Attachment 130 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION r.ENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 -- ?:\\ci.miami-beach.fl.us TO: FROM: SUBJECf: ,--- COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO..1-1 ~ -00 Mayor Nelsen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commisslnn Lawrenee A. Levy ,~ City Manager ~ DATE: May 24. 2000 A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List; Specifically for ArchitecturaIlEngineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for Belle Isle Park Improvements; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of Rosenberg Design Group, to Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facility and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top Ranked Firm. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Resolution. ANALYSIS: On November 2, 1999, the City of Miami Beach voters approved the issuance of an approximately $92 Million General Obligation (GO) Bond for Neighborhood, Parks and Beach, and Fire Safety Improvements. In an effort to begin the implementation of these Bond Projects, the City desires to contract with design professionals in accordance with Florida Statute 287,055 for planning and the preparation of the constructionlbidding docwnents needed to Wldertake the work detailed in the Scope of Work for the above mentioned facilities. The selected firm will be responsible for reviewing existing City of Miami Beach Zoning Ordinances and Building Codes, and for incorpomting the data into complete construction docwnents including final working drawings, maintenance expenses, construction estimates, specifications, and bid documents necessary for the bidding and construction of this project. r AGENDA ITEM C,O DATE S-'2-If.--D'U r- RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Two May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) The firm will be responsible for obtaining all Federal, State and local permits necessary for the construction of the project, and may also be required to provide consulting services to the City on various matters which do not result in drawings or specifications. The design will be developed with the input of the City Administration, the various City Boards mxI Committees, as well as area residents and other interested individuals and groups. The design team for this project will be headed by a Landscape Architect and must include a historic preservation specialist, lighting engineer and an engineer experienced in stormwater management. Belle Isle Park is a 3.3 acre parcel located on the south side ofthe historic Venetian Causeway in a residential neighborhood. The Venetian Causeway is a National Scenic Highway and is on the National Register of Historic Sites as well as a locally designated historic site. The park is the "front yard" of a nwnber of multi-story condominiwns and is in the view corridor of residents, tourists and guests traveling the causeway daily. The improvements currently envisioned include landscaping, ambient and safety/security lighting, fully automated irrigation, pedestrian walkways/jogging paths, pedestrian access/gateway to the park, site furnishings including benches, bike racks, trash receptacles, attractive identification signage and .- possibly a vita courSe and playground. Perimeter parking, drainage and related surfaces impacting the park area will also included. On January 12, 2000, the Commission adopted a resolution authorizing the issuance of a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List. The RFQ was issued on January 20, 2000, with an opening date of March 1,2000. Four-hundred- fifty-six (456) notices and one-hundred-sixteen specifications were issued, resulting in the receipt of two (2) responsive responses from the following firms; Bermello, Ajamil & Partners Rosenberg Design Group Letter to Commission (LTC) No. 41-2000, dated March 22, 2000 established an Evaluation Committee consisting of the following individuals: ,.- Frank Del Vecchio, GO Bond Project Oversight Committee Member Charles Buckles, Planning DeparUnent Kevin Smith, Director of Parks & Recreation Edith Gelber, Miami Beach Resident Michel Magloire, Construction Manager Tom Mooney, Presentation & Design Manager ,..- RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Three May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) On March 24 2000, the Evaluation Committee met to review these responses. Frank Del Vecchio was selected as the Committee Chairperson. Each member in attendance reviewed and evaluated both responses in accordance with the criteria listed in the RFQ, and all committee members agreed to schedule both firms for oral presentations. On April 11, 2000, the two (2) firms made oral presentations before the Evaluation Committee. The Committee's role was to evaluate and rank the firms based on the following criteria identified in the RFQ: Firm's Experience, Project Manager's Experience, Previous Similar Projects, Qualifications of Project Team, and Certified Minority Participation. The rankings listed below are the final results of the committees' evaluation(s) of each firm at the conclusion of the oral presentations, Edith Gelber and Tom Mooney did not attend this meeting. Second Round: (two top-ranked firms) r- Firm Bermello, Ajamil & Partners Rosenberg Design Group FDV 1 2 CB 2 1 KS 2 I MM 1 I Total 6 5 Rank 2 1 The committee members' initials are as follows: FDV: Frank Del Vecchio CB: Charles Buckles KS: Kevin Smith MM: Michel Magloire The committee ranked the firm of Rosenberg Design Group as the top-ranked firm, and Bennello, Ajamil & Partners as the second-ranked finn. Attached is the following additional information on the top-ranked firm (Rosenberg Design Group): Attachment 1: Organizational Chart of the Proposed Project Team. Attachment 2: Project Manager's Experience. Attachment 3: Previous/Current City of Miami Beach Projects by Rosenberg Design Group. Attachment 4: Previous Similar Projects. Attachment 5: Civil Engineer's Previous Similar Project List. r- r RFQ No. 41-99/00 Page Four May 24, 2000 ANALYSIS (continued) The Committee's recommendation was provided to the City Manager for his consideration. In accordance with the tenns of the RFQ, the City Manager has reviewed the Evaluation Committee's recommendation and concurs with its ranking of responses. The Mayor and City Commissioners are not bound by either the City Manager's or the Evaluation Committee's recommendations, The City Manager recommends that the Mayor and Commission accept the ranking by the Evaluation Committee, authorize the City Administration to enter into negotiations with the top- ranked finn of Rosenberg Design Group, and authorize the Administration to negotiate with the second-ranked finn of Bennello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked finn, LAL.4.t.i~ F:\PURC\$ALLIJOHN\COMM\41-RD99, WPD r r .....O.,_,.-P_-,-."..,.,...,., Afteraction Report May 24, 2000 City Commission Meeting City of Miami Beach ,--- C70 Commission Memorandum No, 416-00 A Resolution of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, Accepting the Recommendation of the City Manager Pertaining to the Ranking of the Proposals Received in Response to the Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for Architectural, Engineering, Landscape Architectural and Graphic Design Services for Various City Projects in Accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond Project List; Specifically for Architectural/Engineering Services to Develop Design, and Construction Documents for Belle Isle Park Improvements; and Authorizing the City Administration to Enter into Negotiations with the Top-Ranked Firm of Rosenberg Design Group, to Develop Design and Construction Documents for the Proposed Facility and Authorizing the Administration to Negotiate with the Second Ranked Firm ofBermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc., Should the Administration Not Be Able to Successfully Negotiate a Contract with the Top Ranked Firm. ~ Administration Recommendation' Adopt the Resolution. (Parks Department) ACTION: Resolution No. 2000-23929 adopted. Mayra Diaz Buttacavoli and Michel Magliore to handle, ,--- Prepared by the City Clerk' s Office Page I3 ...,.....--.y...- RESOLUTION NO. 2000-23929 ~ A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER PERTAINING TO THE RANKING OF PROPOSALS RECEIVED IN RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS (RFQ) NO. 41-99/00 FOR ARCHITECTURAL, ENGINEERING, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL AND GRAPffiC DESIGN SERVICES FOR VARIOUS CITY PROJECTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE NOVEMBER 2, 1999 GENERAL OBLIGATION (GO) BOND PROJECT NO.6, FOR ARCHITECTIJRALlENGINEERlNG SERVICES TO DEVELOP DESIGN, AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE BELLE ISLE PARK IMPROVEMENTS; AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO ENTER INTO NEGOTIATIONS WITH THE TOP-RANKED FIRM OF ROSENBERG DESIGN GROUP TO DEVELOP DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS FOR THE PROPOSED FACILITY; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE ADMINISTRATION TO NEGOTIATE WITH THE SECOND RANKED FIRM OF BERMELLO, AJAMIL AND PARTNERS, INC. SHOULD THE ADMINISTRATION NOT BE ABLE TO SUCCESSFULLY NEGOTIATE A CONTRACT WITH THE TOP RANKED FIRM. WHEREAS, the City issued a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) No. 41-99/00 for providing architectural, engineering, landscaping architectural and graphic design services for various City projects in accordance with the November 2, 1999 General Obligation (GO) Bond project list; and WHEREAS, four-hundred fifty-six notices and one-hundred sixteen (116) specifications for RFQ No, 41-99/00 were issued, resulting in two (2) timely responses; and ~ WHEREAS, an Evaluation Committee recommended by the City Manager and approved by the Mayor and City Commission met on March 24, 2000, and agreed to short list the two (2) top-ranked firms and that they be invited for oral presentations before the Committee; and WHEREAS, the Committee heard oral presentations on April II, 2000, and unanimously voted to recommend negotiations with the top-ranked firm, Rosenberg Design Group, and with the second-ranked firm ofBermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc.. should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked firm; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has reviewed the recommendation of the Evaluation Committee and concurs with the Evaluation Committee's recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission herein accept the City Manager's recommendation pertaining to the ranking received in response to RFQ No. 41-99/00 and authorize the Administration to enter into negotiations with the top-ranked firm of Rosenberg Design Group and with the second-ranked firm of Bermello, Ajamil & Partners, Inc, Inc should the Administration not be able to successfully negotiate a contract with the top-ranked firm. PASSED and ADOPTED this 24thday of May, 2000 ff A'fJEST: ~q ~ ezU&.~ CITY CLERK APPROVED I<S TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION MAYOR --- 1i~fI' sgpv -- Att~2.. PROJECT MANAGER'S EXPERIENCE Bill Rosenberg, President of ROSENBERG DESIGN GROUP, will sel'Vc as project managlll' for this project. Mr. Rosenberg has over twenty eight years of experience as a landscape architect and land planner in South Florida He has sel'Ved as a principal-in-charge and project manager on park projects from 600 acre state parks to regional and community parks to neighborhood parks, often coordinating the efforts of an entire design team of architects, engineers and environmentalists, carrying the project from master planning through contract administration. -- As a landscape architect and then as Chief of Planning and Research for Dade County Park and Recreation Department, Bill Rosenberg is familiar with the conditions inherent in landscaping of public spaces where maintenance budgets are minimal, and the areas are subject to intensive wear. In that capacity, it was his responsibility to prepare for and deliver presentations to public agencies, homeowner groups and other interested citizens. As a former member and vice chairman of the City of Miami Beach's Design Review Board for its fIrst seven years, Bill Rosenberg is familiar with the City's goals to improve its physical environment. r ,<.0. -- WILLIAM P. ROSENBERG, ASLA EDUCATION 1964 - 1966 M.L.A., Regional Planning & Landscape Architecture University of Pennsylvania 1958 - 1962 B.L.A., Landscape Architecture -University of Georgia -- PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 1985 - present President of Rosenberg Design Group, Inc. Full service Landscape Architectural, Land Planning, and Environmental Planning flflll serving clients throughout South Florida, the Caribbean and South America, including major developers, FOOT, Counties, Cities and other public agencies, 1972 - 1985 President of Henderson, Rosenberg, Scully & Associates, Land Planning & Landscape Architecture finn specializing in the same services as mentioned above. 1966 - 1972 Landscape Architect & Chief of Planning Dade County Parks & Recreation Department Was responsible for preparing the Open Space Master Plan for Dade County, Park Master Planning, representing Parks Department at public meetings. RELATED EXPERIENCE Guest speaker at seminars, conferences of national organizations such as National Association of Home Builders, CA!, American Resort & Residential Development Association. Adjunct Professor of Landscape Architecture at Florida International University, University of Miami and Miami Dade Community College. Articles written for several professional association journals, magazines, and newspapers. AWARDS American Society of Landscape Architects, Florida Chapter - Merit A wards for Design on various Projects Builders Association of South Florida - FAME Award SE Builders Conference - Grand Aurora Award Professional Builder Association - Livable Housing Award Florida Nursery Growers Association - Merit Award Florida Atlantic Builders Association - Gold Pinnacle Award ,,- MEMBERSHIPS American Society of Landscape Architects Member of Dade County Biscayne Bay Shoreline Review Board Fonner Vice Chainnan of Miami Beach Design Review Board Member of various Dade County committees and advisory boards Agricultural Land Use Committee, Task Force for General Land Use Master Plan, and Zoning Committee for Dade County to review, amend and update various ordinances. South Florida Builders Association past Chairman of Dade Legislative Committee. Metropol itan Dade County Transportation Aesthetic Review Committee (T ARC) ~ r- r- i I I i . ( I ::I: ~ 1XI i o..~ ;:)::i! 00:: 0::0 (!)u. Ztn (!)I- -0 tnw W.., Co (!)o:: 0::0.. WI- lXIZ ZW Wo:: tno:: 0;:) 0::0 - tn ;:) o :> W 0:: 0.. o o 1-..1 ' -,en c( g 0;:)0 Ul-ci z~:::I o ... i= g ~ II: 0 I- . 0 enl-o Oenci UW~ ... c < 11. ffl w u,; o o ci o o. - .., ... c W I- ~II:W'" ..I'" 11.'" :E- O u o .., I-W:5~ Z:E - , wc(E~ :JZw", u c::~ .-It) ~o :.:t!. Z c:: 0:.: .2 t=~ai 11. 0 0 -",. 'E 11::>_ UII.- IJlOg> W :.= C c:: .. a: I- U w c:: .., .2 o _ II::'Q;!! 11.l!!"" 1i)'S =~ It)m o o ci o o ci o It) ... g ci o o ci o ..... ... o o ci o o N It) ... .. 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It) '" '" - o M ",,0 :t:r-;- EM UJ:D .5 en ~o :.:t!. c. .S C .. Q; .. l!! c:: <( .2 oiil ::::: C) .. 'E 0._ c:: o ., .. Gl (!i~ Gl Gl -iil ""Gl u"" .!!ll- #h~S o o ci o o oj It) ... o o ci o o . '" ... o o ci o o N - ... c- 0" 0" o .. N"" a. ~ .,0 0" NO ....... 0.,1, Gl..... 0'" .2ln 00 ...,t!. c:: o ;;; o 'E "" o ,S <: .. a: ., c:: .. :;; Gl :E c:: " l!! U c:: .. '6 .5 r- r- , t I I , I I- i i I i I , i PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Page 1 of4 PROJECf NUMBER 6 PROJECT NAME , Belle Isle Park FIRM NAME (AS SHOWN ON CORPORATE SEAL) Rosenberg Design Group, Inc. ADDRESS OF PROPOSED OFFICE IN CHARGE 12901 SW 71~ Avenue, Miami, Florida, 33156 TELEPHONE NO. (305) 235-5310 FACSIMILE NO. (305) 235-8380 INDlCATE SERVICES TO BE PROVIDED ON TIllS PROJECT APPLICANT PROPOSED CONSULTANTS Services FL State Corporate Minority Name of FL State Corporate Minority Offered License Charter Certification Consultllnt License Charter Certification Landscape LC.oooo2f>6 P93000032SI2 nla Architecture Landscape Kimlcy~Hom LC.ooooo219 821359 nla Archilec:ture &. Associatc:s, Inc. i Surveying " LBOOO0696 ~ivU " 696 Engineering Lighting " , f 'f~ < PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Page 2 of4 ,,- WORKLOAD FOR APPLICANT FIRM: (ONLY) Define each project the APPLICANT is handling as of the deadline for receipt of proposals (excluding portions of fees paid to Consultants). Specify number of all principals and technical staff in the firm (excluding staff draftinglCADD operator personnel and Consultants). Projects Fee. On Hold Fees Remaining FOOT District IV Miscellaneous $ 80,000 Roadway LandscaDiml Projects FOOT District VI Miscellaneous $ 25,000 Roadwav LandscaDiml Proiects North Bay Road Park $ 5,000 City of Sunny Isles Beach Island Way $15,000 Condominium Kendall $ 14,000 Toyota Lennar Corporate $ 3,000 Center Indian Creek Medians $ 5,000 City of Miami Beach Villas of $ 8,000 Vizcava Flamingo Park $ 4,000 City of Miami Beach Normandy Park $ 4,000 City of Miami Beach Phillips Park $ 3,000 City of Coral Gables Oceanfront Park $ 5,000 City of Sunny Isles Beach TOTAL FEES $ $171,000 TOTAL PERSONS (principal & Technical Stall) 4 ,,- ; " "Y ",,*,,, ~ PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Page 3 of4 ~ SPECIFIC RELATED EXPERIENCE (projects of comparable type, size aDd complexity): Project CODtact PersoD LocatioD CODstruCtiOD CompletioD Pbase Tel!'pboDelFacsimile Cost Date No. Brittany Bay Kevin Smith Miami $ 150,000' 1995 built Park 305-673-7730 Beacb Oceanfront Park James DeCouq Sunny Isles $ 608,000 2000 50% constructed 305-947-0606 Beach Nonnandy Park Kevin Smith Miami $ 150,000 2000 Contract 305-673-7730 Beach Documents Flamingo Park Kevin Smith Miami $ 4000,000 2000 Contract 305-673-7730 Beach Documents Martin Luther Paul Carey Dade $1,100,000 1980 built King Park 305-755-7915 County Tacolcy Park Otis Pitts City of $1,200,000 1982 built 305-757-3737 Miami Miami Beach Robert Christoph Miami $ 200,000 1995 built MarinalBaywalk 305-672-5588 Beach Tamiami Park Paul Carey Dade 35 million 1999 master plan 305-755-7915 County Black Creek Charles Pal ant Dade $ 400,000 1990 built Park 305-596-0100 County Wild Lime Park Charles Palant Dade 1.2 million 1990 built 305-596-0100 County ,~ ; , PROPOSER'S QUALIFICATION STATEMENT Page 4 of4 " KEY PERSONNEL OF PROPOSED TEAM TO BE USED ON THIS PROJECT. Name Discipline of LicenselTraining City of Residence Applicant's Principal(s)-in-Cbal1le Bill Rosenberg, ASLA Landscape Architect Miami , ProfessionaVTecboical Staff Discipline of LictnsefTraining City of Residence Ken Gardner, ASLA, Landscape Architect Weston Laura Brinkley, ASLA Graduate of Landscape Architecture Miami ,.' Consultant(s) Discipline of Llcense/Tralning City of Residence Princinallsl-in-Cbar"e Scott Mingonet, ASLA Landscape Architecture Pembroke Pines Consultant(s) Discipline of LlcenselTraining City of Residence Professlonavrecbnical Staff Steve Lefton, ASLA Landscape Architecture Miami Beach Man Bukolt, ASLA Landscape Architecture Miami Beach BruDO Carvalho, ASLA Landscape Architecture Miami Beach Bob Pontek, PE Civil/Lighting Jensen Beach Russell Barnes, PE Civil Engineering Jupiter ~ f ,- r- · Attach additional sheets if necessat)' ~ Aifu~ 1- A) pro;ect Name ~ Location BRITTANY BAY PARX Miami Beach, Florida B) Description: Three acre waterfront passive park with vita course and landscape areas C) Client: City of Miami Beach 2100 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 D) Cost of Pro;ect: $ 150,000 ,,- E) Specific Service Performed ~ Firm: Planting and irrigation plans. F) Principal Firm in Charae: Rosenberg Design Group, Inc./David Scully, ASLA, Inc. 1290i SW 71st Avenue Miami, Fl. 33156 G) Date Construction Completed: 1995 H) Reference/Contact Person: Mr. Kevin Smith City of Miami Beach 2100 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 (305) 673-7730 ,,- ~ AJ proiect Name ~ Location NORMANDY PARK 72st Street Miami Beach, Florida B) Descriotion: Co~unity park featuring swimming pool, soccer field, children's play area, all-purpose courts, and recreation building C) Client: City of Miami Beach 2100 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 r OJ Cost Qf proiect: $150,000 E) Soecific Service Performed ~ Firm: Conceptual design for pool complex and pedestrian promenade; renovation of soccer field and new landscaping and irrigation. FJ princioal f1xm in Charqe: Carr Smith Corradino 4055 NW 97th Avenue #200 Miami, Florida 33178 OJ Date Construction Comoleted: in progress HJ Reference/Contact Person: Mr Edwardo Lamas CARR SMITH CORRADINO 4055 NW 97th Avenue #200 Miami, Florida 33178 305-594-0735 r ,-- A) Pro;ect ~ k Location FLAMINGO PARK 14th Street and Meridian Avenue Miami Beach, Florida B) Descriotion: Ma~or community park serving Miami Beach, featuring baseball fields, football/soccer stadium, tennis center, pool, court games, and community meeting rooms. C) Client: city of Miami Beach 2100 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 D) Cost 2f Pro;ect: $400,000 E) Soecific service Performed ~ Firm: conceptual design of swimming pool complex; renovation of planting and irrigation for major portions of park. ,-- F) princioal ~ in Charae: Carr Smith Corradino 4055 NW 97th Avenue Miami, Florida 33178 G) ~ Construction Completed: in progress H) Reference/Contact Person: Mr. Edwardo Lamas CARR SMITH CORRADINO 4055 NW 97th Avenue Miami, Florida 33178 305-594-0735 ,--. r A) Pro;ect Name ~ Location MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. MEMORIAL PARK NW 62nd Street and 32nd Avenue Miami, Florida B) Descriotion: 10 acre urban public recreation area in Miami including large recreation pavilion, tennis and handball courts, basketball, playfield, picnic area, small amphitheater and ceremonial plaza. C) Client: Dade County Parks & Recreation Department 50 SW 32nd Road Miami, Florida ~ D) Cost Qf Pro;ect: $2,000,000 E) Soecific Service Performed ~ Firm: Prime consultant responsible for coordinating team of Architects, Engineers and environmental consultants. Preparation of master plan, construction documents for the entire project and management plans and extensive meetings with community residents. Bill Rosenberg, principal in charge. F) princioal Firm in Charqe: Henderson-Rosenberg-Scully in joint venture with Jonathan Seymour. G) Date Construction Comoleted: 1982 H) Reference/Contact Person: Mr. Pete Kerwin Dade County Parks & Recreation Department 50 SW 32nd Road Miami, Florida (305)579-2562 r /.~ ".- A) proiect Name ~ Location TACOLCY PARK NW 62nd Street and 10th Avenue Miami, Florida B} Descriotion: Urban recreation center featuring large recreation building, basketball, handball and childrens' play area. C} Client: City of Miami Parks & Recreation Department 1390 NW 7th Street Miami, Florida D} ~ 2f proiect: $2,000,000 -- E} Soecific Service Performed Qy Firm: Prime consultant responsible for coordinating team of Architects, Engineers and environmental consultants. Preparation of master plan, construction documents for the entire project and management plans. Bill Rosenb~rg, principal in charge. F} Princioal Firm in Charqe: Henderson-Rosenberg-Scully in joint venture with Jonathan Seymour. G} Date Construction Comoleted: 1983 H} Reference/Contact Person: Mr. Otis Pitts, President Taco1cy Center 645 NW 62nd Street #300 Miami, Florida 33150 (305) 757-3737 ,"'- r AJ proiect ~ ~ Location MIAMI BEACH MARINA/BAYWALK Miami Beach, Florida B) Description: Walkway along marina bay front and adjacent parking areas ., C) Client: City of Miami Beach 2100 Washington Avenue Miami Beach, Florida 33139 DJ Cost of proiect: $200,000 E) Specific Service Performed Qy Firm: Planting and irrigation plans ,'- F) Principal fiLm in Charae: Rosenberg Design Group 12901 SW 71st Avenue Miami, Fiorida 33156 GJ Date Construction Completed: 1996 H) Reference/Contact Person: Mr. Robert Cristoph The Chrisken Group 300 Alton Road Miami Beach, Florida 33139 (305) 673-6000 r- ... , :._--..-.~., r- A) proiect ~ ~ Location TAM:IAMI PARK Dade County, Florida B) Descriotion: a 150 acre regional recreation facility featuring 12 ball fields, football and soccer fields, basketball, tertnis, jogging paths, picnic areas, etc. C) Client: Dade County Park & Recreation Department 11025 SW 84th Street, #8 Miami, Florida 33173 D) Cost Qf Proiect: $30,000,000 E) Soecific Service Performed Qy Firm: Preparation of new master plan to re-organize and re-vitalize the park, including coordination with user groups and the public. r- F) Princioal Firm in Charqe: Rosenberg Design Group 12901 SW 71st Avenue Miami, Florida 33156 (305) 235-5310 G) ~ Construction Comoleted: 1997 H) Reference/Contact Person: Paul Carey Metro Dade County Park & Recreation Dept. 11025 SW 84th Street Miami, Florida 33173 (305)595-6755 r- / , ,-- A) Pro;ect ~ ~ Location BLACK CREEK PARK SW 152nd Avenue & 150th Street Miami, Florida B) Description: 2.5 acre community park featuring swimming pool and pavilion, basketball courts, childrens' play area and bicycle paths. C) Client: Newland Florida 11430 North Kendall Drive #237 Miami, Florida 33176 (305)596-0100 D) Cost of Pro;ect: $400,000 ,-- E) Specific Service Performed by Firm: Prime consultant responsible for coordinating team of Architects, Engineers and environmental consultants. Preparation of master plan, construction documents for the entire project and management plans. Bill Rosenberg, principal in charge. F) Principal Firm in Charqe: Rosenberg Design Group G) Date Construction Completed: 1990 H) Reference/Contact Person: Mr. Charles Palant Newland Florida 11430 North Kendall Drive #237 Miami, Florida 33176 (305)596-0100 r r A) Pro;ect Name k Location WILD LIME PARK SW 147th Avenue and 150th Street Miami, Florida B) Descriotion: Private recreation facility in Miami including basketball courts, swimming pool and recreation building. This was a xeric landscape demonstration grant project for South Florida Water Management District. C) Client: Newland Florida 11430 North Kendall Drive #237 Miami, Florida 33176 (305) 596-0100 D) ~ 2f Pro;ect: $1,200,000 -- E) Soecific Service Performed ~ Firm: Prime consultant responsible for coordinating team of Architects, Engineers and environmental consultants. Preparation of master plan, construction documents for the entire project and management plans. Bill Rosenberg, principal in charge. F) princioal Eixm in Charae: Rosenberg Design Group G) Date Construction Comoleted: 1990 H) Reference/Contact Person: Mr. Charles Palant Newland Florida 11430 North Kendall Drive #237 Miami, Florida 33176 (305)596-0100 .r- 68 r- AA(Ac{;~ S' ~=~ ~,n:. I I I Previous Similar Projects , Venetian Causeway, Miami Beach, FL Client: City of Miami Beach Julio Grave de Peralta (305) 673-7080 . ""'<l Description of Work: The City of Miami Beach has targeted the Venetian Islands for major roadway, utility, and aesthetic improvements because they are on the National Register of Histork:al Places. The City's goal is to restore the Venetian Causeway and the islands to their original character, Our firm has been instrumental in developing a master pian and implementation strategy for these Improvements, Working closely with area residents and property owners, we completed the first phase of the master planning process and are coordinating the planned improvements with property owners and regulatory agencies, This $27 million project includes roadway, utility, and beautification enhancements that were developed through extensive consensus building process with multiple stakeholders including the City of Miami Beach, the City of Miami, the Venetian Homeowners Association, the Venetian Causeway Alliance, FOOT, and DERM. Year Completed: Ongoing Total Fees: $230,000 Total Construction Cost: $24,000,000 Estimated City of Miami Beach Parks, Miami Beach, FL Client: REG Architects Arturo Fanjul (305) 672-1092 ,-- Description of Work: The firm was recenUy selected by the City of Miami Beach to renovate 11 convnunity parks. These renovations are part of the Safe Neighbortlood Parks bond program, which provides funding for 1329OOO1l.00\bellelslt.doc r- ~_1nI KiliIy-lklm ~_u andAs.~ n:. . I I I Year Completed: Ongoing I i I , I community park improvements. There are a variety of active and passive parks ranging in size from one to 12 acres. Some of the park fealures include basketball, handbal. and tennis cour1s, tot lot and playground areas, community/recreation centers, walkways, and waterway overlooks. We divided the city into three geographical areas to maintain use of at least one local park during construction. Instead of closing all the parks in one central location, renovations will occur on a rotating basis in each area. This will allow local residents to maintain the use of other parks in their area while one is being renovated. We are also working with the city to unify all site furnishings and fixtures. Not only will this establish a cohesive look for the city and each park, k Will resutt in a one- time-only bid and purchase effort , L..a......po.l. Total Fees: $65,000 Total Construction Cost: $2,400,000 North Beach Recreational Corridor, Miami, FL Client: City of Miami Beach Amelia Lopes Johnson (305) 673-7550 '! r- Description of Work: In our approach for the preliminary master plan prepared for the I'Mr mile North Beach Recreational Corridor, every element of pedestrian and bicycle comfort and safety was considered. Strong local understanding and support for the facility has resulted in commilments for partial plivate funding, while the strength of the master plan helped the City of Miami Beach ... .'.~.". ~. - WI " . .7"" ":.7 .... ~ .. ,. , . ~ ...~.- ., .,....-...~~. - I,.,,, I . . . - ..- . " . . . _~.~.- '.,- i;-'t 1329ClOOO.00\bt"~:IlI.doc . , . ;'.~'~~~ ....-!:::.~ ,-- ,,~__~ KitEy-l-bn -...J L.] lI1d .Ga1'JCiales, m. , '. : -' ,~jiri '.'1,"~'. ~:-:: :J '..;'ji.t: -....d.,..-'/\\:.-. .'t. ,; '., 1 . .~<..o " Total Fees: $50,000 Total Construction Cost: $2,700,000 Estimated r i I i il Canova Beach Park, Brevard County, FL I Client: Brevard MPO Marsha Cantrell (407) 633-2046 13290006.OD\beltlislEl.doc Description of Work: For this 1,000-foot scenic oceanfi'ont park in Brevard County, pedestrian access to the beach was a major focus of our multi-phased design. Phase I was recenUy completed and provides 67 parking spaces, improved traffic circulation and ingress and egress via SR A 1A, and pedestrian barriers and dune walkover structures to protect the natural environment. ' ",',; The project also included a stormwater management system, and the removal of debris below mean high.water from an old pier that had burned down. The second phase Will include volleyball courts, picnic facilities, and a passive recreation area. We consulted with the City of Melbourne and Brevard County, the Florida Departments of Natural Resources, Environmental Regulation, and Transportation, the St. Johns River Water Management Disbicl, and the U,S. Corps of Engineers, as . ':';,....{fX-ii" ~ . .. ""-,,. . ...., ...... ,,:~..{."'" ,.~ ..:',~;r:~:...,.;.,'.- ".__ ~ --.~~ . -, .,.. ~ ~=~ ~~,n:. II well as various utilities such as Florida Power & Light Company to obtain permits for the park's first phase. Year Completed: 1993 , Total Fees: $40,000 Total Construction Cost: $800,000 Jupiter AlA Recreation Corridor, Jupiter, FL Client: Town of Jupiter Russell Ruskay (561) 746-5134 Description of Work: The Jupiter Beach/A lA corridor is a three-mile stretch of scenic beachfront I roadway, When the Town of Jupiter wanted to improve this recreational corridor, they retained the I' services ofl<imley-Hom to provide a master plan, In I order to address the variety of issues thai impact the Town's beachfron~ we coordinated extensively I with the Town of Jup~er and the Beach Committee, II a group of citizens appointed by the Town Council. Coordination with Palm Beach County was also I necessary to obtain approval for all enhancements. Project enhancements include a designated bicycle lane on both sides of the right-of-way, pedestrian ,I walkways with ocean lookout points, refurbished and enhanced landscaping, and beach portals adjacent to dune walkovers. Extensive coordination with " the Department of Environmental Resource Management (OERM) and Florida !I Department of Environmental Protection Agency (OEP) was necessary I because of the fragile environment represented by the beach area and the dune system, Precautions, which included restructuring parking, will minimize the impact of beach-goers on the delicate ecosystems that have already been showing signs of deterioration. To allow for the existing conditions and natural I features of the dunes, multiple landscape designs were interspersed along the entire corridor. These enhancements will not only improve the transportation system along the Jupiter Beach/AlA recreational corridor, but will provide a much needed protection for the dune and Its ecosystems, I Year Completed: 1998 I Total Fees: $250,000 r- Total Construction Cost: $4,000,000 I t3290006.00'.beIlets~ doc ~ ~__1nI KIney.Hom ~ U and Associales. Inc, Bay Harbor Passive Parks Client: Town of Bay Harbor Islands ... Linda Karlsson (305) 866-6241 Description of Work: $46,000 SNP Bond Grant Developed two passive par1<s and consensus building Year Completed: Ongoing Total Fees: $12,000 Total Construction Cost: $110,000 r r ,--. .....-J__w-. Kmey-tbn ~ LJ lIld~, fR:. Previous/Current Projects for the City of Miami Beach Lincoln Road Mall, Miami Beach, FL I I Clienl: City of Miami Beach I I Juno Grave de Peralta , (305) 673-7080 I , I Description of Work: The firm provided planning I and engineertng services for the redevelopment of , the Lincoln Road Mall, a mixed-use center I accommodating arts and entertainment, office, retail, and residential uses, We worked closely with the project architect in the planning and design of the malrs infrastructure and --- beautification elements, As a resun, our development of a fast-track construction program - saved implementation costs. In fact, the construction cost estimated durtn9 the planning phase equaled the construction bid amount, and the final construction cost. Throughout plan and design development we maintained close coordination v.ith the local business community to optimize the fit between the physical improvements and the goal to revitalize Lincoln Road as one of the premiere shopping districts In South Florida. As a result of the improvements, Lincoln Road Mall has indeed become a premiere shopping district. I Year Completed: 1996 I , I Tolal Fees: $1,000,000 , , I Tolal Construction Cost: $14,500,000 within budget I I North Shore Area Roadway Improvements, Miami Beach, FL I Client: City of Miami Beach Ronnie Singer r (305) 673.7010 x6354 13290006.00\tY.!1eIs1e.doc ~__... Kmey-Ibn ~ U and AssociaIes.lIl:. ~ ~ t~~9000hOO !l!!lle.!.1e dot; , Description of Work: The revitalization of Miami Beach's North Shore is turning around years of decline, Encouraged by the City's extensive citywide program to improve the infrastructure, streetscape, and landscape architecture of the area's streets and sidewalks, investors are pouring millions into the evolution of North Beach, a transformation they hope will rival the success of trendy South Beach a few miles away, Since 1989, Kimley-Hom's work with the City of Miami Beach has been cnticalto establishing the roadway and streetscape elements upon which this revitalization will build. The firm has provided streetscape design, urban design, landscape architecture, util"ies and drainage design, roadway engineering, transportation-related services, and construction phase services for three miles of improvements, Altogether, projects valued at about $300 million are under construction or planned for North Beach by 2000, according to Donald ShOCkey, executive director of the North Beach Development I Corporation, Renovated hoteis, restaurants, and night clubs are the main focus of development efforts, and condominiums are also appearing on once I empty lots, Enhancing pedestrian areas has been an emphasis during this . I $16,5 million program, and Ocean Terrace, which fronts the beach and , : Atlantic Ocean, now boasts sidewalks wide enough to accommodate outdoor , I cafes as well as pedestrian traffic, Kimley-Hom's assistance to the city has also included designating a special assessment district covering the roadway corridor that included over 300 property owners, In addition to building strong local consensus for the project, we assisted the city in obtaining over $7,5 million in funding from sources outside the city, Now essentially complete. the North Shore roadway improvements have established a solid foundation for a rev"alized North Beach, Year Completed: Ongoing Total Fees: $1,500,000 Total Construction Cost: $16,500,000 Estimated Venetian Causeway, Miami Beach, FL Client: City of Miami Beach Julio Grave de Peralta (305) 673-7080 Description of Work: The City of Miami Beach has targeted the Venetian Islands for major roadway, utility, and aesthetic improvements because they are on the National Register of Historical Places. The City's goal is to restore the Venetian Causeway and the islands to their original character, Our firm has been instrumental in developing a master plan and implementation strategy for these improvements. Working closely with area residents and ,-- ~__1nI Kinley-Ibn ~ U and Ilssociales, Ire. , I property owners, we completed the firnt phase of the master planning I process and are coordinating the planned improvements with property ! owners and regulatory agencies, This $27 million project includes roadway, II utility, and beautification enhancements that were developed through 1'1[' extensive consensus building process with multiple stakeholders including the City of Miami Beach, the City of Miami, the Venetian Homeowners II Association, the Venetian Causeway Alliance, FOOT, and DERM, i I i I I I I , , Year Completed: Ongoing Total Fees: $230.000 Total Construction Cost: $24,000.000 Estimated North Beach Recreational Corridor, Miami, FL Client: City of Miami Beach Amelia Lopes Johnson (305) 673-7550 ,-- I I I I . I I I I I ~ . , , , Description of Work: In our approach for the preliminary master plan prepared for the two-mile North Beach Recreational Corridor, every element of pedestrian and bicycle comfort and safety was considered. Strong local understanding and support for the facility has resulted in commitments for partial private funding, while the strength of the master plan helped the City of Miami Beach obtain a $1,6 million grant through the MPO's Transportation Enhancement Program (administered through the federal govemmenfs ISTEA Program), Year Completed: Ongoing Total Fees: $50,000 Total Construction Cost: $2,400,000 Estimated Miami Beach Wastewater Collection System Optimization, Miami Beach, FL Client: City of Miami Beach Public Works John DePazos (305) 673-7080 ~ Description of Work: Kimley-Hom is providing the City of Miami Beach with a comprehenSive wastewater infiltration and inflow (III) program. The 13290DQ6.OlN:leIIeisle,cIoC ~_A:'v''''''I'':'(lf'l(l K'I'I"'~'~''lIl''dAt.tor.illle~ III( -" ^ .r- ~__1nI Ki'nley-Ibn ~ ~ and Associates. Inc. " program employs a multi-phase condition assessment approach beginning with broad program development and proceeding with successively narrowing targets of further study and ultimate reconstruction of only those portions of the sanitary system that would provide substantial, cost-effective III elimination, The initial study identified 6,5 million gallons per day (MGD) of infiltration into the system that is cost-effective to remove. In subsequent phases we identified the sources of the lit, designed corrective rehabilitations, and are ultimately overseeing the construction, Nearly 500,000 lF of sanitary sewer has been investigated, and more than 300,000 LF has been recommended lor rehabilitation, Kimley-Hom's extensive effort in preparing the plans and specification for this project have resutted in contract unn prices that are the lowest in the country, To date, more than 80 percent of the recommended pipe rehabilitation has been completed, with the greatest sources of III being addressed first. This rehabilitation has resulted in eliminating about 80 percent of the estimated 6,5 MGD of III from the sanitary sewer system, Once complete, this III reduction program will save the City an estimated $2.1 million per year in reduced treatment costs, (/ t I j ! I t , , r r Year Completed: Ongoing Total Fees: $3 million Total Construction Cost: $25,000,000 Estimated Collins Avenue Watennain and Sanitary Sewer Improvements, Miami Beach, FL Client: City of Miami Beach Julio Grave De Peralta (305) 673-7080 ~ Description of Work: The City of Miami Beach selected Kimley-Hom to design, permit, and oversee construction for watermains and sanitary sewer improvements associated with new high-rise developments along Collins Avenue, We met a tight project schedule to ensure that sewer line services to 1he Lowe's Convention Center Hotel were constructed in time for the hotel opening. Construction of the hotel, and Florida Power and Light (FP&L) system improvements ran concurrently with our utility improvements, We coordinated closely with lowe's Development Corporation and FP&L to provide them access to their sites, and to keep vehicular and pedestJian traffic flowing. After meeting with area stakeholders, we devised an innovative maintenance-of-traffic plan that minimized inconveniences to the public, We also scheduled nighttime construction to reduce traffic impacts. Before we completed the project, we provided restoration to sidewalks, curbs 13290000.0INleI\eiSle.ooc r""~,,.,"'1!\ ,?fI(VI K:fP""v-'*"" iIf1d A.,~.nr.io1''''~ ,.,~ -,-, ,,-- r'1..n Kmey-Ibn -.....J U and Associates, IR:. :"1 and gutters adjacent to the project site to maintain a consistent street appearance along Collins Avenue, " II Ii !I Year Completed: 1997 " Total Fees: $150,000 Total Construction Cost: $1,700,000 Miami Beach Aquifer Storage and Recovery, Miami Beach, FL Client: City of Miami Beach Julio Grave De Peralta (305) 673-7080 Description of Work: In February, 1995, the firm prepared and submitted a proposal to the South Florida Water Management District for the City of Miami Beach in response to the Districts request for proposals for a cooperative cost-share water conservation project. Our approach was to conduct a study and design pilot facilities to determine the feasibility of usin9 a shallow aquifer storag.. and recovery system as an irrigation supply for the city, The proposal was selected from 60 grant submittals in October 1995, The project consists of two phases, The first phase included an engineering and hydrogeologic feasibility study, The study was used to determine n ASR was viable for Miami Beach, The second phase of the project includes desi9n, construction, and implementation of a full-scale pilot ASR testing program that will include cyclic recharge and recovery of stored water from the target aquifer, The project was unanimously approved by the Districfs Board and by the City of Miami Beach Capital Improvements Board, Tom Singleton, project manager for the District, said, 'The District is truly excited about this project concept and believes that this creative approach should be applied up and down Florida's coast." The project which began in March, 1996, represents the largest grant given to any municipality under this proposal. Year Completed: 1998 '1 Tolal Fees: $350,000 1 Total Construction Cost: nla r. I II 13~Oll'bellelslE.>l!x . ~ - - -- -.-,. .--,- ~__1InI Kinley-Horn ~ L.] lIld ~s, Ire, I South Pointe Streetscape, Miami Beach, FL I .1 I I i i ! Client: Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency " Description of Work: The Redevelopment Agency has targeted the South Pointe Redevelopment District of Miami Beach for major roadway, utility, and aesthetic improvements because of the current and fuMe development potential ofthis region, The project emphasis is on enhancement of the urban and neighborl100d corridors and achieving a balance between pedestrian and vehicular mobility, Our finn was contracted to update the Duany Plater- Zyberk Master Plan for South Pointe and prepare complete construction documents for all the improvements, Working closely with DPZ, we updated the Master Plan and prepared a comprehensive phasing pian and cost estimates for the City on time and on budget. Together with the City, we developed an aggressive schedule for Phase L Construction documents for the $5,000,000 Phase I improvements will be prepared in approximately 19 weeks, allowing construction to begin this spring, Year Completed: Ongoing Total Fees: $400,000 Total Construction Cost: $24,000,000 r 1329000S0D"'bell!!l~t!lljor.