Attachment 126 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH. FLORIDA 33139 ...-'tp:\\ci.miami-beach. fl. us ~ r- COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 4- \ '2. -00 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy \ \Iv'" City Manager ~ DATE: May 24, 2000 FROM: SUBJECT: A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List; Specifically for ArchitecturaVEngineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the Fire Station No.4 Renovation and Expansion; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of M.C. Harry & Associates, Inc. to Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facility and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of Corzo, Castella, Carballa, Thompson & Salman, (C3TS) Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top Ranked Firm. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS: On November 2,1999, the City of Miami Beach voters approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bond for Neighborhood, Parks and Beach, and Fire Safety Improvements. In an effort to begin the implementation of these Bond Projects, the City desires to contract with design professionals in accordance with Florida Statute 287.055 for planning and the preparation of the construction/bidding documents needed to undertake the work detailed in the Scope of Work for the above mentioned facilities. The selected fIrm will be responsible for reviewing existing City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinances and Building Codes, and for incorporating the data into complete construction documents including final working drawings, mainteruince expenses, construction estimates, specifIcations, and bid documents necessary for the bidding and construction of this project AGENDA ITEM e,K 5- 'L'-I--O U DATE .. ....---_..,..~_. RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Two r- May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) The firm will be responsible for obtaining all Federal, State and local permits necessary for the construction of the project, and may also be required to provide consulting services to the City on various matters which do not result in drawings or specifications. The design will be developed with the input of the City Administration, the various City Boards an:! Committees, as well as area residents and other interested individuals and groups. The design team for this project will be headed by an ArchitectlEngineer with considerable Historic Renovation and Fire Station design experience and will include a Landscape Architect The Project design will include renovation of Fire Station No.4, new fire bay facilities with accommodations for modern Fire and EMS equipment, living quarters for a dual gender workforce, access, paving, drainage, landscaping and signage. On January 12, 2000, the Commission adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List r- The RFQ was issued on January 20, 2000, with an opening date of March 1,2000. Four-hundred- fifty-six (456) notices and one-hundred-sixteen specifications were issued, resulting in the receipt of twelve (12) responsive responses from the following firms; Allequez & Associates Beilinson Architects Carr Smith Corradino Corzo, Castella, Carballa, Thompson & Salman (C3TS) Daphne I. Gurri Architecture Gambach Sklar Architects Giller & Giller Judson & Partners M.C Harry & Associates, Inc. STA ArchitecturaI Group Swanke Hayden & Connell Woltberg Alvarez & Partners Letter to Commission (LTC) No. 41-2000, dated March 22, 2000 established an Evaluation Committee consisting of the following individuals: Michael Rotbart, Real Estate Broker Tom Thompson, Assistant Fire Chief Jack Richardson II, President ofIAFF, Firefighter 11 Brad Judd, Property Management Director Thomas Mooney, Preservation & Design Manager On April 5, 2000, the Evaluation Committee met to review all the responses received. Tom Thompson was selected as the Committee Chairperson. Each committee member in attendance reviewed and evaluated all responses in accordance with the criteria listed in the RFQ, and submitted their individual score sheets to the Chairperson. r r- RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Three May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) The Committee was required, in accordance with the RFQ, to select a minimum of three of the top ranked firms. The Committee agreed to have each member shortlist by selecting their four top ranked firms. Below are the results: First Round: (all firms receiving votes) Firm Carr Smith Corradino C3TS Daphne L Gurri Architecture M.C Harry Associates STA Architectural Group Woltberg Alvarez & Partners MR TT JR X X X X X X X X X X X X BJ TM Th!!! X 3 X X 4 X 2 X X 5 X X 4 2 The committee members' initials are as follows: MR: Michael Rotbart BJ: Bmd Judd JR: Jack Richardson 11 TT: Tom Thompson TM: Thomas Mooney r- Based on the above results, the Committee agreed to shortlist the following four (4) top-ranked firms: Carr Smith Corradino C3TS M.C Harry Associates STA Architectural Group On April 14, 2000, the four (4) firms made oral presentations before the Evaluation Committee. The Committee's role was to evaluate and rank the firms based on the following criteria identified in the RFQ: Firm's Experience, Project Manager's Experience, Previous Similar Projects, Qualifications of Project Team, and Certified Minority Participation. r- r- RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Four May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) The rankings listed below are the final results of the committees' evaluation(s) of each firm at the conclusion of the oral presentations. Second Round: (four top-ranked firms) Firm Carr Smith Corradino C3TS M.C Harry Associates ST A Architectural Group MR 3 I 2 3 TT 4 1 2 3 JR 4 3 I 2 BJ 4 1 2 3 TM 4 3 1 2 Total 19 9 8 13 B!!!!i 4 2 1 3 The committee members' initials are as follows: MR: Michael Rotbart BJ: Brad Judd JR: Jack Richardson 11 TT: Tom Thompson TM: Thomas Mooney The committee ranked the firm ofM. C. Harry & Associates, Ine. as the top-ranked fIrm, and Corzo, Castella, <;arballa, Thompson & Salman, (C3TS) as the second-ranked fIrm. r- Attached is the following additional information on the top-ranked firm (M.c. Harry & Associates): Attachment 1: Project Manager's Experience. Attachment 2: Previous Similar Projects. Attachment 3: Structural Engineer's Similar Projects List Attachment 4: Civil Engineer's Similar Projects List Attachment 5: Architect's Similar Projects List Attachment 6: Previous/Current City of Miami Beach Projects by M.C. Harry & Associates. Inc. The Committee's recommendation was provided to the City Manager for his consideration. In accordance with the terms of the RFQ, the City Manager has reviewed the Evaluation Committee's recommendation and concurs with its ranking of responses. The Mayor and City Commissioners an: not bound by either the City Manager's or the Evaluation Committee's recommendations. The City Manager recommends that the Mayor and Commission accept the ranking recommended by the Evaluation Committee, authorize the City Administration to enter into negotiations with the top-ranked firm ofM.C Harry & Associates, Inc., and authorize the Administration to negotiate wi1h the second-ranked firm of Corzo, Castella, Carballa, Thompson & Salman (C3TS) should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked firm. r- LAL:tta:~~ F:\PURC\SALLIJOHN\COMM\41-MC990. WPD RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23925 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER PERTAINING TO THE RANKING OF PROPOSALS RECEIVED IN RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NO. 41-99/00 FOR ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL AND GRAPIDC DESIGN SERVICES FOR VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NOVEMBER 2, 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION (GO) BOND PROJECT NO.2, FOR ARCHITECTURAIJENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE FIRE STATION NO. 4 RENOVATION AND EXPANSION; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE TOP-RANKED FIRM OF M. C. HARRY & ASSOCIATES, INC. TO DEVELOP DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE PROPOSED FACILITY; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE SECOND RANKED FIRM OF CORZO, CASTELLA, CARBALLA, THOMPSON & SALMAN (C3TS) SHOULD THE ADMINISTRATION NOT BE ABLE TO SUCCESSFULLY NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT WITH THE TOP RANKED FIRM. WHEREAS, the City issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for providing architectural, engineering, landscaping architectural and graphic design services for various City projects in accordance with the Novemher 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond project list, and WHEREAS, four-hundred fifty-six notices and one-hundred sixteen (116) specifications for RFQ No. 41-99/00 were issued, resulting in twelve (12) timely responses; and WHEREAS,. an Evaluation Committee recommended by the City Manager and approved by the ~ Mayor and City Commission met on AprilS, 2000, and agreed to short list the four (4) top-ranked finns and that they be invited for oral presentations before the Committee; and WHEREAS, the Committee heard oral presentations on April 14, 2000, and unanimously voted to recommend negotiations with the top-ranked finn, M.c. Harry & Associates Inc., and with the second-ranked finn of, Corzo, Castella, Carballa, Thompson & Salman, (C3TS) should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked finn; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has reviewed the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and concurs with the Evaluation Committee's recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission herein accept the City Manager's recommendation pertaining to the ranking of proposals received in response to RFQ No. 41-99/00 and authorize the Administration to enter into negotiations with the top-ranked finn of M.c. Harry & Associates, Inc. and with the second-ranked finn of Corzo, Castella, Carballa, Thompson & Salman (C3TS) should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked finn. PASSED and ADOPTED this 24th day of May, 2000 J:Cr ~CU!~ CITY CLERK APPROVED /IS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION JJL ."- 1iJ/itdL ~;o Afteraction Report May 24, 2000 City Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach r ~ C7K Commission Memorandum No. 412-00 A Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List; Specifically for ArchitecturallEngineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the Fire Station NO.4 Renovation and Expansion; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm ofM.C. Harry & Associates, Inc. to Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facility and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of Corzo, Castella" Carballa, Thompson & Salman, (C3TS) Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top Ranked Firm. Administration Recommendation" Adopt the Resolution. (Fire Department) ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23925 adopted. Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli and Jorge Chartran to handle. r Prepared by the City Clerk's Office Page II .. ~'" .~-. ,-~~,........,.,... MCHARRYASSOCIATES ~I r- J. WYATT PORTER-BROWN Senior Associate Project Manager EDUCATION: Bachelor of Fine Arts Mercer University Masters of Architecmre New Jersey Instimte of Technology EXPERIENCE: Wyatt Porter-Brown will serve as the Project Manager on the Fire Station No.4 Renovation project. He is a senior associate with MCHA and has over fourteen years of experience in the design, construction documentation, and construction management/supervision/inspection of municipal, instimtional, and government entity projects. Mr. Porter-Brown has worked on a variety of projects that have dealt with historic issues, and he is sensitive to the Historical District's preservation requirements. He has worked closely with the Miami Beach Planning. Zoning, and Design Review staff. Most recently he has served as Project Manager for the following projects: Cirv of Miami Beach - Florida Beach PatrolHeadqUlJrters - ADA barrier removal for "Poster Child" of Miami Beach Art Deco Weekend. Handicapped access for Beach Patrol Headquarters as well as public bathrooms. Symmetrical arrangement of ramps matched symmetrical facade of building making the improvements appear to be a part of the original design. la" Street Auditorium - ADA barrier removal, handicapped access to the Auditorium, Miami Design Preservation League Bookstore and gift shop. Building retained original design, placing access ramp on side of building providing access to all areas including patio, beach, and Ocean Drive Promendae. The Old Municipal Office Building - ADA barrier removal to handicapped access, keeping original design into consideration, making grand main entry ramp with attractive handrails and landscaping. Reference: Bruce Lamberto City of Miami Beach (305) 673-7674 (all three projects) Hisroric Dade Countv Courthouse Resroration - Miami. Florida 2 Story Public Lobby Restoration- The original lobby of this 1928 building was an open-air breezeway with a two story atrium in the center. The lobby was enclose and air-conditioned in 1950 and the two story atrium was decked over. It was restored to its original 1928 grandeur in 1999. Reference: Steve Haber - Project Manager Miami Dade County GSA (305) 375-1115 r- . ~. ." ,- Wyatt Porter-Brown Pall"2 Airoon Rescue Fire Fiphtinp Facility - Ft. Lauderdale. Florida 26,000 sq ft mid field aircraft rescue and fire fighting facility comprised of an administration wing; a five bay ten vehicle apparatus area including a vehicle maintenance bay and an EMS station with hot and cold decon rooms; a second floor emergency operations and central communications center; and resident facilities complete with day room, dining room, kitchen, toilet/shower/locker rooms, and a dormitory which sleeps sixteen fire fighters. Fire Station #10 - Ft. Lauderdale. Florida 20,000 sq ft new facility; fire rescue station; offices, donnitories; 6-drive thru-bays; Reference: Ken Jacobsen -Project Manager (954) 359-2343 (both fire stations) Broward County Aviation Department In addition, Mr. Porter-Brown worked on the fOllowing historic restoration projects: Albion Hotel - Miami Beach. Florida Design Team Director responsible for design details and the production of contract documents for fast track renovation/restoration of a 1939 vintage 100 room historic hotel. The project design and construction was completed in 7 months on budget. (Mr. Porter-Brown served as Project Manager while employed with Wood & Zapata Architects) r- Federal GSA US Customs House - NYC, NY Historic preservation of a nineteenth century steel structure with stone curtain wall; portions adapted for reuse to accommodate the New York City Customs Museum, and a branch of the Smithsonian Museum for display of American Indian Artifacts. Critical components of the project included environmental and security control systems, and theatric lighting. (Mr. Porter-Brown Served as Project Architect while employed with EhrencranlZ & EckslCit Architect of New York who are renown for doing major historic preservation projects.) r p~ "12 r- Khush M. Daruwalla, P.E. will serve as the structural Project Manager on the Fire Station No.4 and associated projects. He is a vice-president with ENBA and has over thirteen years of experience in the design, construction documentation/specifications, management, inspection and supervision of private and governmental facility development type projects. Mr. Daruwalla has worked on a number of projects sensitive to the needs of Historic Preservation. These projects are scattered from Miami Beach to New York City. He also has a considerable amount of experience with projects within facilities that must remain active during construction/renovation. This includes roadway projects, hospitals, ail ports, and commercial institutions. Most recently, Mr. Daruwalla has served as project manager for the following: Drives Extension South Side. Miami International Airnort This $30Million project involves extending the Upper Drive of the airport by 1400' to accomodate the future South Terminal. Project elements include concrete columns supporting steel girders and a concrete deck, communication ductbanks, chilled water lines, an electricaVcommunications room, several utilities and the foundations and columns for a future Automated People Mover system that will encircle the airport at an elevation of66'. The project had to be phased to ensure a continuous, uninterrupted and safe flow of traffic out of the airport. The project is spread out over a mile, but simultaneously is extremely confined due to space restrictions. Reference: Mr. Bob Williams Dade Aviation Consultants (305) 869-3079 r Gerrv Residence. NaDles. Florida This $35 Million residence on the west coast is a three-story, 40,000 square feet Mediterranean style structure with frangible walls that are meant to collapse under a storm surge (DEP requirement). The structural systems consist of a mix of concrete framing, load bearing reinforced block walls, and structural steel framing. The main structure is pile and grade beam supported. Reference: Mr. Michael Haiiar Erickson, Herscoo, DeStefano & Partners (941) 643-1999 Fire Hose Tower No.2 Restoration. City of Miami Beach A complete concrete restoration of the existing historic Hose Tower. ENBA performed a survey, documented the deterioration and prepared repair drawings. The doors and windows were also replaced to exacting historical records. Reference: Mr. Bruce Larnberto City of Miami Beach (305) 673-7807 RFQ NO.: 41-99/00 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH r-- DATE: January 14,2000 E.N. Bechamps and Associates, Inc. . S200 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite ISO, Miami, Florida 33126 ~.. '13 r- Botanical Garden Masternlan. City of Miami Beach ENBA in conjunction with Curtis & Rogers prepared a masterplan for the renovation and up-grading of the Botanical Gardens at the City of Miami Beach. ENBA perfonned a structural survey of the Conservatory structure which had been condemned by the City and proposed several alternatives for its restoration. There were several meetings with the community. Reference: Mr. Michel Magloire City Of Miami Beach (305) 673-7080 Northside APM Studv. Miami International Airoort A study of 33 foundations and columns for the future Automated People Mover that will encircle the Airport in the near future. These foundations and columns have to be built in a very confined space with an active roadway on each side. The option of piles or auger-cast shaft (LBEs) was considered. Constructability was a large issue as was phasing with other neighbouring projects. Reference: Mr. George Garcia Dade Aviation Consultants (305) 876-0816 r- ,-- RFQ NO.: 41-99/00 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DATE: January 14, 2000 E.N. Bechamps and Associates, Inc. . 5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite ISO, Miami, Florida 33126 P.~e '\"1 ~ Eugene N. Bechamps, P.E. will serve as the Civil Engineer on the project. Mr. Bechamps has over 44 years of experience in civil engineering in South Florida. He has designed numerous urban roadway projects, water systems, sewer system and extensive drainage projects for a wide variety of public and private clients. Some of these are as follows: United States Postal Service. Six Branch Post Offices Curb and gutter parking system, complete drainage, sanitary sewer lines, domestic and fire water lines, signage and pavement markings. Two of the projects had extensive sub-soil problems, two others had road right-of-way problems, one required coordination with a future metro-rail station. All problems were solved satisfactorily. Two projects are complete in construction, three are under construction and one will be bid soon. Reference: Mr. George Rodriguez United States Postal Service (305) 418-7327 Waterford at Blue Lalloon 701 and 703 Office Buildinlls Lake fill(including permitting), curb and gutter parking system, complete drainage, domestic and fire waterline systems, and sanitaJy sewer system, signage and pavement markings. This was a very sensitive environmental site. Reference: Mr. Rick Pugatch The Hogan Group (305) 262-6250 Miami International Aimort Packalle A Bus Lanes under Parkinll Garalles 2. 3. 4 and 5 Structural engineering, below grade curb and gutter roadway for buses and other vehicles, drainage system, fire waterline extension, signage and pavement markings, walkways meeting ADA requirements and maintenance of traffic plan. The effect on the parking spaces had to be minimized. ~ Reference: Mr. Byron Dowell Miami Dade Aviation Department (305) 869-4016 Miami International Aimort Packalle A-I Extension ofUDoer and Lower Drive Structural engineering, at grade and second level curb and gutter roadway improvements including complete drainage system, signage and pavement marking, sanitaJy sewer, flTe water line extension, chilled water lines, and extensive construction sequencing and maintenance of traffic plans. Access to the Airport had to be maintained at all times during construction. Reference: Mr. Franklin Stirrup Miami-Dade Aviation Department (305) 876-7922 Pan American HosDital Bridlle and Parkinll Lot Bridge over Tamiami Canal connecting Pan American Hospital to new 426 space parking lot All drainage design self contained, no discharge to Tamiami Canal. Parking Lot grading to prevent drainage over flow into Tamiami Canal. Reference: Mr. Roberto Tejedor Pan American Hospital (305) 265-640 I RFQ NO.: 41-99/00 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH r- DATE: January 14, 2000 E.N. Beebamps and Associates, Ine.' 5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 150, Miami, Florida 33126 P~..l\S' ~ J ~ CONSU""'" ENG~EE'" 'He Sergio D. Magarolas, P.E. Prelidenl Project Manager EDUCATION: Bachelor of Science Degree in Mechanical Engineering University of Illinois. 1966 Bachelor of Sciem:e Degree in Aerospace Engineering Boston University, 1971 EXPERIENCE: Sergio D. MagaroJas will SClVe as Project Manager for the Mechanical and Electrical Eogineering aspects of this project He is a Mechanical Engineer registered in the State of Florida and has over 25 years of professional experience specializing in air conditioning, heating. ventilating, life safety and acoustical systems design, and specification writing, Mr. Magarolas' work experience includes numerous projects at Miami International Airport, Florida International University and the Dade County School Board, He has been the Project Manager on several projects of which include: ~ Miami-Dade Aviation DeDortment - Miami, Florida Concourse "H~~ Improvements . Consulting Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection for a seventeen (17) gate concourse with pre-<:onditioned air and 400 Hz seIVice. Reference: Max Fajardo (305) 876-7129 Miami-Dade Aviation Department Citv orMiami Beach. Miami. Florida Miami Beach Convention Center - Providing and upgrading HV AC, Plumbing, Fire Protection and Electrical Engineering aspects of the Convention Center completed in 199 L Florida International Un;versitv - Miami. Florida Business Administration Building - Complete HV AC, Plumbing, Fire Protection and Electrical Engineering Scrvices for a completely new building. Library Expanston - Major renovations and expansion of existing Campus Library Facility for the addition of 300,000 sf of new construction. Reference: Richard Hofstetter (305) 348-4015 Florida International University Radioll'V Marti - Miami. Florida Complete renovation of an existing building in order to accommodate a multiple use radioltelevision broadcasting studio and adjacent administrative offices. Reference: Louise Long, Project Manager Federal GSA (954) 356-7662 r- 135I\LMERlA AVENUE CORAL GABlES, FLORIDA 33134 305 _2788 305 443-5944 FAX ~& " r- Project: Client: Description: Vear Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Project: Client: r- Description: Vear Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Project: Client: Description: Vear Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: r RFQ NO: DATE: MCHARRYASSOCIATES f\ttu.~ ~ PREVIOUS SIMILAR PROJECTS AIRPORT RESCUE FIRE FIGHTING FACILITY Broward County Aviation Department 320 Terminal Drive Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33315 Ken Jacobsen -Project Manager (954) 359-2343 26,000 sq ft mid field aircraft rescue and fire fighting facility comprised of an administration wing; a five bay ten vehicle apparatus area including a vehicle maintenance bay and an EMS station with hot and cold decon rooms; a second floor emergency operations and central communications center; and resident facilities complete with day room, dinin9 room, kitchen, toiletlshowernocker rooms. and a dormitory which sleeps sixteen fire fighters. 2001 $350,000 $5.67 million $5.48 million LANDSIDE OPERA TIONS OFFICE Dade County Aviation Department P,O. Box 592075 Miami, FL 33159 Terry Wagner - Head of Landside 305-876-7024 This 12,000 sq ft central control complex is an intensely developed, highly technical facility enabling 24 hour surveillance of all lands ide operations (parking, roadways, peoplemover systems, curbside arrivals and departures, commercial and charter bus service), The facllity includes dispatch and computer control rooms, a central CC1V console room to monitor over 150 remote cameras; training and administrative support spaces, break rooms and staff locker/shower areas. 2001 $256,000 $5 million $currenUy in bid phase FIRE STATION #10 Broward County Aviation Department 320 Terminal Drive Ft Lauderdale, FL 33315 Ken Jacobsen -Project Manager (954) 359-2343 20,000 sq ft new facility; fire rescue station; offices, dormitories; 6-drive lhru-bays; 1998 N/A $1.9 million $ Design Proposal 41-99/00 Janual)l14, 2000 . City of Miami Beach P.~. '11 r Project: Client: Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Project: Client: Description: ~ r RFQ NO: DATE: NORTH SIDE; FIRE; STATION Dade County Aviation Department P.O, Box 592075 Miami, FL 33159 Terry Wagner - Head of Landside 305-876-7024 Design/Build Proposal; 28,000 sq It 6 bay fire station with airport security 1997 N/A $3.4 million Design Proposal DADE; COUNTY COURTHOUSE; - Historic Resloration/Ranovalion Metro Dade County - GSA / DDFM Steve Haber - Project Manager 111 NW 1st Street Suite 2420 Miami, FL 33128 (305) 375-1115 (Client since 1979) Historic Courthouse 262,000 sf /18 story high rise; M.C, Harry has had multiple contracts through a general consultant contract to provide repairs and code updates. Tasks completed with innovative cost conscience design and problem solving included: Historic Lobbv Restoration: The original lobby of this 1928 building was an open-air breezeway with a two story atrium in the center. The lobby was enclose and air-condnioned in 1950 and the two story atrium was decked over, It was restored to its original 1928 grandeur in 1999. Historic Window reo/acement Replacement of old rusted steel casements with new energy efficient, historir.ally correct aluminum windows. Design was review and approved by both the State of Florida Historic Preservation officer as well as the local City of Miami Board. Historic PYramid Roof reoair. Design/Construction General roof repair, and improve safety access Historic reoairs to Terra Cotta exterior. Repairs to the terra cotta facade, required the replacement of over 600 individual 'stones'. Other projects completed within this historic building which had historic sensitive issues were: ADA comol/ance ramos: The challenge: develop and accessible entrance to the building that has a monumental elevated terrace feature and remain sensitive to the historic features of the building. The solution: a MJA compliant series of ramps added to the SW comer of the building designed to blend with the historic building, but at the same time, not compete. The use of the original granite glazed terra cotta will allow the ramp to become part of the background. The solution won praise and commendation from the local historic preservation board. 41-99/00 January 14, 2000 City 01 Miami Beach t>.~.. "18 / Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: ,--. Project: Client: Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: r- RFQ NO: DATE: Central chilled water svstam: The historic building was interconnected with Metro's Central Energy Plant via twin 12 inch chilled water pipes and Building Management System interface. This work was done below grade and into the basement so that the historic teatures of the building were undisturbed. Repairs were made to the basement columns (concrete encased steel) that were found to be deteriorating. Courtrooms / 'udoes chembers: Tower Courtrooms: Each of the "tower" floors has only 5,600 gross square feet and columns on a 15 foot grid. We developed a new courtroom design that allowed clear sight-lines and used historic detailing for ambiance. Floors 12, 13, 14 Clerk of the Court: After the county administration moved out in 1985, the courts made selected interior renovations to relocate specific functions. The project involved moving the jury pool, restoring a large courtroom, and renovations to the clerk-of-court facilities. - Life safety code correction and improvements - Interior renovations and space planning - Telecommunications system update On.oolng $810,000 $15.0 million $9.0 million to date CITY HALL - CITY OF CORAL GABLES City of Coral Gables Subrata Basu - Project Manager (now with the City of South Miami) 6130 Sunset Dr. South Miami, FL 33143 (305) 663-6344 Repair and restoration of historic City Hall fenestration. 1988 $14,522 $172,000 $170,050 41-99/00 January 14,2000 City of Miami Beach P~.."q r-- II ARCHITECTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING MCHARRYASSOCIATES r..~.. \03 MCHARRYASSOCIATES r-- CITY OF CORAL GABLES CITY HALL! EXTERIOR RESTORATION. CORAL GABLES. FLORIDA r II ARCHrTEC1\JRE ENGINEERING PlANNlNl P..~.. \0'1 r- PREVIOUS SIMILAR PROJECTS (Structural) ~~s Project: Client: PACKAGE C-l: DRIVES EXTENSION SOUTH SIDE Dade Aviation Consultants P.O. Box 594040 Miami, Florida 33159 Bob Williams- Project Manager (305) 869-3079 This $30 million project consists of 1200' of steel-framed bridge structure supported on concrete columns and augercast piles. The stringers vary between 22.5' and 45' long, and they are in turn supported on 60' long girders. Some of the columns and foundations are designed to support both the bridge at elevation 22', and a future Automated People Mover system to be built at elevation 65'. The foundation system consists of battered piles to resist tangential, braking and other lateral forces imparted by the APM. The APM pile caps are up to 7' deep and require extensive dewatering due to tbe proximity of the ground water. The project includes retained earth walls and a tied-back wall. The proximity of this project to adjacent structures including 7 story parking garages supported on vibro-compacted soil is cause for concern. The project includes several utilities including chiller lines, communication duct banks, and water and sewer lines. The bridge structure will be built in two portions longitudinally to allow a continual flow of traffic to exit the airport. Under Construction- Estimated 200 I $-600,000 $ 30,000.000 $N/A Description: r- Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost:. Aetual Cost: Project: Client: BELLSOUTH WORK MANAGEMENT CENTER BellSouth- Offerle Lerner Architects 13831 SW 59th Street, Suite 200 Miami, Florida 33183 (305) 385-1700 Upgrading and Strengthening of an existing 2 story steel frame building (approx. 100,000 square feet area) to hurricane wind loading as required by ASCE 7-88. Project included strengthening of existing steel frame to withstand higher lateral loads, strengthening of existing cladding to withstand the higher wind pressures and wind borne debris impact loading. Also, structural modifications to accommodate new electric/mechanical equipment 1997 $ 22,000 $ L5 million $ 1.6 million Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: r- RFQ NO.: 41-99/00 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DATE: January 14, 2000 E.N, Bechamps and Associates, Inc. . 5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite 150, Miami, Florida 33126 P_~.. 105' r- Project: Client: Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Project: Client: ~ Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Project: Client: Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: GTI-PACKAGEA Miam i International Airport Dade Aviation Consultants P.O. Box 594040 Miami, Florida 33159 (305)869-3079 Seven story infill between existing parking garages. Structure consists of precast and post tensioned concrete fran:.~s. Renovations to twelve existing elevators and new electric switchgear room to accommodate lowering of parking garage grades and permit creation of exclusive bus lanes. 1996 $ 750,000 $ 28 Million $ 31 Million GTI-P ACKAGE E-2 Miami International Airport Dade Aviation Consultants P.O. Box 594040 Miami, Florida 33159 (305)869-3079 Seven story parking garage with reinforced concrete columns and slabs supported on post tensioned concrete beams. Garage structure features over 60 feet clear spans and "gap structureslbridges" that connect the garage to existing parking garages. Structure designed to permit vertical expansion to accommodate STOL Aircraft 1997 $ 700,000 $ 28 Million $ 30 Million EMERALD FARMS WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE FACILITIES Acosta & Rodez 4444 SW 71st Avenue, Suite 112 Miami, Florida 33 I 55 (305) 662-7101 40, 000 square feet warehouse and office building utilizing steel bar joist and insulating concrete on metal dock roof, reinforced concrete tilt up wall panels and an industrial slab on grade. Dock height slab on grade. 1998 $ 20,000 $ 1.8 Million $ 1.8 Million RFQ NO.: 41-99/00 CI1Y OF MIAMI BEACH r- DATE: January 14, 2000 E.N. Bechamps and Associates, Inc. . 5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite ISO, Miami, Florida 33126 R.:\", 10' r- Project: POSTAL FACILITIES AT DORAL AND MILAM DAIRY ROAD AND TAMlAMI TRAIL United States Postal Service 7499 NW 31 st Street Miami, Florida 33122 (305)418-7327 These Postal Facilities range in size from 20,OOOsfto 25, OOOsf of enclosed space with additional provisions for covered truck docks and loading/unloading zones. Special features include retail space, vaults and a mezzanine inspectors area. Building construction consists of spread footings, steel columns, steel roof joists, reinforced block walls with tie columns and tie beams. 1999 $ 28,000 each $ 2.3 Million each $ 2.3 Million each Client: Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: r- RFQ NO.: 41-99/00 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ;- DATE: January 14, 2000 E.N. Bechamps and Associates, Inc. . 5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite ISO, Miami, Florida 33126 P-'3c 107 ;- J~=SUL_~~~~~ ~~~ t} PREVIOUS SIMILAR PROJECTS Name of Project: Client: Description of Work: South Miami Heights Fire Station No. 54 (Design-Build) Miam~Dade Fire Department To provide consulting engineering services cowring HVAC, Plumbing, Fire Protection and Electrical for the Fire Rescue Facility per County Standards. 1999 S7,OOO.00 S850,OOO.00 S850,OOO.00 Year Completed: Total Cost of Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Name of Project: Fort Lauderdaletl-lollywood Intemational Airport Airport Rescue Fire Ftghting (ARFF) Facility Broward County Aviation Department The provision of Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection Engineering Design Services for a Fire Rescue Facility and Central Communications Center located at a midfield sile to provide forftght fighting capabililiesas well as a central command center. 2001 (Estimated) S28,OOO.00 $3,000,000.00 SNlA Client: Description of Work: ~ Year Completed: Total Cost of Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Name of Project: Client: Description of Work: RadiolTV Marti U. S. Gowmment - General Services Administration To provide Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection Engineering Design Services to completely renovate an elCisting building in order to accommodate a multiple use radioltelevision broadcasting studios and adjacent administratiw offices. 1998 $45,500.00 S2,5oo,OOO.00 Year Completed: Total Cost of Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: S3,000,000.00 RFQ No.: 41-99/00 DATE: January 14, 2000 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH r- 135 ALMERIA AVENUE CORAL GAIlI.ES, flORIDA 33134 30S 448-2788 30S 443-S844 FAX p.~.. lOt r- Name of Project: Client: Description of Work: Dade County Courthouse Miami-Dade County Renovations necessary to correct fire code lliolations from the 1" to the 27'" floors; the addilion of fire sprinklers and building wide fire alarm detection system; and partial HVAC renovations to Ihe 7'" floor at the old Dade County Coorthouse on Flagler Street in relation to all Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Fire Protection systems. 1999 $22,000.00 N1A N/A Year Completed: Total Cost of Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Name of Project: Galnesllille Federal Building 1 U.S. Post Office 1 Courthouse Clerk's OffICe Renowtion~ansion General Services Administration Provision of a comprehensiw HVAC, Plumbing, Fire Protection and Electrical Engineering Study cowring the renovation of the U.S. Post Office and Courthouse Clerk's OffICe. 1998 $5,000.00 N/A N/A Client: Description of Work: r- Year Completed: Total Cost of Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: RFQ No.: 41-99/00 DATE: January 14, 2000 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ;- R.u. 10"1 SDM CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 135 ALMERIA AVENUE CORAL GABlES, FLORIOA 33134 305 448-2788 30S 443-5844 FNX ~ Project: Clieot: Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Project: Client: Description: ~ Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Project: Client: Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: PREVIOUS SIMILAR PROJECTS (Civil) 65th A VENUE AND BLUE LAGOON DRIVE FROM NW 62nd TO NW 7th STREET The Hogan Group 701 Waterford Way (NW 62nd Avenue> Suite 400 Miami. Florida 33126 (305) 262-6250 Survey, Design and construction administration of a 4-lane Urban roadway with curb and gutter, drainage, water, sanitary sewer, lighting and pavement markings. 1990 $ 209 $ 2.570,000 $ 2,569.320 NW 7th STREET BRIDGE The Hogan Group 701 Waterford Way (NW 62nd Avenue) Suite 400 Miami. Florida 33126 (305) 262-6250 Four lane, four span bridge over two railroads at switching point. Bridge on horizontal and vertical curve and supporting multiple utilities. Structure consists of prestressed concrete beams and structural steel plate girders. 1992 $ 372,000 $ 5.0 Million $ 5.6 Million WATERFORD AT BLUE LAGOON DEVELOPMENT OF REGIONAL IMPACT The Hogan Group 701 Waterford Way (NW 62nd Avenue) Suite 400 Miami. Florida 33126 (305) 262-6250 A development of360 + acres. The development is approved for 4.53 million sf of office, 30,000 sf retail, 500 restaurant seats. 10,000 sf Health Club and five hotels totaling 1,400 rooms. The project includes: a ground water monitoring program, wetland mitigation and monitoring program and annual report on state form BLWM-07-85 until project completion. Under Construction $ 92.000 $N/A $N/A RFQ NO.: 41-99/00 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH r- DATE: January 14, 2000 EoN. Bechamps and Associates, Inc. . 5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite ISO. Miami. Florida 33126 p_~.. 110 r- Project: Client: Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Project: Client: Description: ;- Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Project: Client: Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: WATERFORD PUMP STATION AT NW 7th STREET The Hogan Group 701 Waterford Way (NW 62nd Avenue) Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33126 (305) 262-6250 Design and construction administration for Major Pump Station, Stand by Generator and Generator Building. 1992 $ 49,000 $ 478,900 $ 486,000 WATERFORDAT BLUE LAGOON BUILDING 7011703 The Hogan Group 701 Waterford Way (NW 62nd Avenue) Suite 400 Miami, Florida 33126 (305) 262-6250 Water and Sewer main extensions, drainage, paving and grading for twin 260,000 sf office buildings including wetland mitigation Under Construction $ 456,000 estimate $ 52,000,000 $N/A G17-PACKAGE B-2 Miami International Airport Dade Aviation Consultants P.O. Box 594040 Miami, Florida 33159 (305) 876-0618 Seven story parking garage with reinforced concrete columns and slabs supported on post tensioned concrete beams. Garage structure features over 60 fee! clear spans and "gap structureslbridges" that connect the garage to existing parking garages. Structure designed to permit vertical expansion to accommodate STOL Aircraft 1997 $ 700,000 $ 28 Million $ 30 Million RFQ NO.: 41-99/00 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH r- DATE: January 14, 2000 E.N. Bechamps and Associates, Inc. . 5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite ISO, Miami, Florida 33126 P.~.. III ~=~ ~~,~ A~{ South Pointe Streetlczpe, Miami Beach, FL ClIent Miami Beact1 Redevelopment Agency Alex RolandeIU 305-73-7295 ;- Description or Work: The Redevelopment A/;JerI:I has targeted the SautI1 Pointe Redevelopment District at Miami Beach far major raactNay, U1ffdy, and aesthetic: improvemenls because of 1I1e current and future development potenliaJ of this r&gion. The projact emphasis Is on enhancement 0/ !he urban and neighborhood corridors end acIlievlng a baIancI between pedestrian and vehicular mobiraty. Our ftnn was contracted to update the CUany Plat8r. Zyberll Master Plan for South Pointe and pl8p8l8 complete alrI51ruclion docUmenls for aD the improvements. Working closely With DPZ, we updated the Master Plan and prepared a comprehensive phasing plan and cost estimates tor the ~n time and on budget. Together with !he City, we developed 10 aggressivll schedule far Phase I. ConstrIlcIian documents for the $5,000,000 Phase I improvements Mil be prepared in approximately 19 weeks, allowing construction to begin this spring. Yelf Compleled: Ongoing ToIII.....: $400,000 TataJ Construction Cost $24,000,000 City of Mia.n:U Beach Park., Miami Beach, FL ClIent REG Ard1Itects MuroFanjW (305) 672-1092 DucripUon of Work: The finn was recently se/ectad by !he CIty 01 M'l8mi Beach to 1WIava/e 11 community patks. These renovations are part of the Sale Nelghbalhoad Paries bond pragnun, which pltlVides funding far community park Improvements. There lII8 8 varlety of active and passive parks ranging in size from one to 12 IICI8&. Some of !he park fealuIes include balike1baO, hamllaD, and tennis COllItS, lollat and playground areas, community/recreation centen;, waJkW8yI, and watelWay OVlIrtoalcS. We clvided the city Into Unee geographical areas to maintain US8 of at least one local park during conslluclfon. Instead of closing aD the parks ill one central location, renovations Mil occur on a rotating basis in each IIll8. This WiU aIlaw local residents to maintain the use 01 other paries in Ulefr I/ll8 whDe one is being renovated. We are also WDIfclng with the city to unify aD sile r 1111 1_...... -.----... P_~lt 112 ~ ......,_n Kimley-Hom ~_u andAs&ocl9p;,fnc, development of a fast-track construction program saved Implementation costs. In fact, the construction cost estimalecl during the planning phase equaJed the c:onslJuction bid amount, and lhB final conatrucIion cost. Throughout plan and design deveIopmen~ we maintained closs coordination wtth the local business community to optimize the fit between the physlcal Improvel1lBnts and the goal to revitab UncoIn Road as one of the premiere shopping districts In Soulh Florida. M a result 01 the lmpIOvements. UncoIn Road MaD has indeed become a premiere shopping d1stricl Year CompJ.ted: 1996 Total Fees: $1,000.000 Total CoMtruclian ClI5I: $14,500,000 wllIlin budget ;- Venetian Causeway, Miami Beach, FL CIIBIIl: City of Miami Beach Julio Grave de Peralta (305) 673-7080 Description of WorIc The City 01 MIami Beach has targeted th. Venetian Islands for major roadway, utility. and elSlhelic improvllmants becau.le they are on the National Register of Historical Places. Tha Cfty's goal Is 10 restore the Venetian Causeway and the islands to IIleIr origina/ character. Our firm has been Instrumental In developing a rna&ter plan and Implementation strategy for these Improvements. Working closely with area residents and property owners, we completed the first phase of the master planning procass and are coortinating the planned improvemenll wilh property owners and regulatory agencie.. This S27 mDllon project includes roadway, ulIlity, and beautilleallon enhancements that were developed through extensive consensus building plOCllSS with mul1lpla stakeholders including the City of MIamI Beach. the CIty of Miami, lhB VIIl8tian ~1S AssocIation, the Venetian Causeway ADIance. FOOT, and DERM. Year ComplatBd: OngcIng Total Fees: $230,000 TolIl CoMtructlan eo.t: $24,000,000 EItimated "..- 1~V- ...- -.--...-- PG~~ 113 ~ ~_n Kin!aPf-Hom ~_, ...] ancLAss'lCial8s,Inc. ~ Mi8D1i Beach W utewater Collection System Optimization, Miami Beach, FL Cllant City 01 M"wni Beach Public Works John OePazos (30S) 673-7080 Ducript/on of Work: Kimley-Hom is pIllViding IIle CIty of MiamlIleach with a comprehllll5lve wastewater infiltlalion and tnftClw (III) program. The program employs a mufti.phase concrrtion a8l8&Slllel1t approach beginning with broad program development and prooee<fmg with sucx:essively nillTOWlng targets of further study and ultimate I8COIlsbuCllon 0/ only those porIicns 01 the sanIlary syslem that would provide subslanlIaI. cost-effective III eUmination. The initial study IdentiIied 6.5 mllUon gallons per day (MGD) of Infiltration into the system thai Is cost-tlfecllv8 to remove. In subsequent phases we Identifl8d the sources 01 the 1/1, deslgned c:orrective rehabirdations, and 818 ultimately overseelng the conslnlc.1fon. Nearly 500,000 LF 01 sanitary sewer has been 1nvestigal8d. and mOl8than 300,000 LF has been recommended lot rehabl6tation. K1m1ey..Hom's extanslve effort In preparing the plans and .peclflcation tor this project haVlI resuIled in contract un~ prices thet 818 the I~ In tile country. To date, more than eo percent of tile recommended pipe rehabllJtatlon has been completed, with the gIUtest SOUIC8S of 1/1 being addreued first This IlhabDitation has resufted in elImineting aboul80 percent of the estimated 6.5 MOO 0/ III from the sanftal}' sewer system. Once complete, this 1/1 reduction program win save the CIty an esllmated $2. t million per year In reduced llealment c:osI$, Veer COrnpJeled: Ongoing TataI Fees: $3 mlIDon Total COnstruction Cost: $25,000,000 EstImated Lincoln Road Mall, Miami Beach, FL Client CIty 01 M"1iIIIi Beach Julio Grave de Peralta (305) 673-7080 Deacrlpllon of Warlc: The finn provided planning and englnetrill\J servlca8 for the redevelopment d the UncoIn Road Mal~ a mixed-use cenl8t accommodating arts and entertainlll8l1l, omce. retail, and residential US8$. We worked closely with the project an:hilect In tile planning and design of !he malI'a inlrastruclul8 and beautillcation Ilemenls. As a result, our r- 11 -- ~__ -.--...-.... p~c 11'1 ., --.--v...~..,:--.-. ~ ~_n Kimley-Ham ~_, ~ and Associal8s,1nc. ~ r- Previous Similar Projects North Shore Area Roadway Improvements, Miami Beach, FL ClIent: City at MIamI Beach Ronnie S"1Ilge( (305) 673-7010 x6354 Description of Worlc The reviIaJIzalfon at MiamI Bead1's NOlth Shole is bJming around Y88ll of decline. Encouraged by the City's extensive ciIywide program to Improve the infrastructurt, strHlscape, and landscape archltllClllre of the lII1lI's streets lIIld sidewalks, Investors !Ire pouring millions into the evcluliDn of NolIh Beach, a transformation they hope Will rival the &UCC8SS oIlrendy South BelCh a few miles away. Since 1989, KImIey-tiom's work with the CIty 01 Miami Beech ha been critfcallo estabUshing the roadway and streetscape elements upon which this l8VilaJization win build. The firm ha provided streetscape design, urban design, landape archfteeture, utBlties and dtafnage design, roadway engineering, transportatIon.related servtces, and construcllon phase services for three miles 01 improvaments. Altogether, projects valued at about $300 milfion are under construclion or planned for North Beach by 2000, according to Donald Shockey, executive dIrect.or of the North BelCh Deveklpmenl Corporation. RanovaIed hotels, restaurants, and night dubs are the main focu$ 01 developmant efforts, and condominiums are also appearfng on once empty lots. EnhancIng pedestrian areas has been an emphasis during 1I1ls $16.5 minion program, and Ocean T enace, which fronts the beach and AUantic Ocean, now boasts sidewalks wide enough 10 accommodale llUldoor cafes II well a pedestrian tralIic. lOmIey.Hom'S uslstance to the city has also Included designaling a special assessment district covering the roadway , CDIridor that included over 300 properly ownall.ln addition to buDding strong local consensus for the project. we assIsl8d the city in obtalning OYer 57.5 milfion In funding from sources outskIe the city. Now essentially complete. the North Shore roadway improvement& have established a solid foundation for a revitalized North Beach. Year COmpleted: 1998 Total Fees: $1,500,000 Total Construction Cost $16,500.000 Estimated 1 I -l' ~-a&lII -.--...-... P.~~ Il~ ~ ~_~ 1OmIey-Hom ~_L) andA~,Inc. furnishings and fixtures. Not only will this establlsh a cohesive look for the city and each park, ft will resullln a one-tim.onJy bid and purchase effort. Vear Completed: Ongoing Total "-s: $65,000 Total Construction Cost: $2.400,000 r- r- ,,.,-,. J IIlJlllc ...........--...-.... p_~~ 11(, r Project: Client: Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Project: Client: Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Project: Client: Description: Year Completed: T alai Fe.. : Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: r- RFQ NO: DATE: MCHARRY ASSOCIA TES A-tI-~~Cr Previous I Current Project for the City of Miami Beach 1{j" Street Auditorium City of Miami Beach Bruce Lamberto . Project Manager 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 673-7630 ADA barrier removal, handicapped access to the Auditorium, Miami Design Preservation League Bookstore and gift shop. Building retained original design, placing access ramp on side of building providing access to all areas including patio, beach, and Ocean Drive Promenade. 1999 $3,935 $27,500 $27,500 Beach Patrol Headquarters City of Miami Beach Bruce Lamberto - Project Manager 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 673-7630 ADA barrier removal for "Poster Chiid" of Miami Beach Art Deco Weekend. Handicapped access for Beach Patrol Headquarters as well as public bathrooms. Symmetrical arrangement of ramps matched symmetrical facade of building making the improvements appear to be a part of the original design. 1999 $3,935 $10,700 $ under construction The Old Municipal Office Building City of Miami Beach Bruce Lamberto - Project Manager 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 673.7630 ADA barrier removal to handicapped access, keeping original design into consideration, making grand main entry ramp with attractive handrails and landscaping. 1999 $11,790 $ unknown $ under construction 41-99/00 January 14, 2000 . City of Miami Beach p~c \11 r' Project: Client: Description: Year Completed: Total Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Project: Client: ~ Description: Year Completed: Total Fees : Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Project: Client: Description: Year Completed: Total Fees : Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Previous I Current Project for the City of Miami Beach BOTANICAL GARDEN MASTER PLAN STUDY City Of Miami Beach Mr. Michel Magloire- Project Manager 1700 Con~ention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 673- 7080 ENBA in conjuction with Curtis & Rogers prepared a master plan for the renovation and up-grading of the Botanical Gardens at the City of Miami Beach. ENBA performed a structural survey of the Conservatory structure which had been condemned by the City and proposed several altematives for its restoration. There were several meetings with the community. 1999 $ 24,500 $ 2.8 Million $N/A FIRE HOSE TOWER RESTORATION City of Miami Beach Mr. Bruce Lamberto -Project Manager 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 673- 7807 A complete concrete restoration of the existing historic Hose Tower. ENBA performed a survey, documented the deterioration and prepared repair drawings. The doors adn window. were also replaced to exact:'1g historical records. 1999 $ 18,600 $ 180,000 $ N/A HEUPAD ANALYSIS, POUCE HEADQUARTERS City of Miami Beach Bruce Lamberto - Project Manager 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 (305) 673- 7807 Review of existing drawings and an analysis of the existing structure to determine the type of aircraft that could be safety carried by the Upper Parking Deck of the Police Headquarters building. 1999 $ 3,000 $N/A $N/A ;- RFQ NO.: 41-99/00 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH DATE: January 14, 2000 E.N. Bechamps and Associates, Inc. . 5200 Blue Lagoon Drive, Suite ISO, Miami, Florida 33126 p.~.. \I i ~ J ~ =,"LTI'" ENG~EERS.INC. PREVIOUS/CURRENT PROJECTS for the City of Miami Beach Name of Project: Client: Description of Work: Miami Beach Conwntion Center C~y of Miami Beach Provide and upgrade the HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing & Fire Protection Engineering Serllices for the Conwntion Center. 1991 $100,000 $26 Million $28 Million Year Completed: Total Cost of Fees: Estimated Cost: Actual Cost: Name of Project: Client: Description of Worf!: Lummus Park Improwments City of Miami Beach Provide Electrical and Plumbing Engineering Services forthe addilion and renovation of drinking fountains, path lights and toDet facilities. Approx. 18 years ago. Unknown Unknown Unknown Year Completed: Total Cost of Fees: Ef:timated Cost: Actual Cost: RFQ No.: 41-99/00 DATE: January 14, 2000 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH r- 135 ALMERIA AVENUE CORAL GABLES, FLORIDA 33134 30S 448-2788 30S 443-5844 FAX P,c "'" ~ ~=n =..~ Previou./Currcnt Projects for the City of Miami Beach Lincoln Road. Mall, Miami Beach, FL Client City of Miami Beach JuDo Grave de Peralta (305) 673-7080 DescrIption of Worle: The linn provided planning and engineering selViees for the redevelopment of the UncoIn Road MaR, a fl1ixed.use center accommodating arts and entflltlinmlrll, office, retaH, and flI5ldenliaJ uses. We worked closely willt the project archneclln 1he planning and deslgn of the mall's Infrastructure and beautificallon elements, AJ a resull, our development 0/ a last.lnIck construction program saved implementation costs. In fact, the constJU<:lion cost es1lmaled during \he planning phase equaled lite construction bid amount, and the final construclion cost. Throughout plan and dosl!Jl development. we maintained close COOIdinallon with the IllCal.buslness community to optimize Iha iii between tha physical Improvements and the goal to revltaIize UncoIn Road as one of the premiere shopping districts in South Aorida. As a resutt of \he Improvements, Uncoln Road Mall has Indeed become a premiere shopping cfl&trict. Vear Completed: 1996 Total "-: $1,000,000 Total Construr:tlon Cost $14,500,000 wilhln budget North. Shore Area Roadway IJtlprovemenu, Miami Beach, FL ClIent: city 0/ Miami Beach Ronnie Singer (305) 673-7010 x63S4 DescrIption of Work: The ravitalIzaJian crt Miami Beach.. North Sllora is turning around years of decfme. EncourlIged by the Clty's extensive citywide Plllllram to Improve the infraslructuIe, strwta..ape, and landscape ardIileclure of tho lIIea'S streels and sidewalk8, Investor$ all! pouring mnlions into the evoIutlon 01 North Beach, a transIormatkln they hcpe win riwI the success oIandy South B8ach a tvw miles away. SincB 1989, Klmley-Horn's work with the CIty at Miami Beach has been crilIc:aIlo r- ~~. 1~.1.6.. ~o.....,.,...............N. Po3< IZO ~ ~=n =-I~ establishing the roadway and streetscape ellmenlll upon which this revitaJiza1Icn will build. TIle finn has provided slnletsc:ape desi~, urban design, landscape an:hiteclure, ublities and drainage design, roadway engineering, transpoIlation-reIaled sarvices, and construction phase servicas for three m~es of lmpIovemenlll. A1togelher, projects valued at about S300 milfion all! under constnJctIon or planned for North Beech by 2000, according to Donald Shockey, executive director 0/ the North Beach Development Corporalfon. Renovated hotels. restaurants, and night clubs are the main focus of deVelcpment efforts, and condomIniwnI are also appearing an once empty lots. Enhancing pedestrian areas has been an emphasis during this $16.5 mijrlOfl program, and Ocean Terrace, which fronrs the beach and Atlantic Ocean, now boasts sidewalks wide enough to aa:cmmodala outdoor cafes as weB as pedestrian traffic. Klmlay-Hom's assistance to the city has also included designallng a special __man! district cowring the roadway corrtdor 1hat included OYer 3QO property owners. In addition to buiJdlng strong local consensus for the project. we assisted the city In obtaining over $7.5 miUlon in funding from IOUrces outside the city, Now usenUally comptets, the North Shore roadway improvements have established a solid foundation for a revitalized Nofth Bead!. ;- Year Comp/fied: Ongoing Total Fees: $1,500,000 Total Construction Cost: $16.soo,000 Estimated Venetian Causeway, Miami Beach, FL 018111: City of M"llU11i Bead! Julio Grave de Peralta (305) 673-7080 Description 01 WorIc The City of Mlaml Beach hu targeted the Venetian Islands for major Ill8dway, UllIily, and aathelIc improvements bec:ausa they are on the National Register at Historical Places. The City's goal is 10 restore the Venetian Causeway and the islands to Ihelr original characler. Our linn hu been InstJumentaI in developing a master plan and implementation stJategy for these Improvements. Working cIosaIy with l1l1I8 residents and propetty owners, we completed the first phase of the master planning process and are coordinating the planned impllMlll18nts with praperty owners and regulatory agencies. This $27 million project includes roadway, utlrJly, and beautification enhancements that_e deveIcped th/llUgh extensive consensus bulld'ing process with multiple stakeholders including the City of Miami Beach, the CIty of M"18IlIi, the Venetian Homeowners Association, the Venetian Causeway Alrlanes, FOOT, and DERM. r- 1 rr __ -.----... Po.:,!& 11./ ~ ~=~ ~~.~ Vear Cornplewd: Ongoing Total Ftes: $230,000 Talal Canstructlon Cost: $24.000,000 Estimated ;- North Beach Recreational Coniclor, Miami, FL ClIent: Cily of Miami Beach Amelia lopes Johnson 673-7550 Dactipl/on of Wark: In our approach forthe preliminaJy muter plan prepared lor the two-mDe North Beach RecraaIionaI Corridor, rN'J element of pedestrian and bicycle comfort and safety was conaidered. SlIong local WKIerstandlng and S\4lPorI for the facility has mulled in commItrnenls for partial private funding, while the Itrength of the muter plan ~ the CIty of Miami Beach Obtain a $1.6 milUon grant through the MPO's Transportation Enhancement PrtlIJram (administered thlllllgh the federal govemment's ISTEA PrtlIJram). Vear CompJmd: Ongoing Total Fees: $50,000 Tatal Canltructlon Cast: $2,400,000 Estimated Miami Beach Waatewater Collection System. Optimi2;ation, Miami Beach, FL Client: City of MIami Beach PUbrlC Works John DePazos (305) 673-7080 Descripllan of Worle I<Imley-Hom is proy\cing the CIty of Miami Beach with a comprehensive wastewater lnfiIIIatian ancllntlaw (III) prtllJlll'll. The pragrIIT1l111p/oyaa mu/tI-phaaI COlldIlIan UIeSsment approach beginning with broad program deveIapment and Prac:eedlng with IIUCl:IIIMIy narrowing targets of luI1her study and Ultimat818C01lStrUcllan of only lhoS8 portions of the sanilaJy system that would provide 1IUbstanIfal. COSl-elfective In elimination. The initial study identiftad 6.5 million gallons per day (MGD) of infiltration into the syIIlem that III COSl-elfecllva to remove.. In subsequent phases we identified the sources 01 the In, designed c:onective r-- '''-_...11]1 ...... -.--...-.... r~~.. 1~2 ...~._. "-n' ~ ~_n Kinley 110m ~_L' andfFp.,lnc. .' rehabllllatlons, and are ultimately overseeing !he COll&IlIIClion. Nearly 500,000 LF of I8I1Itary sewer has been investfgIled, IIld mOl8Ihan 300,000 LF has been recommended for rehabt1itallon. Kim~'s extensive effort in preparing the plans and specificalian for 1I1is project have resulted In contract un. prices tI1al are the lowest In the countly. To dale, more than 80 percent of the recommended pipe rehablRIaIlon has been complel8d, with the greatest sources 011/1 belng addressed IIJst.. ThIs Ilheb~italIon has resulted in eliminating about 80 percent 01 the estimated 65 MGD 011/1 from !he sanitary sewer system. Once complete, this 1/1 reduclIon program wln save the City an estimated $2.1 mlnlon per year In reduced treatment costs. Year Completed: Ongoing Total Fees: $3 milUon Total Construcllon Cost: $25,000,000 Estimated ;- Collin. Avenue Watennain and Sanitazy Sewer Ln~e~u,MUmDBe~,FL CIlent: City of Miami Beach Julio Grave De Peralta (305) 673-7080 Description of Work: The Clly of Miami IleadI seIel:ted KimJey-Hom to design, penn_, and oversee c:onstrucIlon for watermalns and sanltaly sewer Improvements wociaIed with new higIHise deo.eIopmen1s along CoDins Avenue. We met a tight project schedule IIlIllSUII that _r line services III tile Lowe's Convention Center Hotel werv consIJuct8d in lime for the hotel opening. ConstrucIIon allbe hotel, and FIortda Power and light (FP&l.) system Imprwernents ran conwrrenUy wIIh our ulI1i\y Improvements. We COOIdInated closely with Lowe's 0eveI0pmenl Corporation and FP&L III provide them access to their sites, and to keep vehicular and pedes1rian trafftc flowing. After meeting with _ stakeholders, we devised an Innovative maintenance-of.trafflc plan that mininized lnconv8niences to the pIbIIc, We also schPIIed nighltfme construction to reduce trafllc Impacls. Before we completed tile plllject. we provided restoration III sld8waIks, curbs and gutters adjacent to the project site to maintain e consistent street appearance along Collins Avenue. y., COI\IPINd: 1997 Total Fee.: $150,000 ,-. 1 DIN, __ -.-.........--... p~~ \'2.3 1""'1_" KinIIy-Hom 1Ill...J_'~ and.l""'"As,1nc. TataI Construction Caat: $1.700,000 -- Miami Beach Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Miami Beach, FL Client: City of Miami Beach Julio Grave De Peraltl (305) 573-7080 OeIcrlptfan of Worlc In February, 1995. the firm Plllp8red and S1bmitted a proposal to !he South Florida Water Management 0islJlcl for the Cily of Miami Beach in response to the District's request for proposals for a cooperative cost-share water conseIVllion project. Our IIpproach was to conduct a study and design pilot facilllles 10 delennine It1e feasibirdy of using a aha/low aquifer storage and recovelY syslIm as an irrigation supply forthe city. The prcpoeal was selecl8d from 60 granl submillals In Octobe/' 1995, The project CllIl$isls of two phases. The fiIst phas8 included an engineering and hydrogeologic feasibi6ty study. The study WIll used to cletermlne jf ASR was viable for Miami Beach. The second phase 01 the project includes design, conslruclion, and Implementation of a full-scale piot ASR testing program that will Include cycflc recharge and flICOVelY 01 stored water from !he target aquifer. The project was unanimously appIll'Ied by the Dfstrict's Board and by !he City of Miami Beach Capital Improvements Board. Tom Singleton, project manager for tho! DistI'.cl, saJd, "The Distrk:t Is ltuly exdted about this project concept and believes thalthis creatlve approach should be applied up and down Florida's coast.. The project which began In March, 1996, represants the largest grsnt given to any munk:lpaJlly under this proposal. Year Compfmd: 1998 TataI Feet: $350,000 Talal Construction Cost: nla South Pointe Streeucape, Miami Beach, FL Client: Miami Beach Rldevelcpment Agency Descrlptfon 0' WarIc The Redevelq1ment AIJent;y has targeted the Soulh Pointe Redevelopment Dlstricl of Miami Beacll for major roadway, utirdy. and aesthetic Impl'OV8l1lents becaUse of It1e current and future cfevelopment potential of this region. The project emphasis ia on enhancement of the urban r- 1 -- -. -.----.. , . '.' '("""~: .._~-:- P..~. 11.&/ ~=n :~=""re and neighborhood corridors and achieving a balance belween pedestrian and vehicular moblfl\y. Our firm was contracted to upcIaIe the Cuany Plater. Zyberk Master Plan lor South Pointa and prepare complete eonstnIclion documents lor all the improvements. WorIdng cIo&eIy with DPZ, we updated the Master Plan and 'Pf'epilled a comptehensive phasing plan and cost eslfmates for the City on time and on budgeL T ogelher wI1h the City, we developed an aggressive schedule lor Phase J. ConslJuclion documents lor lha $5,000,000 Phase I improvements wiD be prepared in approximately 19 weeks. a1fow1ng oonslIUCIion to begin lhls spring. Vear Complllt8cl: Ongoing Total Fees: $400,000 Total Constluclion Coat: $24,000,000 r- ,r- if THU . __ -.-.---.. -'-~~"{"'-,' OF l' .~., q.:....,.-. ,<"..-~.,- P..~& 12S' - _.u ..~._: ..,......