire Station NO.2 Maintenance Facility Renovation; (2) Public Works Operations Facility; (3) Electrowave Shuttle Facility; and (4) Property Management Facility that are currently, or are being considered to be located at one (1) site. Consideration will be given to incorporating site development alternatives contained in the report prepared by ST AlCurrie Partnership. On January 12, 2000, the Commission adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List r The RFQ was issued on January 20, 2000, with an opening date of March 1,2000. Four-hundred- fifty-six (456) notices and one-hundred-sixteen (116) RFQs were issued, resulting in the receipt of fourteen (14) responses from the following firms: Arrango Architects Beilinson Architects Bermello, Ajamil & Partners Burns & McDonald Carr Smith Corradino Daphne L Gurri Architecture Edward Lewis Architects Gambach Sklar Architects Indigo Service Corp. M.C Harry & Associates, Inc. Perez & Perez Architects ST A Architectural Group Wolfberg Alvarez & Partners Zyscovich Letter to Commission (LTC) No. 41-2000, dated March 22, 2000 established an Evaluation Committee consisting of the following individuals: Julio Grave de Peralta, Director of Public Works Herb Sosa, GO Bond Project Oversight Committee Member Brad Judd, Property Management Director Judy Evans, Executive Director of MBTMA Nathan Pope, Utility Superintendent William Cary, Director, Design, Preservation, and Neighborhood Planning Division Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief r r- RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Three May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) Herb Sosa was selected as the Committee Chairperson. Each member in attendance reviewed and evaluated all responses in accordance with the criteria listed in the RFQ, and submitted their individual score sheets to the Chairperson. Julio Grave de Peralta and Floyd Jordan did not attend this meeting. The Committee was required, in accordance with the RFQ, to select a minimum of three of the top- ranked firms. The Committee agreed to have each member shortlist by selecting their five top- ranked firms. Below are the results: First Round: (all firms receiving votes) r- Eirm Arrango Architects Beilinson Architects Bermello, Ajamil & Partners Daphne L Gurri Architecture Gambach Sklar Architects M.C Harry Associates Perez & Perez AIchitects ST A ArchitecturaI Group Wolfberg Alvarez & Partners Zyscovich liS. B.l X JE Nf 1YC :IlI1al 1 1 4 1 1 5 I 1 5 5 X X X X X X X X x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X The committee members' initials are as follows: HS: Herb Sosa BJ: Brad Judd JE: Judy Evans NP: Nathan Pope WC: William Cary Based on the above results, the Committee agreed to shortlist the following four (4) top-ranked firms: Bermello, Ajamil & Partners M.C Harry Associates Wolfberg Alvarez & Partners Zyscovich On April 10, 2000, the four (4) top-ranked firms made oral presentations before the Evaluation Committee. The Comminee's role was to evaluate and rank the firms based on the following criteria identified in the RFQ: Firm's Experience, Project Manager's Experience, Previous Similar Projects, Qualifications of Project Team, and Certified Minority Participation. ,.- RFQ No. 41-99/00 r' Page Four May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) The rankings listed below are the final results of the committee's evaluation of each firm at the conclusion of the oral presentations. Second Round: (four top-ranked firms) fu!!l HS BJ JGdP NP WC FJ I2!!! ~ Bermello, Ajamil & Partners 1 2 1 2 2 2 10 1 M.C Harry Associates 4 1 4 1 3 3 16 2 Wolfberg Alvarez & Partners 3 4 2 3 4 1 17 3 Zyscovich 2 3 3 4 1 4 17 3 The committee members' initials are as follows: HS: Herb Sosa NP: Nathan Pope JE: Judy Evans BJ: Brad Judd WC: William Cary JGdP: Julio Grave de Peralta FJ: Floyd Jordan The committee ranked the firm of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners as the top-ranked firm, and M.C Harry & AssQciates, Inc. as the second-ranked firm. r- Attached is the following additional information on the top-ranked firm (Bermello, Ajamil & Partners) : Attachment 1: Organization Chart of the Proposed Project Team. Attachment 2: Project Manager's Experience. Attachment 3: Previous Similar Projects. Attachment 4: Structural Engineer's Similar Projects List Attachment 5: Projects Designed by Structural Engineer in the City of Miami Beach. Attachment 6: Previous/Current City of Miami Beach Projects by Bermello, Ajamil & Partners. The Committee's recommendation was provided to the City Manager for his consideration. In accordance with the terms of the RFQ, the City Manager has reviewed the Evaluation Committee's recommendation and concurs with its ranking of responses. The Mayor and City Commissioners are not bound by either the City Manager's or the Evaluation Committee's recommendations. r- The City Manager recommends that the Mayor and City Commission accept the ranking by the Evaluation Committee, authorize the City Administration to enter into negotiations with the top- ranked firm ofBermello, Ajamil & Partners, and authorize the Administration to negotiate with the second-ranked firm of M.C Harry & Associates, Inc., should the Administration not be able to successfully neg~. te a contract with the top-ranked firm. LAL:JfAA: . F.IPURClSALLIGUSIG BONOLWPO Afteraction Report May 24, 2000 City Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach ~ C7J Commission Memorandum No. 411-00 A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project No. I, for ArchitecturallEngineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the Fire Station NO.2 Maintenance Facility Renovation, Public Works Operations Facility, Property Management Facility and the Electrowave Shuttle Facility; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. to Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facilities and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm ofM.C. Harry & Associates, Inc. Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top-Ranked Firm. Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Fire/Public Works/Property Management Department) ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23924 adopted. Matthew Schwartz and Jorge Chartran to handle. r ,r- Prepared by the City Clerk's Office Page 11 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23924 .--. A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER PERTAINING TO THE RANKING OF PROPOSALS RECEIVED IN RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NO. 41-99/00 FOR ARClllTECTURAL, ENGINEERING, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL AND GRAPmC DESIGN SERVICES FOR VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NOVEMBER 2, 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION (GO) BOND PROJECT NO.1, FORARCHITECTURAUENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE FIRE STATION NO. 2 MAINTENANCE FACILITY RENOVATION, PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS FACILITY, PROPERTY MANAGEMENT FACILITY AND ELECTROWAVE SHUTTLE FACILITY; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE TOP-RANKED FIRM OF BERMELLO, AJAMIL & PARTNERS, INC. TO DEVELOP DESIGN AND CONSTRUCI10N DOCUMENTS FOR THE PROPOSED FACILITIES; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE SECOND RANKED FIRM OF M. C. HARRY & ASSOCIATES, INC. SHOULD THE ADMINISTRATION NOT BE ABLE TO SUCCESSFULLY NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT WITH THE TOP RANKED FIRM. WHEREAS, the City issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for providing architectural, engineering, landscaping architectural and graphic design services for various City projects in accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond project list, and WHEREAS, four-hundred fifty-six notices and one-hundred sixteen (116) specifications for RFQ No. 41-99/00 were issued, resulting in fourteen (14) timely responses; and .--. WHEREAS; an Evaluation Committee recommended by the City Manager and approved by the Mayor and City Commission met on March 23, 2000, and agreed to short list the four (4) top-ranked finos and that they be invited for oral presentations before the Committee; and WHEREAS, the Committee heard oral presentations on April 10, 2000, and unanimously voted to recommend negotiations with the top-ranked fino, Benoello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., and with the second- ranked fino ofM.C. Hany & Associates Inc., should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked fino; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has reviewed the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and concurs with the Evaluation Committee's recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission herein accept the City Manager's recommendation pertaining to the ranking of proposals received in response to RFQ No.4 1-99/00 and authorize the Administration to enter into negotiations with the top-ranked fino of Benoello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc. and with the second-ranked fino ofM.C. Hany & Associates, Inc. should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked fino. PASSED and ADOPTED this 24thday of May, 2000 lZT: ~ {,d/ C\-td1..v-- CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION It{ MAYOR r- ~~IL. ~/~ --- ~ r to- a: c:r: :I: o Z o ti N - Z c:r: ~ a: o ll. ~ t . € ~ ~ "'.. 0" ::J ..~ ~ .!l a:". "'.2 m~ ~ li; :!Ol ;= c( ~ ;;( € ui ~ c( .. ::li c( .J > C C w I lU:)WlPlmV ~ ~ '" ci ~ ell '" -' a: o z '" a: :; '" z '" -' a: '" :l! ~ € c:: .. ~ ~ '" ci ~ ~ 01 '" a: oj .. z > ... .. 1:; Iii ~ ~ .. ~ ~ f ell ~ € ~ .. ~ ~ '" ci ~ ~ 01 ~ .. € ~ .. ~ .. '<' Ii J i2 '" o m '" a: " :l! o I- II ;; g '" ~ '" 11 " 1! t!l ~ .. '" J -' .. z z o c z o :l! '" a: .. ,~ ~ .. .. ~ '" ~ 5 '" ~ 1! Ww ,~ ll.ll. ., N "'-_ ,~ ~o ~ ",a: t!l ::)4 ~ tnO {g ~~ ~ C-' 0 a:~ ~ ffiu ~ "" i! .. " a: .. C " -' ::> '" ... a: c f '5 ~ ~ '" IJ.I ...I l- I- :J :I: V'} IJ.I ~~ ~~ au ~< I-u.. UI- IJ.Iz ujlJ.l >'~ I-IJ.I -~ ...1< -z ~< u..~ V"J> ::::':::1- ~~ 01J.l ~e.. uO -~ ...Ie.. =0 :Jz e..< , N>' .1- 0- z::! z~ au.. - ~ I- rJ) IJ.I ~ - u.. ,,-- Project Manager's hperience EDUARDO N. LAMAS, AlA "'! Mr. lamas has more than 25 years of architectural experience. He is an award-winning Designer and Project Manager, He is responsible for all phases of the projects from master planning/programming and design thru construction documents, Mr. Lamas has led master planning and design teams for a wide range of multi-faceted projects including fire station renovations, public municipalities. transportation/lntermodal stations and office developments. Mr. lamas has been involved in the design I renovation of more than 20 fire stations, including three new prototypes for the City of Fort lauderdale. ..''''-,,~ _. ,l.::,",",_. .fJ;_:~' .- 1 - I 1.- Mr. lamas brings to the B&A team his experience with the processes and procedures with The City of Miami Beach. He has been involved in the City's Park Bond's Program, designing mOre than eight parks, but mores specifically Flamingo Park. which involved complete knowledge and involvement with the property management facility and its surrounding community. IvIr, lamas has extensive experience in dealing with these project types. He will be responsible for the proj"ct management and coordination of these upcoming projects. In addition, Mr. lamas will establish a consensus and delegate the work accordingly for the success of these projects. His job wil! be to facilitate the work and offer alternatives along with cost estimates. for the City of Miami Beach staff in order to evaluate and select the most appropriate solution, that conforms to its program, schedule and mos~ important, its budget. ".- The design for the facilities listed within Project No.1, as outlined in this proposal, contains elements which are very similar to recent projects that Mr. lamas has successfully completed in the past three years. Relevant project experience include: Experience in Miami Beach projects: . Flamingo Park, Miami Beach, Florida . Normandy Park. Miami Beach, Florida . Scott Rakow Recreational Facility, Miami Beach. Florida . Flamingo Hotel, Miami Beach, Florida . Police Station Renovation, Miami Beach, Florida . Log Cabin Restoration, Miami Beach, Florida . Surf Club Renovation, Miami Beach, Florida ,. ....- ~, t.l. .. -' ~-';":~..'l ~_ ...f!"" .~' I.. '#j ~,,). . - . Experience in Fire Station projects: . Renovations af Twelve Fire Stations, Fort lauderdale, Florida . Three Fire Station Prototypes,Fort lauderdale, Florida . Fire Station Renovation. North Miami Beach, Florida . Administrative Building and Fire Station, Fort lauderdale. Florida . Fire Station No, 64-Ramblewood, Coral Springs, Florida . Fire Station Renovation, Town of lake Park, Florida r . E . M f. l L 0 AJAMIL.. 'AI'NEItS Attachment 2 I N C r- Experience in Administrative Offices/Warehouse projects: . The Colonnade, Downtown Coral Gables, Florida . Palmetto Metrorail Station Intermodal Mixed-Use Facility, Miami, Florida . Republic National Bank Headquarters, Downtown Miami, Florida . Douglas Entrance. Coral Gables. Florida . Miramar Complex, Downtown Miami, Florida . Mount Sinai Intermodal Facility, Miami Beach, Florida . Hollywood Train Station Feasibility Study, Downtown Hollywood, florida . Town Center Master Plan. Pensacola. Florida . One Bay Front Plaza Renovations (formerly Southeast Bank). Downtown Miami, Florida . First Union Financial Center (formerly Southeast Bank), Downtown Miami, Florida . International Place (formerly Centrust Tower), Downtown Miami, Florida . Museum Tower, Miami, Florida . Dupont Plaza Development (for Olympia York). Brickell Avenue. Miami, Florida . 848 Brickell (formerly Caribank), Brickell Avenue. Miami, Florida . Government Center Garage, Downtown Miami, Florida . Barnett Bank Plaza, Downtown Miami, Florida Experience in Historic Preservation projects: ".- . Town oflake Park City Hall, Lake Park. Florida . Farmer's market. "Plaza del Mercado", Hialeah, Florida . The Colonnade, Coral Gables. Florida . The Surf Club, Surfside, Florida . Douglas Entrance, Coral Gables, Florida . Flamingo Hotel (Pritikin Center), Miami Beach, Florida . Log Cabin, Miami Beach, Florida Experience in Transportation/lntermodal projects: . Jackson Memorial Hospital, Parking Facility, Miami, Florida . Miami-Dade Community College, Wolfson Campus Garage, Miami. Florida . US-l Exclusive Buslanes. Miami-Dade County. Florida . Oadeland South Intermodal Center, South Miami, Florida . Dadeland North Metrorail Station, South Miami. Florida . Metromover Stations/Prototype Design for over 10 stations, Downtown Miami, Florida . paltran Intermodal Facility, Miami Beach, Florida . Mount Sinai Intermodal Facility, Miami Beach, Florida . Flagler Street Intermodal Facility, Miami, Florida . Merrick Place Mixed-Use Facility, Coral Gables, Florida . The Colonade Mixed-Use Facility, Coral Gables, Florida . Republic National Bank Headquarters, Miami, Florida . Wolfson Campus Mixed-Use Facility, Miami, Florida r- . A1t1.\ehmcnt Z ^ It T N E . S II E w: M ELL 0 , N C r- Previous Similar Projects: ~--------- . Doris and Phil Sanford Fire Rescue Station, Coral Gables. Florida . S.W. Wellfield Customer Service Building, Miami Dade Waler & Sewer Department, Florida . Cameo Theater, Miami Beach, Florida r- . North Shore Park Master Plan and Project Implementation, North Miami Beach, Florida . Miami Beach.parks Master Plan Implementation, Miami Beach, Florida . Miami Administration Building-Riverside Center, Miami, Florida . Miami Dade Community College-Wolfson Campus Phase III , Miami, Florida . Tri-Rail Miami International Airport Station Extension, Miami, Florida . Golden Glades Intermodal Facility, Miami, Florida . Driver Licenses Station, Coral Gables, Florida . Miami Intermodal Center, Miami, Florida . Beacon Center, Miami, Florida . Sunset Harbor Drive, Miami, Beach, Florida . Michigan Avenue/Flamingo Park, Miami, Beach. Florida . Pump Station Improvement Program, Miami-Dade Waler &Sewer Department, Miami, Florida . 1 . At f l L 0 AJ^Mll . 'A.TNtIS . IHe Attachment 3 ,r- ,--. 3lI11l1!1ii iIlI':.,IllI', alllllllllill!ii iIII il!I.' iilllllliii r- "..- DONNELL DUQUESNE & ALBAISA, PA. CONSULTING ENGINEEF1S =.,~:~ .:;, Donne'I. PE, =o;'::~: ",. DuQuesne. PE. ":,,,:.3 '.' ~Ibafsa, PE. ~930 S W 74tl'" .~- . ~'Al\,lI ;':'_':'C:IIC~ J31"\5 .:.305) 666.07 ~ ~ ;:~;.( 556.52;S ~ 3S:: .=:es: ::M-:!;:'::; G. Wong. F!E. :::- ',! Chavez =",~' :c Pazos .:~.s.: Reczek P.E. PROJECTS OUR FIRM HAS DESIGNED IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Miami Beach Convention Center Jackie Gleason Theater of the Performing Arts Wolfsonian Foundation Portofina Headquarter Building Joe's Stone Crab - Parking Addition City of Miami Beach Police Station & Parking Facility Collins & 13'. Street Parking Garage L'Excellence Condominium Apartments Netherland Hotel - Addition Mirason Condominium Mar De Plata Condominium Apartments Block Tower Apartments Fontainbleau Hotel Addition City of Miami Fire Garage - Firestation No, 3 Attachment 4 "::"H_ ,- .................,.... .." ............. '.'liIlllllllii.,,,),',, '..III....IlII.... ...' '... ,'....BIl""....lIII""~;;> :::= IUI =:::: ...".'..'.:i;: .. .., r- r- DONNELL. DUQUESNE & ALBAISA, P.A, CONSULTING ENGINEERS Ramon R. Donnell. RE. Pedro J. DuQuesne. RE. Aida M. Albaisa, RE. 4930 S.W. 74t:h CT. MIAMI. f:LORIOA 33155 13051 666-071 ~ FAX 666.5259 Associates; Emesto G. Won!d. RE. Victor M, Chavez Remigio pazos Cianusz Reczek. RE. THE FOLLOWING FIRE STA nONS HAVE BEEN DESIGNED BY THE FIRM OF DONNELL, DUQUESNE & ALBAISA, P.A. L CITY OF MIAMI FIRE GARAGE-FIRE STATION NO, 3 MODIFICATION AND EXPANSION $3 MILLION DOLLAR EXPANSION & RENOVATION TO STATION NO, 3 COMPLETED IN 1989 2. FIRE STATION NO.3 FOR THE CITY OF CORAL GABLES $3,5 MILLION - NEW STATION FOR THE CITY OF CORAL GABLES 3. CITY OF MIAMI FIRE STATION NO, 4 - REMODELING $800 THOUSAND - REMODELING FOR FIRE STATION NO.4 COMPLETED IN 1987 4, CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FIRE STATION NO. I AND NO.3 ADDmONS AND REMODELING $LS MILLION - ADDmON AND REMODELING TO FIRE STATION NO, I AND NO, 3 - COMPLETED IN 1991 5, CITY OF CORAL GABLES DORIS STANFORD FIRE STATION NO, 3 $1.8 MILLION - COMPLETED IN 1993 Attachment 4 r- CllY OF MIAMI BEACH PROJEC1S CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CENERAL AlE CONSULTANT Project Description: B&A has been the General Consultant for the City of Miami Beach providing services in all aspects of architecture and civil engineering matters. Work has included reconstruction of the . City's maintenance facility, as well as general civil engineering for street paving, grading and drainage. In the capacity of General Consultant, B&A is an extension of the City's staft, and is on call to deal with either regular work items for the Capital Improvement Program, or emergency items as may arise from time to time. r- Client Name: Jack Lubin Asst. City Mgr. City of Miami Beach . 1700 Convention CenrerDr., Miami Beach, Fl 33139 3051673-7010 Completion Date: 1992 - 2000 Total Cost: Varies Construction Varies MIAMI BEACH PARKS MAsTER PLAN IMPLEMENTATION Project Description: Bermello, Ajamil & Partners is implementing improvements to Miami Beach parks called for In the Parks Master Plan, which the Ron also developed. B&A is responsible for improvements to six of the city's parks, as well as acting as owner's representative for constructionlbudgetary monitori ng of other consultants' work on the remaining 15 parks. The properties for which B&A is designing improvements are: 1 . North Shore Open Space 2. North Shore Park 3. Lummus Park 4. South Pointe Park 5. Pinetree Park 6. Mal ntenance yard Improvements include upgrading all existing buildings to meet code and AOA guidelines. In North Shore park, the Rrm is designing a new 20,000-81, $1.5 million Community Center with Indoor activity areas for elderly patrons and young people, plus offices. All parks's restroom facilities will be upgraded for ADA compliance, and new restroom buildings are to be added as needed. Other improvements Include the addition of gates, park security I ighti ns. wal kways, landscaping. park furniture and new signage system. Phasing will depend on degree of construction and Importance to overall use requirements. Client: City of Miami Beach Kevin Smith, Director of Parks & Recreation 305/673.7730 Completion Oate: 2000 T olal Cost: $1,500,000 r- Construction: $15,000,000 Attachment 5 . E R. lit ELL 0 I N c:: "'AMIL .. PARTNERS ,--- ~ -- r- CITY OF """MI BE"CH PROJECTS CITY Of MIAMI BEACH CITY MANACER'S OffiCE Project Description Bermello, Ajamil & Partners provided space planning services along with basic finish selections and furniture selections for the incoming city manager's 7,OOO-sf office. Designs took Into consideration phasing to facilitate furniture purchase and avoid interrupting current operations. Client Name: City Manager Miami Beach City Hall 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Fl 33139 Tel: 673-7010 Fax: 673-7782 ,- Completion Dale: 1996 Total Cost: $7S,000 Construction N/A r- CITY Of MIAMI BEACH AlE CONTlNUINC SERVICES CONTRACT Project Description In this rotational agreement, B&A was selected along with several other firms to perform miscellaneous engineering and architectural projects on existing government buildings and facilities. Client Name: Michael Rath City of Miami Beach 1 700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach 33139 3051673-7490 Completion Date: 7198 to 712000 T olal Cost: On-Going Construction Varies 8 E . M E l. L 0 Attachment 5 I N C "),,Mll .. PAllTNERS r CITY OF MIAMI BEACH PROJECTS TATUM DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Project Description B&A was selected by the City of Miami Beach to provide reconstruction services at Tatum Wau.rway Drive and 77'" Street. The project involved the incorporation of streetscape Improvements, landscaping and drainage improvements. r One major challenge on this project was to reconflgure the traffic patterns In the ~rea. Specifically, B&A conducted neighborhood traffic pattern studies for both a public and private..school which resulted In a new one-way traffic pattern. This new design greatly Improved the school's drop-off area as well as provided significant traffic calming through the h~gh density residential areas. Client Name: City of Miami Beach John Depazos Public Works 3051673.7080 Completion Date: 1996 Total Cost: $250,000 Construction $250,000 r Attachment 5 8 E It M ELL 0 "JAMll A PARTNERS r N C p_...~T 'y --, , . ..'. ...,-.--..--,----'- "... Previous/Current Projects for The City of Miami Beach: MICHICAN AVENUE ROADWAY ~ECONSTRUCTION Project Description Bennello, Ajamil & Partners completed the roadway improvements and widening of Michigan Avenue in Miami Beach. The one-quarter mile project included roadway beautification, addition of parking areas, widening and resurfacing. The landscape portion included a new on-street diagonal parking area and decoralive sidewalks along the western edge of Flami ngo Park. The landscape design learn produced pianting. irrigation and detail drawings, specifications and cO$! estl mates. r- Client Name: Aurelio Carmentaes Project Manager City of Miami Beach Parking Dept. 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Fl 33139 305/673-7505 Completion Date: 1994 Total Cost: $500,000 Construction: $500,000 r- SUNSET HARBOUR DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS paOJECT Project Description B&A renovated a Miami Beach city street in conjunction with a new residential development. The project included a half-mile of complete roadway reconstruction including prepavement, sidewalks, medians, landscaping. lighting and utilities. The utility work Included installation of a new 20-inch diameter water main. This site was previously an industrial oriented block; however, It is changing into a mixed-use area by improving a two lane road with the use of a bermed landscape median end lateral landscape area, specialty paving. signage and irrigations. Client Name: David Cates City of Miami Bch. 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 305/673-7560 Completion Date: 1997 Total Cost: $1.7 million Construction: $1.7 million B E R M ELL 0 Attachment 6 I N C AJAMIL" PARTNERS