Attachment 129 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH pTY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 \;\\ci.miami.beach.fl. us TO: FROM: SUBJECT: ;- COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. 1: I S" - Do Mayor Neisen 0, Kasdin and Members of the City Commission Lawrence A. Levy' \. / City Manager \R<J DATE: May 24, 2000 A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List; Specifically for ArchitecturaI/Engineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the 10th Street Beachfront AuditoriumIBeach Patrol Headquarters; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of STA Architectural Group, to Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facility and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of RJ Heisenbottle, Inc., Should the Administration Not Be Able to SuccessfulIy Negotiate a Contract with the Top Ranked Firm. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS: On November 2,1999, the City of Miami Beach voters approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bond for Neighborhood, Parks and Beach. and Fire Safety Improvements. In an effort to begin the implementation of these Bond Projects, the City desires to contract with design professionals in accordance with Florida Statute 287.055 for planning and the preparation of the constructionlbidding documents needed to undertake the work detailed in the Scope of Work for the above mentioned facilities. The selected firm will be responsible for reviewing existing City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinances and Building Codes, and for incorporating the data into complete construction documents including final working drawings, maintenance expenses, construction estimates, specifications, and bid documents necessary for the bidding and construclion of this project. r AGENDA ITEM Cl f'J S -2'+-00 DATE r- RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Two May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (~ontinued) The firm will be responsible for obtaining all Federal, State and local permits' necessary for the construction of the project, and may also be required to provide consulting services to the City on various matters which do not result in drawings or specifications. The design will be developed with the input of the City Administration, the various City Boards an:! Committees, as well as area residents and other interested individuals and groups. The design team for this project will be headed by an ArchitectlEngineer with considerable historic preservation, acoustical and structural experience. The historic lOth Street AuditoriumlBeach Patrol Headquarters is located at 1001 Ocean Drive, in Ihe cenler of historic Lwnmus Park and the heart of the Art Deco District. The Beach Patrol Headquarters was originally constructed in 1935 and the 10th Street (Oceanfront) Auditorium in 1953. ~ The improvements currently envisioned will include the restoration and expansion of the Beach Patrol Headquarter offices, restroom/lockers for both female and male lifeguards, restoration and possible expansion of the auditorium to better serve the neighboring hotels, use for special events and city recreation division programs. The program will also include new acoustical sound proofing, interior/exterior lighting, Ale, roofing, interior and exterior renovation, parking and other related items and immediate site improvements. On January 12, 2000, the Commission adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance of a RequeSl for Qualifications (RFQ) for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List. The RFQ was issued on January 20, 2000, with an opening date of March 1,2000. Four-hundred- fifty-six (456) notices and one-hundred-sixteen specifications were issued, resulting in the receipt of eight (8) responsive responses from the following firms; Allequez & Associates Beilinson Archilects Daphne J. Gurri Architecture Edward Lewis Architecture Giller & Giller Inc. Judson & Partners RJ Heisenbottle ST A Architectural Group r r- RFQ No. 41.99/00 Page Three May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) Letter to Commission (LTC) No. 41-2000, dated March 22, 2000 established an Evaluation Committee consisting of the following individuals: Victor Varela, GO Bond Project Oversight Committee Member Kevin Smith, Director of Parks & Recreation Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Brad Judd, Property Management Director John Becker, Ocean Drive Association Member William Cary, Assistant Director of Planning Ronnie Singer, Assistant City Manager On March 23 2000, the Evaluation Committee met to review all the responses received. Victor Varela was selected as the Committee Chairperson. Each committee member in attendance reviewed and evaluated all responses in accordance with the criteria listed in the RFQ, and submitted their individual score sheets 10 the Chairperson. The Committee was required, in accordance with the RFQ, to select a minimum of three of the top ranked firms, The Committee agreed to have each member shortlist by selecting their five top ranked finns. Below are th!l results: r- First Round: (aU firms receiving votes) Firm VV KS CC BJ JB WC RS Ill!!! Allequez & Associates X X X X 4 Beilinson Architects X X X X X X 6 Daphne 1. Gurri Architecture X X X X 4 Edward Lewis Architecture X X X 3 Giller & Giller Inc. X X X X 4 RJ Heisenbottle X X X X X X X 7 STA Architectural Group X X X X X X X 7 The committee member's initials are as follows: VV: Viclor Varela BJ: Brad Judd WC: William Cary KS: Kevin Smith JB: John Becker RS: Ronnie Singer CC: Christina Cuervo Based on the above results, the Committee agreed to shortlist the three (3) top-ranked firms, as highlighted above. r- BeiIinson Architects RJ Heisenbottle STA Architectural Group r- RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Four May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) On April I 0, 2000, the three (3) firms made oral presentations before the Evalualion Committee. The Committee's role was 10 evaluate and rank the firms based on the following criteria identified in the RFQ: Firm's Experience, Project Manager's Experience, Previous Similar Projects, Qualifications of Project Team, and Certified Minority Participation. The rankings listed below are the final results of the committee's evaluation of each firm at the conclusion of the oral presentations. Victor Varela, Christina Cuervo, and Ronnie Singer did not attend this meeting. Second Round: (three top-ranked firms) Firm KS BJ JB WC Total Rank Beilinson Architects 3 3 2 3 11 3 RJ Heisenbottle 2 2 3 2 9 2 STA Architectural Group 1 I 1 I 4 1 The committee me~ber's initials are as follows: r- r- KS: Kevin Smith BJ: Brad Judd 18: John Becker WC: William Cary The committee ranked the firm of ST A Architectural Group as the top-ranked firm, and RJ Heisenbottle, Inc. as the second-ranked firm. Attached is the following additional information on the top-ranked firm (STA Architectura1 Group): Attachment 1: Firm's Profile. Attachment 2: Project Team's Experience and Previous Similar Projects. Attachment 3: Previous/Current City of Miami Beach Projects by ST A Architectural Group. The Committee's recommendation was provided to the City Manager for his consideration. In accordance with the terms of the RFQ, the City Manager has reviewed the Evaluation Committee's recommendation and concurs with its ranking of responses. The Mayor and City Commissioners are not bound by either the City Manager's or the Evaluation Committee's recommendations. The City Manager recommends that the Mayor City Commission accept the ranking by the Evaluation Committee, authorize the City Administration 10 enter into negoliations with the top- ranked firm of ST A Architectura1 Group, and authorize the Administration to negotiate with the second-ranked firm of RJ Heisenbottle Inc., should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked firm. LAL:~:~:j~ ," ~c--. - . ~..,..- Afteraction Report May 24, 2000 City Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach cm Commission Memorandum No. 415-00 A Resolution Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List; Specifically for Architectural/Engineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for the 10th Street Beachfront AuditoriumlBeach Patrol Headquarters; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of ST A Architectural Group, to Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facility and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of RJ Heisenbottle, Inc., Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top Ranked Firm. ~ Administration Recommendation: Adopt the Resolution. (Parks/Property Management Departments) ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23928 adopted. Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli and Jorge Chartran to handle. r- r- Prepared by the City Clerk's Office Page 13 RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23928 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER PERTAINING TO THE RANKING OF PROPOSALS RECEIVED IN RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NO. 41-99/00 FOR ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING, LANDSCAPE ARCIllTECTURAL AND GRAPIDC DESIGN SERVICES FOR VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NOVEMBER 2,1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION (GO) BOND PROJECT NO.5, FOR ARCIllTECTURAUENGINEERING SERVICES TO DEVELOP DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE 10TH STREET BEACHFRONT AUDITORlUM/BEACH PATROL HEADQUARTERS; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE TOP-RANKED FIRM OF STA ARCIllTECTURAL GROUP TO DEVELOP DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE PROPOSED FACILITIES; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE SECOND RANKED FIRM OF RJ HEISENBOTTLE, INC. SHOULD THE ADMINISTRATION NOT BE ABLE TO SUCCESSFULLY NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT WITH THE TOP RANKED FIRM. WHEREAS, the City issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for providing architectural, engineering, landscaping architectural and graphic design services for various City projects in accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond project list; and WHEREAS,four-hundred fifty-six notices and one-hundred sixteen (116) specifications for RFQ No. 41-99/00 were issued, resulting in eight (8) timely responses; and ~ WHEREAS~an Evaluation Committee recommended by the City Manager and approved by the Mayor and City Commission met on March 23, 2000, and agreed to short list the three (3) top-ranked finns and that they be invited for oral presentations before the Committee; and WHEREAS, the Committee heard oral presentations on April 14, 2000, and unanimously voted to recommend negotiations with the top-ranked finn, ST A Architectural Group, and with the second-ranked flnn ofRJ Heisenbottle, Inc., should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked finn; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has reviewed the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and concurs with the Evaluation Committee's recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission herein accept the City Manager's recommendation pertaining to the ranking of proposals received in response to RFQ No. 41-99/00 and authorize the Administration to enter into negotiations with the top-ranked finn of ST A Architectural Group and with the second-ranked finn of RJ Heisenbottle, Inc should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked finn. PASSED and ADOPTED this 24th day of May, 2000 14 MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO 'fJ 1- &.11 FORM & LANGUAGE {,{,{ () AA au------ & FOR EXECUTION ITY CLERK ,r- ~~ I\-tf-Q~ ( r- Firm Profile ST A Architectural Group was incorporated in 1985 and is located in the Miami Design District. ST A is composed of a qualified group of architects, planners and interior designers who are trained in the principles and practices of architecture and architectural preservation. The firm's principals, Isabel Saavedra-Tragash and Todd Tragash, combined have over 30 years of professional design experience. To- gether they manage a staff of highly qualified professionals, maintaining close personal com- mitment to each project at all phases of devel- opment. From its inception, ST A has been an active participant in Miami Beach's architec- tural community, its principals serving on mu- nicipal advisory boards and participating in design charrettes, lectures and tour guides of the" Art Deco District" r- ST A's in-house architects and interior design- ers work in concert-with a team of consulting structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing engineers. Each member of the project team is selected for their design and technical exper- tise required for that projects specific pro- grammatic and site considerations. ST A has been commissioned to program and design the corporate headquarters for the Estefan Enterprises in the South Pointe area of Miami Beach, the administrative offices for the Miami Beach Community Development Cor- poration to be located in South Beach in the Historic Seymour Hotel, the headquarter of- fices of the Miami Beach Fire Department located in Middle Beach along Pinetree Drive, and the administrative offices for the Hispanic Community Center to be located in North Beach in the historic Coral Rock house on Normandy Isle. ROBERT G. CURRIE PARTNERSHIP Firm Profile Rol7ort G. Currio & Partner.hip (RGCP) is a Florida-l7as"" architectural d..ign firm, found"" in 1969. Founding principal Rol7ert G. Currio, AlA. ha. made a con.cious doc!5ion to maintain a .mall firm, l7eli"",ng that his direct and p"50nai involvoment in all projects l7<tter "IV" his clients. Reunt projects includo numerou. retail, commercial, hospitality and ,"sidentia! ma5ter planning and complat<d architectural 8$5ignment.. Much of tho firm's .ucu.s can l7e attril7ut<d to a d<<ply folt commitment to creat< design. that intrigue the intellect, onhance the Spirit, and delight the cyo. RGCP's approach I. to view each projoct with a fresh attitude, without pre.conceived ideas, and fOCU6~ on flndin~ a clear ana balanced relationship b<tw<<n the building, its site and context, and its interior spacos. Each a.sign, 'Mlether new construction or ren(]{ation, evolves from a thorough 5i~ analysis and prQ9ram /lValuation: tho prop's form and charact<r r""octs thi. pr"""... Since its inception the firm has work"" with municipalities throughout the Stat< of Florida including the Departmont of Managemont Service., City of DoLand. City of Delray Beach, Crty of Boca Raton, City of Boynton Beach, City of Miami Beach, Town of Palm Beach, Viilage of Key Biscayno, Palm Beach County, Monroo County and tho Departmont of Transportation. RGCP produces all archit<ctural drawings on AutoCad 14. The firm's CADD dopartment consists of 5/lVon n<twork"" workstations linked to a full Size plotter, two full-color printel'9 and a la5<r jet printer. Additional capal7ilities include .canning, e-mail and prodUGtlon of CDs for information and .torage. - ~ ,. ! ,jl , -.... ~ J.. GENERAL Primary De5i~n D1oclpline: Other De5f~n D1ociplln,", Arc:hitecte Plannen; & fl'lt.!:rior Designom; Ro~ G. Cunit, Partner 134 Norttleast 1st Avenue D'lray Beach, FL 33444 561/27&4951 561/243-811>\ Contact Namen1tle: Firm Aaare%: Phone Numt1er. FAX Num,'c. PERSONNEL f5'( DISCIFUNE .A.dmini6tr~vt: Archlt<clO, Ue<n5<d Archlt<cto, Dt;1".. CN) Draft6men Irrt:erior Designer, Uan5ed TOTAL STAFF PROJECT EXPERIENCE SUMMARY 2 4 , 2 J 10 ~nl1=""'TYPt: H~lity. Hat<ls/CluI>h01JfleS Commercial Offla: Rt-5taural'lt6 Mi"...U.. Projects Nuroi"!lH"""" Multi-family ResWentJal Single.family ResI..ntial Other T yP<"' Hi5toric Pre5ervation Community Cerrtel"5 Marina, Fire Station, C~Haiis lllllirorl: 45 20 36 13 3 28 18 10 6 7 14 3 ;- STA ARCH ITECTURALJCURRI E PARTNERSHIP TEAM'S KEY PERSONNEL AND RElATED PROJECT EXPERIENCE I 0'" Street Auditorium Qualifications This proposal section is dedicated to the key personnel proposed for this project. In addition to their resumes, we have enclosed detailed project descriptions. visuals and client references for the City of Miami Beach's consideration. To summarize the team's related project experience, we provide this capsulized list for your reference: 10TH STREET AUDITORIUM MASTER PLAN AND HISTORIC RESTORATION DELRAY BEACH MARINE SAFETY HEADQUARTERS DELRAY BEACH LIFEGUARD STAND PROT01YPE DELRAY BEACH CITY HALL RENOVATION BOCA RATON COMMUNITY CENTER. r- OLD SCHOOL SQUARE SOUTH COUNTY CMC CENTER VILLAGE OF KEY BISCAYNE COMMUNITY CENTER, BOYNTON BEACH HISTORIC SCHOOL PALM BEACH JUNIOR COlLEGE RENOVATION r ~ r- TODD B. TRAGASH, AlA P~n.lpal Architect Mr. Tragash co-founded STA Architectural Group, in 1985. A native to Miami, Mr. Tragash's architectural career encompasses private and public sector projects located within South Florida's unique architectUral environment. His designs span a broad range of project types and take many varied expressions. Each design solution is responsive to the specific program and site constraints producing an architectural statement compatible within its context. EDUCATION: Master or Business Administration, International Business University of Miami - 1992 Master or Architecture, Historic Preservatton University of Florida - 1992 Bachelor or Design in Architecture, with Honan University of Florida - 1980 REGISTRATION: Architect- State of Florida - 1985, No. 11,053 NCARB Certification - No. 42,558 EXPERIENCE: ~ While receiving his {ormal training in architectural preservation at the University of Florida, Mr. Tragash served as a Thomas Jelferson Intern to the Architectural Research Depanment at the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. His graduate thesis focused on the architectural restoration of a colonial edifice in Lima, Peru serving to promote the indigenous Peruvian arts & crafts. Mr. Tragash' has been active in the certified rehabilitation of numerous historic structures within the Miami Beach" An Deco" District, and served on the City of Miami Beach Planning Advisory Board from 1991 to 1997, and the City of Miami Urban Design Review Board in 1999. In his practice, Mr. Tragash provides an:hitectural, planning and interior design services for both the private developers and public entities such as the City of Miami Beach. Miami Beach Community Development Corporation, the Miami Design Preservation League, UNlOAD, the Ocean Drive Association and Miami-Dade County Department ofCOInmunity & Economic Development. Mr. Tragash Is the principal-in-charge of the firm's architectural work overseeing the projects in each phase of development. Selected examples of Mr. Tragash's planning, historic preservation and new construction project experience include: Fire Station 112 Master Plan, Miami Beach 41st Street BeauUOcaUon Project, Miami Beach Ocean Front Auditorium Master Plan, Miami Beach EI Cyclone, Miami Beach Madison, Miami Beach Hispanic Community Center, Miami Beach Riviera Plaza, Miami Beach Pare Vendome, Miami Beach Ala mae, Miami Beacb Clevelander Hotel, Miami Beach Bentley Hotei, Miami Beach Espanota Way, Miami Beach r 4 A#C\.~ b ,--- WILLIAM GARCIA, EIT Consul-Tech Engineering, Inc. Project Engineer Education: B.S. Civil Engineering. Aorida International University, 1996 Associates in Arts Degree. Miami-Dade Community College, Civil Engineering, 1993 Member American Society of Civil Engineers 4 AffUiatioos: Years Experience: Relevant Experience: . Consul-Tech Engineering, Inc. 11/96 - PresenC Project EngineerlManager - Responsible for the design of potable water, sanilal}' sewer. and drainage systems for residential, commercial and industrial facilities. Roadway design responsibilities include alignment, cross sections. storm drainage and stripping for county and municipality-owned roadways and connections with and modifying of FOOT roadways. Design aspects include calculations for sizing, flow requirements, treatment. and all components associated with municipal water, sewer and drainage systems, sewage pump stations, and drainage disposal wells. Also accountable for production of design plans, engineering reports, cost estimates and coordination with all professional and technical disciplines involved in each projecL Responsible for obtaining water and sewer service agreements, sewer system treatment capacity determinations, sewer capacity cenifications, water and sewer permits from Miami-Dade Water and Sewer Department (MOW ASD). the Department of Environmental Resources Management (DERM). the Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services (HRS), and the public works departments of cities involved. Other agency experience includes obtaining Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) driveway, drainage. and utility permits. r- . Wolfberg, Alvarez and Partners 4/96 - 11/96: Civil Engineer/AutoCAD Designer - Responsibilities included site design (potable water systems, sanilal)' collection systems, grading and paving), roadway design, computer design and drafting, permining and job site inspections. . Prieto Engineering Services 1/96 - 4/96: AutoCAD Designer - Responsibilities included civil engineering site design and computer- aided design and drafting. . florida International University ClvU Engineering Department 1/95 -7/95: Student Research Assistant- Responsible for gathering and compiling information on multi- modal transportation facilities including existing facilities and the impact of such a system in South Florida. . J.L. Puentes and Associates, Architects and Planners 10/93 - 1/95: Assistant Project Manager - Responsible for permit acquisition from regulatory agencies, computer-aided and manual drafting, job site inspections and other construction related activities. Partial List of Projects: . J. W. Marriorr - Complete site civil entneering services rendered for a multi-story luxury business hotel located on Brickell Avenue and SE 12 Street in the City of Miami. Design activities included the design of domestic water and sanilal}' sewer services as well as an injection well drainage system. The complete redesign of SE 12'" Street from Brickell A venue to Bayshore Drive was performed. Permining through FDOT. DERM, MOW ASD, etc. was also accomplished. ,;- 2D /"'" ~ ,r William Garcia - Page 2 . Golden Lalces Apanments - All site civil engineering design work including potable water, sanitary sewer. paving, grading, storm sewer and drainage systems for a l8.5-acre residential complex containing 10 apartment buildings with a total of 280 units. This site included a sanitary lift station as well as improvements to State Road 9. Extensive permitting was performed including dealings with the South Aorida Water Management District and the Aorida Department of Transportation. Construction inspections were also performed. Barclays Financial Center - Complete site civil engineering for a multi-story office building abutting the l.W. Marriott HOlel on SE 12th Street and South Bayshore Drive in the City of Miami. Extensive permilling was requires and performed. Siesta Pointe Apanments - Site civil engineering responsibilities included the design and permilling of all potable water, sanitary sewer, paving, grading, storm sewer and drainage systems for a 17.4-acre residential complex containing 18 apartment buildings with a total of 392 units. Traffic analysis and design was required including the design of IwO public roadways. Construction inspections were also perfonned. . Turnberry Isle Resort and Club - Design work involved all site civil engineering for a proposed multi- story, 12S-room hotel with a 178-seat restaurant. Due to existing resort constrictions, demolition and existing utilities were an issue. Extensive permitting was performed as well as coordination with other disciplines. BF Goodrich Aerospace Industrial Site - Scope of services included the redesign and upgrading of an existing industrial site. The existing site layout was extensively modified including an upgrade of the existing drainage system, a reconfiguring of the existing site layout to meet current Dade County guidelines, a building addition and a new private roadway. Kingswood Residential Site - Site layout and all civil engineering design for a 19.7-acre residential development sile in southern Dade County containing 10S single-family homes. Design work included water. sewer, paving, grading and drainage responsibilities as well as public roadway design. Zoning and platting issues were handled as well as all permitting involving agencies such as the Aorida Departmenl of Transportation. Beacon at 97 Avenue Industrial Park - Site layout and all civil engineering design and drafting for a 10+ acre industrial site. Duties performed included design of potable water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and drainage systems. Grading and paving work was performed on proposed parking areas anJ private access roadways servicing three proposed warehouses. Extensive construction inspections were performed. . . . . . . A ,-- EVELlO CHAVEZ, P.E. Consul-Tech Engineering, Inc. Director of Transportation B.S. Civil Engineering, Florida Intemational University, 1985 Professional Engineer, State of Florida No. 47558 14 Education: Registration: Years Experience: Relevant Experience: . Consul- Tecb Engineering, Inc. 1996 - Present: Director of Transportation - As Transportation Director responsibilities include design and production of roadway projects, technical and COSt proposal preparation, project management, subcontractor management, quality control review of roadway design projects, client interface and coorc:Unation of FOOT projects. . . David Plummer & Assoclates,lnc. 1993 - 1996: Senior Associate/Chief Highway Engineer - Responsibilities included design of roadway projects, project management, proposal preparation, scheduling, staffing, training, budgeting, subcontractor management and client interface. . Post, Buckley, Scbuh & Jernlgan,lnc. 1988 - 1993: Project Engineer - Responsibilities included supervision and preparation of all components associated with a final roadway set of plans, engineering repons, cost estimates, budgeting and scheduling. Performed design work that involved conventional solutions but also design work involving complex design featur~s requiring innovative solutions. ,-- . Davtd Plummer & Associates, Inc. 1985 - 1988: Design Engineer - Responsibilities included plans preparation of urban and interstate roadway projects including pavement marking design, drainage, maintenance of traffic, computation books and cost estimates. Partial Lists of Projects: Interchange Delign Experience: . SR 826 (Palmetto Expressway) Interchange at NW 36 SITeet - Project included final design plans for approximately one mile of limited access mainline reconstruction, widening and an interchange reconstruction. The interchange design consisted of two fly-over ramps and a total of four bridge structures. Miami-Dade County, Florida. . SR 826 (Palmetto Expressway) Interchanges at Miller Drive, SR 874 and Bird Road - Project currently under final design includes approximately 2.2 miles of limited access mainline reconstruction, three interchange reconstructions, and reconstruction of crossroads. One of the interchange designs will consist of a single point interchange. This interchange will be the only one of its kind in Dade County when constructed. The project will include a total of II bridge structures. This project is to be fully designed in metric units. Miami-Dade County, Florida. . Palmetto Improvement Program (SR 826) - As a design engineer for the Palmetto Improvement Program, work experienced consisted of developing interchange design plans to an FOOT 30% level of completion. The 30% plans developed would then be utilized by various Section Consultants selected by FOOT to complete the final plans. The interchanges designed included: SW 24 SI. (Coral Way), NW 74 St., 1-75, SW 56 St., SR 874 and SW 40 Street Miami-Dade County, Florida. r 1.1- ;- Evello Chavez. Paa. 2 . Commonwealth of Puerto Rico - Project consisted of the development of several major transponation corridor segments in the San Juan and Ponce metropolilan areas. The primary function was to provide preliminary engineering plans consisting of roadway and interchange designs, including horizontal and vertical aJignmenlS, constuctability, geotechnical issues and staging. This was a fully metric project. Puerto Rico, USA. Major Arterial Projects: . SR 776 - Project included a four mile reconstruction of an urban and suburban four lane typical section. Charlotte County, Florida. . Florida Turnpike. Project consisted of four mile widening and ramp reconstruction of the Homestead Extension of Florida's Turnpike (HEFT) from Quail Roost Drive to SR 874, approximately 4.0 miles in length. Miami-Dade County, Florida: . US-1 (SR 5). Project consisted of reconstruction of US-l from a two lane to a four lane divided rural facility. Project limilS extend for approximately eight miles, from Card Sound Road to Mile Post 6.00. Miami-Dade County, Florida. . Griffin Road East and West ofSR 817 - This project consisted ofa six lane section of new construction from west of SR 817 to SR 7, approximat.ly 4.3 miles in length. Broward County, Florida. Other ReliUed Experience: . Miami /ntemLJtional Airport - Project consisted of preparing plans for the cargo area and west side road improvemenlS. Also included were portions of NW 25 Street and NW 67 A venue. Dade County, Florida. Lee County .Port Authority - Project consisted of preparing construction plans for the roadway network systeltl, terminal access road, and parking 1015 at the Southwest Florida Intemational Airport, Fort Myers, Florida. Fibrilla Department of Transportation Minor Projects - ProjeclS consisted of preparing construction plans, including roadway geometrics, grading, drainage design, signing and pavement markings and traffic control plans for various Minor Contracts. Dade County, Florida. South Miami Hospital - Project consisted of preparing construction plans including grading, field surveys, drainage design, signing and pavement marking plans for the hospital improvemenlS. Dade County, Florida. Truman Annex. Project consisted of construction plan preparation for roadway improvemenlS within a 43-acre site. Monroe County, Florida. . ~ . . . r ~; ~ BARRY R. Mll..LER, ASLA PARTNER! VICE-PRESIDENT! LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT! PLANNER EDUCATION Master! of Urban and Regional Planning University of Florids, December 1984 Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Univ8mity of Florida, June 1979 EXP~R.Jj:NCE /983-1984 Pnncip,l: Savino & Miller Design Studio, Miami Beach. Florid.. Sr. A.ssociate, Landscape Atchitect and PI.nner.t BructJ Howard & Anociates (BHA) Miami, Florida. Landscape A1chit~ and Planner Wallace Roberts & Todd (WRlJ Miami, Florid.. Urban and Regional Planner and Landscape Architect at Urban Development COrpoI.tion, Kingston. Jamaica Landscape AtclJffoct, Project Manager: Hendonon Ro..nb"'V Scully (HRS); Miami, Florid. 1992- Present 1987-1992 1985-1987 198CJ.1982 SAVINO & MILLER PROJECT EXPERIENCE SITe.tse.p. Briekell Avenue Streetscape, Miami, FL ;- 16th Street, Miami Beach, FL Fisherman's Landing S!r,etscape@; Ocean Reef Resort, Key Largo, FL Normandy /tsle Sfre.f$cape Beeutmaation Program Miami Beach, FL 41 sf street. Miami Beach, FL Flag/tlr Street, Miami, FL 127th Stroet. North Miami, FL Miami S..ch Art Deco DI,tr#el & L.nduape Architectural Projects The Alamae, The Aloha, 211 eoRin, Avenue, 444 Collins Ave., The Gatsby, The Fenimore, The Pare Vendom., Th. Palm Gardens, The Henderson, 800 Michigan A.venue, 1100-1200 Washington Avenue, The Riviera Pfaza, The Gershwin, The Jefferson Avenue Apt. Complex, The International Large Mi.",1 BelICh Projects La Gorce Palace Miami Beach Ocean Resort Park Vintage Condominium Master PI"n Sunset Harbour The Sasson The Sails Condominium The eye/on 101 Ocean Drive Por/oline Ocean Parcel Master Plan r- ;2..L\ ~ URBAN DESIGN MASTER PLAN Bali 5oS/af Hote! & Condominium Project Master Pl,n Bali, Indonesia Coconut Grov. Planning Study Brickefl Avenue Streetscspe Guide/in.s Loew.s Convention Center Hotel Master Plan Other S.vlno & Miller Design Studio Experl.nce: TempI' Beth D,vid. Miami Beach, FL City Gas Headquarters, Hialeah, FL The Challenger Memorial @>. Claude Pepper Park, Miami, FL Johnson & Wales Culinary University, N. Miami, FL North Miami Beach City Hall Complex & Polic' Facility, N. Miami, FL OTHER PR..o,J!'CT EXP~R..r!!~.c:.!L kJome & Washington Avenue Streetsc8p.t ImprovemfHJfs Homestead. FL John D. McArthur Stach State Park. Palm Beach, FL Ol.ta River State R~ational Park. N. Miami. FL Naval COmplex Master Plan, Mayport, FL Vet.rans Park, Delray Beach, FL Jacksonville Seach Community Redevelopment Plan, JacksonviHe, FL Master PTan for the John & Mable Ringling Museum of AIt. Sarasota, FL L 'Exce/lence Condominium, Miami Beach, FL La Cas. dol Mar (UCLF), Soc. R.ton, FL PROFESSIONAL REGISl~T.LqNJ MEMBERSHIP AND ACTIVITIES ;- R"llist.rod Land.c.pe Architect (FL #866) Member: AmflriCltfl SoCitJly of Landscape Armifect, Chairman Miami Section: American Society of Landscape An:hltects Member: Performing Aft, Center Building Committee for the Performing Atts Center Trost Grand Prize University of Miami Campus Master Plan International Competib"on (WRTJ Ame'ia Island Park Award, 1Q84. University of Florida Department of Arcllit<<ture, for excellenCe in Project Management and Design. PUBLICA liONS AND LECTURES Gues," Lecturer for the Miami Beach Art Deco Week 1994-1993.1992 Deco Flora & the Uvabl. CA/y. Plannina for HiohM ~ducation The Journal of the Society for College and University Planning. -The Design Competition and Strategy at the University of Miamr. Warburltm, Ralph. Vol. 17; #1; 1988-1989 Florida Architecture 50th Annual Edition. The remple Seth Oavid; 1988 Builder Architect. Th~ Role of Landscape Architect. Published article. 1992" r- ;1.:> r Service p.,formed Programming. design. construction documents & administration Architect of Record STA Architectural Group Todd B. fragash. A.l.A. - principal ~ Completion Cite 1998 R.fennce Unidad P.O. Boll. 416479 Miami Seach, Florida 30$.358.2800 r Hispanic Community Ctr. Locltlon 1701 Normandy Orive Miami Beach. Florida Description Community Center Client Unidad Cost HISPANIC COMMUNITY C'NTH ~lb -" ~'-',,";"""':"""-"~' ,-- Crescent Moon Studios I ' , I ~ : !1~ I!!'! - 1 '" Loutfon 5th Street & Alton Road Miami Beach, Florida , llA~' (" - ......-. ~ ': ( ..'f('.~~~=.d ~'.. , '1;:'~<~.'-;":,,,~ - ~~ , ' . I' \ ': ..' ',' ... . ~ J Description mixed USt broadcast faCility. offices, retail & garag, ~Q I Lt. ." ~ ~" cn."t Crl!Sc~nt Moon Studios ;- Co.t t 14, 500.000 5.rvl(. ''''ormed programming" design - Archltect of ".cord 5rA Architectural Group Tragash. A.I.A. - principal Toad 8. Compl.dort alt_ f5t. Dec. 2001 R.f.renu Silly little 1300 Ocean D,jv~ Miami Beach, Florida 30S,S3S.6500 r- ;t\ ,. ~- c' --..-., -;--.;--. r- Location 1020 Ocean Drive Miami Seach. Florida Dttscrlptlon 65 unit hotel r~staurant 5: bar ,,-- Architect of a.cord STA Architectural Group Todd 8. Tragash. A.I.A. - principal Completion Date Est. 2001 Referent. Ian Hendry 1020 Ocean Drive Miami Beach. florida r- Hotel Clevelander l client 2K Clevelander. Inc. Cost 14.000,000 Servin '.rformed historical documentation. programming. design & construction documents 1/i) ,,-.."--,-,...~-...~_.. r- location 510 Ocean Drive Miami Buch, Florida Descriptio" Hotel/Apartments client -Riccardo Olivieri Cost withheld at client's request Service '.,formed historical doc;umentation. programming, design. construction documents & administration - Archltec. of a.card STA Architli!ctural Group Todd 8. Tragash. A.I.A. ~ principal Compl.tlon Dat. January 1998 Itelerence Ricardo Olivieri 510 Ocean Drive Miami Beach. Florida 305.672.8010 r 'J,\ Bentley Hotel ~ ~ -:-_.'7~-' r- r- r- ~:i ,;: " Servin '.rformed historical documentation, programming, CO:lceptual planning Be design Architect of Record STA Arr.hitectural Group Todd B. Tragash. A.I.A. - prir:cipaJ Completion Date July 1994 Ref.rence Tony Goldman I Dan Meginley 1205 Drexel Avenue Miami Beach. Florida Ocean Drive Conference Ctr. Location 10th Street & Ocean Drive Miami Beach, Florida Description renovation & expansion of municipal auditorium wI meeting facilities Client client Ocean Drive Association Cost S2.000,Ooo est. .- -.",' f~-\.. -- -~ i'i' .-"'=';f ..;.~ I ..~/-. I r.:ti. -. ~ .: -. ~'-r-T fu' Ui I -- tc'..i~t.." . ~_ -- --;) '-", (=1; ;J- -=.. "1--;:_;",: ""'_ . _ .,~__ . .. ~ -'- 1,2 ._-,.'.--'.r....- :-,..,...,..~~-~ ;- JOHlIi PEACOCK ASSOCIATE EDUCATION Sach~/o, of Landscape Architecture, UniversityoIF/orida.1997. EXPERIENCE. 1997.Presenf Auociate at Savino & Miller Design Studio. Miami Beach, Florida SAVINO &MIL,LIiRJ?r;~lgN STUDIO EXPERIENCE (Jrb~n Oes/gnIMast.' Plan 41 sf Street Middle Beach Beautification Project Miami Beach, FL Royal Palm Hotel, Landscape Master Plan Miami Beach, FL Little Arch Creek Environmental Monitoring North Miami, Ft. Miami Design District Master Plan Miami, FL Merrick Civic Plaza Coral Gabfes, FL Architecture Tepuy Intemational, Coral Gables, FL Sorren Residence. Miami Beach. FL /""' Streetsc.pe Brickell Avenue Street$cap., Miami, FL 16th Street Streetscape, Miami Beach, FL Large Miami Beach Projects Southpointe Ocean Parcel Sunset Harbour, PQrtafino Ocean Parcel Master Plan r ~ , ;- Location 150 Crawford Boulevard Boca Raton, Florida Description Complete architectural and interior renovation of this 15,000 s.f., multi- purpose community center. The building was originally constructed in 1959. r r Boca Raton Community Center Architect of Record Robert G. Currie Partnership Robert G. Currie, Principal-in-ChargeIDesigner Services Performed Complete architectural services through construction administration. Completion Date 1989 Client Jeff Borick, Landscape Architect City of Boca Raton Parks & Recreation Department (561)416-3424 Consbuction CostIDes!9n Fees $1,000,000/$100,000 ROBERT G. CURRIE PARTNERSHIP '2>; ;- ~ Client Joe Weldon, Director City of Delray Beach Parks & Recreation (561)243-7000 Construction Cost/Design Fees Not Available r Delray Beach Lifeguard Stand Prototype Location Ocean Boulevard Delray Beach, Florida Description Prototype design for the City's lifeguard stands. Recipient of several design awards Architect of Record Robert G. Currie Partnership Robert G. Currie, AlA. Designer Services Performed Complete architectural services excluding construction administration CompletiDn Date 1985 ROBERT G. CURRIE PARTNERSHIP 1,~ r- a jQ.: ....-..:;.~ ?~;,trn..... ~;\r~ - _. - Location Gardenia Street West Palm Beach, Florida Description Florida's first junior college now serves the varied needs Df the Palm Beach Community College Foundation as an administration, classroom and exhibitiDn building. Architect of Rerord Robert G. Currie Partnership Jess M. SDwards, AlA, Project Manager Jose' Aguila, AlA, Project Architect ServiCes Performed Complete architectural services through a phased contract from design to construction administration. r Palm Beach Junior College 1926 Building Completion Date 1998 Client Palm Beach Community College Foundation Construction CosI/Design Fees $2,000,0001$150,000 ROBERT G. CURRIE PARTNERSHIP ~~ ,,-. BOYNTON BEACH CULTURAL CENTER circa 1913 Location Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida DesCliption Historic restoration and adaptive re-use of this 10,000 s.f. building and its successful conversion to a children's museum and multi-purpose space. I": Architect of Record Robert G. Currie Partnership Jess M. Sowards, AlA . Project Manager Services Performed Complete architectural services from programming and grant applications to ..... .. ". ..c........."., construction administration. Completion Date 1999 Client City of Boynton Beach Arlene Dennison, Marketing Director (561)742-6387 Qmmrudron~~~nF~ $1,500,000/$150,000 r- ROBERT G. CURRIE PARTNERSHIP :;10 r- r- r- ,-:'-'~' -~- r- ____--- I ,J' - I Location Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida Description Historic restoration of this former school auditorium. The building now houses a 305-seat theater. ~ Architect of Record r Robert G. Currie Partnership Robert G. Currie, AlA Principat-in.-ChargelDesigner I Services PerfDrmed Complete architectural services on-going - since 1989 .. r Crest Theatre @ Old School Square circa 1926 "" II 'i:i ,.. ~d Completion Date 1991 Client Old School Square Foundation Mr. Joe Gillie, Executive Director (561)243-7922 Construction Cost/Design Fees $1,500,000/$150,000 ROBERT G. CURRIE PARTNERSHIP 21 --...-.......-.. . .;- ...-. r- ,'- .~.-...,-"---- ~ r- ;- PROPOSER'S QUALIFICA nON STATEMENT Page 1014 \. PROJECT NUMBER City of Miami Beach RFO No. 41-99/00 PROJECT NAME 10" Street Beachfront AuditoriumlBeach Patrol HeadQuarters 2. FIRM NAME (AS SHOWN ON CORPORATE SEAL) STA Architectural Groun. Inc. ADDRESS OF PROPOSED OFFICE IN CHARGE 3526 North Miami Avenue Miami. Florida 33127 PHONE NO: (3051571-1811 FAX NO: (3051571-1821 3. INDICATE SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED ON THE PROJECT: APPLICANT PROPOSED CONSULTANTS Service(s) FL State Corporate Name of F1 State Corporate Offered License No. Cbarter No. COlISultant License No. Charter No. Architectural ST A Architectural ~COO1168 MI064S Robert G. Currie AA0002271 V54279 Partnership Landscape Savino & Miller LC-COOO208 T9300002865I Architecture Design Studio WBE State ofFL Civil Engineering Consul-Tech 3527 F83847 MBE State of FL Structural De Los Reyes 6705 P930OO06197 Engineering Engineering Electrical Hufsey Nicolaides 444 291815 Engineering Garcia Suarez MBE State ofFL Mechanical " " 444 29815 Engineering MBE State ofFL Land Surveying Other (,; .-- r- .-- PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Page 2 of4 4. WORKLOAD FOR APPLICANT FIRM ONLY: Define each project the APPLICANT is handling as of the deadline for the submittal on this project (exclude portions of fees paid to Consultants). SpecifY number of all principals and technical staff in Ihe firm (excludinl! staff draftinl!!CADD ooerators oersonnel and Consultants). FEES FOR CURRENT PROJECTS Projects Fees on Hold Fees Remaining Clevelander Hotel $110,000 Miami Beach Fire Station No.2 $150,000 Billboard Live 20,000 Estefan Enterprises 12,000 Sky Latin America 4,000 Seymour Hotel 5,000 2 Star Island 40,000 43 Star Island 50,000 TOTALS $150,000.00 $241,000 ~ .s T ota( Persons (Principals & Technical Staff): 10 LP~ r- PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Page 3 of4 SPECIFIC RELATED EXPERIENCE (projects of comparable type, size and complexity): I CONTACT PERSON CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION PROJECT PHONEIF AX LOCATION COST DATElPHASE Seymour Hotel MBCDC 1205 Drexel Avenue $850,000 2000lUnder 3051538-0090 Miami Beach Construction MB Fire Station No. 2 City of Miami !lelu:h Convention etr Drive $4,600,000 2001IMaster 3051673-7000 Miami Beach Planning Hispanic Community UNIDAD P.O. Box 416479 $400,00 1998 Center 3051358-2800 Miami Bead! Jefferson Apartment MBCOC 1205 Drexel Avenue $1,000,000 1998 3051538-0090 Miami Bead! Estefan Enterprises Estefan Enterprises 420 Jefferson Avenue $1,750,00 1998 3051534-4330 Miami Beach Madison MBCOC 1205 Drexel Avenue $1,000,000 2000lUnder 305IS38..(J()90 Miami Beach Construction Crescent Moon Studios Crescent Moon Studios East Alton Road $11,000,000 200 IlMaster I[) ~ . 305/663-3924 Miami Beach Planning ~ Billboard Live Billboard Live ISOI Collins Avenue $3,000,000 2000lUnder International Miami Beach Construction 702l248..(J()63 Clevelander Hotel 2K Investment 1020 Ooean Dr! ve $S,OOO,OOO 20001Design 619/297-8700 Miami Beach Development 42- Street Beautification City of Miami Beach Convention etr Dr. $3,SOO,OOO 2000IMaster 3051673-7000 Miami Beach Planning Bentley Hotel Bentley Hotel SJO Ooean Drive $3,750,000 1998 3051672-8010 Miami Beach Sky Latin America MBCOC 14817 Oak Lane $1,200,000 2000lUnder 305lS38-0090 Miami Beach Construction r- IPS r PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Page 40f 4 KEY PERSONNEL OF PROPOSED TEAM TO BE USED ON TIlE PROJECf: NAME DISCIPLINE OF L1CENSEfTRAINING CITY OF RESIDENCE APPLICANTS Principal( s }-in-<:harge . Todd Tragash. AlA Archite<:tlMArch Miami Beach Prolc.sionallTechnical Staff John Guffy Architecture/MArch Miami Beach Walter Jacob ArchilecturelMArch Miami Giorgio Lostad ArchileClurelllArch Coral Gables ;- CONSULT ANT(S) or in-house staff Principal(s)-in-charie Robert G. Currie, AlA Archilecture/MArch Delray Beach Enrique Suarez, PE Mechanical Engineer Miami Carlos Garcia, PE Electrical Engineer Miami Hector De Los Reyes, PE Structural Engineer Miami Andres Garganta, PE Civil Engineer Miami Bart)' Miller Landscape Architecture Miami Beach ProfessionallTechnical Staff Jess M. Sowards. AlA ArchilecturcIBArch Boca !Won Jose' Aguila, AlA ArchilecturelllArch Boynlon Beach Alberto Orrios Eledrical Engineer Miami Michael Fossler Mechanical Engineer Weston Marco Orrios, PE Civil Engineer Miami John Peacock Landscape Architeaure Miami Beach Kelly Bayer Environmental Science Miami r- lP'o ,,--.. r-- r-- = ff"' 0 ~/ -~~_"'?~ --:~,1 . ~ i N j~ : I" HI , ';''----- J'I f-- I, ' ~---.ij__ i ~D 2300 p' Loution metree 0 . Miami B (Ive each. Florida f" Descrlptl Ire stat' on ton and public works facility '-/ ~. P\~" . r... "1',: 1'"J:~ ". .r;;; Todd 8. City of M R.f~r."c. 17QO C laml Such onv Ct Miami B' r. Drive each, Flor'd 30 I a 5.673.7000 MtCA~ '3 Fire Station #2 cn.nt City of Miami' each Cut $4.600,000 Service 'erformed programm' & lng, historic d master planning ocumentation :tl